#dating a man who divorced his last wife bc they couldn’t have kids
jiyoos · 2 years
a lot of the time when 2 ppl are together for a super long time and break up it’s bc one wanted to get married or have kids and the other didn’t and the other didn’t want to wait forever or never have it happen
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sunphroggy · 3 years
alright I have an au idea that im about to badly explain but it's a little strange so stick with me.
I call it: 'The Parent Trap but Opposite' au
So picture this: Tommy is Phil's only child, right. His mother died in childbirth so for his entire eight years of life its just been him and Phil. And that's fine, that's great, he loves it. Tommy doesn't want another addition to the family, it would only screw everything up.
That being said, Phil is lonely. Don't get him wrong, he loves his son and loves spending time with him, but he misses the feeling of being in love. He misses his wife.
Enter, Kristen.
They meet on a blind date, set up by a friend from Phil's work, and hit it off instantly. Months pass and Phil wants to propose.
One problem though. He hasnt told Tommy about it. He hasn't even introduced Kristen to him.
So what better way to merge both families that a holiday?
(I should probably say here that Kristen also has children. Take a wild guess who they are.)
Tommy is all for a holiday. Two weeks at a fancy ass hotel with room service, an arcade and a pool? Sign him up!
That is until, he finds out that Kristen and her boys will be joining them.
Enter, Wilbur and Techno.
(They're about fourteen. Their parents are divorced and, unlike Tommy, they knew Kristen was seeing Phil. They alse know that Phil is gonna propose - well, it's just a hunch)
Phil, god bless him, tries his hardest to get Tommy to warm up to Kristen, Wilbur and Techno. He plans all these activities and takes them all shopping, to the beach, to waterparks ect. But Tommy just won't take to them; he doesn't mind Kristen but Wilbur and Techno are weird, they keep making these cryptic comments about how they're going to be seeing eachother a lot in the future and Tommy just does not understand.
That is, until they decide to let Tommy in on the obvious.
Tommy, as expected, is in denial. Because there's no way his dad would do something like that without telling him first. Besides, Phil doesn't need to get married, they're perfectly happy just the two of them.
There's just no way.
Because Tommy is a curious little shit and he ransacks his and Phil's hotel room in search for the ring. He doesn't find it, of course, because Phil is used to Tommy's little raccoon tactics and hid it properly. But when he comes back from dinner with Kristen to a destroyed room and a confused Tommy, he decides to tell him the truth.
Needless to say Tommy has a fit. One moment, he's happy; just him and dad, living life. And then this lady and her shitty sons come along and fucks that up
(I imagine the conversation being something like:
Phil: Yeah im gonna propose Kristen
Tommy, inhaling deeply: *screams*
And then it would proceed to reinact that once scene from Steven universe with ruby and sapphire like-
phil: he'll eventually tire himself out :'D
Tommy, making even more of a mess than he already has: that's what you think! I am an eternal flame baby!! >:(
Tommy, ever the drama queen, storms to Wilbur and Techno - who are like "we told you so :/" - and the three of them (because Techno and Wilbur also do not want this little racoon gremlin hybrid in their home either) team up and plan to ruin the proposal. The only problem, they don't know when Phil is gonna actually propose.
And this...this is where the hijinks and shenanigans ensue.
They just like, constantly ruin Phil and Kristen's date nights with their dumb shit.
(I'm thinking shit like the three of them stacked on each others shoulders in a trench coat pretending to be a waiter at the hotel restaurant Phil and Kristen are eating at and constantly spilling drinks and food of them whenever it looks like Phil is about to pop the question; following them on walks under the stars, hiding in bushes with binoculars and making birds attack them; tackling Phil into the pool ect. ect. ect.)
But, plot twist, while pulling off these epic plans, the three of them...bond! Dun dun dunnnnn!!! Wilbur and Techno actually grow to like Tommy and think "Hey, maybe this kid ain't so bad" so they back out on the plans and try to convince Tommy to do the same. He won't.
(Meanwhile, Phil is just wondering why all his proposal attempts have gone so fucking wrong like???)
Anyways, fast forward. Its the last day of their holiday the two families go out for dinner. Its nice, they're having a good time, Kristen is chatting away to Tommy about Minecraft and Tommy is happy to tell her all about his favourite game. And then, Phil clears his throat.
He starts talking about Kristen and how happy he makes her, and Tommy can tell what's coming the moment Phil reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a small black box. And, in a final attempt to keep the life he has, Tommy snatches the box out of Phil's hand and fucking runs.
He runs right out of the restaurant, ignoring everyone calling after him, and doesn't stop running until he's on the beach, where he hides. And he cries. He cries because his dad is gonna replace him with Techno and Wilbur, and he misses his mum even though he never met her, and because this he knows that stealing a ring and running away isn't gonna stop this proposal from happening, and because the only family dynamic he knows is going to change and he isn't ready for that. And it's just a big angst moment.
And then some fluff.
Kristen finds him hidden by the rocks, and Tommy quickly pretends he wasn't just crying bc he's a big man and shit like that. He half expects her to immediately call for Phil and then for Phil to disown him, but instead she sits with him.
She asks if he's OK and when he doesnt answer her she just goes on talking about random things as if Tommy didn't just ruin their entire holiday (about shit like how she thought the cake at the restaurant was too dry and about the stars and different constellations and she even continues asking him about minecraft) and Tommy, after a while, talks back to her.
They talk for a while, arguing about the best Minecraft block (Tommy wholeheartedly defending cobblestone like his life depends on it) until eventually Kristen asks why he did what he did. And Tommy explains everything (that can basically be summed up in "I'm scared of change")
It's just a wholesome moment really. They're just sitting behind a bunch of rocks, Tommy is spilling his guts and Kristen is just listening. And at then end of it she's there to give him a big hug.
(I imagine Tommy saying that one cliche line "please don't hurt my dad" and Kristen being like "I wouldn't dream of it" and then Tommy gives her the ring box)
But yeah, happy ending! Phil proposes to Kristen on the beach and it's all happy and nice and cool and Tommy, Techno and Wilbur watch and Techno starts crying a little bc he's so happy for his mum.
I came up with this last night when I couldn't sleep.
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minowen · 6 years
my life is a disaster and i want to stop existing, jfc
there's a few key characters: Tim, my BFF forever and always Zach, one of Tim's BFFS who lives in NC Ty, Zach's cousin, also Tim's friend Amber, Zach's wife Kacey, Ty's girlfriend Julie, Ty's mother Josh, Ty's brother
so back in Nov. Zach comes to me (we met in October) and says that he and Amber are getting divorced and he could really use some emotional support. This is a HUGE thing to experience, so I offer him my support. We talk about it a lot. He say she cheated on him 3 times and the only reason he never left her was because they have a 3 year old son-- and like holy smokes, kids complicate everything so I totally understand
so we get to talking and he is discussing how he is working a lot (he works at Lowes) and is worried about doing the holidays separate this year . I send him some things for his son for Christmas--all books and educational toys, and even some things from my childhood that were well kept (action figures and what not) we end up getting really close during this period, because he is coming to me almost every day however, he hasn't told Tim or Ty & Josh about all of this he says he isnt ready for it to be public men are weird-- but I promise I won't tell any of them. After all, it is none of my business fast forward a little, Zach starts getting flirty with me. I don't notice right away (oops) and just sort of brush it off. But shit after all the hell I've helped him through I can't help but feel some sort of way about him too. I still don't really know what that feeling was, because I also have never met the man in person in a way, I almost felt responsible for him as weird as that sounds
it get's better, this is when things get saucy. Zach and I are going pretty steady in our Not-a-relationship, relationship we know there's something going on here, but we never really label it
By April, this has been going on for a few months. I fly back to Colorado to see Tim He works at UNC and Zach makes a comment and says, "Are you ever going to come see me?" And I was like, "I mean, you've never invited me to come. I may? I will be a 6 hour drive from your house all summer." And then he makes some comment about how he finds it odd that I flew to see Tim three times this year and never asked to come see him and I was like, "Well with everything you're dealing with, I didn't find it appropriate to ask for that." honestly, it just never crossed my mind. I figured I'd see him when I drove to Asheville, since I knew I was stopping at Ty's house and Ty only lives an hour away from Zach
if he had asked, -- I would have gone. I was that emotionally invested in this boy
but he never asked me to come
So anyways, while I am in Colorado with Tim, Zach is 1. super jealous of Tim? and 2. Calling me every day with some new crisis
the last day I am in CO he tells me that there's some girl stalking him from work, and he's suing Amber for custody of their son Zach is jealous of Tim because Tim & I have a well-established friendship and we really care about each other? And in another life, we were probably soul mates lmfao but we are happy with our friendship the way it was but Zach thinks Tim is a threat to whatever not relationship we have So with this new crisis, I drop everything to talk to Zach for like TWO HOURS
while I'm with Tim (but you know, I have to tell Tim something else is going on bc Zach doesn't want him to know about the lawsuit) I keep it from Tim out of respect for what Zach wants and I spend the next few days looking up NC state laws trying to help him figure out how he can get custody of his son and then one day I wake up... and Zach has blocked me on EVERYTHING (this was the very end of April) and I'm not entirely sure why he blocked me he just did even my phone number
so I'm a little in shock and sad and it's finals week at BG, so I'm already manic but I focus on school and decide not to worry about it the mean time, I confide in Ty and ask him if Zach said anything to him Ty doesn't know anything, but he is happy to talk to me and cheer me up a week or so goes by, and Ty and I start making plans for the summer. I am driving to his house in VA and we are going to spend a few days together before I head to NC and Ty is watching Oakley while I wait on my accessibility papers to come through we start looking for things we can do in June-- things that are short drives from where I am or where he is-- and things that we can meet up at basically, we decide "Fuck Zach, we are still going to make the most of the time we have" on my drive to VA back on May 17th Ty calls me so that we can figure out dinner plans Ty tells me that he heard from Zach finally and apparently Amber, Zach's wife, found out he was cheating on her. And I was like "wat" And Ty tells me that Zach was apparently caught sleeping with some girl he works with at Lowes. (so it wasn't me she found out about, but I was shocked because 1. he told me they were completely separated. 2. he was also then cheating on me??? So Ty is telling me ALL THIS TEA about Zach and I finally just sort of cave, because I'm sad and angry and I tell Ty EVERYTHING that had been going on, even though I promised Zach I wouldnt
IT GETS BETTER So i tell Ty that Zach and I were seeing each other but I didn't know Amber was still around So Ty is like "Wow. I'm so sorry that Zach did that, but I'm not surprised." Ty is literally a ray of sunshine and he is very supportive and assures me that it wasn't my fault this happened we ended up having sex... part of me was allowing it to happen out of pettiness cause I knew he'd tell Zach and I wanted Zach to be mad it was a bad decision on my end, and I probably shouldn't have allowed it to happen oops whatever we both agree that it was just a one time thing, we aren't going to go down that path Ty and I were happy just being friends.
So anyways, fast forward. Ty and I haven't really changed our relationship at all.  We still talk every day-- he does flirt with me a little, but it doesn't seem like anything out of the ordinary. Last Wednesday he asks me to drive to his mothers house this past Friday so I could get my dog his mom lives 4 hours from me, so i'm staying the night there-- and it's her birthday so he told me she'd be really excited to have someone to talk to and hang out with to celebrate she's totally fine with me coming, she's excited to meet me (he says) er name i Julie, and I really love her. She's so sweet.  We end up watching a movie all together. So I'm sitting on their couch and Ty is laying with his head in my lap (mostly because there's not a lot of seating options) and he keeps putting my hands on his head because he wants me to scratch his head lmfao okay. And then he keeps holding my hands and it's fine. HIs mother asks if we are dating and we both say no she says, "Oh my, I thought you were. Are you just really close?" and we just sorta pause and say, "yes, we are." she says, "Do you both mind sharing a bed? I only prepared one of my guest rooms... I thought you all were dating so it didn't even occur to me." we say it's fine so when we get ready to go to bed-- at this point, I'm so confused. Ty has been flirting with me all day and I'm just not sure how to process my fickle ass kind of likes it lmfao
so i was rebound and I was like no and at this point I was already having my own internal conversation bcause I was not trying to catch feelings for him because 1. he's not my type 2. he's zach's cousin 3. he wouldn't really mesh well with any of my friends 4. he's zach's cousin 5. he's vulgar 6. he's zach's cousin???? 7. his brother is really attractive and i can't handle that like Ty's brother is so handsome. like why would I settle for Ty when i could have Josh?
Ty is cute-- but his brother is beautiful NEVER SETTLE FOR APPETIZERS WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THE ENTREE so the worst part-- despite all of this shit i still caught feelings and I caught them HARD so embarrasing
and then on Sunday... Ty messages me
he tells me we can't be friends any more because he told Kacey (the girl he was seeing) and he wants to try and work things out with her and the only way he can do that is if he doesn't talk to me
so ty says we can't be friends anymore, we aren't allowed to talk at all
so I go to Tim and tell him and he is furious FURIOUS because apparently Ty came and confessed to him that he has a lot of feelings for me and wanted to know how to pursue them and Tim was like, "Yeah I can help-- this is what shadae likes, these are things you can do together, these are things they don't like-- blah blah"
so Tim was so angry because Ty lied to him too and the worst part is that his fucked me up so bad so bad last night I went to a fast food chain that Ty introduced me to and I cried because I wanted to tell him I went but I couldn't
and then this morning I went to my office and I cried because for the past two weeks, I spent a lot of time on the phone with Ty while I was in my office because I knew he wouldn't be calling me
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monogamyexpiration · 3 years
The 7 year itch-not just a movie
I’m currently married & have been with my husband for over 12 years however prior to this marriage I had a previous that only lasted 7 years. My current husband was also married prior to me, for 7 years. Many of my friends and people I see on social media that are married only stay married for 7 years or less. The ones that stay married longer than 7 years often have trouble around the 7-year mark & their relationship is truly tested. So, it got me thinking, is there such a thing as a 7-year itch? In 1955 Marilyn Monroe stared opposite Tom Ewell in the romantic comedy titled, you guessed it, “The Seven Year itch”. This movie is based on a play with the same namesake that deals with the declining interest in a monogamous relationship after seven years of marriage. This theory isn’t really new it is something psychologist have studied for years. So, are we as humans truly meant to be with one person for eternity or are relationships meant to have expiration dates? I mean many of us change as people, our priorities become different, our passions change, our purpose grows, interest changes, even appearance changes. So, does that mean we can outgrow being married to one person? We often outgrown friendships, think about it there are probably very few ppl you were friends with in junior high that you are friends with currently. Do we have to work with our partner to evolve together? What if your partner does not want to change, evolve, or go along with you on a new journey? What then? Divorce? Divorce is always and option I suppose but for many with children involved it is not the simple. Matters of the heart rarely are simply anyway. How do you beat the 7-year itch? My husband & I went through the 7-year mark troubles. The new wore off, we were busy with work, kids, after school activities, & had very little time for one another. We didn’t really even attempt to make time for one another bc what was the point we knew everything we were every going to know, right? My husband fell in love with my loud, unruly, fun, free thinking, social butterfly, fear less personality and I fell in love with his kindness, gentleness, quietness, consistency, & just the way he was a man’s man. We were perfect opposites & it worked. . .for a while. As time passed the same reason, he fell in love with me were the same reasons he began to resent me. We had a daughter 2.5 years into our relationship & he already had 3 children from a previous marriage & relationship. After our daughter was born, I changed as most new moms do. I saw the world in an entirely new way. I wanted to change & improve things more than ever before. I joined my step sons school PTA, I started to do work for Saint Jude’s, I also got offered to be apart of a board that helped plan events to benefit local nursing homes. Of course, I discussed all these new endeavors with my husband prior to jumping in, & he always fully supported, at first, but that would quickly change. Anytime I had a meeting or event I would make sure it worked around my children’s schedule as well as my husband & I’s work schedule, but it didn’t matter he always found a way to start a fight & I would end up looking like the bad guy. I didn’t understand how eh could go hunting, fishing, whatever & never had to plan out what was happening with the kids nor did he have to worry if I would be upset, however when it came to me doing something I wanted I had to make sure the house was clean, laundry done, kids had a sitter, meals planned, etc  My husband would make comments like, “oh you pawning the kids off again”, when I had a event or meeting that I could not bring the kids to which was usually once a month. I didn’t understand how it was considered “pawning” my kids off when I had something I wanted to do but it was considered that for him. I kept quiet which turned out to be the wrong thing bc soon I began to resent him. I hated seeing him drive up at home bc I knew he was going to be unhappy about something. It did not take me long to figure out my husband and I’s differences were far greater than I had initially thought. He is a pessimistic person and I am optimistic. Our vehicles may not be the newest & our home maybe not the biggest but I love it bc it is ours & we work hard for it. We may not have millions or even thousands but our bills are paid, our children are healthy, we are healthy, employed, & free. I use to tell my husband, “One day god is going to test you & take away everything you have, then I bet you will appreciate it.”. You never want to be so busy looking at what others have that you forget all that you have.  Despite my husband differing thought process I accepted him, I would never get anger over what he chose to believe, in my mind by me doing that he would do the same t me on my opinions that differed from his. WRONG!!! No matter what I would say or do he had something negative to say. If I was watching something on tv he would start making ugly comments about whatever I was watching, so I stopped watching tv when he was around. If was on the phone with a friend, &he was around he would begin fussing & making ugly comments so I stopped talking on the phone to my friends when he was around. If I would make plans to go eat with friends, he would fuss so I started canceling on my friends. I started my own little side jewelry business I would hand cut metal and stamp it; it was called Creative Metal, & I LOVED it. To be sure it did not interfere with my mom/wife/employee duties I only worked on it at night once the house was clean & everyone was asleep. But it was not good enough my husband would get up in the middle of the night fussing that I was still up, or making noise. So, I gave it up, sold almost all my tools & supplies. . .I’ll be honest it hurt my heart but I wanted peace. The resentment grew & grew to the point that I could not take it anymore, I couldn’t breathe. I longed for an intelligent conversation with a man that thought I was truly amazing, a man that supported my dreams, hopes, etc & even if it was not something he wanted he wouldn’t mind coming along for the ride simply bc he wanted to be with me, support me. There were opportunities where I could have cheated but I am fiercely loyal even when some do not deserve it & the thought of my husband finding out & hurting, I just couldn’t do it. Instead of infidelity, I decided I had enough, I decided I was going to live my life, & if he wanted to support me great, if not oh well his lose. So, I did, I talked on the phone and when he started, I wouldn’t hold back I’d tell my friend, “lemme call you back Travis is fussing bc I am talking to you”. He would immediately get embarrassed, and I would say hey if that’s how you gonna act you need to claim it. I started watching tv when he was there and if he started fussing, Id walk out & go watch tv in another room. I wasn’t going to stop living, existing, & growing bc HE didn’t like it! I started being that girl he fell in love with the one I hid to make him comfortable. I started telling him to Fuck off, & I no longer cried bc he hurt my feelings, I just let it roll off my back. I am not sure if it worked or not but we are now 12 years in, the resentment is no longer there bc I do what I want, say how I feel, & make no apologies. I can honestly say my husband is friend, he can still be a giant douche canoe but I do love him & despite what I may think he doesn’t like me sometimes deep down I know he’s crazy about me. Our children are older now & so are we, we now have more time for one another & actually make the effort to spend time together & usually enjoy said time. We joke back & forth, pick at each other, & do not take things said nearly as personal. Now with all that, I could have just divorced him & started over. . . but who would I be as a person? I can not say I actually “fought” for my marriage as much as I just said Fuck it & made the decision to just live. I know some people are better off apart, divorce is better than marriage, & that’s ok everyone’s journey is different. For me, I had already been through one divorce so if I was going to have a second one it was not going to be my doing. I guess you could say sheer stubbornness is what got my marriage through lol either way I’m glad. Even in years from now we decide to go our separate ways, I will always appreciate the journey we had together.  Maybe, extended monogamy isn’t for everyone, & that’s cool too. Just live the best life for you, a life that in the end you are proud of no matter what. 
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jeanbaltsubsta-blog · 5 years
Dating 3 years no i love you
The 7 Stages Of Waiting On A Man To Say 'I Love You' It is a rare and exciting experience for a woman and it will make her love you even more.  She's out of work right now due to a medical issue nothing serious but when she's back at work we know we aren't going to see each other as much.  There are some gender roles that people still like to enact.  Physical distance keeps the potential emotional conflict at bay: You bite your tongue and by the time the next weekend rolls around your irritation has receded.  This rule spurs probably one of the most unpleasant waiting games you ever have to play in a relationship.  Over the years, neither of us has felt compelled to get married or have kids, but we're getting to that age where you think it might be time -- like Florida said above -- if it's ever going to happen.  I personally wouldn't want to be with someone who wouldn't want to marry me in that amount of time or who would need a push, but that's a whole different ball of wax.
Dating Detox: I Took A 3 I was previously married for 8 years and it ended.  Hard to leave after so many years, what seem to be wasted years.  Or you have a lot in common but there is no sexual attraction; you try to shift the relationship to status.  You enter into the final lap towards a commitment or with a realistic perspective.  After three months, you talk about being exclusive, about labels, about dreams and hopes and fears.
12 months and he hasn't said he loves you. Free Dating, Singles and Personals Hannah Seligson: This is fabulous advice! Most people I know who want to kiss their dates do so on the first date.  Now, I don't believe that there should be a time-limit or a deadline on when you should fall in love by, or say I love you by, but it has been bothering me that he hasn't said I love you to me yet.  Hannah Seligson: I think you've reached your A Little Bit Married limit.  However, if you go against the flow of a natural sexual courtship, most of the women you meet will reject you or lose interest in you in the early stages of dating.  Even though the relationship with his wife was amazing at the start, it just gets better and better every year that they are together.
This Is What Happens After You Date Someone For 3 Months What this all translates into for couples is the natural experience that things are settling or a winding down.  He loves me and has incorporated me into his family and says he wants to get married and have kids one day.  Seligson is a journalist who splits her time between New York City and Washington.  All of his relationships have been anywhere from 5-8 years with no marriages.  Over the years I have changed as a person.  We knew how we'd handle his greater need for alone time.
The Three If she doesn't scare you a little, then she's not the one.  He had me pick out a really affordable ring.  But wait there's more -- literally more life.  He wants the opportunity to meet someone and start a family with them.  We spend practically all of our free time together.
Saying I Love You: How Soon Should You Say It? When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you.  In 1900 for example, the divorce rate was less than 10% for most of the developed world, whereas it is approximately 50% and sometimes more for most of the developed world today.  What if you miss your chance at telling them how much they mean to you? Original post more than 48 hours old.  The deeper and normal problems of Stage 2 don't evaporate, but linger, and like landmines, may explode unexpectedly later.  Why is it incumbent on her to make you feel the desire to marry her? Just that I am happy with the way mine has progressed.  They immediately felt connected, the chemistry was hot, it was easy to see that he was a kind and considerate soul.
Is ok if I'm dating someone 3 years older? Here's the thing about love: It's hard to put into words.  Or it's just easier for you to assume there are ulterior motives? Is it because he doesn't love me or because he's scared of being hurt again? And that makes three years worth every minute.  I know you guys don't know the entire story but any guesses? Maybe this is the greatest relationship, but at the wrong time in your life.  Allow me to provide you with some comfort in telling you that this person is not worth your tears.  That's what I'm thinking and if that's the case, I'm not even going to go there.  Hannah Seligson: It can work, but A Little Bit Married is really just a stop gap between dating and marriage.
On Love: Advice for couples in long Other men it is said have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough.  Everyone from her Friends co-star, Courteney Cox, to George and Amal Clooney attended the star-studded bash.  And there is really no other word to describe it.  He knew wk 2 I wanted marriage and kids bc I was up front.  He made a beeline for me at a party, and with one look at this Christian Slater look-alike, life as I knew it disappeared.
The Three His mom even asked on multiple occasions and he said we were getting married.  What if I couldn't be trusted? Before that, she re-teamed up with Adam Sandler last summer to film the.  But this is exactly the kind of mindset that you have to steer away from if you want a deep, committed and loving relationship.  Don't get me wrong, we definitely both keep busy separate from each other.  You're my end and my beginning.  Someone who is arrogant, impatient, and unkind will stay that way as long as you are with them.
Is ok if I'm dating someone 3 years older? A woman wants to have her feelings build up so much that she feels like she just has to tell you that she loves.  From the sweetest love quotes, , and , we've got you covered.  Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections.  I did something right, loving you.  I cleared the air with relatives who used to make me feel less than special as a child.
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