#doctor who minor spoilers
Ruby and and The Doctor being chaotic besties
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Ruby: I was born in 2004 and-
Me, able to hear the dice in my head rolling for psychic damage: H u h
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thedemonastrophel · 10 days
I am SO SO happy I was proven wrong!
Before this new ep came out I made a post here about really not being impressed with the newer episodes, BUT it seems I was right about liking this one and I am SO SO excited about this
Also small spoiler but that the end when he made the reference to thr 11th Doctor with the fish fingers and custard I tell you the SQUEEKS THAT I SQUOKE-!
Aaanyways I'm so happy with the new episode It looks incredible- WE ARE SO BACK!(from the first few episodes I mean, 13 will forever be my favourite <3)
Gahh I'm now so hyped for the upcoming episodes this is AMAZING
If you haven't watched it yet you should do that!!
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I really need to know the story behind Rose Noble's coming out. Was Rose the name they would have given her if she was cis? When she told Donna did Donna say "I don't know why but I feel like your name was always meant to be Rose. For some reason that name means a lot to me." And then Sylvia, Wilf and her hubby's faces all drop but Rose is like "that's perfect yeah you're right." Oh I'm gonna cry.
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Minor Doctor who spoilers i guess but not really
did Space babies give anyone else The beast below vibes??
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whatsfourteenupto · 3 days
That was some Turn Left level shit that gave me anxiety fuck every yard and every minute of that no THANK YOU
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tiggymalvern · 5 months
Doctor Who Tennant Specials
I'm playing catch up with the latest Who, now that there's going to be a gap again. I watched The Star Beast and wow - it was the first Who that actually made me have feelings in years. Welcome back Russell T Davies! Thank the lord for that! Then Wild Blue Yonder immediately did it again, with the Doctor telling 'Donna' about the trauma of his back-story, and then asking her later if she remembers any of that, because he desperately needs someone to talk to. But she doesn't. The Power of the Doctor was such a Chris Chibnall episode. Let's throw everything in there! Let's have the Cybermen, and the Daleks, and the Master! It'll be amazing! And what actually happens is there's too much going on the whole time; everybody spends the ep yelling and running away and jumping off buildings and blowing things up and the impact that should have been there with the return of Ace and Tegan just wasn't. The only moment that had any emotion was the very end, with Dan's gathering of ex-companions and especially seeing Ian there. So Russell T Davies comes back to write a bottle story with nobody but The Doctor and Donna and shows exactly how powerful writing can be when the characters have time to talk.
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arsenicflame · 6 months
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doctor who without context
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doctor-who-binge · 6 months
Disability Representation Win!!!
RTD went fearlessly with represention so far, he clearly has no fear of backlash. And the disability representation as a wheelchair user I was fucking ecstatic. Even more so than my excitement because I'm an enby, trans representation is amazing especially being Donna's daughter and a trans actor. But a wheelchair user character? We are always forgotten about. Also she's played by an actor who is a wheelchair user!!! I'm so happy. And they didn't shy away from making her an authority figure who should not be pitied.
Because fucking Chibnall's wheelchair representation was Yazmin's grandma feeling sorry for herself because "I was the first woman married in Pakistan , now look at me, in a wheelchair with shop bought cake" and it really fucking hurt. I remember how much that line in that episode hurt.
Credit where credit is due Chibnall did have disability representation. However, I feel like Ryan's dyspraxia was kind of shoe horned in as "see representation!" but it felt like he had dyspraxia when it was convenient to mention it and didn't have it in many other instances AND importantly the actor himself did not have dyspraxia, which cheapens it a little in my eyes. I also enjoyed that Diane not having an arm wasn't a huge plot point at all, she just doesn't have a lower arm, no biggie and it was a reflection of the actor who does not have a lower arm. Representation using actual members of the minority group ftw.
I don't remember if Moffat had any, he probably did? But not memorable I suppose.
I'll admit Shirley Anne Bingham having darts and explosives on her wheelchair was cool as fuck and makes sense since she works for a military-intelligence agency. The fact that it was a custom ultra light weight wheelchair not some annoying hospital one was also amazing, showing actual life of us wheelchair users (which make sense since the actor is one!)
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nyle-style · 6 months
Yeah seeing 14 and Rose have adventures in a spinoff would be cool and all but. Give me a Torchwood reboot. Please. Give me more Gwen Cooper I need her
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leon-swedfinqs · 6 months
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“The Doctor is a man, woman, neither, both, and more.”
“The definite article. I am always The Meep.”
“Oh. I do that too.”
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I may have written a little thing about Crowley falling based on this:
So um here you go.
The trial has been concluded. All angels that sided with Lucifer will fall. One by one, a third of the angels start screaming and writhing in agony. Some embrace it and cackle in defiance, others fight against it apologising and desperately begging to be forgiven. Crowley sees this all happening before him knowing it’s only a matter of seconds before it hits him too.
He looks into the crowd of angels that watch the chaos and pain before them, revelling and rejoicing in their victory. There is only one angel he seeks out. The one angel that looks upon the falling angels in horror and empathy. The one angel that admired his creations alongside him. The one angel who had warned him of this.
Aziraphale’s eyes meet his across the room of pain, celebration, and treachery. White hot claws pull at his chest and one thought crosses his mind.
“I don’t want to go.”
The broken words are silent compared to the shrieks that echo through the Heavenly halls but still they find their way to the ears of the angel. The angel. The only angelic one of Heaven. And those words break the angel’s own heart.
He sees it. He sees his own pain reflected in the angel’s eyes. It’s the last thing he sees before his vision turns white. Before the claws take hold of this arms, his legs, his wings, his face, his eyes, and finally, they take their prize, his heart.
And then he falls.
Yeah so I’ve been watching Doctor Who and was thinking of the Ten’s regeneration and thought ‘what if Crowley said “I don’t want to go” like that when he fell?’ and that was the inspiration for this.
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thedemonastrophel · 13 days
Guys I'm so sorry but genuinely what are these new doctor who episodes
Sighs Rant under the cut
I'm gonna say it now. I do not like the new episodes.
I absolutely adore and treasure the new doctor and companion but the writing is grating against my brain-
And look okay yes the "next episode" clip at the end of devils chord had them in a war zone, so I'm really REALLY hoping I end up taking this all back but at the moment I really cannot get behind the writing.
Also idk if I'm missing something but what was the point of the song at the end of devils chord?? What did that song do to advance then plot
Please please someone tell me why I'm wrong and that these were actually amazing episodes because I want so badly to love the new seasons of Doctor Who but the show is feeling so out of character from what Doctor Who normally is
Even with the goofyness the show had, it still managed to make sense and have serious heart wrenching moments.
I'm not asking for a season finale within the first 3 episodes, I just want a reason to keep enjoying the show, and at the moment I think that reason is Ncuti Gatwa (The doctor) and Millie Gibson (Ruby)
Gah sorry for this rant I'm just a liiiittle annoyed at Disney right now for how they're trying to rebrand Doctor Who
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TAG! YOUR! SPOILERS! Please I'm begging you I watch the new Doctor Who episodes when they're actually on TV and many people can't watch it immediately. Even if you're just reblogging something please tag it as spoilers!!
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moonahstone · 2 years
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ignore my inability to draw backgrounds
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h0munculus-heart · 6 months
Russell T Davies you’re just being silly now. You’re a silly silly man.
Spoiler ahead:
Ncuti fucking killed it tho I love I WILL BE WATCHING
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