#digimon adventure last evolution: kizuna
sluggybasson107 · 9 months
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I created a Digimon challenge for myself to draw out my favorites!! I branched out and drew more Digimon than what I'm used to, which was fun!!
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izzyizumi · 28 days
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D I G I M O N Adventure/02/tri./Kizuna/Adventure: {2020} ~ Koushiro{u} Izumi + Dynamics + Koushiro & Chosen {+02 Chosen} (Mutual S u p p o r t) + Koushiro & Taichi (F r i e n d s h i p)/(can be viewed) {Ship} + Koushiro & Izumis (P l a t o n i c L o v e) + Koushiro & Tentomon (F r i e n d s h i p) + A D U L T!Koushiro {Kizuna C r e d i t s}
"F r i e n d s h i p and l o v e is not asked for
but O F F E R E D, LIKE tea."
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
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[Please interact on this set Respectfully. The overall intention is platonic dynamics, for essentially everyone else featured though this set can also be viewed particularly as: Koushiro{u} x Taichi (KouTai)/Taishiro{u}.]
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scrubf1re · 1 year
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This screenshot of Miyako/Yolei is so funny looking. I mean, look at her. She’s just standing there being happy. I love this goofy woman so much.
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veerian · 9 months
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Honestly, that's the most relatable quote i've ever heard
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digimonarchive · 7 months
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The grown-up versions of the Chosen Children/Digidestined with their Digimon Partners in Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Shikishi
1st pic = Taichi Yagami/Tai Kamiya and Agumon
2nd pic = Yamato Ishida/Matt and Gabumon
3rd pic = Sora Takenouchi and Piyomon/Biyomon
4th pic = Koushiro Izumi/Izzy and Tentomon
5th pic = Mimi Tachikawa and Palmon
6th pic = Jou/Jyou/Joe Kido and Gomamon
7th pic = Takeru Takaishi/TK and Patamon
8th pic = Hikari Yagami/Kari Kamiya and Tailmon/Gatomon
9th pic = Daisuke Motomiya/Davis and Veemon
10th pic = Miyako Inoue/Yolei and Hawkmon
11th pic = Iori Hida/Cody and Armadimon/Armadillomon
12th pic = Ken Ichijouji and Wormmon
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ashxketchum · 6 months
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deramonfaqs · 3 months
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sirfowlman · 8 months
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While not mentioned in the English dub of the anime, Kari's full name is unsurprisingly confirmed to be "Hikari Kamiya" in the official English translations of the Digimon tie-in manhua released by Tokyopop. So just like her brother & some of the other DigiDestined, her English name is simply a nickname.
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The same is also suprisingly true for the Zero-Two DigiDestined!
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So yeah, better update those wiki pages! Only Daisuke's friends can call him Davis!
So that's that. However, I would be remiss if I didn't show you this cute artwork of Kari & Gatomon from said manhua.
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xnananko · 3 months
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What if…..?
What if…. Sora would have fought with Taichi and the others ? I always thought that it didn‘t feel right for Sora not beeing there. Even with all her inner conflicts ( like finding herself, maybe loosing biyomon ), I always interpreted Sora more selfless and more courageous. So somehow this didn‘t really felt like her. …for me.
So..what if Sora would have come to Taichi and Yamato… taking Taichis hand and beeing like „come on Taichi, we can do it.“. ( ..and here I am lost in my Taiorahead again xD) …so this is how it could be ..IF.. ;)
This also is the very first time I tried to color different….and used a very thin outline…I orientated myself a lot on the colors from the kizuna movie and on the style ….at first it felt very strange but I think at the end I am happy with the way it turned out….I‘m not sure if I will color more in this way or not…maybe :)
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digitalgate02 · 6 months
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Daily Daisuke Doodle 2021 compilation - Winter Holidays/Christmas compilation
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stravanerry · 2 months
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sluggybasson107 · 10 months
The Digimon Adventure kids playing Stardew Valley!
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I was chatting with @digitalworldbound some time ago, and we somehow brought up Jun being a fangirl for Elliott. After that, we came up with many headcanons about the Chosen Children being into Stardew Valley that I doodled some of them!! Below the read more are the headcanons we thought of!
This isn't exactly related to Stardew, but Chloe was brilliant and thought Jun would go for a wolf cut in college, which I think fits well!!
Jun loves Elliott and aspires to be him. Also, she has yellow and purple joycons along with knock off pastel joycons.
Hikari would adore Stardew Valley and the animals!! She loves all the girls but she is definitely a Leah stan.
She doesn’t like how lonely Abigail is :(
Taichi only started to play because Hikari adores the game so much. He isn’t far in but so far he likes Alex the most.
He loves mining and murdering slime
Yamato plays it on his downtime for the story and make his farm successful and make grandpa proud
He likes his chickens and gives them cute names :)
Yamato, seeing Sam: “he just like me fr 🥺”
He kinda comes off as a Caroline fan ngl
Jyou's a big fan of Harvey of course. He physically nods his head in agreement whenever Harvey gives advice to the player.
Yamato, Jyou, Ken, and Iori have their own, secret world together to do Simple and Calm things.
Koushiro is obsessed with demetrius and his experiments. He lowkey wishes he was marriageable.
Ken gives everyone gifts to make them happy because he’s a sweet guy (it also makes him poor).
Ken memorizes every characters birthday so he can get extra hearts
He dislikes the game not allowing him to give more than two gifts a week :(
Iori is just there to Farm ™️
Jun and Miyako's sisters have a world together and Miyako pops in every now and then
They fight over who’s the favorite of the bachelorettes because they’re silly
Miyako is there to fall in LOVE and has one save file for each bachelorette/bachelor
Although her favorites are Elliott, Alex, Haley and sometimes Emily (bi queen)
She’s also tried mods which allow her to marry other characters
Sora constantly accepts and finishes quests to help people in the game.
She befriended krobus in the sewers and is bffs with Linus
She also loves her horse very much horse girl Sora
Takeru owns all the hats and is obsessed with the hat store obviously.
He dresses up his kids with the hats so they all match.
Mimi loves the outfits !! Her and Sora have their own farm where they just decorate like the sims
They also name the animals after their friends
“I think taichi should be a duck >:)” “Mimi no-”
You bet they have a bunny named “hikari”
Unlike Miyako, Daisuke ignores most of the people and focuses on mining and making cash
Also the arcade games!!! He loves the cowboy minigame
Miyako and Takeru make fun of his farm because they think it’s pathetic (it’s actually decent but don’t tell Daisuke they think that)
If you have more headcanons, feel free to add on!!
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izzyizumi · 8 months
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Digimon Adventure Last Evolution: Kizuna ~ ~ Meiko Mochizuki’s (Canon) Appearance (as Younger Meiko, same design used in Tri) + Meiko & Meicoomon
“Mochizuki...” - Yamato Ishida (Taichi also watching), Voice wavering, in growing shock
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{Young Meiko, in Tottori} {Kyousei; Film #5 Flashback} (wearing the exact same outfit) {With the same Japanese-style home} Gifs by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi​ {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
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scrubf1re · 6 months
Anyone else notice this animation error in Last Evolution: Kizuna?
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Look at how many fingers Gabumon -Yujo no Kizuna-/Bond of Friendship has in one screenshot and look at how many he has in the other. Not even the only time the franchise was inconsistent with how many fingers this digimon has.
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Kind of reminds me of how the franchise is rather inconsistent on whether WereGarurumon has a tail or not.
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Though at least in WereGarurumon's case the lack of a tail is closer to being an anime exclusive thing (minus some games like Digimon Masters Online) whereas neither toei nor bandai seem to agree how many fingers Gabumon's Kizuna evolution should have even within the same movie.
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reliablejoukido · 2 years
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🧢~Takeru Takaishi through the ages~✍️
(for @takerutakaishiweek 2022 Day 3: Childhood & Growth.)
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digimonarchive · 5 months
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Mimi Tachikawa character sheets - through the ages
10 year old Mimi Tachikawa in Digimon Adventure (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th pics)
13 year old Mimi Tachikawa in Digimon Adventure 02 (8th, 9th, 10th and 11th pics)
16 year old Mimi Tachikawa in Digimon Adventure Tri (12th, 13th and 14th pics)
21 year old Mimi Tachikawa in Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna (15th, 16th and 17th pics)
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