#decalcify your pineal gland
trashbending · 2 years
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blxckmxxnghxst · 1 year
0k4y who tf needs drugs when there’s dreaming aft3r taking haritaki
i swear i only took 1/4th teaspoon in water last night and my dreams…. dude like i can’t tell if it’s a dream or reality while im dreaming i only realize it when i open my eyes and im in my room but it’s not nightmares it’s just like being so fucking present in my dreams
the only thing that’s scary is just how much i couldn’t tell if i was dreaming like in one dream i kept telling people i cant tell if this is real or a dream i think i need to go to a psych ward or call my mom she’ll understand she knows i’m doing my best to be sober and i started this new obscure supplement like it was literally me so deep in that dream it was scaring me
im g0ing to work on being able to know and then i can lucid dream…
it was so vivid and clear and felt so fucking real and the dreams last so long
and i feel like i can see clearer and my colors R brighter and i feel like i have energy irl
i went thru an addiction to psychedelics and have taken anti depressants and anti psychotics and adderall just plain fuck shit, so now im working 0n detoxing my third eye and this HITS
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orion-sage · 7 months
Illuminate from Within: Stimulate Your Pineal Gland in 3 Steps!
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Everyday life is becoming increasingly hectic, leaving little room for our spiritual life. Discover how you can safeguard your inner world and stimulate your third eye's power.
-Step 1: "Morning Mindfulness:" Start your day with a few minutes of focused breathing and meditation, calming the mind and aligning your intentions for the day ahead. This primes the canvas for pineal gland activation.
-Step 2: "Sunlit Serenade:" Bask in the gentle morning sun, allowing its golden rays to cascade over your face. The sunlight stimulates your pineal gland and initiates the release of melatonin, essential for a healthy sleep-wake cycle and heightened spiritual awareness.
-Step 3: "Nourishing Nectar:" Incorporate natural, nutrient-rich foods like leafy greens, nuts, and fruits into your daily diet. These nourishments assist in decalcifying the pineal gland and supporting its optimal functioning, aiding your spiritual journey.
To always keep the pineal gland efficient and healthy, it's also essential to maintain a high level of energy efficiency and well-balanced chakras.
If you want to know your energy efficiency level and your chakras status feel free to contact me directly in the Tumblr Chat or click HERE
Thanks for your attention,
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madamlaydebug · 3 months
The third eyes, sees within and the world, through a sense that goes beyond our five senses. Intuition and subtle signals from above and from others are picked up by our ajna. When this chakra is balanced you have good intuition, visualization and fantasy. You connect to positive dreams and visions. You see everything as one whole, past, present and future in oneness. Learning from the past, seeing the lessons and the guidance. You connect to your higher self. You accept guidance from universe, God and nature. Meditation and yoga helps open this chakra. Decalcifying your pineal gland and detoxing your body by eating natural plant based foods. Wear indigo colors and amethyst crystals🌸
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owochimuwu · 2 years
Decalcifying your pineal gland by just removing any calcium from your whole situation❤️ Having the bone density of cotton candy is a pittance to pay for clairvoyance
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TRC anime: Cute adventure-romance for kids and teens, kinda like watching a lovey-dovey Pokémon or summat. Style, artwork and general quality are pretty mid-tier 00’s anime standard. Stands out largely for its banger soundtrack.
TRC manga:
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If you haven’t also kept up on xxxHOLIC, another hundreds of chapters long series, and read Card Captor Sakura and made notes and opened your third eye and decalcified your pineal gland, you ain’t getting it
It’s like the weeb version of Finnegan’s Wake
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kungfufrogmma1 · 1 year
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The Eye Of Horus is actually a cross-section of the human brain. In Genesis 32:30 Jacob called the name of the place “Peniel”: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. Also, Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: If therefore thine eye be single(Pineal Gland), thy whole body shall be full of light (Matthew 6:22). Jacob & Jesus was referring to The Eye Of Horus. This is top shelf teaching. Its profoundness goes far beyond appearances, emotions and external stuff in which we often get caught up. The eye pertains to inner consciousness because everything is inner consciousness. Neurologists regard the Pineal Gland as one of the most important parts of your nervous system. It is shrouded in mystery, but as more and more people investigate it they are realizing it is essentially a spiritual antenna, the mystical 3rd eye that ancient traditions have been talking about. For many eons, the third eye has been seen as a way to reach higher levels of consciousness while still being present in a physical body. The third eye is also symbolized around the world as a Pinecone. The pineal gland is stimulated by darkness and the gland itself has light receptor cells. A decalcified pineal gland will release DMT into the brain giving a person the ability to ascend to higher levels of consciousness and dimensions. And you thought it was just an eye. This is the ancient wisdom that the current establishment does not want you to know! You are not just a lowly human. You are mighty and powerful beings capable of amazing things. The Annunaki named Thoth tried to impart this wisdom on mankind. Learn More On http://4BK.TV https://www.instagram.com/p/CkexNN1qzqU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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afro-elf · 2 years
Not to continue CEvans discussion on your blog but what???!! When did Gabrielle do this?? Did it actually happen or just rumored ?! Btw she’s way out of his league lol
it's rumored but it also definitely happened if you decalcify your pineal gland. baldie hit on gabrielle by attempting a kiss at a party once years ago and got rejected because she was with d wade
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kingrobery · 2 years
Is there any connection between the lucid dreams had when decalcifying your pineal gland AND the ones had when recovering from addiction? I know one is achieved from “opening your 3rd eye” and the other from a serotonin deficiency. But is there any correlation?
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Unlock Your Wealth: Pineal Guard Review
Pineal Guard Review - 3-Second NASA Method Awakens Your Third Eye: Pineal Guard Supplement Reviews
=>> Click Here To Visit Pineal Guard Official Site
Pineal Guard is not just a supplement; it’s a revelation in a bottle, a promise of unlocking the mystical powers of the pineal gland or the so-called third eye. Many of us walk through life never fully tapping into our complete potential, but with Pineal Guard, the veil between the seen and the unseen thins, offering a glimpse into a realm where wealth manifestation becomes more than just a possibility—it turns into a palpable reality. Read Pineal Guard Reviews.
From the first dose, Pineal Guard sets to work by activating the pineal gland, a small, pea-sized organ in your brain that's believed to be the seat of spiritual insight. The activation of this gland is often synonymous with an enhanced intuition and a deeper connection to the subconscious cues that guide us towards prosperity. As the gland becomes decalcified, users report experiencing a newfound clarity and a heightened state of awareness, which many believe directly correlates with their ability to manifest wealth. This isn't about creating money out of thin air; it's about changing the frequency on which you operate, tuning into opportunities and synchronicities that were once easy to miss.
The journey with Pineal Guard is as much about inner transformation as it is about external success. The third eye opens, and with it, doors to new possibilities and pathways to abundance. It's like having a secret key to the universe’s backdoor, where intentions align with the infinite flow of prosperity. For those seeking not just to dream but to awaken within their dreams, Pineal Guard offers a tantalizing glimpse into what might be, if only we dare to look.
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bubblydoubly · 1 day
Pineal Guard Review: Unlock Wealth and Awaken Your Third Eye
Pineal Guard Reviews - How To Open Your Third Eye And Manifest Anything - Pineal Guard Supplement
=>> Click Here To Visit Pineal Guard Official Site
Pineal Guard emerges as a revolutionary supplement, not only promising to activate your pineal gland but also to open pathways to wealth manifestation. At the core of its formula lies the ambition to decalcify and energize the pineal gland—often referred to as the third eye. This tiny yet powerful gland in our brains is mythologized in various spiritual traditions as the seat of enlightenment and a portal to higher consciousness.
From the moment you begin your regimen, Pineal Guard claims to gradually awaken this dormant power within you, enabling a heightened state of awareness and a deeper connection to the intuitive aspects of your mind. Users often describe experiencing a clearer vision of their life's purpose and, intriguingly, an enhanced ability to attract and manifest wealth. It seems that by aligning more closely with the universe's frequencies, one naturally aligns with the energies of abundance and prosperity.
But what truly sets Pineal Guard apart is its bold approach. It doesn’t just stop at physical health; it taps into the spiritual and metaphysical realms. By activating the pineal gland, it promises to transform not just perceptions but realities, opening up users to a spectrum of possibilities previously veiled. Whether it’s achieving financial goals or embarking on a journey of self-realization, Pineal Guard is portrayed as your ally. As fantastical as it sounds, for those who have felt a blockage in their spiritual and material pursuits, this supplement offers a beacon of hope—a mystical key to unlocking potentials that extend beyond the visible, into the realms of extraordinary possibilities.
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edwin-the-skull · 1 day
Pineal Guard Reviews: Unlock Wealth and Wisdom by Activating Your Third Eye
Pineal Guard Reviews: How To Open Your Third Eye And Manifest Money
=>> Click Here To Visit Pineal Guard Official Site
Pineal Guard is not just another supplement on the market; it is a visionary tool designed to awaken the most mystical part of your brain—the pineal gland. Known as the third eye, this small gland located in the center of the brain has been linked to higher consciousness and spiritual insight for centuries. With Pineal Guard, you're not merely consuming a dietary supplement; you are stepping onto a path of mental clarity and profound inner wisdom. Read Pineal Guard Review.
What sets Pineal Guard apart is its bold promise to help manifest wealth by enhancing intuition and decision-making capabilities. As the pineal gland becomes activated and decalcified, users report a heightened sense of connection to their inner guidance system, leading to more informed and prosperous life choices. This isn't just about financial gain; it's about cultivating a rich life full of insightful decisions and meaningful experiences.
The key ingredient in Pineal Guard Supplement focuses on detoxifying the pineal gland, thus clearing the way for it to function optimally. Users often describe experiencing a significant increase in clarity of thought and a deeper understanding of their own life's purpose. This clarity is what facilitates the manifestation of wealth—both material and spiritual. By aligning more closely with their true intentions and desires, users find themselves better positioned to attract abundance and opportunities. Pineal Guard isn't just a supplement; it's a gateway to a more enlightened way of living and thriving.
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cynical-space · 1 day
Pineal Guard Supplement Review - How To Open Your Third Eye And Manifest Anything - Pineal Gland Supplement
Pineal Guard Review - How To Open Your Third Eye And Manifest Anything - Pineal Guard Supplement
=>> Click Here To Visit Pineal Guard Official Site
Ah, the Pineal Guard supplement, a siren call for those of us looking to unlock the mystical doors of perception with the famed "third eye." Diving headfirst into a world where every tablet promises a peek into the ethereal, Pineal Guard isn't just a supplement; it's a passport to the uncharted territories of our minds.
Imagine, each capsule is like a tiny key, crafted with mystical ingredients purported to decalcify the pineal gland—our little pea-sized gateway to enhanced spiritual awakening. Skeptics may scoff, but users often report a heightened sense of awareness, like pulling the veil from a world that's been waiting just out of sight. They speak of vivid dreams, sharper intuition, and an inexplicable connection to the rhythms of the universe. Could it be just a placebo, or is there something more, something ancient and forgotten, that we're tapping into? Read Pineal Guard Review.
Of course, embracing such a journey isn't without its whispers of caution. Venturing into the depths of one's psyche can unearth more than just spiritual enlightenment; it can also dredge up the shadows that lurk in the corners of our consciousness. But isn't the promise of potential insight worth the risk? For those who choose to walk this path, Pineal Guard is more than a supplement—it's a companion on a profound voyage to the depths of human experience.
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madamlaydebug · 8 months
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Hidden deep within your brain the pineal gland is regulating daily and seasonal rhythms in response to sunlight. Unfortunately, accumulating neurotoxicity, inflammation, and calcification, is silently crushing this critical gland.
Pineal Purpose
The pineal-body is a pea-size pinecone-shaped endocrine gland weighing just 0.1g and floating in its own pool of cerebrospinal fluid, above the roof of your mouth. It contains photoreceptive cells that switch on, and off, hormone and neurotransmitter production on or off in response to sunlight.
Seeds, greens, avocados, and burro bananas - make sure you fuel pineal production. Dr. Sebi taught us that “Real Soul food is food that enhances the Soul, our central Sun, our carbon. Fruits, vegetables, grains, this is REAL food.”
Master Conductor
The pineal gland controls other endocrine glands, interlinking the brain with the body via hormones and neurotransmitters. Acting like a biological-clock, the pineal gland coordinates our interaction with the sun:
Rhythms: sleep and wake cycles, seasonal responses.
Reproduction: fertility levels and sex hormone production.
Regulation: growth, body temperature, and blood pressure.
Immune: activation, tumor suppression, cell rejuvenation.
Neurotoxins and Calcification
Toxins cause inflammation, reduce mental efficiency, and deregulate hormone production. Sleep disorders, depression, and neurodegeneration (e.g. Alzheimer’s) are all associated with calcification of the pineal gland.
Deposits of chalky calcium restrict the gland, reduce its size, and impede the production of neuro-endocrine substances. The pattern of pineal calcification is similar to teeth-enamel, and fluoridation (water and toothpaste) is linked to the destruction of this enigmatic gland.
Detoxification, Relaxation, and Nutrition
Chronic inflammation causes calcification. Reducing exposure to inflammatory neurotoxins begins to restore the correct mineral balance, and decalcify the pineal gland:
Fluoride: highest concentration in the body found in calcified tissue in the pineal gland.
Chlorine: public water is bleached with chlorine, associated with neurological birth defects.
Aluminum: leaches from pots, pans, and foil, associated with plaques seen in Alzheimer’s.
Sugar & chemical sweeteners: over-stimulate and damage neurons, reduce dopamine.
MSG & derivatives: confusingly labeled, many processed foods include this neurotoxin.
Endotoxins: bad bacteria in the gut produce toxins that inflame the gut and brain.
Stress: prolonged fear is toxic, causes the amygdala to shrink, and emotional fatigue.
The next step is supporting the brain to clear the waste and rejuvenate:
Sleep: at night the brain is ‘washed’ clean, detoxified, and replenished with nutrients.
Hydration: to bathe the brain and pineal gland you need to keep fluids flowing.
Meditation: like exercise for the brain, rewires, and strengthens your emotional health.
Berries (except cranberry): reduce free radical damage and nourish with flavonoids.
Coconut oil: alternative fuel for the brain which produces less oxidative damage.
Apples, seeded grapes & prunes: are high in boron which naturally displaces fluoride.
Tamarind: increases fluoride output in urine, helps retain zinc and magnesium. Fresh organic tamarind pulp or paste is easily mixed with water into a sweet and sour flavored drink, add a little agave if the taste is too lip-puckering!
•Dr. Sebi
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hunnniesugar · 1 day
Pineal Guard Review: Pineal Gland Supplement
Pineal Guard Review - How To Open Your Third Eye And Manifest Anything - Pineal Guard Supplement
=>> Click Here To Visit Pineal Guard Official Site
Imagine walking through a misty forest, where every sense is heightened, and you're acutely aware of the rustling leaves and distant birdcalls. This is the kind of sensory awakening some claim to experience with Pineal Guard, a supplement touted to "open the third eye." According to enthusiasts, this isn't just about seeing or not seeing; it's an invitation to a deeper, almost mystical understanding of the universe.
Pineal Guard's supporters believe that its blend of ingredients fortifies the pineal gland, a tiny, pinecone-shaped organ in the brain often mythologized as the seat of spiritual insight. By decalcifying and activating this gland, users expect to peel back the veil between the mundane and the cosmic, revealing insights and visions previously obscured by everyday distractions. They describe experiences filled with vivid dreams, enhanced intuition, and moments of profound clarity—allegedly all thanks to a daily capsule that promises to tune the body's spiritual antenna.
Skeptics, of course, urge caution, noting a lack of scientific evidence linking dietary supplements to enhanced metaphysical abilities. Yet, for those drawn to esoteric traditions, Pineal Guard Supplement isn't just a supplement; it's a key to unlock the mind's hidden chambers, an ally in the quest for enlightenment. Whether placebo or panacea, it feeds into the age-old human yearning for connection with something larger than ourselves—a journey that, for many, is worth every step, skeptical footprints included.
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lifepresstv · 20 days
Unveiling the Potential: Pineal XT Revealed
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What is Pineal XT?
Pineal XT emerges as a groundbreaking formula meticulously crafted to cleanse and decalcify the pineal gland, fostering overall bodily harmony and empowering individuals to manifest their deepest desires. Born from a clandestine CIA formulation and fortified with natural ingredients, Pineal XT aims to amplify one's connection with universal energies, thereby facilitating the manifestation of abundance, love, and vitality.
How Does Pineal XT Work?
Unlocking the Pathways to Spiritual Awakening
Detoxify Your Body
Embarking on the journey to self-realization begins with purifying the body of toxins, heavy metals, and pollutants. Pineal XT employs potent ingredients such as purified iodine and burdock to deeply cleanse the system, paving the way for enhanced mental clarity and pineal gland relaxation.
Decalcify Your Pineal Gland
A toxic pineal gland can act as a barrier to spiritual connection and manifestation. Pineal XT incorporates a synergistic blend of chaga, chlorella, and turmeric to detoxify and activate the pineal gland, awakening dormant energy and vitality within.
Supercharge Your Pineal Gland
With a targeted selection of ingredients, Pineal XT turbocharges the pineal gland, optimizing its electrical conductivity and fostering improved overall health.
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Ready to Unlock Your Full Potential? Click Here to Try Pineal XT Today and Begin Your Journey Towards Manifesting Your Dreams! Benefits of Pineal XT
Enhanced Manifestation: Pineal XT empowers individuals to break through barriers and manifest their desires with greater ease.
Improved Well-being: Users may experience heightened physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, including improved sleep, increased energy levels, and reduced levels of anxiety and depression.
Spiritual Growth: Pineal XT opens the third eye, enabling users to tap into higher levels of consciousness and unlock their innate psychic abilities.
Protection: Pineal XT creates a protective shield against negativity and inflammation, promoting holistic health and vitality.
Pricing Details
Basic: $69 for one bottle (one-month supply).
Popular: $177 for three bottles (three-month supply), plus two free bonuses and free shipping.
Best Value: $294 for six bottles (six-month supply), plus two free bonuses and free shipping.
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Ready to Unlock Your Full Potential? Click Here to Try Pineal XT Today and Begin Your Journey Towards Manifesting Your Dreams!
Final Verdict
Pineal XT emerges as a beacon of hope for those seeking spiritual enlightenment and personal transformation. With its unparalleled ability to cleanse and activate the pineal gland, Pineal XT offers a pathway to unlock the full potential of the human spirit. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and empowerment with Pineal XT and embark on a transformative odyssey towards manifesting your deepest desires and realizing your true purpose in life.
Ready to Unlock Your Full Potential? Click Here to Try Pineal XT Today and Begin Your Journey Towards Manifesting Your Dreams!
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