#did mew used to look like mewtwo in the past is that why mewtwo turned out the way it did in the first place?!
lollitree · 1 year
The existence of mega Mewtwo annoys me lore wise
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theangrypokemaniac · 4 years
Ma and Pa James's Second Biggest Fan (we plough a lonely furrow) continues to find Ma Jess's appeal mystifying, since everything about her is negative:
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1. Signing up for Team Rocket suggests someone of a morally dubious character to start with, but the truth lies in the clothing, and she's in black!
It's code for her personality:
• Jessie wears white:
Pure, beautiful, innocent, sweet-natured, not really bad, dealt a severe hand in life but a fighter.
• Cassidy wears black:
Speaking of which:
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2. She was Madame Boss's best agent.
You don't get there being kind.
To reach that standing requires hundreds of successful heists, and we aren't talking nicking gold bars. It's living things.
How many Pokémon do you imagine she stole with merciless efficiency?
How many children did she set upon, pinching every animal they had?
How many innocent lives did she ruin by depriving kids of the pets they loved, never to see them again, eaten away with the not-knowing and the false hope?
The glory of her reign ran on the fuel of blood and tears.
What fate do you envision awaited those Pokémon? It's not exchanging one master for another, it's entering slavery.
Jessie and James aren't the epitome of Team Rocket. They are minnows on the outskirts, despised and mocked by most of their fellow members. The actual group isn't particularly famous for prioritizing Pokémon welfare.
The preferable outcome is being handed out to agents to help catch other victims. Otherwise it's transformation into a war machine, forced to fight on and on to the point of exhaustion and death, no doubt tortured and tested on to boot.
What happens if they don't come up to scratch or are pushed for years until too aged and broken to be of any use? Are Team Rocket ready to pension them off to animal sanctuary?
As if. It's euthanasia or on to the streets to waste away, if not fed to the strongest first.
Ma Jess knew this and worse occurred thanks to her, yet paid it no mind, and felt not a single twinge of guilt in that time of service, then met her end trying to draw another Pokémon into imprisonment.
Some might say it was a case of what goes around, comes around. As her behaviour led to God knows how many Pokémon dying alone, leaving their loved ones to wonder and grieve, so in turn did she die alone in the snow, and Jessie had to carry on without her.
I'm not against Ma Jess, I neither feel like or dislike, but I don't understand how so many fans can happily overlook her murky past of inflicting pain, instead elevating her to a semi-divine tragic heroine, yet apparently Ma and Pa's heinous offences of not stealing and treating Pokémon well are beyond forgiveness.
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3. It's the Red Ribbon Army! Save yourselves!
Jessie joined Team Rocket to follow in Ma's footsteps. James went with her. Both moved (upwardly in scale, downwardly in morals) from Sunny Town's gang of petty thief kids to a complex Mafia organisation stretching its wriggling tentacles around the world to crush the air from its lungs.
Why? Ma Jess's baleful influence led the two down that path.
Of course Jessie wants to copy Ma, how and where else can she feel close to her?
There's not even a grave to visit!
Rising in the ranks and Giovanni's favour is both to strike it rich and take her place, becoming Ma in essence. That would make her proud, which is all Jessie ever wanted.
What alternative is there? Stay with Chopper and Tyra forever, ekeing an existence pickpocketing and shoplifting, until mortality comes calling sooner than is welcome, or get loaded quickly and retire early?
James theoretically could've gone home at this point, but when it came to which angry redhead he preferred to beat him up, he chose Jessie.
He was henceforth obliged to go whenever she led, even if it meant following the ghost of her mother into the jaws of evil.
They have an excuse, but what was Ma's for getting involved?
However much they boast and revel in their wickedness, the motto proves the couple still believe themselves on a noble quest, despite everything to the contrary, and why?
Jessie isn't about to accept that Ma Jess, whom she's probably idolized as one of few people to love her and a role model of how a woman should be, was nasty or unpleasant. If she was in Team Rocket, it must be good, whatever the outer appearance.
Except Jessie and James are bad at being bad. They are not master criminals. All their plans fail, rendering them poor and starving in consequence. The inner circle of Team Rocket will always be barred to them because they lack the inner darkness it requires.
The joke is they flourish in any other occupation, whether that be Salon Rocquet, reporters, or flogging merchandise and food at the League. If employed elsewhere they'd be better off, but they have to stay because Jessie can't let go, or bear the thought she might be a disappointment to her mother's name. A different career looks unworthy by comparison.
What, so Ma and Pa have got no son because of Ma Jess? They just wanted him to be a gentleman!
If she hadn't set such a terrible example to her daughter she might have an increased quality of life, but then had she done so Ma wouldn't be dead in the first place.
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4. Can't pick 'em can she?
What was it that first attracted Ma to Windy Miller? Does she go for the rustic charm, or the promise of a lifetime's supply of bread to feed the abundance of babies planned?
Don't do it, Ma! He's an alky!
Some birds are like that you see. It's the maternal instinct gone haywire. They find a local reprobate and somehow decide he's really a damaged soul crying out for love, the scapegoat of a cruel society.
He's not evil, he's just misunderstood!
This is why you get nutters wanting to marry the Yorkshire Ripper: they put his 'mischief' down to bad women mistreating his gentle heart, but they of course are devoted to his happiness. They can change him.
You don't know him like I do!
In their fantasy, under the influence of a 'proper' woman he'll transform in to a flower-picking hippie, but not too much, they still like him to be dangerously 'manly' (keeps 'em on their toes), then they can feel smugly superior and more truly female than the 'lesser' breed who failed to tame his sexy pashuns.
And if there's one thing Windy has in abundance, it's raw animal magnetism.
Stop it, Ma! You can't help those who don't want helping!
She put up with the boozing, the flour dust and his somewhat limited communication skills, but what really let him down was the company he kept.
Ever after she would insist Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub led him astray. That's firemen for yer.
Cuthbert? That name's died out.
Sure enough, some point after Ma Jess was stuffed up the spout, old Windy legged it back to Camberwick Green, like the rascal he is, and not a sweet penny piece did she receive in maintenance, the bastard.
At least Ma James got pregnant by a man who stood by her.
She wasn't married to Windy Miller!
Oh, you mean they were living over the brush? I see.
It's all in your head!
Do it my way, and we have Pa Jess. Do it yours, and we're back to a cavernous emptiness. Unless you can supply a picture of the 'real' (pffft) Pa Jess, this is the best available.
Anyway, 'Jessie Miller' just sounds right.
Coincidence? I think not.
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5. She went to look for Mew dressed like this.
I could forgive it had she gone in her normal uniform, that's just whimsy, but to have made some effort emphasises that it's not enough!
Some part of her understood a mountain might be a bit parky out, but this was deemed sufficient coverage!
What happened?
She bloody died didn't she?!
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6. Ma Boss points the way to doom.
Ma Jess was at least loyal to the mistress she served, but it was a wasted dedication. She squandered her life obeying a heartless virago who could cast aside apparently valued staff without a qualm, whatever thanks she owed them.
The millions Ma Jess accumulated for Madame are probably uncountable, yet she was so worthless that, when dispatched to the mountain, on her own, expected to catch a Legendary Pokémon, by herself, which many doubted even existed, and wasn't likely to come quietly, or put up with orders, but then didn't come back, Madame Boss allowed her only child to sink into poverty and the infamous 'care' of the State.
Everyone knows what goes on there. Entering a home has replaced the workhouse as the place of dread.
Jessie might have been killed or attacked and it didn't remotely concern Madame Boss, unwilling to spare a meagre fraction of her massive fortune to give the girl she made an orphan any comfort or security.
What did she matter? Her mother failed. Why reward that?
In her turn, Jessie became just as obsequious to an undeserving master, who went further than his mama and actively tried to murder her, and still she suffers to please him.
Team Rocket devoured her mother, and now it's swallowed her.
Oh, and Madame Boss got her way upon discovering Mew's fossil, so Ma Jess died for nothing.
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7. This.
I'm not surprised Mew wouldn't go with Ma. She probably sensed the vivisection awaiting, and didn't give a toss about the avalanche in revenge.
Mew hasn't got where she is today falling for any old shallow promises from a stranger, thank you.
Suppose the mission had worked, with Mew caught and gift wrapped for Madame's delectation: what then?
Perhaps Mew's power, proving so impressive, would've pushed any cloning scheme aside, leaving Mewtwo unborn and Mew as the mightiest weapon. Or in greed Madame Boss demands more, and in arrogance the scientists promise the earth, the seas and the heavens.
Mew I could see subjected to some non-lethal form of dissection, just to understand how she ticked, that is if they could build the cage to hold her.
As they couldn't, and catching Mew was never a possibility, then Ma Jess's sacrificed herself on a fool's errand, which was obviously one from the outset. If Mew was easy to handle she'd have been captured long before now.
Either Ma dies, Mew's safe, but Madame Boss starts the cloning scheme anyway, or Ma's victorious, Mew is a tool of Team Rocket and the scientists have more sample to experiment upon. Mewtwo is still made, alongside short-lived creations and dozens of unseen freakish abominations preceding.
Now Mewtwo isn't what you call at peace with himself, nor has he received a particularly wholesome experience. One could think Ma indirectly caused that. Her branch of the project may have fizzled to cinders but she still played her role.
What would her legacy have been but to help bring forth the being that wiped out mankind? Where's the future for Jessie when there isn't one?
It's not her fault, but she died in the name of cloning a biological disaster, the creation of synthetic life leading to the destruction of it all.
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8. Let's have a gander at Ma in the anime:
• Can afford rent.
• Can afford a tray.
• Can afford crockery.
• Can afford condiments to add flavour to food.
• Can't afford any actual food.
Something's wrong there.
I intended to include affording clothes too, but now I'm not so sure.
I never took Ma to be a brown-all-over kind of woman. At least she gave the fancy stuff to Jessie.
For years I've assumed she wore a brightly coloured jacket, but now I suspect it's a red one heavily patched up, because buying a replacement isn't an option.
Really old clothes are being mended with whatever can be salvaged from even more worn-out clobber.
Best agent Madame Boss has and she's practically living in her own filth.
Team Rocket takes care of its own, eh?
Oh no, let's not get a proper job, one that allows me to provide for my daughter and doesn't ask for my life. Let's stay in this one!
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9. Look at Jessie's face!
By her own admission, being tricked into eating snow is the best thing that ever happened to her during an 'otherwise wretched childhood', to the extent she doesn't know it was wrong!
I don't hear Ma and Pa doing that. The only ice James got was an ice-cream sandwich.
What kind of infancy did Ma Jess give the girl for her to be nostalgic about almost dying of malnutrition?
If we say that's a foster mother as in the sub, it means Jessie's fondest memory is after Ma died, which is too brutal for me.
Yeah, thank goodness she's snuffed it.
You think Ma might have taught her not to eat snow! She left her so ill-prepared!
Consequently the sub version makes Ma Jess an awful creature, although I don't see why that Jessie would so desire to mimic a mom she apparently doesn't care about.
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10. She's not even bloody here!
I have no picture to signify absence, therefore I must show whom she left behind.
Ma Jess is Pokémon's answer to Bobba Fett: background figure, barely involved, no information, dies early, yet became a fan favourite nevertheless.
If nothing really exists, what is there to like? Why are you contented weaving smoke?
When Rocketshippers put forward the manga as proof, the Anti-Ships used to insist that it 'didn't count' for being set in a 'separate universe'.
If that still goes, and only the contents of the anime apply to the anime, well then it's bye-bye to Ma Jess and Madame Boss, because they aren't real either.
I sometimes think that's true. However traumatic, would Jessie not have acknowledged her mother by now otherwise?
We grasp the characters all had two parents in a nebulous fashion, although not being real people means they don't 'technically' need them, but Ma Jess is the only one who vanished to be granted a face. Why is she then ignored?
She's briefly glimpsed in a passing scene of a single episode of the first series and is never seen or referenced again. The sub doesn't even have that. Where was the use in creating her if only to leave that thread of the tale billowing in the breeze?
We may decide her actions affect Jessie's but we're only imprinting assumptions. She might as well have remained unwritten for all that's made of her.
What we can glean doesn't bode well, irrespective of things left unmentioned.
Her one redeeming deed was dying, thus at least she didn't choose to abandon Jessie. We may presume she'd have stayed with her girl given the chance.
By my reckoning that puts her as Fifth-Best Mother Of Pokémon, behind Ma Brock, Ma James, Dame Ketchum and Ma Boss, in that order.
Then they're those who claim she never died, so she just pissed off like everyone else, rendering her devoid of a single positive quality.
This is the woman you sigh and agonise over for decades.
Ma and Pa are right there, man! Show 'em some love!
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championfrita · 5 years
Creepiest Locations in Pokémon
So, I don't really do Top 10 lists or stuff like that but I recently recieved Black 2 from a friend and reached one of the creepy game locations (you know what I'm talking about).
Suffice to say, I thought I'd talk a little about the creepiest locations in Pokemon.
Without further ado, let us begin!
Strange House - Unova Region
Yeah yeah, playing Black 2 so OF COURSE I'd put this on the list, right? Well that's not why. I put this on the list because it, for me, is the CREEPIEST location in Pokemon. Having not played White 2 in a while (because I lost it heh heh ^^') I had mostly forgotten it until now. I find Strange House to be the creepiest location in Pokemon not just because of the way it looks. The entire thing is Hellagar creepy. Not only does it have some of the eeriest music ever, but the furniture moves on it's own. AND YOU CAN HEAR IT MOVING. Straight up paranormal crap guys (and I'd know, I have paranormal investigative training and I'm a sensitive). When I first encountered this place I was super tentative about walking around inside. I jumped three feet when the first Pokemon Battle activated, no joke. Not to mention the backstory. A little girl put in an eternal nightmare by Darkrai who never wakes up and dies in her sleep? Yeah, no thanks. *horrified shuddering* Let's move on, shall we?
Old Chateau - Sinnoh Region
Yeah, you guys kinda expected this one huh? I put this on the list because it also has some seriously creepy music. Sure, Strange House is creepy, but mostly on the inside. Old Chateau is creepy ALL AROUND. Even the dilapidated exterior just screams "Yeah btw I have demons locked up in here, that a problem bro?" HELLGAR YES, IT IS! But that isn't even the creepiest part. The Chateau is straight up haunted. Ghosts of residents and even a butler can be found wandering around inside. Encountering them is for the most part a random event, except for the little girl, who you simply encounter by entering rooms on the second floor in order. Still not the creepiest part. In one of said rooms is a painting...who's EYES MOVE WITH YOU SO IT IS ALWAYS WATCHING. Plus in the kitchen possessed tableware flies at you if you stay too long. Even better? Find all the ghosts and a secret door under the stairs opens up to take you to the basement. Lovely. And guess who's down there? The creepy as Shuppet Gengar who's been using that painting I mentioned earlier to stalk you. I was so afraid of this place that I wouldn't enter it for like 2 years after the games came out. One look and I was like "Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Did I say NOPE?!"
Lavender Tower - Kanto Region
This is obviously a classic from my childhood. Lavender Tower was the original creepfest of Pokemon, and while it may not actually be all that scary anymore, going in there without a Silph Scope was terrifying as a kid. Literally everything was a ghost, not just the ACTUAL ghost of Marowak that haunted the place. Even your Pokemon were too scared to fight in this place. Not to mention the crazy as Shuppet Channelers walking around the joint. Yeesh. Get a life guys.
Caves - All Regions
I know, I know. You're all thinking, Seriously?! You're afraid of CAVES?! Well hold on. Have you ever walked one without Flash, back in the old days when the screen was just black? It's not so much the dark that's terrifying. It's the idea of never escaping that cave. Of being lost in there forever because you can't bear to lose those Pokemon you've spent months lovingly raising. Without Flash, your options were: Try and stumble around in the dark hoping to get lucky and find a way out, or restart your game and do things from the beginning because you done messed up my friend. Horrible. Not to mention you had no idea what might be down there.
Kaminko's House - Orre Region
I don't care what you say, when the screen suddenly goes black and white and some deranged lunatic comes flying out of a creepy mansion surrounded by dead trees roving like a madman to challenge you to a battle, it's creepy. It may not be super scary, but still creepy. Especially when you enter the building and discover that it's home to basically a mad scientist. For a while I thought the player character, Michael, was gonna almost get murdered. Super weird stuff in there I tell you.
Scary House - Kalos Region
Not actually that scary. The way this location becomes pretty creepy is by watching the XY anime episode that goes with it. It reveals the house to basically be a house of horrors for Ash and friends. The old man they find there says it's all for the sake of saying hello the Ghost Pokemon Way. Entertaining his guests with a good scare as it were, except that at the end of the episode both he AND THE HOUSE DISAPPEAR. Then they reappear for Team Rocket. A DISAPPEARING HOUSE?! How is that NOT creepy?
Chargestone Cave - Unova Region
It's dark, weird stones float around, and it has creepy music. Yeah, no thanks. That being said, I absolutely LOVE Chargestone Cave. It is one of my favorite locations in Pokemon, but it's still creepy. You can practically FEEL the supercharged air through the game screen, which sets off all your instincts to flee, and you never know when a Pokemon is gonna suddenly attack you. It just has an all around creepy feeling to it.
Pokemon Mansion - Kanto Region
Oh look, and abandoned mansion. Let's go look inside! Creepy music and statues with switches and eyes that light up? Great! Oh boy, a book! Let's read it. Oh it's a journal…with the creation of a superstrong clone of Mew in it…Oh yeah, btw you're just casually walking around in a place where Mewtwo SLAUGHTERED ALL OF IT'S CREATORS. LOVELY! No big deal, just an abandoned house of DEATH. And you better have an Escape Rope with you if you plan to jump off that broken floor, cuz if you don't you'll be stuck there…FOREVER. Place is super creepy. And thanks to the one and only Braxton Burks and his musical reboot called Kanto Symphony, it just got creepier. Woo!
Route 217 - Sinnoh Region
Yup. I'm just gonna paste this snippet from Bulbapedia:
“If the player re-enters the house near the Ice Rock after the Spell Tag is obtained, the woman that gives it has disappeared. When obtaining the Spell Tag, her speech is: "...A person...? ...A rare sight... ...Thank you for visiting... ...A gift..." The nature of the item, in conjunction with Ace Trainer Olivia's comments of hauntings in the area, implies that the woman was a ghost, specifically a Yuki-onna.”
A Yuki-onna is a Japanese ghost woman who froze to death and roams snowcovered mountains waiting to kill people. It's a wonder the player survived. O.O
N's Room - Unova Region
I LOVE N. Love, love, LOVE him, but his room is creepier than a Mega Banette in a dark alley. N obviously has some serious mental issues, and it's this implication of dereanged mental health, combined with equally deranged music, that makes this place so darn creepy. The whole CASTLE is creepy, but this room takes the cake for creepiest room in the whole building.
Abandoned Site - Alola Region
Not exactly THE scariest location, this newest of creep fests lies in the context of it and the idea of being there in person. I know I'd find it super eerie, especially at night and when Accerola mentions she thinks you're crazy because the room you found Mimikyu in doesn't exist. Gave me some chills, let me tell you. Observant players will notice Mimikyu in the background of this scene, shuffling away behind the chainlink fence.
Pokémon School - Alola Region
While normally cheery and upbeat, if the player does a sidequest in UltraSun and UltraMoon this innocent place of learning turns into the stuff of nightmares. A creepy little girl and her Drifloon want you to look into some rumors...and appear only at night. The music makes for utterly terrifying atmosphere that will give you chills, especially if you find your own school creepy at night. While the occurences turn out to be completely harmless or normal things they make for some heartpounding suspense, and the little girl and Drifloon mysteriously disappear after you finish investigating. Creepy. It is strangely satisfying if you time it right like me and end up completing the quest at in game dawn though.
And that's about it. What locations do YOU think are creepy? Let me know in the comments!
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lil-purplebird · 5 years
Handle with Care - Chapter Thirteen
Fandom: Pokémon
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance/Drama
Words: 16,494
Pairing: Mewtwo/Mew
Summary: Having been loving mates for five years, Mew desires for a baby, even though Mewtwo feels the opposite, believing he cannot have offspring. As strong as their bond is, receiving nothing but bad news and unfortunate events slowly tears them apart and pushes their relationship to the edge. A fragile heart can break in any hand that handles it for too long. It can be put back together as many times as possible, but it’ll never be the same.
Note: while the fan fic is still on-going, uploading the chapters are going to be sporadic at best. The chapters may be uploaded daily, weekly, or whenever I get banners finished.
Can also be read here.
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The cold twilight air stung her nostrils and throat when Mew slowly inhaled, rubbing at her eyes for what had to be the fourth time since getting up. She blinked up at the dark trees, picking at the corners of the card and readjusting her scarf to cover her shoulders. Her ears perked as Mewtwo exited the house and locked the door, having just finished his last-minute security checks. Once he pinned a note beneath the knocker, he turned to look at her with a gentle, yet tired, smile on his lips.
“Nervous, dear?”
She shook her head a little as he walked up to her side, throwing on his cloak. “I'm just a bit sorry we're leaving on such short notice.”
Leaving before the break of dawn wasn't ideal either, but neither of them had slept well to begin with. Mew had tried, it was just too awkward to lie beside him after months of having the bed to herself.
“Have any of the neighbors made plans with you?” he inquired.
“Not at all.”
“Then there are no regrets to be had.” He rubbed his cold knuckles against her cheek, which she shivered from. “They will understand.”
The petite feline shifted a little, glancing over at the note to find Mewtwo had written only two simple sentences:
               We left for a small vacation. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Mew knew he was right that they didn't need an explanation. She could briefly recall Wigs telling her however-long-ago to take a vacation, and the others were quick to agree. Even Marjorie, whom she hadn't spoken to (let alone seen) since the fight, reportedly wanted her to go on one, and wished for a full recovery. For all of her faults, the specter had a good heart when it came to her neighbors.
Placing her hand in his, she passed him the invitation. “Do you happen to recognize the address?”
Skimming through it, the clone shook his head a little. “Nothing comes to mind. We just need to pop into a human services center for a quick research, is all.”
She grimaced a little. “But we'll get caught...”
“That is why we are leaving early. Most of them have of yet to open their doors.”
“But it'll take a couple of hours to get to the nearest city by flight,” she added, tugging at her scarf.
A chill ran up her spine at the sly beam in his eye, and her mouth formed an “O” in realization. Holding her close with an arm, he covered her eyes with his other hand, coaxing her to relax and clear her mind. There was a slight howl of wind and sensation of stretching past dimensions before he released her a second later. Numerous sounds hit her eardrums at once, making her quickly flinch and throw up a shield before she would look around.
They were in an alley, the walls and trash bins covered in crude art and other grime. The streets were empty, but there were clearly sounds of crowds bustling down unseen roads. Right in front of them was a stout but sterile building, the window strip dark to inform them it was of yet to open for business.
Mew stared up at what little of the hazy sky there was before turning to Mewtwo. Her face steadily fell in slight disapproval at the smile he was sporting. “You come here behind my back, don't you.”
“Seldom do I come here,” he rectified unashamedly. “But I did scavenge your cooking utensils from a restaurant near here when we moved into our home.”
“So you did rob from humans?” she gasped, dropping her shield.
“They were replacing them, so I took them off their hands. I sterilized them before use and made repairs where necessary.”
Even with clarification, she still frowned up at him.
Mewtwo gestured for her to wait in place before teleporting inside the building. Mew cautiously approached to peer through the glass as he switched on one of the computers and shortly began operating it. From the bluish glow lit on his face, his brows only furrowed once as he stared thoughtfully at whatever he was looking at. A thought came to mind on how she was lucky to have become friends with him, she knew of no other Pokémon who understood human technology as well as he.
Pawing at the ball of wool dangling from the scarf, the feline cast her eyes about the streets, flinching whenever a figure in the distance walked across an adjacent road. Glancing back inside, she did a double-take at the gleam of lenses installed in a corner behind Mewtwo. In a panic, she transported herself to his side, grabbing him by the shoulders.
“Mewtwo, I think you're being watched!” she announced, pointing at the device above them, then spotted a few more in the office whirling her head about.
He didn't bother turning away from the screen. “I had disabled the cameras when we were outside,” he responded, psychically punching in letters (the moving keys looked to be too small for him, so he was miming a glowing hand above it). “The humans will not notice a thing. Ah, here we are.”
Mew blinked at how bland everything before her looked. “This is human entertainment?”
“It is an information search engine, it is not supposed to look exciting.” Briefly glancing down at the invitation on the desk, he fluidly inserted the address into the white bar in the middle. “These humans need to get better security installed. It was not that hard to hack into their database.”
“You broke into technology?”
Mewtwo gave her an aside glance. “Why should you worry? It is not like I was going to take this home.”
She sighed a little, folding her arms. “But you would, right?”
“Not this particular piece with its flimsy cybersecurity. I would be more comfortable building my own operating system from scratch.” His eyes then lit up at the images that popped up on the screen, and he deeply frowned. “It is the address of the hotel mentioned in the invitation.”
Mew rolled her eyes. “That was pointless,” she muttered.
“Not exactly, since it is located at Indigo Plateau.” He looked down at the printed address again. “Which makes sense, considering his celebrity status.”
“Doesn't matter, it was right there in our faces.”
Mewtwo raised his brows at her. “Why are you getting so worked up over it? Have you ever been there?”
She slightly pursed her lips. “I've traveled a lot myself, so I may have flown by it. Don't give me that look, Mewtwo, I don't always drop by to ask for the name of places I've seen.”
He quickly pulled up a picture of a large stadium. “Then have you seen this before, by any chance?”
Mew tilted her head, glancing away. “...maybe...”
The clone shook his head, doing a few other things on the screen before shutting off the machine, throwing them into shadow. “Not that it matters at this point. I know where the place is, so we shall head there immediately.”
“But the time zones?”
“It is a couple of hours ahead of ours.”
Mew's brows knitted. “So we'll be out in broad daylight?”
“Of course not, we will camp out someplace nearby. When it is dark and quiet, we can go for a walk, go for a swim, go dining, anything you want.”
She squirmed a little in place. “Do we have to sleep 'til then?”
“Not exactly.”
Her ears drooped a little, swiping the card away before crossing her arms. “We should've thought this through.”
He gave her an exasperated look, but still pulled her in close to teleport themselves away. Before her eyes, the gray dreariness transitioned to a highland of luscious greens and blues, the sun having just passed over the mountaintops. They could take it all in from above, everything from the bordering woods to the lively village that surrounded a large stadium. Mew felt an energy reverberating in the air, and the building didn't look like it was currently in use with its closed rooftop.
“Interesting how active it is,” Mewtwo noted. “It is not time for the Indigo League to be hosted, and yet the streets are crowded.”
“People do live here, right?” Mew questioned. “It's just a community with one attraction?”
“It does not have a city population, for certain. Perhaps these are the guests.”
She blinked down at them, slowly sucking in a breath. “He knows all of these people?”
He quietly chuckled. “I suppose so.” Glancing over at her, he nodded his head to the side. “Let us find ourselves shelter. We can tour later, if you wish.”
Tucking the invitation into her scarf, they traveled a ways searching the plateaus for any caves. Finding none, they hunted down any large trees to duck under and ended up combing the perimeter before coming across some pitched tents by the lake. No other signs of humans were nearby except for the occasional intercom announcement in the distance, and despite none of them being currently occupied, Mew wouldn't allow Mewtwo to borrow one.
“That was never my 'intent',” he joked, smirking wryly.
“Seriously, Mewtwo?” she groaned, fixing her scarf.
“It was on im-'poles'.”
She caught on to what he was doing, but she couldn't even muster a scoff. “I'm not in the mood for this, Mewtwo,” she muttered, flying off along the banks.
He was back at her side in the blink of an eye. “How about we play a game?”
Mew furrowed her brows at his sly smile. “Why? Are you up to something?”
“Of course. I will let you pick.”
She frowned a little, not liking this sudden eager side of him. It felt forced, even if it was out of impulse (she shuddered thinking back to his pun moments ago).
With a shrug, he spoke up when she remained quiet, “Well, if you are not going to pick, then I will suggest tag.”
“Mewtwo, you've never played it with me.”
“Times change.”
Mew turned her head, grasping her scarf closer. “I don't like where this is going...”
Swerving in front of her, Mewtwo gently touched her shoulders to stop her, dropping them when she flinched. “I mean it, Mew,” he said softly, his expression faltering. “We agreed to treat this as a vacation. I want to spend time with you, and before we can relax, you will need to take a breather.”
Her gaze lowering, she took a glimpse at the reflections in the water. She couldn't see themselves very well at the angle they were currently at, so she followed the shimmering sun spots toward a rock formation further across the lake where the mouth of the river was. As though drawn to it, she backed away from the clone, shooting him a glance.
“Then can't you pick an activity that you would actually like?” she quietly suggested. “Something that could... give us a little space?”
She almost grimaced from how quickly he answered. “You'll cheat.”
“I will not.” His toes scarcely skimmed the water's surface as he approached her.
She matched his gait-like speed while still keeping a respectable distance. “You find a way to cheat at everything.”
“And I am telling you, you cannot cheat at sex.”
“And I'm saying you would find a way!”
“Everything has loopholes.”
The feline whipped around fast enough for the bulb of her tail to sweep over the cool surface. She tried to look past the mischievous twinkle she caught in his eye. “Are you pulling my leg? That has to be it, right?”
With a smirk, he swooped in to snatch one of her legs and pull it to his side. “Now I am,” he purred.
Mew blushed as her heart fluttered and her hands curled against her chest, realizing she had been played. “Wha... what has gotten into you?!”
His fingers gently squeezed. “Your face is red, a result of being thrust into a situation that has made you embarrassed, or aroused.”
She immediately shoved herself away and hurried over to the rocks, only to turn around and shout, “That's not funny, Mewtwo!”
“Well, I thought it was clever.”
“It's not! Your jokes aren't funny, Mewtwo!” Mew swallowed down the lump that threatened to break her voice. Sitting down, she bunched up the scarf around her lower face even though the growing heat (both from the daylight and her still-pounding heart) was making her squirm in discomfort.
A quiet moment passed before she looked back up, noticing he hadn't budged from where he levitated. Despite the eye-contact, she had a feeling he wasn't actually looking at her. It was after he tilted his head back that he spoke again, “If we are finished with our bantering, do you wish to accompany me for a morning swim?”
She gradually scowled as his words sank in. Glancing down at the water for a second, she slowly shook her head. “This isn't like you,” she murmured. “None of this is adding up.”
“Could you speak up, dear? The rapids are a tad loud here.”
Gritting her teeth and fur bristling, she raised her voice, “Just go on without me. Only you are crazy enough to swim in the winter.”
He kept quiet, making her squirm at how profound his eyes looked. Then he canted his head, casting a shadow over half of his face. “Interesting. Well, as a brief reminder, I still remember the time when our roles were once reversed.” He turned to dive into the water, cloak and all, and vanished.
Staring after where he left, Mew curled up in her scarf and dropped her eyes to the folded card. Tapping her toes together, hollow pangs vibrated in her chest as his words sank in. “I guess... you can't help lying to yourself, too.”
Dropping his façade, Mewtwo made his way back to shore, but remained hidden by keeping to the treetops. With ease, he dried himself and his cloak off without slowing in his drifting while minding his distance from the village. He didn't have a reason for going on a stroll through the outskirts, and it was possible his weariness from a restless sleep still had a hold on him, but he needed some space for a quick breather. The hassle with Mew's unstable attitude was something he had expected to go through, yet it was no less frustrating having her constantly shoot him down.
A peal of giggles brought him pause, noticing he had come across something he shouldn't have. It was clear it was spontaneous given how the couple had deliberately isolated themselves from the crowds to have some privacy. They weren't very aware of their surroundings, too engrossed in cozying up to one-another and giving in to desire beneath the shade. Mewtwo knew better than to spy on them, and once the man's hand disappeared under the woman's blouse, he went down a different path to clear his thoughts.
By the time the clone returned to Mew with a handful of fruits he had scavenged for breakfast, he found her asleep, buried in her scarf and invitation in hand. While disappointed he had missed his chance to voice his concerns right then, he honestly couldn't blame her for being fatigued. Carefully picking the feline up, he followed the river until he found a ridge partially hidden by a hanging tree they could take shelter on. Gently tugging the cloth away and rolling it into a makeshift pillow, he lay her down on it in the shade as well as her share, slipped the card beneath the scarf, then sat down by the riverbank to watch the current.
Slowly munching on an apple, Mewtwo mulled on if they had made the right choice given their rife situation. The events of yesterday were still too fresh and they had lacked the energy and fortitude to fully talk about it. How was he certain leaving the house for a few days could heal them? Even if it was to help them look at it from a different point-of-view, what were they going to accomplish? Were they going to swallow down enough pride to confess their wrongdoings, or try to warp it into something that was “necessary”? What question or confession was going to be the clincher, for better or for worse?
How were any of them going to forgive each other? Could they even forgive themselves for hurting not just each other but everyone around them? Would it be able to patch up their reputations?
Huffing, Mewtwo hurled the apple core he had finished into the bushes and reached for the next fruit in the pile. It didn't take long for him to find himself subconsciously fiddling with the seeds he picked out, and remembered how he'd consult with Mew about the kinds of foods she wanted to grow and would pocket the ones she wanted to take home. Having been without a garden for weeks didn't change his habit, but he chose not to bother and instead flicked the seeds out of sight.
Rising, he glanced up at the sky where he noticed clouds were rolling in, and studied the ridge. Rain wasn't absolute, though there was no way to keep themselves out of the elements. Choosing to wing it, Mewtwo flapped out his cloak before tying a corner on a branch with nearby creeping ivy, and the other end pinned under a boulder. As he smoothed it out and down the sides, he glanced over at Mew, who was still sound asleep. He didn't expect to hear from her in a while, yet when he strained his ears, he caught a mumble.
Cautiously, he slipped through the cloak to sneak closer, peering down at her profiled face until her body repositioned onto her stomach, bending a leg doing so. The tip of her tail gently plodded and an ear flicked, a movement he couldn't help cracking a smirk over. Careful not to nudge her, he enclosed the scarf around her.
Then a small breath hitched which made him wince, immediately followed by her upper body tensing, and eyelids and nose twitching. Mewtwo held himself back from touching her cheek, unsure if it was just a result of her dreaming until he noticed sweat was developing on her neck. He glanced down right as her hips lurched slightly, a string of drool dripping off her bottom lip as another quiet gasp escaped her.
Not liking what he was seeing, he straightaway shook her by the shoulder, and Mew jerked some more and choked on her voice. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked disoriented for a few seconds before her vision settled on him. He quickly sat back to avoid looking suspicious, hoping his expression was neutral.
“I apologize for waking you,” he said. “I brought you some breakfast.”
“Huh?” was what she uttered before rubbing the back of her paw on her lips, seemingly unaware her face was still flushed. “'S breakfas' now?”
“If you wish.” He gestured to her pile. “But if you are not hungry, you can sleep some more. I was just transporting you to a safer spot out of the sun.”
She blinked up at him, then dropped her gaze to poke a berry. “Oh...”
Mewtwo's jaw locked a bit when he caught a glimpse of a small wet spot as she eased herself up. “What were you dreaming about?” he couldn't help asking.
Mew visibly went tense. “Mm... surfing.”
He knew she was fibbing, but he didn't wish to probe her further. “Interesting.”
“Yeah... it was weird.”
“Hm.” The clone scooted backward to duck under the cloak.
“Where're you going? What's with...?” She trailed off, sweeping her eyes above her.
“It is to keep the rain out, and perhaps some privacy from passersby.” It felt as if he stumbled on his response, thinking only half of it made sense. For whatever reason, he zoned in on “privacy” like it presently meant anything to them. In the off-chance they weren't in the middle of a fight, would it even be proper to be intimate just before attending another's wedding ceremony?
“But where're you going?” she repeated.
“I will be scouting the area some more. I advise you to keep your explorations brief if you wish to go out.” Mewtwo then hopped down from the ledge and followed the riverbend. His eyes were focused forward, yet his thoughts remained back with Mew to relay every movement, every sharp breath she had made.
Over the rushing waters, he could hear the trilling chirps and songs of any Pokémon in the area, obvious mating calls—odd, as mating season was typically in the spring. Bird and insect Pokémon occasionally darted out of the trees in playful chases, small mammalian Pokémon tumbled out of bushes or pursued each other in the opposite direction, an exception being a pair of Buizel leaping out of the water with other fish Pokémon, and there were Stantler resting by the bank nuzzling each other. The distant hiss of a waterfall got him to continue down the path, and once he reached it, he checked for a hidden opening.
Pausing beneath the spray, Mewtwo slumped against the rocks, hands balled into fists. What was he thinking in looking for a secluded area, anyway? What was the point? He might as well scout the area like he said he was doing, but then why didn't he invite Mew to accompany him? She would've liked to follow the river, perhaps play around a waterfall or two. If it took them further into the mountains, so be it, more wildlife to see and explore, more inhabitants to meet, more opportunities for privacy—
The clone quickly soaked his head under the falls, pulling away only to clear his eyes and nose. “Give me a distraction!” he growled to himself, or perhaps to anything in earshot. His mind's eye continued to converge on Mew, but he got an idea when he swept his gaze along the waterfall. Taking in a breath, he stepped back beneath it and flattened his palms together at his sternum. His chin dipped slightly, he attempted to ignore all sensations the running water assaulted him with and gently closed his eyes.
The first thing he noticed was he either got used to the cold or he lost all feeling, but focusing on that tidbit was bringing back that stinging temperature. He diverged his thoughts toward his aura, recalling his source of harnessed power to spread it evenly throughout his body. Warmth followed suit, and he steadied his breathing, allowing the cool air to disperse inside his core before expelling heat to counterbalance. Overlaid all of that was his heartbeat, a powerful yet relaxed rhythm felt not just in his chest but his entire venous system. Delving deeper, he sensed his spirit pulling itself out from the darkness, covered with burning cracks that needed to be mended.
I miss her...
The quiet blip of a worldly thought caused him to flinch for a moment and counteract, No, empty your thoughts and close yourself off from the world. There is no room for two, let alone one. Concentrate. Forget everything, all of the source of your troubles. Focus...
His inner eye caught the glimpse of a blurry figure zipping through the void, leaving behind faint afterimages in its wake. His balance was knocked askew upon recognition, his heartbeat splitting into two with one half dropping below his center. He attempted to reel it back swiftly and calmly, but then a pair of blue irises froze him in place. A mixture of familiarity and yearning pierced his mind, and a voice not his own pealed like bells around him.
It conflicted him on how to respond, should he dare to acknowledge it. His breaths wavered, and a physical touch was pulling his body out from nothingness. His heart was out-of-sync by then, the bottom part growing heavier and overtaking that which remained in his core. A second heartbeat from the outside made itself known, and a softer breath sounded over his.
Mewtwo... Mewtwo...
Mewtwo jerked as one of the cracks widened, being pried apart by wandering fingers. He felt exposed, ashamed he couldn't protect his weak points from the intrusive entity. And yet, he didn't mind, trusting the hands would put him back the way he was once they were done with him. Judging by the touch, they had an intimate knowledge of him, which oddly gave him peace. Knowing very well of the repercussions of intervention, he reached out for a feel, his fingertips skimming matching heat—
—and he found himself repelled backward, breath knocked senseless out of him when he slammed into the rock. Sliding down into a sitting position, his vision swam out of focus for a few moments before he managed to see the agitation on Mew's face. Drops of water fell from her drenched fur onto his skin, and as he was still manifesting back into the material world, he had a stray thought that he could feel steam enveloping them and a tile wall pressed against his back.
“Mewtwo, are you okay?” she asked through the fog and roar of the waterfall, sounding breathless herself. “Do you remember what you were doing?”
The question baffled him, and he tilted his head as he gathered his thoughts. “Well... I was meditating?”
“I guess?” She frowned as she pulled away from him, much to his disappointment. “You were gone for quite a while. Then it started to rain, and I... I then felt your psychic signature flowing down the river. So I followed it.”
Feeling uneasy he had been broadcasting, the clone staggered to his feet. “I apologize for making you worry, Mew. I needed to clear my head.”
“Of what?”
Mewtwo inwardly cringed, catching a glimpse of her crestfallen expression before she floated back out into the open. He noticed the pouring rain then and hurried after her, psychically throwing up a full-body shield to deflect the raindrops. She shot a glance over her shoulder at him when he reached her, and stared at his out-stretched hand.
“You are going to catch a cold, Mew,” he said, softly.
She pointedly locked her gaze on him. “Being under a waterfall in the winter is a surefire way to get sick,” she retorted.
He couldn't help a chuckle even though it felt like a stab in the back. “We both are gluttons for punishment, I suppose.”
Her ears drooped at that, and she dejectedly swerved her tail into his hand. Once the rain rolled off her, she shook her fur dry just to recoil nearly out of his hold when he reflexively reached out to help. Tearing his eyes away from her, he led the way downstream, keeping his grip on her tail loose and trying to swallow down his heart.
It wasn't very long before she broke the awkward silence, although she almost went unheard. “Mewtwo?”
“Hm?” He quickly cleared his throat. “Yes, Mew?”
She wriggled a little in discomfort, and he quickly strained his hearing to pick out her voice. “I... I-I really am sorry about everything. It was just awful what I did... and all I did was hate myself...”
She was shamefully withdrawing back into herself. Not wanting to lose her so quickly, he tried to coax, “Mew, you should not take all of the blame.”
“No, I should,” she pressed. “I've just been so selfish, so inconsiderate to you and to everyone else. You all just wanted to see me get better... and I kept pushing you all away...”
Mewtwo shook his head. “You were hurt, but what I did was make it worse by not attempting to help you sooner.” He glanced over to find her holding herself, almost curling away from him. “However, I honestly do not know if I was being too hard on you, or not at all. We canceled each other out so much that there has been no sign of progression between us, and yet...”
“Should we have mourned the egg?”
Her voice wavered when she interjected, which brought him pause. Turning away from her haunted expression, the clone momentarily thought back to that cursed day he felt the empty weight in his hands. “That was why I agreed to the cremation,” he solemnly stated. “There was hardly anything to cremate, but it was better to have had a little something to remember... Lucky by. But, well, I suppose I reaped what I sowed for choosing to not consult with you, first.”
Mew fell silent, and they continued onward. Once they rounded the corner and he spotted his cloak, he nudged her forward to duck under first so he could tug on it some more and shake the water off. Compared to the outside, the dry cover had helped trap in a little warmth, although he still felt the chill between them as they sat on opposite ends of the ridge. After scanning over the untouched fruit, he reclined against the cliffside for attempted rest, lolling his head away from her direction and focusing on the hiss of rain.
“...Do you regret becoming my mate, Mewtwo?”
She was still quiet, but it jolted him out of his relaxed state. He didn't dare look over at her, dwelling on her question in the hopes the cool indifference would keep him calm. An agonized twinge rooted him in place upon the recognition they were picking up where they had left off last night, albeit reversed.
He couldn't bring himself to further elaborate his rationale, unsure what to say to such an inquiry. The raw emptiness ached just by brushing up against it, and so by keeping his heart closed off, it could minimize the damage and allow the bruising to fade. And yet the cursed weather prevented that by forcing them to coop up in such close proximity with nothing but their thoughts and bodies to stave off their boredom—
“Then why didn't you answer immediately?”
Mewtwo was glad she poked that sore spot to remind him of their current predicament. He was more growling at himself than he was at her when he blurted out, “Allow me to reiterate, Mew: Do you regret becoming my mate?”
He felt something inside him stir when she whimpered, clearly taken aback by his counter. “O-Of course not, Mewtwo!”
Sitting up, the clone finally faced her in time to see her jolt at his movement, and couldn't stop himself from bringing up a thought that had bothered him. “Then why did you say to me that it was 'typical' of a male to leave his mate behind? You have known me for ten years, Mew. You know how... atypical I am.”
Mew was visibly shaken, but she still managed a grimace. “How could you say that if you never regretted mating with me?” she hissed, her fingers clawing at the ground. “What did you know of mating prior to me?”
He gritted his teeth, feeling a vein throb in his neck as he groaned, “Damn it, Mew, this is why we ran in circles for months! Why should—” He paused when his agitated tail smacked the cliffside and almost swept aside the cloak. Curling it around his hip, he let out a sharp breath before continuing, “Why must we spend so much time mulling over what we had believed in prior to starting a relationship together? How does that help us move forward?”
She shivered and turned away, also wrapping her tail around herself. Outside, a gust of wind brought a heavy volume of rain down on their cover, and she scooted away from the edge she had been coiling up against. Mewtwo took note of the space between them and straightened up, but deep down, he wanted to pull her onto his lap and let her stretch out however she pleased.
“Would you—” she shakily started whispering, only for her voice to catch for a moment. “...W-Would you ever have found a new mate?”
“...You need to be a bit specific, Mew. In what context do you mean by that?” He knew exactly what she was talking about, but he wanted to hear it from her.
She squirmed in discomfort, which gave him some sick relief to see she was in torment, though he figured she never expected him to keep pushing. “Would you have found yourself a new mate if I had continued... doing that?”
A split second of her gasping flashed before his eyes, which he hurriedly pushed away by focusing solely on her hapless, cowering state. “Why would I abandon you just because you were pleasuring yourself?”
He saw her shoulders trembling before he heard her gulp. “I-I never forgot about you, Mewtwo,” she mewled. “I thought of you a lot...”
Although he was fighting back the memory, an echo of her screaming his name and complimenting his anatomy rang in his ears. “Mime mentioned you always had me on your mind,” he said, feeling his throat tighten. “It hurt to see you avoid me, but knowing you could not stop thinking about me kept me motivated.”
Sluggishly, Mew half-turned to look at him, her eyes glazed over. “How about you, then? Were you... thinking of me, too?”
He really didn't want to remember his spiel of loneliness, but he had to be honest with her. “You were all I could think of. But I did not... like doing it.”
“Doing what?”
He needed to quickly clarify and to consciously keep his hands to himself. “I did not like masturbating while thinking about you. I fought so hard to not do it...” He bit his tongue to stop himself from going further, although his pained expression helped in getting his point across. At the moment, it kept his thoughts from drifting back to him crouching and weeping into a rocky corner.
She appeared to scrutinize him before dropping her gaze, looking drained. “...I wish I was as strong as you, Mewtwo. I gave in too easily... I thought up of so many... things you could do to me. And it got out of control...”
You should have come to me for help, his thoughts wanted to be heard, but Mewtwo knew it would set her off because of insensitivity, or she would misinterpret it. He had to hesitate speaking again, unsure exactly where to go from there. With the heavy atmosphere weighing down on them, if there was any hope of getting her to open up to him and carry on a discussion, he needed to lighten the load from her.
Thinking back to how Mime carried his sessions, about what it was what got him to explore his thoughts, he picked at a part of Mew's statement he believed had merit. As originally intended for their “vacation” from home, if they were going to reminisce, he might as well try to bring up what was good between them. Or at least figure out what the cracks were in their foundation.
Carefully planning out his approach, Mewtwo probed, “Have you always fantasied about what you wanted to do with me? Not during these last few months, I am talking about since we have been together.”
Her eyes seemed to gleam for a moment, looking lost in thought. His core wavered anxiously waiting for her response, feeling like he should already know the answer and that it was ridiculous of him to ask. Then it started to mock him, Imbecile, of course she has fantasized doing this-and-that with you! She could hardly keep her hands off of you when she could help it!
“...I did,” she finally answered, but then her face fell. “I was just too nervous... maybe too afraid to ask you if you were okay with them... But that doesn't mean I wasn't happy, Mewtwo.”
He wanted to smile at her comment, yet unfortunately couldn't bring himself to. The inward cackle of Told you so! felt like a reflex, which he quickly brushed off to nod. “I see. I am guilty of that, as well.”
“Really?” She sounded a little surprised by it, which he should've been amused by had she not been so defeated.
“I mean... I have teased them before. But I never went through with them because I like my head where it currently is.” He tried to playfully wink, but it felt too much like a tic to him.
Her mouth opened only to close immediately, her brows furrowing. Thinking she was closing herself off because he staring at her too much, he looked away and noticed the rain had stopped. He took a quick peek outside to make sure, only to frown up at the dark clouds still hovering above.
“Was... was one of those fantasies a sex change?”
It was like a kick to the gut, not having a clue as to where she got that idea from. He whirled around to look at her. “A sex change? In what context?”
Gasping, Mew swiftly turned her back on him. “No... never mind...”
“No, do not pretend to hide it,” he chided. “Give me an explanation, please.”
She shook her head, refusing to look at him. “Mewtwo, no, forget I said it—”
“Tell me what this 'sex change' is about,” he urged, daring to get closer. “Was this one of your fantasies?”
She covered her face to smother a wail, then peered up at him with an ashamed stare. “Please believe me, you really were all I thought about! I-I never thought about having sex with anyone else...”
His heart skipped a beat, suddenly feeling rejected by her words even though that wasn't what she insinuated. “Please tell me, Mew,” he pleaded once more, finding himself leaning in. “Explain how this works.”
She recoiled from him, sobbing, “You're going to think it's gross, or weird!” She yelped when he gripped her shoulders to steady her, eyes scrunching shut to avoid looking at him.
“Mew, I am willing to talk about it. What was it about a sex change that was bothering you?”
“I fantasized you as a female!”
Mewtwo felt as if an icy blade pierced his heart when her cry echoed.
Scarcely giving them breathing room, her face flushed a deep red as she stammered out, “I-It was still you, Mewtwo, I swear! But... oh, God, I had never thought about it before, it just happened! A-And... and it wouldn't go away! I couldn't... I didn't want to stop thinking about it because I liked it!”
His gaze briefly trailed down her quivering figure when her thighs shifted and drew closer to her body. He couldn't catch a glimpse of whatever he was hoping he'd see, a thought which horrified him, and he pulled away from her. Mew broke down harder when he did, finally managing to look up at him.
“You're mad at me, aren't you?!”
“No, I am not—” he tried to deny, but his voice was uncharacteristically quiet.
“You think I'm disgusting, don't you?! Because I am!”
“Mew, no—”
“It was wrong of me to think of you like that, Mewtwo! Don't pretend it was okay!”
He clawed his thighs in frustration. “Damn it, Mew, listen to me—”
“HOW CAN YOU EVEN STAND TO LOOK AT ME, RIGHT NOW?!” she screamed, shaking her whole body. She lost herself to tears before she could breathe long enough to add, “I defiled who you are in so many ways just so I could feel better about myself! I'm a horrible mate, Mewtwo! Why can't you see that?!”
She shot outside and headed up the cliffside before Mewtwo could react.
It was a second too late that he shook it off to exclaim, “Mew, come back!”
He just about tore away the cloak to spring upward in an attempt to reach her as her tail disappeared past the cliff. No matter how fast he was going, her tiny figure allowed her to nimbly flee from him and dodge the trees, and with her aura closed off from him, he was quickly losing sight of her.
“Mew, please, let us talk it over!”
A flying branch cut across his midsection during a turn, knocking the wind out of him, and he tumbled out of the air into brush and mud. He had been swift enough to protect his eyes, but not his recovery time, and knew she had vanished just before he picked himself up. He stumbled along hunched in pain, uncertain if his face was wet from rain or tears.
“Damn! DAMN IT!”
Mewtwo nearly tripped over a raised root just to nick his ankle against the tree trunk, scraped his palms on thorns pushing foliage out of his face, got his tail caught in another prickly bush, then somehow smacked his forehead against a low-hanging branch, all of which he could've easily avoided without a thought he allowed without a care. No matter what cuts and bruises and other forms of humiliation he was getting running through the woods, his thoughts were consistently on Mew's plight. Even if he were to ever find himself entering the village in his stupor, he wouldn't care about the unwanted attention just as long as it would bring her back to him so he could make it up to her.
In his disorientation, he found himself overlooking a rocky hill down at the river, sweeping his eyes along the other side. The cloud cover had gotten thicker and rain was pouring again, which helped in washing him down, but he couldn't care about it. It was nothing compared to air burning his nostrils and throat, which was just a nuisance unlike the sharp, crippling pangs in his ribs.
“No... no, get up,” he growled when he caught himself from collapsing to a knee. “She needs you... She needs to be found...”
At his leisure, he made his way down to the bank and eyed the width of the river, noticing it was about to flood from the rain. A couple of boulders jutted out from the water, but were too far apart from each other, and weren't close enough to jump to. Frowning, he tested his levitation in place for a few moments, and when there were no negative effects or changes, made his way across—although he quickly swerved for one of the rocks to cling to for a breather.
The forest continued through the plateau and up the mountains, and Mewtwo was certain he was closer to wilderness than human settlement. Still unable to sense Mew's aura anywhere and the cold made him numb, he hurried to shore and resumed trudging through. It was foolish, he knew, and he knew the other Pokémon who spotted him thought he was crazy, but he was too troubled to think about his own safety. For the most part, the trees took the brunt of the rain, so he was more grimy than drenched the further he walked.
“Mew... Mew, answer me!” he called out for the umpteenth time, almost choking on a breath.
The clouds still hadn't passed, and he hadn't been keeping track of time all day. As most Pokémon had taken shelter, he hardly came across a face or a helping hand, even though he had doubts they'd be of much help. Would any of them even know of who or what Mew was if he were to name or describe her? Would any of them really care enough to give aid to an unknown species that was too human for his own good?
Mewtwo coughed when he tried hollering for Mew again, doubling over from pain. He blearily glimpsed down at himself and grimaced at the scarlet bruise across his ribs, seething when he touched it. Sweeping the area, he searched for any shelter he could squeeze himself into, though nothing in reach looked dry or safe enough to curl up in. It was also just his luck there was not enough timber or other supplies to gather for a makeshift cover to protect him against the elements.
It wasn't until he neared the mountain that he could even find a trench to crawl into after assessing it. It appeared to have been an Onix trail, but he couldn't be picky in his state. Once he was able to recline at an angle that hurt the least, he peered at the damage and slowly gauged his breathing before daring to touch it again. Closing his eyes to peer into his aura, he focused on the hot, swelling spot on his side and nearly clicked his tongue in disapproval to see it was a fracture. It luckily was just the one rib, he'd live with the bruising.
With a glowing finger, he gingerly traced along the afflicted rib until he could tell it had been mended. Hoarsely sighing, he dropped his hand and made a mental note to himself to get it checked out once he got home. A pessimistic smirk flashed on his muzzle as he scoffed, “Behold my powers! Broken bones mend by touch, but broken hearts bleed with mere words! What do you say to that, doctor?”
The corners of his mouth twitched when his thoughts drifted, hearing the distant rustle of leaves in the breeze. Slowly glancing up at the gray sky, Mewtwo flexed his fingers as he dwelled on where to go from there; not for directions through the forest, but for the upcoming days. Should he ever reconcile with Mew, what could they do for themselves? What could they do to return to normal in the community, with friends and colleagues they had rejected? How could they ensure this would be their lowest point and not make it worse? What should he say to Mew to get her to open back up to him? How could they talk it over? Should they both pretend she never said anything about...?
He furrowed his brows, recalling how mortified she became when she had blurted it out. Perhaps he shouldn't have pushed for more information and just left it be, but it was an oddly specific fantasy. And her tearful explanation didn't help matters, although it coming out so shortly after confronting about each other's self-pleasures...
...A sex change?
Never had he ever imagined he'd think about such a procedure, let alone for the bedroom. She might have misspoke for all he knew, but for presumably being one of her fantasies, she was extremely uncomfortable about it. And when she mentioned she had thought of him as the opposite sex...
A hand clenched. When did she start thinking that way, and for how often? She had said that once she got that thought, it wouldn't go away, but yesterday... standing right outside of the door...
“...your cock feels so—”
Mewtwo swiftly shook his head and lurched forward to cover his face. Why the hell am I thinking that?! Smacking some sense into himself, he got to his feet and climbed out of the ditch, though an abrupt dizzy spell sideswiped him. Shivering, he staggered to the nearest sturdy object—the raised wall of dirt and rock—and knelt down to breathe.
“What... what is this...?” he groaned, ducking his head. It felt as if needles were jamming themselves into his brain from behind his eyes, provoking vertigo and black spots to pop before his vision until he shut them tight. Rasping as he lost balance, he curled up and bit back a whine bubbling in his throat until the only sound he heard was his erratic breathing.
He shot a hand up to grasp something he knew was in reach, but his fingers clawed air and went limp, remaining outstretched where he lay. His eyes rolled behind their lids as he fought to remain conscious, sensing the cracks of his soul were aflame. Stars sparked in the darkness as a blurred figure came into view, surrounded by aura that changed color with every twist and turn. Going against the darkness' wishes, he wanted it to come closer, help him up, talk to him, anything to keep him from falling into the abyss.
Mewtwo... does it hurt?
The voice didn't sound like it came from anything other than the wind, but the whispering in his ear calmed his nerves. The figure disappeared off to the side, which stung his heart thinking he was being ignored. A hand then smoothed its way over his shoulder and down his front before snagging one of the cracks, making him jerk and gasp from heated agony, but he managed to relax under its touch.
In response to the question moments before, he murmured, It hurts... I dare not touch it.
How come?
It took him a moment to speak past his shame. I... fear I would make the pain worse.
There came a quiet hum as something thick snaked into his feeble grasp. Painstakingly, his thumb pressed it and started to stroke, feeling content just having something to hold. It was then he heard another breath, higher-pitched than his and quieter, but it filled the space he was in like it was meant for his ears only.
What will make you feel better? Anything at all?
Right then he realized there was a weight pressed against his back, rubbing more of the cracks. The fingers slipped beneath to feel his center, and he couldn't stop a moan from escaping, joining the other voice in a duet. He was torn between wanting the figure to cease its actions, and for it to keep going and expose more of him. Deep down, he had always felt like a prisoner inside, yet attempting to pull the shell off piece by piece always made him bleed.
Until she came into his life...
Unsure if his eyes were truly open, he requested, Let me see your face... please...
The second breath hitched, but didn't stop. Something soft and warm rubbed up against his cheek, almost melding into his skin. He tried to look over to see it for himself, but he was unable to move as more of his core was probed and bigger cracks crept across his form. His hand gripped tighter, and the resulting gasp from the voice perked him up. Light flashed for a split second, and his body stirred.
Ooh... you're not supposed to get distracted, it giggled.
Two sides of him immediately fought for control: One wasn't comfortable with sharing space and being explored, the other wanted to keep his companion with him to the end. Both sides, however, agreed that he needed to be open. It didn't matter to him how it happens just as long as he could stop hurting.
Straining against the darkness, Mewtwo released his hold to reach up to grab the hand still stroking his soul. The figure fought to pull away, having not expected him to react. Mewtwo, why?! You know better than to—!
I have decided to endure the pain just a bit longer, he declared, remaining calm in spite of the burning touch. So until then... come back to me as before, Mew.
Upon twisting his body around, he watched the figure's blue eyes widen as they slipped from each other's grasp. He welcomed the bliss of nothingness, if only because of the promise of rest for his battered soul. But alas, he remembered how to move again and awoke to the cold ground and shadowed trees circling him. Inhaling slowly, he drew his outstretched arm closer to find it had become numb, which didn't bother him as he further scanned the skyline.
So exhaustion finally caught up to him, he gleaned, once he realized he wasn't looking at clouds anymore but dusk. He could've shrugged it off had it not been for the situation he was currently in, in the midst of losing his livelihood for good. There was a possibility Mew was upset enough to have fled the area, and he lost too much precious time to ever catch up to her.
His heart struggled pitifully against the cold shackles as he once again thought back to her anguished cry from earlier. He still didn't know how to process it, or how he could approach her about such a... peculiar concept, but she first needed to be found. Perhaps it was too soon to have left without telling anyone of their plans, especially Dr. Mime. It was looking more and more to have been the wrong choice in their current state.
Grunting as he carefully got to his feet, Mewtwo checked his levitation before ascending over the treetops. Facing north, he studied the river and thought about heading back the way he came, but as he had come this far and no one's crossed his path yet, he figured he could follow it downstream. If nothing else, he could always find someplace to camp for the night and give her some needed space—wherever she may be.
After rounding a couple of bends of the plateau and the last of the sun's rays vanished, he spotted the lights of the village not far ahead, coming to a halt. “Are you serious?” he muttered in bewilderment, raising a hand to his temple. Scanning the landscape, he realized he had gone opposite of where he and Mew had explored that morning. He hadn't been very observant of his surroundings, and there he was on the other side as a result of some cruel twist of karma. Then again, he always did have a penchant for finding his way to human civilization...
If he was quick, he could cut across just on the outskirts and make his way back to the cliffside before his morale depleted. For good measure, he searched for Mew's aura one last time just to confirm that, yes, she was still dodging him. Once dropped, he skirted along the treetops, keeping an eye out for any wandering humans that could be nearby.
And he abruptly paused, the back of his mind tingling when he caught a blip of a weak, but familiar vibe. It wasn't Mew's, that much he knew for sure, but it had a similar wavelength. It baffled him that he even felt it, for the one exuding it didn't seem to be in complete control or was aware of how much it fluctuated. The source was not too far from where he was, and as it continued to gnaw away at him, Mewtwo changed course to hunt it down.
As soon as he landed, a nearby brush rustled and his eyes fell on a Pikachu crawling out, which gasped in surprise when their visions crossed. The clone felt himself bristle instinctively, but he loosened his stance as soon as a voice called out, “Hey, where'd you go, bud?”
The aura, surprisingly firm, grazed his before Mewtwo watched the young man trudge into view. It wasn't surprising that he looked no different from the photograph, although there was stubble along his jaw and his stature was taller and broader than he had thought. But as normal as he looked, what was undoubtedly that of Ash Ketchum was his face glowing the instant their gazes met, the boyish looks of winded dark hair, zigzag-marked cheeks, and large brown eyes having remained unchanged from his memory of fifteen years ago.
When he spoke, as rough as his voice was, it carried an animated tone like he had been anticipating their meeting. “You came after all!”
Mewtwo solemnly nodded, taking note of how easily he relaxed before the human. “Congratulations.”
Ash grinned, rubbing his nose as his Pikachu scurried up onto his shoulder. “Thanks! I'm a bit nervous about it, though, the more I take it all in. Pikachu here has been the most excited of all of us, haven't ya, buddy?”
The electric rodent chirped in agreement, affectionately rubbing their cheeks together. The man's laugh was gravelly yet calm, and almost contagious. Patting the Pokémon's back, he made direct eye-contact with him, quirking a pointed brow. “You look different.”
The clone smirked knowingly, slightly lifting his chin. “Says the boy who became a man.”
He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. “Touché! Guess what I've meant to say is you act different, or something. It's been a long time, I'd be surprised if you haven't changed.”
“I see your perception has improved greatly.” He paused, noticing the atmosphere had softened up since they started talking. “So, you have been training in aura?”
Ash's eyes slightly widened before he made a noise of acknowledgement. “Oh, guess you can sense that. Yeah, kind of. It's cool, but kind of unnerving at the same time.”
“You will get used to it.”
“Yeah.” He then blinked and came closer, much to Mewtwo's dismay. “Whoa, I'm just noticing you look rough. Did you get into a scuffle?”
He winced from the question, though from the way Ash cautiously approached again, the young man had misinterpreted his movement. “It is nothing to worry about,” he attempted to dismiss. “I just need to rest.”
“I have some extra Potions I can give to you—”
“I can use Recover!” he rebuffed, almost snappily. Pikachu's ears twitched as his fur stood on end, and the clone promptly backed down with a low sigh. “I apologize for raising my voice. I am... somewhat on edge.”
Ash chuckled like it would lighten the mood. “Yeah, I get that. You weren't expecting this encounter, I suppose, so if anything, I should be apologizing for disrupting you.”
Shaking his head, Mewtwo scanned the wood, wondering if their voices were carrying. Whether it was from observing visual cues or through instinct, the man gave a quiet cough and gestured to the side with his head. “Wanna get closer to the lake? It's not that busy this time of year, so no one will see us.”
Finding no harm in taking up his offer, the feline agreed, and they meandered for the water. Pikachu ran ahead as if to taunt them for being Slowpokes, which Mewtwo smirked to himself over the comparison just to snap back to focus. It was odd how lax he was finding himself becoming just by reuniting with an acquaintance. Aura training or not, something about Ash was calming him down, and he almost forgot about his current troubles just by striking up small talk.
Once at the lakeside near the mouth of the second river, the man hunkered down on the grass and his Pokémon hopped onto his lap. Mewtwo took his seat at a respectable distance, but close enough that he noticed something about him looked ruffled. “I mean not to pry into your personal affairs, but has something been troubling you lately? I thought you would be spending time with your mate-to-be.” He suddenly felt self-conscious about how he said it, recalling that no human ever says “mate” in that context.
If Ash noticed, he chose to ignore it when he answered, “I was just with my fiancée, actually. She had to turn in early, but I needed some more time between Pikachu and myself. This is a big step for the both of us.” He sighed, looking up at the sky. “It's strange. I've done a lot of challenging stuff over the years, and yet it's marriage that's my most difficult. Don't get me wrong, I want to marry her, but I've been wondering if there's something I should be doing first.”
His aura suddenly spiked before settling, making Mewtwo slightly leery. Whatever were the experiences he had while growing up, there was something off about seeing the young man questioning his own ambitions. “Have you gotten any advice from your friends and family?”
“Well yeah, though I think my mom's just happy to have a daughter-in-law. I guess I'm...” Grimacing, his jaw briefly rocked back and forth. “I'm just a bit worried of this chance of pace. We're both Pokémon Trainers with expertise in our chosen fields, so we could travel together if needs be, but... she may want to settle down... start a family.”
He honestly didn't know what to say, yet his insides writhed once Ash said it, and a flash of Mew entered his thoughts. Almost regretting asking but knowing better than to abruptly shut the conversation down, he continued, “Have you two talked it over?”
Pikachu frowned knowingly up at his companion, ears slightly lowered. The man absentmindedly rubbed his knuckles under the mouse's chin as he nodded. “We're both on the fence about it, but I can tell she's been thinking about it a lot. The thought makes me a little nervous, though.”
Fighting back a shiver, Mewtwo averted his gaze to the dark waters, the moon in his peripheral. “I suppose that is a normal feeling for all males,” he assessed, hoping it was enough of a broad-brushed statement to avoid dragging his own troubles out into the open—
“I probably shouldn't ask, but have you ever thought about that kind of stuff?”
His insides dropping could've had enough weight to make the ground tremble beneath them. There was no escaping that boy, not even when he was looking so uncharacteristically unsure of himself. Perhaps his aura training made him more susceptible to negative emotions, and being a Psychic Pokémon struggling with his own inner turmoil, they were naturally drawn to each other. Although as he glanced over, Ash had a quizzical expression on his face, silently telling him he was still oblivious.
Swallowing down his pride, Mewtwo reluctantly replied, “I have.”
Human curiosity winning over, he queried further, “Did something happen?”
Ducking his head in shame, he sighed through his nose as he pieced together his thoughts. “...I am having what you humans call 'marital troubles'.”
A small breath of awe escaped both him and Pikachu, a reaction he wasn't pleased to hear. “Ohhh, that explains why you look a bit different—and why you're exhausted-looking.” He glimpsed over in time to watch Ash throw his arms behind his head. “Man, guess I really am late on the whole marriage thing. Most everyone else has tied the knot.”
Mewtwo's lips twitched upward, which he quickly hid.
“So do you have any kids?” He sounded a bit more than just intrigued, which the psycat found rather amusing to have an adult human virtually reverting back to that as a child asking about the quirks of life. But he still wasn't willing to talk about himself, and had to force himself to make a vague response.
“We... have been struggling.” Inwardly, he sent numerous notions to drop it since she wasn't there.
Nothing indicated to him he got the message, but Ash looked distraught. “Oh.”
Fighting back against the heavy atmosphere, Mewtwo diverted the topic back around by straightening up and giving him a fervent stare down. “But this is not about me. If you need some advice or just someone to talk to, I am willing to lend you an ear or a hand.”
Again, his vocabulary sounded stilted talking to a human. He still didn't understand why he caved in and agreed to attend the wedding, and why he struck up such a loose, intimate discussion like they were old friends. Ash's aura was as stable as a young Pokémon's, yet even with its rough edges, it still quelled his troubled heart. The young boy—man, now—left an impression deep enough to follow him well into his golden years, but they were never friends. He was content with that, yet perhaps the human's naïveté thought otherwise, hence the invitation.
And besides, what right did a Pokémon have to give a human advice? And a clone, on top of that?
Intentionally or not, Ash's voice broke through the clamor with a simple question: “Is it hard?”
His mind scoffed with an Of course it is hard!, but his soul gave pause to ponder. If it was such a simple answer that everyone should know, then why was it hard? In terms of his own experiences, was it hard by nature, by principle, or by choice? If it was always hard, then how was it he took to Mew so fast? They had their struggles, their differences, their own lives to consider, and yet there were times where everything was working out in their favor, seemingly without effort on their part. Then somewhere down the line, they took one misstep, and it all fell to ruin.
The more he dwelled on it, the more Mewtwo didn't feel worthy to give an answer. He didn't have a success story to spin, didn't have proof he could truthfully tell an optimistic, but nervous young bachelor everything will work out for him. He was literally the worst candidate to ask, yet there he sat, staring out at the lake with a human he couldn't even call friend after fifteen years. It was a sight he imagined Mew would've been glad to see.
Breaking the silence, and appreciating Ash's patience, the clone at last declared, “Indeed. You no longer have to think about your own welfare, you have another life to care and provide for.”
It seemed to have been the right call to make, for the man took a deep breath of relief and grinned. “That should be simple enough, then. I'm a Pokémon trainer, after all.” His Pikachu nodded.
His optimism was something to behold. Mewtwo went on to add, “There is also the clashing of your personalities, your likes and dislikes, your ideologies.”
“Sounds no different from my own journeys and companions.”
He stared at him, unsure if it was appropriate to get annoyed by how easily he shrugged off the advice with a comparison to Pokémon training. If he already knew what the perks of marriage entailed, however he had come to understand it, then what was even the point in asking?
“Do you want children, Ash?” he tried to move on, hoping that would stick.
“I told you, I'm not sure yet.”
“And yet you are willing to add a new Pokémon to your roster every time you are out on your journey.”
“Kids aren't like Pokémon, I get that.”
It wasn't that Mewtwo didn't believe in his words, but he was willing to continue poking holes if it meant getting through his thick skull. “You say the two of you are both trainers, both willing to travel the world together if needs be. But already you two have clashing ideologies that need to be settled as soon as possible, even if she has not said anything yet.”
“I have a place to live, if that's what you're wondering,” Ash proclaimed, looking a little defensive. Even Pikachu shrank back a little at his raised tone. “So I've already ensured we have a home to go to, and it's in order.”
“And could you guarantee it would still be there if the both of you are halfway around the world?”
“Because of my duties, I have to travel a lot, so I do have a housekeeper. Although without me asking, my Pokémon have watched the house before.” With a moment's pause, a sheepish smile spread on his face as he whispered an aside, “Also it's embarrassing that my mom still dotes on me. It was the best way to finally get her to back down and stop worrying, for once.”
Mewtwo didn't have a hard time envisioning his Pikachu and the other Pokémon he remembered dusting rooms, sweeping floors, even bringing home food to prepare. It wasn't something he was going to verbally admit, though. “So should you ever have any, are your children going to be well-off?”
“Yes. Actually, one of the last things we're in the process of approving is for my health insurance to update to cover my fiancée, and that's been bit of a pain, no lie. Should be ready once we register our marriage and she gets everything of hers approved to show for it.”
The clone almost tuned Ash out once he zoned in he was looking more confident about his future, which bemused him that he was being apprehensive about having a family of his own. Whatever had led up to now, he had been losing himself to his thoughts to the point he was needing time to himself. Even life had to catch up to an ambitious trainer someday, but from what he deduced, it wasn't as if he was suddenly being thrust into that position. Humans were always willing to rise to the occasion when it came to personal benefits or merit.
He was probably stepping out of line, but Mewtwo, the intellect he was proud to be, wanted to think outside of the box a little bit. Figuring he could use his title as a champion against him, the benefits of this human health insurance notwithstanding, he imparted, “Now let us flip this conversation around and look at it from your wife's perspective. Perhaps you two are free to travel together no matter the conference, but consider an opportunity to travel for longer than usual, for a few months or so. However, this is a journey where your wife cannot accompany you, and you potentially may not be able to contact her most days. Would she be able to handle being left alone for that period?”
The man became thoughtful, though he was noticeably growing antsy once more. “She has her own Pokémon—”
“But what can Pokémon do for her biological human needs?” he stressed, watching his face tilt into shadow. “You are getting married, Ash, because you must have a desire for companionship beyond that of friendship. This is the result of a choice of wanting to spend the rest of your life with a woman who is willing to stay by your side through thick and thin, because she cares for and loves you. But if she wants to have a family or desires love, she cannot do it alone if her husband is hesitant or absent.”
The last time he had seen Ash look irritated, it was when he had attempted to throw punches at him. It was impressive (albeit humorous) to have a ten-year-old angry enough at him to charge him, but from the way his aura sizzled, he chanced an uppercut if he were to provoke him further. If it hadn't been for Pikachu reclining in his lap, he might've done so or gotten to his feet to emphasize his leer, but Mewtwo ultimately wasn't afraid of him.
“We've talked about this and more, Mewtwo,” he curtly objected. “Trust me, I think we can handle it just fine.”
The topic was practically asking to get dropped, but the feline couldn't stop himself from retorting, “So then why are you getting upset over the thought of a family?”
“I'm nervous, not upset. No need to bite my head off over it.” Ash's mouth then curled to the side, dark eyes glinting. “Also, no offense, but these questions are getting kinda out-of-hand. You're turning into my mom.” Pikachu snorted under his breath.
Mewtwo cringed, but it wasn't from the mother comparison. He lowered his gaze as he quickly reviewed his attitude, and why he had gotten so invested in the rather-one-sided discussion on human behavior. “...I apologize. I got a little over my head...” He slowly flexed his fingers, feeling inadequate with everything around him, himself included.
The silence lasted only for a few moments before Ash briefly leaned into his line-of-sight. There was no reason for him to have done so other than to get a better look at his face. “You've lost someone close to you, haven't you?”
It wasn't what he wanted to profess to because it invited pity, but he had been unintentionally projecting himself into the conversation, and the human wasn't completely inattentive. Mewtwo found it refreshing he could have someone to talk to, and that the floor was technically open to him, but the timing was wholly inappropriate. And it was humiliating that someone just now entering a life-long commitment could lend an ear to someone like him, a being stuck between two worlds, and one was crumbling beneath his feet.
A somber sigh bubbling in his chest, he crossed his arms on his knees. “...I have come very close, yes.”
A breath being reflexively sucked in made him glance back over. “I guess this talk of family is a hot button topic for you,” he noted, running his fingers through his hair. “I didn't mean to rile you up like that.”
Mewtwo never intended to guilt-trip Ash for wanting some confirmation, and he didn't want to mislead him into believing otherwise. “It is not your fault, not when you wanted some answers. Do not concern yourself over me.”
Pikachu quietly agreed, which got the man to sit back. “Well... if you're willing to, could I ask you something very quick?” When he was given a silent nod and wave of the hand to continue, he soberly stared up at the stars, face scrunched in thought. “Okay... if you could give any marital advice, what would it be?”
As a Pokémon, naturally he shouldn't know what could be appropriate to tell some human about marriage when there was nothing to indicate he lived the lifestyle. The thought alone was silly, and it would warrant some odd stares from others who were listening in. Yet, it was a question that put Mewtwo on equal ground with him. And he recalled that for as short as their interactions had been, Ash never saw him as a Pokémon or an abomination.
Scrutinizing his aura once more, he was beginning to understand why it was he thought it was similar to Mew's. Through their eyes, they only saw individuality and a life that was worth living. Being a Pokémon, while man-made, meant nothing to them just as long as they could see eye-to-eye. And perhaps that was his connection them: to Mew as a mate, and to Ash as... a friend.
Trawling through his many memories, he tried his best to stick to the positive ones in spite of his current state. But even during the sad times, there was still a thread that linked them together, sticking out the most and looking to be the strongest. “It would be to talk to your wife,” he decreed. “No matter what it is, or how personal or troubling it gets, talk things over first-and-foremost. Make compromises if needs be, but never make yourself or her live a lie just because you were afraid to break her heart. It is not just you, it is a team effort. The two of you need to be open with each other, but it has to start with yourself.”
He didn't sense an aura of cockiness, agitation, or boredom, suggesting to him Ash had gotten something out of it. It was still possible it was a repeat of what he had previously learned elsewhere, and it didn't matter to the clone if he was taking it to heart or not, but the warm smile and nod he got in return was more than he could ask for. “Sure thing, Mewtwo.”
Suddenly perking up, Pikachu jumped out of his lap and bolted down to the riverbank. The man got up in slight concern, though Mewtwo also turned his attention to where the rodent was headed. Pikachu nearly rounded a whole corner until his tail was seen, but he hopped on an unseen platform and there came a gasp of fright. Through a gap, he spotted a pink blur zipping into a tree, and the electric mouse squeaked in concern.
“Hey, what'cha find, buddy?” Ash called, about to jog over only to be caught in Mewtwo's hold. “Hey, wha...?”
The clone frowned deeply, but couldn't bring himself to get upset at the eavesdropping. Setting Ash down and coaxing him into staying, he strode over to find Pikachu gawking up into the branches. Stopping behind him, he eyed Mew curling by the trunk to blend in with the shadows. She froze when their gazes met, ears lowered and tail tightly wrapped around herself. He heard her sniffle as she quickly turned away to wipe at her face, and he let out a slow sigh through his nose, hanging his head.
Pikachu's brows knitted in worry as he silently put two-and-two together. Mewtwo only gave a nod of silent confirmation before glancing over at the man when he arrived.
“Hey, what's up?” he asked.
Looking back up at Mew, Mewtwo gently said to her, “If you wanted to meet him, you could have just joined us.”
She took in a few deep breaths before she eased herself down, yet remained hesitant to get nearer. When he extended a hand to her, she stared before gripping a finger and allowed him to guide her to his side. She first kept her eyes on Pikachu when he exclaimed in humble awe, a small smile on his pudgy face.
“Did he startle you?” he murmured to her, almost tongue-in-cheek.
Mew bashfully glanced back up at him, then pulled away to get closer to Pikachu's height. The Mouse Pokémon managed to stand his ground and reached out a paw in greeting. She tensed for a moment until she lightly gripped it for a small shake.
Ash almost couldn't hold back his surprise, but he didn't move from his spot. For just that moment, Mewtwo once more saw him as the ten-year-old he remembered, and he couldn't help a smirk. “Did you want an invitation to come say hello?”
Mew looked up when Ash came forward, taking him in with the same awe-struck expression.
“Hey, there. The name's Ash Ketchum.”
She nodded, but stayed silent.
He chuckled. “Guess there are shy Mews out there. The one I know is very bubbly, it likes to play with Pikachu whenever I visit as part of my training.” Pikachu rubbed the back of his neck.
Mewtwo noticed his mate's expression fell slightly, and lay a wavering hand on her shoulder. She jolted in place, but mercifully didn't pull away. “Mew is her own individual. It is why we became mates.”
Ash grinned as brightly as the moon. “I must say, Mew, you got yourself a lucky catch. Mewtwo's a great guy. You two must get along very well.”
Mew blushed deeply, dropping her eyes.
“I'm glad you're doing well, Mewtwo. This has been one of the biggest surprises yet, right up there with the day Brock got himself a girlfriend.” He laughed once more, and even Pikachu giggled.
Briefly, he skimmed his thumb down to her shoulder blade. She trembled beneath his touch and her tail sharply swung into his side, but he kept the façade steady. “You have Mew to thank for that. She talked me into accepting your invitation, if only because she wanted to meet the young man who changed my ways.”
The man nodded, folding his arms. “That makes sense, then. I thought it was a little bit suspicious you marked 'yes', 'cuz I kinda expected you to pass on it.” He smiled when the clone raised a brow, maintaining eye-contact. “But no matter, you're here now, and I'm glad I got to see you again.”
He didn't address it out loud, but Mewtwo felt guilt for being so disinclined to attend the reception and continually dragging his feet until the last minute. Ash wasn't a terrible human, and like Mew had commented months back, it was a sweet gesture to have thought of him despite having mutually lost contact. For as rocky as their conversation was, it was of good intentions.
So he meant it from the bottom of his heart when he said, “Once again, congratulations. I wish you nothing but the best.”
“Thanks, Mewtwo.” Looking up at the moon as he shuddered a bit, he casually mused, “Man, it's sure gotten chilly. Do you two have a warm place to sleep?”
Mewtwo felt a twinge of guilt as he thought back to the ridge, letting his arm drop from Mew when she glanced up at him. “We should... or so I thought.”
Ash didn't pry further, though he and his companion shared a look that he couldn't decipher. “You can have my hotel room if you want. Pikachu and I were thinking of staying out here longer anyway.”
“Are you certain?”
He nonchalantly shrugged. “Yeah, though thing is, the hotel address should've been listed on your invitation. They're kind of expecting that number of guests to be staying there, but I forgot that I was to make yours a bit different.” He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head and peering out through one eye. “I also didn't take into account you'd have company.”
Mew shrank back a little until the clone gently stopped her with his tail. “If it is too much trouble, we will decline.”
“I think it'd be more comfortable than sleeping out here in the cold,” Ash insisted. “I don't know where you two were planning on staying, but trainers have been known to sneak out during the night for practice battles or to catch some Pokémon in the area.” He gave a wry smile. “Nothing that you can't handle, but I'm just saying.”
It was playfully sinister, and Mewtwo for a brief moment felt a long since subsided flame rekindle. He reckoned it would make for an interesting battle and would do him some good, however, remembering where they were and that he wasn't fully in good shape was what snuffed it out. “Perhaps another time,” he politely declined, and the man slumped slightly, but he didn't lose his smile. “How would we get in?”
“My room's got a balcony, so I'll check in, and we can pass by each other that way.”
“That is against regulations, is it not?”
“Only if you get caught.” Ash cheekily winked.
Looking back at Mew, Mewtwo could tell from the glimmer in her eyes she had been considering the offer. And in comparing it to the current outdoors, as much as a change in scenery was refreshing, the thought of a warm bed was more alluring. With a low sigh, he turned to the man and nodded. “You make a fine bargain, Mr. Ketchum.”
He laughed, jogging backward with a wave. “See you two there!”
When he was gone and the quiet nighttime atmosphere enveloped them, Mewtwo nudged his mate. “Let us go gather up our belongings, Mew.”
She let out a breath until it faltered, shaking her head and hugging her arms close. “Why do you do this?” she murmured. “Why can't you take the hint and just... Why do you not...?”
“Leave you?” he finished softly. “I cannot, not as you are.”
“But why?” she urged. “What do you see in me?”
As she was refusing to look him in the eye now that they were alone, he had to scan her trembling figure. Unlike with him, she didn't have a battered appearance, and it was because of how the moonlight shone on her that he was able to take in the tear residue streaked on her cheeks. Neither Pikachu nor Ash had made any comments on it, so he wasn't sure if they had drawn to conclusions.
Pensively, Mewtwo answered her, “I see someone whose broken heart still longs for happiness.”
Mew's figure slouched. “I don't deserve it...”
He turned her around to face him, though she anxiously averted her gaze and wriggled from his hold. He choked down a rising lump in his throat to whisper, “Please do not hide anything from me anymore, Mew. I brought you with me so we could talk things over, and come to a decision together. But most importantly, it is to clear our minds, and expel the negative thoughts that plague us. It is an uncomfortable subject, but understand that it is between just us two.”
“How can you say that?” she accused, although it was half-hearted.
“Because I am not angry with you, Mew. Perturbed, yes, but not angry.” It still hurt that she would close her eyes to avoid seeing him, but he was steadily getting through to her now that she stopped shaking. “I should not have forced anything out of you, and I apologize for making you uneasy... but we cannot keep sweeping our troubles under the rug. Sooner or later, it was going to come up.”
Mew's fingers dug a bit more into her arms, then she relaxed her shoulders. Feeling she was placated enough for them to get themselves moving, Mewtwo gestured to the lake. “Let us get going, dear. Cannot keep him waiting for us.”
He lifted himself up to fly over the water, only to halt when she swerved to be in front of him. She still kept her head low, but she was able to at least look in his direction. “Just so you know, Mewtwo,” she informed him, voice still soft, “I don't feel comfortable sleeping next to you right now. Not now...”
He reluctantly nodded in agreement. “You do not have to sleep in arm's reach, but I ask that you stay close by for your own safety.”
Having reached an impasse, they returned to the ridge to find the cloak only hung on thanks to the stone, but it was tattered at the corners. Mew's scarf was caught in a hanging shrub, possibly due to passing wind, some of the neglected fruit remained in place but were bruised, and the card was missing. A quick scan of the area turned up nothing, and they concurred it wasn't worth tracking down. Once wrapped back up, they slipped through the shadows toward the inns, scanning for balconies upon arrival. Random windows would occasionally light up or go dark, and Mewtwo clenched his teeth remembering Ash never told them which building and level had his room, and he hadn't asked.
“Which one is he staying in?” Mew questioned obliviously moments later.
He fought the urge to facepalm. “The one with the balcony...”
“Um... which one?”
“He is getting married and he cannot give simple directions,” he grumbled. “Funny how that works.”
From an adjacent building, they heard the call of his Pikachu trying to sound casual. Mewtwo considered giving the supposed-adult a flick on the nose as they slipped over to greet him, but he couldn't bring himself to do more than entertain the thought. Mew entered the hotel room first before Ash could step outside, studying the lone bed before shaking off her scarf and moving on to the lamp and digital clock.
“I'll be back at about six in the morning,” he told Mewtwo after tearing his eyes away from the curious cat. “There might be a fog, too, so that should be plenty of cover for you two to disappear to wherever for the day. I had room service delivered not long ago, so there's some food in the refrigerator for you guys if you're hungry.”
“Are you certain you want to do this? Being nocturnal, I can forfeit the bed to you still.”
Ash snorted, taking in his bruised ribs. “Has anyone ever told you you're a bad liar, Mewtwo?”
He glowered, but held his tongue. From inside, Mew could be heard pushing buttons on the phone, and the man quickly let out a sharp “No, don't touch that!”, and swooped inside to hang it back up. She put space between them, a baffled expression on her face, then whirled around and had newfound interest in the television suspended in the corner.
“Is this what humans call the 'teevee'?” she wondered out loud, which made Ash blink and smile at her reaction.
Mewtwo's heart fluttered watching her study the flat screen and trying to look at her dark reflection. He hadn't seen her eyes light up with curiosity in ages. “What is with this sudden interest in human entertainment?” he tried to tease.
She slightly pouted over at him.
Returning to the balcony, Ash held his arm out for Pikachu, and nodded over at the clone. “Have a good night, Mewtwo.”
“Thank you for your hospitality,” he said, fully grateful even if it still felt he was being intrusive.
With a salute, he gave a whistle and dove over the railing, hands out-stretched. Like a speeding bullet, a large Gliscor swooped in from above of which he snatched by the feet, and they glided off into the shadows. Mewtwo stared off where they disappeared to, impressed with their dynamic, then hurried inside just in case someone was looking out their window. Once he drew the blinds closed, he hung his cloak over the chair and took in the hotel room. Mew was unsurprisingly swallowed up by the empty, yet cozy space, but all he cared about was that it was large enough to accommodate him, even though there wasn't much to do. He could tell by a glance he could scarcely fit into the tiny kitchen space, and by peeking into the bathroom, the tub was smaller than he was used to. At least the chair looked like it could support him.
“Hey, how does the 'teevee' work, anyway?”
As it was the only other piece of entertainment in the room, Mewtwo figured he'd let her give it a shot to hamper her boredom. Spotting the remote on the dresser, he picked it up to wave it in her line-of-sight. “You operate it with this.”
She cautiously approached him, keeping her eyes glued to it. “That's a lot of buttons.”
“Here.” He powered on the equipment, and what flickered to view was of a Pokémon Contest, specifically an Altaria in the middle of a Whirlwind. Noticing no audio was coming through, he checked for the right button to press, and immediately they could hear the announcer exclaiming her thoughts. Tapping the remote, he continued, “Use these buttons here to change the channel. The numbers do it as well, but do not mind them for now.”
Mew tilted her head. “Those triangle ones?”
“This changes the channel, this turns the volume up or down.” He passed it over, but still hovered by the bed as she sat down.
“What about the other smaller ones?”
“Do not worry about those. You just keep flipping through until you find something of interest or tire of it.”
She held down a button and looked up at the numbers scrolling through, although the screen remained black until she let go. “Is this what humans really do all day when they're not out training Pokémon?”
“Humans are easily entertained, I suppose. A whole slew of technology at their fingertips, and they squander it with that.” He nodded at the sight of a woman getting knocked off an obstacle course while her Pokémon companion looked on in surprise.
Pressing the button once more then releasing it a few seconds later, Mew frowned at the nature documentary blasting ominous music when a pair of wild male Ursaring crossed paths. The narrator was droning something about the scene either nervously or eagerly in a heavy accent. “Perhaps it's for humans who can't travel like we can?”
“A possibility.”
While she continued browsing, Mewtwo opened the drawer below the television to find a booklet. Skimming through it, his brows furrowed when he noticed the inn had listed it was using satellite television, and mentioned any usage outside of the inn's default channels would be added to the patron's bill. The list was contained in one column, and his mouth quirked at the revelation.
Many apologies, Ash, for our ignorance, he sighed to himself. Then out loud, he said, “I think that is enough television for one night.”
“Why?” And she let go of the button.
They flustered at the grunting and squealing filtering through the speakers, Mew's eyes and mouth widening as she dropped the remote where it popped open and the batteries went flying. Mewtwo scrambled for the parts, accidentally knocking her backward onto the bed doing so. Once he shakily got it put back together, he had to face the screen to get a low-angled eyeful of the faceless copulating couple before it powered off. Lowering the remote as he trembled and gripped the duvet pulling himself up, the clone glanced at his mate to see her squeezing her arms to her chest, fur standing on end, and a flush rising to her cheeks. She flinched and gulped when their gazes crossed, drawing her legs close.
His vision drifted too much, zoning in on areas that got him shaking with anticipation: her parted lips as she breathed deeply; the way her hands smoothed over curves; her pelvis twisted to put emphasis on her wide hips; her toes pressed against the covers. He swallowed thickly, watching her tail curl around herself as if to hide from his sight, yet she tipped her head back to peer desirably at him through her eyelashes. Where she glowed pink, he identified them as hot spots for him. Those were areas he could—should—touch to get her going, to make her moan and sing praises to him, then gasp and beg and cry and scream and—
Defying the burning urges, Mewtwo roughly got to his feet and strode for the bathroom. “I will be in the shower,” was all he could muster, scarcely stopping himself from slamming the door behind him.
The water was cold since he didn't turn the knob all the way, but he didn't care. He let it stream down his back as he steadily collapsed to his knees and switched to autopilot, his heart still pounding in his ears. A choppy slideshow of her body flashed continuously in his mind's eye in a teasing, seductive dance, her face beaming at his frustration, and he could hear her calling his name each time her lips parted for a breath. He didn't dare move lest he crossed the point of no return.
Going against his wishes, his wild imagination projected him to kneel at the bedside, so he got to watch Mew toss her head back into the sheets as she cried out and writhed beneath a perfect imitation of himself—or it was him in a memory, but he couldn't confirm through the shadow. With him hunched over her and grinning triumphantly, they flowed like water, pelvises undulating and slamming together in a rhythm that was uniquely theirs. It didn't matter she was scrunched up against him and fought for breath under his weight, she desired the security of his body against hers. She looked beautiful drowning in euphoria...
“More... Mewtwo, pleeease...”
Her breathless whimper struck a nerve in him, and Mewtwo wanted nothing more than to lash out at his reflection. Memory or not, he wasn't the one who was presently on top of her. He desired nothing more than to lose himself inside her, to fill his senses with all she had to offer. There was a twinge of excitement in seeing her from a different angle, however, it was nothing more than some sick cruelty to have him experience all of the senses secondhand. Yet despite his inward pestering to step in and “reclaim” her, his body remained rooted in place. He couldn't even reach out to grab her hand.
Mewtwo jolted when the image of himself flickered, and the sudden disturbance in the atmosphere made him nauseated before he could clear his vision. Nothing much had changed, yet kneeling over Mew was a mirror image of herself, whose paw and tail were plunged deep inside her. Even when shifting to interlock together at the hips, the way she quickened her pace got the bottom Mew gasping and mewling in ecstasy at a level he couldn't recall her ever reaching. Like she was enjoying it more...
“That's the spirit, toots,” was the venomous purr, a chuckle on her lips as she induced them to start rocking. There was a notable jerk once their clitoral hoods bumped. “Let him know that's just how you like it.” Pulling out her dripping fingers to lick them, her icy gaze casually locked eyes with him.
When he managed to tear away toward his mate, Mewtwo was certain her streaming eyes seemed a bit too unfocused to tell if she could even see him or not. Fingers harshly tugging the sheets, she mouthed through her panting for a few moments before she squeaked out, “Don't... don't look...”
In a flash of white, the clone found himself blinking at the drain, water stinging his eyes and his ribs throbbing from pressure. Recognizing the aches in his joints and loins, he loosened his grip on his penis to stare at the ejaculate dangling from his fingers. He strained his hearing past his breathing and the shower for any sign of Mew to no avail, questioning the validity of the vision and his sanity.
It really was like the universe was taunting him.
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Rymesona Chronicles - Mind Warp
(This is about my Rymesona which you can find drawings of on my blog. This may just be a cringey mess, but I think I did okay? Okay so maybe I like how this story is going and am enjoying exploring the theme of extreme desire for self improvement and debates regarding curing disabilities. The fact I am autistic fit so perfectly into this whole equation and I saw a lot of story potential, so I decided why not use the self insert and make this something insightful? Hope I did decently enough to make for an entertaining read at least...)
(Spoiler Warning: This is not really Rodger, so if someone is going to tell me I wrote him as a villain here, I did it on purpose.)
Rebecca woke up in a slight daze. The last thing she remembered was meeting Rodger Clifford, the son of Ryme City’s founder, at the train station. Her entire body felt limp, numb and heavy. In slight disbelief, she realized she must’ve been drugged. “R-ralts...?” Her voice quivered as she called out into the darkness for her emotional support pokémon, “A-are you okay...?”
“Rise and shine.” The voice of the charismatic politician echoed in the room, though she couldn’t see his smug face anywhere, “Don’t worry. Your pokémon will remain unharmed... as long as you comply with our demands.”
“D-demands...?!” She saw figures in white coats walk into her field of vision. Like clockwork, they hooked her up to a bunch of monitors tracking her vitals, and put a oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. The sensation of something long and sharp entering her vein was what finally got her body to flinch, but gloved hands promptly held her down.
“Let’s see how she reacts to the chemical first.” A voice said apathetically followed by the flipping of a switch.
A purple cloud traveled through the tube to the mask, forcing her to breathe in the strange smelling fumes. She quickly ended up choking on air and sneezing repeatedly, her body trying to reject the toxins. “Perfect response.” Another voice noted, “If she reflects most of the human population, this gas shouldn’t affect them.”
She gasped for air as soon as the mask was removed from her face, tears forming in her eyes. Before she could reorient herself, something else was already happening. The room felt like it was spinning due to how quickly the figures surrounding her forced her into an upright position. Luckily, she was still sitting, otherwise she might have fallen down on her face.
“W-what’s happening?!” Becca asked the white coats around her desperately, but got no response. When her vision focused she saw more clearly what these people were rolling her past. Greninja, seemingly lifeless and suspended in glass pods, covering almost every blank area in the halls. Her mouth hung open in horror. “M-mr. Clifford!” She tried once again to get someone to answer her.
“You’re doing great so far, sweetheart...” Condescension practically leaked from his voice, “You are about to help us discover the ultimate cure for all of humanity. Aren’t you excited?”
“W-what?” Her eyes widened, “What cure?!”
“The perfect cure for not only your autism, but my fathers degenerative disease.” His tone seemed to swell with pride, before he addressed another person, “Detective Goodman, you’re just in time to see the first test subject!”
A man with a pikachu on his shoulder ran into Becca’s line of sight, and both looked horrified, “What is going on here?!”
“Why! Progress, detective! What else?” Rodger responded, placing a hand on the man’s opposite shoulder, “This brave young lady is going to show humanity the path to greatness.”
“This is the girl that was reported missing this morning!” He became furious, “You kidnapped a disabled person!”
“Now now, don’t be so offensive, Mr. Goodman.”
“Let this kid go...or-”
“Or what?” The well dressed man glared, “She won’t be missed anyway. A necessary sacrifice for all of humanity to evolve past being such ...flawed creatures.”
“Pikachuuu!” The pikachu began to build sparks up in its cheeks, growling.
“Please control your pest.” Rodger hissed before turning to the doctors, “Bring the subject in. Let’s remind the detective of how much he has helped us...”
Becca was shivering in her restraints, suddenly all the pain was replaced with shock. Something metal was pressing against specific areas of her head, sending pulses into her skull. Just inches away from her was a glass sphere, and inside it was what many people her age only knew of from stories. The clone of the legendary Mew. It was being held captive, and it didn’t look like it was comfortable...
“Thanks to your detective work, Mr. Goodman, we have Mewtwo here to allow us to run these tests.” Rodger’s voice came through the speakers, “Don’t get too attached to either of them, now. Our hypothesis is that she will be killed by the cruel fury of Mewtwo almost instantaneously.”
Rebecca felt her blood run cold when she heard the last part, realizing that they were probably right. “Well.. I-I’d be furious too!” She retorted angrily, “L-Look at what you’re doing to it! N-no wonder it doesn’t like humanity when it is being treated like this! I-I know how it feels to be-“
“Awww... Are you trying to sympathize with it?” The charismatic voice sarcastically asked from the speakers, “You aren’t even a fully functioning human! Easy bait. Such a naive young lady, aren’t you. You think this vengeful creature is going to show you any kind of mercy?”
She suddenly felt her throat tighten, as a pair of intense eyes glared at her through the glass. Her heart stopped beating for what felt like forever, until she heard an announcement:
“Test one in progress.”
After that, Becca wasn’t sure what was happening. She heard the sound of herself screaming until her throat was raw. Then everything felt weightless. For a moment she thought she was dead, until she slowly worked up the courage to open her eyes, and she saw her own body convulsing behind a wall of glass.
Immediately she looked down, seeing purple three fingered hands where her normal ones should have been. She tried to remain still, pretend like she was still unconscious and hope things would be okay. That was when an unfamiliar voice echoed in the room.
“YOU HUMANS DISGUST ME...” She saw her own mouth open and use a voice that was definitely not hers, “REJECTING ONE OF YOUR OWN KIND FOR THE WAY THEY WERE BORN. ”
The accuracy of those words to her own life struck her as extremely unsettling. She wanted to make her possessed body shut up just so she wouldn’t have to face the reality of it all. That was how she felt sometimes... She felt tears begin to form in the eyes of this pokémon body she was stuck in.
Becca slowly woke up, immediately looking at her hands to find they were indeed hers. The concerned chirping of a pokémon caught her attention.
“Ralts...” She hugged the pokémon tightly, “You’re okay...”
The girl looked down to see a pikachu staring at her curiously, tail occasionally twitching.
“Bye...” She waved sheepishly, as the pokémon ran out the door after a man with a detective hat.
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groundramon · 5 years
i just watched detective pikachu too what are your thots on it!
I enjoyed it actually!!  More than I thought I would.  I’ll give my slightly more spoiler-ish review under the cut:
I’m not a big fan of adult humor shoved into movies just for the heck of it but I felt like the adult jokes in the movie were actually written with intention and care rather than “oh shit our script is bad…we need to make the adults laugh, let’s make a cocaine joke!”  Maybe part of it is that that’s exactly where my brain went too with that shit and it was humor based on important plot points, and the dialogue didnt feel awkward (well it did but it was supposed to because tim was in a tizzy).  Another part of it might be ryan renold’s just natural inclination towards those kinds of witty roles but tim’s actor (IDK HIS NAME SORRY) played off the same energy and made them flow okay too.  All in all, I can completely agree with the statement that Detective Pikachu is what hollywood video game-to-movie adaptations should be.  It feels very hollywood while also not being an insult to the Pokemon franchise, which is a very delicate balance although in retrospect it’s not that hard bc pokemon and hollywood both just want to make money.  I just have low expectations.
Seeing Braviary made me rlly rlly happy!! he looked so good!! I saw rufflet in the trailer ofc but I never saw Braviary and he looks super cool!  I really loved the treecko on the window at the apartment building as well.  The torterra were another cool surprise.  I can agree that most Pokemon in the movie are in at least one of the trailers in some form tho.  But seeing their full performance in the movie is much more fun imo!  Overall the CGI was really great, there was like…one scene or two scenes where I noticed slight awkwardness between Tim/Pikachu when they were interacting physically, but it was pretty minor (like when Pikachu was unconscious, Tim wasn’t cradling him as baby-like as I would, he seemed more tense and less careful than I’d expect).
The bulbasaurs made me cry and my mom liked the mr mime scene.  I saw that one post a lot and still didn’t believe it until I saw it.  He’s fucking dead now I guess.  ALSO I FEEL SO BAD FOR MEWTWO just let him be free and happy!!! he just wants to chill with the bulbasaur and the morelull!! goddamn!!! I wanna do that too, just fuck off to the woods and hang with some bulbasaur and morelull, tbh
Plot-wise I think the villain was the most relatable villain in the entire Pokemon franchise because I, too, would do anything to become a Pokemon.  Idk why he thought it was necessary to do that to other people tho.  Like he could just charge money to do that to people?  And he’d get paid AND not get arrested?  People would pay to do that.  I would pay to do that.  Is it ethical?  No.  I just thought his motivation for that part was kinda weak.  Typical weak hollywood twist villain tbh.  But god his actions were great, i wish I could copy paste his goal onto an actually good character.
Girl character is girl and romance is cliche.  Would’ve been more fun if she stayed a psyduck and Tim had an ethical dilemma as to whether or not it’s okay to fuck a psyduck with a human-level consciousness (a pussyduck, if you will).  And I hate it when fictional scenes make me think of the ethical-ness of inter-species breeding so that’s saying a lot.
The story’s main pull was the relationship between Tim, his father, and Pikachu, and the mystery they had to solve, and while the plot is kind of rough, the emotion behind it makes it all worth it imo.  It’s a typical hollywood film, I’m only 18 and barely watch any movies but I’ve literally seen this story done before.  But to do it with Pokemon, and to do it with actors who really seem to care…that’s what made it worth it.  You’ve seen the story before, but it’s still a cute film.  It’s not bad or obnoxious even though the story is pretty rough.  It can still make you emotional even though it’s kinda cliche.  It’s just…fun.  Turn off your brain because it’s Pokemon and Pokemon never has a good story, and you’ll just have a lot of fun.
I wish I was in rhyme city when that all happened so that I could ask mewtwo to keep me a pokemon
Oh I was also surprised by the amount of gen 5 Pokemon, although I was in the trailers too.  I’m gonna count up all the Pokemon I remember seeing now - I’ll probably forget a few gen 1 pokemon since it’s definitely gen 1 heavy and I was mostly looking for non-gen 1 pokemon, but hopefully I still got them all.
Gen 1: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Charizard, Squirtle, Blastoise, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Growlithe, Arcanine, Machamp, Polywhirl/wrath…? (I think but I dont remember aaa), Gengar, Snorlax, Magikarp, Gyrados, Eevee, Flareon, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, I think there were Pidgeys but I couldn’t really tell…, Mew (picture only), Mewtwo, Ditto, Psyduck (…duh), um…I think that’s it?TOTAL COUNT: 24+ (again I might’ve missed some)
Gen 2: Noctowl, Aipom, Snubbull, SneaselTOTAL COUNT: 4
Gen 3: Treecko, Ludicolo…I think that’s it…TOTAL COUNT: 2
Gen 4: Torterra, um…..?? seriously wait, is torterra the only one? I gotta google this hold on-
…i forgot lickitung, cubone, doduo, dodrio, and rattata in gen 1. and primeape. i also forgot togepi and actually a fuck ton more. i remember all of those tho not some of the other ones. f. i dont remember primeape tho and also i mostly remember doduo and dodrio from the trailer oops
this post is cancelled but looking on bulbapedia tells me that the totals for each gen pokemon (species, not how many appear) are:
Gen 1: 32
Gen 2: 7, but bulbapedia says 6, i saw several noctowl towards the beginning of the film tho and bulbapedia doesnt have noctowl listed
Gen 3: 4
Gen 4: 3 (lmao)
Gen 5: 8
Gen 6: 4
Gen 7: 2
Overall a kind of weird distribution imo.  I realize the first chapter of Detective Pikachu (the game) came out before gen 7, but still, it’s kinda weird to me personally.  Gen 5 only has a major lead compared to every gen except for gen 2 and gen 1, but still.  The fact that it’s the second most represented gen (more than gen 2, even!) is interesting to me.  Maybe cuz the film was made in the US? so Unova? //shrug emoji//
But anyways yeah, i thought it was good!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
​​​​Pokémon: The Evolution of the Dub Opening Themes
When you talk to any casual fan about Pokémon, they’ll remember three things. Pikachu, Porygon seizures, and the theme song. The original theme of Pokémon has entrenched itself into pop culture, and is arguably the biggest song to come out of an anime dub ever.
But the Pokémon franchise has had a long journey since that initial success, its opening theme songs changing with the times. Even as theme songs for TV have mostly gone away, Pokémon has kept the light of them alive with no fewer than 24 songs across as many years!
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Why don’t we take a look back and see how they’ve evolved in that time? It’s worth examining how music trends influenced the songs and which ones are just straight up bops. Along the way we’ll look at how the songs match up to the visuals of the openings as well, because these songs don’t exist in a vacuum and exist first and foremost to be paired with the shows.
Pokémon Indigo League
‘Pokémon Theme’
How do you begin to discuss perfection?
This is the theme song by which all Pokémon theme songs are judged. That isn’t just nostalgia talking, they hit this out of the park. The opening notes convey a sense of wonder and mystery, aided by the sights of Mewtwo and Mew. The lyrics expertly convey the core appeal of the franchise and the anime in particular; you’re traveling on a big adventure to catch as many of these creatures as you can! It should feel like cynical marketing, especially with “gotta catch ‘em all,” but it’s inspiring! It’s right up there with ‘The Fellowship’ theme from Lord of the Rings as one of the best adventure songs of all time.
But you know what this song has that the Lord of the Rings theme doesn’t? Visuals timed to the beat of the song! Let me tell you, Lord of the Rings would have won 11 Oscars for every single movie in the franchise if they started their films with opening visuals edited together this perfectly. Damn near every cut in the opening is put on the beat or matches the flow of the song. The perfect example of this is the shot just before the logo where Ash tosses the Poké Ball. The timing of that ball toss with “gotta catch ‘em ALL” is expert level.
You may think you remember this opening solely because of the song but those visuals do a lot of legwork.
 Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands
‘Pokémon World’
Pokémon could have stuck with the original opening forever, endlessly remixing it (Degrassi style, baby!) but they made the bold decision to make ‘Pokémon World’ it’s own thing and it earns major points for that. The original theme is a classic adventure song but this feels more like an adventure song specifically for the summer. It’s bouncier, breezier, and lighter but still communicates the wonder of the Pokémon world.
The visuals aren’t timed quite as well but we’ve still got shots like that one of Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy perfectly synced to the cadence of the “CROWWWDS” lyric.
Pokémon: The Johto Journeys
‘Pokémon Johto’
‘Pokémon World’ boldly broke free from the original but it still maintained the general feel. This one does something completely new. This isn’t an adventure song; this is a fun time with your friends! It’s practically a campfire sing-along song! This reflects the general shifting of what the Pokémon franchise was at the time, from a game and anime with some shades of gray to a bright and colorful, suitable for every demographic with all the edges filed off. That isn’t a knock by the by, the theme needs to be an accurate portrayal of what you’re getting and this song does an excellent job at that. It’s just not as exciting as what came before.
The editing and visuals are above average here but we’re seeing the beginning of a noticeable issue with the opening themes. They’re mixing visuals from the Japanese opening (which clearly has better animation) and visuals from the show. You’ve got this crisp and bright animation next to the softer visuals from the show. It takes you a little out of the experience of the theme, even if it’s only subconsciously.
Pokémon: Johto League Champions
‘Born to Be a Winner’
Oh I am HERE for this song. First off you’ve got the song leading with the chorus of the original theme but it’s got a solid new beat behind it. That beat drives the entire song and it only gets bigger and better as it goes. This is the feeling of adventure the first two themes gave us but with a new edge!
And man that cut when Ash and Pikachu land that’s timed perfectly to “JOH-TO” is sublime. Shame the visuals, which look so crisp and uniform, are oddly broken up with that shot at the end of Umbreon taken from the show. Why is it the only one? It’s a good shot but come on, keep it consistent!
Pokémon: Master Quest
‘Believe in Me’
This one is… fine. It’s fine! It’s biggest sin is that it’s pretty generic. Besides the two shouts of “Pokémon!” it feels like it could fit any other early 2000’s anime dub. Also we’ve got the first (and  not the last) awkward shoehorning in of the title of the season. “I’m on a MASTER QUEST!” I mean, I get it. Ash wants to be a Pokémon master. I get what they’re going for but… eh.
The song also doesn’t have a strong beat behind it so I guess they decided not to care about matching the edits to the song. It’s not bad but again, very average.
Pokémon: Advanced
‘I Wanna Be a Hero’
…I wanna be a hero? I know Ash has saved the world way more times than he can even remember but that really isn’t his focus. He’s not a hero. (And don’t you dare come in these comments and talk about Slowking and the world turning to Ash, this ain’t the movies!) He’s not trying to stop evil, corruption, or the dozens of criminal organizations that challenge children to Pokémon battles. He’s just a guy! The song itself is once again fine but generic. The editing is a little better than last time, if only for finally making all the visuals consistent.
Pokémon: Advanced Challenge
‘This Dream’
Now THIS is more like it. That guitar adds so much! The lyrics are back to feeling more like Pokémon. Dreams! Rising to the challenge! Friendships! This theme is proof that Pokémon openings are far better when the lyrics reflect the show. I know someone in the Pokémon music office (I imagine there’s just 100 Jigglypuff plushies in there) has dreams of one of these openings taking off on the pop charts and wants to make it as generic as possible with as few references to Pokémon as possible to do so. That’s a mistake. This isn’t some generic anime that has a song about love or whatever and never mentions the title in the song (looking at you basically every anime opening ever.) This is a gigantic franchise! Let the song be unabashedly about the series!
The power is back in the editing as well! Should almost every opening time its music to Ash tossing a Pok�� Ball? Yep!
 Pokémon: Advanced Battle
We are on a roll! Great instrumental, good singer, and those lyrics really hone in on the battling aspect of Pokémon. What really makes this one work is that, “from the stars and the ancient past” lyric. Hinting at the mystery of the Pokémon world adds a richness and wonder to any opening theme and it breaks up all the lyrics about battling. Also I’m just a sucker for “Ooooowhoaaaa” in songs.
This one feels like they had the clips they wanted to use in the opening and gave it to whoever wrote the song because they all fit so damn well!
Pokémon: Battle Frontier
‘Battle Frontier’
Uh, well that roll was short. Also, this song is way too short! It has no time or room to build! Not that it has much to work with, it’s an extremely weak song which isn’t helped by needing to get “BATTLE FRONTIER” in there somewhere. It worked for Advanced Battle because those two words are cool. Battle is cool, obviously, but the word frontier is wasted on a song like this. If this was more of an adventure tune like the original opening it might work but this is just generic filler music. The first opening that falls into the “below average” category.
Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl
‘Diamond and Pearl’
I take it back! Give me ‘Battle Frontier’ back! When you start a new era of Pokémon you need your opening theme to hit hard and this is beyond weak. Working in the lyrics “it’s a new game” and “DIAMOND AND PEARL” does it zero favors, nor does the speak-singing. These openings, both in their music and visuals, are quickly becoming forgettable.
Pokémon: DP Battle Dimension
‘We Will Be Heroes’
We’ve got a stronger singer this time but the song has no energy driving it! On paper the lyrics are fine, even if someone at the Pokémon office does not understand, once again, that Ash and company aren’t heroes. Also this theme just isn’t exciting. A Pokémon theme song NEEDS to be exciting! Come on, you’ve got a shot of the team on jet skis! How is this boring?!
Pokémon: DP Galactic Battles
‘Battle Cry – (Stand Up!)’
Okay, we’re back on track! Great singer, sense of adventure, a chorus echoing the lyrics (always a good move) and that killer drumbeat! A drumbeat that the editor smartly timed a lot of the clips to. I dig it! It also smartly only busts out the “GALACTIC BATTLES!” at the very end, which more of these seasons with awkward titles should do.
Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors
‘We Will Carry On!’
At this point I need to ask, why are we even bothering with an intro? Sure Galactic Battles was okay but the songs are so short they don’t use that short time properly. 30-second intros can be done, OK K.O! did an amazing opening song in 20 seconds! This song though is just some mindless Disney Channel level butt rock.
Pokémon: Black and White
‘Black and White’
I wish this had more of that male singer. It sounds like he’s trying to do an ‘80s ballad impression (a little Michael Bolton) which would have been INCREDIBLE for a Pokémon theme but instead we go for a passable if generic vocal. I think there’s a lot of potential in using the “black and white” concept for a song (good and evil in the Pokémon world is a thing!) but then I remember. It’s Pokémon. We’re not wrestling with deep moral and ethical questions about good and evil here.
Also the choice of a CG opening is… a choice! It’s certainly unique for the franchise but if the show isn’t CG what’s the point?
Pokémon: BW Rival Destinies
‘Rival Destinies’
Look, I love some butt rock. ‘Phenomenon’ by Thousand Foot Krutch is a killer song but you need more OOMPH in your song to pull it off! Pokémon is one of the biggest franchises on the planet! It needs a better song than one you’ll forget five seconds after it ends. Embrace the butt rock! Let these singers really go for it!
Pokémon: Adventures in Unova and Beyond
‘It’s Always You and Me’
I didn’t know Christian Kids Rock was a genre the Pokémon series would try and tackle but here we are. What hath God wrought? I guess I can give it a point for its commitment to not have even an inkling of edginess? Honestly I’m so distraught by these openings at this point I’m just trying to find anything good I can.
We’re also long past the visuals and editing that bother to match the opening song and it’s a shame. I know the anime is a disposable product meant to prop up the games and franchise as a whole but man, the lack of care in the editing is a little sad. We’ve certainly come so far from the very first opening.
Pokémon the Series: XY
‘Pokémon Theme (Version XY)’
Oh. Oh my god. Oh my GOD. It’s good. No, it’s great. No, it’s INCREDIBLE. I’m saved! You may think it’s only because of nostalgia but let me tell you, they could have done that original song dirty. No, they pulled out all the stops and gave that classic a new lease on life. They pick up the pace and give it a harder rock sound. It’s still only 30 seconds but they use every moment to its fullest extent.
This extends to the visuals which, for the first time in a long time, perfectly match the song. When the chorus hits and the song picks up they toss endless battle shots at you! It’s epic! It pumps you up! After so long it finally feels like a Pokémon theme song again in music and visuals.
Pokémon the Series XY: Kalos Quest
‘Be a Hero’
Welp, it was nice while it lasted. Look, Pokémon, I need to explain to you that Ash is just a kid on a quest to make friends and catch Pokémon. Stop trying to make “be a hero’ happen. It’s never gonna happen! The song itself is back into generic land but that singer going ham on “heeeeROOOOO” did make me smile. It’s total butt rock and I’m here for it. As much as the hero thing doesn’t fit Pokémon the visuals of the opening do sell that FEELING and that deserves some points.
Pokémon the Series: XYZ
‘Stand Tall’
Stadium rock for a Pokémon opening? I’m kinda here for it! If Ash was a wrestler I could easily imagine this as his entrance theme. It certainly stands out from previous openings, even though it doesn’t utilize its 30 seconds well enough. Ash seemingly tapping his feet to the beat is glorious, even if the rest of the visuals aren’t well timed to the song.
Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon
‘Under The Alolan Sun’
I. Love. This. Opening. It’s the second best Pokémon opening, just behind the original. It’s so fun! It matches the slice of life comedy vibe that Sun & Moon did so well. More than that it feels inviting in a way so many of these themes haven’t been. The original theme made you excited to go on a journey but this one makes you want to live on the island with these characters!It’s that shot of everyone dancing alongside their Pokémon that does it. How can you not groove along and smile with that? Then we’ve got those crossfade shots of everyone with their Pokémon that takes it over the top. This is how you start a new era of Pokémon!
Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Adventures
​​‘Under The Alolan Moon’
A new genre for these openings, which I’m all for, but the problem is that it feels like the song is ramping up to the big chorus but before it can get there the song just ends. The beat is fine but after the fun of the ‘Under The Alolan Sun’ opening this pales in comparison.
 Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Legends
‘The Challenge of Life’
The drums make this song! It feels big yet keeps the fun of the first Sun & Moon opening. It even sneaks in some of the grand feeling that only the Pokémon world has. I can’t say this is a song I’d put on repeat on its own but it sets the tone for the series pretty damn well. Plus that shot of Ash jumping into the water at the top is just damn cool.
Pokémon Journeys: The Series
‘The Journey Starts Today’
Pokémon, but what if it was sung by Imagine Dragons? The first half is bland but once we hit those “Whoaoaoaoa” I can’t help but want to clap along. It’s not a memorable opening by any means but as a kid I can imagine getting into it. That tracking shot that starts with Pikachu helps a lot.
Pokémon Master Journeys: The Series
‘Journey to Your Heart’
That guitar riff! Holy hell, this song does not mess around with its 30 seconds. A powerful hook, rockin’ beat, and engaging lyrics. Look, “journey to your heart” is kind of a meaningless phrase but damn if it doesn’t get you pumped! It’s so anime. It’s so Pokémon!
The editing of the opening visuals matches the song. We start with a calm shot of the team looking over a cliff at sunset but then as the drums kick in we get that jeep flying into the air! Majesty, action, and not too long after we’ve got Ash dancing! It’s so cute and it matches the song!
I’m glad we could end this look back through the Pokémon openings on such a high note. The Diamond & Pearl through Black & White era was easily the roughest but the last few series have managed to get back some of that original Pokémon theme song glory. I’d be lying though if I said any theme managed to stand up to the original though. They knocked it outta the park from the jump. I can only imagine how intimidating it is for any band to come in and try and add to the Pokémon legacy after that, especially with it now being watched by many corporate overlords. It’s honestly a bit of a miracle we could get something as good as ‘Under The Alolan Sun’ from a franchise as big as Pokémon. 
Still, anytime a new Pokémon theme drops I always give it a listen. The ones that manage to capture the magic of Pokémon are some of the most special and fun opening themes out there.
Also if anyone from the  Pokémon music office is reading, please release a full three-minute version of ‘Under The Alolan Sun.’ The world needs it!
The post ​​​​Pokémon: The Evolution of the Dub Opening Themes appeared first on Den of Geek.
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diamond-song42 · 6 years
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The Nonsense Thing in Diamond’s Head Today 4: My Favorite Pokemon
*Lusamine header for no reason whatsoever*
Diamond here with another weird thing. To further expand into Pokemon-related topics, I thought I’d teach you a bit about me and direct your attention to my header photo. That is a grid of my favorite Pokemon of each type. Why did I choose those? What significance do they have? You’re about to find out! I will list these in order by type - I have no real order for which ones I like more than others. Let’s get started!
GRASS: SERPERIOR. Serperior is the final form of Snivy, the Gen 5 Grass starter. I pick Serperior for two reasons. First, its Hidden Ability. Contrary is one of the best abilities in the game. Serperior uses it masterfully. It has access to Leaf Storm, a move that usually lowers the user’s Special Attack. But with a Contrary Pokemon, that Special Attack is going straight up. Yes, each turn a Contrary Serperior uses Leaf Storm, it will only get stronger. If that’s not fabulous I don’t know what is. Reason 2: It just looks so cool. It’s a 10'10 snake. It could literally kill and eat you. So regal and snaky.
FIRE: INFERNAPE. Infernape, the final form of Gen 4 Fire starter Chimchar. Infernape holds special significance to me. I started my Pokemon journey with Pokemon Diamond, knowing nothing about the game or creatures within. Chimchar was my first. Yes, Chimchar is my equivalent to Ash’s Pikachu, Brock’s Steelix, May’s Blaziken, Dawn’s Piplup, Serena’s Braixen, and Lillie’s Vulpix, Snowy. Infernape and I went through a great journey together and I couldn’t ask for a better partner.
WATER: SHARPEDO/MEGA SHARPEDO. Though Infernape might be my first, Water is in fact my favorite type. Sharpedo, Archie’s partner, wasn’t a Pokemon I gave much thought to until Gen 6. Gen 6 gave it a pretty great boost with a Mega Evolution. There’s a combination I like to use with my Sharpedo. First, I protect it for a turn (or two if I’m lucky) and let its Hidden Ability Speed Boost bulk it up a bit. Then I Mega Evolve it and let Jaws tear up the field. It’s a Pokemon that can use Strong Jaw to its advantage! Not to mention the Mega Evolution is sick. It’s super big and has spikes protruding from its nose. You are not safe. I’m still waiting for a Pokemon parody of Sharknado with Sharpedo. It is my first and favorite choice of Mega.
NORMAL: SILVALLY. Here’s another one falling into the “Cool Looks and Ability” category! It’s Gladion’s best buddy and discount Arceus. The discount Arceus factor is part of my reasoning for choosing it. The other is its utter versatility. All its stats are equal, meaning it has ground as a Physical Attacker, Special Attacker, or maybe both. Its signature move, Multi-Attack, will always be STAB, Memory or not. And have you seen Gladion’s Silvally? So cool.
ELECTRIC: LUXRAY. The electric lion of the Sinnoh region takes this slot. I’ve always liked Luxray’s appearance. That jet black fur with the gleaming eyes is really intimidating. Speaking of Intimidate, it has the ability going for it (even if its stats are trash). Not sold on why you should like Luxray? Look at Clemont’s. He’s so cool. He’s Clemont’s war beast that lights up the field with Electric Terrain and jumps on Ash. “A Campus Reunion” is one of my favorite episodes of X and Y, and Luxray is a big part of that.
PSYCHIC: MEOWSTIC. Oh yes, I am choosing the advanced version of demon spawn cat Espurr for this one. Meowstic has a unique concept in that both genders have different appearances, movesets, and abilities. Females go on the offensive (which is awesome in itself), while males stick to defense. The male sticks out here for me because he has access to Prankster, a great ability that gives priority to status moves such as Swagger, Taunt, and Torment. The female has access to Competitive, which is okay but not as great as Prankster. The male also just looks cooler. The vivid blue with white stripes just feels better to me than vice versa.
FIGHTING: LUCARIO. The Pokemon that helped decode the mystery of Mew! I love Lucario. It has reached the iconic state shared by Pokemon such as Pikachu, Charizard, and Mewtwo. While it may not be the best stat-wise, its character makes up for that. It’s a loyal puppo that can throw Aura Spheres and make bones in its hands. I mained it for a while during Smash. And can I add how cool it is in the anime? Maylene’s Lucario takes no shit from her because it knows she can do better. Cameron may be a pathetic rival, but his Lucario is really tough and relatable (seriously… have you seen it eating ice cream?). Korrina’s Lucario is loyal and truly wants to improve when it can’t control its Mega Evolution. Lucario’s Mega is cool, but underwhelming compared to others. I will always stick with my original Fighting-Steel puppo.
ROCK: LYCANROC MIDNIGHT FORME. In case you didn’t get the hint from my Lucario analysis, I love dogs. Lycanroc is an awesome dog. Three forms, all with different strengths and cool links to the elements. None of them are the most superior in competitive play, but they’ve already become infamous among Pokemon fans. I choose the Midnight Form as my favorite because it’s an awesome rock werewolf. It just looks so cool! It also executes its special Z-Move, Splintered Stormshards, the snazziest. Midday Lycanroc is a standard loyal Poke-doggo, but it doesn’t have the same charm as Midnight Lycanroc for me. Dusk Lycanroc is a fusion between the two, but my OCD will not ignore that blue and red do NOT make green. I’ll battle with my loyal, badass lycanthrope any day!
GROUND: MUDSDALE. THE GORGEOUS HORSIE OF THE ALOLA REGION! The minute I laid my eyes on Mudsdale, I knew it would be awesome. I doubt you’re surprised if you read my content. I love how it’s based on the Clydesdale horse, which can get HUMONGOUS. (Google them!) I’m 5'9 and I could ride this if it was real (unlike Charizard)! Its Stamina ability is superb and has helped kick my ass many times. Plus it has cool dreadlocks! Not to mention its connection to Hapu, a perfect cupcake of a Pokemon character. I fully expect that Pokemon theme park that’s opening in 2020 to have a Mudsdale merry-go-round. I NEED TO RIDE MY PONY.
FLYING: DRIFBLIM. Gen Z, a long time ago when we played with Wiis, we had a game called My Pokemon Ranch. The game allowed you to watch Pokemon up to Gen 4 and transfer your own Pokemon from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. You can also visit other people’s ranches, and when you do, a Pokemon close to you follows you. That Pokemon for me was Drifblim. The dopey-looking balloon thing from Gen 4 was glued to my side when I visited my friends. I’m amused that it’s gaining some viability in tournament play now with Tapu Lele and Unburden. My choice is less about the tournament play and more about how a balloon was my best friend in a cheesy Pokemon spin-off.
BUG: SCOLIPEDE. The largest Bug-type in the Pokeverse. I was still a little naive when I got Pokemon Black. Scolipede was one of my first captures in the game and became a staple of my team. I love its design. Most Bug-types are pretty small and don’t intimidate the opponent too much. Scolipede does this. It’s even larger than Buzzwole and Pheromosa! The stats and abilities got a mild boost in Gen 6, with the Attack gaining an additional 10 points and its Hidden Ability becoming Speed Boost. I do believe my wonderful horror movie beast is underrated and should get more appreciation instead of being delegated to an antagonistic role in the anime.
POISON: MAREANIE. James’s latest crush also has a spot in my heart. Mareanie has a wonderful design. A blue and purple color palette that can poison a person with less effort than Nililego. Mareanie and her evolution, Toxapex, have access to two boss abilities, Merciless and Regenerator. Toxapex is cool, but it’s a theory I have with Mareanie that causes the pre-evolution to win me over. If Mareanie can fully wrap herself around James’s giant head, it could wrap around my torso and carry my necessities in its tentacles. It’s a companion and a backpack! Thank God for Mareanie.
DARK: WEAVILE. Another Pokemon I have fond memories of from my Diamond and Pearl days, Weavile is the long-awaited evolution of Sneasel from Gen 4. I caught a Sneasel and played around with her for a while… AND THEN MY NAIVE BUTT LEARNED HOW YOU EVOLVE IT. I patiently waited until it became dark outside and I leveled Sneasel up and BAM WEAVILE. Weavile became one of my most used Pokemon in that game. For tournament play, its stats are actually pretty good, and both its abilities (Pressure and Pickpocket) do damage in different ways. And it just looks so menacing! That’s what a Dark-type should be.
GHOST: MIMIKYU. I mean… what’s not to love about a Pikachu clone? Okay, it’s not a clone in the essence of Pachirisu or Togedemaru. The concept around it is so heartbreaking and creepy and lovable. Unlike most Ghost-types, Mimikyu just wants to be your friend! It’s super powerful, too. Its Disguise ability is amazing and can change the dynamic of a battle in seconds. Its typing also gives it few weaknesses and THREE immunities. And need I mention the Z-Move? It’s the best Z-Move I’ve ever seen. Splintered Stormshards is cool, but you really need to look out for the dreaded Let’s Snuggle Forever. Mimikyu just wants to do its best for you and you should love it.
ICE: ALOLAN VULPIX. Yes, Snowy is in on this! I’ve always loved the Fire-type Vulpix. But when it gained the Ice-type, it became 10 times fluffier! It’s a walking cotton ball! I’m disappointed Build-a-Bear only has the Fire variant because I want to get the Ice variant and hug it and love it and pet it and squeeze it. And y'all know by now how I feel about Lillie and her family. Snowy is so supportive of her! Even though she’s the youngest Pokemon of the main characters, she clearly understands Lillie’s past and trouble with touching Pokemon. She gives Lillie a nice distance while staying close. One of the most supportive Pokemon I’ve ever seen. And I want one as a pet. (Oh yeah and it and its evolution have access to Snow Warning which is also pretty fab.)
STEEL: EXCADRILL. I have a special relationship with the Subterrene Pokemon. The minute I saw Iris’s Excadrill, I wanted to train one. It looks awesome! A badass drill mole with a ‘tude. And it can hold its own in tournament play! Defensively, its typing is awesome. The Steel-type can resist so much and switch into Toxic without fear. It can learn not one, but TWO OHKO moves (Fissure and Horn Drill). And the three abilities it has access to are all great. You could go for pure power with Sand Force, get the upper hand on speed with Sand Rush, or negate abilities like Levitate and Fur Coat with Mold Breaker! Its small size doesn’t do it justice considering how big of a threat it is.
DRAGON: DRAMPA. FALKOR. At least that’s what I thought when I saw Turtonator’s Moon counterpart for the first time. Believe it or not, Falkor actually has some things going for it! Two out of its three possible abilities are amazing. Cloud Nine removes the effects of weather, while Berserk shoots that Special Attack up after HP is halved. Plus, it’s so fluffy! Lana and Mallow playing with this guy gives me all the feels. You do you, Falkor.
FAIRY: PRIMARINA. I end this list by fawning over the final form of our beloved Popplio. I was hesitant as to what the clown seal would evolve into. But this thing just straight-up Neville Longbottomed. It is beautiful! It looks like it came out of a Disney movie. Its battling skills aren’t too shabby, either. Sparkling Aria hits everyone on the field and heals burns for some reason. But it could help heal a partner with Water Absorb or Dry Skin. The Z-Move this can turn into, Oceanic Operetta, just blows my mind with the animation. If you want a reason to use Sparkling Aria, the Z-Move is a good reason. But let’s get to the best part: Its Hidden Ability, Liquid Voice. HYPER VOICE IS WATER NOW. 'Nuff said.
And now you know my favorite Pokemon. My team and I would love a battle sometime. Diamond out!
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wiseabsol · 7 years
Excerpts from a Prompts Project
For those of you who read my Pokemon fanfic “The Phoenix Rose Saga” back in the day, here is the first of three excerpts showing what a re-imagined version of it would look like.
Prompt #1: Creation, featuring Aaron from “TPRS”
As far as creations went, the second of their mew clones (or the third, if he decided to count the prototype, which he generally didn’t) wasn’t much of a success.
Perhaps Aaron shouldn’t say that. The clone, who his assistants had named “Neva” for her snowy white pelt, was alive and healthy. That was more than most of their early clones could boast. They had died while they were growing in their gestation tanks or shortly after their births. Still, there wasn’t much else that could be said in Neva’s favor. Her albinism, while unusual among pokémon, wasn’t as rare or valuable as the “shiny” coloration. The vulnerability of her eyes and skin to sunlight, thanks to her condition, didn’t help either. If they weren’t careful, she might eventually go blind or develop skin cancer (which was another reason why confining her to the lab was for the best).
Yet compared to her other flaws, her albinism could be overlooked. Her being deaf and psychically disabled were much more serious problems.
The deafness could be worked around. Neva’s primary caretaker, Dr. Rosenberg, knew several languages, including the local version of sign language. In addition to her other duties, Dr. Rosenberg was adapting that version into a three-fingered one that Neva could use. She’d given Aaron reports on how Neva was progressing, along with the growing list of signs that Neva had learned, but he’d only managed to skim through them. Neva’s “sister,” Morgan, interested him more than her less capable sibling. Most of his time was spent going over her medical reports and her battle analyses instead. As long as Dr. Rosenberg was confident that her pet project was going well, he felt safe entrusting her with the second clone. Until he found a use for Neva, her time could be spent in language lessons.
What else was he supposed to do with her? She didn’t have a wisp of psychic power, nor any hint of the others, despite the lineage she boasted. Mew was said to be able to learn every move a pokémon could learn, he thought, rubbing his temples as he waited for his coffee to brew. And this creature can barely use Scratch.
Cloning pokémon was always a gamble, of course. His colleagues back on Cinnabar had stressed that time and again as they’d sifted through fossilized remains, looking for the most promising samples. Even the best-preserved ones, though, captured in ice and amber, would have holes somewhere in their genetic codes. Using stem cells from dittos could fill in only so much of what had been lost. For the rest of the gaps, they had to splice in genes from other pokémon and people, which threw all sort of variables into the mix. No doubt that had been what had brought about Morgan’s blue coloration (due to the vaporeon genes in her genetic cocktail) and Neva’s disabilities. That or her mew fossil had been from a flawed specimen, which was entirely possible. Aaron had hardly expected to find one set of mew remains, let alone two, so of course he had made clones from them both. That was more than Dr. Fuji had accomplished!
It niggled at Aaron, though, that Dr. Fuji’s prototype had been practically perfect. Its psychic powers alone could have leveled mountains. Such a shame, really, that its temperament had been so foul….
Even if Aaron’s creations weren’t as strong as their predecessor, at least they were under his control. Certainly, Morgan was a handful. She was eager to test herself in battle—she was rather like the prototype that way (if only, if only he could capture Mewtwo as well and use it as a stud. The offspring would no doubt be priceless). But she still obeyed them and adhered to the rules and restrictions they’d laid out for her, and all because he’d taken the time to sit down with her and answer her questions. He’d be careful to treat her like a person, even though she wasn’t one, and that had made the difference. His lab was still standing and he and his people were still alive. That put him well ahead of Dr. Fuji, as far as Aaron was concerned.
But the question remained: what was he supposed to do with Neva?
Euthanizing and dissecting her was out of the question (unless her body started breaking down like some of the others had, in which case his intervention would be a mercy). They’d sunk too much money, too much time, too much labor and energy into making her. He couldn’t waste the investment. He hadn’t been able to back when she was gestating, when her pure white fur and her biopsies had told him of her condition. Mew samples were too hard to come by, and even a flawed sample couldn’t be discarded because the result was imperfect. But if she couldn’t be used for battle or for contests—or for activities that the League didn’t sanction, but his financers pursued—what else was left?
Breeding, the answer came to him. She can be used for breeding. If nothing else, she could act as a surrogate for her sister’s offspring. That way, Morgan can remain in the arena and won’t be injured by any pregnancy complications. The mew clones, after all, were essentially chimeras. Delivering might be harder for them than for their purer ancestors. Especially if they had litters.
It would have to be carefully done. They had gambled with the genetic cocktails that had brought the sisters into being, but they could not take the same risks with the offspring (if the sisters were even fertile. They might not be. Most pokémon were and could breed across species lines, but there were a select few who were more restrictive. The mews could have been one of those, regardless of their supposed “ancestor of all” designation). Fortunately, both sisters had a readier supply of gametes than Aaron had of fossilized remains, so he could do more with the genes he’d be mixing. Maybe he could increase the claw length in the offspring…maybe tweak their coloration…definitely expand their move sets if he could…yes, there was a lot he could experiment with.  
After mixing a tooth-aching amount of sugar and a dollop of cream into his coffee, he left his office and went to the training center for the clones. Morgan was making good progress on converting her psychic energies into electric attacks and was making short work of her opponents. She seemed restless, but he supposed that was to be expected when none of her challengers were putting up a good fight. They would have to increase the level tier again and see how she fared then.
Neva, in contrast, was practicing signs with Dr. Rosenberg. They were in the botanical lab today. Dr. Rosenberg was teaching Neva the names and medicinal uses of the plants there, as if she would have any use for that knowledge. But he supposed they had to improve Neva’s communication skills somehow, and keeping her in a stagnant environment like her pen would hinder her in that. If only she had half of her sister’s innate empathic abilities. Then she would be fluent in their language already….
“Dr. Rosenberg,” he called through the doorway, feeling the moist, sticky heat of the lab against his face. “A word?”
She nodded and made some quick signs to Neva, who nodded and started working clumsily on a project. She was getting dirt everywhere on the floor. Dr. Rosenberg removed her gardening gloves and joined him. “Yes?”
“I wanted to run something by you.” He explained the breeding idea to her. To his surprise, she looked uncertain about it. “Is something the matter?”
“Sir, it’s just…the sisters might be physically mature, but psychologically, they’re far from it. They need more time to learn and develop before—I’m not saying that we shouldn’t consider it,” she added hastily, seeing his annoyance, “but maybe we should wait a year or two for their minds to catch up to their bodies.”
“That would be fine, if we didn’t have Ms. Stoneson breathing down our necks. But we do, and while she’s pleased with Morgan’s progress, she’s starting to see Neva as a waste of resources.” That had come up repeatedly in their last meeting. “I’m not sure how much more she is willing to spend on a failed investment.”
“Neva is not a failure!”
Gods protect him from scientists who grew too attached to their experiments. “She is in the eyes of our employer,” he explained, with rather more patience than Dr. Rosenberg deserved. “But that could change if we find a use for her. I’m open to alternative suggestions.” When the now red-faced Dr. Rosenberg seemed at a loss, he added, “If you think of any, let me know. Otherwise, inform Neva that this is where things are heading. We might start her on a hormone regime as soon as next month.”
As he was turning away, Dr. Rosenberg reached out and grabbed his wrist. “Aaron, she’s a child, you can’t—”
“Would you rather she be a dead child? Because that’s another option our dear employer has mentioned. Using Neva for samples and spare parts certainly would put an end to the drain she’s being, even if it wouldn’t give us back a fraction of the fortune we spent on making her.”
Dr. Rosenberg paled at that. Aaron nodded. “I don’t want that either, but I might not have a choice if Neva doesn’t prove her value somehow.” He looked past her, at the creation, who had buried her muzzle into the roses. “Take a day to think about it,” he told Dr. Rosenberg, then left.
They had to find a use for the clone somehow. This was the only way he could think of.
Better this than the dissection table, he thought. I’m sure even Neva would agree.
But he would never ask her that. He would become like Dr. Rosenberg if he did—too involved, too close to keep perspective like he should, when they were working for people who had no patience for such softheartedness. He had to keep his distance and keep in mind what the sisters were: creations. Products. Property. Not pokémon. Not even people.
No matter what Dr. Rosenberg might say, Aaron couldn’t allow himself to lose sight of that.
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rafespeaks · 7 years
< > - means my gf @turbomun typed it
Imagine bby Hau when his dad first left. Imagine how confused & devastated he must've been. Imagine him sending letter after letter with his mom's help but only getting a few back. Imagine one day the return letters just... stop. Imagine Hau and his mom continuing to write letters until they start coming back as 'return to sender'. Imagine Hau not fully understanding why and continuing to write letters anyway, but just not sending them. Imagine him finally old enough to understand, but he keeps on writing them anyway, just because it's a little therapeutic and it's become a habit by now anyway. < Eventually he just stops sending them and keeps them in a box. He decides to give them to his dad if he ever sees him again. >
I've been thinking about how Hau may have met Nalani over the past few days, and what the circumstances might've been for Hala yelling in front of him, and just general bby Hau stuff. And I came up with some loose headcanons concerning that stuff. Hau used to go out and play with the Pichu around Iki Town all the time, and there was one that always seemed to love hanging around him no matter what, and it just... followed him home one day. Hala never liked Hau going to play with the Pichu because not every wild Pokemon is so friendly. He always lectured Hau about the dangers, especially of overaggressive Pokemon like you see charging at you in the grass and from bushes and shaking trees. Hau never really got it though - he was too young and all the Pokemon he'd met so far were friendly! This led to him getting too close to Hala's Tauros when it was worked up one day. It could've killed him and Hala was so scared for him and angry at his disobedience that he ended up shouting. This resulted in Hau being afraid of pissing off not only Hala but ANY kahuna. This is also why he says he couldn't ride a Tauros once Tauros is registered in your Ride Pager, though he's confident enough by the end of the game to learn to ride from Hala (as seen in the credits picture). (Typed on Feb. 11)
Some Hau headcanons no one asked for: He is gender fluid, tho he usually defaults to he/him. His assigned gender is male, though he would sometimes feel like he was a girl even from a very young age. He'd also get annoyed when people assumed he was just playing and pretending to be a girl. So when he first heard the terminology, he was ecstatic and was like "YES I'm THAT!!!" It was a similar story for him being gay. His first ever crush was on Ilima when he was six. Ofc, Ilima is a little old for him, so he eventually grew out of the crush and is simply Ilima's friend instead. Typically, Hau stays the same gender all day, but he has been known to switch. Especially after he's listened to a song he likes that has self-referencing pronouns. Bonus Hau/Gladion headcanon - if Gladion really DOES teach himself guitar, he'll change the pronouns in any love songs for Hau's current gender. Hau loves him to death for this... (Typed on Feb. 13)
Random headcanon: Typically, when Hau gets tired, he gets more active rather than less so. He turns all giddy and bouncy and it's really hard to get him to sit still unless he's in a bad mood or was sitting still already. So when he was younger and he started bouncing off the walls more than usual, that was his family's signal for 'okay, bedtime'. (Typed on Feb. 1)
Valentines Day shenanigans -  Red would probably put a lot of thought into every aspect of anything he got Green, INCLUDING the card. < He would make his own with construction paper and 2/3 a bottle of glitter Glitter is all over the apartment for the next 6 months >  RED U CHEESY BOI................  IMAGINE HIS POKEMON HELPING HIM. GLITTER ALL OVER THEIR CLAWS/PAWS/HANDS. ESPECIALLY HIS SHINY RAI < AND MEWTWO > Lol, Mewtwo would probably use his psychic powers and not even pick up the bottle. ... but then Raichu would smear him with glitter on purpose. GLITTER FIGHT!!!!! By the time it's over Red is just like "... this was a mistake..." < Green comes back like what the FUCK > (Typed on Feb. 12) + extra from another time  IMAGINE RED MAKING A SPECIAL CARD FOR GREEN EVERY YEAR................... BONUS: GREEN DOESN'T EVEN REALIZE HE'S THE ONLY ONE RED MAKES A HAND-MADE CARD FOR & THAT ALL THE OTHER KIDS GET THE STORE-BOUGHT STUFF.
< When Red was a baby, he hated feeling like he was alone at any time. He easily fell asleep in just about anyone's arms, but wouldn't sleep in his crib unless he was given a stuffed toy or a soft blanket to cuddle with. Because of this, his parents always referred to him as a "snuggle-bug" > (Typed on Feb. 21)
(Not technically Red but...) -  Btw!!! Plot bunny I forgot to tell you about!!! Imagine Mewtwo helping Raichu out with her newfound Psychic powers. B/c it's tough, he knows. Imagine her accidentally broadcasting her emotions tho it's always way more subtle than Mewtwo b/c she's not nearly as strong as him. Imagine she's so used to life as a Pikachu, she often forgets she even has psychic powers now. Sometimes she rolls onto her tail in the middle of the night and it starts floating and when she wakes up she's so startled she drops herself. IMAGINE PSYCHIC CHOCO CHU PROBLEMS < Mewtwo teaches ChocoChu about controlling her hovering and one day Red comes home to her nyooming around the house > Red just like "Holy heck you can do that now???" < Also Mew decides that ChocoChu is A Friend > ChocoChu is a Friend to Everyone (Typed on Feb. 27)
I was looking for Japanese terms of endearment and... "Another common one is to use a suffix based upon some sort of adorable trait, like -rin or -pon, that as far as I can tell is based upon some part of their personality and/or physical appearance--for example, if a child was a particularly chubby baby, -pon might have stuck (used after a vowel sound, like 'Aki-pon', for example)"  LYRA-PON......... < LYRA-PON!! > Also apparently the Japanese don't really use terms of endearment...?? Just... nicknames. But still, that was a good find.
... Sudden Silver headcanon. He yells a lot ofc but he can't really take too much yelling himself. Especially if it's directed at him from someone he cares about. < ...what if when Silver gets yelled at by someone he cares about, even if they apologize later, he tends to crave some kind of physical affection from them so that he knows they still care about him Not that he'd show it but he wants to be loved > < If u fight with Silver, the best thing to do afterwards is give him a hug > Yep... He'll probably stiffen up, and then cry into ur shoulder for a little while, but it'll have him feeling better a lot faster.
Tbh I can't really see Silver conforming to labels. He was born a boy, that's what he's used to. Call him whatever you want, he doesn't fuckin' care, but he won't go out of his way to correct you. He's just like "whatever". < He alternately describes his gender as "whatever" "who knows" and "yes" > LMAO YES < "What is your gender?" "yes" > X P I just felt like Silver's so confident in who he is as a person, he wouldn't actively ask anyone to change the pronouns they use for him.  < "Are you a boy or a girl?" "I'm a Pokemon trainer" "yeah but what is your gender" "who knows" "but what's in your pants" "my PokeBalls" > (Typed on Feb. 13)
< Random and unexpectedly cute headcanon/idea thing?? Not something we'd ever RP but just something that popped into my head: Giovanni has to teach Silver how to shave >  AHAHAHAHA Y E S Silver still hates cutting ANY of his hair but he hates having facial hair even MORE < Especially because pubescent facial hair is so UGLY AND GROSS LOOKING, finally one day he can't take it anymore and goes "Dad can I borrow your razor" And Giovanni is like "?? you're gonna shave?? well I have an extra razor but not so fast, I'm teaching you how to use it first" > Silver's just "UGH FINE JUST PLZ MAKE IT QUICK - THIS STUFF IS PISSING ME OFF" < You have just saved yourself many scratches down the line, believe me" So Giovanni is teaching him and at one point just comments, "you're lucky you have a safety razor. I had to learn using a straight razor which looks like you're trying to commit suicide every morning" > And Silver's just like "Yeah whatever, as long as I get this shit off, I don't really care what does it." < Father and son bond over complaining about goddamn fucking facial hair and Silver must have inherited his dislike from Gio because Gio is the most clean shaven guy EVER, he shaves every day no matter what "Shaving is what separates us from the cavemen son" > L M A O NO WAIT IMAGINE SILVER TEACHING ETHAN HOW TO SHAVE NOT LONG AFTER THAT < oh my GOD Ethan would grow a Baby's First Mustache and not even notice until Silver and Lyra go "what the fuck is on your face" > H A A A A A < Silver "Ethan I'm gonna show you how to shave. My dad says that this is what separates us from the cavemen." "...but what if I want to be a caveman" > "THEN YOU CAN SAY GOODBYE TO ANY POSSIBILITY OF KISSING ME" < "JUST KIDDING LETS LEARN TO SHAVE" > (Typed on Feb. 26)
... Imagine Silver getting into book repair... Like he finds a really battered book at a thrift store or in a library or smth and he just can't leave it there. So he takes it home and works on it until it looks goddamn beautiful. And if it's a library book he takes it back (even if he was told he could keep it) and the librarian is??? Just??? "How the hell did you do that wtf" < THATS APPROPRIATE I KNOW WAY TOO MUCH ABOUT BOOK REPAIR > and I literally made a book 4 u :P (Typed on Mar. 7)
< Giovanni has a habit of saying "close the light" instead of "turn off the light." This has to do with the expression for turning off the light in the Italian language. >  ... Silver would SO tease him about it... All the time... < "hey dad did you remember to close the TV" "hey dad have you closed your computer yet" "hey dad you left the light open" "HEY DA > (Typed on Feb. 21)
My mom just showed me a picture of a bumper sticker on facebook that said "Proud parent of a great kid that is sometimes an asshole and that's ok". I immediately thought of Giovanni & Silver. < I want them to have one of those knitted cruets that says "God Bless This Asshole Family" > (Typed on Feb. 8)
< ok random thought but I've always had the headcanon that Giovanni drinks -- only in moderation, sometimes he'll have a glass of wine at night or sometimes a shot of something stronger if he's feeling anxious. but he usually doesn't drink in front of Silver and one day Silver walks in the kitchen and sees Giovanni pouring a drink and is immediately horrified "DAD ARE YOU AN ALCOHOLIC DO YOU NEED AN INTERVENTION" >
... What do u think of Lusamine having Lillie take flute lessons < She probably had a strict regimen of Approved Extracirricular Activities for her kids > Yup. Lots of classy instrument lessons probably. No art tho - too messy and you can't really measure art by 'perfection'. Reading fiction was highly discouraged. Lusamine would throw out books she didn't approve of. 'Play time' was allowed with her in-game team of Pokemon, though it was more like sitting quietly while they pet the Pokés. They probs know a decent amount about sciencey shit tho they weren't supposed to go near the labs. Perfect handwriting was stressed and Lillie can and does write in picturesque cursive (it is EXTREMELY rare for her to write in print). You could ask her to do greeting cards. Toys in general were more or less frowned upon, but she allowed them to have some as long as they put them EXACTLY where they go when they're done playing. If not, the toy is thrown away. Gladion has had more toys thrown away than Lillie. No videogames. Ever. No TV either. ... Damn I feel bad just writing this... < I mean, all that would apply only AFTER Mohn fucked off to PokePelago, and we don't know how old they were when that happened. > Y E P It would probably be at least... oh, say... five years? So Lillie would've been about six and Gladion eight. Yeah, I think that fits. Lillie can remember a time her mother was kind, before their father disappeared, so it couldn't have been TOO long ago. But it would've had to have been long enough for Lusamine to gather all the resources she would've needed to execute her plan.
I gotta ask tho - what do you think Guzma and Hala's relationship was like when he was young? Because the text after you battle him seems to say they pretty much acted as master/apprentice for a while. ... I kinda wonder if Guzma respected him more as a father figure than his own dad... < ok but Hala has that temper right?? WHAT IF ONE DAY GUZMA DID SOMETHING STUPID AND HALA STARTED YELLING AT HIM AND GUZMA JUST CRINGES AND BACKS AWAY AND SUDDENLY HALA MAKES THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THAT BEHAVIOR AND THE FACT THAT GUZMA ALWAYS SEEMS TO HAVE CUTS AND BRUISES AND WONT SAY WHERE THEY CAME FROM >  OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO < AND HE IMMEDIATELY CALMS DOWN AND COMFORTS GUZMA AND ASSURES HIM THAT HE WOULD NEVER HIT HIM > I LOVE Y E S
< - Guzma and Luna commiserating bc Lillie left and Luna's upset and Guzma is like "ya I feel you there, my boyfriend left me and took up with some broad. I thought we had something special y'know?" > YYYYYEEEEESSSSSS < - Guzma and Kukui were dating after Guzma adopted his loud, brash, thuggish personality, so Guzma was never shy during their relationship...until Kukui broke up with him. Now he's a complete wreck in romantic situations. > S H I T......... POOR BOI......... < - Guzma legit thought that he and Kukui would be together for life, he never anticipated that they'd break up - and Kukui is the hardest person for Guzma to forgive after Team Skull disbands And yeah, it's gotta hurt to see your old flame get MARRIED > Just imagine how shitty Guzma would've felt directly after his first battle with Luna... Not only is Kukui COMPLETELY unfazed by seeing him again, but the man sends a KID who JUST MOVED HERE to beat down HIS EX BOYFRIEND......... < Like JESUS FUCK HE CAN'T EVEN BOTHER TO BATTLE ME HE THINKS THAT LITTLE OF ME?? I think Kukui is just kinda...disappointed that Guzma went down this path? Like he knew he could've been better > HE DOESN'T EVEN RESPECT MY STRENGTH ENOUGH TO FIGHT ME AS A FELLOW ADULT - HE HAS A KID DO IT AND SHE S T I L L BEAT MY ASS < KUKUI WAS PROBABLY TRYING TO SAVE GUZMA SOME HURT GIVEN THE FACT THAT HE COULD WIPE THE FUCKING FLOOR WITH GUZMA > Yeah... Guzma would be too hurt by everything that's happened between them to care that he's 'disappointed'
Y'know, I was thinking about how Guzma and Plumeria would've met the other day. I 100% bet you it would've been after Guz ran away. He's passing through Ula'ula Island with his Pokemon, trying to find a place to crash for the night. He comes to that trailer park area and ends up bumping into Plumeria. Literally. "Hey, watch it, asshole!" "You watch it, bitch - I'm walkin' here!" "The fuck you just call me?!" "You heard me!" "You wanna go?!" "Bring it on, miss priss!" Long story short, they get into a fist fight. Plumes throws the first punch because Guz has been taught not to hit girls by his mom but he's not opposed to self defense. And by the end they're just... completely winded and beat all to hell... And they just... "... You fight good." "Thanks. You too." "Hey. You wanna swing by my house and grab a soda or something?" "... Got any Tapu Cocoa?" And then next thing you know it's just... "Yo, Grams! This is my new friend, Guzma!"  < Guzma: "hey Plumeria wanna DISMANTLE THE OPPRESSIVE ESTABLISHMENT BY RAPPING AGRESSIVELY AT BUS SIGNS" Plumeria: "sure lemme just grab some popcorn" >
< In game: Faba is a challenger to the championship In RP: Faba is in FUCKING JAIL WHERE HE BELONGS Also Guzma will probably have to do community service at the very least > Yeah I agree... Wouldn't be surprised if he'd be under house arrest, too, which would explain his return to his childhood home. (Imagine him hiding the ankle bracelet from his mother.........) < Actually, I think there's a thing where you're allowed out in the community if you have someone supervising you at all times? Imagine Hala stepping up to be the Guzma Supervisor > I LOVE................... < He probably wouldn't be sentenced as harshly if he could prove that he was manipulated by Lusamine, but still...vandalism and petty theft and all that > Ye. Not to mention, y'know, takING OVER A WHOLE FUCKING TOWN... (How could he have even done that anyway?? Was it already partially deserted and the rumors are just vastly exaggerated, or...???) < I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say: Aether did it They did it to convince Guzma that allying with them could benefit both parties, plus it would give Team Skull a stronghold Which would be good for Aether when they needed Team Skull to do dirty work > Ye, they probably just straight-up bought the whole damn place. < And then sent their own members disguised as Skull grunts to drive everyone out and kick up the rumors. Which would make people avoid the town. > L M A O Hold on wait wait. I just got the greatest mental image. Imagine Guzma leading them RIDING HIS FUCKING GOLISOPOD LIKE A GODDAMN STEED THAT'D MAKE A FUCKING IMPRESSION!! X D < FICKJNG >
Currently RPing this -  Btw... I thought of something of my own... Guzma kinda got off easy with that trip to Ultra Space, right? Well, what if he DIDN'T...? I was thinking about how he was just hangin' out there and how he'd been briefly possessed by the Nihilego... And what if he really wasn't okay mentally - what if he was dissociating? And it becomes, like, a huge problem for him, and that's a big reason that he gave up on Team Skull and went home. B/c if the grunts are mainly teenage kids with nowhere else even remotely healthier to go, why the hell would Guzma give up on them unless he had to? Think about it. His Pokemon = Therapy Bugs... < GOOD!! THERAPY BUGS!!! > ONE OF THE ONLY WAYS HE CAN FEEL BETTER IS BY MAINTAINING CONTACT WITH ONE OF HIS BUG BUDDIES, ESPECIALLY GOLISOPOD......... < Wouldn't he have like...a minor version of what Lusamine has, almost?? His system wouldn't be swamped with neurotoxins but they still would have effected him. And I was reading about someone with dissociation issues and like...sometimes you can't remember what you're supposed to do?? Even if it's something super simple. The person I read about was like...she went to the bank, was gonna write two checks, but then after the first one she literally could not remember what she was supposed to do with the second one. > Yeah, I think he would've. Ofc, that would mean that the doctors that sent him home Fucked Up™ And huh... I'll have to keep that in mind... >:3 < Tru, but the doctors had never encountered something like that before. As someone who's been hospitalized, if you have no symptoms, they won't do extensive tests. And even if he had symptoms he would have been just like I Wanna Get The Fuck Out Of Here™ > Ye, tru. Guz was goin' home and AIN'T NO ONE GONNA STOP 'IM. Straight back to the mansion, plop down with his buggies and some room-temp Tapu Cocoa (b/c who can be assed to warm it up when you just came back from an alternate dimension where you've been dissociating & are now dead tired???), and then straight to sleep b/c fuck the world it can W A I T. < And Guzma doesn't strike me as the type to seek help if he has psychological warning signs. > N O P E... It would take a friend AND his bugs pestering him about it non-stop to get him to go see someone. Tho most of his buggies are nonverbal and he doesn't have a communicator anyway, so it's mostly flat looks and annoyed clicking sounds. < Lmao Luna translating tho "Golisopod thinks you're being a stubborn asshole" > "weLL FUCK YOU TOO, MAN!" >:CCC Imagine after Guzma challenges Luna and says he'll be waiting at the beach, he gets there and... just... "... The fuck was I doing...??" (Also "You tell my mom those 'rumors' are true, I'll kiCK YOUR ASS, KID") < Luna shows up "okay what do you want" ".....I don't....... remember.........." >  That's the first tip-off to anyone other than Plumeria & his parents that something's W R O N G < And at first she thinks he's joking cause "how do you not REMEMBER, you clearly had a good idea of what you wanted five minutes ago" > He just gets super annoyed and stressed out of nowhere "I don't fucKING K N O W, OKAY?!?! I JUST DON'T REMEMBER!!!" < And she just kinda jumps back like "ok Arceus fuck then I'm leaving" > And he just... doesn't know what to do b/c this has been happening a lot and it's NOT STOPPING.........
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zdbztumble · 7 years
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I feel rather reluctant to give up on reviewing the pokefilms just yet, and there are two that I never typed up my thoughts on, so bear with me as I delay the inevitable conclusion of this project just a little longer.
Let’s get this out of the way: like any kid who grew up with Pokemon in the late 90s, I have a big ol’ soft spot for this flick, but if I step back and look at it critically, Mewtwo Strikes Back is no masterpiece, or even an especially good pokefilm.
The pace, suspenseful and steadily building in the front half of the story, gets funky once our heroes reach Mewtwo’s island. The big battle between Pokemon and clones isn’t all that exciting IMO, save the Mew/Mewtwo duel. The American soundtrack has some questionable pieces. There’s little memorable about the CotDs, and unlike later films, there’s no real effort to involve them in the plot. Misty and Brock have nothing to do once they get to the island. Setting precedent early, Team Rocket are only here to eat up screen time and distract from the plot. And the inexplicable magic tears are still one of the dumbest things ever cooked up by 90s’ family programming to avoid a character death.
(And everyone talks about the lameness of the concept, but there’s another stupid thing about it: why the hell aren’t Ash’s friends crying!? “Tower of Terror” had been produced and released by this point - we saw how Misty and Brock react to the idea that Ash might be dead. They can’t spare anything comparable to that when he’s turned into stone!? And when the magic tears start to work, all they do is stand there and look confused!? I don’t blame 4Kids for having such a hard time figuring out what Misty’s line should be in that scene - the source animation gave them nothing to suggest any sort of emotion! Sadly, this lack of reaction by the human characters to their fellow man’s peril repeated more than once over the years.)
And yet...in some ways, Mewtwo Strikes Back is the most admirable out of all of these movies. And not just because of its delightfully creepy art direction.
Think about it - you’ve got an anime based on a successful game that, as far as you know, will have the standard year-and-a-half run before closing shop. Some on the staff might hope for an extension, but there’s no guarantee of that, nor of this rather strange Pokemon concept continuing on past the second game already in production. As far as you know, this is going to be the only movie of the franchise. And what do Takeshi Shudo and staff decide to do with this one shot at the cinema?
Oh, just spend the prologue setting up the tragic backstory of a genetic mutation that kills its creators, briefly serves the crime lord that’s haunted the series, and then decides to set out for revenge on all humanity. In Japan, they threw in an even more tragic element to Mewtwo’s story by having him befriend a human child's spirit that ends up dying on him.
That is some ballsy screenwriting.
Eighteen films and two decades later, Mewtwo is still probably the best Pokemon character that the movies have given us. He’s morally grey, evolves throughout the film, had great VAs, and drives the story in a much more direct way than many of his successors did. The issues of purpose, prejudice, and reconciling with the world that he struggles with are a bit heavy-handed in the final execution, but they’re fantastic concepts.
And if Ash doesn’t really have a role beyond reacting to the situation he’s thrown into, he does so in a much more fluid and organic way than in later films. He doesn’t arbitrarily take over combating the threat or save the day on his own; rather, stuck in a bad situation, he makes the best choices he can and affects things when he can. Outside the stupid, stupid ending, it’s a very nice role for him.
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zdbztumble · 7 years
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And ten for nineteen. I'm catchin' up, bitches!
...Ooh boy...
To get this out of the way immediately: I don't object to there being more than one Mewtwo. I don't object to the second Mewtwo being female. I don't object to Mewtwo having a Mega evolution.
I object to doing all these things poorly.
There's a second Mewtwo? Fine. Explain this! This isn't like Ash meeting other Lucario after Movie 8, or even meeting other Legendary birds after Movie 2. Mewtwo is a genetic experiment, with a fairly detailed back story. Even playing by the logic of the sci-fi/fantasy world of loose continuity that is Pokemon, the idea that another team of scientists would come up with a clone of Mew with the exact same genetic deviations as the clone paid for by Team Rocket is a stretch at best. And why does Ash seem to not know what Mewtwo is? Sure, he wouldn't know this individual Mewtwo, but he would know the species! BW is the series that mentioned Butterfree and brought back Charizard - continuity still counted for something then.
The second Mewtwo is female? Great. Get a good VA! I'll have more to say about TCPi's dub in a minute, but Mewtwo's is the only voice that I would fault on the actual performance. The VA seemed to aim for a stoic and thoughtful voice, but more often than not, came off as stiff and cold. It reminded me of a lot of acting you see in those sword-and-sandal B-movies from the 50s and 60s, where everyone in the cast takes the script way too seriously.
Mewtwo has a Mega evolution? Fantastic. Put effort into the design! Seriously, why does the Mega form look less powerful and intimidating than the base form?
But setting aside the big returning star, Genesect has a lot of problems. Chief among them is a major miscalculation in story. Only one of the Genesects is given a real personality and sympathetic characteristics. The red Genesect is a one-note dick, and the other three are just members of a hive. Because there's so little to them as characters, you can't claim that their eventual turn to Good is out-of-character...but it's not an earned development either. It's just arbitrary, and it holds no weight, because there's been no reason given to care about any of them save one. And, if I'm being honest, that one got kind of annoying, with his "I want to go home" catchphrase repeated with the same intonation so many times.
And, to get back to Mewtwo - once you get over the initial appeal of seeing one of the most iconic of the original Pokemon back in action and look at the plot, Mewtwo's kind of...there. She's involved in the action, and the effort to make her sympathetic to the Genesect's cause while wanting to protect the other Pokemon was a noble one, but between her poor casting and the weaknesses in the Genesects' characters, it just doesn't gel. And Mewtwo's actions don't really drive the change of heart for the Genesects, other than the red one. But his turn would have had more impact IMO had his hive been responsible for it. So, at the end of the day, Mewtwo just doesn't need to be there.
When it comes to the main cast, the Sinnoh trilogy developed a strong pattern: they'd stumble into a mess they had no connection with, the male travelling companion would be sidelined with nothing to do, the female travelling companion would get no meaningful story or arc of her own but would play back-up to Ash, and Ash would serve as a deus ex machina for the big conflict. I was fully expecting the same basic scenario here. I got two surprises: Cilan was given a "bring the cavalry" moment, and Iris didn't really back Ash up the way Dawn did, so she was the one who ultimately had nothing to do. Ash's part was about what I expected it to be, which is to say, underwhelming.
And now we'll come back to the TCPi dub. I've mentioned in past reviews of these Pokefilms that the big issue with TCPi isn't necessarily that the performances are bad, but that they're miscast. BW offers a perfect example for me to explain my meaning: Cilan. Out of all the post-OS travelling companions, he's the one I'm most interested in. And his personality and physical acting in the animation are very appealing. But his voice in the dub is just wrong. There's nothing wrong with Jason Griffith's performance; he makes a fine go of it as an actor. But a character like Cilan, looking like he does, speaking in the sort of flowery language that he uses, should have a more elegant and flamboyant voice, perhaps with a Mid-Atlantic accent. The very American voice - which sounds much older than a teenager, BTW - does not fit IMO. I have similar issues with Iris - in her case, the voice sounds too young, and too sweet, for the personality she's meant to possess.
I'll give this film credit for not having as many pacing issues as some of the others. The TRio's "why  are we even here" antics slow things down, as does lingering for too long on those construction workers, but the movie doesn't really have any dead spots and moves along at a brisk pace. There was some nice animation too. But there was some dodgy animation as well, the first time I've felt that about one of the Pokefilms. A certain laziness dogs this movie. It's most notable in the lack of character for the Genesects and any explanation for a second Mewtwo, but the whole idea of two groups of Pokemon coming to blows, with Ash and (a) Mewtwo being in the middle, is recycled. To be fair, it shares only the most bare of bones with the first Pokefilm, and those bones come to an incomplete skeleton at that. But when combined with the other flaws of this film, that borrowing of plot grows more noticeable.
I'll say this: I was more attentive watching Genesect than I was Pokemon Heroes, which left me bored more than once. But I was so attentive here because there was so much that seemed off. It's the one pokefilm so far where my honest opinion is that it's...just not good.
(And it has the most forgettable CotD to date. Seriously, all I remember about that guy is that he was on-screen for a certain amount of time.)
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