istumpysk · 3 years
I noticed that the Family Tree foreshadowing is never discussed in the ASOIAF fandom to debunk our deluded speculations.
Because it’s impregnable. There is no debunking. Their only course of action is to ignore it, and pretend it doesn’t exist. What is the counter argument to Jonnel and Sansa Stark? How do you explain it away? Impossible.
Jonnel (One-Eye) Stark, son of Lynara Stark, married his blood relative, Sansa Stark.
Like, my god.
For the people that ship Sansa or Jon with another character, that piece of information has got to be shattering. It’s brutal. No mental gymnastics can overcome it. If I was dropped on my head as a child, eventually grew up to become a Sansan, and I saw that sitting in the Stark lineage, I’d have to move on with my life.
I would say I’ve read a good amount of the strongest theories, foreshadowing, parallels and clues that other fandoms like to champion their ships with, and I can say without bias (I mean not really, but I know I’m right), they don’t have anything even remotely as significant or glaring as Jonnel and Sansa Stark.
I started my fandom days on Reddit, knew a lot of the more well known Jonsa arguments (Ashford, the outline, drifting snowflakes), thought it was an intriguing idea, but mostly stayed impartial. It wasn’t until I made my way to tumblr long after the show ended, and I read everything in its totality, that I realized the inevitability of Jon and Sansa.  
But what I’ll never forget is when I finally got to @occupyvenus‘s Jonnel and Sansa Stark post. I was DUMBFOUNDED. I could not for the life of me understand why this wasn’t the primary evidence used to support the theory. Why had I never heard of this? Why was this not in the Alt Shift X Jonsa video? Why do BNFs and the fandom not talk about this? Why is this not treated with the same legitimacy as the Ashford theory?
This is the Ashford theory on steroids.
Once upon a time, in the universe of A Song of Ice and Fire, there was a girl named Sansa Stark. She had a suitor. His name was Jonnel Stark. They were related. They married.
And don’t get me wrong, I bloody love the Ashford theory. It’s a brilliant piece of foreshadowing, and the parallels between Jon Snow and Valarr Targaryen are incredible (omg please read The Black Prince With The White Guardian by @butterflies-dragons).
But the thing with Jonnel and Sansa is that nobody can trot out their bullshit to dismiss it. There’s no alternative way to interpret it. Nobody can claim it’s an oopsie coincidence. There’s no playing ignorant and pretending Jonnel Stark is meant to represent Aegon VI Targaryen. Nobody is bending themselves into a pretzel trying to parallel the Hound with Duncan the Tall. Jonnel and Sansa are invincible.
There’s no way around the fact that a Jon and Sansa got married in canon. That exists. In the Stark lineage. George did that.
And that’s when I realized why I had never really heard about it before. It’s a nightmare for them, so best to not acknowledge it.
Everything about it is bad...
The lengths George went to in making sure it was abundantly clear that Jonnel Stark is a direct representation of Jon Snow. Lynara Stark? One-Eye? Made heir to Winterfell after the death of his older brother? JONnel? Hilarious. It’s so over the top, they don’t even try to posture like this could somehow not be a reference to Jon.
The timing of its release? 2014. This didn’t come out in the 90s. We’re dealing with newer material here, succeeding even the last book in the series, making this all quite relevant. Equally as bad, it predates Jon and Sansa reuniting on the show. They don’t get to claim it’s silly George giving a wink and smile to a major shipping faction, because that fandom largely didn’t exist.
The circumstances of how it came to be? A last minute add to the lineage! Are you friggin kidding me? Why so compelled to add that in, Georgie?
But worst of all? Jonos Frey. Oh my god. Jonos fucking Frey. Third child of Rhaegar Frey. That right there is the killing blow. That’s how they know this is big trouble. For GRRM to spoil the most substantial secret in the entire series (other than maybe King Bran), in the exact same way, using another little cutesy variation of Jon’s name, is devastating. There goes any hope of ever convincing yourself GRRM would never reveal something so important in such a flippant way. There goes any hope of ever convincing yourself it has to be meaningless.
So, what do they do? They ignore it. They have to. It simply doesn’t exist. They’ll dedicate themselves to countering all major Jonsa evidence with their flimsy nonsense, but they never touch this. What is there to say?
But never forget, if a Jonnel (One-Eye) Stark, son of Lynara Stark, had married an Arya or Daenerys in the Stark or Targaryan lineage, you’d never hear the end of it. Never. They’d smother you to death with it. It would be confirmation that their ship is endgame, and everyone else can pack it up.
Jonsas, don’t let them gaslight you. Don’t question your own judgement of how big it is. It’s not a clue or an Easter egg, it’s a bomb sitting on a page, begging to be noticed.
Anyway, wow, this really got away from me, lol. Thanks for the message.
If anyone wants to read more about Jonnel (One-Eye) Stark, son of Lynara Stark, husband and blood relative to Sansa Stark (And why wouldn’t you!?), I implore you to read the following:
 The Original @occupyvenus
Just Some Thoughts on Jonnel One-Eye Stark and Sansa Stark @estherruth-jonsatrash
 Jon ‘One Eye’ & Sansa Stark @ladyofasoiaf
And I suppose you could read my original commentary on it, but there’s no real literary analysis, it’s just me screaming “Are you kidding me!?” for several paragraphs. :)  Here.
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karynlibrarian · 3 years
We don't see on page Sansa going to Cersei about her father's plans. Only after Ned is captured do we come to know about it when she is brought before Cersei and the Small Council members
Ned is captured at the end of S1 E7. The first scenes of E8 "The pointy end" were Ned's household being slaughtered, Septa Mordane & Syrio Forel's death and Arya stabbing the Stable boy. After these chaotic start to the episode, the scene that follows it is Sansa being brought before Cersei and pressurized to write a letter to her family.
I had seen many anti Sansa blogs always prattling about the show not including that scene. Like Grrm being heavily involved in the first season atleast is not going to be enough for them . Guess what , who wrote S1 E8 "The Pointy End" ? It was George RR Martin . The man wrote the episode himself so a very big thing like Sansa going to Cersei( according to antis) should have been very important enough to make it into the episode 😂 but it didn't.
I also got this anonymous ask:
this might be me reading too much into it, but george's response "a lot of book readers haven't forgiven her" and you noting how he went from "unfair to exonerate her" to "it didn't bother me them not putting it in" was probably the result of him being tired of his book readers deciding that Sansa was evil/a terrible person and therefore unwilling to see her growth, especially when you see the amount of time he invested into developing her character, arc, building up her antagonists (LF) showing her moments of strength and decency only for people to be stuck on the first book.
and I think the two of you covered it!
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istumpysk · 3 years
Considering the foreshadowing Jon has for being disfigured and probably loosing his one eye and his hair getting brittle and grey , it would be hilarious if he is the one Sansa has to end up with.
Fandom - Sansa needs to end with a hideous guy in order to look past beauty .She also bullied her sister and called her Horseface .
Sansa ends up with a one eyed , grey haired, Horsefaced guy with a burned hand and a scarred face.
Fandom - No no not that ugly guy 😂
YES. Yes.
Jon 👏 Snow 👏 Is 👏 Not 👏 Hot 👏
Can’t wait for Sansa to fall head over heels in love with an impaired, scarred, burnt dude that’s way uglier than her.
I implore the fandom to keep pushing this narrative. Couldn’t agree more.
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