#despite KNOWING there was no way he'd be important enough in s2 to make it onto a poster
markantonys · 10 months
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my-usernames-posts · 1 year
sotus and sotus s were kinda way ahead of their time and nobody is ready for this conversation
Yes it did receive appreciation for being a trendsetter of university setting in BLs but the criticisms on lack of intimacy is getting on my nerves.
First of all, the main focus seems to be on the senior-junior struggle with hazing and the characters' internal struggles. THE AIM WAS NOT FANSERVICE AT ALL.
With that being said, it is completely normal for them to NOT be all over each other on screen even in season 2. Portraying emotional intimacy is harder than physical & it's done beautifully. They are two boys trying to graduate and do well in their jobs, it's absurd for them to come home and be all energetic in bed.
The relationship is actually balanced in its own way. Arthit gets a lot of hate for not communicating enough. When it actually does not seem like the case. Because in s2 he tells Kong "We can normally talk about anything, right?" That actually shows they are close enough to have tough conversations without jeopardising their relationship. Arthit knows since s1 that Kong is a rich kid, only he never know who exactly his father was.
Moreover Arthit's introversion & mysteriousness is what seems to draw Kong to him. We see how possessive Kong is - he cannot stand anyone else knowing little details such as pink milk & Aioon. I bet he'd not like him if Arthit was an easily likeable popular extrovert. The fact that Arthit is visibly shy is enough for Kong. And the fact that Arthit does not say "I love you" or "You are my world" regularly is what makes his words more valuable. Because Kong knows that it means beyond the surface in a situation when he says it.
It's good that Arthit continues to be shy & silent even in s2. Because that shatters the most common misconception that people change. He himself says that he loves Kong regardless, and saying it everyday would only reduce its importance. (Also, he's shy & that's how he is. Kongpob can accept it so it's all good innit?) Despite taking a long time to deal with his inner struggles he always comes back. He doesn't go around announcing about his relationship, but he does not keep it a secret forever either.
And the fear of society is actually well portrayed. University & workplace is different. Your sexual orientation doesn't reflect on your academic reports, but it CAN reflect as workplace discrimination. We also see that Arthit slowly realises that nobody is gossiping like he imagined. That's how he learns how pointless his worries were.
There are other shattered stereotypes. Such as the owner's nephew being a hard worker unlike the general nepotism character. And Earth just taking her time to warm up instead of turning out to be the female villian.
With all this being said, the show has a balance of silly entertainment & realistic ish character growth, idk it's a hill I'm willing to die on kbye.
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divinekangaroo · 8 months
I’m baffled as to why Tommy married Lizzie really. She is unsuitable to be a politician’s wife, a mistress on the side surely would have been fine, it's even norm. It is no way a good strategy or helps his reputation.
Agree! There was no strategic gain for him at all. It might nominally help his reputation with some working class voters, that he married within his class and not above it, but I don't know how that works if Lizzie's reputation as a prostitute was well known. Either way this nominal reputational boost with one demographic is not likely significant enough to be any part of his decision making. I feel there had to be some level of personal care for her in there, and a desire to do something for her, as well as his strong sense of family, because otherwise why would he marry her?
Based on cues in the canon, there's possible motivation including:
his strong cultural and personal sense of responsibility to family given Lizzie has his child - he's demonstrated this sense of family before with Grace, because as soon as he learned Grace was pregnant in S2, he went immediately to marriage. This was different to his conversations with S1 Grace where he was satisifed with a relationship and not marriage. (And even his S2 pre-pregnancy conversations with Grace, where he seemed satisifed with an affair. And the way he brought Duke into the picture.) His children are very important to him!
an acknowledment/respect for Lizzie's unashamed willingness to be a single mother to his child, and all the stigma that carries on top of her past; marrying her would be the least he could do to help erase that stigma for her. Noting no amount of money would erase the stigma of single motherhood given his and her class of origin. These social privileges to the mistresses of upper class men do not apply to the mistresses of working class men who've acquired money.
he was feeling really fucked up at the end of S4, and Lizzie's helped him with comfort/care through other times when he was feeling really fucked up. Apart from being his regular pre S1, when his war trauma would have been the worst, in S2 Lizzie features with this one observable sexual event where he was with her immediately after Polly told him to get over Grace, and immediately before he had to do an assassination he didn't want to. S3 he clearly articulates she stopped his heart from breaking. Lizzie (and sex with Lizzie) represents some kind of easy, accessible physical comfort/softness for him between slices of hell.
some kind of guilt at how he'd treated her in the past (John, Epsom) when here she was, prepared to be a single mother to his child with no shame.
he actually likes her - S2 he goes to a special effort to elevate her out of being a prostitute, even when she was probably barely capable of the role at that point, S3 features several elements suggesting he trusts her significantly, S4 they have relaxed conversations despite all the shit going on, even in S5 in the middle of the worst and cutting at each other verbally, they both mutually decide to still try to find some middle ground where they can stay together, which suggests they have a lot of non-sexual/conversational history not shown on screen. They also have several almost comedic moments of chemistry in S4 and S5 which ties back to liking, too.
I 100% feel Ruby was the trigger for the marriage, no matter any other motivation, I don't think he'd marry her if there was no child. But he had to have more than *just* the child to go so far as marriage, hence the above.
I think, given Lizzie was the one he took to the bridge which was his 'can I still do good things the way Greta and I used to speak about' moment, this sort of symbolic link carried through Ruby's conception, he might have also thought marrying Lizzie would be a gesture of 'doing a good thing.' There is a constant theme in the series, and Tommy even clearly and verbally articulates it in S5, that when Tommy tries to do a good thing, people get hurt. Hence the weight of his regret for marrying Lizzie as expressed in S6 -- marrying her, which he likely saw as a good act, resulted in Lizzie's anguish and exposed her to hurt by both Tommy personally in his emotional closed-off state, and via the acts Tommy was doing in trying to sabotage Mosley, which he would not deviate from even when conscious of the hurt it would cause Lizzie.
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fandom-hoarder · 1 year
Anybody who thinks that abomination of a TWin finale was BETTER than the spn finale or FIXED anything about it can fuck right off, tbh. Bad vibes, dnw.
Like the biggest thing about TWin is it's INSULTING.
It's insulting that it's called "the winchesters", when The Winchesters are Sam and Dean. It's insulting that those involved kept telling people to trust them and "canon we got you" and stringing people along a whole fucking pointless season. It's insulting that they claimed they were so passionate about it when it's... Like This. When clearly no one could bother to even consult the canon, or hire actors who would be faithful to the OG representations. When it feels like a really cheap cash grab, when the interviews with Robbie and Jensen tell a story of people who knew they HAD to make this work, but didn't actually have a vision or focus for it. When Danneel appears to have been given way too much creative control despite not actually watching most of spn. When her passion for the project appeared to be the clothes she and Jensen could be photographed in -- this isn't wife hate, this is sincere criticism of someone who had creative control in a project they didn't even know the canon for.
It's insulting they spent the money for good music and played actual Led Zeppelin in THIS STUPID FINALE.
I know the last seasons of spn got pretty out there, got pretty stupid and lackluster (ghosts redux but daytime? Ehh), but at least in s15 they were running through "greatest callbacks" territory. TWin was not only worse quality, it had no fucking purpose. They didn't have a STORY TO TELL at all. You think THIS was where they were originally heading with that "Dean" voiceover from the pilot, talking about the true story of his parents?
(None of these questions are important enough for an s2, mind you; this show gets the atla live action treatment--never happened, doesn't count)
THE WHOLE FUCKING REASONING IS JUST POINTLESS AND STUPID. AND THERE DIDN'T SEEM TO EVER BE ANY REAL STAKES FOR THIS SCOOBY GANG ALL SEASON. It was The Magic Tree House, with all the answers handed to them. (Not to mention the pretty bad acting I witnessed from Meg -- a too-short-to-be-Mary-when-Drake-is-that-tall Claire lookalike I'm supposed to believe as Mary🙄 --and the total lack of JohnMary chemistry, and the weird af lore breaking holywater!hair vamp splash that started as a joke and shouldn't have even made it onto the page🤦‍♀️-- if you wanted to be that kind of camp you should've just done a straightup AU spinoff, and not tried to tie this in to the OG while LYING about "canon we got you" and getting your tone all the fuck wrong)
This doesn't fix anything from spn finale--NOTHING NEEDED FIXED. Whatever gripes there may be about aspects of the spn finale, essentially it was PERFECT. THIS bullshit takes a Dean who had finally come to terms with the life they'd lived, who had his actual loved ones largely available in heaven (and Sam on earth, but knowing he'd meet Dean up there, and time is different in Heaven), and takes away any character growth the spn finale suggested-- because he's ALREADY LEARNED THIS LESSON ABOUT TRYING TO CHANGE THE PAST WTF.
Also, that was not Dean. I get that Jensen probably couldn't cut his hair or whatever, but that turtleneck sweater was not an outfit OG Dean would wear, AND Jensen seems to have forgotten how to do the Dean voice/accent. They should've said it was huntercorp!Dean or something, cuz that was not the Dean that died in 15.20 and went to Heaven and took a drive to wait for Sam.
The only correct thing in TWin finale is that Sam was still Dean's #1, and all the SamDean parallels to JohnMary throughout the show get rights for preserving that. But the JohnMary was so dull.
This ridiculous show is NOT CANON, and I hope whatever future endeavors come out of spnverse has greater respect for the OG and its fandom, and better writing and casting. (I would prefer for it to die than become another abomination.)
I'm sorry for Drake's decent acting that this was the story he got, since he seemed to actually be a fan of the og -- even though some of his comments lost him some points with me. Sorry for some of the other wannabe scooby gang actors, who should've just gotten their own spoofy spinoff. I would be happy to not see Meg in anything ever again -- not that I wish for an end to her career, just that *I* won't have to see her face act. I would also be ecstatic for the Ackles' friends to not be cast in roles they're unsuited for just so they can all work together 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 how the fuck was that supposed to be Samuel?
You make a variety show for this shit, not a fucking prequel-that's-not-a-prequel. Good grief. Get you some good people that will tell you no. Maybe talk to Jared about it, jfc. He actually gets thoughtful about his headcanons.
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shippingdumbster · 13 days
About asteroids and destruction
This is 100% most likely a me problem, but it bugs me, so I will make a text post about it.
Moon girl and Devil Dinosaur S2 spoilers and stuff below
Molecule man has an interesting way of talking about things in general. He refers to the world/universe as the 'multiverse' every time, giving an implication that he has traveled enough between dimensions to a point that it has affected his way of seeing the world around him. It builds the idea that he isn't ignorant of the structure of the universe and him being able to track down Lunella shows that he has the means to find his way around.
But the thing that's particularly interesting to me is how he speaks of his planet.
'My world was destroyed' '(...)Everything I spent a lifetime building... gone, in instant!' 'This place was a haven and it was my home'
He is clearly angry and hurt about his planet, but he seems incapable of saying why that is. He has spent who knows how long, decades, possibly centuries alone on his planet, silently stewing in his hurt and anger, when he has the power to rebuild a lot of it in an instant as well. Being demoralized and angry of wasted work, of having to rebuild because something was destroyed by no fault of your own, is a very human. Wanting pay back for someone wrecking your shit is very human as well, but... Enough to murder a child? Enough to spring a trap that's been ages in the making, just to beat down one guy, who barely even knew he'd done anything?
Not to mention that his planet... is very much intact. It's still around, even if structures are destroyed and everything is clearly abandoned. Beyonder had most likely cheated a bit at his golf game to send such a storm of asteroids careening towards MM's planet, most seemingly hitting the population center/resort area.
For a man who is in the position uniquely ready for rebuilding, why sit and stew for all this time? During the second encounter, we get more context to this grief, despite his language about it all remaining much the same.
'My world was shattered' 'I lost everything'
But it adds the context to that grief. The one thing he couldn't fix when it came to his home before: the people.
'My planet was the only one place where I didn't finally feel like an outsider for being different. Where I finally belonged!'
And then we get the zinger: 'Being accepted, embraced, by the multiverse meant everything to me! And just like that, it was all taken away!'
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This is followed by him remembering the people on his planet. Presumably children, who had found his abilities less scary and more fantastical. It implies that his knowledge of the multiverse stems from being rejected on different planets, maybe even in multiple dimensions. Until his planet brought him the unique opportunity to create. Maybe he wanted to make something from himself, but the beauty attracted travelers and he found people who wanted to live there with him. To help him allow everyone to enjoy the fruits of his long labor and now... he had a community.
He could manipulate matter, make flowers bloom and create buildings, but he couldn't heal people. So, what he witnessed on that day left him more than traumatized. Fleeing people, chaos, deafening impact sounds as the asteroids came crashing down. He could probably only do so much to save others, leaving many people buried in rubble and the rest fleeing off planet.
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(Source) There is a cut little scene from the flashback he has during the second fight sequence, where we see MM sitting in the rubble, grief struck and utterly emotionally destroyed after it all. Losing a lifetime of work, compounded by the disaster and death that had to have surrounded him...
For MM, trauma shows up as anger. And who wouldn't be angry and righteously so, after finding out your home was destroyed, lives lost... because of a stupid game. Because SOMEONE who is supposedly all seeing and all knowing didn't NOTICE they destroyed the thing most important to you.
I imagine that for a long time, Lunella and Molecule Man were similar wrecks. Having flashbacks, unable to cope, afraid. The difference was that Lunella had the support she needed to find a way to heal, while MM literally lost everyone he'd known. The people he'd called friends, maybe family in a platonic sense.
So, in the end, when he lays down to accept his fate, there's a sense of finally giving up. That it wouldn't matter in the end if he lived or died now, since he has nothing to return to, no place to actually call home.
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'It's very painful...' MM is resilient, as otherwise he wouldn't have been able to live on for eons, but the heartbreak is what took him down. What good is rebuilding, when the people who were there won't come back? When houses are grave sites and ruined. Who'd want to visit a place like that?
It's most likely because of remaining child friendly that the way he speaks of what happened is only limited to destruction, but... it feels like it glances over a lot of what he must have felt. I also think it adds a punch to him finding someone willing to offer him a hand, even after what he'd done was equally as painful to Lunella. He'd passed his trauma and pain unto her and now... she might not feel safe in her home for a long time. But despite this, he gets a chance and a hope to rebuild. To find new people he can surround himself with and watch over.
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And the hug? While perhaps not deserved, it was clearly appreciated.
Thank you for reading my rambling post and have a good day
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Have you ever talked about king? Like how the story gave him this big twist that he was a titan all this time. It was smth that I didn't know how to handle nor how to feel about it, I was like ok so he's a god, hmm... tragic?
Do you think they did it to solve the issue with the titan blood for the portal? If we forget that the collector exists (I wish) than that'd be all the purpose. Guess the whole younger sibling thing wasn't enough, everyone needs a tragic story in this show to be important? Poor gus never stood a chance. But then again, Boscha didn't either somehow.
I actually haven't talked much about King! And I'm going to ask that someone put in an ask about Titan's Blood because this blog got very long without touching on it and there's a LOT to talk about with Titan's Blood.
But to talk about King, I actually have to split his character in half between who he was in S1 and S2 because he's effectively a different character post Echoes of the Past and that's… Not a negative thing. King actually goes through a revelation in that episode that shifts his personal identity and how he sees the world enough that a change in character is actually warranted here. He's also young enough to be incredibly malleable as a person. It's not a bad way to do such a big revelation of this sort.
And that's about as positive as I'm going to get on this blog because King is a one note character and changing that note doesn't make him deeper. It just means he's not as stale.
Now I will admit that I am kind of biased here because I just was DONE with King by the end of S1. He has like two jokes to him, both centered around mocking the fact that he thinks himself a powerful tyrant (either him yelling about being powerful or people treating him like a child/pet while mocking him) and that's really it besides his focused episodes. At least, that's overwhelmingly how it felt to me and it got… Very boring.
And in S1, the times they try to go against this don't help? They're all theoretically meant to focus around his desire for power and attention and either how to do it right or that he shouldn't do it but he doesn't ever change after them. Instead, his two focused episodes both follow a formula of "Fuck over Luz, decide he feels bad about, admit his fault, and resolution." Which is fine but Small Problems is considered on of the worst episodes of the series for a reason because King in it, the one where he's actually more sympathetic, is actually so small and indecisive it feels out of character. The other one, Sense and Insensitivity, is better but you never see any real growth from it and it will eventually conflict with him having stage fright since he literally only realizes what he did to Luz was wrong because he's about to get killed because of it.
It's another moment where TOH's morality writing is… questionable. Much like Hunter's turn to good, King in Sense and Insensitivity needs an actual threat and punishment, beyond his friend being hurt and sad, to actually give a fuck. And that's not great.
What's worse is that Eda is mostly absent from being a part of King's character. Which… A different blog can talk about how weak the found family elements are, in part because there's no love between these characters minus very specific moments that come kind of too late. And, you know, S1 Eda just straight up is out of character with King for… The entirety of it? Period?
Which makes me assume King wasn't meant to be the Titan's son. To have the backstory that he did. That I don't know how much of a plan there was for King period. Remember when Eda threatened that he'd need to pay rent? When he was a infant that she decided on a whim to adopt and feed into his fantasies, despite S1 Eda being all about "Fantasies are dumb, you have to face reality kid," to Luz.
But King is ostensibly a main character and you can't keep making the same jokes forever so they figured SOMETHING out. This is where we get S2 King who has the uphill battle of never having felt like a main character, never felt important, felt mostly like comic relief… And now he's not funny.
He gets jokes of course but he's now all daddy issues. His one note is now wanting to know about his past. That's not unreasonable for him to desire but he stops even showing up for the most part because of it. You don't get nearly as many random gags with him so he starts just kind of fading away in the show for the cast that the writers very clearly care about more.
Even worse is that now they have a plotline with him are also still doing very little with him. He doesn't get a dedicated episode after Echoes of the Past, S2 Ep 3, until Edge of the World (which I usually call Titan Hunters) which is S2 EPISODE SEVENTEEN. Yes, he shows up between those two points but what does he actually do?
In Knock Knock Knockin', he's the comic relief episode as we're supposed to just laugh at his misery and failures until "Here's a power up kid." Which is actually what that episode ends up amounting to in the greater series for Eda too. Except Eda gets angst before getting a way to participate in fights. Eclipse Lake, he's just a joke too. These aren't about expanding his character but just that he's around so you have to acknowledge him at least.
And Eda's Requiem is great on Eda's side but they straight up admit that they used King legally changing his name… Just to fuck with Eda and allow more Eda angst. For a cheap twist and an emotional moment that should actually mean something for both parties, but they only allow to be truly something for Eda.
And for as much as I got so, SOOOOO very tired of the same jokes from King… I mean, at least they could sometimes make me laugh. S2 King was meant to be taken seriously but they do so little with it that it doesn't end up feeling true nor is interesting and so… Why should an audience care?
It's a general risk honestly with an ensemble cast. You have so many moving parts that you can just let one rot on the vine while dealing with other members of the ensemble. It's why TOH's glut of characters is such a detriment to it. Let alone, a character the writers didn't just not care about but had no idea what actually to do with.
Because then we do get almost four episodes in a row (skipping Labyrinth Runners) where King is the main character… And he's just lore acting the right way to get to the place he needs to. I'm not going to say everything done here is that bad. None of it worked for me but objectively, Edge of the World is at least a fine episode and the tropes they use with King in it function with his age.
What happens AFTER Edge of the World DOESN'T. Because with "O' Titan, Where Art Though", you have King's transformation into the wisest character in the show. Bare minimum, the wisest 8 year old I've ever seen. Any trace of his petulance, of his age, of his personal desires are erased to just be… A generically good person. But with a 30 in Wisdom for his character sheet versus most people's 15.
This culminates in one of the dumbest climaxes to a character arc where King, the eight year old child, is willing to bleed himself for the Collector with no hesitation. None. You need my help to get out? I'm not even going to ask how or ask if there's a way where I don't have to get hurt which would be reasonable for literally anyone to ask. No. He just knows that people can use his blood for things and so that's what he offers. And that… That is a level of maturity that I don't think King ever earned.
To make that moment, that sort of sacrifice, feel earned from where he began as a character, S2 would have had to treat him as a main character. Instead, he's still comic relief until the LORE of the world and the plans the author has force him to grow up out of nowhere and remember that he was one of the first four characters we were properly introduced to.
There's also stuff to be said about him breaking the "No Chosen One" rule by having somehow only been born literal thousands of years after it was possible for him to be laid, at least by the implications of the show, and his role as the 'Last Titan' but… I want to make something clear in ending this.
Lore does not make me care about a character. They could be claimed as the most important person in a plot, to have had ramifications throughout all of it and I don't give a fuck. If they're bland, if they're boring, if they are obviously more of a tool for the writer they don't care about than an actual character, no amount of back fill or worldly importance will change my mind on that.
I focus as much on the actions the characters make because actions speak louder than words. Because what a character does matters more than any amount of exposition. Matters more than their powers. When a character is great, the exposition, powers and words reinforce the character in some way.
When a character is bad, they don't match the tone, importance, etc. the show places on them. And well… S1 King was at least better than in S2 because the show understood what he was and never tried to pretend he was anything more if they weren't willing to put in the work for it.
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ravenadottir · 2 years
realistically of all the couples on love island s2 who would’ve made it out of the quarantine in tact? honestly every single couple i knew personally broke up last year 😭 minus my married sister but that’s a different story.. i could see gary x mc ending things, noah and hope too of course they seem like they’d end up fighting too much not sure about the others
villa!couples that would break up during quarantine, minus MC. i'm including her later on the post.
jo x ibrahim. both of them would go insane because despite ibrahim having a "golf course" at home to practice, jo can't do the same. they both, i believe, get rid of stress by practicing. if jo doesn't have that outlet, i find it hard fighting with her boyfriend not being the first option on the menu. and we know they break up regardless, it's canon.
lottie x gary. THERE'S NO FUCKING WAY THEY WOULD SURVIVE NOT EVEN A MONTH OF THE PANDEMIC TOGETHER. gary is driving her insane with his puns and dad jokes, lottie is making him question every decision he'd ever made in his life with her witchy stuff. now that they're at each other's homes, gary might've called dicky to say "there's crystals in the loo, mate! in the loo!" they eventually agree they need space from each other, no questions asked because they know the answers.
hope x noah. even before the pandemic i reckon! they would realize how wrong they are for each other right away. less than a month after leaving the show would be enough for them to realize being together was a mistake. i think the tragedy might be worse when noah tries to introduce hope to his parents... his siblings would be cool but his mom and dad would be grilling her about changing her mind regarding kids. ever since they left the villa is one wakeup call after the other. if they survived to hit quarantine together, the daily basis would be the downfall for them, especially if hope had a lot of work to do online.
marisol x graham. if they made it to the hotel together i would be shocked. no need to imagine the pandemic hitting, girl. they would be looking for another 'soulmate' faster than mc could let out a nervous fart that same night!
chelsea x literally anyone else. now that's canon, i reckon chelsea didn't work with anyone because she was into rocco looks and wanted to know more. *coughs* AROMANTIC *coughs*, but regardless, if with lucas i think he's the first one to say something, because noise and perky energy is not his style. henrik on the other hand would be dumped because of how much exercising he does and wants to drag her to do it. bobby and chelsea wouldn't work because she knows he's hung up on someone else. *coughs* MC *coughs*. chelsea and rocco were set to work i guess.
hannah x any boy. they broke up at the afterparty. i'll be shocked to see if she made it to quarantine with anyone, but if she did that's where the monsters come. hannah doesn't have much of a personality when she comes back. she's still figuring things out about herself and i think she realizes that during that time. "knowing who i am and what i want is more important to me right now." to which none of them would oppose because... it's really obvious! this is where she makes a shocking breakthrough about her sapphic feelings and starts swiping on dating apps, looking for girls.
now, taking mc into account, it really depends on mc's personality! she might be exactly what some li's were looking and for, and vice-versa.
one boy i think could definitely break up, regardless, it's carl.
he has some intimacy issues that were still unresolved during his time in the villa... it might take a toll on him to have such a big commitment right away.
if they had the room to breathe it would be one thing, but forced to stay under the same roof? working from home all the time and not investing enough in the relationship? NOPE. carl needs more time.
others like gary or henrik i reckon wo0uld be anxious because they miss the outside, but they're also resourceful and imaginative. it's hard to think something would get in the way of them and mc.
as for kassam, noah and lucas, THIS IS THE PERFECT ENVIRONMENT FOR THEM! no need to see people, no small talk, no crowds, nothing that would disrupt their peace, they would be thriving, and if mc is the same then they would stick together.
now, bobby might be missing the oputside, but baking all day every day, planning his bakery, investing time in his relationship? it might be very gratifying for him.
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