favoniuscodex · 3 years
akdhsj like when ur tryna call them off for teasing you but then they grab ur hand and kiss ur knuckles with full eye contact?? shit blows my face n mind so bad even tho eye contact is unbearabke for me 😩😩
a/n: this just screams eleventh fatui harbinger,,,, kinda flipped the roles for this one
pairing: childe x gn!reader warnings: y’all make out in this. so probably 16+ for age warning??? idfk. idk !!! someone help me out
“you know, it’s adorable that you get flustered when you say my name,” childe croons, leaning in close to where you sit.
the proximity has your face heating up, but the smell of his minty breath and the way his eyes, bluer than the liyuean oceans, bore into yours bothers you far less than it once did. you’re becoming more desensitized to childe’s teasing. despite how close his lips may get to yours, they’ll never quite grace your own, so the effect he has on you is lessening with each day as you acclimate to his playful flirtations.
of course childe, being the ever-observant man he is, notices this. with each day, he only grows more bold in his teasing of you. his smirk only grows more coquettish, his eyes only darken with each passing remark, and his fleeting touches only grow more brazen. the way his fingertips brush along your knee, your forearm, your shoulder, and even going so far as to ‘accidentally’ graze your thigh only serves to tease you even further, but such featherlight touches have never broached the barrier between friendly flirting and true intent.
so, in your hopeless, pining misery, you stay quiet in hopes that his touch will one day become more tangible. you pray that one day, rather than merely gliding along your skin with the grace of the anemo archon himself, childe’s fingertips will dig in, holding you tight in a nearly bruising grip, as if he’s afraid to let you go. but alas, you must make yourself content with his fleeting touch and his playfully amorous words.
“i say your name all the time,” you insist, which only serves to make his shit-eating grin go wider. childe’s eyes glimmer at the hint of a challenge -- something you’ve always so willingly provided him -- and you realize the mistake in your words. after all, he is a man of many names.
“then say it,” he orders, voice dropping to a low, sultry murmur. it’s uncharacteristic, yet falls perfectly in line with the way one of his hands rests on your knee and the other wraps itself loosely around your forearm. his broach of your personal space is incessant, yet you can’t help but to feel that if he belongs in such a position. you can feel the warmth of his breath on your face. you wonder if his lips are equally as warm.
“childe,” you say and the man in front of you lets out a soft laugh. despite the derision imbued in its tone, it only serves to make you fall deeper into his trance.
“not that one, sweetheart,” the word falls so easily off his tongue. childe says it as if it was a term friends used on a regular basis. but the click of his tongue that follows his correction reminds you of the fact that you and childe aren’t quite friends nor enemies nor acquaintances nor lovers. rather, you were somewhere in between it all, lost together in the odd fog of muddled relations.
“alright,” you respond, knowing exactly what he’s getting at. two can play at this game. you match his grin with a smirk of your own before glancing up at him through half-lidded eyes. you lean in even closer to him and straighten your posture, reducing the height he has over you. childe swallows at the change in body language, adam’s apple bobbing as you remove his hand from your knee, gently lifting it up to your lips. staring at him unbreakably, you place a soft kiss to his knuckles before the next word rolls off your tongue in a tone that can be described as nothing less than sinful.
childe’s hand fumbles off your knee instinctively at the response, reaching up to cup your face. long lost is all of the charm and smooth nature he held in his prior actions. instead, the blue-eyed harbinger stares at you with widely-blown eyes. they search your face for any resistance and, upon your smirk only widening as you realize you won your little game of cat and mouse, his eyes settle upon your lips.
the wordless question is answered between the two of you in heated glances and the way your hand begins to brush across his bicep, giving him a taste of his own medicine. with little to no hesitation, childe closes the distance between the two of you hastily, his lips pressing upon yours. his lips are slightly chapped and the kiss is rough. its sloppy nature only beckons you for more as your hand departs from his arm, entangling itself in his hair and pulling him closer. 
childe’s other hand removes itself from your forearm and instead slips beneath your knees. before you can ask him what he’s doing, he guides your knees to rest over his. it lessens the gap between the two of you and you only tighten your grip on his hair, causing him to smirk into the kiss before biting down on your lower lip. you let out a soft squeak, but you’ll be damned it you let him win the challenge.
your lungs burn with the need for air and, eventually, you are the first to pull away, a thin trail of saliva still connecting the two of you. you catch your breath, looking smugly at the way childe’s face is painted with rosy pink hues. he breathes heavily too, but a cocky grin crosses his face once more.
“i win,” childe says. the fires of indignation arise in your stomach as you narrow your eyes at his words. he might have been the last to pull away, but you’re determined to beat him at least once, especially after seeing how easily he gets flustered in turn. so, as your breathing returns to normal, you flash a smile at him and lean in to whisper into his ear.
“then how about a rematch?”
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steepgan · 3 years
would kaeya fhink im hot rn
yea 😏😏 
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valberryy · 3 years
hiii i'm kinda new to this fandom and i love love love your blog! are there any other writers or blogs you'd recommend? thank u c;
hello!! welcome to the fandom!! thank u sm for ur kind words - it means a lot to me that u enjoy my blog 🥺💕
there r a lot of blogs id recommend honestly!! im pretty sure theres a chance youd follow at least some of them by now but (hello im sorry for the sudden ping ily /p)
@favoniuscodex @albehoe @starfell-traveler @kaeya-kisser @dainwinery @unreconciledstars @test-tube @3rdgymbros @love-impact @yostresswritinggirl @primogenshin @solarpearl @genshingamblingaddiction @genshin-ficpact @craeya @tartvglia @hiraethflower @multi-maker @teyvatstories @rozuhato @dandelion-dreams @pirapurin @dodoconan @hiiro-writes
this isnt like an. exhaustive list!!!! my memory is super bad so there r. most likely people i forgot OTL
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hello hello ^_^ do u have a genshin fic rec tag/blog? or you can mention some of your favorites from other authors heehee thank u! ♥️
i used to have a fic rec tag but it's not updated anymore. uhh i’m blanking out but i listed some of the works i remember utc
@/xiaophobic | his winds - kazuha/reader
literally the most vivid of descriptions. so pretty i could feel it in my skin. like idk how to describe it but it’s just great.
@/opalesense | snow finch - diluc/reader
it’s vv wholesome and i remember feeling vv light when i was reading it for the first time.
@/rasbeaii | inside the mind of the kreideprinz
my bby’s so talented deffo check out all of their works but this one is my fav. idk albedo just feels vv fleshed out and i felt it in my bones
@/unreconciledstars | the sun rises differently with you - zhongli/reader
i’m a sucker for lore and seeing a different kind of pov about it is just *mwah*
@/lupically | #E3A134 - zhongli/reader (platonic)
literally all works made by this user is fire. like no joke. but this one for me takes the cake bc i freaking cried when i was reading this. such angst. such hurt. ugh i love it.
@/baeshijima | streaming dreams series
it’s so funny like it’s so cute and very lighthearted. it’s nice to think about the characters a lil different from the usual
@/dodoconan | reverie of a lifetime - xiao/reader
bestie aksbhskamamdnka this entire piece screams me!! like who gave the right— anw its such a fun thing to read and i couldn’t keep a straight face while reading it for the first time
*i’ll sort out my blog soon and restart my tags akshajakma you can check out more of my recs then :)
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
other genshin impact writers you recommend? :) love your stuff btw!
ahah uhhhh fuck i haven’t read anything in a hot sec besides the short stuff i’ve reblogged but all of these mutuals have lovely writing !!! following list is glitching out big time so apologies if i forgot u and u are a mutual !!!
fair warning, some of these are 18+ blogs only so PLEASE read their rules before following/interacting w/ some of them! 
@starfell-traveler @zhongli-cafe @genshin-ficpact @genshin-latte @windblooms @genshin-scribbles @cryoculus @hiraethflower @seerie @brunette-sketches @dodoconan @primogenshin @valberryy @unreconciledstars @wangshengs @mondstadts-favourite-traveler @starcasmx @falconcoast @solarpearl @love-impact @witch-hazels-musings @thedandelion-writer @dandelion-dreams
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