videoevil · 3 months
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darktripz · 1 month
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movieposters1 · 1 year
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katzirra · 6 months
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I have two things I've started to do as a tradition for myself every year;
I make sure I do an art in review for myself, to discuss my highs, lows, my desires for the next year - an evaluation of my happiness with art and production.
And since I renewed my love of watching movies in 2020, I make a list of all the new things I've watched! Good and bad lol
It's been fun for me every year seeing how many more I can get, or seeing trends on my list at the end of the year. Seeing days I plowed through five foreign films on the couch, or maybe what actor I was systematically going through their work that year. It's kind of a nice little look at my life and interests.
Or I can pinpoint marathons with people, and think what a disaster some of those are [like the god damn nightmare block of Christmas Carol adaptations....]
It's a fun thing I'm doing for myself, and it gets me seeing a lot of interesting things as I find directors, cinematographers and even actors I didn't know before ;w;/ truly the little things in life.
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riotatthemovies · 1 year
I, your most humble servant, come before you in need of a good terrible sasquatch movie. Thank you sir !
Suburban Sasquatch obviously.
Also try Abominable the one that's ripping off rearview mirror with a great Jeffery Combs cameo.
Night of the Demon the 1983 Bigfoot Exploitation film is amazing.
Also not much funnier than Sexsquatch or Bigfoot Ate my Boyfriend.
Yeti Giant of the 20th century is a Bigfoot Kaiju film.
DemonWarp is not just about a Bigfoot but the one that is in it is amazing
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offendedbydjinns · 2 years
We need to start making remakes of bad movies. We should remake Demonwarp and R.O.T.O.R
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takato1993 · 1 year
hey i think I finally figured out what the movie I remember from my childhood about a murderous alien bigfoot was
it had to be Demonwarp 1988
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moviesandmania · 1 year
NEW YEAR'S EVIL (1980) Reviews and overview [updated]
NEW YEAR’S EVIL (1980) Reviews and overview [updated]
‘Don’t dare make New Year’s resolutions… unless you plan to live!’ New Year’s Evil is a 1980 American horror slasher film directed by Emmett Alston (Demonwarp) from a screenplay written by Leonard Neubauer for Cannon Films (The Godsend; Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype; Schizoid). The movie stars Roz Kelly (Curse of the Black Widow; Full Moon High), Kip Niven (Night Gallery; Comedy of Horrors; 1996’s…
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spockvarietyhour · 6 years
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Be careful Fred, there are testicle eating monsters out there.
10 Caps from Demonwarp
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darktripz · 25 days
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cultfaction · 3 years
Demonwarp (1988)
Directed by Emmett Alston, Demonwarp is a sci-fi horror-fest that stars George Kennedy (just before The Naked Gun revived his career), David Michael O’Neil, Pamela Gilbert, Billy Jacoby, Colleen McDermott, Hank Stratton, John Durbin, and Joe Praml. Whilst confusing at times, mainly due to missing out important plot details (well it was filmed in twelve days!), it just about manages to tick off…
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videoreligion · 7 years
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Demonwarp (1988)
For some reason I love the Bigfoot-Horror sub-genre but this flick takes it an extra mile. Fucking aliens,Christianity, hillbillies and murder all accompany the assumed big hairy guy with the pacing of a crawling LSD flashback. It has no equal. - RevTerry
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movieposters1 · 4 years
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riotatthemovies · 6 years
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So lets me first say DemonWarp (made in 1988) both does and does not live up to this amazing poster of it. It's not as good as the poster makes you think but it is totally as wild and full on heavy metal sci fi and horror as the poster eludes too. Second billing to some amazing genre stars George Kennedy, Billy Jacoby and Michelle Bauer. Billy Jacoby who I have become a fan of recently is someone I wish was in the movie more as he is a pretty funny upbeat actor. Jacoby plays the comedic friend of the main hero of the film who film is an extremely plastic actor. It would have been better if roles were switched. Of course you always want to see more of Michelle Bauer as this is one of the more professionally made movies for her career and she is much more cute and fun then the other main girls in the movie. Anyways aside from these great semi cameos it's also the direction of the film that is mind boggling. It sets itself as a bigfoot movie with an amazing looking creature that kills in some epicly gorey ways but every few scenes the movie takes some twists as if the writer threw horror movie ideas and a hat and promised to use them all. Eventually the rampaging bigfoot story turns to zombies and body snatchers, then to a cult , then to aliens. Spoiler I guess... but even if you are ready for it, it's still going to kind of surprise you. A wild messed up monster mash hidden inside a sweet cheap practical effects blood soaked yet oddly easy going cabin in the woods type flick. It’s too odd for the normies out there but for b movie and monster movie fans it's god damn fantastic. I am so shocked this is not talked about more in the post slasher genre movies at the end of the 80s.
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filmsthatdonotexist · 3 years
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There is a very specific category of film known amongst cinephiles who watch strange old films, that sort of film that's relatively slow and ponderous for nine-tenths of its runtime, and then goes absolutely bugfuck insane the last tenth. The films Society and Demonwarp immediately come to mind, as does the pastiche of such films done by Tarantino's Death Proof.
I bring this up because Sepulchre is also in this category.
For most of its time it is a slow burn story about a big-city businessman repairing an old rural mansion given to him as a part of a strange inheritance. You have the usual beats of strange split-second monster sightings (In this case the strange green headless things), curious behavior from the locals who know more than they're letting on, the protagonist becoming more and more physically and socially isolated from his life "back home," the usual for this kind of story, albeit perhaps a bit less elegantly than a Cronenberg or Lynch would have done given the shoestring budget for these scenes.
The larger plot as a whole seems heavily influenced by Lovecraft's "The Rats In The Walls," though thankfully minus the overt racism, clumsy attempts to walk around such issues in the obligatory backstory exposition aside. And indeed, in interviews the film's director/scriptwriter Paul Sawyer has cited Lovecraft as a major inspiration for the film.
Some viewers call this part of the plot suspenseful and even dreamlike, noting the strange liminal feel of the preceding scenes that the complete madness of the finale puts into sharp relief. Others call it tedious and pretentious, feeling as if the templating of its structure is far too stock and standardized and the foreshadowing is all at once thuddingly heavy-handed and miserably sluggish, like the world's slowest death by bludgeoning.
Me, I'm personally somewhere in the middle, but I will bluntly say, the ending where the titular Sepulchre does make it really worthwhile.The way in which it connects the plot threads across the location both physically and metaphorically impressed this old hand as a storyteller, and the lurid history of body horror; ritual and human sacrifice made bare after only getting a few hints about it was fascinating, but good god the real surprise was the set.
A character in its own right, not simply from its climactic appearance but by the way its prescence hangs over the film and its foreshadowing like a pall, it is is an amazingly elaborate piece, inspired of course by the seminal HR Geiger's biomechanical oveure, but also its own aesthetics, feeling as if it was designed to bring the author's impression of Lovecraft's oozing lavender prose of impossible spaces (The not-racist parts at any rate) into physical form.
I have seen the modular set design; reconfigurable and yet able to do the most elaborate setpieces, still flabbergast production designers in interviews, and the way in which the line between set design and creature effects are blurred for it is divine. One would think it seems like the sort of piece that would have cost the majority of the film's budget, and if you read interviews regarding the film's production, you would actually be correct.
The always artistically-ambitious yet budget-conscious Joseph Wright agreed to make the film after seeing the script as long as A) Everything else except that set was kept at minimum budget an B) He would be allowed to re-use and alter the elaborate set for any future productions.
The rest, of course, is history. The film did make more money than expected, especially on VHS once word of mouth got out about the notorious ending, but "made more money than expected" mainly meant "made more than just its budget + a little extra back," and the real financial windfall was from the way the set drastically cut costs on future films; heavily re-used and modified in a way allowing far higher production value than the thin budgets Wright often had.
This is why this film is considered the first of a "Recycling Trilogy," a triad of films greenlit by Wright mainly for the sake of these keystone props that could be utilized in future productions. Though, the last of these would also be the thing that introduced Wright to Ronnie and; sadly; lead to the fall of Red-Eye Productions in the end...
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evandorkin · 5 years
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Top 10 shitty Bigfoot from the cinematic head scratcher, DEMONWARP (1988). https://www.instagram.com/p/BtrA7XThH-T/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nlnj9yi5wmfw
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