#definitely not Sparklecare
indiecareau · 5 months
Alright! First things first… I wanted to give our favorite Fox a redesign before I continued to draw, she was in desperate need of one, now that this au is now tied to the Nurse Philly one.
Here she is!
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Oh yeah! The vine hand! I should definitely go in depth with the implications of that sooner!! But for nowwwww!! There she issss!!
(I gave her some neck scruff because it makes me happy ^^ The she the her <33333)
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described in alt text
Under the cut: flat colors
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carruni · 1 year
Would you be okay if I created a Carroomi stan blog and then reblogged all of the Carruni artwork on your blog? I got the idea of creating an account dedicated to the ship from you, and I wanted to see if you'd be comfortable with it first before I do it.
yeah for sure! i dont have any sort of claim over ship blogs ^_^
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vanillabeenflower · 2 years
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I saw this picture of a balloon dog costume, and my immediate thought was “yeah, uni would wear that”
Sorry if Uni looks naked, it was just a quick sketch so I got a bit lazy 😓
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me when I know my writing of a certain chinchilla may be influenced by a character from a different media
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vividviolence · 7 months
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hm, something's telling me these panels might be very important
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flauschigeposts · 2 months
I think Cuddles is going to be the main antagonist of Darkermatters.
Evidence 1:
Okay so in cometcare it’s established that cuddles was never seen again after sparklecare got shut down.
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We know this because during the trail he failed to appear at all, normally failing to appear for a criminal trail especially one as serious as crimes against humanity and torture would 100% elicit arrest but since nobody knows his whereabouts he’s definitely not in prison
Evidence 2:
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We don’t know Cuddles’ age and given the fact he experiments on & kills people it’s not far fetched to assume that in addition to wanting to become extremely wealthy he’s also possibly seeking/already found immortality. It’s not too far fetched to assume he also is looking for a way to time travel.
Evidence 3:
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Kneeby has confirmed that the events of Darkmatters take place millions of years after Cometcare and all the main characters of Darkmatters are the reincarnated versions of the Comet Parents which puts this in the same timeline as Cometcare.
What the hell does all of this mean?
I’m predicting that the reason why cuddles isn’t in cometcare is because he traveled in time after the apocalypse that started the events of Darkmatters in order to avoid trial and that the main plot of Darkmatters is going to be centered around Winona and her friends having to stop him for a second time.
Now this could all just be my own “Pepe Silvia” moment and I’m just going crazy but Kneeby did confirm that there will be insane plot twists in Darkmatters and I can only assume that Cuddles reappearing would count as a wildcard moment.
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Anyway enough of my insane ramblings I just wanted to put this out there as a possible prediction.
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sparklecarehospital · 8 months
Collection of information about Nightstars for reference until I have a proper FAQ set up
The AU centers around the fact that Barry and Uni grew up in the same town. It is NOT a typical "high school AU", it's using a canonical fact to create a plausible realistic alternate route their lives could have theoretically taken (with some small things changed for narrative purposes).
They are both seniors in high school in the AU, but they met in Kindergarten. The AU's working title was "Barruni Howial AU" because it was a similar scenario to Howie and Ally meeting in Kindergarten.
They are not in a relationship yet when the comic starts. You'll learn more about this as you read.
Due to the nature of it centering around specifically Barry and Uni living in the same town growing up and it not being a general high school AU, the other Sparklecare cast (besides their parents) does not appear in the AU and never meet these two.
Despite the fact the other canon characters aren't in the AU, there are new fun characters that you guys will enjoy too! If you like the personalities and relationship dynamics of the kids in Cometcare you'll definitely appreciate these guys and the shenanigans they get up to.
The AU takes place at the start of the year 6008, so a lot of the things you see including general culture and environments will have a very distinct 2000s vibe to them! Barry and Uni also have different hatchdates in order to make them the same age and in the same grade at this point in time.
Barry and Uni have no siblings in this AU to avoid spoilers for canon family dynamics.
This AU, similar to Cometcare, is relatively slice of life and fairly lighthearted compared to the canon comic but that doesn't mean there won't ever be anything negative or bad happening.
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gengarghast · 8 months
I liked sparklecare until the author did this odd thing where villainous or morally questionable characters are always strictly cishet and even said it was their hard-line rule? Like LGBT characters can never be antagonists or abusive which just felt weird to me, maybe they relaxed on that though I dunno? I am def never offended if a villain shares my gender in a series where good guys can be like me anyway I mean
TLDR: Yeah, there's some weird gender bias with the characters sometimes. Anyways, *starts talking about Awful Hospital again*
Also, spoilers for both Sparklecare Hospital and Awful Hospital. (up to page 41 of SH and various plot point/character reveals for Awful Hospital)
I haven't read too far into the comic myself to confirm, and the genders of the characters were kind of vague anyways thanks to Nurse Mood's shitty notetaking (EDIT: I learned about the existence of the 'Cast' page, my bad), but yeah I've definitely seen a pattern where the LGBT characters are all 'good', regardless of whether they're a patient or employed by the hospital.
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For example, Mood and Ms. Dies are in a lesbian relationship. They're also both employed by the hospital, and despite this are portrayed sympathetically, in opposition to Dr. Cuddles' being genuinely malicious and cruel, as seen below:
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...Even though it's also shown that Mood doesn't give half a shit about the patients, either.
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Now, if you want some equal, well-handled representation, look no further than seriously one of the worst best webcomics of all time...
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Awful Hospital, despite the majority of its cast not even being remotely human, has some great LGBTQ representation in both it's heroes and its villains! Well, 'villains'. The only real villain is the Big Bad(s) of the series, everyone else is just doing what they gotta do in order to survive.
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Speaking of which, this is E.M. Balmer. He's a villain of a whole arc, and has a sort of "kid's cartoon villain" vibe. Goofy, incredibly self-absorbed, and affably evil. He's also implied to have some sort of interest in another male character, Dr. Phage.
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Also, just tell me this beefcake isn't some sort of a Gay. Just look at him.
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...AAAANYWAYS, in terms of heroic queer characters, you've got your choice between the Lesbians and the Trans.
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Celia and Staph are this really sweet fungal/bacterial couple who have like a trillion kids and are also besties with the person who's corpse they live in.
Miss is cleverly implied to be trans with this line here:
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Which, personally, I think is really cool!!!!
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Also, I realize I didn't really talk much about how cool and epic Awful Hospital's LGBTQ+ characters are very much, buuuut that's because I'm tired and need to sleep so whatever
Anyways, goodnight tumblr people, and...
Read Awful Hospital for fuck's sake!!!
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sickknotdoom · 4 months
Im genuinely really disappointed in Kittycorn for the fact that despite kit's relatively large following, kittycorn has said NOTHING publically about palestine, despite having the power to lead a lot of people to a lot of resources.
“Kit doesn’t have much of an internet presence outside of Sparklecare!!!” Then explain to me why i see so many popular artists who barely share jackshit about their personal lives, not even their pronouns, and yet still reblog and share stuff about Palestine. Kittycorn has literally 0 excuse not to say *anything*.
I'm gonna be so real and say that I'm half-expecting Kittycorn to be like "oh i dont reblog anything about it cuz it makes me sad :-((("
kit could at least like. Draw the Sparklecare characters in support for Palestine. Kit could do the bare fucking minimum here.
Kittycorn has such a large following and a lot of power, whether kit likes it or not. I understand Kittycorn did not want this large following, nor does kit want more of it, but christ can you fucking do something?
I don't know why people aren't talking about this.
holy fucking shit youre right. ive noticed that too but i didnt wanna bring it up because i know that would make me seem "desperate" to "attack kit" or something but yeah. the ONLY thing ive seen kit do to raise awareness is post an announcement with the arab.org link in the comet caring club server. yknow the one that most fans DONT EVEN KNOW ABOUT since its closed off? yeah. no public statement or anything. no tags in any bios, no watermelon emoji, nothing. COMPLETE SILENCE on anything that isnt kits own comic. fucked up, especially since the sparklecare blog is without a doubt kits biggest platform.
there was this fanart of uni holding the palestinian flag and it was really accurate to the official artstyle, i thought it was official when i first saw it. and it had a shit ton of reblogs, including me on my main. i recognized so many names scrolling through the list. but wanna know who i DIDNT see? thats right, the official sparklecare blog. kits either ignoring it completely or actively dancing around the subject, which is NOT GOOD.
i am in no way trying to accuse kneeby or anyone on the sparklecare team of being a zionist, but i would definitely like to highlight the blatant ignorance the official blog has shown. this isnt the only time ive seen kneeby act this way, as kit also has #blm #acab in kits twitter bio but from what ive seen kits done absolutely nothing to actually raise awareness to said causes, which rubs me the wrong way since im black myself. however now kneebys completely avoiding doing anything, not even a hashtag anywhere. just a single announcement in a private discord.
and yes im putting fanart and au tags on this post, people need to notice this. do better.
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hemeruni · 1 month
Haha so I’ve been struggling to get progress done on my projects after posting the direct, mostly for problems dealing with potentially having depression??? I’m on meds for it so I hope that works.
Anyways, how will I fix this predicament? Well, I wanna ask YOU ALL to give me art requests again (yeah I’m a sham I know)
I’ll do anything ranging from Sparklecare, CometCare, Darkermatters, hell I’ll do some fan works if I’m asked.
Anything is fine with me, just take into account that I probably won’t get the piece out the moment I get your request, it’s definitely going to take me a bit :)
Uh yeah, please send away!!
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h0lidayg1rl1225 · 2 months
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god ok this was really fucking fun i’m definitely drawing them again someday
..probably barry. uni’s gown was pain (/nm).
oh and yeah fun fact: i was initially gonna use the lighter fur patch color for uni’s hair like i did for barry but it just. did not mesh well. So.
consider this my tiny tiny does not match up in the slightest thanks to the sparklecare team for making peak
like seriously. sparklecare is probably my third biggest hyperfixation these days. and it’s behind ut/dr and FNAF. two of the most influential projects to me EVER. so yeah. i’d say it’s doing pretty good
if any of the team is reading this, thank you so, so much for everything, and keep up the good work
remember y’all
barruni in love forever and always ❤️‍🔥
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financialzero5 · 3 months
Why CometCare is the best ending (AKA why the public knowing about SparkleCare isn’t possible)
Let’s say, by some insane leak from a government official mad about their paycheck, the events of SparkleCare got leaked to the public, with enough evidence to back all of it up. Hooray right? Everyone knows what the patients and staff went through. Now this is the best ending! Here’s several reasons why this happening would be AWFUL for the Comet family (and nearfamily)
-Staff would be arrested | Imagine that you hear that the hospital you thought was safe and caring for their patients was actually torturing and killing them instead, while siphoning money out of their insurance. What would be your first reaction? The likely answer is get everyone involved imprisoned! And the government, now having to clean up their mess, would likely follow through with this in an attempt to show that they’re not incompetent. Now who do we know that was involved? This does include immoral characters like Sunny and Cuddles, but this also includes ALL the staff, like Boxa, Lovella, and most importantly for the Comets, DOOM, Mood, and Rem. I don’t think I need to explain why DOOM being arrested would be devastating for the Comets.
-EVERYONE finds out | The only person we see in CometCare that knows anything about SparkleCare outside of those involved with it, is Faerie. Faerie has a strained relationship with their parents, ESPECIALLY Boxa, due to him knowing what she did to people. Now imagine how characters like Marco or Cream would react to finding out one of their parents tortured and killed people. It’s stated in DOOM’s Toyhouse page that Marco’s respect means the world to him, and he does everything he can to make sure he doesn’t lose that respect. And Cream is noted for latching onto a bad thing about someone and never being able to move on from it. Needless to say, if DOOM somehow got out of being arrested, this would devastate him just as much. And this also affects the other parents, Uni, Polly, and Barry. A lot of their kids definitely wouldn’t understand why they were lying to them about all of this, and this would harm their relationship with their kids greatly. While this does mainly affect DOOM, I’m pretty sure finding out that their parents kept something like that hidden from them would sour their relationship quite a bit.
-Internet being the internet | Now this is mostly unsupported information, but considering that NO ONE believed the patients that broke into the music festival, covered in their own blood and wounds, it wouldn’t shock me if there were still some Bwitter users that think all of it is a government coverup for something else. Personally I would prefer everyone having mostly forgotten about SparkleCare’s existence, over having a bunch of True Crime podcasts talking about my trauma for money, and seeing a bunch of morons try to prove how all of it was a coverup to raise gas prices by 2%. This would be horrible for all the patients and staff, as well as their kids having to see that. Uni is also somewhat of an influencer online, so I’m sure that info coming out would be very traumatizing to both her and her fans on KneeTube.
While it sucks that all the atrocities that Cuddles committed are locked down in a government database somewhere, forever hidden from the public eye, this is just how it has to be. CometCare is the “best case scenario” for a reason. It’s simply impossible for that info to be public, AND have the victims live normal lives.
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silly-lion-art · 13 days
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hello this is my art blog ! reblog account is @yippeepy
im finn (it/he but anything except she or they is fine) autistic transgender lion border collie therian
im a minor so probably dont follow me if youre an 18+ blog
zionists dni, free palestine.
i mostly draw tadc and sparklecare stuff but i also like mlpfim, dhmis, bugbo, ratboy genius, itemlabel, happy tree friends and raggedy ann and andy :3
art requests are fine! i turn them off often and i wont definitely draw all of them but feel free to request something :3
my art is free to use anywhere just pleasepleaseplease credit me
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ieatratsforlunch · 22 days
Hayyy! I saw the sparklecare vibe assignments! Could i get one homiez? Ty! :P
All I needed was a quick glance at your profile and I already knew who you reminded me of!! You DEFINITELY give the vibes of Uni Cornelius!!
Uni is a very excitable and energetic person. She's always up for whatever her friends want to do, especially if it's a prank or something generally mischevious
She tends to get attached to people very quickly and easily, quickly becoming friends with whoever she likes. She can be a bit overboard with things at times, but always makes sure that her friends are comfortable around her!
Here's a picture of her in comic! (Art by Kittycorn)
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(Side note ~ I'm currently trying to get through these asks as fast as possible!! Apologies if you're waiting a while to be answered)
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jayplat · 2 months
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