#disgaea metallia
kasumikoujou · 2 months
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crimsonv12 · 2 years
Metallia - The Witch and the Hundred Knight
Fan art by me c:
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I want her hat
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🎩Raddest Hat Battle👒
Guinan from Star Trek vs Metallia the Swamp Witch from Disgaea vs Janus Sanders from Sanders Sides
Round 1 Side 2B
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teskarot · 1 year
Ten characters, ten fandoms, ten tags
I was tagged by @thenightshepherd Thanks buddy and sorry for the wait~
Natsuiro Matsuri - Hololive
Sheena Fujibayashi - Tales of Symphonia
Kaeya - Genshin Impact
Lolo - Klonoa 2 Lunatea's Veil
Raspberyl - Disgaea 3
Minoto - Monster Hunter Rise
Cremia - Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Leorio - Hunter × Hunter
Metallia - Witch and the Hundred Knight
Black Star - Soul Eater
@nisetsundere ,@slimebee ,@ascended-glitch ,@avakkins ,@anarcha-catgirlism ,@modestknickknacks ,@orokanamomo ,@wizorwithoutu ,@cryolite @drunkanimeguy
Don't have to if you don't want to
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manygalaxiesinone · 2 years
Which Disgaea Character Would Survive Squid Game
((Based on the same vids provided by WickedBinge on Youtube. Some rules first. 1. Suvivors of each round will be based on the same categories the folks on WickedBinge use for their videos (especially since I never watched the show myself. This is just for fun.). 2. Everyone will be on an even playing field and not be able to use any weapons or skills that would break the spirit of the game. 3. We are sticking to strictly Disgaea characters and not anyone who has originally appeared in another NIS title, so Zetta, Metallia, Priere, Dronya, and even Asagi Asagiri will NOT be involved here. 4. I have also decided to not include the following: Thursday as he would have an unfair advantage being a robot. Same goes for Kurtis as his body is 70% more machine than man through his own admittance. Speaking of Kurtis, I’m also refusing to include any prinnies simply for the fact that they’re going though enough to pay off their crimes working in various Netherworlds anyway as well as the fact that if a prinny dies, whatever soul it was possessing it will cease to exist (unless if you’re someone like Tyrant Baal) so both Judge Nemo and Laharl’s Mother will also be exempt, but Fuka Kazamatsuri will still participate as she is no longer classified as a prinny due to the events of Disgaea 4′s post game. Same goes for any potentially immortal characters like Sir Aurum, who not only turned himself into an evil god, but also is prevented from dying in the first place due to his status as a super hero, and both Tyrant Baal and Rozalin who can simply take over someone else’s body after death. I will also exclude Sicily, Taro, Hanako, Desco, and Usalia as killing them off in this game would seem a bit too cruel. Finally, every single Disgaea 6 character are automatically exempt due to the game’s usage of Super Reincarnation.
With this out of the way, our contestants are as follows: Laharl, Etna, Flonne, Gordon, Jennifer, Xenolith, Vyers, Lamington, Vulcanus, Adell, Yukimaru, Axel, Fubuki, Mao, Almaz, Sapphire Rhodonite, Raspberyl, Mr. Champloo, Master Bigstar, Salvatore, Rutile, Stella, Valvatorez, Fenrich, Fuka Kazamatsuri, Sir Death Emizel, Nagi Clockwork, Artina, Killia, Seraphina, Red Magnus, Zeroken, and Void Dark.
Round 1: Red Light, Green Light. To pass this game, characters need to be able to remain calm and steady as well as being a good enough of a listener to know when to stop and finally being fast enough to make it across the finish line before the time runs out. Some noteworthy winners would include Raspberyl, who is a great listener and is only a rule breaker by the standards of demons. Zeroken is one of the fastest characters in the series and his training with both Goldion and Killia would allow him to listen to cues on when to stop. And Master Bigstar has the qualities of being both a good leader as well as a good underling when it has to. Unfortunately, not every character will survive this round.
Round 1 Deaths: The first death is a very personal heart breaking choice as it ends up being none other than the angel of love herself, Flonne. Flonne is a good listener and is honestly one of the characters who are more than willing to play a children’s game like this. But the one thing that sets her back is the fact is that she’s pretty clumsy at times. It wouldn’t be surprising for her to accidentally trip all of a sudden during a red light, resulting her in taking a bullet to the head. The next to go is the original main character himself, Laharl. Let’s be honest, out of all the characters in the series, Laharl is the most stubborn and the least likely to listen to authority from anyone that isn’t himself or maybe his mother. It’s very likely he would have little patience participating in such a childish game. Even if he managed to make it past this one, he probably still would die in the second game anyway. Speaking of authority, the final one to go is Salvatore. Just like with Laharl, Salvatore rarely ever takes orders from anyone who she doesn’t recognize as her superior. The only way she would make it out of this one is if she was secretly involved somehow, which could actually lead to her downfall later on.
Round 2: Honeycomb To survive this, the participants need a steady hand in order to carefully edge out the shape in a cookie without breaking it, or at least be clever enough to figure out that you can eat around the cookie for an easy win. Both Killia and Mr. Champloo are practically guaranteed to win here as the two of them are expert chefs as well as martial artists. Being a nurse in her previous life as well as aiding the infirmary in Hades as an Angel, Artina is highly likely to know how to use a needle effectively. And while the same can’t fully be said for Raspberyl, she is at least experienced in first aid. Mao, Jennifer, and Nagi are skilled with robotics so they shouldn’t have much trouble either as well as Yukimaru and Fubuki who are trained ninja, Axel who has years of experience playing the guitar, and Etna, Gordon, Sapphire, and Seraphina who can all handle a gun pretty well. Even Fuka would likely pass by figuring out the trick to the game due to her love of sweets. There are quite the surprising amount of survivors here. But, not everyone is so lucky.
Round 2 Deaths: The first to go is none other than Red Magnus. Red Magnus is not delicate by any means. He’s huge, hot blooded, and very strong, which is practically a death sentence in this particular situation. Only one other character is killed off here, but it is extremely heartbreaking as it is none other than the demon hunter from Veldime and my all time favorite character of the whole series, Adell. While Adell has many talents that would be useful in the other games, this is where he falls short as he does not like holding back his strength, nor is he likely to figure out that he can eat around the cookie despite being clever enough to solve difficult geo puzzles. We also know he’s not that skilled with his hands as the main reason he started looking for jobs in various netherworlds is because he’s terrible at farmwork. With all these factors in, it’s sad to say that mah boi is more than likely doomed here.
Round 3: Midnight Brawl While the Midnight Brawl is not an official part of the games, it is an important enough moment that has to be included as the lack of sleep and food would drive anyone crazy. To survive you either need to be skilled in a fight or be smart enough to hide away until it’s over. Once again, both Killia and Mr. Champloo are likely to survive here as they are skilled martial artists. Same goes for Void, Master BigStar, Zeroken, Jennifer, and Fenrich. Valvatorez, Artina, Mao and Emizel are all smart enough to know when to be stealthy. And while Gordon isn’t as strong or as smart as Jennifer, he does have plenty of training under his belt as a hero even without his gadgets. Both Yukimaru and Fubuki are ninja and trained well enough to know when to strike at opportune moments. Rutile has her strength as a nekomatta to her advantage and would more than likely use it to protect her bestie, Stella. Same goes for Sapphire Rhodonite who is practically a one woman army and is more than likely to protect her husband, Almaz as well as the adorable Raspberyl, by any means. Even Axel would survive here as not only is he at least somewhat skilled with his fists, but even if he does lose a fight, he can fake his own death and just lay low until the brawl is over. Once again, quite a lot of survivors during this event, but not everyone will be able to prevail.
Round 3 Deaths: The first to go is Fuka Kazamatsuri. While Fuka has proven that she can handle herself in a fight against tough opponents, she usually fights with some sort of weapon on her which she won’t be able to here and all of her party members except for Fenrich and Nagi are too busy hiding to protect her, and it’s unlikely that Fenrich would actually be willing to protect her considering how annoying he sees her. Speaking of Nagi Clockwork, she’s the next to go. Nagi doesn’t have much experience in terms of fighting outside the usage of her mechs nor does she in stealth, thus making her basically a sitting duck. The last to go is a personally satisfying result as it’s none other than Archangel Vulcanus. I think we can all agree that Vulcanus is more than likely going to use the brawl as an opportunity to try to kill Lamington while his guard is down. The problem with that plan is someone as smart as Lamington will see it coming which would result in him getting countered and killed by Vyers, Killia, Zeroken, or all 3 of them working together as they would be protective of him as a friend and ally.
Round 4: Tug-of-War Instead of coming up with teams, the survivors of this round will be determined by their strength as well as their ability to work well with others. Even those who are on the weaker side will have a chance to succeed if they’ll be able to lead their team to victory. This is yet another round where both Killia and Mr. Champloo shine as they are both strong and have good leadership skills, even though Killia didn’t start out that way. Despite her size and not being one of the more physically stronger characters, Raspberyl more than makes up for it with her teamwork skills. Void Dark would be the polar opposite of this as he’s strong enough to keep up with Killia. Valvatorez is all about camaraderie, so he’s also a shoe in. Both Gordon and Jennifer are all about working together to accomplish a goal, and Rutile’s main goal in life is to have plenty of friends so if there’s anyone who’s going to be willing to work on a team, it’s her. Sadly, this is where things start to take a bit of a deadly turn for the cast.
Round 4 Deaths: The first to die in this game is Disgaea 3′s main character, Mao. While Mao has gotten better overtime, he’s still not exactly the best when it comes to teamwork, often preferring to have others do his bidding or work on things himself. Stella dies in this round for the exact same reason as Mao. The fact that her only actual friend at the Majin Academy is Rutile is a clear indicator that she’s not a team player by any means. In fact, she’s actually quite manipulative, which is not going to do her any favors in this round. Speaking of manipulation, Etna is the next to go. While she’s not as bad as working with other people as someone like Laharl or Mao, it’s still pretty up there as she would often rely on underlings like her prinnies to get the work done and she has quite the infamous reputation across different Netherworlds about her mistreatment of them to the point where they even quit working for her during Disgaea 2 even after they left Laharl with her. Unfortunately, her brother, Xenolith is going to join her here. This is simply because Xenolith tends to act like a lone wolf and prefers to keep his distance from others, even his sister. And unlike Zeroken, we haven’t exactly seen much evidence of him moving past it just yet. At least Fubuki has experience working well with Etna’s prinnies after they left her. Next up on the falling block is Seraphina. While she does have a good bond with the Rebel Army, her overall teamwork skills are actually rather lackluster as she would more than likely try to charm a bunch of guys to pull the rope for her. This might work if her team was filled with some pretty strong simps, but it’s not exactly a guaranteed scenario. The next death is Lamington. A.K.A Christo, Lamington started out as someone who constantly looked down on others until he became a member of the Rebel Army. While he is more likely to work well on a team than how he used to be and could even come up with a good strategy, his lack physical strength probably won’t be enough to make him that much of an asset on his team, especially if we’re using Seraph Lamington who is in his 9000s. Now I know this is going to break the hearts of fans, but sadly the last person to die in this round has to be Fenrich. This is because Fenrich is unlikely to work well with a team unless if he’s specifically with Valvatorez, but as I said, that’s not going to be the case here. While he is a strong enough fighter to survive the midnight brawl, his lack of actual teamwork skills will likely result in his death.
Round 5: Marbles With 18 of our players left, we have reached Marbles. This game comes down to whether or not a character is skilled enough or lucky enough to be able to win one of the various methods of playing the game against a singular opponent. I will also be taking into consideration on those who are skilled with manipulation as well as those who are likely to sacrifice themselves for their partner. Once again, both Killia and Mr. Champloo are likely to survive here as they have dealt with their fair share of manipulative characters, Killia especially since he spent most of his life on the Cryo Blood Netherworld, a place notorious for backstabbing. If there’s anyone that would be able to catch on to someone trying to trick him, it’s this guy. Vyrers is also sure to survive as he’s skilled with using his “mind’s eye” to figure out what’s going on and how to plan accordingly. Void Dark himself is an intimidating and manipulative character so it is likely he would trick someone into giving up their marbles in order for him to move on.
Round 5 Deaths: The first two to die in this game are obvious and they are none other than Axel the Dark Hero and Captain Gordon, the Defender of Earth. These two are far from the brightest characters in the series. Axel himself has proven himself to be a massive idiot on multiple occasions as well as pretty unlucky, which is a death sentence here. Captain Gordon has been tricked on multiple occasions, even by the government he works for. Raspberyl is the next person to die. While Raspberyl has dealt with Mao on numerous occasions, this didn’t stop her from getting tricked by other people from time to time, such as when 2 criminal aliens tricked her into helping them escape Gordon’s pursuit. Even when not including that factor, it’s also likely someone like her would sacrifice herself for her partner. The same can be said for Rutile. Rutile is arguably even nicer and naiver of a person than Raspberyl and thus even more likely to either get tricked by or sacrifice herself for her partner. As if the results of the previous round didn’t break enough hearts for fans, the next to die is none other than everyone’s favorite sardine eating vampire, Valvatorez. Let’s get one thing straight here, out of all the characters in the series, Valvatorez is probably the one that has been tricked by someone on screen the most. Even his own allies like Artina and Fenrich have manipulated him at least twice. While he is an intimidating character like Void, what sets him back is the fact of how likely his partner will trick him of losing his marbles. Sir Death Emizel will be joining his party member in this round. While he has gotten better overtime, we are still talking about the same guy who doesn’t exactly have the best luck record as well as constantly getting pushed around by someone like Fuka on a regular basis. The odds aren’t looking that good for him here. The last two to die in this round are determined by which of these 4 are more likely to sacrifice themselves for their partner. Either Fubuki, Yukimaru, Almaz, or Sapphire. And in the end, I pick both Fubuki and Sapphire to be the ones to die here. In Fubuki’s case, he’s more willing to die during a mission than his younger sister, Yukimaru and in the event that the two would be going against each other, he would want her to live on with her fighting spirit. As for Sapphire, she has spent a good portion of her life watching people die for her sake. She became a fighter because she was so sick of it and wanted to protect her people herself. And in the event that she gets paired up with Almaz, while both do seem like they’re willing to give up their lives, Sapphire already witnessed Almaz give up his life for her before, filling her with grief until he was revived. It’s extremely likely that she won’t even hesitate to return the favor in this scenario after reminding Almaz of his promise to NOT die.
Round 6: Glass Stepping Stones Only 10 currently remain and the way to get through this game is to be able to tell the difference between tempered glass from regular glass, which is unlikely. However those who are willing to go later than others do have an advantage, while those with an ego are probably doomed to fail.
Round 6 Deaths: The first to go is none other than the Dark Adonis, Vyers. A.K.A Overlord Krichevskoy doesn’t actually have that big of an ego compared to his son, Laharl, but he is still more likely than other characters to pick a low number. The next to go is Zeroken. Zeroken is very eager and a bit headstrong. At this point, he would probably feel pretty confident after making it so far in the games only to fall short here. The final member of the Hades Party, Artina, falls to her doom as well. Artina is more on the cautious side compared to her comrades, but not so much compared to the remaining characters. It is a chance she would pick a middle number or at the very least sacrifice herself to take out someone else who has been shoving other characters off to their deaths. The same can be said for Master Bigstar. He has a rather average ego as he knows when to lead and when to follow, so it’s very likely he would pick a mid to low number. And while he I can imagine him being light on his feet, it probably won���t be enough to save him here. It’s also likely he would give up his own life in some form of dramatic finale as if it’s the ending of a play. Of the remaining characters, Void Dark has one of if not the biggest egos in the room. Not only would he pick a high number but he’s also likely to be the one to force other players to go ahead of him to their deaths, thus making him the target for Artina’s prementioned sacrifice. The last person to go is none other than Almaz Von Almandine Adamant. This only goes down to bad luck which Almaz has been a victim of on more than one occasion and unlike before, he doesn’t have someone like Sapphire to protect him this time around.
Final Round: Squid Game The last round is unexpectedly going to be a team up instead of a usual 1v1, meaning that 2 characters will have a chance of surviving here so long as there isn’t any backstabbing. Killia, being the polar opposite of Adell in personality, is the calmest character in the series and would be the most likely to stay in the back. Same goes for Yukimaru due to her ninja training and growing up in a place like Snow Melody. Both Jennifer and Mr. Champloo actually be likely to tell the differences between the glasses due to Champloo’s mysterious Chaos Kitchen training as well as Jennifer’s extreme intellect. In terms of this game, one team will act as defender while the other team is the aggressor, trying to get to the squid’s head despite the defender’s attempts to stop them. Either that or it boils down to a battle to the death scenario. This is a rather close call as all 4 of them are experienced fighters who have trained for years. In the end, due to him being the tyrant overlord for a time in a place like Cryo Blood, I would say Killia would definitely be the one who would take the win here, as he would likely has years of survival of the fittest experience. The second winner would depend on who Killia would likely team up with and between the 3 of them, I would say that Yukimaru is the most likely candidate given their similar icy yet warm nature, meaning that Mr. Champloo and Jennifer would ultimately die in the final game.
Congratulations Killia and Yukimaru for winning the Squid game together. I’m sure Snow Melody will appreciate the winnings so the residents can continue to rebuild it.
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beast-feast · 3 years
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Wacko shit from the most recent aggie ft. I was too lazy to download it
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homriette · 3 years
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I drew my wife , I mean Metallia
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j5daigada · 4 years
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the first set of 6fanarts finished, expect the second one in three more months
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kasumikoujou · 1 year
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metallia but not wonky this time
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darthellspeedwalker · 4 years
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felicitys-art-blog · 4 years
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its a bird! its a plane! its... a giant signature i used to fill empty space next to seraphinas head!!!!!!!
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Choose who will make it into the Loser's bracket!
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years
I've been on a Disgaea kick recently. I wanted to point out though that Gil actually is the one Fate character I see that could fit right in with them.
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I want Gilgamesh or Hakuno to be given Hundred Knight. 
I just- feel like it would be fun.
I don’t know if you’ve played Witch and the Hundred Knight, but the OG first game is super good. You’re right about Gil. He would fit right in with those goofs.
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racke7 · 5 years
Me vs Disgaea 5... again
So, turns out, there is in fact a stat-cap on how much health you can get from Magic Elixirs.
It’s at 1 billion.
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amphibologeist · 6 years
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a swam witch. 
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