#dean x courier 6
Adventure ↠ Dean x Reader
➼ Word Count » 0.6k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Summary » Platonic/Romantic, Fluff
“We’re headed to Vegas, darling! You and I are gonna make a name for ourselves. Stars in the center of the wastes!” Dean never seemed to stop talking in the few weeks you'd been traveling with him. He'd just go on and on about what he wanted the future to hold, and currently, he wanted the end to hold both of your names in neon signs and spotted lights. As lovely as it sounded, you weren't exactly one for big crowds and fancy stages, you'd instead want to do something backstage.
"Vegas? I thought you let go of your 'getting rich' obsession."
"I let go of the Madre, not my career." He retorted, brushing the dust and sand off of his suit. "Besides, we're gonna need somewhere other than a shed to sleep in if we want to continue living out here."
"We?" You repeated, smiling teasingly at the ghoul, "Don't say things like that too loud, people might talk."
His eyes flicked over the rim of his glasses, meeting your own momentarily, "So what? Would that really be so bad?"
You shrugged, noting the shift of tone in his voice as he spoke, "Depends, what kind of reputation do you want to uphold?"
He chuckled, "Let me worry about that, dear, I've got most everything worked out."
"Oh yeah?" You said, curiosity dripping from your speech, "What's the plan for when we make it to Vegas?"
"I'll get myself a job, of course! Be an entertainer in one of the casinos and you could do―well, whatever you do best, I suppose."
Whatever you do best? A bodyguard perhaps? You're pretty decent with a rifle, and you made it out of the Madre alive, didn't you? You could act as a hired gun around the surrounding towns while Dean made a name for himself. Yeah, you decided, that'd work out just fine with you.
"Sure, just don't forget about me when you’re famous." You joked. Well, it came out as a joke, but it was something you were genuinely concerned about, you just didn't know how else to bring it up in conversation.
"Forget about you? No, my dear, I couldn't! It's too late for that! So far, you're the only person I've got! Besides, you're too capable for me to simply hire a hit. No, I'd much prefer that you and I were on good terms, from now until we part to our graves." It wasn't the best response you could've gotten, but it answered your question and gave you a slight surge of confidence in the process.
"Alright, Dean, let's go get rich!" You proclaimed, punching his shoulder.
This certainly wasn't what you thought you'd be doing once you escaped, but it wasn't entirely unwanted. The strange relationship you had with the lounge singer could work out nicely if the two of you compromised with each other and worked hand in hand.
Despite what Dean preached, you weren't sure what your future would hold. Everything here with Dean would continue to be one grand adventure―a chance into the unknown with the unknown, but that was all a part of it, wasn't it? If the two of you wanted to begin again you had to let go of the things you found familiar. It was all a part of this unique journey you both decided to trail behind. The biggest difference in the scheme of it all was that now you’d both have someone to fall back on―a plan B so to speak. Someone that you had shared a part of your history with. You had to admit, you were a little excited about what Vegas had in store for you both.
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chaosintheavenue · 2 years
Fallout Opinion Survey- Results!
Thank you so much to all those who took part! We had 421 usable responses in total :D
One quick note- the nature of the data this time around means that most of the auto-generated charts are usable as they are, which does mean this post will be very image-heavy. I’d be very appreciative if someone who knows how to write image descriptions for charts could add them on!
Without further ado, let’s get into the results...
The Basics:
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Favourite DLC:
Dead Money- 115 (...nice) Old World Blues- 94 Far Harbor- 76 Lonesome Road- 53 Nuka World- 27 Point Lookout- 17 Honest Hearts- 11 The Pitt- 9 Mothership Zeta- 7 Automatron- 3 Operation Anchorage- 3 Broken Steel- 2 Vault-Tec Workshop- 1
Favourite faction:
Followers of the Apocalypse- 146 Railroad- 62 Minutemen- 45 NCR- 23 Kings- 22 Brotherhood of Steel (all chapters combined)- 20 Yes Man/Wildcard Courier- 18 Great Khans- 14 Enclave- 10 Caesar's Legion- 8 Raiders (76, Nuka World and general combined)- 8 Institute- 6 Chairmen- 5 Unity- 4 Atom Cats- 3 Mr House- 3 Boomers- 3 Freeside- 2 Responders- 2 Children of Atom- 2 Ghoul settlements in general- 2 Hubologists- 2 Tunnel Snakes- 2 And the list of those with one vote each: The Family, Think Tank, Reaver Movement, Ciphers, Broken Hills, Powder Gangers, Reilly's Rangers, Acadia, Goodneighbor, Underworld, White Glove Society, Omertas, Jacobstown, post-Legion Ulysses, Cult of the Mothman, 80s, and talking Deathclaws from Fallout 2
Favourite companion:
Arcade Gannon- 75 Nick Valentine- 53 Hancock- 39 Veronica- 38 Deacon- 30 ED-E- 26 Raul- 23 Boone- 22 MacCready- 13 Christine Royce- 12 Dogmeat (all)- 11 Fawkes- 10 Preston Garvey- 10 Charon- 9 Rex- 9 Butch Deloria- 8 Goris- 8 Cait- 7 Danse- 7 Piper- 7 Lily- 6 Marcus- 6 Rose of Sharon Cassidy- 6 Curie- 5 Porter Gage- 4 Dean Domino- 4 X6-88- 3 Strong- 3 Ulysses- 3 RL-3- 3 Ian- 2 Dog/God- 2 Codsworth- 2 Joshua Graham- 2 Old Longfellow- 2 Lenny- 2 Ada- 2 And the 'list of ones': Tycho, Katja, Follows-Chalk, Sydney
The Lore:
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(other titles specifically mentioned in the final question: Metro and Doom)
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Characters headcanoned as synths: The Sole Survivor (by far the most common theory), Sturges, Deacon, Preston Garvey, the Lone Wanderer in Broken Steel, James/Dad, Dogmeat, Three Dog, Parker Quinn, Charon, Courier Six, Tinker Tom, Zeke, Arthur Maxson, Father/older Shaun, Piper, Travis Miles, Mysterious Stranger, Caesar ('cause funny'), Joshua Graham, most Children of Atom, Desdemona, Myrna, Marcy Long, Mr Burke, Vault 76 Overseer, Trashcan Carla, Cricket, many BoS and Enclave members, Reaver Movement members, Redeye, Moira Brown, Dr Zimmer, Ranger Ghost, most birds, Arcade Gannon, Elijah, Lizzie Wyatt, Kellogg, Mama Murphy, Nat Wright, and Sierra Petrovita
(please note I'm not all that familiar with Fallout 4 lore, if any of the FO4 peeps here are canon synths then I didn't know about it lol)
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Fan theories/headcanons from the final question that cropped up repeatedly (in approximate order of popularity):
Vault-Tec started the Great War
Alien involvement with the pre-war US government and/or the Great War
Horses are still around
Talking Deathclaws are still around
Occult/eldritch influence (e.g. the Dunwich building) is widespread
Charon is a survivor of Vault 92
Deacon is a founder of the Railroad and his 'real' backstory was another lie
Veronica and Christine reunite
Sarah Lyons is alive
Gen 3 synths and ghouls still need to eat, drink, sleep and so on
Ghouls only turn feral in specific circumstances (suggestions include prolonged isolation and relying too heavily on radiation instead of food as a source of energy) and it is not inevitable
International travel and immigration continues
Danse and Harkness were sent to the Capital Wasteland by the Railroad together
X person is actually multiple people- suggested for Deacon, Legate Lanius and Vulpes Inculta
The US is the either the only place that was nuked or the only place that hasn't rebuilt and recovered, and the rest of the world is just ignoring them and carrying on as normal
Cass is the Chosen One's daughter
Mama Murphy is the Chosen One
No-Bark Noonan is the Chosen One (lots of Chosen One theories popping up lol)
All subsequent Dogmeats in the series are named after the legend of the original Dogmeat
Father is not really Shaun
MacCready is lying about Duncan being ill (or one person even suggested Duncan existing)
Yes Man overthrows the Courier after being upgraded
The real Lone Wanderer died at the end of the vanilla game even if Broken Steel is installed, and the Broken Steel LW is a synth
Deacon once worked for the Institute
Deacon deliberately leads people to theorise that he is the Lone Wanderer to throw them off
Deacon is or was once a ghoul (also plenty of Deacon theories)
The Mysterious Stranger is a time traveller who protects the various PCs to maintain the timeline
Appalachia was turned into a barren wasteland by the nuclear trigger-happiness of the Vault 76 Dwellers (possibly interesting aside: my brother, who buys into this one, has gone as far as to theorise that the original Great War used very low-yield weapons and wasn't that severe on the environmental level (as far as literal nuclear war goes, that is), and it was the Vault 76ers nuking the hell out of Appalachia that triggered a continent-wide nuclear winter and sent the ecology of the wasteland into the state it's in in all subsequent games)
Glory is not a synth
The (in-game) reason for lore clashes and retcons is that the plot of each game is a retelling  of the story as it's passed around in the wasteland, so some details have been embellished or mixed up
I’ll be coming back to the theories from the final question at some point, but aside from that, that's a wrap! There isn't really much potential for me to play around with the data here like with the OC surveys, so this was more just me presenting the data as it came in without commentary. Still, I hope this is somehow interesting/insightful!
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sleepysailorjunko · 3 years
Benny's Big Score
It turns out that New Reno was not a great place.
It seemed like a good idea at the time, a solution to his problems. But it wasn't.
New Reno was dirty, but not in the same glimmery-glittery way that New Vegas was. It wasn't like when he had come to Vegas for the first time, the Bootstraps with him. He was alone. There were no chairmen to protect him, no brothers willing to die with him.
Sitting in the dingy bar, he curses the courier under his breath.
"Oh, don't get me started on Couriers." a melodic voice chimed in. A smooth-voiced ghoul in a fancy pre-war tuxedo sat down on the barstool next to Benny. "You wouldn't know the half of it."
"A courier done you wrong too?"
"I gave as good as I got." the ghoul replied, and in him, Benny recognized that they were both well-dressed men who had been chased out by couriers.
"And yet we're still sitting here in this bar, ring-a-ding." Benny took a sip of his drink. Disgusting as it was (and expensive!), Benny's pride as a Bootstrap and leader of the Chairmen kept him from spitting it out. "Say, who are you anyhow?"
The ghoul rolled his eyes under the sunglasses he wore.
"200 years ago everyone knew my name. Dean Domino's the name, don't wear it out."
Benny's eyes widened.
"That for real? Where ya been hiding out all this time?" Benny questioned, leaning on the bar counter. "Could have used you back in New Vegas."
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Dean answered smoothly. Benny prodded at him again in his "Ring-a-Ding-Ding" fashion, and Dean sighed before answering. "The Sierra Madre."
"Woah, let's keep it in the grove. You," He paused for emphasis. "Are the ghoulified version of prewar icon Dean Domino and you've been hiding out in the casino in the land of the dead?"
"Yes, I suppose if you put it like that."
"I'm the Ben-man, the kingpin of the whole Strip." Benny said, bitterly drinking from his glass. "Or I was."
"Taken down by a courier?" Dean snarked.
"Ain't that a kick in the head. You think you put one in the ground but then they follow you home and try and climb in your bed. Ruin your damn plans. But I'll be back."
"The courier-I never caught their name-banned me from Vegas. They threated to kill me if they ever saw me again. As if they'd get the chance."
"You and me, we're men cut from the same cloth." Benny said, and Dean looked over him.
"Are we really?"
"Yeah, we're both men screwed over by couriers when we could've been kings!" Benny rubbed his hand over his jaw, and then continued. "Y'know...we oughta get together sometime. We could get revenge on the Mojave Express and I have a lot of draw in New Vegas. I could even get you a job preforming in the Tops. Hell, even the Lucky 38."
"Why not?" Dean agreed. Thinking a moment, he asked. "That courier you knew, did they have a large scar on their head?"
"They did actually...a gift from me. Tie, I think that's their name. Well, it's what their boy-toy sniper-type called them when they weren't trying to jump into bed with me."
"Two birds with one stone." Dean said. "Shall we?"
"Yeah, pal."
It took time to get back to New Vegas. This gave them time to plan and plot and scheme about how to get their revenge on the courier.
More or less, it was easy for them to get into the Strip. After all, this was the land that Benny was Chairman of. He was also very skilled with computers, so it wasn't a challenge for Benny to hack into the securitrons.
Their first stop in Vegas was Mick and Ralph's. Throwing a cap to the crier boy outside the story, Benny asked "Are your old men inside?"
The boy responded and Benny strolled into the building like he owned it. Explaining to Dean, he added, "It helps to bring flowers home."
"Benny." Mick greeted shortly.
"Mick, my guy! How's the family?" Benny sidled up to the store owner. "Say, have you gotten any flowers in lately?"
Mick sighed and retreated to the back room. He returned with a wilted bouquet.
"I've only got these in because of Pacer. You know how he's gonna get, you're throwing of his plans with" Mick complained, but Benny cut him off.
"Tell him to send all his complaints to the Tops!" He exclaimed and snatched the bouquet. It was dry and wilty, formed from common Mojave plants rather than one made from Vault-Tec's greenrooms. It must have come in with Crimson Caravans, Benny thought, but Swank would like it well enough.
He shoved a couple caps into Mick's hand-underpaying people was something that got him into trouble before.
"To the Tops!" He called, and Dean followed him.
"Ugh. How things have changed." Dean groaned. "What have you done with the place?"
"Seal it, Dean-o! I've got a man to see. Our plan won't work without Swank."
The man in the check-in window looked up when Benny said his name.
"Shit, Benny. I haven't seen you in ages."
"Missed you too, Swank. You didn't even kiss me goodbye."
"You're not supposed to be here. I know you tried to kill that courier."
"C'mon, Swank. You've gotta let me explain." He gestured with the bouquet. "I brought you flowers."
Swank looked like he was conflicted, but then he sighed.
"Fine. Explain then, boss."
"Alright, so the courier. I did try and kill that courier, but I had good reason for it. You've got to believe me. I needed the platinum chip."
"You can't just keep saying I have to let you explain and I have to believe you. It doesn't work that way. But I'll bite. What's a platinum chip and why did you need it?"
"It's what we need. If we have it, we can upgrade the securitrons and then we won't need the NCR or the Legion or House to protect New Vegas." He smiled bitterly. "It would have been freedom for all of us."
Swank looked at Benny silently.
"I know why I failed now. I needed you and the Chairmen. I needed you."
That seemed to certify it for Swank. He inhaled deeply and then exhaled.
"Alright Benny. But this is the last time. You mess this up and it'll be the end-not just for you and me, but for all of us." He made cautious and firm eye contact with Benny. "What's the plan?"
"You're the man, Swank!" Benny shouted excitedly and leaned over the weapon-check counter to wrap a hand around Swank's shoulder and pull him down for a kiss. Releasing him, he continued. "Oh, it's a doozy of a plan."
Swank looked around and then signalled to another Chairman.
"You take over here." He said, and stepped out from behind the weapon check counter.
The plan was a doozy, Swank thought as he walked from the Tops to the Lucky 38. He hoped the Courier was staying there tonight. If not, he'd have to regroup with Benny and Dean to send them to the Atomic Wrangler instead.
Night had fallen quickly over New Vegas in the hours after Benny had made up with Swank, but his thoughts were quickly interrupted when Swank bumped into someone.
"Watch it," He barked. Looking at the young woman, he realized she was a courier-she had a courier's duster loosely over a purple shirt-but not the one they were going to kill.
"Eh? Did you need something?" She said, "I'm going to Show Low."
It was a dangerous route for a courier because it went right into Legion teritory, but Swank didn't care. It seemed like a good idea at the time, a solution to his problems. But it wasn't.
"Sorry. Good luck!" He said and continued on route to the Lucky 38.
"You too?" Swank heard, but there was a lot of noise. The Strip was loud.
Arriving at the Lucky 38, he let himself in. The collar weighed heavily in his pocket, but he knew that was just in his head. It couldn't weigh more than a pound or two.
"Hello?" he called. "I need to speak to the Courier? It's really important..."
There wasn't any response for a moment. Then the elevator chimed and two people exited.
One was the Courier, and the other was a bitter-faced sniper with an NCR beret.
"Oh...Mr. Tops?" The courier said. "Did you need something? We were just on our way out..."
"Yes, and it's very important. And it can't wait." Swank replied
The little computer on the Courier's arm beeped.
"Alright, what's going on?"
"Sit down, this is very important news." The courier sat down. The sniper stood to the side.
His hands were starting to sweat and he wiped them on his suitpants. Ugh, he could almost hear Benny scolding him for dirtying it.
"I've discovered..." He spoke softly...and the courier leaned into hear better. Just as they planned. "Sorry."
With that, he swiftly reached into his coat pocket and snapped the collar around the courier's neck. It latched closed and armed before they could even move.
They startled back, but it was of no use.
"Recognize it, courier?" a charismatic and smooth voice called as Dean Domino and Benny Gecko strolled into the lobby of the Lucky 38.
The Courier's face was fearful, but the sniper's eyes were full of rage. Their hands clawed at their throat, but it was futile against the explosive collar.
"I wouldn't do that, Pussycat." Benny's voice chimed in. "It's rigged to blow. But I'm sure you knew that. According to my new friend here, you've had some experience with them."
"Dean." They said quietly. " You were warned. I told you what I'd do if I ever saw you again. I'll kill you even if I have to take you down with me."
"Geez, Domino, what'd you do to make 'em hate you so bad?" Benny ran a hand through his hair. "I shot them in the head-twice, even-and left them for dead. And they still tried to sleep with me! Oh, and I wouldn't go making any moves there, friend, unless you'd like your little courier blown to bits. Or do, it would make it easier on me."
"I believe it was that I had their little friend's vocal cords ripped out. Or maybe it was the whole threatening to blow them up." Dean answered. "I never narrowed it down."
"Wow, Benny!" the Pip-Boy beeped. "I never thought I'd see you again! You keep some interesting friends!"
"Yes-Man?" Benny questioned, and then waved it aside. "Eh, never mind. When I've got the platinum chip, I can fix whatever they did to you."
"Yes-Man," Antietam said, dropping their hands from their neck "Could you keep it down? I'm about to get blown up."
"No, you're not." Boone reassured them quietly. "Gotta be some way to take these guys out..."
Internally, Antietam was weighing whether it was worth it to charge Dean and take him down with them. But there was a likelihood of Boone being injured in the blast, so it wasn't going to work out.
"Now, now Courier..." Dean said. "Where did you take the treasure when you ran off? You ruined over two hundred years worth of revenge."
The courier wanted to lash out, but they reigned their temper in.
"You ruined it...You ruined the whole Sierra Madre, did you know that? It could have been a safe haven, a shelter from the nuclear anihilation. But you couldn't tolerate what you percieved as an insult to your ego! And you ruined Vera's life-she was dying and you blackmailed her!" Their vitreolic rant paused. It wasn't the whole sad story, but the only one who knew that was Antietam. And they were too angry and biased against Dean to really care that their rant was biased. "What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Woah, let's calm down, Pussycat. You keep yourself under control or one of us might just forget ourselves and hit that button. We wouldn't want that, now would we? Let's get down to business." Christine and Veronica ran downstairs.
"Hey, what's going on? We heard commotion." Veronica said, and then when she saw the situation, she put her hands on her hips. "Are you guys having a party without me?"
Christine, on the other hand, growled.
"Dean." It came out in Vera's voice, and if Dean had skin, it would have gone pale with fear. As it was, it broke his composure.
"So it worked." He said finally.
"Alright, don't make any moves!" Benny shouted. "You try anything and I'll blow your friend to smithereens."
"Who are these guys?" Veronica asked.
"Some guys who tried to kill Tie before, I think." Boone answered
"Dean Domino, Swank Gecko-Pierce, and I'm the pro from Dover." Benny barked. "Now I want answers! Where's the platinum chip?"
None of them answered.
"I guess none of you value the Courier's life, seeing as none of you are providing answers." He pulled Maria from his pocket. "No matter. We'll start with the boy toy."
With that, he leveled Maria at Boone.
"Things are getting a little heated, Benny." Swank said, making eye contact with the checker-suited man.
"Stop." The Courier said. "I'll tell you where I hid the chip. Just let my friends go."
"Benny, this is getting more heated than I thought it would." Swank noted.
"Can it, Swank. We're about to get some answers!" Benny responded.
"It's in the dresser in the motel in Novac. Let my friends go, Benny."
"It's like it doesn't even matter to you!" Benny exclaimed. "It-" Swank cut him off by setting a hand on Benny's outstretched arm.
"Benny, calm down. We don't have time for his right now."
"Yeah, Benny, calm down." Dean chimed in, although it was clearly mocking him, which Benny picked up on immediately.
"You got something to add, Deano?" Benny snarked back.
"You know, Ben-man, I think I'm tired of playing accomplice. I'm so tired of playing second fiddle...I think I'll kill you and your friends and claim New Vegas for my own."
"Yeah, that's not happening." Benny fired back. He pointed Maria at Dean. "It's been real and it's been great, but it's not real great."
He fired.
"Shit, Benny, you missed." Swank said, to which Benny responded "Shut up, I know I missed."
He shot again and again and Dean didn't move, until he slumped to the ground, full of lead.
"Well, that's a bust." Benny said. "Hey, whataya say, Courier? We can burry the hatchet with this guy and work together. I won't kill you or your little friends and you won't kill me and Swank. Fair's fair, right?"
It was a stretch-even now, Christine and Veronica's nimble fingers were removing the explosive collar from the angry courier's throat. But Benny had always been a gambling man.
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 28 October 2019
Quick Bits:
Afterlift #1 is a digital original from Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Aditya Bidikar. Very interesting concept here playing with a character who drives for a Lyft analogue in Cabit, leading to becoming a rather unique courier.
| Published by Jams & Jellies
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Batman Annual #4 actually gives us many adventures and stories as we go through almost two months’ of diary entries of Batman’s exploits from Alfred, as told by Tom King, Jorge Fornés, Mike Norton, Dave Stewart, and Clayton Cowles. It’s a nice way to pack a lot of story into this annual in a fairly unique way, while also showcasing just how busy Batman really is. 
| Published by DC Comics
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Black Panther #17 sets up for the next confrontation with N’Jadaka and his forces, also giving us a rather...awkward but interesting conversation between Storm and Nakia. Gorgeous art from Daniel Acuña.
| Published by Marvel
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Bloodshot #2 continues the balls to the wall action as Bloodshot and the Black Bar conflict escalates, from Tim Seeley, Brett Booth, Adelso Corona, Andrew Dalhouse, and Dave Sharpe. It’s a bit of a throwback to a more action-oriented style, but it definitely works for Bloodshot. A nice change of pace to give a variety of storytelling.
| Published by Valiant
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Conan the Barbarian #10 spins us the twins’ yarn as they plotted their revenge on Conan, from Jason Aaron, Mahmud Asrar, Matthew Wilson, and Travis Lanham. The art from Asrar and Wilson is gorgeous. The backstory building up to last parts of this story and the fate of Conan is gripping.
| Published by Marvel
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Contagion #5 brings an end to this series from Ed Brisson, Adam Gorham, Veronica Gandini, and Cory Petit. Gorgeous and creepy art here from Gorham and Gandini. 
| Published by Marvel
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DCeased #6 is surprisingly hopefully, even as everything dies and everybody hurts. It appears to be setting up a sequel, though likely to be incredibly bleak. Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine, Neil Edwards, Stefano Gaudiano, Rain Beredo, and Saida Temofonte conclude this series in epic fashion as we say goodbye to Earth.
| Published by DC Comics
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Death’s Head #4 is another ending to a series this week, from Tini Howard, Kei Zama, Felipe Sobreiro, and Travis Lanham. Some very nice character work here for Death’s Head and Vee.
| Published by Marvel
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Doctor Strange Annual #1 gives us a pair of tales. The lead from Tini Howard, Andy MacDonald, Tríona Farrell, and Cory Petit is a fun Halloween story dealing with the spirits haunting the Sanctum Sanctorum. Any art from MacDonald is a treat. The back up is a bit more deadly serious with Pornsak Pichetshote, Lalit Kumar Sharma, Sean Parsons, José Villarrubia, and Petit revealing a failsafe should Strange go rogue.
| Published by Marvel
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Ether: The Disappearance of Violet Bell #2 continues to be incredibly inventive as Boone tries to track down the assassin. David Rubín’s art is absolutely amazing. And Boone’s continued inability to really think about anyone other than himself is telling.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Excalibur #1 is another tick in the win column for “Dawn of X”. The X-Men dabbling in magic isn’t common, but Tini Howard, Marcus To, Erick Arciniega, and Cory Petit do so with amazing flair, fittingly taking us in through Otherworld, Captain Britain, and Betsy Braddock. Apocalypse’s new incarnation as  “ •|A| •” and his newfound interest in magic is fascinating.
| Published by Marvel
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Five Years #5 spotlights Zoe’s rather elaborate imagination for coming up with ways to murder people. Granted, the Russian agent may well deserve it, but still... Terry Moore continues to deliver some unexpected twists as the end of the world inches closer.
| Published by Abstract Studio
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Giant Days: As Time Goes By #1 is a one-shot finale special from John Allison, Max Sarin, Whitney Cogar, and Jim Campbell. It picks up roughly a year from the end of the series, dealing with why Esther has been missing from their reunions. It’s full of all of the humour that we’ve been used to and hammers home the power of friendship. Also, it gets very, very weird. 
| Published by Boom Entertainment / BOOM! Box
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Harleen #2 works hard to portray Harley’s seduction by the Joker. Stjepan Šejić and Gabriela Downie portray it as an insidious, manipulative thing. It might appear romantic on the surface, but there’s definitely a darkness there. There are ideas of bringing back a monster from the edge of insanity, but the story makes you realize that some may well be beyond hope.
| Published by DC Comics - Black Label
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Hellboy and the BPRD: Long Night at Goloski Station might well be the best of these new format tales yet, and both of the previous ones were incredibly strong. Here Mike Mignola, Matt Smith, Dave Stewart, and Clem Robins deliver a single issue story building on Hellboy’s confrontation with Baba Yaga, Sir Edward Grey, and demons. 
| Published by Dark Horse
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Invisible Kingdom #6 begins the second arc, “Edge of Everything”, as the crew first try to find food and fuel and then run afoul of a salvage ship. G. Willow Wilson, Christian Ward, and Sal Cipriano keep things interesting as we start to see the crew’s life after Lux.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Invisible Woman #4 is disturbing, basically everything goes to hell and everyone that Sue was trusting to see this operation through has let her down. Or worse. Mark Waid, Mattia De Iulis, and Joe Caramagna set up a rather horrifying situation in this penultimate chapter. Again, De Iulis’ artwork is stunning. 
| Published by Marvel
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Joker: Killer Smile #1 is essentially a psychological horror from Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino, Jordie Bellaire, and Steve Wands. It comes from the point of view of a psychiatrist, Dr. Ben Arnell, who is trying to get to the heart of Joker’s mental state. It’s not going so well and it appears like the good doctor is losing time, doing strange things, and possibly worse. Very intriguing beginning to this story.
| Published by DC Comics - Black Label
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Knights Temporal #4 has some stunning artwork from Fran Galán, particularly during the gangster sequences where colour comes into play as another important storytelling element. There are some very nice twists this issue, making you wonder about a lot of what we thought we knew.
| Published by AfterShock
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The Last God #1 is dark fantasy done right by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Riccardo Federici, Sunny Gho, Dean White, Tom Napolitano, Steve Wands, and Jared Blando. It gives us lying kings, heroes who weren’t rightly heroes, and a Lovecraftian terror returned to show the truth. It plays deep on resentment and distrust, and of a complete failure of institutions to uphold a decent society. All with absolutely stunning artwork from Federici, Gho, and White. This is a beautiful, haunting work.
| Published by DC Comics - Black Label
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Last Stop on the Red Line #4 is very, very weird. We get a peek behind the masks of the monsters and it’s even stranger. There’s a very interesting mix of symbolism and the supernatural where we’re really not sure where one begins and the other ends. This was a very unique series from Paul Maybury, Sam Lotfi, and Adam Pruett.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Mall #3 goes even harder into inter-faction warfare as it seems like all of the groups are at one another’s throats. Great world-building here from Michael Moreci, Gary Dauberman, Zak Hartong, Addison Duke, and Jim Campbell, with some interesting plot developments.
| Published by Vault
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Manor Black #4 concludes the series as we see what essentially amounts to order vs. chaos as the old blood takes on wild magic. This doesn’t feel so much as a conclusion as an end to a chapter of a wider arc, leaving much unresolved. Hopefully we see more. The artwork from Tyler Crook is phenomenal.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Marvel Zombies: Resurrection #1 is really damn good. Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Leonard Kirk, Guru-eFX, and Travis Lanham kick off this series with a new angle on the Marvel Zombies, playing up more on the horror angle, with a truly terrifying spread of the disease through a new vector. Gorgeous artwork from Kirk and Guru-eFX.
| Published by Marvel
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Monster Planet #1 is the kind of thing that you used to see regularly published by Image and Top Cow, the military action comic that throws in horror elements, from Joe Brusha, Marcelo Mueller, Maxflan Araujo, and Taylor Esposito. It’s not bad, setting up a world where humanity has been turned into dinosaur-like beasts and the remnants of society need to turn to classical monsters for help.
| Published by Zenescope
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The Necromancer’s Map #3 takes a bit of a different approach, giving us a fair amount of action as Tristan’s Will catch up with Bethany and co. as well as some great character building in between the action. Great stuff from Andrea Fort, Michael Christopher Horn, Sam Beck, Ellie Wright, and AndWorld Design.
| Published by Vault
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The Plot #2 is wonderful horror storytelling from Tim Daniel, Michael Moreci, Joshua Hixson, Jordan Boyd, and Jim Campbell. Very creepy build of supernatural events once Chase Blaine and his family arrive back at his ancestral home. Hixson and Boyd’s presentation of the black, gooey masses are also disturbing.
| Published by Vault
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Queen of Bad Dreams #5 concludes this excellent series from Danny Lore, Jordi Pérez, Dearbhla Kelly, and AndWorld Design. Rather interesting confrontation with and revelations about Eleanor Chase here.
| Published by Vault
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Red Goblin: Red Death #1 is a one-shot featuring three stories set during Norman Osborn’s tenure as the Red Goblin at the end of Dan Slott’s run on Amazing Spider-Man. It’s kind of weird that it doesn’t instead tie-in with current events in Absolute Carnage, but it’s not bad for what it is. The art of the first two stories from Pete Woods is great.
| Published by Marvel
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Relics of Youth #2 is even better than the first issue, delving deeper into the mysterious tattoos that the kids have been branded with and their connection to the island that they’ve landed on within the Bermuda Triangle. Matt Nicholas, Chad Rebmann, Skylar Partridge, Vladimir Popov, and AndWorld Design are telling a very compelling adventure here.
| Published by Vault
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Roku #1 begins another mini-series focusing on one of the luminary villains in the Valiant Universe, this one from Cullen Bunn, Ramón F. Bachs, Stéphane Paitreau, and Dave Sharpe. It’s full of action and intrigue as Roku is hired by an unknown client to retrieve...someone. Things get more interesting as a new face stands in her way and we find out the unusual nature of the target.
| Published by Valiant
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The Sandman Universe Presents: Hellblazer #1 is a homecoming of sorts for John Constantine, back to his old haunts alongside some of the other Vertigo corner of the DC Universe. Si Spurrier, Marcio Takara, Cris Peter, and Aditya Bidikar spin a yarn that reconstitutes John after a massive magic war led by an evil Tim Hunter. How exactly the pieces fit are anyone’s guess, but it’s a brilliant darker take resetting him here. 
| Published by DC Comics - Black Label / The Sandman Universe
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Savage Avengers Annual #1, though largely a self-contained story, is still integral to Conan’s adventure through the Marvel universe and the overall narrative as he, Hellstorm, and Black Widow stumble across a human trafficking ring that bears the marks of Kulan Gath. Gerry Duggan, Ron Garney, Matt Milla, and Travis Lanham deliver a compelling story.
| Published by Marvel
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SFSX #2 does further world and character building, showing us just how much has changed since the Party took over, and how utterly betrayed many of the people from the Dirty Mind felt of Avory abandoning them. Very interesting stuff from Tina Horn, Michael Dowling, Chris O’Halloran, and Steve Wands.
| Published by Image
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Silver Surfer: Black #5 concludes what has been a very trippy series from Donny Cates, Tradd Moore, Dave Stewart, and Clayton Cowles. There are some very interesting revelations of the past here, and it really makes you wonder about the Surfer’s new incarnation.
| Published by Marvel
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Star Pig #4 concludes the series, kind of, from Delilah S. Dawson, Francesco Gaston, Sebastian Cheng, and Shawn Lee. There’s some rather disturbing tentacles in this one.
| Published by IDW
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Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader’s Castle #5 brings an end to this round of the series. I think it’s a perfect approach for some all ages “ghost stories” within the Star Wars universe. Wonderful resolution for the framing story from Cavan Scott, Francesco Francavilla, and AndWorld Design.
| Published by IDW
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Tales from the Dark Multiverse: The Death of Superman #1 is the second of these one-shots spotlighting DC events gone horribly wrong, this time giving us a much angrier Lois Lane’s grief at the loss of Superman to Doomsday. Jeff Loveness, Brad Walker, Drew Hennessy, Norm Rapmund, John Kalisz, and Clayton Cowles present her as vengeance against a world that didn’t deserve Superman’s grace, raising some of the questions that you’d often see in The Authority. Only, you know, kind of evil. It’s not bad, but definitely dark.
| Published by DC Comics
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #99 is the extra-sized penultimate chapter of “City at War” as all of the pieces begin falling into place for the grand finale. The story here from Kevin Eastman, Bobby Curnow, Tom Waltz, Dave Wachter, Ronda Pattison, and Shawn Lee feels truly epic and that something huge may just happen next issue. As it is, there’s still a ton of action here, some interesting developments with the Rat King, more disappointment when it comes to Raph, and something new with the mutagenic bomb.
| Published by IDW
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Test #5 is very strange. Christopher Sebela, Jen Hickman, Harry Saxon, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou end this story as Aleph and Laurel find one another and a new way is planted, but there’s still seeds of something going awry.
| Published by Vault
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Venom #19 largely plays out the end bits for the Maker and Dylan’s portions of Absolute Carnage, with some very interesting revelations. It seems like even bigger seeds are being lain for future stories here. Great art from Iban Coello and Rain Beredo.
| Published by Marvel
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Witchblade #16 gives us the fight between Alex and Haley, after a few distractions and discursions. The stakes are pretty high here and there are a few rather tense moments as it plays out. Beautiful art from Roberta Ingranata and Bryan Valenza.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Wonder Woman Annual #3 is largely a flashback tale, set five years ago as Wonder Woman and ARGUS attempt to extract an agent sent to infiltrate Gorilla City to see the legitimacy of Grodd’s rule. What Steve Orlando, V. Ken Marion, Sandu Florea, Hi-Fi, and Pat Brosseau do with is establish a new backstory and interpretation for a very old Wonder Woman foe in a fairly interesting way that even ties in to Event Leviathan. It may strain a bit of credibility for the villainous turn, but that will largely depend on the follow-up.
| Published by DC Comics
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Other Highlights: Archie 1955 #2, A Basketful of Heads #1, Batman and the Outsiders Annual #1, Chrononauts: Futureshock #1-4, Dead Man Logan #12, Fantastic Four: Grand Design #1, Fight Club 3 #10, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #13, Ironheart #11, James Bond 007 #12, Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance #2, Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Alliance #4, Jughead’s Time Police #5, Kick-Ass #18, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #44, Rick & Morty #55, The Ride: Burning Desire #5, Runaways #26, Star Trek: Year Five #7, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Annual #3, Star Wars Adventures #27, Superior Spider-Man #2, Tremor Dose, Warlord of Mars Attacks #5
Recommended Collections: Amazing Spider-Man: Red Goblin, Amber Blake - Volume 1, Black Science - Volume 9: No Authority But Yourself, Deadpool - Volume 3: Weasel Goes to Hell, Dept H. Omnibus - Volume 3: Decompressed & Lifeboat, Dick Tracy Forever, Hit-Girl - Volume 5, Jimmy’s Bastards - Volume 1: Year One, Lucifer Omnibus - Volume 1, Marvel Action: Spider-Man - Book 2: Spider-Chase, Punk Mambo, Spider-Gwen: Gwen Stacy, Star Trek: The Q Conflict, Symbiote Spider-Man, Thor - Volume 3: Wars End, Tony Stark: Iron Man - Volume 3: War of the Realms, Vamps: The Complete Collection, War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men, The Wild Storm - Volume 4
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d. emerson eddy feels like stale, day old pepperoni pizza.
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sisyphus-prime · 5 years
Dean Domino, you've been posting a lot of him
Send me the name of a character and I will tell you my (x)
1: sexuality headcanon
Domino is somewhere around demiromantic, bisexual with a preference to women, undoubtedly
2: otp
This man shouldn’t be in any relationships, just saying
3: brotp
Uh. Him and the Courier. They’re great “partners”. Depending on how submissive you are. Don’t show any competency you’ll bruise his ego
4: notp
Domino/Vera.  don’t pls. 
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
His SUNGLASSES are PRESCRIPTION. His eyes were shit before the war, and they certainly haven’t gotten any better
6: one way in which I relate to this character
Bitch Bastard Motherfucker piece of shit who gets too angry when someone I dislike either doesn’t care, insults me, or calls my competence into question
7: thing that gives me second-hand embarrassment about this character
Dean... a man with cold feet isn't someone I'd share a bed with.
“Wait, hold on. I didn't say I was scared. Heh, heh. Cold feet? Don't be ridiculous. I've played to worse crowds than this, I can hold the fort here.”
I’m sensing a little *coughs* Small dick energy (seriously, it’s the fucking courier, you shouldn’t be so worried about sleeping with someone like that)
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
problematic fave to the fucking MAX. this guy is a horrible person.. but i’m like him. :-)
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wilddragonflying · 5 years
Fallout OC Interview
Stolen from @red-flare-art :p
1) Choose an OC
I’m gonna do Kaili, because I love her, and I’m also going to do Anna’s responses as well, because she’s the newest one!
2) Answer questions as that OC
3) Tag 5 people to do the same
Er... I don’t know 5 people in the Fallout universe soooooo..... If you see this and you want to do it, consider yourself tagged!
1) What is your name? 
K: My name is Kaili Swesson; pleasure to meet you!
A: Name’s Anna Levine.
2) How old are you? 
K: Well, I was born on February 29, 2032, and it’s now almost October of 2289... So around two hundred and fifty-seven! Of course, I was cryogenically frozen from October 23, 2077 to October of 2287, so technically I’ve only lived for forty-seven years.
A: Old enough to know better than to ask people their age, Jesus.
3) What do you look like?
K: Oh, I’d say I’m a little taller than average, lean. Black hair, usually keep it in a bun... I do have some pretty distinctive scars. Mirelurk Queen acid is pretty damn painful. And I had an... exciting military career, Pre-War.
A: I look like one of those things that regularly tries to eat people, just with a bit more sanity in my eyes. I’m a fucking ghoul, the hell do you expect me to look like?
4) Where are you from? Where do you live now? 
K: I was born in Boston, actually! I split my time now between Goodneighbor, Nuka-Town, and Sanctuary Hills, though, as far as ‘home’ goes. Generally I’m out wandering the Commonwealth, doing my General duties.
A: Some no-name town in California. Ended up in the Mojave area long before it was a nuclear wasteland. I’m a Courier now, so I don’t really call any place ‘home.’
5) What was your childhood like?
K: Oh, quiet enough. I had a few friends - Meg, actually, is a ghoul now! It was so shocking to find out she survived, especially living in the Glowing Sea as she did.
A: I spent more time with technology than people. Stayed true through my adult life, too. Not much has changed. 
6) What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions?
K: I’m the General of the Minutemen, so I’d say that I’m pretty allied with them! The Railroad and I get along well, and the Brotherhood of Steel and I... Eh. Maxson and I have, ah. Discussed things. We came to an understanding.
A: Only alliance I have is with the guy who used to be my boss, is now a decrepit living corpse tucked away in an old casino. NCR and I are on friendly enough terms, I suppose, but we don’t do anything but business. I don’t trust anyone from any of the Strip families as far as I can trust them, though.
7) Tell me about your best friend. 
K: Oh, that’s tough. My best friend growing up was Meg, absolutely. Always had a weird thing for technology, smart head on her shoulders! Nate and I... we were basically platonic soulmates, honestly. Only people we could trust after we mustered out was each other, so we ended up tying the knot. Now... Well, I’m friends with Gage, Hancock, and Preston, obviously. And Piper, Strong, Nick, Cait, and Curie. Deacon and I are as friendly as two people can be when one’s a pathological liar. I honestly couldn’t say who I would consider my best friend!
A: My best friend? Shes hanging on my back right now. She’s the ah.... silent-but-deadly type, if you catch my meaning. Her and the other friend strapped to my thigh, they both are. As far as living friends go, Veronica’s like a daughter to me, and Arcade and I get along well enough. Boone is my kind of guy, though. Like him a lot. We understand each other.
8) Do you have a family? Tell me about them!
K: Well, there’s Nate - he died, protecting Shaun. Shaun himself grew up to be a dick, so I don’t much like talking about him. Right now, all the folks I listed above, they’re the ones I consider family, honestly. I love them.
A: I... Don’t have a family now. Had one, back before the bombs dropped. Only recently got closure on what happened to her.
9) What about a partner or partners?
K: Oh, well. That’s a bit of an involved story? Preston, Hancock, and I, we’re all together. But while I was taking care of Nuka-World and the Raiders that inhabited it, I ended up falling for Gage, my right-hand man, and he fell for me. Things were complicated for a bit, but we eventually sorted them out. He doesn’t feel the same for Hancock or Preston as I do, though. 
A: Cassidy and I got drunk together once, woke up naked in the Lucky 38 penthouse’s master suite together. We’re still friends, but I wouldn’t call us ‘partners.’ I guess closest I’ve got to that is Boone. Nothing’s happened there, don’t know if it ever will, but. Like I said before, we understand each other in a way no one else can. 
10) Who are your enemies, and why?
K: Oh, definitely the Institute, considering that I blew it up. Raiders and Super Mutants, too, obviously. Anything and any one that poses a threat to any settlement or settlers in the Commonwealth, really. 
A: Anyone who wakes me up before sunrise. Also Dean Domino, carried a grudge against that prick for two hundred years, finally got to take his ass out.
11) Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them? 
K: Yes, I have. I think that they could do an awful lot of good for the Commonwealth if they weren’t a huge bunch of racist, species-st, elitist dickbags. They learn to play nice with others and pull that giant stick out of their ass about technology, maybe we’ll get along better someday.
A: Heard of ‘em. Traveled with a couple of ‘em. I think they’re okay, depending on who’s in charge. Barely managed to talk Rob out of destroying their bunker, waiting for a chance to collect on that favor.
12) What about The Enclave? 
K: I think they’re delusional, honestly. It’s been two hundred years. There’s no going back now, if there ever was. All we can do now is move forward, build anew.
A: Fuckin’ nuts, the lot of them. The fuck they think they’re gonna be able to do with the way tech is right now? The way the people have gotten used to the wasteland working?   
13) How do you feel about Super Mutants? 
K: I have... mixed feelings about Super Mutants. Mostly, they’re annoying, but easy enough to deal with when you’re as good with a rifle and shadows as me. But the suiciders? I’ve got... issues with them.
A: The lot up at Jacobstown is nice enough, and long as they don’t go making trouble, I don’t much care about them. Start making trouble, though, and I’ll be more than happy to drag Boone out and help take care of the problem. 
14) What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in?
K: Well, I don’t exactly get into fights anymore, honestly. Not since my last Hostage Retrieval mission, back in the Pre-War days. Taking back the Castle with an albino matriarch Deathclaw was pretty crazy, though. Oh! One time, I sniped a raider on top of a skyscraper in the Financial District while I was on another skyscraper, and his body went cartwheeling through the air! That was pretty funny.
A: Hm. Well, board meetings back in the day used to be fucking insane, verbal fights to get funding, almost literal fistfights to keep another department from getting the funding mine needed. Nowadays... Big Empty had some weird shit in it.
15) Have you ever fought a Deathclaw?
K: As Sturges likes to say, I still had frost in my hair when I fought my first one! I tend to avoid them now, though, and they’re happy enough to avoid me. Except for Pipsqueak and Larry, but they’re special cases. Did you know that Deathclaws imprint? Like big scaly ducklings!
A: Ugh, yes. Can’t live in the Wastelands for two hundred years without fighting at least a dozen. Luckily the shitheads can’t climb, or it’d be a lot harder to fight them.
16) Do you like fighting? 
K: I like sniping, taking out enemies without being seen myself. I don’t like hand-to-hand combat, though. I’d rather use Deliverer or a knife in close quarters, like in a building.
A: You don’t get to live this long without fighting, so it don’t really matter whether or not I like it. I’ll tell you what I do like, though: Outsmarting my opponents. 
17) What’s your weapon of choice?
K: Tinker Tom built me a special rifle; I modded it a little to make the scope better, let it take more powerful ammo, but I love that rifle. Deliverer is great, too, and so is the blade Pickman gave me for not killing him. The guy was killing raiders, and I check up on him every so often, make sure he hasn’t moved on to settlers.
A: Silenced rifle or a blade. Best damn weapons for stealth you can have, and let me tell you: The Courier who moves quickest and quietest is the one who gets the package delivered.
18) How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?) 
K: I’m quick, quiet, and I can shoot the wings off a fly. I’m also good at talking, though usually I’m just talking sense. Unfortunately, that seems to have been lacking in the past couple of centuries.
A: Oh, I’m a talker - if you manage to see me, that is. I climbed my way up to Rob’s right hand woman, his head of R&D, you don’t get there without your mouth being able to back up your ideas.  
19) Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them?
K: I fucking hate Vaults, I hate Vault-Tec, and if I ever meet someone who managed to survive who authorized any of those damned experiments, I’m shooting first and asking questions never. Vault-Tec preyed on innocent people, people who were looking for safety. I hope they all burned in nuclear fire.
A: RobCo got some pretty good contracts out of them, but... Well, I can’t condemn their experiments without also condemning myself. Be pretty hypocritical of me, considering I designed a lot of the tech that went into those Vaults. Nice to see it held up after 200years, though. Better than anyone else’s except WesTek and their Power Armor.
20) How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you?
K: Rad-X, RadAway, keeping an ear on my Pip-Boy’s geiger counter, and occasionally a suit of Power Armor or a hazmat suit if I can’t avoid the radiation.
A: Darling, no offense, but what the fuck kind of question is that? You got eyes, ain’t you? I’m a goddamned ghoul, that’s how it fucking affected me, and that’s how I beat the radiation, now. I still try to avoid it because I’d like not to lose any more of my sanity than necessary, but by and large, it’s not a problem I have to worry about anymore. 
21) What’s your favorite wasteland critter?
K: Pipsqueak, definitely. And Larry, Pipsqueak’s son. They’re the only Deathclaws that haven’t tried to kill me, but only because they imprinted on me and treat everyone at Sanctuary like family, now. Dogmeat’s cute, too; first friend I made out in the Commonwealth.
A: Rex is an absolute gem and anyone who touches him will answer to me. I also like Nightstalkers; I can admire something that can move as quietly as they can, even if they are a pain in the ass.
22) What’s your least favorite wasteland critter? 
K: It’s honestly a tie between Radscorpions and Yao Guai. 
A: Cazadors, the fuck kind of question is that? No one in the Mojave likes those overgrown wasps. 
23) How do you feel about robots?
K: Well, one of my best friends is a synth, Codsworth is a Mister Handy, Curie used to be a Miss Nanny but now she’s got a synth body... I like them. Long as they aren’t trying to kill me.
A: I like them, and they’ve got no choice but to like me. Bow down before the mind that created you, and all that. 
24) How many caps do you have on you right now?
K: Um. A lot? I don’t know, I tend to do more bartering with goods than with caps.
A: Enough to get by.
25) Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla? 
K: Nuka Cola, definitely.
A: Sunset Sarsaparilla; you get tired of Nuka Cola after two hundred years with little else to drink.
26) Do you do chems? 
K: Medical only.
A: Nah, not really. The occasional stimpak if something catches me off-guard, but other than that, I stay away from them except for bartering with them.  
27) Do you ever think about the Pre-War world? 
K: A lot. I grew up in this area, you know? It’s hard to walk around what’s here now and not compare it to the world I used to live in.
A: Sometimes, usually when I’m cursing out a broken terminal, wishing I had the tools I had back when I was head of R&D. Otherwise, I tend not to think about it too much. Why dwell on the past?  
28) What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently? 
K: Hm, that’s tough. I don’t - You learned quick in the military that you can’t have regrets, because they’ll eat you alive. I suppose the only thing I would do differently is maybe try harder to find a way to reconcile the Institute with the Commonwealth, see if I could find a way to use their technology for good.
A: That I didn’t go looking for the Sierra Madre sooner. Maybe if I’d gone there right after the War... But that’s two hundred years ago. No use dwelling in the past, like I said. 
29) What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve?
K: Even though it’s my deepest regret, taking down the Institute. As much as I wish I could have found a way to reconcile the Institute and the Commonwealth, they were a threat. A big one. With them gone, the Commonwealth is a lot safer. 
A: Kicking the NCR’s sorry ass out of the Mojave, honestly. The look on that general’s face when I faced him down with half a dozen upgraded Securitrons after having kicked the Legion right off the Dam? Priceless.
30) What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world? 
K: I want to make Nuka-Town into an even larger trading hub, start establishing lines of trade and communication with the rest of the continent. I want to push us further towards rebuilding, because we’ve survived for two hundred years - now, it’s time to live. Maybe one day I’ll hand over the reins, but for now, that’s what I want to do.
A: I... honestly haven’t thought a lot about it? For years, I was focused on surviving, then finding out what happened to Vera... And then I got swept up in Rob’s plans for New Vegas. I never looked any further than this, you know? So. I honestly don’t know what’s next. Maybe it’s heading into the Divide, finally seeing if I can’t meet up with this other Courier, the one I’ve been tracking and who’s been tracking me for months, maybe even years now. 
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ludeere · 7 years
The beginning of the end. Part 7
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Will you give me a chance?
DEAN x Reader x Crush - A
Word Count: 1150
 Your heart was racing, it’s been a while since you have left your home and the reasons why you left everything and everyone behind were not plesant. But you were happy to come back home, you got a lot of experince and you had your interpreter diploma. Before had left the LA you talked with Hyo and asked him to find you a flat to live, he genuinely agreed and also proposed to meet you in the airport. You hadn’t seen him for 2 years so you accepted his proposal. And the last thing that you told him when you were at the airport was to tell the guys that you are coming back. You thought it wouldn’t be fair no to tell them, especially when Hyoseob is their friend. 
  You searched for Hyo as you were exiting the “Arrival” gates. It was not hard cause he was surrounded by the crowd of fans, you smilled and waved him in excitement. In a few seconds you were rushing to his car, because the crowd didn’t stop to chase him, you were ready for that so before going out you put a face mask to prevent different rumors. At last you two got into the car and drove off.
 “God damn, it´s too dangerous to be your friend” you laughed with joy and he stopped the car harshly. 
“Whats wrong?” you got scared and looked anxiously at him. He didn’t say a word but he turned and hugged you tightly. You could hardly breath but you put your hands on his back and smiled. He kept you in his arms for more than 30 sec and you felt something. He hugged you thousand times but this time was different. You broke off your “hug time”. 
“Wow, hyung what was that?” He smiled and started squeezing your cheeks.
“What was that??? I just missed you, I haven’t seen you for 2 years. That what it was.” he started the engine. You sighed with relief.
“Where we going now?” it was already getting dark but you were almost near the Seoul.
“To my apartment, you need some rest”
“Wait, haven’t you find me a flat to live, or what?” a strange feeling was creeping into your heart but you tried to block all the bad thoughts.
“You think I’m dumb or something?” he was watching the road carefully and laughing at the same time. “I rented you a flat, but it’s half empty, so I thought it would be more comfortable for you to stay for one night at my place. Tomorrow we’ll bring all your staff there and I’ll help you with unpacking and cleaning, or you wanna do it right now?” You felt awkward for letting those bad thoughts came into your mind.
“You are right, hyung, soo if the problem with flat is solved I propose to order chicken and beer. A little celebration of my coming back home and your future album.”
“Totally agree with celebration but stop calling me hyung! I’m your oppa.” you smiled and just shook your shoulders. While driving he order the take out and by the time you arrived the courier has already been waiting. You both got out of the car, Hyo paid for food and gave the package to you while he was carrying your bag to the elevator. 
“You didn’t change anything here, only the amount of books and CD has become bigger. But where is my little love???” 
“Doyou is staying with my mom for a couple of days” you frowned.
“I wanted to see him so much. When he’ll return?”
“You love my dog even more than me, I can see it in your eyes”
“Ohh, who the hell told you that I love you at all?” you rolled your eyes and burst with laugh.
“Ashhh, can you be a little bit kinder to your faithful friend? The bath is right there, I prepared the towels and bathrobe for you, you need to wash that amarican naughtiness from your skin”
“Wow, wow. Take it easy man” You both laughed out loud. 
  You went to bathroom and only after stepping under hot water you felt the whole fatigue of the day. Your stomach was giving you a sign that it is time for supper and you quickly took a shower and went out wiping up your hair with a towel and heading to the living room. 
“I’m done, where is my chiken and beer?” you said entering the room. Hyo looked at you without saying a word. You sat next to him grabing your can with beer and taking a sip.
“What??” you turned your head. 
“Nothing. Just nothing. I’m just glad that you are here again. We can talk as we always did when gathering at the studio all together or when we organized movie nights. Do you remember those times?” You smilled as you remembered all the good times you spent all together: You, Dean, Crush, Penny and Jiho. For God sake it was awesome untill that fucking collaboration with dat girl. All the memories that faded away returned with a little pain in your chest like a needle prick. You stayed silent for a few seconds and Hyo has just realised what he said.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to..”
“It’s nothing. Just a memories, nothing bad. Every person has them, bad and good. Thank to them we have that thing that is called experience. It doesn’t matter whether they are painful or pleasant.” 
   You drank two cans of beer and felt a little sleepy. Usually you could drink more without getting drank, but not today when you were exhausted, so the alcohol just swallowed you up. And you just fell asleep on Hyo’s shoulder while watching some movie.  He turned off the TV and watched you sleeping piecefully on his shoulder. He bent down and kissed your forehead. But you slept so tight to feel something, even if Hyo just took you and drove you to your new apartment you wouldn’t feel anything. He just moved you to his bedroom. He took off your bathrobe, you were wearing you favorite T-shirt and shorts, and covered you with blanket. He laid down just to watch you sleeping. It’s the first time you stayed for a night in his flat. 
“Y/N you lost weight, you know? Where is your cheeks?” he whispered touching your hair. 
“Can you just stay here with me? Can you give me a chance?” feeling released and free that you couldn’t hear his words he left the bedroom. He wished this night would never end. After nestling down in sofa he could hardly fall asleep making a plan how to tell Dean and Jiho that you came back. But  one thing that was troubling him the most: How to get your heart without hurting his best friend  who never stopped to love you.
Part 6 -> Part 8 
a/n sorry for taking so long. Hope you enjoy it. Waiting for your comments, thoughts and ideas.
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kiliarobus-blog · 6 years
Fiona Banner
Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press (born 1966) is an English artist, who was shortlisted for the Turner Prize in 2002. In 2010, she produced new work for a Duveen Hall commission at Tate Britain. She is one of the Young British Artists.
Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press was born in Merseyside, North West England. She studied at Kingston University and completed her MA at Goldsmiths College in 1993. The next year she held her first solo exhibition at City Racing.
In 1995, she was included in General Release: Young British Artists held at the XLVI Venice Biennale. She is one of the “key names”, along with Jake and Dinos Chapman, Gary Hume, Sam Taylor-Wood, Tacita Dean and Douglas Gordon, of the Young British Artists.
Her early work took the form of “wordscapes” or “still films"—blow-by-blow accounts written in her own words of feature films including Point Break (1991) and The Desert (1994). Her work took the form of solid single blocks of text, often the same shape and size as a cinema screen. In 1997, she founded The Vanity Press, through which she published her own works, such as the Nam, The Bastard Word and All The World’s Fighter Planes. The Nam (1997), is a 1,000-page book which describes the plots of six Vietnam films in their entirety: the films are Apocalypse Now, Born on the Fourth of July, The Deer Hunter, Full Metal Jacket, Hamburger Hill and Platoon. Since then she has published many works, some in the form of books, some sculptural, some performance based. In 2009 she issued herself an ISBN number and registered herself as a publication under her own name. Humour, conflict and language are at the core of her work.
Following her shows at the Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, and Dundee Contemporary Arts, Banner was nominated for the Turner Prize in 2002. The wall of her show in the Turner Prize exhibition at was dominated by a 6 x 4-metre advertising billboard, titled Arsewoman in Wonderland. The billboard presented a written description of a pornographic film. The Guardian asked, "It’s art. But is it porn?” calling in “Britain’s biggest porn star”, Ben Dover, to comment.The prize was won that year by Lancastrian artist Keith Tyson.
In 2010, she was selected to create the 10th Duveen Hall commission at Tate Britain for which she transformed and displayed two decommissioned Royal Air Force fighter jets. Other recent exhibitions include: Runway AW17, De Pont Museum, Tilburg, Netherlands (2017),Buoys Boys, De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill, UK (2016),Scroll Down And Keep Scrolling, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, UK (2015) and Kunsthalle Nuremberg, Germany (2016), Wp Wp Wp, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield (2014).
Banner’s work includes sculpture, drawing and installation; text is the core of her oeuvre. She has also treated the idea of the classic, art-historical nude, observing a life model and transcribing the pose and form in a similar vein to her earlier transcription of films.
On 1 October 2010, in an open letter to the British government’s culture secretary Jeremy Hunt—co-signed by a further 27 previous Turner prize nominees, and 19 winners—Banner opposed any future cuts in public funding for the arts. In the letter the cosignatories described the arts in Britain as a “remarkable and fertile landscape of culture and creativity.”
Fiona Banner, Born 1966. Lives and works in London. 1986–9 Kingston Polytechnic 1992–3 Goldsmiths College of Art. She is fascinated by the near impossibility of containing action and time in a prescribed form. She is best known for making hand-written and printed texts 'wordscapes' or 'still films', that retell in her own words entire feature films or sequences of events[fn]Only the Lonely: Fiona Banner, Bridget Smith exh. cat. Frith Street Gallery, 1997, p.13[/fn]. These personal transcriptions, which began in 1994 with the film Top Gun, also highlight the way in which actual or imagined events are fictionalised and mythologised. In a recent body of work based on Vietnam war films, Banner has deliberately posed questions about the fictionalisation of historical events.In 1997 she published THE NAM 1997, a one thousand-page book comprising her own frame by frame descriptions in continuous text of the Vietnam war movies Apocalypse Now, Born on the Fourth of July, The Deer Hunter, Full Metal Jacket, Hamburger Hill and Platoon. Her texts, representing eleven unbroken hours of harrowing film, hint at the excessive nature of imagery in our culture. When Banner asked a friend to read THE NAM he concluded that in its entirety it was 'unreadable'. This prompted Banner to makeTrance, a twenty-hour, twenty-two cassette unabridged reading of the book in which the action movies unfold in an hypnotic stream of words.The format of Banner's work is always carefully considered in relation to its content. For example, The desert 1994/95, Banner's retelling of David Lean's epic film Lawrence of Arabia, suggests the panoramic scale of a cinema screen, as well as the vast horizontal expanse of the desert.You gota lot of nerve 1998 is inspired by Bob Dylan's classic song Positively 4th Street. With their accusatory use of the word 'you' Dylan's lyrics seem designed to address specific individuals on a widespread scale. The monumental scale of Banner's canvas, and the proximity of its confrontational words to the viewer, suggests that the 'you' in her text is directed personally to each visitor. Banner's rendering of the acrimonious words are incised into the canvas.[fn]Banner's text begins, for example, with the lines:You gota lot of nerve to say you are my friend, you just wanna be on the side that's winning. You gota lot of nerve to say you got a helping hand to lend, when I was down you just stood there grinning'.[/fn] Ironically this leaves the canvas fragile and vulnerable – the biting words, which bear down on the viewer, are strangely hollow, existing only as negatives or shadows. In this way the artist alludes to what she perceives as the constant power struggle between words and their meaning. Banner is also interested in such seminal and iconic figures as Dylan, who never seem comfortable with celebrity and fail to live up to their own mythic image.In a series of works based on the genre of the car chase, Banner succeeds in giving visual and literary form to a genre virtually found only in films. The most recent work in this series, Break Point, is based on the chase scene in Kathryn Bigelow's cult film Point Break (1991). The slogan featured in the advertisement for the film was, perhaps accurately in this case, '100% pure adrenalin'. Banner transforms and contains the nail-biting and seemingly endless chase into an arresting landscape of words. As the distance between pursuer and pursued closes, the space between the letters and lines of text stencilled on to the canvas in hazard red correspondingly collapses, until the climax of the chase ends in a crash of words at the bottom of the canvas. But significantly, the chase does not reach completion - when the pursuer finally catches his human quarry, he lets him get away.[fn]Banner describes this moment as follows:He shouts something and it echoes across, the guy still running jumps at the wire fence, up there he's hanging off it. He turns round and his face is close and breathless, he wants him so badly. Can't shoot, staring the bullet right out, he stares through the crack in his face. He's still down there clutching the gun, he falls onto his back, holding the gun like it's everything. He glances at the other guy high on the fence, then he stares straight up and the bullets volley into the sky.'[/fn]In 1997 Banner exhibited a neon work in the shape of a full stop, 'the smallest neon in the world'.[fn]op cit Only the Lonely[/fn] Following this she has made a group of enormously enlarged full stops carved in polystyrene. Although varying in size from about two to four and a half foot high they are all enlarged to scale from a variety of such fonts as Courier, Nuptial, Garamond, Blippo, Zapf Chancery, Century and Wing. They each have the same point size but the expanded scale reveals the curious anomalies latent within an apparently universal and uniform symbol.These sculptures evolved from a group of large-scale pencil drawings of full stops in which Banner attempted to investigate the supposed immateriality or insignificance of a full stop. Sanded down, the white polystyrene sculptures have an illusory surface, their distorted ovoid shapes humorously mimicking the perfect forms of the sculptures of Brancusi. Placed on the floor rather than on plinths, the full stops have to be negotiated as physical objects. The artist has referred to the floor as 'the bottom line'. In this sense visitors might be seen to function as letters mingling amongst the punctuation marks, giving meaning to the spaces between.The full stop represents an ending but also signifies a beginning, an in between or a gap. Like the polystyrene, which is used as a packing material or 'space-filler', the full stop is transient. The names of the fonts are displayed on accompanying packing boxes, providing a possible titling system for the sculptures. The boxes also reinforce the idea that the full stops are transportable and multilingual.A full stop denotes the end, and in this sense these works relate to Banner's enduring fascination with the framing or definition of a subject. They also draw attention to the intelligent yet playful investigation of various forms of mark-making, which underpins much of her work.Text written by Virginia Button. 
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