I'm obsessed with Never Have I Ever and I'm counting down the seconds till the 4th and final season.
In the meantime, watch us try and decide who the better option is for Devi - Ben or Paxton?
What do you think?
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iwan-fadila · 11 months
Adu Tim Mekanik SMK di Tekiro Mechanic Competition 2023
motogokil.com – Assalamu’alaikum wa rochmatullohi wa barokatuh, semoga kita semua selamat di perjalanan sampai ke tujuan. Tidak hanya produsen otomotif yang mengadakan lomba kecakapan di bidang mekanik, brand tool terkenal di tanah air yaitu Tekiro. Lomba Tekiro Mechanic Competition 2023 yang merupakan lomba keterampilan otomotif siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Otomotif (SMK) se-Jabodetabek. Pada…
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starrysharks · 2 months
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ladies and gentlemen......... introducing the chocolate starfish..... and tha hot dog flavored watah ‼️‼️
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boysappetit · 4 months
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Ryan Dean Dexton
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benkaden · 2 years
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Ansichtskarte /Vintage Postcard
"FOWLER'S RESTAURANT" On the Circle of Hollywood, Florida. Known from Coast to Coast for its Food.
Pub by Raymond Studios, Miama, Fla. 44334
circa 1950
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ifeelikescreaming · 2 years
Bro paxton and devi go harddddd.hehe new power couple
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roundtriptojupiter · 2 years
oogh im Thinking About My Ocs
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Dex : [pulls back the shower curtain to reveal the Stanley Cup] Dex: Nurse! Nursey: Ch’yeah? Dex: Can you come to the bathroom, please? Nursey: [arrives at a near run] Dex: Is that the real Stanley Cup? Nursey: That’s precisely what I’m trying to determine. Several days ago, whilst browsing auction sites on the Dark Web, I came across a listing for the Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup, aka Lord Stanley’s Cup. I was skeptical as to the Cup’s provenance, so I bought it. Dex: Why would you buy it if you were skeptical-? Nursey: The Cup has humble beginnings. It started off as a mere bowl. In 1927, long narrow bands were added and then replaced by uneven bands in 1947. The original bowl is in the vault in the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. The Hall also keeps a near-perfect duplicate on hand. “The Presentation Cup,” if indeed this is the genuine article, is here. Dex: Wait a second, are you interested in hockey history? Nursey: What I’m *into*, Dexton, is the possibility that the Cup was stolen. It travels under the constant supervision of its keeper, so opportunities to nick it are mad rare. If it is the real Cup, I shall return it to the National Hockey League with all due haste. If not, we have a new tub juice bowl for kegsters. Dex: And the reason it’s in the tub is? Nursey: C and I were measuring water displacement to determine the Cup’s density. Now it’s just drying. Dex: Mmm Nursey, realizing Dex is dressed for taking a shower: It can dry elsewhere.
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monthofsick · 2 years
High Tide
Nov(emeto)ber 2022, Day 27: Beach/pool setting
OCs: Corey, Jesse
I was so determined not to be late with any submission, but here we go. This was inspired by a similar video and I couldn't get it out of my head. Vomit + water is just such a nice combination.
TW: Vomit, alcohol
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He shouldn't have touched the alcohol. Corey had known from the very beginning that it was a grave mistake. He never drank. Being as obsessed with sports and an overall healthy lifestyle as he was, it just didn't fit into his strict diet and exercise regime. Problem was – how was Corey supposed to be the only abstinent one in the entire team without losing face? Especially in front of Dexton and his minions.
Needless to say, Dexton chugged the stuff like it was water. His wannabe gang was mainly responsible for smuggling in the alcohol. The track and field club had been allowed to throw a beachside party to celebrate their successful season. It was still warm enough to go for a swim and hang out until late at night. Of course, the high school students had promised to behave and stay sober – they adhered to that rule until the trainer left, then the hidden bottles came out.
With everyone carelessly downing pre-mixed cocktails, beer and hard liquor, Corey couldn't possibly refuse. Even Jesse was sipping on a vivid blue drink, and he was a year younger than him. Trying to act all casual like he was used to it, Corey picked a creamy looking cocktail that smelled sweet enough to stomach. The bitter taste still came through, it burned in his mouth and caused a disgusting warm feeling in his belly. Corey hated it, but he pulled through.
Things were looking up when Corey had the chance to hang out with Jesse. They sat on the edge of the wooden dock, let their naked feet dangle into the water and talked. After Corey had taken care of Jesse when the younger boy had been sick during their trip to a meet, there was a new sense of closeness between them. Corey had held up a bag for Jesse when he had thrown up at least five times on their bus ride back home and he had snapped at anyone who dared to make fun of him. It must have been a nightmarish experience for Jesse, but Corey had tried anything to make it a little more tolerable.
"I'm so jealous of you", Jesse sighed, looking out on the ocean. The low-lying sun cast a warm glow on his big blue eyes. "Wish I could leave this shitshow behind."
"Okay, wanna deal with exit exams for me?", Corey grinned and took a swig of his drink. As bad as it tasted, at least it helped to calm his nerves. Being this close to Jesse, watching his radiant smile and the adorable dimples on his cheeks, never failed to make Corey's heart beat faster.
"No way!" Jesse pulled a face and let out a deep sigh. "School sucks so bad. I wish every day could be like this."
"If you find someone who pays you for staring at the ocean, go ahead." Corey didn't mention that he would probably pay Jesse to watch him while he gazed at the waves dreamily. He had never liked someone the way he liked Jesse, and it kind of turned him into a creep. Good thing no one could read his mind. "But then again, it wouldn't be special if you had it every day."
"Guess you have a point." Jesse turned towards Corey with that one of a kind look of his that could easily melt ice. "It's weird when you think about, right? Why does flattening your butt on some rock hard wood and getting your feet wet feel so nice?"
"That's what he said." The words escaped Corey before he thought twice about it, but they made Jesse laugh, so he didn't regret it. Caught up in the conversation and Jesse's eyes and the occasional touch of their arms, Corey didn't keep track of how much he drank. Jesse got them new cocktails after they had finished their first round. Of course Corey thanked him and kept on going. He already had the reputation of being a killjoy in his own grade, it was not how he wanted to be seen by a cheerful person like Jesse.
After a while, Jesse headed off to take a leak. Corey leaned back and suddenly noticed how dizzy he was. The dock felt unsteady, like it was moving with the waves that softly lapped against the wooden pillars. Was he already drunk? Corey was pretty sure he hadn't consumed that much alcohol, but the burning sensation in his stomach, paired with the vertigo, flooded his body with nausea. It lingered in the back of his throat with a nagging pulse.
Corey wasn't well, and it kept on getting worse by the second. His insides were clearly upset at the attempt to poison them with a toxic chemical. The pungent, yet overly sweet taste of the cocktails returned to Corey's mouth with a throaty burp. He broke into a sweat, and it wasn't just a side effect of the unfamiliar substance he had downed so recklessly. Being ridiculed for shying away from alcohol was one thing. Proving everyone that he was a first-time drinker that also happened to be a lightweight was a whole different beast.
And still, Corey's stomach was churning like an out-of-control washing machine that was about to overflow. He cursed himself for giving in to the peer pressure, but it was too late. Corey pushed himself up and staggered towards the end of the dock like a landlubber on his first boat trip. If he had to lose his drinks, at least he wanted to grant himself the tiniest bit of privacy.
With his whole world spinning around him, water and sky switching places as they pleased, Corey needed all of his usually excellent body control to prevent falling into the sea. Stopping at the very last moment before the wooden planks ended, Corey bent at the waist and puked up an opaque, slightly viscous liquid. It came up just like that without any retches, shooting out of his mouth like water from a garden hose.
Just as Corey's stomach muscles were about to clench again to defy the rules of regular peristalsis, he was suddenly pushed from behind. Being already hunched over and anything but steady on his legs, Corey had no chance to prevent a fall. Face first, he plunged into the milky cloud of vomit he had expelled into the ocean.
Paddling with arms and legs, Corey struggled back to the surface. Under normal circumstances, he was a good swimmer. Right now, his head spun out of control and he felt miserably sick. His body had been interrupted mid-heave, but it wasn't done purging the harmful substance. A harsh contraction in Corey's belly propelled his stomach contents up his esophagus and out of his mouth. Light brown puke poured straight into the water in front of his face. The next gush followed immediately, spreading out and diffusing into a blurry haze at the edges.
Wincing in disgust, Corey kicked and moved his arms to get away from the buoyant barf. He didn't come far before another wave of regurgitated cocktails spilled from his lips. It brought up chunks of the chicken strips and salad he had eaten for lunch. The sight of his upchucked meal, combined with the sour, alcoholic stench, was enough to make Corey gag up even more of the rich and creamy drink, speckled with shreds of green and scraps of white meat. The bigger lumps sank into the warm water.
When the violent bout finally gave him a break, Corey looked up to see Dexton, Birch and Chuck towering over him on the dock. Birch was in swimming trunks, still dripping wet. He had probably been splashing around nearby as Corey spewed his cocktails into the sea. Dexton and Chuck had been hanging out at the campfire, too far away to get to the end of the walkway in time to give Corey a push right after the first eruption.
"Look who's swimming in his own puke", Chuck cackled. His red nose and cheeks gave away that he wasn't quite sober himself.
"That's what the asshole deserves for hurling all over me", Dexton growled. "How long I've waited to take revenge on barf boy."
"The fucking pussy couldn't even handle two drinks." Birch's smug expression gave another clue that he was the prime suspect.
Corey wanted to reply. He wanted to scream that he had only thrown up on Dexton because the idiot had been right in front of him, shoving a phone in Corey's face. Right after Corey had already been sick twice, which should have been a decent enough warning. But as soon as Corey opened his mouth, thick vomit gurgled out of him, creating bubbles on top of the ocean surface. Unsurprisingly, the reaction was hysterical laughter.
Coughing and gagging, Corey fought to stay afloat. Even the soft waves were enough to leave him disoriented and dizzy. He felt weak and nauseous and drained. Climbing out at the dock wasn't an option with his self-declared arch nemesis and his guard dogs waiting for him. They would most likely push him back, and Corey wasn't even sure if he had the strength and coordination to get up there in the first place. The brainless idiots seemed to find this hilarious, but Corey was gripped by panic.
Just when he tried to scream for help without instantly starting to puke again, his classmates from hell were hit by a huge flood of orange liquid, ice cubes and lemon slices.
"Are you fucking insane?" It was Jesse's voice. Corey could barely see him behind Dexton, Birch and Chuck and he didn't sound like himself at all. Each of his words was spat out in anger, trembling and menacing at the same time. Not to mention that he had just drenched his three seniors in an entire bowl of sticky, sugary fruit punch. As they spun around, Jesse dove into the water, fully clothed. He swam towards Corey, hugged him from behind and tilted back his head, making sure it was resting on his shoulder above the water surface.
The smaller boy struggled towing Corey along, but he fought through. The shift in position and the unusual motion were enough to force a spatter of vomit out of Corey. It ran down his cheeks and made him choke. Jesse turned Corey's face to the side to let the liquid flow out of his mouth.
"We need help!" Corey flinched as Jesse screamed right next to his ear. "Someone, please, we need to get him out of the water!"
A dark haired figure approached – it was Andrew, another one of Corey's classmates. Corey's eyesight was so blurry that he only recognized his fellow student when the sturdy boy was right in front of him. Andrew put his arm around Corey from the other side and with joint forces, they swam to the shore. When they were close enough to reach the ground with their feet, Andrew took over and embraced Corey's upper body. He dragged him onto the beach and laid him in the sand, carefully rolling him to the side.
Helplessly surrendered to his wasted body, Corey expelled a thin beige fluid. He felt a gentle hand stroking back the wet strands of his hair and caressing his cheek.
"It's okay, you're safe now", Jesse soothed him. He lifted up Corey's head and placed it on his lap, not caring about the runny vomit that spilled over Corey's lips in a series of small dashes. "There you go, get it out of your system."
"So-sorry", Corey panted, breathless and completely exhausted. The thought of his own puke soiling Jesse's leg was horrifying, even in his worn out state.
"Wait, what are you talking about?" There was subtle change in Jesse's tone. He still tried to remain calm, but he failed to hide a slight shudder. "I'm the one who's sorry. I… I didn't notice you were drunk, I should have never left you alone. Then I searched for you at the beach like a moron until someone told me what these bastards did."
"You saved me." A weary smile lit up Corey's face until he remembered what he had just tried to apologize for. "I'm sorry for… you know… I didn't mean to throw up on you."
"I don't care." Jesse began to stroke Corey's head. It felt good. Comforting. "You didn't drown, fuck the rest. I can easily wash it off. Don't try to hold it in if you need to be sick again."
Overwhelmed by fatigue and a wave of emotions he couldn't grasp, Corey closed his eyes. Someone was yelling, not far away from him, but still sounding distant.
"What the hell were you thinking? You could have killed him!"
"Is this funny to you?" Another voice, equally outraged. "Would you still laugh if he had drowned?"
"You crossed a line here, dumbasses. Stay away from him, you've done enough damage already."
Corey was confused. No one was laughing about him – quite the contrary, there were several of his teammates jumping to his defence. He didn't have to worry about Dexton and his goons anymore, he could finally get some rest. Corey knew he should take off his wet clothes first, but the evening was warm and it felt so nice to rest on Jesse's lap. Before he knew it, Corey had fallen asleep.
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Archive of our own: Up all night to get Bucky
tumblr: birdnamedenza
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calthemage · 7 months
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My new spider man oc! His name is dexton or spider-dex lore coming for him soon!
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chnldivr · 1 year
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ft dexton by @CatScribblezz
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middleland · 1 year
Suspension Bridge, Youngstown, Ohio (Date Unknown) by Hope Moore
Via Flickr:
Description on back of card: SUSPENSION BRIDGE, Youngstown's favorite scenic bridge, located on the Valley Drive in the heart of beautiful Mill Creek Park, Youngstown, Ohio. Publisher: Wonday Film Service, Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania Numbers on card: 311-D-3 | 57374 Estimated Date: 1950s Era: Chrome Era Condition: Great condition. Unposted. Buy this card Publisher Note: Thomas A. Dexter was the inventor of gang printing. His company printed a wide variety of postcard subjects as linens and photochromes in New York from 1934-1980. The photochromes printed by Dexter have the words "Genuine Natural Color" despite going through a variety of phases. The company's early photochromes went under the name "Dextone" and were often flat and somewhat dull in appearance. The company's optical blending techniques improved producing richer and more varied colors over time. The company merged with MWM Color Press in 1980 to become MWM Dexter, and they moved to Aurora, Missouri. Source: www.metropostcard.com/publishersd.html
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deadlinecom · 4 days
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boysappetit · 2 months
Ryan Dean and Joe
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gerymantre · 10 months
Bringing Beauty and Security: The Use of Dextone Glass Sealant in a 2-Story House Project
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In the realm of modern architecture, the fusion of functionality and aesthetics takes center stage. When planning and constructing an elegant and secure 2-story house, the use of quality materials is paramount. One essential element is glass. However, incorporating glass into a house project requires special treatment to ensure both stability and durability. This is where Dextone glass sealant comes into play.
Strength and Stability: One of the primary advantages of Lem Dextone glass sealant lies in its ability to provide extra strength to glass windows and doors. In a 2-story house project, glass becomes an element that must withstand loads and pressures. With the appropriate application of sealant, glass gains enhanced stability, enabling it to withstand temperature fluctuations and varying environmental conditions.
Weather Resistance: 2-story houses are often exposed directly to the elements, from intense sunlight to rain and strong winds. Dextone glass sealant boasts weather-resistant properties, allowing glass to remain resilient and protected from damage caused by extreme weather conditions.
Maximized Aesthetics: Beyond functionality, Dextone glass sealant also contributes to the aesthetic aspect of a 2-story house. With its clean and unobtrusive application, the sealant provides a modern and polished look to glass windows and doors. This creates a visually stunning appearance, enhancing the overall beauty of your house project.
Enhanced Safety: Safety is a critical consideration in a 2-story house. Dextone glass sealant helps reinforce glass, thus elevating the level of security for glass windows and doors. This factor becomes crucial, particularly if you have young children or if your house is situated near public areas.
Optimal Natural Lighting: 2-story houses often require ample natural lighting. With the right use of glass and Dextone glass sealant, you can ensure that sunlight enters effectively, creating a bright and comfortable ambiance indoors.
In a 2-story house project encompassing beauty, security, and resilience, Dextone glass sealant emerges as a reliable partner. With its strength, weather resistance, and aesthetic appeal, this sealant is not just a product; it's an investment in ensuring that your house project becomes a safe, comfortable, and captivating abode.
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kabardaily · 10 months
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Pj Bupati Aceh Besar Buka Turnamen Voli HUT ke-15 Dextonal Seulimuem
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