#did i leave the oven on. gotta ask mom for that pie recipe. have i watched this movie with cas. hm maybe i should dress up as cowboy
sheepstiel · 9 months
i love the potential of adhd!dean if only for the prospect of dean's random accidental prayers to cas but it's just twenty random thoughts at once
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One Night🌙11
Warnings: noncon sexual acts and rape, angry Andy, hormones, awkward dinner, y’all know what it be.
This is dark!Andy Barber and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: One night changes your entire life.
for @kittykatlow​‘s 200 Follower Celebration
Note: Okay, here’s an update.
Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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You wore a black dress, barely loose enough to fit over your bump as the hem floated high in the front. Your forehead beaded with sweat as you took out the heavy glass pan from the oven and puffed. You set it down and removed the lid as steam clouded out. You heard your father’s voice from the living room and Andy’s baritone response.
The night was smooth so far. Your father was particularly impressed by the autographed baseballs on the mantle but never outspoken, the conversation didn’t stray much from sports or cars. Your mother’s posture and expression betrayed her discomfort but she masked it with a cordial tone. You were thankful for it as you didn’t need to deal with her attitude and Andy’s at once. You were too hormonal and tired for that.
You began to take down plates from the cupboard and your mother’s voice sounded from behind you. She neared and reached up next to you as she grabbed the next plate before you could. She stacked the four of them neatly and grasped them in her knobby hands.
“You’re too pregnant for that,” she said, “you grab the silverware.”
You gave a small smile and turned to open the drawer as she left you. You took out the utensils and followed her into the dining room. You set the table and she returned to the kitchen. You came after her and she used a dishcloth to lift the hot pan.
“Get the door, will ya?” she said as she angled around carefully.
She passed you as you held open the swinging door and she set the pan down on the mat in the middle of the table. She inhaled deeply and glanced over at you. 
“Stuffed peppers?” she asked.
“Your recipe,” you said, “I’ve been craving them.”
“Next time, let me make them,” she smiled, “you still don’t know the special ingredient.”
“I’ll figure it out one day,” you rubbed your lower back.
“Sit,” she pulled out a chair, “I’ll go get the men.”
You neared her and leaned on the back of the chair, “mom,” you said quietly.
“I’m trying,” she said grimly, “I’m just… not happy yet.”
You nodded and hung your head, “yeah, you don’t have to be, but thank you.”
“I don’t like that man,” she hissed, “a wife in the hospital and he’s knocking up a stranger--”
“Mom,” you warned her, “please.”
“I know, I know,” she shook her head, “but you’re my daughter and he’s… I don’t know, who knows what really happened to the wife.”
You gave her a look and she pursed her lips. She retreated and you sat down heavily and cupped your cheeks. All you had to do was get through dinner. Then you could say you were tired and hide in your room.
You heard her voice in the next room and the impending footsteps before they appeared in the doorway. Your mother and father sat across from you and Andy took the seat to your right. You waited awkwardly and he cleared his throat.
“Well, sweetheart, aren’t you going to serve the guests?” he intoned.
“I can do it,” your mother offered, “don’t make her work any harder than she needs to. Not in her condition.”
You were slightly taken aback by her effort but you didn’t miss how the corner of her lip twitched as she eyed Andy. She didn’t like and didn’t trust him. You couldn’t say you did either and almost for the first time in your life, you felt a kindred connection to your mother.
She stood and scooped a pepper carefully onto each plate with a generous spoonful of sauce from the bottom of the dish. She set them back carefully before each diner and returned to her chair and sat. She smiled, a forced smile, and shifted her chair closer.
“So, you have some time but… once the baby’s here, I’m sure you’ll be back to work,” you mother began, your father always content to hide in his food, “me and your dad talked, we could watch the kid once and a while--”
“She’s not going back to work,” Andy interjected, “especially not at the diner.”
“Oh,” your mother’s lips pressed together in a firm line, “she isn’t?”
“Maybe after a year?” you began as you glance at Andy, “once I get the hand of things--”
“No,” Andy said, “you’re staying home with her.”
“I guess we haven’t decided,” you offered calmly, embarrassed by Andy’s attitude, “as you said, we still have time and we’re figuring stuff out.”
“Once the kiddo’s in school, you’ll have the time to get a job,” your dad offered, “that’s what your ma did. She kept on a few hours here and there when you were real small but once you hit kindergarten, she was back to full shifts.”
“We’ll talk,” Andy threw a hand up and grabbed his fork with his other, “it’s really not your business. It’s ours.”
“Andy,” you chided, “they’re just curious--”
“And where were they for the last couple months?” he snarled, “they weren’t so curious then.”
“Alright, calm down,” you hissed, “sorry, mom, dad--”
“Don’t apologise for me,” he snipped, “they should be apologising to you. That’s why I welcomed them into my home.”
“What?” you gulped, “Andy, they don’t need to--”
“No, no, my child is gonna have at least one set of grandparents and if it’s going to be them, they’re going to respect you and me,” Andy insisted, “so they can apologise or they can leave without dessert.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you uttered.
“Don’t you tell me how to act,” he cut into the pepper, “so…” he looked across the table at your parents, “she made this delicious meal and I think she deserves at least a little appreciation from the two of you.”
You dad looked angry for once in his life as your mother’s lips curled in mortification. You gave them both a shameful look and shook your head just slightly. You mouthed an apology as Andy huffed and tapped impatiently on the table.
“We’re sorry, honey,” your mother began, “we overreacted. Just like I said earlier, I was surprised.”
“Sorry,” your dad forced out as he glared at Andy, “you know I always love and support you, no matter what.”
“Thank you,” you said softly, “now,” you touched Andy’s arm gently, “we can move on. It’s all good.”
“Mhmm,” he grumbled as he leaned forward to take a bike, “we can… but this doesn’t happen again.”
You wanted to shrink down and hide under the table. The tension that rose was palpable and threatened to choke you. You had false hope in the beginning that this might feel normal, that you might end the night with a new standing between you and your mother. 
You knew then that Andy’s goal had never been to bring you back together, it was only to gain another degree of control. He made it clear that no one could help you, not even your own parents.
You were almost thankful for the sink full of dishes. It kept you distracted and gave you a reason not to sit and stew with Andy. Your parents left shortly after you cut the cherry pie and you cleaned up as they bid their farewells. You were completely humiliated by Andy’s hubristic demands but you didn’t dare argue with him. Especially not in front of guests.
You scrubbed the dishes as your stomach pressed to the wet counter and placed each in the drying rack. Andy came in as you pulled the drain and you took the dish cloth from its hook.
“Here, I’ll dry,” he offered.
You stared at him and wiped the water from your hands and gave him the cloth. He went to the rack and opened a cupboard. You took out a container and began to pack up the leftovers from the pan and wrapped the top of the pie. The silence made every clink and clank louder as you moved around the kitchen.
You shut the fridge and sensed him behind you. You flinched as his hands settled on your hip and you gripped pressed your palm against the cool metal. He pulled you back against him and slid his hands around your bump as he hummed.
“Did I tell you this dress looks wonderful?” his fingers brushed the dishwater along the front.
“Andy,” you grasped his wrists, “what are you doing?”
He rocked you as one hand grazed beneath your bump and his fingers dangled over your vee. He bent and inhaled the scent of your scalp. You went rigid as he wiggled against your back, his arousal twitching tellingly.
“Andy, please--”
“Can’t knock you up a second time,” he purred.
“I… no, please, I’m tired--”
“Come on, honey, that night… wasn’t that amazing?” He turned you to face the island and you caught yourself against the edge, “that was the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“It was a mistake, alright? Look at us now--”
“Look at us, hmmm?” he pushed his hand down and cupped your cunt through your dress. You gasped and squeezed his wrist, “I lay in my bed thinking of you all night… and you’re just across the hall. Why are we playing this game still?”
“Get off of me, please,” you begged, “Andy--”
He pressed his fingers to your pants and pushed the cotton against your folds. You bit your lip as he found your clit and the chafing formed a pressure beneath his touch. You shook your head and leaned back into him, trying to shove him away.
“Let me go…” you breathed.
“Doesn’t that feel good?” he urged, “I can feel you getting wet already. You’re lying to yourself.” He pulled your panties aside and dipped two fingers between your lips, “why do you gotta be so damn stubborn?”
You sucked in air and tensed as he played with your bud so that your thighs quivered. You tucked your chin in and bit down as you tried not to let out a moan. Your nails sank into sleeve but he kept on. You felt how powerful he truly was, his chest pressed against you as his arm remained immoveable.
He bent you slightly as he snaked his hand further and poked a finger inside of you. You squeaked and he added another, curling them as he began to rock his hand. He buried his face into your neck and his hot breath permeated your skin.
“Mmm, isn’t that nice, honey? I just wanna help you relax?” his teeth grazed your neck, “I can be nice, you see?”
Those words turned your blood to ice. You closed your eyes as you returned to those hours ago when his fist crashed into the wall. When his voice was rigid and unloving, when you were certain he would do worse than just yell. Now he was all over you, coaxing you as if it never happened, as if there hadn’t been months of this precarious tug-of-war.
“Andy, really, I’m tired,” you pleaded, “that night… I told you--”
Your voice caught in your throat as he thrust his fingers deeper and moved his hand faster. The pressure throbbed inside of you, pulsing through your veins and you kept your hand tight on the counter as you gripped his arm with the other. Your ankles threatened to bend as you shuddered and came in a sudden rush.
“Tired?” he mocked as he led you through your climax, “I’ll do all the work, honey.”
You shook your head and whined through your teeth. He kept on until you were weak and clinging to his hand. He slowly drew his fingers out of you and slid his arm out from around you. You slumped against the counter as he let you go, the subtle tinkle of his belt gleaned in your ear.
You turned to him as his belt hung open and he caught you by surprise. He wrapped one arm around your back, his other hand across your ass as he lifted you with a grunt. You threw your hands back to keep from falling across the island as he put you down on the marble. You tried to slide forward as his hands grasped your hips and held you in place.
His blue eyes burned and dilated. He reached under your skirt and pulled your panties down. You whimpered as he tugged them down. He quickly pushed your legs apart and moved between them, your knees wide around his thighs. He grabbed your chin and tilted your head back, his lips covering yours hungrily.
You clawed at the front of his shirt as his other hand danced along your pelvis. His fingers crawled down your thigh and she shifted as he fumbled blindly with the front of his pants. You pushed against his shoulders as the panic erupted from your stomach and swelled in your throat.
He brought you closer to the edge and pulled his hand back to grip himself. You opened one eye as you tried to peek down but couldn’t see beneath your bump. He leaned on you until you fell over the marble and bent over you as he slipped his tip along your cunt. His lips strayed to your cheek and down to your throat.
“Andy,” you begged one last time as he pressed against your entrance.
He purred against your neck as his hand slid past your shoulder and stretched over your tit. He pushed into you slowly and you gulped as tears pricked in your eyes. You bent your legs so your heels pressed to the side of the counter and gritted your teeth as he got deeper. 
As he bottomed out, he rasped against your skin. He stood up straight and dragged your ass over the edge of the counter. He puffed his chest as he thrust into you and his eyes rolled back. He growled as he did it again and your walls clenched around him. Your reached down and pressed on his open pants with your fingertips, trying to push him away pathetically.
“Andy,” you whimpered as he hooked his arm around your thigh, “Andy--”
His other hand flipped up your skirt and he stretched his hand over your round stomach as he rocked into you. You shook your head and covered your face with one hand as you gripped the edge of the marble with your other. Your breaths grew shallow as you fought your own body and the pleasure blooming around his intrusion.
He sped up as the wet noise filled the kitchen and you bit the heel of your hand to keep from crying out. Another orgasm flowed over you and knotted your muscles around him. His groans and grunts grew louder as his flesh slapped against yours, his fingers drawing circles on your stomach.
“Oh fuck,” Andy hissed and jerked his hips harshly.
He sank into you as deep as he could go and wiggled his hips as he flooded you. He twitched as he leaned his head back and sighed, his fingers tight on your thighs as they painfully poked your tender flesh. You moaned and trembled as you felt his release hot inside of you. 
He stilled and let your legs splay around him. You stared at the ceiling in shock as he shuddered. You propped yourself up on your elbows and looked between your legs as his cum dripped out around him. You pulled off of him and shoved him away. He seemed to awaken from a trance as you did and his lashes fluttered.
You dropped down carefully to your feet and stormed away. He called your name but the vomit was already halfway up your esophagus. You weren’t going to make it upstairs. You closed yourself in the half-bath under the stairs and wretched into the sink. You held yourself up weakly until the violent ripples quelled. You looked at yourself in the mirror and winced. 
One night cost you the rest of your life. One night meant your body, your soul, your days were his. One night would be countless nights, your fate decided in a single careless act.
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haileyyanneupton · 4 years
❄ small - one chicago au ❄
Hailey Upton and Adam Ruzek have been friends for as long as they can remember. When Hailey leaves her prestigious private school to be with Adam in her junior year, she’s introduced to a new group of people who feel strangely like home. 
jay halstead x hailey upton adam ruzek x kim burgess kevin atwater x vanessa rojas kelly severide x stella kidd
masterlist | series masterlist
❄ one ❄
Hailey let out a loud huff as she hung upside down off of Adam’s bed one afternoon. She had been at her new school for two weeks and so far, she had spent one lunchtime locked inside a toilet cubicle, two in an empty classroom, three wandering the halls with a sandwich in hand and the rest in the janitors closet. She had attempted to talk to some people in her biology class but when they had ditched her in the hall, she had been too embarrassed to search for Adam and ask if she could sit with him. In the end he had managed to find out anyway — Hailey wasn’t very good at lying to Adam — leaving him to insist that she meet his friends.   
“Are you sure they’re not going to mind, Adam?” Hailey asked nervously, her hair strewn across the ground of his bedroom floor. “They seem really tight knit and —“ 
“You need to stress less, man,” Adam chuckled, glancing down that the girl from the head. “You also should probably sit up before all the blood rushes to your head.” 
“But hanging like a bat is fun.” 
“So is being conscious.” 
Hailey sighed loudly as she pushed her legs off of Adam’s bed and instead starfished out on the ground. She was nervous, but covered well — if she wanted to make Adam’s friends to like her, she was going to have to. Adam had always spoken highly of them, making Hailey worry that maybe they were too good for her. After all, she was just Hailey Upton. Plain old boring Hailey Upton. A knock sounded at Adam’s door as his mother pushed it open far enough for her to poke her head through, a warm smile on her face as she looked between Adam and Hailey.   
“Are you two hungry?” Pamela asked gently, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. “I can fix something for you both if you want a snack or something.” 
Hailey looked to Adam who shrugged, his eyes tearing away from the textbook he had been pretending to read for the last hour. “I mean if you’re making something, I don’t think we’d be opposed.” 
“Well what do you want?” Pamela had an amused smirk on her face as she tutted playfully at her son for a moment. “Hailey?” 
“A hash brown.”
Pamela chuckled, nodding her head up and down. “Hash browns. I can do hash browns. What about dinner? What do you both want for dinner? I’m in a good mood today, so I may be inclined to make you whatever you want.” 
“Actually — I can’t stay for dinner tonight, Pam,” Hailey interjected with yet another sigh. “I promised my mom I’d help her this apple pie that she’s found the recipe for. She’s really excited about it — it’s kind of adorable.” 
Pamela smiled, though Hailey could see the fondness mixed in with worry in her eyes. They didn’t address it — they never addressed it — it was more of an unspoken fact at this point. In their neighbourhood, when things happened everybody locked their doors so that they could have plausible deniability — nobody wanted to get involved directly. Adam’s family had been the first ones to ever offer up a place of solace for Hailey, who was now the only child left at home after her brothers had left for college or to go and work — the first ones to ever actually acknowledge that something was going on. Hailey didn’t know if it was because Bob was a police officer or if it was because they were nice people breaking away from the sense of conformity that had been forced upon everybody on the street, but either way she didn’t mind. She liked it at Adam’s house. Hence why she spent most of her time there. Hell, she even had a key hanging off of her keychain for the Ruzek’s residence — she was family. 
As Adam’s mother went off to put on some of the frozen hash browns she had in the oven, Hailey pushed herself back up and off of the floor and made her way back up onto Adam’s bed as she picked up her math textbook and stared down at the problems on her page. They were just that — problems — problems that Hailey wanted to set on fire so that she didn’t have to deal with them. Unfortunately for her however, she had been informed by her mother earlier that week that apparently that wasn’t how pre-calculus worked.   
“Sometimes this stuff makes so much sense, and other times I feel like this sigma guy is going to try and eat me,” Hailey huffed angrily as she skimmed over the page and answered the very few problems she knew how to do. “Look! See? Doesn’t he look like he’s going to jump out of the page and try to swallow me whole?“ 
Adam chuckled at Hailey. “You’re doing better than me, at least. I’ve been staring at these chemical equations for days and if I don’t get them done tonight, Mr Ramirez is going to kick my ass. All I’m seeing is a bunch of letters — they mean nothin’ to me.” 
“Let me see.” Hailey peered over at the boy’s book, using her finger to scan over the words. “Those are easy. Give ‘em here, I’ll do them.” 
“You’re the best, Hailey.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Hailey grinned up at her friend. “I’m disappointed that it took you this long to work that out, doofus.” ❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ 
The next day back at school, Hailey waited anxiously out the front of her English classroom for Adam to come and find her and bring her to his friends. She drummed her fingers against her thigh as she looked around for the boy, about to chicken out and retreat to the janitor’s closet for yet another lunchtime when she saw the face of her best friend walking alongside a brunette girl. Hailey vaguely recognised her but couldn’t seem to put a name to the face, waving a hand politely in their direction as she pushed herself off of the wall. “Hailey, this is Kim. Kim, this is Hailey.” 
Kim grinned widely, waving hello to the blonde. “Hi! Sorry it took us so long to get here — Adam got himself locked in the lab and I had to come and rescue the idiot.” 
“Of course he did.” A small smile of amusement came onto Hailey’s lips as she rolled her eyes playfully. “Where — uhm — where are the others?” 
“They’re waiting in the art room,” Adam answered, putting an arm around Hailey as they began to walk, the man squeezing her into him comfortingly. “Quit being so nervous.” 
“Wow, Adam. I’m cured.” Hailey quipped back monotonously. “Thank you so much.” 
Adam smiled back at Hailey with an over-enthusiastically proud smile as Kim snickered from the other side of the man.   
“I like you already, Hailey.” 
As the three of them walked into the art room, closing the door behind them, Hailey was faced with a group of people all staring over at her. She instinctively moved a little bit closer to Adam as her heart skipped a beat, the girl clutching her books to her chest as she forced a smile. They seemed nice — they seemed really nice — would that mean that they wouldn’t like her because she didn’t always come across the same way? They seemed really close too, which worried Hailey. She wasn’t the type to gossip and she for sure wasn’t ever going to be able to have people over at her house in the situation that they’d want to hang out there. What would she tell them if they asked to have a study date at her house? Would any of them— 
“Hailey,” Adam hummed in the girl’s ear as she snapped out of her oncoming vortex of overthinking. “I promise they won’t bite.” 
Adam gave the girl an encouraging smile as she stepped further into the room, following Kim who naturally fell into place between another boy and an empty spot that Adam soon filled.   
“Guys, this is Hailey,” Adam introduced lightly as she found a spot on top of one of the tables, her books being placed down behind her as she smiled shyly. “She’s got this crazy idea that you guys aren’t going to want her around.” 
Kim gasped dramatically. “What? No! The more the merrier, girl!” 
Hailey’s smile remained but her gaze dropped to her hands which were sitting in her lap as she tried to make herself seem less rigid. It had been so long since she had really tried with anybody that she had forgotten how to, the prospect overwhelming her just a little bit. She was used to accepting that things usually didn’t work out — she really didn’t want to get her hopes up.   
“This is Kevin,” Adam pointed to the boy beside him as he gave a friendly nod. “You know Kim. Then there’s Jay, Kelly, Vanessa and Stella.” 
Hailey noticed that she was beside Vanessa who held a hand up for a high-five which she happily returned, her smile widening just a bit further. On her other side was a dark haired boy with green eyes that were impossible to miss, the colour of his shirt only bringing them out more — she was pretty sure she had caught his name as Jay.   
“I gotta go wash my hands in the bathroom,” Stella announced suddenly, looking at Vanessa and Kim who immediately stood up. “You wanna come with us, Hailey?” 
Hailey nodded gently, she too rising to her feet as she glanced back at the textbooks she had placed on the table. “Yeah, sure. Um — Adam, can you —“ 
“Don’t worry.” Jay placed a hand on the books, nodding once in the girl’s direction. “I’ll watch ‘em for you.” 
Hailey smiled gratefully at the boy before following the other three girls out of the art room and down the hall to where the bathrooms were. To her surprise, they were relatively empty — that was almost unheard of — with just the few freshman walking out after touching up their lip gloss.   
“Ugh,” Stella groaned as she turned the water on and ran her hands beneath it. “Man, I love Hot Cheetos but they stain my fingers so badly.” 
Kim chuckled lightly at the girl as she made some witty remark that earned another groan out of Stella while Hailey and Vanessa leaned up against the wall. Hailey had a leg propped up as she pulled her phone from her pocket, searching for something to do so that she didn’t feel so — uneasy. 
The feeling of someone kicking her foot lightly bought her attention back to the girl standing beside her. She had a warm smile on her face as she looked up at Hailey with a knowing look, her arms folded loosely together.   
“I get it, you know,” Vanessa started, causing Hailey’s eyebrows to knit together curiously. “I’ve been the new kid before. Twenty four times to be exact.” 
Hailey’s eyes widened in shock. “Twenty four times?” 
“Yeah,” Vanessa nodded with a light chuckle — it was obvious to Hailey that she had expected that reaction. “I’m a foster kid. Been in so many different homes at this point that I’ve lost count.” 
“That’s rough,” Hailey’s voice was light and sympathetic. “I’m sorry.” 
“Nah, don’t be. It’s alright. I just mean — you don’t have to be so nervous with us.” 
Hailey shot the girl a smile as she settled slightly, feeling better about the whole situation now that she had connected with Vanessa. By the time they had gotten back to the art room, the boys were throwing skittles across the room and trying to catch them in their mouths like idiots.   
Hailey resumed her position beside Jay once again, snorting lightly to herself as Adam nearly ran into a table after tripping over his own feet. When a skittle was thrown in Jay’s direction, he missed catching it in his mouth but instead managed to catch it against his chest with his hand, grinning as he turned it over. 
“Green,” Hailey observed, her lips curled upwards. “My favourite.” 
A certain sparkle could be seen in Jay’s eye as he held the skittle up by Hailey’s mouth, chuckling as the burst of flavour bought a beam to the girl’s features. As the rest of their lunch break came and went, Hailey felt much more at ease. For the first time in years, she finally had someone else she would be able to smile at in the halls — someone to say hello to in class. Even though she had only known them for an hour, she could tell she wanted to stick around. Besides — she could see how happy Adam was having all of his friends in one place.   
Maybe it was about time things started getting better for Hailey after all.
tag list: @ruzek-halstead @lissethsrojas @sammywiths @butterflies44 @upsteadheart @shawnscheeks @puckluck28 @karihighman @thetwit @azu1ang3188 @juu-series @justanotheronechicagofan @stinaax @stayupton @fullwattpadmusictree
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silver-wield · 4 years
A Promise to Come
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Cloud put a hand to his eye and winced. Mayday sucker punched him on the sly and he was still pissed even though he got revenge. Assholes. He shoved his front door open and slammed it hard behind him.
“Cloud, is that you?”
Rolling his eyes at his mother—Who else is it gonna be?—Cloud replied, “Yeah.” He paused beside the mirror strung up by the door and grimaced at his reflection. They got it worse. He smirked recalling the look on Dan's face as he shoved him into the dirt. Always cares more about his clothes than anybody else. Jackass.
“...and then you just need to crimp the edges like this and done.”
“Huh?” Cloud turned and leaned to one side to see into the kitchen. “Ma, who you talking—?” He stopped as he spied a familiar back. Her long hair was tied into a ponytail, but he could already see strands falling free to frame her face. Tifa?
“So, I can do this with any filling?” She turned to look up at Cloud's mother. The smile on her face was brilliant and earnest. “Dad's gonna be so surprised when I cook his favourite for him! It'll be the best birthday present!” She bounced with cheer.
Cloud turned his head away as he felt his cheeks heating. He knew Tifa was getting cooking lessons from his mother, but he'd stayed away while she was in the house. He never knew what to say to her and felt like an idiot third wheel while she and his mom chatted away like best friends. It put a scowl on his face and he knew he shouldn't feel jealous, but he wanted her to notice him as much as she did his mother. Forget it. She's way out of my league. He tried to creep past them towards his room.
“Cloud, hi!”
Cloud squeezed his eyes shut like a child who thought if they couldn't see, then they couldn't be seen. “Hi,” he mumbled when it became clear that wasn't going to work. “'Scuse me.”
“Oh, Cloud, what happened to your face?!” Tifa came close and tilted her head to better see.
Cloud turned away. “Nothing,” he muttered, swallowing hard. She's so close. Stay cool.
“Have you been fighting again?”
Glancing at her from the corner of her eye, he saw her face wreathed with concern. It felt nice knowing Tifa cared. “Uhh...”
“Why do you have to fight all the time? It won't fix your problems, you know.” Tifa shook a finger at him, then held out her hand. “Come on, you need an ice pack or your face will swell up and explode!”
Cloud frowned. “That's not how—” He stopped and took in the teasing look on her face. “Seriously?” One side of his mouth quirked up in a half-smile.
“Ms Strife, do you have any ice?” Tifa looked over her shoulder at Cloud's mother.
As his eyes tracked that way, he saw the amused look his mother wore. What's so funny?
“Unfortunately, no. This old refridgerator doesn't have much in the way of an ice box.” She patted the appliance and shrugged. “Maybe there's some at yours? Do you think you have some spare?”
Tifa nodded. “Sure. I'll go get a load.” She turned back to Cloud and gestured for him to sit. “You stay right there. Don't move an inch. I'll be right back. Promise!”
“Tifa, wait—!” Too late. She'd let go of him and rushed towards the door. His shoulders sagged.
The second the front door closed, Cloud felt his mother's gaze on him. “Uh...”
“All right, out with it. The truth. Who started the fight this time?”
“Me,” he muttered, ducking his head. “But—!”
“No 'buts', Cloud. You can't start fights with every boy in town.” Cloud's mother moved around the kitchen, tidying up after Tifa's pie making lesson. “What was it about?”
Cloud looked away. “Nothing.”
“Nothing, huh? Are you sure?” She came and sat across the table from him. “You seem to have a lot of fights over 'nothing'.”
Cloud couldn't meet her eye. The truth was he'd heard Dan bragging about how Tifa's father approved of him. He'd wanted to punch his smug teeth in, so he did. That brought Wel and Mayday running because one couldn't fight without the other two. Three on one was unfair odds, but Cloud still beat them worse than they did him. “They always start when Tifa's not around,” he grumbled, slumping in his seat. I bet they're talking shit to her the second they see her.
“Maybe they're jealous,” his mother said, reaching across the table to place her hand over his. “They wish Tifa kept them out of trouble like she does you.” She sat back and chuckled. “Shame she isn't around more often.”
“She doesn't.” Cloud scowled. “Does she?” He avoided her whenever her friends were there, but there were times it was just the two of them. They'd talk for a bit. One time they went chasing after a chocobo that wandered through town. Mostly they'd just sit and not say much. Cloud didn't know what to say to her. She was pretty and smart and kind and way too good for the likes of him. If he didn't think she'd be upset he wouldn't hang around her at all. Her dad said if he couldn't look out for her then to stay away. He tried to follow his orders, but Tifa was just...Tifa. He couldn't stay away no matter how much those stern words rang in his ears. If he wasn't good enough for her now he'd become good enough. Then everyone—Tifa—would notice and even her father would accept him. He knew exactly how, too. SOLDIER. Everybody loved them, and the best of them was Sephiroth. A living legend. If Cloud could become half the man Sephiroth was he knew Tifa would finally notice him. He'd have the courage to admit his feelings. He just had to show her he was the best of the best.
“I'm back! Sorry it took so long, Dan, Wel and Mayday all wanted help, too.” Tifa came back in carrying a bulging handkerchief that was already dripping. “Here, for your eye.” She put it against Cloud's face and held her hand out to him.
“Huh?” He reached towards her and she grabbed hold, then wrapped his fingers around the knot holding the cloth closed.
“There you go. Just stay like that, okay?” She blew on her fingers and rubbed her hands together, then smiled at him and shook her head.
Why's she looking at me like that? “What?”
“Thank you, Tifa, you're an angel,” his mother said, giving Cloud a pointed look.
“Uh, yeah, thanks,” he mumbled, grateful the cloth his half his face so she couldn't see how his cheeks turned red again.
“No problem!”
She was looking again.
Tifa sighed and said, “Do you have to fight? Can't you solve it without fighting?”
Cloud felt shame weigh on his shoulders. “It wasn't my fault,” he said, trying not to pout. He didn't know why he felt so awful whenever Tifa was disappointed in him. It hurt more than the times he ignored her.
“I don't care whose fault it is,” she replied. She tipped her head to the side to try and catch his eye. “There's gotta be better ways to handle it than fighting, right?”
“That's very true,” Cloud's mother said. A timer by the oven dinged and she looked up. “Who wants pie?”
“It's ready?” She beamed at Cloud. “You gonna try some, right? I hope it turned out okay, it's my first time making one.”
Cloud smiled and nodded. “Sure.”
Tifa laughed and went to help his mother. He watched her chattering away and asking questions about the recipe and how to cook other things. This is nice. Wish it could always be like this. He moved the ice pack from his eye and sighed. After I make SOLDIER. Then nobody will say I'm not good enough. Tifa looked so happy, getting bowls and spoons for them. Would she still laugh like this once he left? Would she still visit his mother? Of course she will. She's Tifa. She wouldn't abandon anyone. Maybe she'll even miss me? He didn't want to think of her sad, but he did want her to think of him. It was the only way. He was sure she'd never pay attention to him unless he was a somebody worthy of her. He thought of Dan's bragging about asking Tifa out to the watertower. Did he do it yet? Maybe not. I should ask her first. I can tell her about SOLDIER. She'll understand me. That I'm going for her and I'll come back just as soon as I've made a name for myself. Cloud nodded. Yeah, I'll ask her before she leaves.
Tifa and his mother came back to the table and a bowl of fruit pie was put before him. “Honest opinion, else I can't get better,” she said, with a smile that melted his insides.
“S-sure.” He crammed a spoonful in his mouth and regretted it when he burnt his tongue. “Ah!”
“Cloud, be careful! It's not going anywhere.” Tifa laughed and leaned across the table to blow on his food. “Do you need help like a baby?” she teased.
Cloud rolled his eyes and folded his arms. “I'm not a kid.”
“Then don't eat like one.” She giggled and looked away.
Hiding a smile, Cloud took his time eating until there was nothing left. “You're good at this,” he commented.
“Really? You think?”
She looked so pleased with such little praise he felt guilty for not saying more. “Yeah. You could be a real chef.”
“All thanks to your mom.” Tifa sent a smile across the table.
A knock at the door interrupted them before Claudia could speak. “I'll get it.” She got up and went to the front door. “Oh, Brian, how can I help you?”
“Tifa here?”
Cloud stiffened at the gruff tone. Her dad was the town chief and what he said went. He wondered what Tifa said to convince her father she could go to Cloud's house to get cooking lessons from his mother.
“Tifa, your father's at the door.”
“Gotta go.” Tifa stood up and tucked her hair behind her ear. “This was fun.” She smiled at him again. “Although, next time, no fighting.”
Cloud's hand darted out before he knew what he was doing. His fingers closed around hers. “Wait.”
Tifa stopped and looked down at their hands. “Yes?”
Cloud swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. Do it. Before Dan or one of those other assholes gets there first. “C-can you come meet me at the watertower tonight?”
Tifa's eyes widened and her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. “R-really? The watertower?”
Struck dumb, Cloud could only find it in himself to nod. After a long silence, in which Cloud noticed his hand starting to sweat, but was too afraid to let go of Tifa's hand in case she noticed the reason why, she gave him a sweet smile.
“Okay. I'll see if I can sneak out.”
Cloud frowned. Sneak out? Why?
“Coming, dad!” She extracted her hand from his. “Wait for me, okay? I'll come.” She hurried to the front door and passed his mother and her father on the way out.
Cloud stayed still for a long time after she left. He knew his mother came back in and that she cleared away the empty bowls, but he couldn't seem to move from his seat. His gaze remained fixed on the spot Tifa stood. The watertower. Tonight.
“You look happy. Did Tifa say anything?”
Cloud avoided his mom's searching gaze. “Not really.” He got up and went to his room, where he lay on the bed trying to work out what he wanted to say to Tifa. It would be an important night. He had to get the words just right.
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Those Shoes (Ch.4)
Song Inspired: Talk Too Much by Coin, and another song in that I listed in the fic.
Tags: @youtubequeens, who brainstormed with me, helping create the story and the cute fluff n’ stuff within it :3
Notes: I know that Thanksgiving is over, but let my over-procrastinating self have this
You couldn’t help but mimic his grin as the two of you stared at the other two’s messy faces. Eijirou’s face was a little messier than Tamaki’s small chocolate mustache.
“Ya’ve got somethin’ on yer face, Bud.” Taishiro grinned at Tamaki’s mock glare, and you couldn’t help but reach over and wipe an oblivious Eijirou’s face with a napkin.
“They’re both so cute.” You couldn’t help but admit out loud.
“Ya should meet their dad.” Taishiro couldn’t help but grin wickedly at Tamaki and your combined unimpressed looks.
“Alright, alright. Soooo, Princess, sorry I didn’t introduce my boys, earlier.” He started, and you quirked and eyebrow.
“How do you even forget to introduce your kids?” You snarked, and he subtly shrunk a little, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish grin as he glanced at the boys, both of their attention were now focused on coloring the free pages that the waitress gave them.  
“There’s not an excuse. I guess I was too caught up in the moment of impressin’ ya an’ dancing. I knew that they’re safe with their babysitter, so my mind went to focusing on both earnin’ a living and…ya know.” His words jumbled out in a rush as he looked embarrassed. You decided that at least he did bring you to see them, not keeping you in the dark.  
“I think I understand.” You tried, and he let out a breath of relief. Smiling, he took a crayon and started helping Eijirou color in the happy cartoon sun outlined on the coloring page.
“So, are ya good at cookin’? Seein’ that you’re the lunch lady.” He changed the subject, and you indulged him as you didn’t hesitate to grab a blue crayon, finishing up Tamaki’s half-colored sky.  
“I’ve learned a few things in dietary. Not just cooking, but sanitizing everything, making sure that each utensil goes in it’s exact spot, and so on.”
“Mmmh. Must be hectic.”
“Not really, I learned some new things to old recipes, such as adding mayo, instead of butter, to make grilled cheese sandwiches.”
It was small talk between the two of you, but you felt calm and warm, the atmosphere being a stark contrast of emotions compared to your night life.  
“So, what’s your plans for Thanksgiving?” You asked suddenly as the waitress handed the check to you. He blinked owlishly, caught off guard by the question, but then his eyes lowered to the floor as he put on a faux grin, scratching the back of his head.
“Um…it’s just us.”
“Same here…well, kinda. Usually I don’t celebrate with my mom. She can’t really cook, and she hires dancers to “bring life to the party”.” You rolled your eyes, motioning the quoting with your fingers, and he laughed.
“Every year?”
“With me? Yes.”
“She’s pretty persistent, ain’t she?”
“Annoying, and wanting to retire. Surprised that she didn’t forge a marriage contract with somebody since birth.” You huffed, and he then grinned wickedly.
“Find out eighteen years later, you’re opening up the door to get the newspaper, an’ outta nowhere, Harry Styles is standin’ on your front step.” His body shook with laughter as you choked on your cooling coffee in laughter.
Eijirou and Tamaki stopped their coloring to look at you with worry, but their father winked at them, patting your back as you huffed out the coughing laughter.
“Ya alright?” He offered, and you nodded, cooling down with little huffs of giggles.
“Really?” You stared at him, and he just gave a cocky little smirk, eyes twinkling with a gleeful victory.
“Made ya laugh.” He admitted, his tone a bit softer this time, and your ears couldn’t help but redden, a bit.
“Anyways! I better go. On my days off, I’ve been trying to search for other jobs.” You admitted sheepishly.
He looked reluctant to leave, and you honestly could relate. He nodded. The two of you split the bill, gathering the boys as your little group of four chatted idly, walking outside to part ways.
“I hadda great time, Princess. We should do this more often.” He admitted almost shyly, and you couldn’t help but feel a spark of hope as your stomach fluttered excitedly.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” You found yourself admitting, and once again, he looked at you with an expression of surprise and satisfaction.
“Alright then.” He breathed out, and you felt a smile pull at your lips. A gentle tugging on your pants leg had caught your attention. Eijirou’s hand gripped at your pants leg, Tamaki standing right next to him with a shy expression as the two of them held pieces of paper.
“Please take this.” Tamaki blurted out, shoving his artwork in your direction, Eijirou happily handing his to you. Your eyes widened with surprise at the gestures as a burst of warmth flooded through you at the boy’s gifts. You couldn’t help but lower down, sitting on one knee as you met them eye-level, taking the papers.
“Are these pretty pictures for me?” You asked, already knowing the answer as both boys nodded. You couldn’t help but smile, taking the papers gently.
“Thank you, I’ll put them on my fridge, alright?” You ruffled each boy’s hair gently. A cough broke you out of your spell, and your eyes darted to Taishiro, who in return fed you such a soft look in which contrasted his usual behavior. You couldn’t help but feel the blood rush into your face, neck, and ears as you realized that he was staring. You stood straight up, holding the papers close as you chuckled nervously.
“A-anyways! I gotta go! I’ll see you boys later! Thank you for the lovely pictures!” You stuttered a little at first, embarrassment creeping in on you as you took a short bow before turning to walk away.
“Would ya like to spend Thanksgiving at my place, tomorrow?” You heard him blurt out suddenly in desperation. You stilled, turning to look at him with surprise as he held a hopeful look. Time seemed to still as you calmed down from your expressive state.
“Alright.” You agreed quietly. He rose an eyebrow, face flushed as a smile formed on his lips, his expression silently, yet ironically, seemed to say ‘you adorable flustered thing’.
“Ah. Good. I’ll send ya directions, an’ ya don’t have to bring a dish. Er, ya wanna invite anybody?” He spoke clearly, scratching the back of his head, and you bit your bottom lip in thought, processing that this was indeed happening.
“Alright. I’ll just bring myself, the girls usually come by, but they’d be happy to know that I won’t really be alone.” You rambled out, wincing on how you were just embarrassing yourself, even further. He only smiled, instead.
“’M glad that you’re hangin’ out with me an’ the boys, Chickadee. Food’ll be done, early, so ya can come in anytime ya wanna.” He offered, and you felt your shoulders relax, feeling calm once again.
It wasn’t technically a date, but hell would have to freeze over if he admitted that it wasn’t. He felt an odd mix of calm, yet excited, as if he was in the eye of the storm roaring all around him. He admitted to himself that he might be overthinking things the night before, then again, it’s a very normal human thing to do. He was glad he had reached out, however. You squashed his doubts like an annoying, pesky little bug, and so he was a bit more chipper than usual.
It was four-thirty in the morning, the turkey was roasting, the sweet potatoes simmering into a boil, and he was chewing at the end of a match stick, trying to keep the aroma of the onions from getting into his eyes as he peeled and sliced them. Yesterday, he sent you a quick text where he lived, doing that so he wouldn’t forget, later, as he was busy preparing the meal. Truthfully, he didn’t often make holiday feasts such as this, opting to make smaller dinners for he and the boys, and so his skills were a bit rusty when it came to foods such as a whole turkey in the oven.
He vaguely remembered to stick a syringe full of broth into the thing once every thirty minutes while it was baking, and had to look up the rest of the instructions in fear of wasting a twelve pound turkey. His blood froze when the doorbell rang.
Putting the knife down, he wiped his hands on the towel as he sauntered towards the door, not thinking twice as he unlocked it, swinging it open. No way could it be you, could it?
Although he had his suspicions, he didn’t think that you’d actually arrive this early, neatly dressed in a cotton t-shirt underneath an apron, hair pulled up and out of the way, and you were holding some plastic bags within your grasp.  
“No way in hell are you cooking all of that, alone.” Were the first words out of your mouth, and the corner of his twitched upwards.
“Apron looks cute on ya. I did say come in anytime, didn’t I?” He mused, opening the door wider, shuffling out of the way to let you in, despite his surprise. You briefly looked around, noticing the darkened living room, was lit up by the light from the kitchen. It gave you a little glimpse at the many photos of him and his boys, and you couldn’t help but feel as if his home brought a very warm atmosphere to it.  
“You have a pretty house.” You didn’t hesitate to speak your mind.
“Thank ya, Darlin’.” He answered as you made your way into the dining room, placing your two plastic bags on top of the kitchen counter. He watched curiously as you emptied them.
You placed a home-made pie on the counter, a can of cool whip sitting next to it from one bag, and in the other, you brought out an assortment of children’s toys. He couldn’t help but smile as you thought about his boys, seeing the soft glint in your eyes as you placed the bubble set, Play-Doh, and other assessments on the living room table.
“They’re spoiled enough, already, ya know.” He chuckled, and you shrugged.
“They can be spoiled, more, then. Alright, where are you at, and what are we making?” You turned your focus on the food, and he obliged you.
Time seemed to drawl on as the two of you were focused on cooking and baking, you giving more helpful directions and tips to prepare the food, and he listening closely, intrigued on the many ways of how to fix the turkey. You pulled the bird out from the oven, opting to doctor it with pineapples and cherries, sticking little toothpicks that held the fruit, into it as he watched in wonder. With a little bit of dressing the baked fowl in small amounts of vanilla extract and brown sugar, he helped you place the heavy meal back into the oven.
To your own amazement, he had his own family recipe of making the sweet potatoes, mashing and stirring the now boiled root vegetables with a dash of garlic, salt, and the tiniest bit of coconut milk. The two of you had the freedom for more personal talk, now that his boys were sound asleep.
“-as ya know, it helps to be a therapist with the job.” The two of you sat at his kitchen table, taking a small break as you wiped the sweat away from your brow, sipping the iced sweet tea slowly as you hummed.
“Nemuri and Yu talk a lot about how some of their customers in the private rooms, only want to talk to somebody.” You relayed the information in your head aloud, and he nodded, popping the sliced pineapple into his mouth.
“Sometimes, it’s easy to open up to somebody who’s seen and knows things. They talk about their secret kinks, pasts, dirty little secrets, an’ ya don’t even have to dance for them, all ya have to do is listen and respond. Some of the “prettier” dancers, could earn twice as less, all because they don’t know how to simply just talk to people.” He said slowly, and you couldn’t help but cover your mouth as a yawn slipped out, he chuckled.
“Ya can sleep on the couch. All’s left is the green bean casserole, an’ the boys will wake up in about in three hours.” He offered. Much to your surprise, you trusted him as you sluggishly moved your body to the plush sofa, not caring if you were still in your apron as you buried your face into one of the couch pillows, humming softly to yourself as sleepiness washed over you.
He looked at you in amazement, on how fast you seemed to just crash. How long were you up before you had visited, he wondered. He quietly left from the living room, into the bedroom, fetching one of his blankets from the closet, humming as he returned to you, draping it over your now slumbering form. He admit, he was tired, too, but he was fueled by coffee and the sheer happiness that you willingly came over to help and spend time with him and his boys.
He was giddy, now quiet with his thoughts. He smiled to himself, seeing your face pressed into a pillow with a devil-may-care attitude as you slept on your side.
 “Happy Thanksgiving!” His voice rang out cheerfully, and you jolted awake from your slumber. Sunlight filtered through the windows, giving you more of a clear view of his home, yet your attention wasn’t focused on that, right now.  
“Happy Thanksgiving!” The two boy’s voices echoed back, and you hazily rubbed your eyes as the delicious aroma of food soaked into the air.
“Ah, you’re awake, huh?” His attention was onto you as you sat up, and immediately, the boy’s attention were onto you, as well.
“You came back!” Eji’s excited voice rang out, first, and Tamaki’s “Ah.” floated towards you. The hyper, black-haired younger brother climbed onto the couch as you rested your feet onto the floor, now noticing the blanket. You eyed Taishiro in question, and he chuckled, almost shyly looking away.
“Couldn’t leave a lady without a blanket. Anyways! Let’s see the parade!” He hastily changed the subject, grabbing the remote and turning on the television. You felt yourself smile a little as he hummed a little too quickly.
“Food’s done, Hon, make yerself at home.” He offered, dragging his attention away from you, to the kitchen. At the thought of food, your stomach rumbled, and you could hear him laugh quietly in the short distance.
“Look! Legos!” Eiji piped up, staring at the parade float, as you fumbled the blanket off of you. After making a short beeline to the bathroom and washing your hands afterwords, you didn’t think twice before making yourself a plate of food, joining the boys and Tai on the couch.
He looked absolutely tired, you couldn’t help but think, looking at the dark circles underneath his eyes. Yet, he kept the friendly atmosphere going, joining in on his son’s awe and joy at the parade, and you couldn’t help but feel warm and joy in the safe environment. You yourself ate quietly, throwing in some facts and opinions as the four of you finished your plates.
“Thank her for the food, as well, Boys. An’ comin’ here ‘round four in the morning, bringin’ ya some gifts.” He changed the subject, earning you a look of awe and respect from the children. Your face felt hot at the attention, and you smiled nervously as they did so, scrambling off to the bag of toys that you’ve brought them, leaving you and Taishiro alone on the couch.
“Thank ya, really. It’s been the most fun holiday we’ve ever really had.” He admitted, wrapping himself up in the blanket as he turned off the television. It felt as if your face never really cooled down, and you looked at him shyly through your lashes.
“It’s not a problem. I had a lot of fun. It’s unfortunate that these holidays seem to end so soon.” You admitted, and he could only nod.
“Ya’ve really been a great help, ya know? It doesn’t seem like much, but their holidays aren’t as long or excitin’, usually. There’s only the three of us, an’ we don’t really have other family to really visit. So, I really hafta thank ya, Sweetheart.” He yawned, letting the information sink in. You bit your lip as you felt your stomach and heart flutter with softness.
“It’s not a problem. Anytime if you want to make plans like this, I’d be more than happy, too.” You rambled out, and then it was his turn to bite his lip.
“I don’t think I can stay up, for long, Darlin’. I work tomorrow night, so I’ll probably see ya then, alright?” He changed the subject, and you could only nod.
“Don’t mean to rush ya off, but I’ll gladly make it up to ya in a show.” He winked, and you rolled your eyes, yet felt yourself smiling.
“Alright, I’ll see you, then.”
After she left, he couldn’t help but doze off, waking up now and then to cater to his sons, and then let the feeling of surprise, giddiness, and sheer contentment flood through him. She willingly came to his home, helped him make his and his son’s day more brighter, and left him feeling warm and fuzzy.
At first it was a mere curiosity to dip his toes in the water, and now he was in too deep, and he hoped that the water wasn’t over his head.
It was a simple night, you thought. You briefly acknowledged the dancers, your fellow hostesses, and your mother as you stood in the small circle that your mother had gathered.
“We’re doing something a little different, tonight, Babes. Since it’s nearing December, we’re hitting November off with some Dances. Here’s the ground rules.” She started, and your ears picked up at the sudden change. Your mother only did this a few times within a span of five years or so, to kick things up, she said. Although a rare occurrence, you knew the rules well.
 The dancers would make their own set of rules, and choose their partners to dance with for the night. It didn’t matter what the dance was, or if it was simple grinding, all in all, the partners of the dancer were usually of course the audience. The dances, touching, and anything that bent the rules, depended on how much money the audience member threw at their host, who wanted the rules broken.
When you were younger, you thought that it was stupid, wondering why couldn’t these people just hire  your mother’s employees with no bouncers in sight, but now you understood.
It was for the thrill, to basically get by with certain things that weren’t “normally” allowed within a club. Such as grinding, groping, and basically waving the finger in the security’s face. Of course, if anything had gotten out of hand, the one initiating the dance, had a call light to light the stage red, alerting security.
 Only the ones who really wanted to be touched like that, offered the dances, you knew. Some wouldn’t participate, and it was more than fine. It was a mouse trap, to lure the falsehood of “getting by” with things, or “getting lucky”, the mindset of a player in a casino, your mother told you. It was smart, although very shady, you thought to yourself. Of course, your mother had everybody gathered, telling them the rules, what’s safe and what’s not, and basically, saying that if a person feels as if it’s non-consent, then don’t ever hesitate to press the call light.
“It’s shady, but my employees come first.” She winked. You sighed, getting your food tray ready for the night, eager to see which costume that Taishiro had picked, this time. Of course the dancers were the first ones to know, getting certain costumes ready if they ever wanted to participate in the “lure” game. You couldn’t help but hope that he didn’t want to dance with anybody. The thought was rather selfish, and you knew that he could earn a lot, but it still lurked in your mind.
The night crawled on, the announcer speaking loudly, saying each dancer’s name who wanted to join in on the fun. You didn’t pay much mind to it. All in all, it was just an awkward dancing audience member, grinding their hips against the dancer as the crowd roared, feeling as if they’re watching an off-brand porno.
“-our next Dancer is! Fatigue!!! I wonder who he’ll be swooning in, for the night?” The announcer’s voice cut to you, and in an instant, you felt your blood run a bit cold. Although a little dense, you had to admit the possibility of him revving up a sucker’s money, made you feel a little sick. You beat down those thoughts. He could do what he wanted to do, he was his own person, it didn’t make him any less worth of one.
He had his sons to take care of, and a life to live, you told yourself. The little speck of thought of him calling you, egged you, and you had to stomp that down, as well. Not even the unwanted, flirtatious dancers even dared to call your name in fear of your mother’s playful, sadistic wrath. He couldn’t-
“-the Sugar who’s holdin’ the drink tray.” His voice rang out, and you stopped dead in your tracks, turning to take a good look at him.
His grin was wild, yet his costume was far from it. An echo of oohs and curious mumbling rang throughout the crowd.
True to his nature, he was wearing the orange and black heels that you’ve first seen him in, yet, he was also wearing a ruffled dress shirt, slacks, and although what would seem to be an odd combination of clothing that didn’t fit the club, he wore it very well, and looked very good in it. You jumped a little as you heard cackling, and didn’t really calm down as you knew that it was your mother.
“Alright, this man’s got balls, and although I approved then, I certainly do now. I’ll hold your tray! Enjoy your dance~!” She rambled quickly, not giving you time as she grabbed your tray, and winked before sauntering off. You remained your focus back onto him, your feet moving on their own accord as his look of worry was replaced with relief.
Not as much as you. Although a little surprised, you were very, very relieved that he picked you. Plus, who were you to refuse a gesture from somebody who you were pining for?
“The rules are…” The announcer looked at his paper. “None? Huh, guess he’s changing the ‘no touch’ policy.” She shrugged as she waited for you to walk onto the stage. You felt a lot of curious stares, but it didn’t bother you as you held in a yelp, him tugging you towards him. His hand was holding yours, and the other on your waist.
“Sorry fer embarrassin’ ya like that, Sweetlin’. After everything that’s been goin’ on, I hadda do this. If ya feel uncomfortable, or wanna change your mind, feel free to say so, now. I don’t care if I get boo’d. I just wanna see if ya’d dance with me.” He whispered slowly, and you sighed softly.
“It’s…one way to ask somebody, I guess. Besides, I think the audience can handle a change of atmosphere.” You murmured gently, and he chuckled, squeezing your hand rather gently.
“Plus, it’ll show yer creepy suitors that ya can make yer own decisions. An’ also…” He paused, letting the announcer press play to the song that he’d chose. He ate up the adorable, delectable look on your face, seeing how wide-eyed and cute you were.
It was as if your life had became one of those silly rom-coms that you were one-hundred percent certain would absolutely never happen to you. Somehow, you were wrong. Very wrong. He led you, staring softly down at you as you tried to keep eye contact, face flushing furiously as to much of your sheer disbelief, the audience started whispering, singing, and chanting to the Seagull’s “I Ran So Far Away”.
“-I wanna ask you something important.”
“This is a dream and I have to wake up.” You told him, and he laughed, taking time to pinch your cheek a little.
“This song’s a little ironic, ain’t it?” He grinned, and despite your wild fluttering stomach and increased heartbeat, you nodded, acknowledging the lyrics as your face heated up.
“A little…at first.”
“Must be hard keepin’ yer hands off of me, despite wantin’ to scramble.” He bit out a joke, and you couldn’t help but huff out a bit of laughter, the two of you ignoring the oddly supporting crowd as you gave into the weird, fever dose of reality that life had hit you with, dancing with him to the sway of the classic song. He held you close to him, letting you seep in his warmth as you buried your flushed face into his shirt, feeling his body shake lightly with laughter despite the atmosphere.
Although a little lengthy, the song was beginning to end way too quickly. Breaking away, you looked at him with curiosity as he looked at you with a mix of soft determination.
“What would I like to ask ya, Darlin’, is, would you consider being my partner? Like, uh, a romantic partner?” He stumbled out the words, and your breath caught in your throat.
“Ya don’t have to answer right away! I just wanted to…show ya that I was serious, ya know?” He murmured gently, and you swallowed thickly.
“Yes.” Came out of your lips faster than you’d thought, but you didn’t regret it. He looked down at you with surprise.
“Ya know what it entails? Dating a single dad?” He prodded, and you knew.
“I know. I…can’t help but cherish the three of you.” Your ears burned with embarrassment, but it was nothing but the truth. You couldn’t help but like the adorable, flirtatious single dad who did everything in his power to keep his sons safe and loved. Admittedly, you knew that they will be your priority, as well, if you planned on being there in the long run, and you had.
 Warm hands cupped your face, as he stared at you with a look of sheer amazement and want.
“Let’s seal it, shall we?” He whispered, and you closed your eyes as he leaned down, pressing his mouth firmly and yet gently against yours, letting the crowd shrill with adoration.
Not the end! But it took a while. Although I was rather busy, I did want to post this chapter at the end of November <3.
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