#dnf kiss
wishitweresummer · 1 year
Sensitive (Dream x GeorgeNotFound)
Word count: 2730
Warning: This is a love story! It’s completely PG and SFW, but there is kissing. DNF babyyyy.
     Strangely enough, the domino that set off the two revealing their feelings for each other was Dream discovering George was ticklish.
The feelings themselves were already known. Basically. Dream and George are two smart and accomplished men. They simply put the facts together and came to the same conclusion. There wasn’t really any wonder or question. That wasn't the problem. The problem was the trajectory of acknowledgment. The fear in change. They might have leaned into the feeling of inevitability too much. While they had an awareness of endgame, it still needed a start. But, they didn't know how. They danced around each other, too afraid to touch.
Touches were kept platonic and friendly. Luckily, Dream got to practice that with Sapnap before George moved in. So many elbow jabs into ribs. Playful shoving. It was probably a month in when it was just second nature to grab the younger in a headlock and mess with his hair until he was red faced and shouting.
Physical touch. Dream couldn't get enough. Years locked away will do that to you. That first hug with each of his best friends had him burning with love and overflowing with tears. As he got to meet each and every one of his friends he had only gotten to be close to over a screen, he crushed them to his chest with all the love in the world.
     And now; George. This impossibly adorable angel of a man. Eyes like two little voids that lock on relentlessly to Dream’s and take him apart without even trying. Pretty lips that stretch into mischievous grins and precious little pouts that give Dream a run for his money every time. Cheeks that bloom with dark embarrassment at just the barest of teasing. So addictive to pull reactions from. A sharp tongue and endless charm. George was unreal. Perfect, in Dream’s eyes.
     It was hard for Dream to pick his favorite thing about George, but gun to his head? His laugh. George had many and Dream loved every single one. The mean one that shook out of him when he was tearing into his friends with roasts and jabs. The pleased giggles when he gets away with something no one else would have. Those high pitched shrieks of laughter and fear that tear out of him when he's running from his friends in video games. Those uncontrollable cackles when something is just too funny for him to handle.
     Dream discovered a new one and he just couldn't get enough.
     When Sapnap was being too much of a brat for Dream’s patience levels, but still too lovable to actually make him mad, he had found the perfect way to deal with him months ago.
"I'm sorry! Dream I'm sorry!", he would plead through raspy laughter. The apologies always so quick to come when the Tickle Monster came out to play. Play fights brought teasing pokes and grabs. Startling squeaks out of each other was fun. Tickling came easy into Dream and Sapnap’s causal interactions.
     It was really only a matter of time before the other two learned how much of a weakness it was for George.
     The very first time had basically been an accident. Kind of. Dream meant to squeeze George’s side and tug him in close while they were cuddling on the couch watching a movie. It was playful. At most, he expected a little puff of air and some cute blushing. Instead, the squeal that startled out of the boy made the other two jump. Well, he succeeded at making him blush, that’s for sure.
     George met Dream’s amused smirk with the meanest glare he could, whole face burning and only getting worse by the second.
"What happened over there?", Sapnap asked from the loveseat.
"Yeah, what happened there?", Dream pressed. George could only sputter dumbly.
     Then, Dream crossed that threshold. Before then, there was an air of politeness he had held for touches shared between him and George. A purposeful amount of platonic awareness for the closeness and length of every touch and hold.
     Dream threw it all out the window as he dragged the squirming boy into his lap, held him close, and tickled his sides until he let out that insane screech he loved so much. George was hysterical in seconds.
"Georgie, you're so ticklish!". The boy grabbed at Dream’s hands and flipped around in complete and utter ticklish agony. His desperate cackling nearly deafened Dream.
"Holy shit!", Sapnap added from across the room.
     The ticklish attack only lasted about thirty seconds, but when the mean fingers relented against George’s sides he was panting and had tears in his eyes.
"Don't do that...", he said weakly. He tore his gaze away from Dream’s over and over again as the younger tried to meet it. "Yes yes I get it, I'm really ticklish whatever oh my god shut up you're so annoying.", he huffed and scrambled from the other’s lap. Dream practically buzzed with interest. Every single second of George’s reaction left Dream crawling with desire for more. That familiar addiction. George had a way of being exactly what Dream craved. "Shut. Up.", he gritted out. George was flushed under Dream and Sapnap’s amused gazes.
"No one even said anything!", Sapnap laughed.
And just like that, things were different.
Touches were easier. As they all cooked breakfast together in the morning, well George and Sapnap floated around the kitchen while Dream made them breakfast, it was easy to bump elbows and laugh. Sapnap splashed George with sink water while cleaning up dishes and he cowered behind Dream, only to get his ribs jabbed. The squeal he let out made the other two flinch.
"You're like, so sensitive.", Sapnap informed him with a smirk. George glared back at him with newly pinkened cheeks and rubbed at the spot Dream had poked.
Things were casual like that for awhile. Just a small new addition to the routine of teasing the boys had. George had even found himself brave enough to get his own licks in. Grabbing and poking at unsuspecting sides and tummies when they dared to get too close.
     The first time George and Sapnap tested their strength against each other had George pressed down to the floor, absolutely screeching with apologies and regret.
     After a few weeks, the two had worked out the full extent of George’s sensitivity. The sharp-tongue Brit could be reduced to a blubbering mess by either of them in under a minute. After years of dealing with George’s stubbornness through screens, it was incredibly endearing how some simple touches could get seemingly anything out of him.
     "I'm going to make you say you love me.", Dream threatened. George whined through his hysterical giggling as they increased in speed and pitch as he fought the hands teasingly playing at his hip bones.
"Don't! Ah fuck!!", he cried. A scream tore from him as Dream leaned over him with a smirk, his hands having found their way onto trembling thighs. Those lovely frantic cackles filled the room.
     This was the same man who would mercilessly tear him apart in front of thousands? Killing his friends in games with no hint of guilt? Dream had once watched him pick out every single one of Sapnap’s insecurities without a thought to his feelings until the younger actually smacked the shit out of him. Who was this? It was incredible how different he seemed like this. The way he squirmed and squealed with no hope of escape once he fell weak to any ticklish touch. So impossibly adorable. Dream was finding himself becoming obsessed.
With Sapnap and Dream, there were different levels of reactions. A soft touch could get them jumpy and giggly. The tickles that were meant for a playful attention grab or to ease out a smile when another thought it was needed. George was different. The two couldn't find a way of tickling him that didn't throw him into hysterics instantly. It's exactly why the act of tickling him had become a bit of an addiction. Especially to Dream.
     Dream found himself testing his sensitivity to a lighter touch one day on top of the couch that he had first learned about the older’s weakness. The TV kept on with some long-forgotten show as George fell into pieces under Dream’s curious hands.
"Seriously? I'm barely touching you.". The smaller boy squirmed wildly as crazed giggles bubbled out of him. His wrists were locked together above his head to the couch with just one of Dream’s hands.
"Please!!!", he squeaked out. All he was doing was trailing his fingertips around underneath his shirt. Every graze against the jumpy stomach had him shaking with helpless giggles. Loud squeals broke through when the light touch teased at his hypersensitive sides.  A cute flush grew on his cheeks the longer he struggled.
     As Dream’s torturously gentle touch explored George’s body, the air became lighter with all the pretty giggling. A dangerous vibe.
     Dream found another threshold to cross. A startled shriek sliced through the room when a quick raspberry was pressed into the pale flesh that had been exposed through a ridden-up shirt.
"Nononono.", the begging fell from George’s lips quickly when playful green eyes met his with a curious head tilt. The hands trapped up above his head were quickly brought down and pressed down to the couch cushion by his sides and Dream started to nudge the shirt up further with his nose. George shrieked in fear. Hysterical giggling wracked his body with anticipation. "No Dream please don't!!!".
A loud scream flew from the squirmy boy’s lips before he fell back into wailing laughter. Soon, there were playful nibbles across his tummy and unpredictable raspberries to his sides. George was a goner.
Dream studied how George couldn't handle any playful touches. He only got bolder as the weeks went on.
When George stood with his head tilted back staring at the pantry of snacks for a minute straight, Dream couldn't resist a gentle bite near the back of his neck. George nearly collapsed after letting out a startled cry.
When he learned the McDonald's had run out of George’s favorite cookies in the drive-thru, Dream attempted to comfort the other with a firm squeeze of his thigh. Of course, George only thrashed in place with a squeal loud enough to startle Dream and the worker at the other side of the box.
Even just the barest resemblance of the threat of tickling always sent him into ticklish paranoia. George and Sapnap were curled up on the floor playing round after round of chess one day when suddenly Sapnap was over it. The younger flopped dramatically down onto the floor, innocently. The quick movement towards George sent him into a giggly panic; squeezing his eyes shut and wrapping his arms around himself in protection. Dream watched in amusement as Sapnap popped up in confusion at the other’s reaction, just to quickly twist him down to the floor and tickle him exactly how he feared.
The first time they used the pool together was delayed with Dream and George’s antics. The older had asked the other to apply his sunscreen, just to melt into a giggling puddle from the cold lotion.
"It doesn't tickle!!", he cried through his high-pitched giggles. Sapnap and Dream could only smile in confused amusement as the frantic squirming consumed the boy anyway.
It fell easily into their routine. This was just a part of their near-daily interactions for the three best friends. Friends.
Feelings between Dream and George had always been there and not really any kind of secret, but the actual relationship had not changed from anything more than best friends. Until one fateful night in early May while Sapnap was away filming something for NRG.
Dream had the next season of the series him and George were watching all booted up in the living room. He was just waiting for George to finish up whatever he was doing in his room.
The younger had no qualms about whining like a puppy behind the older. He complained and kicked the back of his computer chair until he was sure that George was just fucking with him at this point.
"You have about thirty seconds before I go ahead and bring you to the couch myself.". The other scoffed at the threat.
"You're an idiot.". Dream’s mouth dropped open before the timer in his mind could go off.
"That's it!", he huffed before scooping George up and throwing him over his shoulder like he weighed nothing. The lack of fight before being bent over it led Dream to believe this was exactly what the smaller was hoping for. George shrieked and pounded against his back as he headed towards the living room. Dream only chuckled at the tiny ineffective fists. He tossed the squirmy body to the couch and plopped down.
Now, none of this was all that out of the ordinary for them so far. Everything flipped into a new realm when George scrambled over to Dream and took residency in his lap, giggling breathlessly. Dream froze and his eyes went wide as George got comfy facing him with his thighs on either side of his lap. Before he could react, small hands attacked his rib cage and a bark of laughter flew from his lips.
Soon, the two were laughing as they tickled each other, but neither moved to leave the new position. It was like their bodies were built to slip into a position like this together. George the perfect comfortable weight on top of Dream’s lap. Sides and thighs so easy on each other to squeeze. Hyperticklish George fell into an easy defeat in no time, though. His hands tugged on Dream’s wrists and he pressed his forehead to his shoulder with a whimper.
"I can't take it...", he murmured weakly. But, that pale slender neck was far too tempting. Dream grabbed a hold of the perfect waist perched on top of him and dug his teeth into sensitive flesh. The nibbles forced George to crumple against him with squeaky giggles. The boy squirmed in his lap, but not off. He stayed put. He clung to the younger man desperately.
The reactions were impossibly intoxicating. Dream let his playful nibbles travel up his neck and tease across his jaw. George only flinched and jerked around as the pretty giggles flew free with two fistfuls of the front of Dream’s shirt.
Dream heard how breathless the giggles were getting and slowed down. Soon, he bumped his nose against George’s.
"Are you okay?", he whispered. They were close. They had never been this close before. George dropped his head down with a whine and it forced Dream’s lips against his forehead without meaning to. An accidental forehead kiss.
Another threshold. Dream really couldn't get enough this time. Large hands grabbed George shoulders and Dream peppered his blushing face with more little kisses. George could only blush harder as he fought the smile from the affection.
"Dream...", he said softly, meaninglessly. Meaning-everything-ly. A confession. A plead. A question.
"George.", just as soft.
Who made the first move? Who knows.
Lips that were always destined.
A future revealing itself. Fate complete. A forever, found. Inevitable together.
Slow nervous lips slid together. Gentle giggles falling between them easily as any hesitation melted away. Strong hands around a narrow waist tugged the bodies impossibly closer. George squeaked in surprise and Dream was all too happy to invade deeper. New addicting noises earned with every bold movement. Playful hands even teased at sensitive sides to bring more squirming to the loving kiss.
Dream’s lips traveled back down to that tempting neck again. George clung to his shirt as he tried as hard as he could to let the younger explore as he pleased. Soft cries from the overwhelming sensitivity filled the air around them.
"I love you.", George whimpered. Dream froze at the words he had tried to pry from the boy for years. He pulled back to try and meet his gaze.
"Yeah? You do? What was that?", he asked with a goofy grin. George looked away fast.
"Say it again!!", he demanded, playfully. Happier than ever.
More squeals of laughter erupted from George as Dream chased getting to hear those lovely words again. And again and again…
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darknightsofsummer · 9 months
George is just so ticklish to neck kisses, the poor thing. When Dream gets him down and nuzzles in and kisses up his neck he’s tries sooo hard to stay still for him, but he squirms and is always on the verge of bursting into giggles. gasping and grabbing softly at whatever hoodie Dream has on. He shakes and jolts softly, desperately trying to let Dream do his thing.
Dream thinks it’s cute.
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painfulgoodbye · 2 months
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a little dnfKiss to help us through the drought ✨
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carpedzem · 7 months
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this is rushed be nice please 🫶🫶😥
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mantasunray-art · 11 months
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kissies 🫶🫶🫶
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jun-hug · 1 year
noticed the deficiency of kisses in my art so I had to fix it immediately
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luminiciant · 1 year
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animation practice w the dnfies
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lucky-clover-gazette · 9 months
i honestly love the fact that i have just been following two people very invested in dnf for like a year, either bc of a misclick or other mutual fandom, because i have so little knowledge about what is and is not real with those two. i have never played or watched a mindcraft in my life, however i can acknowledge insane homoeroticism when i see it, and those two are either ridiculously committed to a bit or ridiculously committed to each other, and to the like fifteen people who still seem to care post-face reveal (which i always thought was awful by the way, like people were dicks about it) it doesn’t really matter
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bluishfrog · 9 days
i think it might be obvious coming from me but 🐮🐮 dnf 👉👈🥺
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@ everyone: Send me your favorite animals and I draw them as dnf :D
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wolflyndraws · 10 months
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More 30 min studies
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wishitweresummer · 1 year
Love Bites (Dream x GeorgeNotFound)
Word count: 1170
Warning: Romantic dnf and there’s a lot of body kissing.
This is for Mushie’s lee!George week! This is Day 1 and the prompt is Soft Tickles.
     It's been a lovely three months. Things were falling into a perfect rhythm with Dream and George. They have each figured out what the other likes and loves, and they even worked out boundaries with Sapnap.
     There was one trait of each of them that made their relationship ideal.
     George loves to be wanted and Dream wants George more than anything.
     They fall into the serious and playful possessiveness comfortably. If George is nearby, Dream grabs him and pulls him close. They are always touching.
     They belong to each other. But Dream's head spins with the idea of George belonging to him. In the most loving and respectful way. He's just a little crazy.
     Early on, George cut off one of Dream's favorite things for the sake of his own sanity. A few weeks into dating, George sat down at the table for breakfast completely marked up. Possessive bruises littering his neck and collarbone, on display. Sapnap spit out his orange juice at the sight and laid into him. He snorted in disbelief at Dream.
"Are you fucking crazy? Look at him!", he scoffed. "Are you guys in high school or something? That's ridiculous Dream.". Sapnap shook his head while Dream bristled in shame. George couldn't make eye contact with the shorter man for four days as his marks faded away.
     Dream has whined in the gentlest of ways about a desire to find new places no one could see to leave marks, but George wouldn't entertain the idea. Always, George had been a private person. He shared slowly. The initial event had startled him and he wasn't ready. Sapnap hadn't meant any harm past teasing, but it stuck with him.
     Early April, Sapnap announced his big trip to the other two. He hasn't seen his family since before Dream's face reveal and it was time to go see them. A week and a half. Dream and George would miss him dearly...but they buzzed with excitement for the alone time.
     George in particular had some ideas rattling around his mind when driving home with just his boyfriend back from the airport.
     Dream jumped in his computer chair as George kicked down his bedroom door.
"Hey!", he cried in protest as the older man quickly grabbed his chair and spun it around to face him. "You can't ju-", his words cut off as he realized George was stood in just his black boxers. "George.", he breathed.
"We are alone.".
"Yes.", Dream swallows and nods, smiling dumbly. George can only grin at his idiot. Of course they had been alone countless times and have done everything that has come along with that. But here's his boyfriend looking at him with that excited innocence all over again. Idly, he wondered when their honeymoon phase would end, or if it would at all.
     George stepped back and gestured at his half-naked body.
"Sapnap is gone. Would you give me love bites?".
"Love bites?", he asked, but nodded as he stood up.
"Love bite. Like, a hickey.". Dream gasped and rushed at him. George yelped and burst into giggles as Dream grabbed him and slammed him down onto the bed on his back. "You're such an idiot.", he groaned in embarrassment.
"That is so cute. Love bites? I'm calling them that for now on.", Dream barreled on as he climbed on top of George and buried his face in his neck, nuzzling lovingly. "You're too adorable, it's insane. My little pretty boy, so cute and lovely and you're going to be even prettier covered in my love bites. That's so cute.". George couldn't help but squirm under the compliments and nuzzles, shoving lightly at Dream's chest. He was always so overwhelming.
He settled down a bit when Dream latched onto his sensitive neck and teased his teeth against it. George could only gasp and squirm, having forgotten the intense feeling.
The room was filled with George's soft noises as Dream trailed his way around his neck, down his collarbone, across his shoulders, and lower. The little breaths and gasps were sweet until a squeak escaped him when Dream reached his sensitive tummy.
"Dream.", he whispered. The man smirked up at him.
"Yes?", he asked before digging his teeth back in gently, startling a rush of giggles out of him.
"Dream!". He shoved his head away.
     The romantic night got a little derailed.
     Dream collected George's pesky wrists and pinned them to his chest as he continued his fun. Ticklish kisses and bites littered the squirmy man's sides and tummy as he giggled hysterically.
"Please this is so mean!", George cried. His face flushed when Dream was able to incapacitate him so effortlessly. The affectionate tickles were shocking, sending his body jerking back and forth against his will as he giggled himself silly.
"You literally asked for this.", Dream mumbled directly into George's bellybutton, dragging squeaks and gasps from his lips.
"Do you want me to try some other spots?", Dream threatened, then followed through immediately as he sat up and moved down the bed with George's hands still pressed against his chest.
"No! Dream no!!". Dream brushed his lips against a pale trembling thigh. "Oh god no please!", George could only beg as he squirmed under the hold.
     Relentless as always, Dream grabbed a hold of the squirmy leg and started working ticklish love bites along the sensitive flesh. George squealed and twisted, to no avail. Laughter bubbled from him against his will.
     It wasn't long before Dream was teasing his evil lips and teeth just about everywhere. The bedroom filled with squealing and desperate giggles as George found out just how ticklish he was to such a gentle touch.
     He thrashed so hard when Dream started teasing along his ankle he nearly kicked him. Frantic giggles pouring out as he shoved uselessly at Dream with his newly free hands, helpless nonetheless.
     Dream, always one to get carried away, even flipped George over so he could leave the sweet little marks across his sensitive back. A firm grip on narrow hips kept George in place as he squirmed for his life.
     Kisses and bites unbearably soft.
     George nearly drowned in the sickeningly sweet affection as Dream was only encouraged more by cute laughter and pleads for mercy.
     The night was nothing like what he expected. Dream made it a point to find every single spot that drove George mad.
     While the event wasn't what George had planned, the final result was the desired one.
     When Dream found George with his arms crossed in the kitchen the next morning in just basketball shorts he doubled over in wheezing laughter. George's entire body was littered with the evidence of Dream's playful affection,
     When he calmed down, he pulled the pouting Brit into his loving arms and kissed his hair.
"I think you need more...", he teased.
"Shut up!". George shoved him and was instantly pulled into a kiss.
     They found it a bit difficult to kiss while giggling, but they always made it work.
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mushyruuu · 1 year
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dnf dnfing
alt version!
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demonstars · 1 year
dnf spiderman kiss 🙇
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george grumbles about how corny it is but he's giggling about it internally
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carpedzem · 7 months
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sorry yesterday i saw dreams thanksgiving card and got possessed and then i saw georges one this morning and had to add it…
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mantasunray-art · 1 year
my dnfies
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kyomon0 · 1 year
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hehehe i'm literally kicking my legs u have no idea it's taken me like 4 days to actually get myself to finish this 🫠
ANYWAY, close ups!
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they're so 💞💞💞 (i say that for eveyone but mmmmm)
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