#did you know that i was homeschooled for k-1. and when i went to second grade i freaked out because my mom wasnt the teacher
saprophetic · 2 years
i hate that im a really introspective person because ill be trying to nap but my brain instead wants to go down the rabbit hole of identifying every time i was othered for being autistic as a kid without knowing i was autistic
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19thcenturyedgelord · 3 years
TW: Transphobia, Homophobia, abuse, neglect, p3dophilia, s3xual assault, su!cide, alcohol
My mother is constantly saying that they is only two gender and is always dead naming me, the one time I get her to say my preferred name she rolls her eyes and scoffs as she says it.
My mother has told me my whole life that she owns me and that I don't get to make any decisions for myself, she was dressing me until I was disowned at 14.
My mother would threaten to k!ll herself is I ever did something she didn't like, this includes: having a panic attack, dealing with over stimulation, trying to dress myself, telling her to stop walking in on me while I was showering/changing, going to bed early, going to bed late, saying I was hungry, asking to be allowed to go outside, wearing my headphones, not being strictly christian/not eating kosher, ect.
My mother got rid of my pet hermit crabs without telling me and was constantly trying to release my turtles even though they would die in the wild and they were being taken care of very well with a large, clean tank and plenty of food and hiding places, a special light that was good for their shell, and a great water to land ratio.
My mother slut shamed me because I was wearing shorts that went above my knees (they were perfectly appropriate btw).
My mother would scream at me for hours if I got anything less than a 100% on a test and even if I did get a 100% she would ask me why I didn't get any extra credit even if there was none available and even if I'd did get extra credit she would ask why I didn't get MORE extra credit.
While I lived with my mother I had a diet of nothing but microwave meals and chips and chips because she spent all of her money on vape, cigarettes, and alcohol. I would constantly be near unconsciousness due to my low blood sugar because I had nothing to eat.
She has slapped me across the face multiple times, one time with sharp plastic that cut my chin, she did this as a punishment. One time she slapped me because my blood sugar was low and I was grumpy, this is how it went down:
Me: Hey I know you wanna talk right now but can I make some food first my blood sugar is low this should take me 20 minutes max"
Her: No, I'm you mother and your going to talk to me right now
Me: Can I please just get something to eat
Her: *yells at me wich causes me to get distracted*
Me: *spills uncooked mac&cheese because distracted*
Her: *yells at me then slaps me across the face*
My mother nearly beat me to unconsciousness because she was very drunk, I had bruises all over me the next morning but I was to afraid to say anything because I new she would scream at me and hurt me more.
She molested me daily, forced me to change in front of her, forcefully spooned me in bed for hours even after I said no, and would "playfully" spank me.
She was constantly talking about how sexy a 17 year old at her work was and even bought him vape. She would also talk about some of my friends like that and even tried to internet stalk two of them, we are all minors.
She would lock the door to the apartment and wouldn't give me a key and would force me to wait outside in knee deep snow for hours without any warm clothing because she stole it all. She also refused to drive me to school in -8 degree (f) weather because she didn't want to loose her parking spot. I was also forced to bike to and from band practice (with she forced me to to do because she wanted to live through me) in 30 degree (f) with heavy rain because she didn't want to loose her parking spot.
She would consistently make fun of me for reading or doing anything that I enjoyed because I was a "nerd" and a "looser"
She disowned me after she stole my phone, went through it and found out I was a lesbian.
I couldn't even go into my yard without telling her where I was going, if I didn't tell her I would be screamed at and not allowed out my room, for a day and then not allowed out of the house for two more weeks.
She routinely went through my phone and my belongings without my permission, knowledge, or consent, in case I had anything "suspicious".
I tried moving in with my dad and she sued him.
She stole my most prized pokemon cards, a bag, most of my clothes, all of my old toys, and over $200 from my in the span of two weeks.
My room didn't have a door and she positioned herself so that she had to go through my room to get anywhere else in the house.
She would frequently lock the bathroom door so that it was only accessable from her room.
I told her I like pop music and she called me a failure then continued to play her extremely s3xual, vulgar, music about dr*gs, alcohol, and r@pe.
From the time I was 8 she tried to force me to drink alcohol because its "cool"
She forcefully pushed me against a wall because I refused to give her a hug after she made an offensive joke and I called her out for it.
She screamed at me because I corrected her after she misgendered me.
I had to learn morse code just so I could speak to my friends without her knowing what I was saying.
When I started counseling because I wanted to k!ll myself and because I was having upwards and 15-25 panic attacks per day, she forced me to tell her everything that happened in counseling even if I didn't want to.
She always gangs up on me in fights but if I try to get back up she just yells at me more.
She refused to take me to the hospital when I had a concussion and forced me to go to school all week even though I could barely stand or speak and now I have verbal and motor tics which she makes fun of.
She would scream at me because I sit down in the shower even though I have arthritis. (Yes I have arthritis at 15, it runs in the family and before to long I might develop psoriasis, I have shitty genes)
I wasn't allowed to wear anything that revealed my shoulders, that was low cut, shower any part of my stomach or back, short that went above my knees, ect.
I wasn't allowed to get my hair cut below my chin because it " wasn't feminine enough"
I wasn't allowed to have anything that was "for boys" this included clothes, toys, books, stickers, blankets, posters, movies, ect.
She forced me to watch R rated movies with her even if I didn't feel comfortable watching them.
I wasn't allowed to have any friends over and I wasn't allowed to go to any friends house, the one time I did have friends over she judged all of them and tried me to stop hanging out with them after they left. My friends are all very good people and are the only reason I'm still alive rn, she was just mad that I was talking to people who weren't her.
She screamed at she because I got one (1) drop of dark green ink on her black coffee table that she got for free.
I wasn't allowed to draw any male characters because she was afraid I would get off to them or something idk (this was before I was forcefully outed)
She bought me a triple chocolate cake for my birthday once. I'm allergic to chocolate. She forgot my birthday the next year.
Anytime I would tell her about the terrible bullying that was going on she would tell me to get over it, even after I had been thrown to the ground and strangled by one of my classmates.
If I got into a new game or hobby she would either take it away or shame me for playing it.
She spent all day on the computer playing Sims 3 to the point where I had to feed myself, take care of myself, and play by myself as young as 5.
She screamed at me because while talking about Pokemon lore I mentioned how Arceus is the god of the Pokemon world and she said I shouldn't say that because it would "make god mad" ( I have nothing against christians or christianity btw, just the people who shove it down your throat like she does)
I wasn't allowed to eat or drink the last of anything (finishing a bag of chips, taking the last soda, ect.) If I did she would scream at me and slap me as punishment.
She threatened to forbid me form seeing my cousin (who for the first 11 years of my life was my only friend) if I ever "talked back" to her.
She wod frequently strangle me as a form of "tough love".
When I was 2 she tried to teach me how to swim by holding me under water over and over again, drowning is now one of my greatest fears. Luckily I did learn to swim with the help of cousin and granny and even enjoy swimming but it is hard for me to do things like wash my face in the shower or stay under water for more than a few seconds without panicking.
She never taught me how to cook but then would scream at me because I didn't know how to cook.
Her smoking inside and while driving has caused me to have some lung issues, she denies that she ever smoked near me.
She tried to take me away frome everyone in my life including my family and friends so that I could only spend time with her.
When I was in fifth grade she homeschooled me and forced me to do college lever reading, learn how to code, learn at least two other languages that weren't english, learn how to play guitar, do gymnastics, do jujitsu (japanese), do soccer, learn to sing (keep I mind I had no interest in music, but she did), do a digital homeschooling program set at a highschool level, and learn a bunch of useless skills like knot tying and making friendship bracelets because it was "feminine". This was in FIFTH FUCKING GRADE.
We didn't have a washer or dryer and she would never go to to town to get laundry done so I never had clean clothes.
If I had more that $10 I had to give the rest to her.
She tried to kidnap me once.
One time on accident I stood in a bull ant hill and got stung all over (if you don't know ants all sting at once), I was swollen all over and screaming in pain and she did nothing, not even give me ice or ointment, she just told me to be more careful.
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narcissawilted · 3 years
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n a r c i s s a   l u c r e t i a   b l a c k
name: narcissa lucretia black. pronunciation: naar·si·suh  loo·kree·shuh   blak. meaning: narcissa- daffodil, narcissism, numb. lucretia- to succeed, wealth. birthday: october 3rd. age: eighteen. pronouns: she & her. sexuality: heterosexual. siblings: bellatrix black, andromeda black. parents: cygnus black, druella black nee rosier. other family: orion black (uncle), walburga black (aunt), alphard black (uncle), sirius black (cousin), regulus black (cousin), evan rosier (cousin). languages: english, french, spanish, greek, gaelic, russian. current residence: walden macnair’s home. hometown: norfolk.
wizard fun:
hogwarts house: slytherin. year of graduation: 1979. occupation: socialite. pet: two pet snakes named ophelia and desdemona. blood status: pureblood. species: witch. patronus: luna moth. luna moths represent rebirth, renewal of body and spirit, regeneration and may even symbolize the soul itself. luna moths, like many types of moths and butterflies, are quite beautiful in appearance and have docile personalities. their physical beauty and charm make these large moths symbols of reflection, nourishment and life. boggart: narcissa’s greatest fear is always feeling as powerless, controlled, and alone as she has been for the majority of her life. she sees so many people, even lowly mudbloods, with friends and love and warmth in their lives, but she doesn’t have it. she’s so afraid she never will. amortentia:   snow. the crisp, biting scent that hits your nose the second that you step foot outside the morning after a fresh snow is one of narcissa’s favorite things in the world. especially if it’s the first snow of the year. something about that is just so different and special. she couldn’t quite put into words the way winter made her feel. christmas garland. christmas was always exciting to narcissa because it meant that there would be more people in the household than just her sisters and parents. she loved seeing her aunts and uncles and grandparents and cousins, especially when they brought her presents. she also loved how much effort went into decorating their home for the holidays with garland, wreaths, candles, tinsel, and charms. narcissa was nothing if not a connoisseur of beauty. peppermint. narcissa, nor any of the Black sisters, were allowed sweets growing up. druella insisted that it would make them fat and lazy and completely undesirable. as a result, the closest thing they were allowed to have was peppermints, and narcissa went overboard on them. she almost always keeps a tin of them next to her bed. wand type: 12 1/3″, pine wood wand with a unicorn hair core, understandably delicate. pine is a quiet wood, not powerful, not weak. it is a softwood, and thus has a bit more yield, making it more inclined to a quick-learning but less powerful wands. it is, however, excellent for divination. pine wands choose independent, individual masters who may be perceived as loners, intriguing, and perhaps mysterious. pine wands enjoy being used creatively, and unlike some others, will adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. many wandmakers insist that pine wands are able to detect, and perform best for, owners who are destined for long lives, including garrick ollivander who had never personally known the master of a pine wand to die young. the pine wand is one of those that is most sensitive to non-verbal magic. delicate wands are a special case. it takes special care to learn spells with this wand, but it is rarely extremely powerful. they tend to choose witches and wizards with somewhat frail personalities, and once a spell is learned, although it is not as strong, it is extremely reliable. unicorn hair can be used in wandmaking; they produce the most consistent magic, least subject to fluctuations and blockages, most difficult to turn to the dark arts and the most faithful of wands. however, they do not make the most powerful of wands and are prone to melancholy if mishandled.  affiliation: narcissa is loyal only to her family.
height: 5′6″. hair color: pale blonde. eye color: mint green. typical hair style: parted in the center and hangs straight to her shoulders. fashion style: narcissa wears only the color black unless it is a very special occasion. she only wears skirts and dresses, no pants. she prefers a short black dress with a high neckline and no sleeves with a late modern appearance. cissy wears boots with a heels most often. she has a love for jewelry that looks like bugs. [ fashion ] distinguishing features: narcissa is known for being pale and icy in appearance and demeanor, but strikingly beautiful especially against the darkness usually around her. her eyes are hawklike and intelligent, but the rest of her expression is almost always unreadable. she has no blemishes to speak of, but a scar on her thigh and one on her collarbone.
positive traits: maternal. thoughtful. observant. negative traits: icy. haughty. deceitful. theme song: behind blue eyes by the who
narcissa likes bugs and insects decidedly more than she likes most people. there has never been a time when she wasn’t completely enamored and fascinated by the often spurned creatures. in her opinion, they are by far the most beautiful and stunning creatures. she has extensive knowledge of them and has created a haven for all manner of insects in the greenhouse at black manor.
narcissa has always secretly dreamed of going to study dragons in romania. she’s always loved them and been fascinated by them. however, she knows that would never be allowed so she would never voice it out loud. in fact, only a handful of people even realize how much she loves the creatures. 
christmas is decidedly narcissa favorite time of the year. it is the one time that she allows herself to warm up and be totally enraptured by the holiday. her face will light up as bright as any tinseled tree. she will spend hours out in the snow and picks her presents meticulously for everyone she deems deserves one.
From the moment she entered this world, during that liminal time before the sun has risen, but the sky is still lighter than in the depths of the night, Narcissa was the antithesis to the traditional Blacks. Where her sisters, mother, father, cousins had dark hair, sharp features, cutting eyes, and venomous mouths, Narcissa was a ghost; soft, curved, delicate, haunting.
The third and final disappointment to Cygnus the Third who so desperately wanted a son, Narcissa was all but ignored by her father from the beginning. If he wasn’t presenting her with a lavishly expensive doll or gown, he didn’t care to talk to his youngest. Bellatrix was the apple of his eye.
Alternatively, Druella became enamoured with their fair daughter. Her features were unlike any others in the family, and Druella valued two things above all else; beauty and how that beauty can be useful to her. Before Narcissa was even capable of speech, she had a string of pearls too tight around her neck like a collar that her mother used to remind her that her grasp was inescapable. Her youth consisted of years of lessons, tutors, and strict schedules. Even by Fitzwilliam Darcy standards, Narcissa would be considered an accomplished young lady. The better she became at any given task, the more her mother demanded of her. There was no such thing as perfect to Druella, only more to improve upon. That was the beginning of Narcissa’s deceptions. She was certain to never show how talented she was, and let her family believe she was completely average.
She envied Andromeda, whose quiet nature and subdued appearance made her free of their parents tutelage. The middle child was left to her own devices and could go as she pleased throughout the day. If ever given a moment, Narcissa would soon enough steal away to a private corner of the attic, basement, or garden with an old tome from the Black’s personal library. Of course, her respites never lasted too long. The house elves, her sisters, or even her mother would find her and drag her back into the endless lessons. Narcissa never complained. She did all that her mother asked, biding her time.
The solitary light at the end of the tunnel was Hogwarts. Bellatrix had gone, Andromeda had gone, and Narcissa had been left solitary for a year, yearning for the day she’d be able to board the train at King’s Cross Station and disappear to a year away from her suffocating mother. It occurred to her a few months before she was meant to leave for school that perhaps her mother wouldn’t allow it. She even thought she’d overheard Druella begging Cygnus to let her homeschool Narcissa for the rest of her academic career, but thankfully, he’d sternly refuted his wife. Narcissa needed to be sociable and influential at school if the Black family was to continue its powerful grip on society.
Druella wept when Narcissa packed her trunk for her first year. She’d been distraught about her youngest daughter leaving for weeks. Their mother kept wringing her hands and proclaiming that she had no idea what she would do with her time now. Narcissa feigned regret for leaving and assured her mother that she’d find some way to fill her time. However, Narcissa had never been more excited to experience the freedom that came with school. From the moment she stepped on the train, it felt as if a world lifted from her shoulders. Even her pearl necklace didn’t feel quite so strangling.
Narcissa sat in a compartment with Andromeda and a few of her classmates instead of trying to find other first years to talk to. Frankly, she appreciated simply looking at the scenery as they went along. She enjoyed just sitting and being without having to do anything. Andromeda warned her that there would be people at Hogwarts who would have heard of her, and there would be plenty of rumors about her and her family, but Narcissa didn’t care. They could say that she was the devil incarnate, and she’d still be excited to hear a voice that wasn’t her mother’s saying it.
After the sorting ceremony, she began to realize the full implications of her sister’s warning. She unpacked her trunk in the Slytherin dormitory with the rest of the first year girls and attempted to make her first friends. They all smiled until names were exchanged. She heard the whispers when her back was turned. They only intensified when the eldest Black sister appeared to check on Narcissa her first day. After a quick greeting and good luck, Bellatrix told the rest of the Slytherin girls to be nice to her sister or else. As kind as the gesture had meant to be, it assured Narcissa a rather lonely first year. Even those who wanted to suck up to a Black sister didn’t bother to talk to Narcissa for fear of invoking Bellatrix’s wrath. Not to mention, Andromeda came off far more personable- an easier friend.
Narcissa threw herself into learning who she actually was. She had plenty of free time without friends to worry about and without her mother’s constant presence, though she did have to dedicate a portion of her week to responding to her mother’s letters. She decided to have average marks in her classes despite fully understanding the material and even studying further than what the classes required. It was to her advantage the world continued to see her as the beautiful sister. While the rumors about her spread even more, Narcissa became more and more lonely. She decided to play into the persona that everyone had created for her.
Her school life continued as such until the middle of her third year. Narcissa began to study legillimancies and occlumencies. She was very good at it. Disturbingly good at it. During the middle of the night, she began to explore the innermost thoughts of her schoolmates, professors, and anyone else she thought would be interesting to understand. The more accomplished she became, the more willing she was to do what was ethically questionable. The more ethically questionable her decisions became the more her curiosity for the darker arts and divination became. However, her studies no longer fill that space in her that craves connection.
Things changed when she agreed to an engagement with Lucius Malfoy prior to her graduation from Hogwarts. He was one of the few to ever see through her facades, and managed to melt away a bit of her ice over the years. However, it was soon revealed that he’d been promised to her by her father from the beginning making everything a lie. This enraged the girl who promptly called off the engagement and absconded from her parents home. While the Blacks are trying their best to keep this a secret, Narcissa has been well hidden from everyone looking to pull her back into the fold.
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dianapana · 4 years
SasuHina Month 2020 - Day 5
Prompt –Collage AU
Long Distance- Part 3
Hinata POV
Sasuke drives like a pro; whenever I’m in the car with Ino I fear for my life, Neji drives really smoothly but he always goes really really and I mean really fast so, I find myself griping the side of my seat a lot. But with Sasuke the speed is good I don’t feel like we’re about to pierce to the vail of time and his movements are confident and easy; he seems to be at ease. We’ve been on the road for about 45 minutes and we haven’t really spoken much but the silence is pleasant and it doesn’t bother me.
“So, you’re from Konoha and about my age how come we never met in school?” Sasuke is the one to break the silence.
“I was homeschooled until 10th grade. And after that I went to Suna Academy for girls. I am what you would call ‘sheltered’. My mom told my dad I should attend public school before university but he just about had a heart attack. He didn’t really want me going to University either” I didn’t mind being homeschooled I’m more of an introvert and I know that; it’s not because I didn’t go to public school it’s just how I am and I’m ok with that. But I did want to go to university so I fought for that as well and when mom came to my aid too dad didn’t stand a chance. I’m happy with my decision; I’ve made a few really good friends and enjoyed the experience so far. I also loved the freedom of doing whatever I wanted without asking for permission. I’m not a party person but I did discover I enjoy certain things that mom or dad would never allow.
“Ah makes sense. My older brother was homeschooled for about 2 years but neither mom nor dad really liked that so when I started school, they sent me to public school from the get go”
“Are you going to be a senior this year?” he looks older and more mature than I do, or at least than I feel.
“Yep, what about you?” I look from the corner of my eyes at the way his muscles move in his arm when he changes the gear. He’s not built like most guys in my classes.
“I’m also going to be a senior. What’s your major?”
“I only declared my major last semester so despite it being my last year I’ll have a lot of courses to take. I’m majoring in education. I was accepted on athletic scholarship and have been a starter on the hokey team since the second semester of my freshman year so I plan to either go pro or coach. What about you?”
“I major in creative writing and minor in photography or as my dad says, I’m paying money to become a starving artist. I’ve never seen a hockey game; my sister likes it and played a little in middle school but I was away in Suna so I never went to any of her games.”
We talk a little more about collage, I find out that he lives with one of his teammates who is also his best friend and another friend that’s a tattoo artist and is majoring in fine arts at KU. I also applied there but the creative writing program is better at the UoA. I did hear that the graphic design department from KU has some of the pest teachers in the country. I told him about Ino who I met at orientation but, we also share the same minor; her major though is flower arts, surprisingly she has a lot of business-oriented courses to pretty much teach her how to run her own shop. We’re about 15 minutes away from KU and once again I feel guilty; he’s been on the road for 4 hours even though under normal circumstances he’d just now hit the road. After passing KU we finally hit the highway and Sasuke speeds up but it’s still comfortable.  
We talk a little more for the following few hours and I’m surprised by how easy it is to talk to him. He even explains hockey to me as briefly as possible and says he’ll invite me to a game when the season starts. The implication that we will talk after the end of this pleases me. We’re about half the way to Konoha when we stop so Sasuke can fill the tank and so we can go to the bathroom, maybe drink another coffee since we drank the extra ones I packed as well already and eat something. Thankfully the gas station has a McDonalds next to it.
Sasuke POV
Once we hit the road again after eating the only noise is the radio but we don’t talk. The silence isn’t unwelcomed and awkward. After a couple more minutes I peek at Hinata and see she has fallen asleep. I dim the music a little and continue driving. We have about 5 more hours to go.
About 4 hours later I make another stop at the gas station; I need to go to the bathroom. Hinata hasn’t woken up yet. I’m debating whether to wake her up or not when her phone starts ringing loudly and waking her up anyway. She wakes up and answers in a hurry while rubbing the sleep away from her eyes.
“Hey mom. Yea we’re about…” she looks towards me and I mouth ‘1 hour away’ “1 hour away. We just stopped at a gas station. I’ll see you soon ok? I want to go to the bathroom. Bye” she hangs up not really waiting for a reply.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry I fell asleep for like 4 hours.” Her cheeks are red and I can tell she feel guilty and embarrassed but I shrug.
“No big deal” It looks like she wants to apologize again so I get out of the car. Each of us goes to the bathroom and then Hinata buys some snacks and I get myself a Pepsi and we get back on the road.
Hinata rips open the packet of candy she bought and eats a few. “Do you want some?” she asks. Usually I’m not a huge fan of sweets but I do want some sugar to get energy so I nod. I can’t take my hand that instant off the wheel so I make a small pause with full intention to extend it in a few moments but before I can do that Hinata leans over and pops a candy in my mouth. I am shocked and I look at her from the corner of my eye and she is frozen in place, her face red as a beat.
“I…umm I am sorry” her voice is barely a whisper and she leans back in her seat. “I did that without thinking sorry. I do that whenever Ino drives. In the beginning she would take her hand pff the wheel mid turn and it would freak me out so I developed this habit of feeding her rather than her letting go of the wheel. I am so so so sorry” she talks really fast and her hands are over her cheeks.
“It’s ok. You just surprised me” I say. Hinata I realize is very socially awkward. She blushes easily and apologizes a lot about everything. Despite me trying to reassure her she doesn’t talk much for the rest of the road.
Hinata POV
The candy incident happened almost 20 minutes ago but my heart still beats way too fast. I did that on instinct and the moment my fingertips touched his lips I was gone. I am way too aware of him now to be able to talk to him normally. Even if I don’t want to I notice everything about him. From his muscles that shift whenever he moves the slightest bit, to his beautiful profile, to his dark and shiny hair.
I keep my hands joined in my lap because I’m scared, I’ll do something embarrassing again. I want to touch him. I want to take pictures of him. He would be a great subject for a photoshoot. Images of him in a studio dim lighted and a bit destroyed fill my brain. He would suite something grunge or maybe something with neon lights to give him an eerie atmosphere. That is his attitude, if we were to talk about his looks, he is handsome and beautiful; he would look good surrounded by white, that would make him look like an angel. The angel analogy starts to run while when I imagine him naked with only a silk sheet over his lap. I feel my cheeks growing redder again.
I shake my head and look out the window. The familiar scenery tells me we’re only about 15 minutes away from my house, after waking up I gave him my address to put into the GPS. I curse myself for sleeping half of the ride. There’s no use lying to myself. I like Sasuke, he’s easy to talk and cool. His good looks only aid this predicament.
“We’re almost home” I say.
“You don’t sound that happy. You did say you didn’t want to return. Why is that?” He answers, eyes still focused on the road, his voice even. He really does not think about the candy incident. The knowledge hurts a little. I kind of wanted him to be as shook as I am.
“I liked the freedom I have at University. I’ve never really been the one in charge before” Mom and Hanabi are the only ones home which means we will be doing a lot of shopping. They’ll make me try on things I don’t particularly like. Most of my closet consisted of thing mom and Hanabi think look good on me but that I don’t like to wear so when I got to University I started selling them.
“I get that, I feel the same. That was also my reason for not coming back home” He admits and it shocks me a little, Sasuke doesn’t seem like someone that would let himself be controlled by someone else. This makes me relate to him, admire him for admitting something like that, Neji is very prideful and he would never say something like this.
When the car pulls to a stop in front of my house, I have to admit I am glad. I like spending time with him but I feel myself developing a crush on him that can only lead to my own demise. I look to the front door half expecting mother to come running outside but she doesn’t. Sasuke gets out of the car as well and helps me with the suitcases. I go to open the door but it is locked. I unlock it and the house is silent. Sasuke asks me where to take the suitcases and I abuse his kindness and tell him to follow me to my room. In the mean time I call mother.
“Hey mom I got home…but where are you?”
“Hinata baby I’m over at Mikoto’s come with Sasuke. She wants to meet you and we can all have a nice late lunch or early dinner” Her voice is chipper and light, is…is mom drunk?
“See you soon baby” She says and hangs up on. I look at my phone and then to Sasuke.
“Um…she’s at your house” I say and he laughs.
“Of course, she is. How did we not see this coming?” Sasuke asks rhetorically as we walk back to the car. I top to lock the door. “I mean they are best friends so of course they are together.”
The drive to his home takes about another 10 minutes and this time when the car stops mom and another woman, I assume Sasuke’s mother wait for us on the front porch and they each have a wine glass in their hands. Mom is smiling wide and chats with Mikoto lively.
“Are they drunk?” I say out loud. Sasuke narrows his eyes.
“I don’t know about your mother but my mom is a lightweight. If she drank a glass of wine, she is not only drunk but wasted.”
“Mom can’t hold her alcohol very well either” I admit, we both turn to look at them still chatting away, obvious to the fact that we have arrived. We turn to look at each other and chuckle a little.
“Come o let’s go join them, drink a glass of wine too. Why should they be the only ones to have fun?” He says and gets out of the car. My heart is beating faster once again. I can’t move for a moment. Sasuke opens my door and extends his hand to me, I look at it and take it. His skin is warm and rough but I feel sparks going up my arm. I look up at him and he’s smirking at me. The sun is just now setting behind Sasuke and it gives him a golden glow. That is the moment when I realize that I already like him, this boy I met today. He lets go of my hand to go get his own bags but I can still feel his touch. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in. When I open them he’s next to me and nods towards out mothers, I nod back and we start walking up the driveway. The two of them finally see us, put their wine glasses down and come towards us for hugs. Mom kisses my cheek and tells me how much she missed me; than she hugs Sasuke and thanks him for bringing me while Mikoto hugs me and tells me how nice it is to meet me.
Looking at this scene with them so happy makes me realize that I don’t regret coming home. I’m glad I could make mom happy. I’m glad to see her having fun with a new friend. I peer from the corner of my eye towards Sasuke. I’m glad I came because I met him. I’m still looking at him when he turns his eyes to me as well and smirks. I wonder what he’s thinking. I wonder if he feels even remotely like I do. Even if he doesn’t, I hope he will still be my friend because Sasuke Uchiha is pretty cool and I’d love to have him in my life. If his mother is anything like him, I can’t blame mom for calling Mikoto her best friend already.  
Part 1 (This happens after the 2nd and 3rd part)
Part 2
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hotdogjumpingfrog5 · 6 years
It’s Strange - Chapter 1
Just another cloudy day in the town of Derry, Maine, along with Hawkins, another nearby town. September is back, summer is over, and it’s just the start of another school year. “Oh my god Mike, stop drinking out of the carton, you’re worse than Richie!” Nancy scolds. “Does this look like I care?” Mike sneers “How come you’re so obsessed with me, Nance?” says Richie cockily, “Heard you talking about me.” Nancy rolls her eyes and leaves the kitchen, shortly heading out the door and on her way to Johnathan’s. Why do I have to have twin brothers? They’re a pain in the ass! Nancy thought “Morning, nerd.” Richie said smuggly, grabbing the carton of milk from Mike’s hand. “Hey I wasn’t finished, asshole!” “Mine now, dipshit.” At first their four year old sister, Holly looked at Mike while he took the carton, then her eyes widened again while watching Richie chug it down. “The hell you looking at, pixie?” said Richie “Nerd.” Holly says, after learning a new word. Mike chuckles, Karma for you, bitchy Richie. “Hey don’t be laughing you douchebag!” Richie complains “I’m the older one here, by seven minutes,“ says Mike, "I can do what I like.”
"Don’t need to remind me every fucking time.” That was one of the differences between Mike and Richie, along with each having two different personalities, and different last names. Mike has their dad’s last name, while Richie has their mother’s maiden name. Long story cut short; Karen had made that decision so people wouldn’t mix the two up. Their mom had left for work early, Nancy left for school early, and their dad is out in the living room resting in the La-Z-Boy chair, almost falling asleep again. Awkward silence rings in the kitchen for a bit, neither Mike or Richie saying anything, until Holly comes in with a surprise. “Nerds!” Holly comes in, repeating over and over, obviously referring to the pair of them Holly is saying a lot more than she did before, after learning more vocabulary from pre-school. “Holly, shut up!” Mike lectures Followed by Holly blowing a raspberry, then skipping into the living room. “Richie, why did you have to say that in front of her?” Mike says, annoyed. “Hey, not my fault I’m twins with a nerd.” “Piss off, Richard.”
It was 8 am, and Eleven was woken up by the sound of birds outside, followed by the voice of her father. Well, adopted father. “Jane, you up yet?” he calls out Eleven rubs her eyes, followed by “Yes…dad.” She still wasn’t used to calling anyone dad, even after nine months of living with him. Considering the fact that Jim Hopper was the first to take her under their care without the intent of doing anything sinister. Eleven suffered a bit of post traumatic stress, but she didn’t let that overcome her. She still used her telekinetic powers, but only when it was really important or feels the need to. “Eleven! Eggos are ready!” Hopper calls out, butting in her thoughts. Eleven makes her way out to the kitchen, and sits on the table, across from her adopted father. There was a bit of silence for about half a minute, not the awkward type of silence, but rather, a comforting silence between the two. “So, got a long day, and I would like you to watch the house for a while. Make sure you catch up on your readings.” says Hopper “I will, dad.” says Eleven. Eleven had been homeschooled ever since Hopper took her under his care, he kept her homeschooled so nothing bad would happen. “Dad, when will I go to a real school?” Eleven asks, “I’d like to see Mike and my other friends more.” Hopper sighs, thinking. “I know I was with them over the summer and during the year, but still.” Eleven says “You will, don’t worry.” says Jim, “Just need to make sure everything is in good hands first. I’m sure we’ll get you to school within another year or two, just in time for high school.” “Got it.“ Jim gets up from the table after a few minutes, clearing his throat. “So, I have to get going into town, I should be back around five.” “Bye dad.” says Eleven. “Love you, be good.” Hopper replies, closing the door behind him. Eleven watches as his car pulls out, driving down the country road and out of sight. From where they lived, they lived in a remote cabin about 20-30 minutes away from Hawkins-Derry. Derry and Hawkins were two towns right next to each other, Hawkins being slightly smaller than Derry, with a population of 6,000, whereas Derry had a population of about 30,000. The towns weren’t that big, so you could get over from one town to the other in just a 10-20 minute bike ride, or 5-10 minute drive. She remembers first meeting Mike’s twin brother, Richie, whom she remembered calling a mouth breather. Eleven had also met his friends Eddie, Bill, and the rest of the Losers club. Well, all except for Beverly, but instead Eddie’s twin sister, Ella, who had just become a new member of the losers club in the winter, after Bill asked Eddie if she wanted to join them. Eddie not wanting her to at first, but at the same time, didn’t care, since him and Ella got along better than they did when they were children. Besides, the rest of the Losers were insisting that she join them. Eddie said more than she did, though she was comfortable around them. Ella found herself to fit in a lot better with them than any other girl or peers, which made her apart of the losers club. Ella decided she was going to switch from St. Peter’s Private Academy, to Ninth Street Junior High, the same school her brother and the rest of the Losers went to, and just in time for the final year of junior high, grade nine. Besides, she hasn’t attended public school before, and wanted to give it a go.
Except for Mike Hanlon, who was still being homeschooled, but Eleven remembers him mentioning that he’s thinking about going to public school sometime in high school, and will convince his grandfather somehow.
Eleven looked at Ella, and noticed that Ella and Eddie had many similar features, the only difference was, Ella had blue eyes. They were the exact same height, even though Eddie was three minutes older. But Eddie will probably tower over her in another year or so. “I h-h-hope Beverly comes b-back, she was a good p-p-person.” Eleven remembers Bill saying “Yeah,” said Ben, “She really was.” Ben almost called Beverly pretty, but stopped himself when he remembered that Bill and Bev kissed the day before she left. “I hope we see her sometime.” said Ella “Hopefully.” Eleven grinned. “Oh for crying out loud guys, stop being so fucking serious, last thing I need is a headache from Ella the weirdo and some strange as fuck girl!” Richie rants. Ella gave Richie a punch in the arm. “Ow, what the fuck?” “Mouth breather.” Eleven mutters. Stan and Mike laughed at what Eleven had said. Ella and Eleven exchanged certain glances, and within those few seconds it was obvious that they already liked each other.
“Say that again!” said Mike (Hanlon), still chuckling. “Mouth breather?” Eleven repeated The pair laughed again, along Ben joining in. “We like you already.” said Stan “Don’t mind Richie,” said Mike (Wheeler), “He can be an asshat sometimes.” Although Mike and Richie had separate friend groups, which each went to different schools, the two gangs all got together sometimes, and when they did, they interacted well with each other. A year had passed since they all seen It. The clown. The demogorgon. Words can’t even describe what It was. It was like a shapeshifter of some sort. Attacking two different communities. The two gangs saw a different thing, which scarred them all for a long time, but seemed to forget about It over time. Eleven goes back to reality, finishes her breakfast, and lies down on the couch, opening the book Hopper had given her to read. ~ Nancy goes over to Johnathan’s house, and him and Steve are there waiting. “Come on guys, let’s go!” said Steve. “No wait,” said Johnathan, “We gotta wait for Will, remember?” Steve groans, followed by him calling out to Will to hurry up. “Coming! Can’t you wait two minutes?” said Will The four of them hopped into Johnathan’s car, Johnathan being the driver, Nancy being the front passenger, along with Steve and Will in the backseat. After they drop off Will to his school, the car falls quiet again. Nancy sighs of annoyance, breaking the silence. “What is it?” Johnathan asks “Brothers. They can be such a pain.” Nancy sighs “What happened with Michael and Richard now?” Steve asks “Just them with their usual attitudes, and their bickering.” says Nancy “Yeah, Will can get a bit moody too,” says Johnathan, “But that’s probably from past stress.” “Guys, don’t pay attention to your brothers,” Steve advises, “Boys can be assholes, especially at a young age.”
The rain pelted on the windows of the Kaspbrak’s house. Along with the faded paint on the edges of the house, slowly peeling off. Eddie and Ella’s mom, Sonia, often kept plants in the front yard, which hid the fact the house needed to be painted. “Come on Eddie!” Ella yells, “We’re going to miss the bus!” “I’m coming! Hold your damn horses.” Eddie muffles, eating the toast as fast as he could. After a few minutes, the pair are about to head out the door, until - “Eddie. Ella.” says their mom, “Aren’t you guys forgetting something?” They both take a deep breath, knowing their overbearing mother still wants a goodbye kiss, despite them being fourteen next month. After they’ve done that, they try for the door again, and get interrupted a second time. “Not so fast…” Sonia continues, “I got advice for the both of you. Eddie, make sure you keep that bottle of hand sanitizer with you at all times. And Ella, don’t sit on the toilet while on your menstrual cycle, blood attracts germs.” This made Eddie chuckle. Ella gave him a dirty look, and gave Eddie a quick push, rushing him out the door, clearly embarrassed their mother would say that in front of her BROTHER. ~ The new girl walks into Hawkins High School. She transferred there in April, but still hasn’t become accustomed to the place, so Emma was basically still the new girl. Catherine and her adoptive mother and adoptive sister, Lucy, moved back to Derry-Hawkins from England. Emma was still in high school, and Lucy now in college. Lucy was two years older than Emma, and the pair weren’t that close. Lucy had a snobby way about her, probably since her father left her and her mother at a young age. Catherine looked down at her wrist, which read that numbers 007. “Bloody hell, why the heck do you have a number on your wrist?” Lucy would often scoff. Their mom would often tell Emma to ignore Lucy’s comments. But honestly, she just wondered. She wondered the truth. Where she really came from, and why that number was written on her wrist. She never asked about it much, since her mother would always say the same thing, “You were adopted from a local orphanage back in England.” “You’re adoptedddddd” Lucy would tease So asking was pretty much useless, and she didn’t want to put too much worry on her hardworking, single mother. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a bang on the bathroom stall. “Hey slut, I know you’re in there!” Carol yelled. Tommy standing outside the lady’s room, listening to what Carol and her pose have to say next. “You can hide in there if you want, but that’s not going to hide the fact you slept with hundreds of guys before you moved here from that terrible toothed country, and knocked up this entire town during the summer!” Carol sneered. “Who said I did?” Emma answered back “None of your damn business who did,” said Carol, “But everyone knows about it!” She could hear them snickering in the bathroom. “Let’s get out of here before we catch an STD!” said one of Carol’s minions. Catherine steps out of the bathroom when she knows they’re gone. She steps out of the bathroom, afraid to go any further. Turning around the corner, she already notices the dirty looks she’s getting, along with whispers and snickers echoing throughout the hallway. Catherine runs back in the bathroom, too afraid to face reality. The bell rang for class. “Shit.” she mutters to herself 8:55, five minutes after the first bell had rung, but she was still afraid to move. She stepped out, to see two girls in the bathroom, looking over her way. But not exactly a dirty look this time. “…Hi.” she says, and makes her way out. ~ Within the next week or so, Eleven keeps having strange dreams. Dreams which she’s never had before. Last year she met her sister, Kali. But ever since Eleven had a funny feeling about Kali and her gang, she never heard or seen from them since. Could it have been her sister trying to telecommunicate with her? No, it couldn’t have been. The dreams Eleven have been having were of her mother, Terry. In the dream, was her getting knocked over the head, which seemed to have taken place before her or Kali were born. Eleven often woke up confused, but too afraid to really mention anything, she brushed it off as just “one of those dreams”. ~ It was Thursday, week two of school, and Emma was getting so used to the dirty looks she’s been receiving. 8:57, and she makes her way out of the bathroom stall, bumping into someone. “So sorry!” said Nancy “It’s ok.” Emma muttered Nancy looked at her for a minute. “Have we met before?” she asked. “No.” Emma responded. “I’m Nancy, and you are?” “…Emma.” “Nice name. Where are you from?” “England…I think.” Nancy looked at her with a confused expression. “What do you mean you think?” she asked. Emma shrugged in response. “Seriously, are you okay?” Nancy asked. That’s when she noticed it. Nancy noticed black markings on her wrist, in the form of a number. “Hey, what’s this on your -“ She pulled her arm back quickly “Sorry about that.”
She pauses for a few seconds.
“…Meet me back in here at 12:00 for lunch? We’ll talk later?” Nancy suggests 
“Yeah, sure.” says Emma *three hours later* Nancy paces around the bathroom, waiting for Emma to arrive. Footsteps are heard outside the bathroom, but instead comes in Carol. “If it isn’t bug-eyed Nancy,” Carol sneered, “I hope you had a terrible summer, you dating that psychopath who kidnapped his own brother -“ “He didn’t kidnap him!” Nancy protested. “You’re right,” says Carol, “You and Steve helped too, you did that so you guys could get attention back you lost from when we used to be friends! I still can’t believe you and Steve came near us.” Carol’s posse shrieked with annoying laughter, as Nancy said nothing. The sound of Tommy outside the bathroom could be heard grunting, then fall. Emma walks in. “Leave her alone. Now.” she says sternly. “Says the girl who fucked the entire school. What the hell did you just do to my boyfriend out there?!” Carol shrieks Before she could go any closer, Carol is pushed into the garbage can by an unknown force. Her posse stands there stunned, shocked, unsure of what to do. They run out after Carol screams at them to stop looking at her. “Carol, guys, get out of there, she’s crazy!!!” Tommy yells frantically, "Come on, QUICK!!!!!” They all run down the empty hall, running faster than ever, followed by Carol shooting Emma and Nancy a dirty look before the rear doors closed behind them. The pair of them look at each for a few moments, both of them afraid to speak. “That was…amazing…” Nancy says, breaking the silence. “Thanks…” Emma responds, “Look, what you’re hearing about me…isn’t true. I haven’t even dated anyone yet.”
“I know.” says Nancy, “You don’t seem to be that type, unlike that idiot.”
“Thanks.” She runs to grab a few tissues, her nose all of a sudden became runny. “Hey…you remind me of someone.” Says Nancy “Who?” “Oh, nobody, I’ll explain later.” Nancy and Catherine sit in the bathroom until 12:25, when people make their way back into the corridors. The pair of them go outside, getting to know more about each other.
It was now Friday, second week of school. When walking into school, Eddie and Ella made their way over to Bill, Stan, Ben, and Richie, who were laughing at whatever inappropriate joke Richie was saying. “It’s my favourite pair of twins!” Richie said, in a weird accent, which couldn’t be described. “Hi.” Eddie and Ella responded “So g-guys, w-w-we were just disgussing about m-m-meeting up w-with M-Mike and the r-r-rest of them in H-Hawkins s-s-sometime soon m-maybe.” said Bill “Sounds cool.” Says Eddie “Yeah, I really like Dustin especially” Says Richie, “I get to see them more, since Mike is the moodier version of me and we live together.” “H-hopefully Eleven will b-b-be there too n-next time we h-hang out.” said Bill, then looked over at Ella, “I-I mean, I would say y-you’re t-t-tired of h-hanging around us g-g-guys all t-t-t-the t-time.” “I’m never tired of hanging out with any of you.” Ella smiled “You sure?” says Richie, “All we ever do is gross stuff.” Ella laughed, along with Richie licking his hand and attempted to put it near her face. “Ew, get away from me, Richard!” Along with the rest of the Losers snickering at the gross joke he pulled. Richie liked to get on Ella’s nerves the most, considering her being Eddie’s twin sister, but she always brushed it off, since they were friends. “So…how do you like this school?” Ben asks “It’s not too bad, other than that Greta girl in my math class always giving me a dirty looks when she hears my name getting called out.” Ella says “She’s an idiot, don’t mind her.” says Stan. Ella found public school to be a lot better than private school actually, more opportunities, and she didn’t have stupid Kevin calling her out on everything. Kevin was a snobby kid who went to St. Peter’s Private School, whom Ella didn’t like. He always thought he was all that, and found ways to criticize her and many others, as well as get them in trouble. ~ The bell had rang for lunch “Too bad Max isn’t here,” Says Lucas, “It’s a shame she had to switch over to that private school.” “Ooh! Someone misses the love of his life!” Dustin teases. “Shut up.” says Lucas. Mike, being the leader of the group, walks ahead. They make their way over by the benches outside for lunch, Will being quiet as usual. Will stares off into space, whilst Dustin and Lucas still bicker and joke over different things. “Hey, Will, you okay?” Mike asks Will nods his head and assures he’s doing fine. “Hey Will, catch!” Lucas flicks over a tiny figure. A tiny figure from dungeons and dragons. “Thanks!” Will smiles The group continue to chat about different things, including dungeons and dragons. “So Mike, have you heard from Eleven?” Dustin asks “Yeah frog face, how is that freak doing?” The gang spin around, and see the sight of Troy and James lurking over them. “She’s not a freak!” says Mike “Yeah she is” says James “And so are the rest of you,” says Troy, pointing in all directions, “Frog face, midnight, toothless, and zombie boy.” “You tried to kill us!” Dustin protests “Can’t you guys learn to take a joke and toughen up?” says Troy, “That reminds me, where is that lesbian friend of yours? You know, the one who looks like a boy.” Playing with a weapon isn’t a joke, Troy. They all thought. “She’s not a lesbian!” Lucas yells, “And she does NOT look like a boy!” “Don’t forget about the time you guys made me piss my pants.” Troy says to Mike, “Took rest of the year off because your creepy girlfriend broke my fucking arm.” “And made me sit alone in the bathroom every damn lunch.” said James “James, no one cares. Whatever, let’s get away from these creeps.” says Troy Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Will watch them until they go, then resume their chat. Occasionally, students would walk past them and give them funny looks, ever since Will came back. Every once in a while they would hear the occasional “zombie boy”. From somewhere, or someone. Will tried not to let that get to him, but sometimes he still got offended and worried about it. “Like I said earlier, before we got interrupted by those douchebags,” said Dustin, “Have you heard from Eleven?” Mike tried to think the exact last time he heard from her. Maybe the last week of summer? Two weeks ago? He wasn’t sure. “No,” Mike responds, “She’s being homeschooled for now, but hopefully we get to see her again soon, I really miss her.” “Oh yeah, that reminds me, are we hanging out with your brother and his friends soon or what?” Dustin asks “Yeah, I think so.” Says Mike, “Not sure when yet. Richie can be such a prick sometimes. His friends are obviously more mature.” ~
Next Chapter: Two
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lizzienoodles · 7 years
YOU’RE MY HERO (i’m gonna put this in a readmore)
paladin: message a friend, and ask them to name three of your traits. what did they say? 
Daydreamer, Creator, Introverted. (thanks bethelsteans c: )
bayard: if you became a paladin, what kind of bayard would you like to have? 
This may sound weird, but I love the idea of a heavy-duty umbrella as a weapon. You’ve got a blunt weapon for hitting with, but also kind of a shield? If i have to stick to “real weapons” though, I’d honestly just go for some kind of short staff or maybe a club (if it wasn’t too heavy). 
form voltron: what are your 5 favorite possessions? 
The green briefcase I keep my art supplies in, my clear umbrella, my computer, my tablet, and my handmade quilt. 
altea: where’s your favorite place to spend time?
This super cozy 24 hour coffee shop with drinks named after famous literature: I’d be there all the time if i could afford to. But i must remain vigilant.
lion: do you have any pets?
No. I don’t think I’m well equipped to care for an animal, but if I did get one, it’d be a lizard of some kind. :)
quintessence: do you have anything that really pumps you up or makes you feel good?
c a r  t  o o n s!!!!!! after i watch cartoons i feel like i can do anything and be expressive and colorful and energetic. It’s like a shot of caffeine to my system. Chilly weather usually has a similar effect.
crème goolée: what’s your favorite food or snack?
When it comes to snacks I’m almost ALWAYS drinking tea. Food is unquestionably pasta, with vegetables coming in a close second.
galaxy garrison: what’s an most embarrassing moment that you’ve had at school?
I was homeschooled, but the most embarrassing youth group moment I can recall was when I was probably 14 we all went skating for some 70s or 80s fun night, and I love roller skating. I think i’m pretty good at it. I was so ready to show off to my crush (without speaking to him, of course, because How Could I Be Expected To). Well, despite having only fallen a few times in my life, i wiped out pretty hard. I don’t even know if he saw or not. But i felt pretty silly. 
crystal venom: what’s the saddest thing that happened to you this week?
Coming to terms with the fact that there are some things in my life I gotta change so that I’m putting God first, and that some of the things i’ve been relying on to make myself feel secure and loved really are going to come to nothing and I have to rely on God alone. Long term it will be a good thing but right now I feel like my favorite game’s being taken away, you know?
champion: what’s something you’re afraid of?
Losing my hands. If I can’t draw I might shrivel up into a dry, crunchy floor vegetable that got kicked under the counter by accident.
arusian: if a species of small, cute, ritualistic aliens started worshipping you, what would you like your deity name to be?
I’d like that not to happen, actually, I would hope to clear up the misunderstanding as soon as possible. I would hope they could call me Friend instead.
cryopod: if you were asleep for 10,000 years, who would you bring along as a cryosleep buddy?
@seamonkeybethany because if i woke up in a world without her i might lose my mind
bad sound effects: how do you pronounce laser sounds?
just like “pew pew pew”, honestly i’m a little suprised none of the paladins used that one
balmera: if you were something similar to a balmera, what kind of aliens would be living inside you?
Well that’s not unsettling at all. Let’s see, if i was a living planet, i’d want to grow brightly colored things shaped like stars and hearts and other fun, simple shapes, so it might actually be really cool if the aliens were like, origami people??? They’d harvest the sheets of brightly colored and patterned stuff and fold them into things to trade and use!
pidge’s headphones: what’s the last song you listened to?
When I turned off my music last night, I had just started Fellow Feeling by Porter Robinson.
keith’s shack: what would your dream home be like?
I’d live in a little apartment above a small business, preferably a coffee shop. It would have big windows and wood floors. 
hunk’s headband: what’s your favorite accessory?
I’m not much of one for accessories, but sometimes I enjoy a good scarf. My favorite one is long and made of yellow yarn. I got it from the lost and found at church when everything that wasn’t claimed went up for grabs.
lance’s pajamas: what are you wearing right now?
My FAVORITE outfit currently. My big grey striped shirt, black shorts, black leggings under the shorts because it’s “winter,” and my puffy vest, also because it’s “winter.”
shiro’s eyeliner: what’s your favorite part of your body?
:) :) :) I like my leggies bc they Strong. Other than that, i’m still learning to find the good in my features.
zarkon: what’s your bloodthirstiness on a scale of 1-5? 1 being “no thanks, i’m full”, and 5 being ”unquenchable”.
I have to admit my bloodthirstiness is probably a 1 or lower. probably because of the blood part. lol. I’m always ready to Fite someone but the minute they start bleeding I’d probably start apologizing profusely. I’d rather leave an opponent with bruises or knocked out than leave them with injuries that could bleed out. k.
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themanuelruello · 4 years
Will My Kids Fall Behind? (And Other Homeschooling Questions)
I’ve never been this excited to get back to homeschooling…
I’m in year five of this homeschool gig, so it’s not exactly a novelty anymore. However, I’ve found myself literally counting down the days until we’re back to the books next week.
What a weirdo.
Is it because I redid our school room and I can’t wait to sit on the new rug and drink my coffee in there?
Is it because we’re doing a deep dive into American history this year and I’m kind of a history nerd?
Is it because there’s something about fresh curriculum that makes me strangely giddy?
Very possible.
Helping to build the chicken tractor
Truthfully, I think the root of my excitement has come from the many talks I’ve had with brand new and prospective homeschoolers this year.
All these conversations have given me a chance to revisit why we chose this lifestyle in the first place (because make no mistake– homeschooling is a lifestyle), and my fire has been rekindled.
I realize that many of you have been thrust into this world unwillingly. It’s not what you ever saw yourself doing, but here you are.
I want you to know that it’s all gonna be alright. 
We’ve been homeschooling since our firstborn was in kindergarten and I was homeschooled K-12 myself (yup– in the legendary homeschool culture of the 1990s– it’s changed a lot since then. Thank goodness.)
I’m not an expert, but I do have a unique perspective– both as a homeschool graduate and a current homeschooling mother of three.
Here are a few of the most common questions I’m seeing right now, along with a few of my thoughts:
Art with Goats
#1 What Curriculum Should I Use for Homeschooling?
This question is, by far, the toughest one I get. It’s not that using curriculum is hard, but there are eleventy-billion different choices, and sorting through them all is somewhat mind-numbing.
There’s not a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Period.
Most newbie homeschoolers are drawn to an all-in-one style of curriculum where you make one purchase and get ALL the things.
There’s nothing wrong with that, per say, but I don’t know many veteran homeschool moms who use those sort of curriculum options, since they rarely fit the uniqueness of the child.
Most of my homeschooling friends piece together their own curriculum (i.e. they use one set of books for math, a different set from a different publisher for reading, etc).
My best advice in this realm is two-fold:
Keep it simple. Focus on the core subjects and don’t worry about the extras your first year
Do not attempt to replicate a public school classroom. Public schooling was created for a specific purpose and is designed to move a large group of diverse children through the exact same curriculum in a way that is mostly successful for the majority. You don’t have to do that. You get to tailor this whole thing to fit your family and your children. Education does NOT have to be cookie-cutter, nor should it be. Also, I will preach this until the cows come home– the 8am-3pm schedule that most public schools follow came as a result of the Industrial Era and was created to fit the work schedules of parents. It rarely takes that amount of time to teach a child the crucial subjects, plus free time and free play are some of the best educational pieces you can ever offer your child.
My 4-year old helping me mulch the garden
Our Homeschool Routine and Curriculum
We’re not fancy.
I don’t lesson plan much, if at all, and we generally school for 2.5-3 hours each morning. That’s it.
Math and language arts are our main focus, with science and history coming in at a close second.
(Another post coming soon with my current curriculum choices.)
We don’t do a lot of extra stuff on top of these four subjects unless I think the kids need something.
Actually, allow me to rephrase that: 
We do a LOT on top of those four subjects, but not in the “formal” sense.
Making pretzels
My kids build, create, and problem solve ALL DAY LONG.
We let them use scrap lumber, tape measures, hammers, saws, and nails to build all sorts of contraptions.
They basically live in an animal science lab and help with breeding, birthing, nutrition, husbandry, and more.
They’re helping us remodel our fixer upper house project, and are learning how a house is put together, how to use tools, and loads of problem-solving.
They can identify dozens of different plants, grow and nurture vegetables, and they actively participate in preserving food.
They can make their own breakfast, safely use our gas stove, make scrambled eggs, bake desserts, and are currently learning how to make yeast breads.
Honestly, when the fleeting thought of sending my kids to public school has crossed my mind in the past, my instant reaction is “They’d miss out on too much if I sent them to school!”
Helping to pour concrete
Whatever, Jill. We don’t live on a homestead so it’s not the same for us.
Oh, but it is.
Even if you live in the heart of the city, the learning opportunities abound.
Take me, for example. Homeschooling (and the free time that came with it) is the #1 thing that fostered creativity, leadership, ingenuity, and resilience in me as a child and young adult.
And I was raised in a small housing development-– no homestead, no land.
It’s not about where you live, it’s about how you maximize the opportunities in front of you– and there are MANY.
My favorite book to help foster this mindset shift is Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto. Read it. It’ll change you forever.
#2 What If I’m “Not Good Enough” To Teach My Kids?
I hear this one expressed in a variety of ways:
“I’m not qualified to teach my kids”
“I don’t know enough”
“I wasn’t a very good student myself”
“I didn’t go to college”
There is a commonly held belief that if you don’t have a bachelors degree in childhood education, then you can’t adequately homeschool your own offspring.
Listening intently at a horsemanship clinic
I don’t buy it.
There’s nothing wrong with a teaching degree, but I wholeheartedly reject the notion that one needs four years of higher education to teach their own children.
As long as you are willing to learn alongside your kids and follow a book or lesson plan with your kids, you will do fine.
That’s why we have curriculum.
So if you don’t need a teaching degree, what do you need?
Consistency and the ability to read instructions and troubleshoot situations that might come up.
And as your kids get older, they will learn to follow the instructions and troubleshoot issues, which is just as important as the lessons themselves.
Teaching our kids to learn how to learn (aka how to teach themselves), is one of the MOST valuable things we can impart to them. An adult with a healthy dose of curiosity and love for learning (that hasn’t been snuffed out) is pretty much unstoppable.
P.S. My mom never went to college. Yet, I was in the upper 95% percentile in my standardized tests each year, had above-average ACT and SAT scores, and even attended an English class at the University of Idaho when I was still in highschool. After I graduated, I double-majored in Equine Science at a community college, graduated with Honors and a 4.0, and tutored other students, all while holding down a job and riding on the college horse show team. I’m not saying this to brag, rather I’m telling you this because I was MORE than prepared for college, even though my “teacher” never attended herself.
Helping to remove the plaster on the chimney at our fixer-upper renovation
#3 What About Socialization?
Ah, the good ol’ “S” word…
As a homeschooler in the Nineties, this was the thing people rubbed in our faces more than anything else.
Not gonna lie, it gets old.
I honestly don’t hear this one come up as much as it used to– I suspect it’s because homeschooling has been around a little longer and there are AMPLE examples of well-adjusted homeschooled adults.
But that doesn’t mean it has disappeared entirely.
Truthfully, I’ve found that TOO MUCH socialization is generally the issue when it comes to homeschooling, rather than not enough.
There are SO many activities and opportunities available to homeschooled kids, the tricky part for us is finding a balance and still making sure we have enough time to do actual school work.
If this is an area that makes you feel a little uncertain, all it takes is a quick Google or Facebook search to find options in your community– whether that’s 4-H, music lessons, dance, sports, volunteering, shadowing someone in a trade or skill that interests your child, etc. There are SO many opportunities, you just have to be willing to think outside of the box.
Butchering chickens together
Does Socialization Really Happen in a Homogenous Herd?
It’s a question I’ve pondered for years…
I’ve come to be of the personal opinion that true socialization does not happen by putting a child in a large herd of other kids that are their same age.
Historically, not only did children learn in one-room schoolhouses with wide age ranges, but they spent a LOT more time operating in the adult world.
This idea that socialization equates to a child spending the majority of their time in a group of 40 other kids their exact age feels out-of-touch to me.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having friends of similar age, but I also want my kids to be able to interact with smaller children, with adults, and with the elderly.
#4 What if My Child Falls Behind in School?
I LOVE this question.
Because I don’t think it’s as big of a deal as people think it is.
I hear SO many parents expressing SO much worry this spring when school districts had to switch to distant learning for a short time.
“My kid didn’t learn ANY new math!”
“They are going to be SO far behind!”
“This is going to mess them up for the rest of their school career!”
Eh, maybe.
Or maybe not.
The term ‘falling behind’ is tricky because it assumes that all children learn and progress at the exact same pace at the exact same time.
We know that’s not true.
I understand why institutionalized schooling is the way it is. I understand the need for benchmarks and “levels”.
However, established benchmarks and levels obviously don’t fit everyone.
They often inadvertently slow down the kids who want to work more quickly, and discourage or alienate the kids who are a bit slower-paced in certain areas.
The beauty of homeschooling is that you can tailor it to the pace of your child. Let them run fast in a certain subject if it’s their jam. Or if they’re struggling in a certain area, go back. Keep at it until you reach that mastery, then move on. There’s no stigma and no stress.
Yes, we still finish our textbooks. Yes, we are consistent in doing school each day. Yes, it’s important that my kids do their school work well and have a firm grasp on all of the important topics before they become adults and leave home.
However, the ability to be resilient, to solve problems, to think for themselves, to not get stuck in the cycle of conformity, to cultivate the ability to create… THOSE are the pieces that are ultimately the game-changers.
Friend, You Got This.
At the end of the day, what you do with your kids’ education is your call.
If you know public school is right for your child, do it.
If you know your child would thrive in the homeschool environment, do it.
The only real mistake you can make??
To make your choice based on the opinions of those around you, or what friends/family are telling you should do.
Block out those voices and go with your gut.
Because here’s the deal: 
Regardless of what you choose, somebody is going to think that what you’re doing is wrong.
It’s annoying and freeing, all at the same time, dontcha think?
You are capable, my friend. And this decision, as scary as it may feel at first, might just be the best choice you ever made.
I’m rooting for you.
More Tips on Raising Old-Fashioned Kids:
Homeschool on the Homestead
Raising Old-Fashioned Kids in a Modern World
Life Lessons My Kids Have Learned from the Homestead
Why I’m Teaching My Kids to Fail
  The post Will My Kids Fall Behind? (And Other Homeschooling Questions) appeared first on The Prairie Homestead.
from Gardening https://www.theprairiehomestead.com/2020/08/common-homeschool-questions.html via http://www.rssmix.com/
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in 1945 FOR the most wild, yet most homely narrative, which I am about to pen, I neither expect nor solicit belief. Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. Yet, mad am I not -- and very surely do I not dream. But to-morrow I die, and to-day I would unburden my soul. My immediate purpose is to place before the world, plainly, succinctly, and without comment, a series of mere household events. In their consequences, these events have terrified.
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so-called illogical impringements of the connotations of words on the consciousness (and their combinations and interplay in metaphor on the basis) than I am interested in the preservation of the logically rigid signification at the cost of limiting my subject matter and perceptions. --Hart Crane Is life really full of logicality? Visualize yourself in a world where everything made "logical" sense. There is no creativity and individuality. "Oh, you cannot do that, it does not make logical.
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feasibility. Because this is a new and challenging system, hardware, software and operating system to be used are very important; the process of examining the system also will be a big risk in the future. If I were part of Jim’s team, the team’s risk is my risk. That is not a big deal; I think we can pass it over together. On this case, if I work in this Jim’s team, I am worrying about operational risk because in current days, competition is fierce and technology changes fast, I hope this system can fit.
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Chapter 1 of Superhero’s Journey on Wattpad Sample
You see the cute, innocent little girl playing on the playground with her friend, or friend is what she called her, anyway. She had long, dark brown hair that curled at the tips, with beautiful baby blue eyes. She wore a light pink sundress, flip flops, and the sweetest smile anyone has ever seen. The sweetest butterfly to ever sail the Seven Seas. I would know, because that little girl was me.
Allyssa Anderson. Probably the nicest girl you would ever meet at the time. Little did she know all of that would change. I remember it like it was yesterday, and I haven't stopped remembering it since.
I was homeschooled all my life before that. My whole family was, all for the same reason. We have superpowers. Each of us with our own unique set of abilities designed to save the world. But instead of doing that, we stayed hidden in a secret lab where none of us would become test subjects for evil scientists. I had telekinesis, the ability to move things with my mind. I have more now, but that's all I had at the time before others developed.
Mr. Anderson, my father, had decided to run an experiment to see how one of us would survive in the Powerless, which is what we called the world outside the lab. He chose me, youngest of four, to attend a small elementary school in 2nd grade. Where I could socialize with Powerless students, and I would learn to do things besides destroying 10 robots in 3 seconds and how to prank my not-so-gullible twin brother. 7-year-old me loved the idea, and it actually went well for about a week.
Until I met Maria. She approached me one day at the beginning of class and told me a secret. About what, I don't remember. Something about a boy she liked. What confused me, is why she told me. I never met this girl in my life, and I would know that you should never tell a stranger a secret.
She had claimed that we had known each other since diapers, and I was crazy for not remembering her. Hey, last time I checked, I grew up in a secret lab in the middle of nowhere with no access to the Powerless world whatsoever. Unless your name is Max, Paris, or Leo, and you're either my twin or one of the two older siblings that I have, we weren't friends as babies.
Yet, we became friends anyway. I found out she was super unpopular and was bullied a lot. Mainly because of her hair, which was a fiery red color. I thought it was cool, considering I never seen red hair in person. Others only thought of it as a reason for hate. When we became friends, she dragged my popularity down with hers, and I was hated simply for being her friend.
Not to mention she wasn't that nice to me either. At the time I thought it was normal for friends to treat each other like that because I knew nothing of the Powerless world. She really took advantage of my kindness, and I always gave second chances no matter what she did.
About a week after we met, I started chatting with Maria online to make plans for our first sleepover, which would be our last.
Maria: hey what do u think of geting together for sleepover? like ones we had when we were kids
Allyssa: Sounds fun! Although it would have to be at your house; my family doesn't like having guests.
Maria: k I can work with that I made list of things to do. hope u like it
"Are you still taking to that Maria girl? You do know she treats you like crap," my older brother, Max says. He's always been really overprotective of me, as some brothers are. I guess he just doesn't want me getting hurt.
"I told you, Maria is a good friend to me," I tell him for the 10,000,000th time. He doesn't do anything except roll his eyes.
Yo, let's get to the good part where I almost get killed!!! Okay, okay. Here it is.
We were at Maria's house after a long night of almost drowning, Slap Cam, Guess The Food While Blindfolded games went terribly wrong, and Maria's mom offering to take me home because she was being a brat and I still didn't even realize it.
The last thing on her list of things to do was something called Kendra's Ghost. I didn't know what that was, along with many of the other games she put on there. Besides swimming, I knew what that was. Didn't think it would be that dangerous though.
She told me the story about a popular teenage girl that died in a school shooting. She spirit was trapped in a mirror as punishment for bullying other students, as some popular mean girls do. Now, you can summon Kendra's Ghost by standing in front of a mirror and repeating a phrase. We did it while home alone because her mom had to run errands and her dad had left the family when she was a baby.
"Kendra come in from my reflection to my soul."
Maria's green eyes changed to dark brown. Her red hair turned black. Her skin, once pale white, was now the color of sweetened coffee. She looked just like how I imagined Kendra in the story she told. Except for the flames at her fingertips and the black wings sprouting from her back.
She didn't say anything. Just stood there, staring at me with dark brown-almost black eyes. Not knowing what to do, I start to back away slowly.
Kendra started walking closer to me, backing me into a corner. Her eyes met mine as I started to have a weird empty feeling in my chest. My heart was pounding, my breaths were surprisingly slower than normal, but the rest of me was still panicked and shaking. I wondered if that was what death felt like. Panicking and calmness at the same time. Feeling everything and nothing all at once. My hands jolted backward, by reflex, taking the mirror with it.
Did I mention that if we feel too much emotion at a time we glitch? Meaning if we get too nervous, or angry or even a bit too happy, we lose control of our power. You could imagine the fear of facing a demon at the age of 7, so sure enough, I glitched. I made the mirror fly across the room, and crash into the wall using my telekinesis.
Kendra looked back at me from the broken mirror, frightened, and fled. Her body, now back to herself with the same red hair and pale skin, lied on the floor, limp. I decided to look in the shattered mirror.
My face was much more pink than white, but everything else looked normal, the same long, dark brown hair, the same light pink sundress that now matched my skin tone. I looked at my own eyes in the mirror to see if they didn't change. The eyes are the window to the soul, and I wasn't sure mine didn't just get taken away. The baby blue eyes I once had started burning into the same dark-brown-almost-black as Kendra's. She became part of me.
Maria jolted awake, screaming. I run to her, panicking to see if she was okay. She wasn't, obviously. She threw me across the room. She was much stronger than before like she had just gotten super strength or something. Which was impossible because she was from the Powerless world.
As I pull myself off the ground, she reaches for a knife that I never noticed hanging on the wall. She was trying to kill me. No doubt about it. Her eyes were green instead of dark brown like mine, so I knew this wasn't Kendra's doing. She might have seen something about me that made her want to kill.
She throws the knife at me. I was too scared or maybe even too weak to move, so I just stood there. Taking it. The blade slid across my arm and hit the wall, now covered in my blood. I throw my hand over the wound to stop the bleeding as if it would help. Tears began to spring through my eyes as she walks closer to me. Angry. Step. By step. By step. Each one becoming more intense than the one before.
She stood right in front of me. Watching my cry as a clutch my wound in pain. She pulls the knife out of the wall and holds it in the air, ready to strike.
Last second, I move a box from across the room over us from across the room and knock her over with it, buying my enough time to get up. The knife falls out of her hands and slides across the floor. I grab hold of it and pinned her to the floor. I put the knife to her throat.
She was shaking and whimpering like a small puppy when being threatened by its owner. I wanted to end her so badly, after everything she did to me that night and all the days before. Holding me underwater, smacking me "for the vine," poisoning me with hot sauce during the Guess The Food While Blindfolded game. She even tried to eat me once. All those other times the haters were right when they said she was bullying me.
I drop the knife to the floor.
"You're too soft."
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cathygeha · 7 years
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Come Celebrate the release of One Night with a SEAL With Tawny Weber
One night. Two SEAL brothers. Endless sexy possibilities!
 Navy SEAL Zane Bennett isn’t one to turn away from a challenge, but he’s determined to win the bet he has with his twin brother. Will he win the bet, or lose his heart to the woman of his dreams? If you loved, UNDER PRESSURE by Lori Foster A SEAL’S PLEDGE by Cora Seton you’ll devour with ALL OUT by Tawny Weber.
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Title: All Out Author: Tawny Weber and Beth Andrews Release Date: June 1, 2017 Publisher: Harlequin Blaze Series: Uniformly Hot! Genres: Romance/Contemporary Romance Page Count: 224 Format: Digital and Print
 ALL OUT by Tawny Weber
Navy SEAL Zane Bennett can't walk away from a challenge. He's determined to win a bet with his brother—until he collides with the luscious Vivian Harris. Their attraction is immediate and searingly hot, but Zane can't bring himself to bow out of the bet. Now the game is really on…and Zane is embroiled in a wicked matchup he can't resist!
by Beth Andrews  
Of the Bad Boy Bennett twins, Navy SEAL Xander is always the gentleman. That is, until he's challenged to go against his brother for a date with Quinn Oswald—the girl Xander's wanted since high school! It takes only one kiss for Quinn and Xander's deliciously sexy chemistry to explode. But how much is Xander willing to gamble…before he goes all in?
Find out more at: Amazon| Harlequin | Kobo | B&N  | iBooks
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About Tawny Weber:  
New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling author of more than forty books, Tawny Weber loves writing about sexy heroes, most notably her popular Navy SEALs series.  Her sassy, emotional romances are filled with men dedicated to being the best—and women determined to have the best.  Tawny credits her ex-military alpha husband for inspiration in her writing, and in her life.   The recipient of numerous writing accolades, including Romantic Times Reviewers Choice and in addition to the NY Times and USA Today bestseller lists, Tawny has also hit the number one spot on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  
A homeschooling mom, Tawny enjoys scrapbooking, gardening and spending time with her family and dogs in her Northern California home.
Connect with Tawny: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Goodreads
Vivian wiggled into the most romantic corner booth she could wheedle and ordered a sparkling water.  No point enjoying wine until she knew she’d enjoy the evening, too. 
   She pulled out her cellphone.  No cancellation message. 
   That was a good sign, wasn’t it? 
   Half the time, Vivian felt like her dreams were a tease.  All too often she got within kissing distance of her goal, and poof, there it went.  No big payoff, no awesome climax, nothing. 
   Because, why?  Because she always blew it. 
   She shouldn’t have told him her name. 
   She should have teased instead, said she’d tell him tonight. 
   Maybe she shouldn’t have let him in on the what she made at The Sweet Spot, either.  Sure, a lot of guys saw that as a turn on, but there were just as many who subscribed to the prude theory.  Like her brother.        
   And he was Mike’s friend. 
   Then again, so was Lenny. 
   Before she’d finished her confused sigh, Zane walked in. And all of her doubts took a backseat to the sight of how gorgeous the man was.  Vivian sat up a little straighter.  Shoulders back, chin high and chest probably jiggling because her heart was beating so fast, she smiled and sent him a little wave. 
   “Vivian,” he greeted as he joined her. 
   “So you’re Mike’s little sister, hmm?” 
   “Ahh, so the dare worked.”  Vivian laughed.  “How many times did you consider bailing?” 
   “Bailing?  I’ll have you know I’m trained to confront conflicts of all shape and size.  I fearlessly face down explosives, disarm bombs and disable volatile chemicals. Sometimes all three before breakfast.”
   “Tell me more.”  Delighted, Vivian put on a wide eyed look of fascination, even adding a little eyelash flutter for good measure. 
   “I train with the best.  I’m one of the elite.  There’s no challenge devised that I won’t face.”  He leaned in, his smile almost hypnotic as he teased.  “Baby, I never bail.”
   “I can’t tell you how glad I am to hear that,” Vivian declared as the waiter brought Zane a beer and refilled her water. 
   “But, here’s the thing—” he started to say as soon as the waiter left.
   “No,” she moaned.  “Not the thing.” 
   There was only one thing of Zane’s that she wanted to hear about. 
   “Here’s the thing,” Zane continued, laughing.  “Some guys have rules about buds dating their sisters.  Sisters, cousins, moms.  Guys get weird thinking the women in their lives have sex.  They get even weirder when they know the guy putting the moves on that sex.”
   Lips pursed, Vivian propped her elbow on the table, rested her chin on her fist and fluttered her lashes. 
   “Aren’t you taking a leap there, assuming we’d definitely be having sex?”
   Zane blinked, looked horrified for one second, then shook his head.
   “I’m speaking generally, not specifically.”  Then he narrowed his eyes.  “Are you saying that you see this thing between us as platonic?”
   “Of course not.  I plan on having a great deal of sex with you,” she purred.  “A mind-blowing amount, as a matter of fact.” 
   “Mind blowing, hmm?”
   “Indeed.”  She reached out with her free hand to trail her fingers over the back of his knee.  Up his thigh, then back down again.  Oh, baby, even through denim, his muscles were rigidly impressive. 
   He clamped his hand down, locking hers down on his thigh. 
   “Only one thing.”
   “Only one?”
   “Only one.”  Zane entwined his fingers through hers.  “Your brother.” 
“Oh, please,” she objected.  “Like you’re afraid of my brother?  The man wears argyle socks and loafers, for crying out loud.”
   Zane’s snicker escaped before he could stop it, then he shook his head.  “Mike’s footwear isn’t the issue. The fact that you’re his little sister is the issue.”
   Vivian debated for a handful of approaches. 
She could keep blathering about her brother.  That’d put an end to either of their interest in anything after a while.  Mike was like a sedative. 
She could offer him an easy out, a simple excuse to end the evening so he wasn’t in danger of violating his bro code.  Given there was a lifelong friendship involved, that’d be the nicest thing to do. 
   She could seduce Zane into forgetting about the bro code, which would ensure her one night of dreams-come-true-ecstasy.  
   Or she could do the unthinkable.
   Vivian took a deep breath, her eyes locked on Zane’s face.  He had such a sweet smile and sexy eyes.  And there were dreams at stake here, dammit. 
   So she reached into her bag to do the unthinkable. 
   “What are you doing?”
   She finished dialing her brother’s number.
   “Getting you a bro code clearance.”
   “Mike,” she said the minute he picked up.  “Let’s play what if. What if I have the hots for one of your friends?  What if this friend wants to make a move but he’s worried about upsetting you, so I want to make the move instead?  What would your feelings be on that?”
   “He’s afraid of me?” Mike laughed.  “Wish him luck.” 
   “Okey dokey,” she agreed, hanging up and giving Zane her most seductive smile. 
   Zane gave her a long look, the kind that made her want to squirm in her seat and breathe a little heavier. 
   Then he smiled. 
   “You know he thinks you’re referring to Lenny, don’t you?”
   Vivian ran her tongue over her lower lip and leaned into the table. Just enough to highlight her cleavage. She waited until Zane’s gaze returned to her eyes before giving a delicate little shrug. 
   “Can I help it if my brother is an idiot?” 
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