#danzen fic
danielslaw · 1 year
Summary: Post-Season 5 finale. As Chozen heals from his wounds from Silver's attack. Daniel discovers some truths about himself and about the man whose life was almost taken away. This is an old fanfic I posted once on my AO3 deleted account.
Notes: Could be, potentially read as a sequel to Giri(Duty) if you want. They are both written as individual pieces but can be seen as companions.
Daniel demands he stay with them until the injury properly heals. There is hospital expenses and there is a lot of talk with the doctors until they let Daniel take him home. The couch does no longer and the guest room was a mess on such short notice, so Daniel decides it’s best to move him to the dojo, Miyagi’s old house, somehow, he feels there Chozen would be able to heal faster, with a piece of Okinawa to look at every day through the window every morning.
And it does help that he is sleeping there too. No one truly talks about it, but Daniel just feels at ease there, the door to Miyagi’s room now remains open and proud when they get there and Daniel feels the strength of his sensei going through him. He hopes it’s enough to let Chozen heal from all of his troubles. He did so much.
And see, a part of Daniel is angry, foolishly so, that Chozen is doing so much. Going beyond natural borders to make him feel safe, fighting Terry Silver to the death. And the reality of that sinks and leaves him cold. He could’ve won tonight. He could’ve defeated Silver and could’ve lost Chozen. Somehow, it doesn’t sit in life, the concept of a life for a life. 
It didn’t settle back then in 1985 when he lifted his hand and made Chozen choose between life and death and the man chose death, but he offered something no one else had for him. He offered mercy and a chance to live. And Chozen, god, he took it. It’s a wonder to witness how much the man had grown since they last met all those years ago. It fills him with something like kindred spirits, or just the feeling of companionship he feels he lost all those years ago.
He was too dangerously close to losing that. Chozen is asleep now. The drugs they gave him for the pain kicked in and the adrenaline left his body and now he was in bed. Daniel makes sure to leave a small light on and water by the table. 
He sends a message to Sam to let Amanda know that he wouldn’t be going back to home that day. Daniel had to pick up some clothes for both of them but he didn’t feel like leaving Chozen alone. And well, things were still awkward with Amanda. 
The truth was, sometimes, you still love someone but you are not in love with them anymore. And it's been feeling like that for a while, and he knows Amanda feels the same thing. They have been fighting a lot the last couple of years. Too many secrets, too much of his own shit put on her shoulders, it was a miracle they lasted so long. Truth was, he still loves her, she might be, after Jessica and Mr. Miyagi,  the best friend he ever had. And needed. 
Things had been changing for a while, though, he thinks as he looks through the backyard at the dojo lights outside the room. 
He needs to figure things out for himself, and for everyone. Terry Silver was now, hopefully, gonna be behind bars. And if they were to be released, reputation is a wonderful thing. It can be broken down into a dime. 
“Daniel-san?” Chozen calls his name and he responds to it all too quickly, moving to his side by the bed. Those brave eyes are tired, but he is awake and Daniel releases a shaky breath he hadn’t realized he was holding on. 
God, he can be angry with him later. For now, he is happy he is alive. “Don’t move, okay? The doctor said you need to rest on your side, to avoid putting pressure on your back.” Daniel points out, a hand moving shoulders firmly so he stopped putting pressure. 
He can hear Chozen small hai , in approval and looking glazed back at him. There is something there, conflict, perhaps. It reminds him of when they were teenagers in Okinawa, and he saw that same conflict in those dark eyes. They told him everything and nothing. Back then, it scared him, now? He just wants to help unburden some of that pain.
“What is it?“ Daniel asks softly then, taking a seat by the bed, there is an urge to do what his mother would do to comfort him. Brush his neck, tugging him in, telling him all will be alright, but Chozen had never been one for affection. Not on those levels. His affection counted in acts of service, a devotion he never thought possible.
He struggles to speak, through the drugs and the daze, but he finally shifts on his side, looking back at him. “I lied to Johnny-san. At the bar. He mentioned that if someone special was waiting for me.” He seems to take his time then, breathing in, and out. Daniel just nods, hoping to bite his tongue and just follow along.
It doesn’t seem to be an easy thing to voice out. That, he can relate. So he listens.
“No girl waiting. No one . Because the person that is special is already here.” And as he registers what Chozen is telling him, the man nods, as if to confirm the suspicions. Daniel cannot help but to let his mouth hang open, frown now easing as he blinks, once, twice, at the confession. “Here with me. And today, I thought I would lose that person.” 
“Chozen. . .``What should he say to make it ache less? He cannot even say if it’s unrequited at that moment because it’s something new and bold. And yes. He could’ve lost him. “You don’t have to speak.”
“ Hai , I do. Almost died. And I was afraid. . .you would be unprotected. And hurt.” There is a shaky breath there, and perhaps out of muscle memory, Daniel reaches for him, a hand wrapping around one of Chozen’s. “To die, with such a secret, scares me. And now, you know. ” It’s so unlike the man before him to be this vulnerable. He saw it before, in unshed tears and lip quivers when they were saying goodbyes before Silver attacked him.
He remembers seeing those same expressions as he helped nurse him back to health. Perhaps he always knew. 
Daniel, however, remains quiet. Because the news is not something odd to him, but it is ungrounded. So, he just holds Chozen’s hand, perhaps, a lingering hope for what would come in the future. They got time. 
And when Sam goes to the dojo in the morning to give him and Chozen fresh clothes and some warm coffee, she finds her dad sleeping in a chair beside Chozen’s bed while the man is sound asleep. 
Their hands are still locked in a strong grip.
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phoomwhoosh · 7 months
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Wrote a smutty Danzen fic, Plenty to be thankful for, for Thanksgiving this year!
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Karate Kid (Movies), Cobra Kai (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Daniel LaRusso/Chozen Toguchi Characters: Daniel LaRusso, Chozen Toguchi, Mr. Miyagi (Karate Kid), Lucille LaRusso, Daniel LaRusso's Family Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Good Aftercare Specialist Chozen Series: Part 3 of Danzen 90s AU Summary:
Daniel and Chozen join Lucille, Mr. Miyagi, and some of the LaRusso clan for Thanksgiving. After they go home, Daniel and Chozen show just how thankful they are for each other.
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Putting out the Fire
The legendary @legocobrakai made this moodboard for my fic and I couldn't be more grateful!!!
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ohnoitsthebat · 1 year
Hi, sweet bat ❤️
I'm pretty obsessed about Lawrusso. Though, now I watched season 5, I want to read about Chozen, Daniel and Johnny. Would you write a drabble for me? Something sexy and beautiful as you know to do it *wink*
Hi, my princess 💜 like you, I am also obsessed with this pairing, and I would love to read more fics about it!
For you, anything. I hope you enjoy this.
"Jesus, Johnny", Daniel pants as Johnny licks into his mouth, deep and dirty and possessive, "we're in public".
"Don't care ", Johnny groans, his fingers sliding under Daniel's t shirt and up his ribs, "want you. Now, LaRusso."
Chozen is behind Daniel, his body a hot, hard line against Daniel's as he sucks at Daniel's sweat stained neck, eliciting a groan from LaRusso.
"Chozen. Hey. Stop, man. We can't do this here."
"Let us take care of you, Daniel-san," Chozen whispers into his skin. "Club is busy. No one notice."
Daniel whimpers.
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ceruleangold · 2 years
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Under the cherry blossoms 🌸 by @phoomwhoosh
Chozen takes Daniel out on a picnic and the rest, as they say, is history.
(Rated E for everyone has a good time 😌)
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pilvimarja · 1 year
What happened to your love for Cobra Kai? I haven't seen much of it on your blog.
Season 5 happened to it, nonnie 😭 Canon rarely affects me so much that I'm unable to deal with it, but the latest season of Cobra Kai delivered a killing blow on so many fronts that I just couldn't recover from it. I tried really hard for almost three months, but it just ended up feeling like a slow and painful divorce that affected my overall mood. I still love Billy and Ralph and the Karate Kid movies, and the first four seasons of CK will always hold a very special place in my heart. But I just couldn't handle what they did to Johnny in s5. He was my favorite character and the writers pretty much made me detest him in s5. And a lot of the damage is permanent. It can't be undone and the stuff I hate will carry over to a potential sixth season if we ever get one.
I know there are plenty of people who enjoyed s5 and I'm genuinely happy for Danzen and Silverusso shippers. They were given a proper feast! But the things I was personally invested in suffered from horrible writing choices. And I also realized that my interest in exploring Lawrusso through fanfiction kind of cooled down after their rivalry in canon was resolved and everything that was usually reserved for fics was suddenly canon. And I honestly have zero desire to write canon-compliant fic after s5, because it would force me to deal with Johnny's surprise baby and regressed manbaby characterisation.
But yeah, tl;dr: season 5 happened.
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msfbgraves · 7 months
In Knights and Pawns, would Daniel have been better off and happier with Kumiko over Terry? I guess I am biased, as I am obviously a Silverusso fan (yes, even when Terry is at his worst) and a Damanda and Danzen fan…so reading about Daniel still having a thing for Kumiko rubs me the wrong way since I always found her annoying. (That’s just a personal hot take—I am a fan of your fic!!) But from reading the fic, Daniel seems to come across as sometimes never having gotten over her, and almost liking her more than Terry. Or maybe it’s because he and Terry are in a bad spot at the moment? Do you think that Daniel would have preferred to be a father to Kumiko’s puppies vs. being mama to Terry’s? Would Daniel, given the choice, choose Kumiko over Terry? Or would he still choose Terry, regardless of pups or not? Sometimes it feels—so ironically—that Terry, despite his truly heinous actions, loves Daniel more than Daniel loves him.
I think Daniel would be hurt by your observations, Nonnie, if you're not completely wrong. Consider, though. He poured everything he had into Terry. A man who he's never not feared, at least a little, a man who made him his against his will. Yes, he chose this to save his people's lives, most of all his siblings, and given how much the death of even one sibling still resonates with Terry, how it influenced his family, I am asking the readers not to forget what that means. Daniel is one on one the reason why Louie and Nessa are even alive, why Lucille hasn't had more loss, why his Pop has two more beautiful grandpups by Louie and Anoush. And now, he's helping Michael get married to Appollonia. If Daniel hated Terry's guts for all eternity, he would still be a hero in my book. But don't you think that would make a young man dream about another, freer, more innocent kind of love? Would it have been better, two omegas alone? No it would have been excruciatingly hard in a different way and Kumiko decided against it. But that's not the feeling Daniel remembers, he remembers passion in a safe cocoon, remembers love for its own sake. Terry is competing with a memory, a symbol of freedom.
And yet: "I've never loved like that again", of course not! I always laugh a little at the line: "Nobody will love you like I do." Everyone is unique. Every love is unique. He can't love Kumiko like he loves Terry, like he would have come to love Chozen if he'd formed a throuple with Kumiko. Daniel can have 27 types of love next to each other and it wouldn't matter to him. He'd love, and be warmed by it, and love in return. Terry is, in true Alpha fashion, the obsessive one. Terry's love is extremely focused. And Daniel's love isn't shallow. He's in there, he loves him. Amanda being so much like Terry makes him love her nearly as hard! He loves her for being like Terry, for loving Terry, she hasn't hurt him, which is a plus. She's family and he loves her. Also, the bit about how he's crying with how much he misses Terry? That's not an act.
Kumiko is one love and it hasn't gone away. Terry is another and he loves him so much it hurts. It's a very sharp love they share, or it can be. And Terry is the one making it hard. And Daniel would be a mess if Terry left, he's grown around him so much, he's his rock. But he's dangerous. Kumiko wasn't dangerous. But Daniel would even be a mess if Michael died and he's always feared him.
Daniel is simply a person who cannot understand why, if you feel love for one person, you should not feel another kind of love for another person. He can't fathom why they should have to compete. Does Terry love him more than Daniel loves him back? Maybe? No? Daniel would be a mess with Terry gone. He is a mess. He could move in with Kumiko and Chozen this second and he'd ache for him. It's not a competition. Mix in the fact that he misses his babies like air and he hasn't seen his sister in two years and can we please give this sweetheart a break he's nearly imploding.
Would that he loved everyone a little less!
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italiancarsalesman · 2 years
The facts there's no new danzen fics is actually homophobic.
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danielslaw · 1 year
GIRI (DUTY): a danzen fanfiction.
Summary: Chozen deals with the emotional turmoil of finding a broken and bruised Daniel in the aftermath of the 5x05 fight with Silver. The heavy burden of failing the one you devote yourself to protect. This is an old fanfiction I had on my old deleted AO3.
Notes: Amanda and Daniel can be read here as together/separated/divorcing, it does not invalidate the inner turmoil Chozen is going at the moment. He is no subtext, one hundred percent in love with Daniel.
Giri (義理) is a Japanese value roughly corresponding to "duty", "obligation", or even "burden of obligation" in English. It is defined as "to serve one's superiors with a self-sacrificing devotion" by Namiko Abe. It is also associated with the complex Japanese values that involve loyalty, gratitude, and moral debt .
He had felt despair before. That dreadful feeling that creeps on you when you are at your lowest when nothing makes sense anymore. He thought that losing honor was the worst thing that could’ve happened in his life. The shame he felt then, looking into his uncle’s eyes and seeing nothing but disappointment. Life had no meaning then, and it took him years to find his footing again.
  Nothing compares to the dread he felt when he found Daniel beaten, bruised, and broken on the ground of Raymond’s house. There was a cold sweat on his back and a voice on his back screaming in agony. 
  Daniel failed to show up after hours of saying he would be back soon. Chozen had no desire to pack up his things and go back to Okinawa, feeling like a failure as he failed to help Daniel get better. Let that man Silver win. Daniel had said he didn’t fail him then, but now? He feels like a failure.
  A promise was made. A silent one to himself. That he would keep Daniel safe, and his family too. He failed on both ends. “Daniel-san.” He speaks as he leans over the man’s body, there is a ragged breath underneath, and brown eyes open to look back at him. They are the same brown eyes that taunt him for decades but there is a lack of light in them that scare him the most.
  Daniel looks broken, body-wise, yes, but spirit-wise, he seems to have given up. How long has he been laying there on the ground? He can’t let himself panic, as he gathers the man in his arms. He tries just to pull him up by his shoulders, but Daniel hisses in pain and he has no other choice but to gather him in his arms. 
  He is light on his arms and he wishes he could pass on everything he feels in that moment. The protectiveness and warmth he failed to give him. Brown eyes close and he does panic for a moment, he cannot go to sleep. It could be the end.  “Daniel-san, keep your eyes on me. Do not fall asleep. You must wait.”
  And he is aware he has to take him to a hospital. But he remembers Daniel, he remembers how comfortable he was at his own home than at a hospital. A called-in doctor can show up later but his concern is to make Daniel safe. Home is safe. Home is secure. 
  When they arrive at the LaRusso home, now empty of the voices that kept it alive, he dreads. An empty home. But that is okay, he is there to bring warmth. Daniel does nothing but aches in pain in his arms and when he is placed in a soft bed. He sighs as if at least, he finds comfort in that. And he gets to work, helps Daniel out of clothes that are sticky and bring cold memories, and he shifts them for comfortable ones. 
  Miyagi’s photo is now staring at him as he finishes the process, washing the blood from Daniel’s knuckles and he feels the weight of those eyes looking back at him. I have failed you, Miyagi-sama. Your son has been hurt .
  He stayed. Through it all. Silver drew a wage between the family, and between the students, forcing Daniel to abandon a passion that fueled him and consumed him. He stayed when Daniel drank himself to sleep and when Amanda dragged the kids out of the house and watched as Daniel locked himself in his bed and drank to oblivion. And even as he stayed, wishing to give him hope, it wasn’t enough. 
  The hand on his is cold, it shakes with each stroke of the warm cloth that cleans the wounds. Fingers twitch around him and Chozen freezes. It feels wrong, to take advantage of that moment, to feel that hand on his own. But he holds Daniel’s hand in his own. And he prays. 
  For him to find his way again. For Daniel to recuperate from this and to smile again. He barely smiled anymore. The kid he knew then would smile all the time, toothy and wide, and enjoyed dancing and protecting those who were important to him. Who beat him fair and square in a fight and who showed him mercy when all he wanted was to die.
  He showed mercy to everyone. Life had not shown him mercy and it does not feel fair. He wants to kill that man for what he did. He wants to carry that burden with him so Daniel does not have to. See, he is gone and he will no longer inflict pain on you . He cannot do that though. Not yet. Daniel needs him, brown eyes opening again, and looks back at him. There is a struggle as he tries to speak.  Chozen doesn’t let him start, shushing him and a nod. “I’m not going anywhere, Daniel-san. Rest.” 
  Brown eyes seem to fill with tears as they close. There is another shake. Chozen’s anger is quelled by the realization that those brown eyes need to hear only comfort. 
  There will be time for retaliation later. And with an ache in his heart, he calls Johnny Lawrence’s phone for reinforcement. Just at the same time, there are light sounds around the house of kids again, and Amanda comes through the door. 
  Everything falls deadly quiet when the voices go through the threshold of the room. Amanda gives a shaky breath. Sam chokes. Anthony calls for his dad in confusion. 
  Do they feel like he does then? Or his giri is his own to be burdened with?
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phoomwhoosh · 7 months
would you ever write anything holiday/christmassy for lakreese lol?
Oh, I could. I could definitely do something like that. I wrote my Thanksgiving Danzen fic, like, the day before Thanksgiving and could get similar brain worms for LaKreese around Christmas. We'll see! XD
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Putting out the Fire on Ao3
Daniel might be playing with fire but Chozen could burn the whole world to the ground for him.
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findmeinthealps · 2 years
i mean honestly, i planted my flag by creating the chozen/terry tag on ao3 thinking there was surely gonna be more fic, and the fact that i’m still the only one even 2 months in is... disheartening. there hasn’t even been that much danzen published since s5, or amandanzen, lawguchi etc etc. what’s up with that? chozen deserves more
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cobra-sigh · 2 years
danzen choking fics when
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dull-c · 2 years
tagged by: new frand @ereiniel
last song: help i'm alive - metric
last show/series: i’ll give ya one guess! 🥋
currently watching: in between episodes of cobra kai i have been watching some mountaineering docos. I’m not a mountaineer, just a hiker. but i do find it very interesting. some of these people are absolute freaks
favorite color: green
sweet, spicy, or savory: savory, or as we say in australia: savoury
currently reading: the salt path - raynor winn. it’s a true story about a couple hiking the south west coast path in england. (can you tell I haven’t been away in a while?)
what I'm working on: demolishing some cake i made on the weekend. aaaand also I started a fic a few days back. it’s ck with a bit of danzen, damanda and lawrusso. little bit silly, little bit sad. i hope to actually finish this one, but uh, my track record with fic is not super. the last time I finished and pubbed a proper fic was [checks notes] 2018
currently obsessed with: daniel larusso, dirty chais, this cake I made
passing this on to: the last five moots in my notes, if you're feeling up for it / haven't already done it / are bored / etc @danawhitaker , @thunderlouis , @iamtheremin , @kellmeo , @stripesysheaven 
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
Danzen and LaBarnes for the ship bingo!!
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Daniel’s best EtL ship imo! I don’t see them as romantic because of married-with-kids Amaniel, but if Amaniel weren’t together (and in fics where they aren’t), I could absolutely see the Danzen vision 💞 it’s about the parallels!! The mutual influence on each other!! The way Daniel makes Chozen a better person and Chozen comes when he calls!!
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I think a great fic writer could make this work, charting Mike’s character growth from KK3 to CK with a LaBarnes slowburn that features him making amends with Daniel (with no romantic Amaniel), but…I haven’t found any like that, and it would take a lot to sell me on it 😂
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ohnoitsthebat · 1 year
Since there's not enough chozen content, danzen?
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I didn't really start shipping it until I read some fics and meta about them. @youandthemountains is mainly responsible for me shipping them, as they reblogged and posted delicious danzen content. Once I fell headfirst into Danzen, I fell HARD.
2.What are your favorite things about the ship?
The devotion, tenderness, and utter trust. Chozen would do anything for Daniel, he never judges him or even argues with him, he has Daniel's best interests at heart, and he's just smitten with him. And likewise, Daniel always looks at Chozen and speaks to him with the fondest affection. They're just a pure ship.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think so.
thank you<3
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