dbluegreen · 4 years
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this is my toyota echo,named yuniesky,and i. today i had to say goodbye because the body has rusted out beyond repair underneath. i would have liked to keep this car forever if i could have. it’s a 2001 that i bought in 2006 so we were together many years. this is me after my sister and i practically killed ourselves removing the plates held on by rusty old screws. we both have bodies that are kind of wrecks. i couldn’t sit down on the pavement because i would have had trouble getting up,and it was hell on my painful legs to bend down and for my sister the same. but we got it done and survived and donated it to our local pbs station. we’re gonna get a free membership so we can watch passport. i’m very excited. in the background you can see some of the storage units that we live next door to now that they ripped out all the trees that used to be there. and the sky and trees are very novembery,and really,it’s all very 2020. with the help of my sister and health needs trust money left to me when my dad died,i was able to buy a 2012 honda fit to keep us going for a while. i really didn’t think i would outlive yuniesky,but i did and i don’t regret that i have,most of the time!
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sophygurl · 5 years
dianebluegreen replied to your post “Did my what’s coming up on TV quarterly-ish organizational project and...”
enjoyed your update! yay for northern exposure and sims!
I thought you’d like the Northern Exposure part. :) 
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@dianebluegreen: #savetherainforest #amazonburning #savespiderman https://t.co/Ye2ZhkcEfg
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sophygurl · 5 years
dianebluegreen replied to your post “Hi! I was just browsing through my activity and noticed that after I...”
wow. i've never watched buffy but i read all of this and you are so good at expressing and explaining things. it gave me insight about another friend who was sexually abused as a child as well as myself feeling like i was bad because i was different and frustrated and acted out because it turns out i'm autistic. that's a lot different from sexual abuse,but a lot of what you wrote about makes sense to me.
Thank you, friend. That means a lot to me to hear that my writing gave you some insight and made sense even though you never watched the show! 
I think a lot of us have those “badness” feelings for a variety of reasons - def. not isolated to abuse survivors. Which, again, is an important reason for characters who have done bad things in our fiction to be able to get redemption arcs or be sympathetic in some ways. Not all of the time, but at least sometimes. We need to be able to relate to the act of doing/feeling bad and then making changes to do better. I truly think that’s so, so important. 
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iblamethenubbins · 10 years
Ooh, sorry you’re in pain. But also HA!
dianebluegreen replied to your post: Ugh I’m in so much pain that if I was ...
too bad we don’t have 23th century medicine yet…hope you feel better soon!
Thank you!
I don't need medicine, really... I just need to get fitter :P
It was all self-inflicted, but also absolutely worth it:)
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promptsidestory · 11 years
Thank you!
Thank you for those who offered me advice re: my fibro symptoms. I'll be trying magnesium for sure!
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dianebluegreen reblogged your post:
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all-thelovely-blog · 13 years
where is that ship with the number 86 on it?
I honestly have no idea, I'm sorry!
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sophygurl · 5 years
dianebluegreen replied to your post “Okay, time for me to try and remember all the stuff I wanted to make...”
wonderful wonderful! as lawrence welk used to say...new walker and bed,new friends and old friends,good conversations,hope and community. cowabunga! glad youhad a great time!
yay thank you! it was a lovely time. :) 
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sophygurl · 5 years
dianebluegreen replied to your post “A week from today, I will be at WisCon! You know what that means -...”
it's that time again...yay for you!
Yay! TY! :)
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sophygurl · 5 years
dianebluegreen replied to your post “I’m slowly making my way through Margaret Atwood’s works and just...”
i thought the series was good,and haunting. i didn't realize it was based on a book so i may check that out.
I don’t know how the series and the book compare, but the book is really fascinating. It took me a little bit to get into it because of the style - I tend to lose interest when books include things like letters as part of the narrative, but I got over it pretty quick due to interest in Grace and her story. 
My favorite thing, which I don’t know if the show managed to convey, was how Grace would start out saying she doesn’t remember much and then go into these extremely long unbroken run-on sentences describing every single thing she thought, said, saw, heard, or felt in a given situation. IDK why, but it cracked me up. But was also really sad, when you realize that while lots has been said About her - this was the first time she got to actually have a voice of her own and share her own view about her own life experiences. Still, I was like chill out a little Grace he doesn’t need to know about every single quilt the woman you worked for 30 years ago owned lol
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sophygurl · 5 years
book asks...1 and 19 if someone hasn't already asked!
1. book you’ve reread the most times?
I’m pretty sure, at this point, that it’s the 4 books making up The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. I have never been quite this obsessed with a book or book series before and that is saying something! I can’t seem to make myself stop re-reading so it’s still going, too. 
19. most disliked popular books?
Do classics count, like that were popular enough initially to become considered classics? Because I’ve got a few of those. The Scarlet Letter, The Great Gatsby, Moby Dick, Great Expectations, Of Mice and Men...
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sophygurl · 6 years
dianebluegreen replied to your post “I just completely wore myself out getting cleaned up and dressed for...”
i know the feels. so discouraging. hang in there. i hope the doc's appointment isn't too bad. sending gentle hugs...
Thank you - it was alright. Got the botox for my migraines, talked about my pain/sleep issues to see about getting an adjustable bed - he’s gonna try and get it covered for me, switched a sleep med that wasn’t working, and got a referral to the pain clinic to see if there is anything else that can be done for me (my hopes are not high but I’m willing to try anything). 
Then had a nice lunch with my mom, bought myself some new warm socks, and am gonna rest for the rest of the darned day. 
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sophygurl · 6 years
dianebluegreen replied to your post “So this year at WisCon there were three panels that I suggested around...”
wonderful ted talk! i love your term poly tribe and this makes me think of 'it takes a village'.
Yea, I was hearing people starting to use terms like queer platonic life partners or whatever, and I was like that’s neat - but I need a word that covers this group of like five of us and how we all feel about one another. So they’re my platonic poly tribe. :)
it works. 
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sophygurl · 6 years
dianebluegreen replied to your post “dianebluegreen replied to your post “So this year at WisCon there...”
your super long post was so wonderful and inspiring! carry on!
You’re the best - thank you!
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sophygurl · 6 years
dianebluegreen replied to your post “WisCon 42 panel Exploring the Platonic”
this is great. i wish there was more discussion on this,as when it comes to shipping,i often feel left out because i'm more interested in the nonsexual and/or nonromantic relationships. i miss having a found family group in my life.
Yea, and I DO have romantic/sexual ships but also so so so many platonic ones and those just do not get much play in fandom and it is so disheartening to me. Anyway, I’m prolly gonna have some meta posts on the subject in the near future. 
And I’m sorry you’re missing having a found family group. It is such a wonderful thing. I hope you can find it again in your life. 
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