#densimber day 11
densi-mber · 6 months
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Behind the Scenes
A/N: This idea was inspired by the Ted Lasso episode “No Weddings and a Funeral”. Particularly the element with key events happening on the same day.
April 3, 2001
“Miss Blye, you have some of the highest grades I’ve seen in my career,” Susan Walters, Kensi’s academic advisor told her. “It’s really quite impressive. Especially considering the…hardships you’ve dealt with.”
Kensi studied her intertwined fingers, still uncomfortable with the allusion to her past. Few people knew about her father’s death, her years spent homeless, and she preferred to keep it that way.
“Thank you, Ma’am. The support I’ve received from the university and staff has certainly helped,” Kensi replied diplomatically. She didn’t mention that while in high school she’d worked a nearly full-time job to get by while attending high school or that she’d forged various documents when she needed parental approval.
“That’s good to hear. Speaking of which, I understand that you are interested in pursuing a military career.”
“My father was in the military, but I’ve actually considered the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.” Susan Walters tilted her head, and Kensi tacked on. “It’s a federal agency that handles the investigation of military cases and other national cases that go beyond other agencies’ scope of practice.”
“I see,” Susan Walters said, nodding. Kensi had hoped to get a few semesters under her belt before mentioning that particular aspiration. When she’d brought it up with her high school advisor, the woman had pushed her to consider more “likely” careers.
“I know it’s unusual,” Kensi hurried to explain, a fault of hers under pressure. “But I’ve always wanted to help people and this still allows me to support the military.” She didn’t dare mention her ulterior motives for choosing NCIS.
“Actually, I have heard of the agency in the past. I think it’s a wonderful ambition,” Susan told Kensi, much to her surprise. “Particularly because I received contact from a privately funded scholarship looking to support your education.”
“Oh. May I ask what the scholarship is called?” Kensi asked. She already had merit-based scholarships and awards that covered most of her tuition, room, and board. The rest was subsidized by loans and her work-study position.
“It’s one of many from the LH Legacy Foundation. The founders look to support students pursuing a service career such as in the military or law enforcement.”
“I’ve never heard of that before.” And Kensi had applied for just about every scholarship she could.
“It’s quite a private scholarship,” Susan explained shortly. She pulled Kensi’s file to the middle of her desk. “Anyway, beginning this semester, you will be eligible for this scholarship and continue to be eligible for as long as your GPA remains at 3.8 or higher and pursue your current path.”
Kensi walked out of her appointment 20 minutes later stunned. With this new scholarship, she could quit her job and not take out anymore loans.
It was life changing.
April 3, 2001
“So, Marty, where do we stand with your applications for law school?”
“Yeah, about that, Mr. Strum,” Deeks responded, shifting uncomfortably. “I’ve filled out a couple, but—”
“I’m sure you know that most deadlines are approaching quickly. If you want to be accepted for the year following your graduation, you really do need to apply now,” the man sitting across from Deeks explained.
Deeks didn’t think Strum had ever fully understood him. Unlike the previous advisors, at lest he seemed to want Deeks to succeed.
“Yeah, no, I realize that.” Deeks tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. “I’d love to apply, but it’s the financial aspect. I don’t have the money for the application fees, let alone if I actually get accepted into any of the programs. I’m barely scraping by as it is.”
It was a humiliating revelation, and one that he’d put off as long as possible. Sure, the university knew he was a scholarship kid, without family contribution, but they didn’t know the true extent of his situation. They definitely didn’t know about his late nights spent stripping—and he fervently hoped no one ever would.
“Oh, well you should have told me sooner,” Strum said. “There are waivers you and funds you can apply for specifically for this situation. In fact, we have an entire fund just for that purpose. And, then when the time comes we can look into grants and scholarships for law school.”
Frowning, Deeks processed the information for a few moments, then regarded Strum suspiciously. “Graduate level students typically don’t qualify for scholarships,” he pointed out. “Not unless it’s in a field that pays for its future employees to finish. So, what would I have to do?”
“Nothing, Marty.” Strum paused a beneath. “Except continue to demonstrate the same spectacular level of work and enthusiasm for the legal profession as you always have.”
It sounded too easy, which worried Deeks. In his experience, this kind of thing never came without catches.
Yet, he was pretty desperate. Just enough to sigh, and accept the offer.
“Thank you, sir. What do I need to fill out.”
Smiling, Strum passed him a document with the heading LH Endowment Fund at the top. He hoped he wasn’t making a mistake.
A/N: I realize this doesn’t quite fit into some of the canon events for Kensi and Deeks’ first encounters with Hetty. However, it’s made pretty clear they were on her radar far before they actually knew it. So, if this contradicts anything canon, well, the show writers did it often enough that I should get a pass.
Also, this is not really condoning Hetty’s actions, just demonstrating that she was manipulating events with all the team for years.
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bluenet13 · 3 years
Thanks @ejzah @chicgeekgirl89 for the tag!
1. Why did you choose your url?
'Bluenet' was originally a username I used for my sport related accounts. 13 is my lucky number and the one I wore when I played. All my teams wear blue and it's also my favorite color, and net made sense since it's both something used in sports and symbolizes the internet. Or so I thought, I was like 12 when I first used it. But it became my thing and now I can't change it.
2. And side blogs?
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
I created this account in 2016 but didn't really used it until I discovered NCISLA in 2017.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
5. Why did you start this blog in the first place?
To follow news and stuff related to writing, and my favorite author. But I didn't do much with it until I began following NCISLA blogs and fanfic writers.
6. Why did you choose your icon?
I love water, its always my happy place, and this is one of my favorite pics I've taken.
7. Why did you choose your header?
For the longest time I mostly used this blog for NCISLA stuff and the occasional personal comment and I wanted my header to represent that, so I chose a pic I took of the NCISLA Lego team I made.
8. How many mutuals do you have?
No idea.
9. How many followers?
10. How many do you follow?
11. Have you ever made sh*tpost?
12. How often do you use Tumblr every day?
Way more than I should.
13. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
14. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Don't like feeling pressured into doing things or being told what to do.
15. Do you like tag games?
I do.
16. Do you like ask games?
Also, yes.
17. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Don't know for sure, but I'd say @ejzah for her fics, or @mashmaiden for her DensiPops. And both for Densimber.
Not sure who's done this already, so just tagging anyone that wants to play!
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densi-mber · 6 months
Densimber Day 11 Creative Prompt
Write a fic about Kensi or Deeks pre show.
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densi-mber · 1 year
We Need A Little Christmas
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“Hey guys, glad you guys made it back,” Fatima called out as Kensi and Deeks walked back into the mission. They’d left long enough to pick Rosa up and eat dinner before returning.
In that time someone had supplemented the basic Christmas decorations from earlier in the day with enough garland, sparkly ornaments, and lights to make Nell proud.
“Where’s Rosa? I hope you didn’t leave her at home all alone.”
“Well, I’m sure Rosa would appreciate the solitude, but you can relax,” Deeks answered. “She hanging out at a friends house.”
“Good. She needs to hang out with someone her own age for a change,” Sam teased, appearing with a mug of egg nog, and gave them each a hug.
Callen strolled in behind him with a beer. He had a small reindeer pin attached to his shirt.
At the table set up a few feet away, Rountree handed out glasses of various drinks. Unlike Callen and Sam, he’d gone all out with a Frosty adorned sweater, Santa hat, completing the look with a string of flashing lights around his neck.
“Hey you guys want some egg nog?” he offered. “I made it with my Nana’s family recipe.”
“I love Grandmas’ egg nog,” Deeks said, accepting a glass.
“It’s not quite up to Nell’s standard,” Callen commented. “But it’s good.”
“Which means it’s not capable of taking down a small elephant,” Deeks interjected.
“Thanks Rountree, but I’m going to pass right now,” Kensi decided. “I’ll just grab some water.”
“Sure thing. Let me know if you change your mind.”
“By the way, where’s Kilbride?” Deeks hadn’t seen him lurking anywhere and his office was dark.
“He wished us a Merry Christmas, requested that we not cause any international incidents between now and New Years, and then escaped,” Callen answered. “He also left that fruit cake.” He gestured to a sturdy looking package on the far end of the table.
“Of course Kilbride would bring fruitcake.” Shaking his head, Deeks glanced down at Kensi, who was sipping at her water.
“Hey, are you feeling ok?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. My stomach’s just been a tiny been funny all day. I think I ate too much habanero chicken last night.”
“Yeah, that’ll do it. I did warn you.”
“Yes, you did.” Kensi leaned her head on his shoulder for a second.
“You want me to get you some Tums?”
“No, I’m ok. But I think I should probably wait on the egg nog til my stomachs feeling a little less rumbly,” she said with a faint grin that reassured Deeks she wasn’t feeling all that bad. “Besides, we’ve missed enough things this year with all the craziness, I don’t want to skip out on another.”
A few minutes later, Fatima gathered everyone over to hand out Secret Santa gifts. Although she didn’t celebrate the religious aspects of Christmas, Fatima fully enjoyed the more secular components.
Kensi received a chocolate lover’s subscription to a local confectionary. It could have come from anyone in the office, given her well documented sweet tooth, but Deeks would put his money on Callen.
“Oh my god, this is gorgeous,” Fatima gasped as she opened her gift to reveal a succulent patterned scarf. “Thank you, Kensi!”
“How did you know it was her?” Rountree protested. “It could have been any of us.”
“Really? Would any of you guys feel comfortable buying me a scarf like this?”
“Nope,” Deeks said immediately.
“You’re welcome,” Kensi said, smiling as Rountree and Fatima continued to bicker.
After all the gifts were opened, Kensi settled into Deeks’ arms, watching the shenanigans in front of them.
“This really does make all the craziness worth it, doesn’t it?” Deeks mused.
“Yep.” She held out her water and clinked it against his glass. “To normalcy.”
A/N: Since Fatima tends to where colorful and unique scarves (like the one with skulls on it), I didn’t think a succulent patterned one would be too out there. From my research, it seems that giving them as gifts isn’t generally frowned upon, but if I’m wrong, not offense is intended.
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densi-mber · 1 year
Densimber Day 11 Creative Prompt:
The annual office holiday party
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densi-mber · 2 years
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A/N: For today’s prompt. Again, on the very angsty side to make up for the many days of pure fluff. Takes place post “Ascension”, as you might guess.
“Hey, where’s Deeks?” Callen asked Kensi, standing over her desk. She stilled momentarily, realizing that he’d gone to the bathroom and never returned.
“Um, I think he had to call LAPD,” she invented quickly out of habit. They’d covered for each other more than enough times that it was second nature by now.
“He hasn’t finished his case report and I need to sign off on it before he leaves. Hetty’s been getting after me about paperwork.” Callen grimaced at whatever Hetty had presumably threatened.
“See, if you actually turned your things in on time, you wouldn’t be in this position,” Sam pointed out, sitting back with a satisfied smirk. Callen gave him a brief glare.
“I did. Deeks is the only outstanding report.”
“You know what, I’ll go grab him.” Kensi pushed up from her desk with a sigh, heading in the direction of the gym. Deeks had seemed a little odd earlier and with Callen in a cranky mood, the last thing they needed was an argument.
By the time she checked the gym, locker room, and men’s restroom without any signs of Deeks, Kensi was slightly worried. She started searching the more obscure parts of the mission, which were rarely used.
She finally found him in an unused office, which was mostly used for storage at this point. He was hunched over a desk near the back, the dull glow of a single lamp outlining his hair.
Stepping closer, Kensi waited until she was directly in front of him to speak. If he was aware of her presence, he didn’t show it, head cradled in his hands.
“Hey,” she murmured. He stiffened at the sound of her voice, rubbing a hand over his face before he slowly looked up. Even then he kept his gaze downward.
“Hey, I uh, was just-” he gestured vaguely around the room, not touching on anything in particular. It was then Kensi noticed an unopened beer to his right. She had no idea where he’d gotten it from.
“Callen’s looking for you.” Deeks nodded, his lack of chattiness concerning her more than anything. “Is everything ok?” she asked finally, unable to hold back any longer. He shook his head, chuckling softly, the sound painful.
“Um, no,” he admitted, fully looking up. It was only for a few seconds, but long enough that Kensi saw the strain and desperation in his eyes. “No, I’m not doing that great as it turns out.” He glanced beyond her for a second, brushing his hair back from his forehead, hand shaking.”
“Hey, whatever’s going on, it’s going to be alright,” Kensi promised, even though she had no idea if that was true. She covered his hand with her, taking it as a good sign that he didn’t resist her touch. “You want to tell me what happened?”
He blew out a long, shaky breath, hair flopping into his eyes again as he stared down at their hands.
“After you tackled that suspect today and you pulled him up, it caught me off-guard.” Kensi frowned, not understanding, but waited while he collected himself. His palm was slightly damp in hers ams still vibrating. “I saw the blood and his teeth and suddenly I couldn’t breathe.”
“Oh my god,” Kensi whispered, horrified as everything clicked into place.
“Everything just came rushing back. It was like I was in the garage all over again, you know?” He glanced up at Kensi pupils overly dilated as he explained in halting sentences, grip fiercely tight. “Like they were drilling into my teeth again.”
He unconsciously touched his left cheek, fingers hovering over the skin for a moment.
“Deeks, I am so sorry. I should have realized-”
“It’s not your fault,” Deeks interrupted. “I thought I had a handle on all of this but I guess it was too soon. Kind of pathetic, huh?” He looked incredibly sad, defeated in a way that she hadn’t seen in months.
“No, I think you are incredibly brave,” Kensi told him firmly. She scooted closer, moving gently to avoid startling Deeks as she cupped his cheeks. “You survived something truly horrific and came out even stronger.”
“I certainly don’t feel strong.”
“You are,” she assured him. Swallowing heavily, Deeks nodded. The short hairs of his beard scraped gently against her palms, creating a strange electric feeling on her skin. She let them fall to his arms and gently enfolded him in a hug.
For a second he tensed, flinching away from Kensi, then he melted into her arms, head sinking onto her shoulder. This close, she could feel just how much he was shaking. She held him even tighter, pretending she didn’t feel the dampness soaking into the thin material of her t-shirt. Kensi ran one hand up and down his back, making soothing noises.
Eventually, the shaking dissipated to just the occasional shudder. Deeks pulled away, running his hand down the lower half of his face. Even in the dim lighting, she could tell see his embarrassment.
“Sorry about that,” he muttered in a hoarse and uncharacteristically low voice. “I don’t usually cry on my partners.”
“It’s ok, Deeks.” She wanted to say more. To assure him that she would be there for him anytime. That she would gladly do whatever he needed, but the words wouldn’t come.
Deeks ran his hands over his face a few more times and ruffled his hair, composing himself sigh impressive speed. To anyone else, the signs of his panic attack would likely be unnoticeable. He did look exhausted though and Kensi guessed he wouldn’t want to deal with Sam and Callen’s inevitable questions.
“Hey, how about you go home?” she suggested gently.
“I have to do my report still,” Deeks reminded her, glancing up with a frown. He was so close Kensi could feel when he inhaled. She took a step back, like putting distance between them mattered at this point.
“I’ll tell them you have something at LAPD and will turn it in tomorrow.”
“That’s a pretty significant lie.” Something shifted in his face from pure desolation.
“You’re my partner,” Kensi said simply. “Go. Callen can handle it if Hetty gets upset.”
“Thank you,” Deeks said gratefully, standing slowly with a deep sigh. “For everything.”
“Always.” Kensi smiled at him, squeezing his arm as he passed by. As she watched him go, she hoped that she’d made the right decision in leaving him alone.
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densi-mber · 2 years
Densimber Day 11 Creative Prompt:
Kensi/Deeks trying to cheer up or take care of the other after a rough day.
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densi-mber · 3 years
Densimber Day 11: Writing Prompt
Either Kensi or Deeks gets kidnapped by Kessler.
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