#dame integra
mr-shimurka · 3 months
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Dame Integra♟️
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laski-and-sage · 1 year
Alucard: Oi, mom. I read that capsaicin makes your mouth feel like it's burning because it increases your nerve sensitivity to heat, and menthol works by doing the same shit in cold!
TJ: Huh... if you eat a habbanero pepper and then chew a bunch of breath mints they'll cancel each other out, right?
*10 Minutes later*
TJ, barging into the conference room: Hey! Guess what hellfire tastes like!
The table:
Alucard: So it didn't cancel each other out...?
TJ with tears on her face: No...
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Round 1 - Side B
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Father Anderson
He’s probably on some kind of crack during the entirety of the series, I literally don't remember any aspects of him other than the fact that he just goes “AMENNNN” sometimes and has a habit of stabbing the shit out if anything that isn’t catholic. He’s the founder of deranged catholic bastard gaming, he has to be.
Semi immortal scottish priest who works for the vatican's secret vampire killing order. He can carry an absurd number of bayonets on his person and teleport using bible pages. Hates the protestants and has beef with Dracula at the point that while they are both fighting against the army of nazi vampires who are invading London he tries to kill him because Dracula makes himself vulnerabile. He's more than ready to lead a crusade against England but when his boss (who Anderson himself raised) admits that it's for a personal power grab and not for any kind of religious reason he dosen't hesitate to kill him in cold blood. Eventually dies after becoming an holy abomination by stabbing his hearth whit a piece of the cross
He’s so out of his mind he battles jacked up twink Count Dracula, AKA Alucard with bayonets. Not a rifle, just bayonets. He’s merciless, constantly spouting off bible quotes and speaking of his hate for Protestants. He’s a member of the Judas Iscariot Organization, Vatican Section XIII, within the Irish Catholic Church. He becomes so obsessed with his desire to kill the Vampire Alucard, formerly Dracula, he impales himself through the heart with the Nail of Helena in order to transform into a humanoid monster of holy thorns. Though his attempts fail, as Alucard rips his heart out and returns him to dust, Anderson is described as “his beloved rival”. He is complex, badass and wickedly devout.
Since Integra is a dirty protestant, i'm adding the actual catholics in the mix instead.
I’m sure you’ve gotten him by now but just so you know, this man fights Dracula on the regular for the Catholic Church and says “Amen” like a lunatic.
He’s probably on some kind of crack during the entirety of the series, I literally don't remember any aspects of him other than the fact that he just goes “AMENNNN” sometimes and has a habit of stabbing the shit out if anything that isn’t catholic. He’s the founder of deranged catholic bastard gaming, he has to be.
My mans endured it all and remained faithful
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ofwraithsandwords · 1 year
Sees: "This sort of goes into my headcanon on how Integra's father has influenced her conduct with her subordinates and her position as director, but that's another subject entirely."
May you please explain more about this! (same anon btw). I am very interested! I feel like it might be in the minority of thinking she's not a very good leader/director. Her go-to solution to most things is to send Alucard out. Which always leads to a mess. Even her father realized that using him too much could've been bad. Not sure why or how he came to that conclusion. Or if ever learned from it in his later life… But I do find it interesting that his daughter proceeded to use Alucard for everything involving vampire extermination. Even gaining a replacement for alucard in seras during the 30-year gap.
More likely, stuff like that was written for cool set pieces/fights rather than show questionable leadership choices. Thus some of my confusion comes from whether this is sloppy writing or was actually intended in some way. Also, I should end this by saying this isn't a knock on her character. I just like to overthink ideas in this manga too much.
Hey again, Anon! Sorry for the delay!
Yeah, I do feel like Integra's leadership skills are definitely lacking in certain situations, but like you said, this is likely more of a way to showcase Alucard's abilities and violence in the anime as opposed to showing how Integra is kind of an incompetent director.
But here's the thing: you have to remember that Integra was given the organization when she was...14, I think? So she basically had 7 or 8 years to learn all the ins-and-outs of not only vampires as a species, but occult/supernatural-related subjects as well AND has to direct, supervise, plan, and mitigate any incidents/operations thrown her way. All the while keeping this secret sector of the English government totally under wraps. So...no pressure?
Like you, I don't think less of Integra as a character if she's seen as a faulty leader. In fact, I think it makes sense in certain cases and makes her characterization more complex and nuanced.
Anyways, as far as my headcanons about how her father shaped some of her mannerisms goes, I think it was his more clandestine behavior is what really effected Integra the most. The womanizing, drinking, smoking, fraternizing with other officials and superiors, keeping the true nature (or at least part of) the Hellsing Organization from his only daughter - the list goes on. Being around this behavior is going to have an impact on a child, especially seeing how her father probably treated women as little more than arm candy and a means for pleasure.
I think this might've been part of what drove Integra to dress in suits, to smoke cigars, and go by "Sir" in order to be on the same pedestal as her male counterparts. You could argue that it's because only knights could join the Round Table of Protestant Knights and not dames, but honestly? It's not like they couldn't make an exception. They wouldn't have had a choice. Regardless of what your opinion is, Integra chose to go by "Sir". No one calls her Mistress Integra, Lady Integra, or Dame Integra - there's only one person that refers to her with a female title and it's the Nazi war criminal himself with "Mein Fräulein".
I also have a headcanon that until Seras showed up, Integra was very in the closet and had a good bit of internalized misogyny. I mean, she grew up around and was raised almost exclusively by men, most of which who implicitly benefited from their patriarchal government. I'm sure a few of them had a few choice things to say about women and minorities in general despite Integra being half-Indian.
Anyway, once Seras was introduced and she and Integra spent the next 3 decades together, I like to think that Integra really unlearned quite a bit of the prejudice that was put on her at an early age and came to be proud of her identity as a half-Indian woman.
Most unsavory comments are met with criticism or a good glare from her which ended up causing quite a rift between her and some of the other knights. But most of them are maggot food at this point, so it doesn't really matter.
I will say though, despite her being much more respectful than her father, she's been known to put on the charm in front of a pretty lady once in a while.
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thewatchkingdom · 7 months
World of Luxury Watches Online: tijdloze elegantie binnen handbereik
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Een van de meest aantrekkelijke aspecten van het online zoeken naar luxe horloges is de toegang tot een enorme wereldwijde inventaris. In tegenstelling tot fysieke fysieke winkels die beperkt zijn door ruimtelijke beperkingen, werken online retailers vaak samen met een groot aantal internationale merken en dealers. Horloges Online Kopen kunt u eenvoudig. Dit vertaalt zich in een ongeëvenaard aanbod aan luxe horlogemerken, modellen en stijlen die u kunt verkennen zonder ooit het comfort van uw eigen huis te verlaten. Of u nu op zoek bent naar iconisch Zwitsers vakmanschap, avant-gardistische ontwerpen of exclusieve uurwerken in beperkte oplage, de online marktplaats is geschikt voor elke veeleisende smaak.
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shopbutic · 1 year
Paltoane elegante de dama ieftine .Un palton dama din lana va fi intotdeauna o alegere confortabila si, mai presus de toate, eleganta pentru o zi mai friguroasa. Alege sa porti un palton dama in detrimentul unei piese mai putin elegante cum ar fi o geaca dama.
Cu siguranta te vei simti mult mai bine, mai eleganta si mai increzatoare atunci cand vei asocia un palton dama cu o pereche de botine cu toc inalt sau cu o palarie fedora dintr-un material mai gros.
Un palton dama este o piesa extraordinar de versatila, intrucat il poti integra atat in tinute elegante, dar si in tinute putin mai relexate si chiar sport.
Poți asocia un palton dama cu niste pulovere din materiale fine, ori cu unele supradimensionate si sa conturezi o tinuta lejera de iesit in oras.
De altfel, poti asocia un palton dame cu o pereche de jeansi stransi pe corp, o camasa masculina, o pereche de cizme pana la genunchi si o bereta care sa intregeasca complet tinuta.
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This could probably be filed under "things literally nobody cares about", but one thing that I've always wondered was why Integra wears a cravat. Did she see Alucard's and think "yes, I dig that look" and copy him? In the flashbacks we see of her as a kiddo, she wears the little bow with her school girl outfit. So was the cravat a way for her to wear that look into adulthood? Did Alucard see her wearing the cravat first and decide to match in a sign of weird solidarity? Are these two just huge dorks that want to match like buddies with BFF bracelets?
I have never paid attention to that. That’s amazing. Let’s have a closer look, shall we?
I mean, initially I would assume she started to wear more masculine clothes as soon as she started to fill the role as 'Sir Hellsing' (because fuck dame am I right?) properly.
I think the least I pay attention to are clothes. (Took me long enough to realise the resemblance between Alucard and Van Helsing’s outfit....)
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(Integra before her father’s passing - before meeting Alucard)
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(Integra shortly after Sir Arthur’s passing - before meeting Alucard)
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(Integra meeting Sir Penwood - after she met Alucard)
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(Alucard’s ‘bondage’ outfit - his first meeting with Integra)
But it should be noted that here, she might not have seen him in his normal outfit yet, it is speculation, though I believe that she did.... Only due to the believe that Alucard wouldn’t enjoy to wear his weird bondage outfit for longer than necessary and I can imagine Integra too made sure he would wear something properly - maybe giving her something of her family’s possession to wear herself/make Walter do it.... but this then would mean the outfit he wore in his own memories/dreams was false ... My brain.
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(Dracula defeated)
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(Dracula’s defeat in Alucard’s dream)
Yes.... that is not the same ribbon like thing he wears later...or its just ....tied differently....? No... I think its different.
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(Integra during the ‘Cheddar’ incident - several years later.)
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(Alucard’s outfit several years later)
It is defiantly certain that Integra switches from: tie as a child, to this ribbon thing, to her cravat.
I mean if they purposefully matched their outfit it has SO much meaning behind it.
It would literally be the ‘bond’ that ties them together, and therefore it is the only thing that Alucard loses and then stays behind, while he is gone. It still connect them.
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(Alucard’s cravat after he absorbs Schrödinger)
You could too note that this is what to disappears when he loses his restraints. Imagine what this all might indicate!
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(Alucard fighting Luke)
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(Alucard fighting Walter)
It reminds me of a manga Ive read “ めるぷり メルヘン☆プリンス“ or Merupuri by Matsuri Hino, where a ribbon literally was used to connect two characters with a magical bond, where it quite literally bonded them. To just summarise it, she was a fairy and didnt find a flower to connect to after she was born, she normally would get her powers from or something. She instead mistook another characters ribbon as a flower. Therefore he magically connected the ribbon he wore and then a similar one she would then wear as well, so she would drain the power from him instead.
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Either way I thank you very much for that observation. 
I run on such shit like that. :D
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handfulxfhearts · 2 years
I’ve had a blog organise.
Muses on this blog, are my fantasy/horror based muses. These are:
- Elizabeth (OC vampire) - Jaskier (The Witcher) - Kayako Saeki (The Grudge) - Willow (OC faun) - Dimitri (OC vampire) - Zakkur (OC high elf) - Thranduil (The Hobbit) - Integra Hellsing (Hellsing Ultimate) - Pip Bernadotte (Hellsing Ultimate) - Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps, werewolf) - Brigitte Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps, human/werewolf) - Ghost (Ginger Snaps)
My other muses can be found on my sideblog - romanticversesjoyousends. These are:
- Web (OC) - Shay (OC) - Melody (OC) - Felix (OC) - Rosaline (OC) - Lex (OC) - Miyuki (OC) - Carrie White (Carrie) - Sweeney Todd (Sweeney Todd) - Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands) - Eleanor Vance (The Haunting of Hill House) - Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - Levi Ackerman (SNK) - Petra Raal (SNK) - Joker (Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus) - L (Death Note) - Light Yagami (Death Note) - Mello (Death Note) - Matt (Death Note) - Homura (Madoka Magica) - Sayaka (Madoka Magica) - Kyoko (Madoka Magica) - Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet) - Yoon Bum (Killing Stalking) - Victor Van Dort (Corpse Bride) - Keith Kogane (VLD)
Please give the side blog a follow (I follow from this one), especially if you’ve already got a thread going with any of the muses mentioned for that page. Thank you!
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seasaltmemories · 4 years
Integra and Alucard
- her relationship with religion is pretty complicated, especially considering the universe she lives in, mostly associates with Anglican Church out of habit and will consider herself culturally/socially a part of it, but anything regarding doctrine or belief she draws only from what she has seen with her own eyes
- Growing up she didn’t really have a chance to interact with many other kids, and when she did there was often a lot of supervision involved, so even without the uncle drama stuff she was more comfortable with the idea of running the organization rather than being sent to boarding school or something
- While it might be due to just a failure in research I think Integra chose to be referred to as “Sir” rather than “Dame” because she had a bit of a fondness for stories about knights growing up and wanted to carry that same image, it doesn’t erase the blood that’s already on her hands by the time she is 12, but it entertains that childish part of herself
- Definitely has some form of abandonment issues after all the people she’s lost by the end of the series, I don’t think she ever really talks about it or dwells on it, but it does end up unconsciously looming over her relationship with Seras during the thirty years
- Tends towards a sort of controlled aggression to cover up most of her vulnerabilities, rather than actively lose her temper, she likes to try and funnel her frustration into something she can command, it doesn’t always work
- my fave description of him when I describe this series to other people is “a blob of shadows in a vaguely human shape” so yeah I think the weird dark eye stuff is his default form in the heat of the moment or running on empty
- His facial features don’t always work? Like not only will he sometimes be able to hold a perfect smile while feeling anything but happy but like the way his lips move and the words he says just won’t match
- While it is stated that he willingly joined Hellsing, I think the choice was HEAVILY coerced, came from a place of self-loathing, and still led to a lot of trauma, idk I want to have my cake and eat it too by trying to stick to canon but still get the angst, like it was another expression of his self-destructive tendencies
- Speaking of which I think while he has memories all the way from his Vlad days, he doesn’t really identify as either Vlad or Dracula, he has a line near the end where he refers to “Dying” when we was defeated under both those names, so while he treats those parts of his history like past lives, something he associates with himself but he really isn’t those people anymore
- Post Canon, he really doesn’t go out into the field anymore, for all intents and purposes he finds himself retired, the adjustment is obviously difficult, but I like the idea that out of all the monsters that died in the battle of London, he manages to cope with obsolescence the best by slowly relearning to be more than a weapon 
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tjmystic · 7 years
Top 10 ships, starting now!
Damn you, anon!  
Oh dear, this is going to be difficult.  I guess I’ll order them by how long I’ve shipped them:
Tonks and Professor Lupin (Harry Potter)
Aragorn and Arwen (Lord of the Rings)
Dr. Carter and Abby Lockhart (ER)
Mai and Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Esmeralda and Phoebus (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
* Nightwing/Robin and Starfire (DC Comics, Teen Titans, etc.)
Belle and Rumplestiltskin (Once Upon A Time)
Alucard and Integra (Hellsing)
Jaime and Brienne (Game of Thrones)
Reid and Maeve (Criminal Minds)
As you can tell, I like heartbreak.  Two of these couples (to the best of my knowledge) never get together, four of them (maybe five) end in unpleasant death, two of them are on-again-off-again, and only one of them gets to be entirely happy because Disney.  
My ships hurt me.
Oh, and special mention to Goodnight Robichaux and Billy Rocks in the reboot of The Magnificent Seven.  They fulfill my love of gay cowboys that Brokeback Mountain never quite satisfied.
* For those of you who don’t know, the original Robin, Dick Grayson, grows up to be his own superhero, Nightwing.  I ship both young him from Teen Titans and mid-20s him from the DC animated movies with Starfire.
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mr-shimurka · 6 months
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When Dame Integra is cold - a real gentlevamp puts his coat on her.
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archive-20 · 5 years
Crack drabble bitte von De Villes Zetteln für Alex mit der zu kleinen Schrift
Basierend auf diesem Gespräch :
Wenn er seine rätsel nicht über Telefon sonder nüber schrift mitgeteilt hätte. Und alle erstmal: öh was steht da?weil der so klein und eng schreibt.
xD Bitte, das wäre so mega gewesen! Und dann am besten noch, Papier fackelt ab beim versuch es mit der Lupe zu lesen
Alex : *Augen zusammen kneif* Ich dachte meine Schrift wäre schlimm….
Dann doch ein Telefonat : “Mister … Ich will Ihnen nicht zu nahe treten, aber …”
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Einzig allein das Ticken der Uhr durchschnitt die erdrückende Stille und sogar Alex musste dem Drang widerstehen dem Bewegungsdrang nachzugeben und straffte sich lediglich unmerklich hinter Integra, welche die Finger ineinander verschränkt hatte und finster vor sich hin starrte.
Als plötzlich die Tür aufgerissen wurde, hoben alle den Blick und der Polizist, welcher eingetreten war, zögerte kurz. Sein Blick schweifte zwischen seinem Vorgesetzte, Integra und Sir Irons hin und her, ehe er seinem Vorgesetzten den Brief vorlegte, welchen er in der Hand gehabt hatte.
“Dieser Brief ist uns vor wenigen Augenblicken zugestellt worden.“, lies er alle beteiligten wissen.
Alex runzelte leicht die Stirn und sah über Integra’s Schulter, um einen Blick auf den Umschlag erhaschen zu können. Darauf stand irgendetwas in kleinen, geschwungenen Lettern, zu fein um es lesen zu können. Doch sie nahm an der Inhalt des Umschlags war entscheidend und sah dabei zu, wie der Polizist den Umschlag samt Brief schließlich zu Integra hinüber schob.
Alle Blicke ruhten erwartungsvoll auf der jungen Dame und er folgte Schweigen. Alex blinzelte und lehnte sich unauffällig wieder vor. Was hatte Oujou Sama die Sprache verschlagen? Ihre Augen wanderten über den Brief und unwillkürlich musste sie sich noch weiter vor lehnen. Was steht da?
Das Schweigen breitete sich aus und Alex spürte, wie es allmählich unangenehm wurde und befürchtete, dass jegliche Handlungen Oujou Sama’s Autorität untergraben würden, also blieb sie peinlich berührt stehen und wartete auf einen Befehl, während sie sich dazu zwang weiterhin die Füße still zu halten.
Sir Irons warf ebenfalls einen Blick auf den Brief und musste unwillkürlich seine Brille zurecht rücken, musste aber offenbar feststellen, dass er ebenfalls nichts erkennen konnte. “Was hat das zu bedeuten?”, fragte er in die Runde. “Erlaubt sich da jemand einen Scherz mit uns?”
Alex wagte dies zu bezweifeln und bekam kommentarlos den Brief von Integra gereicht und konnte so endlich den Brief aus der Nähe begutachten, doch musste erneut stutzen. Sie war es gewohnt alte Handschriften zu lesen, beschäftigte sie sich doch seit knapp einem Jahr intensiv mit der Alchemie und den Anfängen der Quantenphysik, aber diese Schrift war eine Herausforderung.
Unmerklich kniff die Draculina ihre Augen zusammen und schob das Stück Papier näher an ihr Gesicht heran, in der Hoffnung irgendetwas entziffern zu können.
Was stand da?
War das ein “T”? Und das ein “e”? Danach möglicherweise ein “d”? 
Ted … Nein … Das ergab keinen Sinn.
“J … jedes … Mal …“
Ihre braunen Augen verengten sich noch weiter, als plötzlich erneut die Tür aufgerissen wurde und ein weiterer Mann in Uniform eintrat.
Dieses Mal informierte er sie über panische aus Whitby eintreffende Anrufe, über eigenartige zombieähnliche Kreaturen, welche die Schaulustigen und unglücklichen Rettungskräfte angegriffen.
Alex wanderte ein kalter Schauer über den Rücken und sie lies von dem Papier ab.
“Ghouls …“, knirschte Sir Irons und die Eingeweihten schienen ihm nicht widersprechen zu wollen.
Integra überlegte fieberhaft und drehte sich dann zu Alex um. “Alexandra.”, begann sie im befehlsgewohnten Tonfall. “Nimm dich des Problems ins Whitby an.”
Die Draculina neigte ihr Haupt und legte den Zettel zurück auf den Tisch, ehe sie sich auf den Weg machte.
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Das idyllische Städtchen in Borough glich einem Schlachtfeld und Alex hatte ihre liebe Mühe die Situation unter Kontrolle zu bringen.
Ghouls … Die Stadt wimmelte inzwischen tatsächlich von Ghouls und der Vampir, welcher für dieses Chaos verantwortlich gewesen war, war nicht aufzufinden. Also hieß es jede einzelne dieser armen Kreaturen zu erlösen.
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Als dies endlich geschafft war, zog ein eigentümliches Geräusch Alex Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Es war ein merkwürdiges Knacken und es schien von den Grabsteinen zu kommen, welche sich weiter oben auf dem Friedhof befanden.
Die Draculina folgte dem Geräusch und fand so schließlich ein Walkie Talkie, welches offenbar von den Polizeieinheiten in dieser Ortschaft verwendet worden waren, ehe das Chaos ausgebrochen war.
Sie runzelte die Stirn und nahm es auf.
Ein paar abgehackte Wortfetzen drangen aus dem Gerät. “”…. alo ….? …Mă auzi? … allo?” Es knackte und es war wieder stumm.
Die Falten in Alex Stirn vertieften sich und sie drückte den Knopf. “Hallo?”, fragte sie in das Gerät.
“Ah.“, kam es aus dem Gerät. Es klang wie ein erleichtertes Seufzen. “Ich dachte bereits meine Männer diese Gerätschaft dort platzieren zu lassen, sei ein Fehler gewesen. Zum Glück habe ich mich geirrt.“
Die Draculina schien nur noch verwunderter. Platzieren? Männer?
Das klang nicht danach, als hätte sie den Einsatzleiter am Apparat. 
Doch ehe sie etwas sagen konnte, meldete sich ihr Gesprächspartner zu Wort: “Ich spreche nicht zufällig mit Lady Integra Hellsing?”
Alex schüttelte den Kopf, die Stirn weiterhin gerunzelt. “Nein …. Bedaure …” Irgendetwas an der Situation kam ihr einfach so unglaublich falsch vor und die Luft schien förmlich zu brennen. Was war das nur?
Der Mann am Apparat schien zu nicken. “Dann verzeihen Sie bitte. Mit wem habe ich das Vergnügen?”
Nun zögerte Alex noch länger. Irgendwie sträubte sich in ihr alles dagegen dem Mann ihren Namen zu nennen, doch so kam sie auch nicht voran.
 Sie musste wissen, was vor sich ging.
“Alexandra Dolneaz …“, presste sie so gelassen und professionell wie möglich hervor.
Wieder trat Stille ein und Alex wusste nicht, wie sie diese zu deuten hatte.
“Ah. Fräulein Dolneaz. Natürlich.“, machte der Mann dann und er schien tatsächlich amüsiert, möglicherweise auch erfreut und das verwirrte Alex nur noch mehr.
Doch der Mann lies ihr keine Zeit weiter darüber zu grübeln. “Ich hoffe doch Sie alle haben meine Nachricht erhalten?”
Also doch, dachte sich Alex, nachdem sie sich von dem kurzen Schock erholt hatte. Sie sprach tatsächlich mit dem Mann, welcher für das Chaos verantwortlich schien.
“Ich möchte Ihnen nicht zu nahe treten, Mister ….“, begann Alex, als sie sich wieder gefasst hatte. “Aber uns fiel es offen gesagt schwer ihre Nachricht zu entschlüsseln.“
Ihr Gesprächspartner schien zu blinzeln. Kurzes Schweigen trat ein. 
“Das ist … wirklich bedauerlich.“, meinte er dann. “Und dabei wollte ich Ihnen eine faire Chance bieten …“
Eine faire Chance … Was …?
“Doch sei es, wie es sei.“, fuhr er dann unbekümmert fort. “Nun, da wir auf diese Weise miteinander kommunizieren können, werden weitere Nachrichten nicht von Nöten sein, also hören Sie gut zu, Fräulein Dolneaz …“
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theodorebennas · 6 years
Theodore Bennas’s Combat Style
“A weapon for every task and a task for every weapon.”
Primary: Libertas (Elven Runic Longsword)
“It’s not the size of the weapon the counts, but how you jam it into someone’s throat.”- Dame Aurelia Morningfire, Master-At-Arms of House Bennas 
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Gifted to him on the day Theodore Bennas was promoted to Colonel by Field Marshal Integra Brenagh, Libertas has grown and evolved with the needs of the Knight who wielded it.
Throughout its service with the paladin, it has constantly been reshaped and reforged from a two handed falchion to a leaf bladed greatsword and to other designs without sentimentality as elven swords grow stronger when they are reforged. Immediately following the War of Thorns, Duke Theodore Bennas reforged his elven greatsword, Libertas, into a new longsword just over fifty inches in length. In truth, the blade teeters on the edge of such classification and that of the greatsword.
No longer fearing the titanic sizes of demons or other massive, unarmored creates, the Marshal prizes Libertas for one quality above all else: it’s ability to duel and kill other humanoids.
With years of training in the art, Theodore wields the longsword with astounding skill and precision, and is capable of making minute movements with the tip of the sword, sliding his blade up that of a foes and striking from the other side. He has mastered the art of hewing in such a way that he can defend himself while also threatening his opponent. However, his favored technique when encountering armored foes is grabbing his sword by the middle of the blade and manipulating it to drive the tip into a weak point or opening in their armor such as through eye slits, the groin, and the armpits. He also has no qualms about grasping his sword by the blade and using the weapon like a glorified war hammer and crushing through armor with a swing of his cross guard. 
Armed with his longsword, Theodore channels the Light through his body to augment his own strength and to enhance the efficacy of his weapons against foes such as demons and the undead. However, he first conjures the Light offensively at the start of an encounter, remaining at distance to cast spells of judgement before closing the distance. The runes on the flat of the sword augment every Holy spell cast by its wielder as well as bears enchantments to ease the maintenance of the weapon as well as imbue its wielder with preternatural speed and strength. Such arcane runework allows the Master of Summerfast to blend the Holy Light and masterful swordplay in deadly conjunction.
Pros/Cons Pros:
+Pierces chainmail, cloth, and leather with ease
+Lightweight and swift weapon
+Superior handling
+Can be halfsworded
+Easily transported
-Inefficient against armor
-Not well suited for facing many foes at once
-Inferior reach to most true greatswords and polearms
Alternative: Orcbreaker (Warhammer/poleaxe)
“Nothing carries a message across like a hammer head to the gut.”- Duke Edward Bennas
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The signature weapon of Duke Edward Bennas, Theodore’s father, Orcbreaker has earned its name a thousand times over through its service during the First, Second, and Third Wars. 
A recent acquisition by Theodore upon his ascension to his father’s title, Orcbreaker has been reforged to suit the Master of Summerfast’s needs. Nearly as tall as a man and made of adamantine, this weapon is truly a force to be reckoned with in the hands of a strong warrior.  A single hammer head decorated with the head of a roaring lion with a back spike in the shape of a gryphon’s head. A long metal spike protrudes from the top of the hammer to assist in thrusting. The hammer itself is a product of masterful dwarven smithing and was first given as a gift to Duke Edward upon his joining the ranks of the Silver Hand.
Trained in the use of polehammers since a young age, Bennas wields Orcbreaker with masterful efficiency as artful tool of death instead of a merely brutal yet techniqueless weapon. This effectiveness is magnified through the blessing of the Light. Orcbreaker is capable of smashing through demon, aberration, as well as the undead with righteous ease.
However, the true purpose of Orcbreaker is to combat fully armored foes. In this respect, the weapon excels. The front hammerhead crushes through most metal plate and deals catastrophic damage to the body beneath it despite any padding, and the backspike can similarly puncture most forms of armor in a single swing. 
+Crushes through armor and the flesh and bones beneath it.
+Can be used to pull down other weapons via the beak or head
+Lightweight in Theodore’s hands
+Useful for facing multiple opponents
-Inconvenient to carry in a city or town
-Slower to recover after swinging.
Secondary: Rondel Dagger
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“When chivalry fails, this won’t.”- Felariel Moondancer, fiancee to Ithaeriel Brenagh
The true bane of all knights. When a foe gets close enough to Theodore to render his weapons useless or when the paladin is deprived of his primary weapons, he can always rely on his rondel as a secondary weapon.
A truly massive beast of a dagger measuring at a length of a foot and a half from tip to end, the rondel is a rarely used but indispensable weapon in Theodore’s arsenal. The edges of the dagger are just sharp enough to cut food, rope, and serve other mundane needs. However, its combat purpose lies in its tapered tip and triangular blade. It is optimized for thrusting and stabbing, tearing into chainmail, leather, and cloth alike. Wounds caused by this weapon are extremely difficult to mend through non-magical means. The weapon is enchanted to be able to pierce minor magical shields and barriers.
Theodore primarily uses this weapon when he has entered into a grapple with another foe and his main weapon is bound up. With such a weapon against armored opponents, Theodore prioritizes thrusting into armpits, eyeslits, the back of the knee and the groin of his foes. 
Against lesser armored foes, Theodore is much less conservative with his targeting, preferring to aim for a stab to the carotid artery in the neck, a stab and then drag in the belly, or even a thrust to the perineum.  
The size of the weapon lends itself well to grappling against others armed with similar weapons thought fails against most two handed weapons. However, against single handed straight swords, daggers, and maces, it can be used to facilitate wrestling and grappling or to parry a blow before striking a killing blow in return.
+Lightweight and nimble
+Lethal against foes of any armor class
+Wounds inflicted by this weapon are difficult to heal without magic
+Excellent for grappling and using while on the ground with an enemy.
+Pierces minor magical barriers and shields
-Bigger than most daggers
-Easily out ranged by most weapons.
-Easily parried by larger weapons
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“I have arrived. The battle is already decided.”- Duke Theodore Bennas
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The ABCs of cartoons
A: Aang (Avatar: Last Airbender); Shino Aburame (Naruto); Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan); Prince Adam (He Man); Agamotto (Marvel); Agumon (Digimon); Reiji Akaba (Yu Gi Oh!); Akamaru (Naruto); Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Mio Akiyama (K-On); Aku (Samurai Jack); Aladdin; Maka Albarn (Soul Eater); Alice (Superjail); Alpha (Up!); Alucard (Hellsing); Alvin (Alvin and the Chipmunks); Padmé Amidala (Star Wars: Clone Wars); Anastasia (Disney's Anastasia); Alexander Anderson (Hellsing); Archie Andrews; Angelica (Rugrats); Anger (Inside Out); Angie (Shark Tale); Dr. Animo (Ben 10); Motoko Aoyama (Love Hina); Apocalypse (X Men); Applejack (My Little Pony); Arak (Highlander: The Animated Series); Arceus (Pokémon); Argit (Ben 10); Ariel (The Little Mermaid)*; Albert Andreas Armadillo (Schoolhouse Rocks); Henry Armadillo (My Gym Partner's A Monkey); Armodrillo (Ben 10); Arrietty (The Secret World of Arrietty); Priss Asagiri (Bubblegum Crisis); Asami (Legend of Korra); Astral (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Astro (The Jetsons); Astro Boy; Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty); Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion); Ayu Ayukawa (Yu Gi Oh! Arc V); Azula (Avatar: Last Airbender); B: Babar; Bagheera (The Jungle Book); Balalaika (Black Lagoon); Rune Ballot (Mardock Scramble); Bambi; Bamm-Bamm (The Flintstones); Batman; Batou (Ghost in the Shell); Dash Baxter (Danny Phantom); Beegle Beagle (Great Grape Ape); Hair Bear (Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch); Beavis (Beavis and Butthead); Beetlejuice; Bob Belcher (Bob's Burgers); Belldandy (Oh My Goddess); Belle (Beauty and the Beast); Jeremy Belpois (Code Lyoko); Bender (Futurama); Kimber Benton (JEM and the Holograms); Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop); Bling Bling Boy (Johnny Test); Bloo (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends); Blossom (Powerpuff Girls); Blu (Rio/Rio 2); Bluto (Popeye); Bolin (Legend of Korra); Boog (Open Season); Boomhauer (King of the Hill); Betty Boop; Boris (Balto); Brain (Pinky and the Brain);  Reiner Braun (Attack on Titan); Johnny Bravo; Lonnie Brewster (Everyone's Hero); Chief Broadbeak (Free Birds); Brock (Pokémon); Brook (One Piece); Django Brown (Phineas and Ferb); Bubbie (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack); Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time); Bugs Bunny; Bulbasaur (Pokémon); Bullwinkle (Rocky & Bullwinkle); Bulma (Dragon Ball); King Bumi (Avatar the Last Air Bender); Ace Bunny (Loonatics Unleashed); Buttercup (Power Puff Girls); C: C.C. (Code Geass); Caillou; Cal (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs); Calcifer (Howl's Moving Castle); Calculon (Futurama); Caldina (Magic Knight Rayearth); Calvin (Calvin & Hobbes); Clutch Cargo; Eric Cartman (South Park); Catdog; Catwoman; Cera (The Land Before Time); CHAD (Totally Spies!); Jackie Chan (Jackie Chan Adventures); Charmcaster (Ben Ten); Prince Charming (Shrek); Sandy Cheeks (Sponge Bob); Chef (South Park); Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland); Chii (Chobits); Chim Chim (Speed Racer); Chip (Chip 'n' Dale); Chip (Voltron); Chowder; Chowder (Monster House); Carl Chryniszzswics (Johnny Bravo); Chuckie (Rugrats); Cinderella (Cinderella); Clare (Claymore); Clayton (Tarzan); Cluck (Fat Albert); Lacus Clyne (Gundam Seed); Cobra Commander (GI Joe); Cogsworth (Beauty and the Beast); Mr. Cogswell (Jetsons); Coldstone (Gargoyles); Kid Comet (Teen Force); Conan (Conan the Adventurer); Captain Copyright; Sarah Cornwell (Chaotic); Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog); Cow (Cow and Chicken); Ichabod Crane (The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad); The Creeper / Mr Carswell (Scooby Doo); Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio); Cutey Honey (Cutey Honey); Cyborg (Teen Titans); D: Vampire Hunter D; Daffy Duck; Daisy Duck; Dale (Chip 'n' Dale); Dandy (Space Dandy); Daria (Daria); Mystique / Raven Darkholme (X Men); Darkwing Duck; Darla (Finding Nemo); Darwin (Amazing Adventures of Gumball); Dick Dastardly (Wacky Races); Bill Dauterive (King of the Hill); Dr. David Q. Dawson (Great Mouse Detective); Death (Soul Eater); Death the Kid (Soul Eater); Demyx. Kingdom Hearts II; Deneve (Claymore); Deputy Dawg; Derpy Hooves (My Little Pony); Cruella Deville (101 Dalmatians); Lady Devimon (Digimon); Dexter (Dexter's Lab); Diego (Ice Age); Dilbert; Donald Duck; Doug Dimmadome (Fairly Odd Parents); Dudley Do-Right*; Duck Dodgers (Looney Tunes); Dojo (Xiaolin Showdown); Dokkoida (Dokkoida); Donkey (Shrek); Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb); Dopey (Snow White); Dora the Explorer; El Dorado (Super Friends); Doraemon (Doraemon); Dot (Animaniacs); Doug (Doug); Doug (Up); Natsu "Salamander" Dragneel (Fairy Tail); Drak (Drak Pack); Dr. Drakken (Kim Possible); Drizella (Cinderella); Duckman; Dug (Up); Elmyra Duff (Tiny Tunes); Dukey (Johnny Test); Dumbo; E: Echo Echo (Ben 10); Éclair (Kiddy Grade); Eco (Corrector Yui); Eek! the Cat; Ed (Ed, Edd n Eddy); Edd (Ed, Edd and Eddy); Eddy (Ed, Edd n Eddy); Captain Eddy (Scooby Doo); Edward (Cowboy Bebop); Eevee (Pokémon); Eeyore (Winnie the Pooh); Egg Bert Egbert (Looney Tunes); Eglantine (The Guardians of Ga'hoole); Conan Edogawa (Case Closed); Ein (Cowboy Bebop); Nina Einstein (Code Geass); Ekans (Pokémon); Elastigirl (Incredibles)*; Elfman (Fairy Tail); Queen Elinor (Brave); Eliphas (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Emily Elizabeth (Clifford the Big Red Dog); Elle (Urusei Yatsura); Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist); Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist); Elsa (Frozen); Emeraude (Magic Knight Rayearth); Ms. Endive (Chowder); Chiaki Enno (Zenki); Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist); Eon (Ben 10); Ernie; Esmeralda (Hunchback of Notre Dame); Espurr (Pokémon); Etemon (Digimon); Eudora (Princess and the Frog); Eugene (a.k.a. "Flynn Rider" -- Tangled); Eunice (Ben 10); Aunt Eunice (George Shrinks); Eustace (Courage the Cowardly Dog); Evangeline (The Princess and the Frog); Soul Eater Evans (Soul Eater); Evergreen (Fairy Tail); Cleao Everlasting (Orphen); Evil-Lyn (He-Man); Evinrude (The Rescuers); Nathan Explosion (Metalocalpse);   F: Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama); Fawn (Disney Fairies); Febri (A Certain Scientific Railgun); Felix the Cat; Shirley Fenette (Code Geass); Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom); Hozuki Ferrari (Galilei Donna); Fillmore (Cars)*; Ms. Muriel Finster (Recess); Finn (Adventure Time); Fiona (Shrek); Trevor Fitzroy (Marvel); Ned Flanders (The Simpsons); Flapjack (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack); Adam Flayman (Bee Movie); Ferb Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb); Flexo (Futurama); Fred Flintstone; Wilma Flintstone (The Flintstones); Flora (WINX Club); Parco Folgore (Zatch Bell); Hak Foo (Jackie Chan Adventures); Fortuno (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Numbuh Four (Codename: Kids Next Door); Francine (American Dad); Frankie (Drak Pack); Frankie the Frog (Meet the Robinsons); Franky (One Piece); Freakazoid; Fred Fredburger (Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy); Freddie/Prince Frederic (Freddie as F.R.O.7); Carl Fredricksen (Up); Freya (Thor comics); Frieza (Dragon Ball); Froakie (Pokémon); Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians); Frosty the Snowman; Frozone (Incredibles); Philip J. Fry (Futurama); Frylock (Aqua Teen); Elmer Fudd; Yusei Fudo (Yu Gi Oh! 5D's); Furigaro (Zatch Bell); Fuu (Samurai Champloo); Deputy Fuzz (BraveStarr) G: Ga Ga Ga Girl (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Gaara (Naruto); Gourry Gabriev (Slayers); Inspector Gadget; Gally (Gunnm / Battle Angel Alita); Gambit (X-Men)*; Galatea (Claymore); Garfield; Gargamel (Smurfs); Monkey D Garp (One Piece); Mr Garrison (South Park); Genie (Aladdin); Genkai (Yu Yu Hakusho); Gigantor; Ginyu (Dragon Ball Z); GIR (Invader Zim); Gilag (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Giratina (Pokémon); Ga Ga Ga Girl (Yu Gi Oh Zexal); Dr. Girlfriend (Venture Bros.); Gizmo AKA Louis "Sweet Lou" Dunbar (The Super Globetrotters); Godzilla; Godzooky (The Godzilla Power Hour); Goku (Dragon Ball Z)*; Gokudo (Gokudo); Golem (Pokémon); Johnny Gomez (Celebrity Deathmatch); Gongenzaka (Yu Gi Oh! Arc V); Speedy Gonzales; Goofy; Gorgon (Marvel Comics); Magilla Gorilla; Gossamer (Looney Tunes); Gothorita (Pokemon); Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist); Zelgadis Greywords (Slayers); Stewie Griffin (Family Guy); Grimlock (Transformers); Grimm (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy); Chief Ted Grizzly (Hoodwinked!); Grob Gob Glob Grod (Adventure Time); Gorilla Grodd (DC Comics); Miss Alordayne Grotkey (Recess); Gru (Despicable Me); Solomon Grundy (DC Comics); H: Captain Haddock (Adventures of Tintin); Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon); Hades (Hercules); Hagar the Horrible; Haku (Naruto); Halinor (WITCH); Hamtaro; Hank (Dungeons and Dragons); Mr Hankey (South Park); Hannibal the Hunter (Birdman and the Galaxy Trio); Happy (Fairy Tail); Harmony (Care Bears); Haruna (Arpeggio of Blue Steel); Sakura Haruno (Naruto); Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland); Mad Hatter (Batman); Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet); Hayley (American Dad); Witch Hazel (Looney Tunes); He-Man; Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail); Heathcliff (Sword Art Online); Helen (Claymore); Helga (Oblongs); Integra Hellsing (Hellsing); Henry (Henry); John Herbert "the Pervert" (Family Guy); Hercules; Hex (Ben 10); Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho); Hank Hill (King of the Hill); Him (Powerpuff Girls); Hyūga Hinata (Naruto); Yui Hirasawa (K-On); Hobbes (Calvin & Hobbes); Homily (The Secret World of Arrietty); Horakhty (Yu Gi Oh!); Horace Horsecollar (Disney); Ruri Hoshino (Martian Successor Nadesico); Howl (Howl's Moving Castle); Howler (Drak Pack)*; Huckleberry Hound; Hulk; Humungosaur (Ben 10); Hundun (Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness); Hypnotoad (Futurama); I: Iago (Aladdin); Lt. Carmen Ibanez (Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles); King Ice (Adventure Time); Strikemaster Ice (Jackie Chan Adventures); Yūko Ichihara (XXX Holic); Ken Ichijouji (Digimon); Ickis (Aaahh!! Real Monsters); Iczer-1 (Fight! Iczer-1); Ifurita (El Hazard); Igor (Igor); Ike (South Park); Ganta Igarashi (Deadman Wonderland); Igneel (Fairy Tail); Ignignokt (Aqua Teen Hunger Force); Igoo (Herculoids); Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles); Incrediboy (The Incredibles); Index (A Certain Magical Index); Infant (Inuyasha); Infernape (Pokémon); Infinity-Man (DC Comics); Ink (Marvel Comics); Inque (Batman Beyond); Inuyasha; Lina Inverse (Slayers); Iona (Arpeggio of Blue Steel); Ioz (Pirates of Dark Water); Iria (Iria: Zeiram the Animation)*; Iridessa (Tinkerbell); Iris (Pokémon); Irma (W.I.T.C.H); Iroh (Avatar: Last Airbender); Iron Fist; Iron Man (Marvel Comics); Ironhide (Transformers); Irwin (Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy); Matt Ishida (Digimon); Strong Ishijima (Yu Gi Oh!); Ishizu Ishtar (Yu Gi Oh!); Itchy (Simpsons); Ivan (Ivan the Incredible); Ivanhoe (Ivanhoe, the King's Knight); Poison Ivy (Batman); Konata Izumi (Lucky Star); Izzy (Total Drama Island) J Jabberjaw; Jackie the Jackal (Kim Possible); Jadal (Scooby Doo); Jafar (Aladdin); Jaga (Thundercats); Jake (Adventure Time); Jake (Jake and the Never Land Pirates); James (James and the Giant Peach); James (Pokémon); J Jonah Jamison (Spider-Man); Jango the Hypnotizer (One Piece); Jared (Superjail); Jasmine (Aladdin); Jean-Bob (The Swan Princess); Thomas Jefferson (Liberty's Kids); Dr. Jekyll (Scooby Doo); Jericho (Teen Titans); Jerry (Tom & Jerry); Jessie (Pokémon); George Jetson (Jetsons); Jane Jetson (The Jetsons); Judy Jetson (Jetsons); Jigen (Lupin III); Jigglypuff (Pokémon); Jin (Samurai Champloo)*; Katsuhiko Jinnai (El-Hazard); Jinx (Teen Titans); Jiraiya (Naruto); Jirōbō (Naruto); Ro Jisei (History's Strongest Disciple: Kenichi); Joat (Pirates of Dark Water); Ghost of Injun Joe (Scooby Doo); Joey (Back at the Barnyard); Booger Johnson (Sanjay and Craig); Mojo Jojo (Powerpuff Girls); The Joker (Batman); Jonathan/Johnnystein (Hotel Transylvania); Jerry Jones (NFL Rush Zone); Melody Jones (Josie and the Pussycats); Dr. Jumba Jookiba (Lilo And Stitch); Jubei (Ninja Scroll); Jubilee (X Men); Juggernaut (X-Men); Jughead Jones (The Archies) K: Kaa (Jungle Book); Kagome (Inuyasha); Seto Kaiba (Yu Gi Oh!); Kakashi (Naruto); King Kai (Dragon Ball Z); Kala (Tarzan); Kami (Dragon Ball Z); Kamina (Gurren Lagann); Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Kanga (Winnie the Pooh); Katara (Avatar: Last Airbender); Mary Katherine (EPIC); Kawazoe Tamaki (Bamboo Blade); Kei (Dirty Pair); Kevin (Ed, Edd & Eddy); Governor Kevin (Teamo Supremo); Killjoy (Marvel Comics); Kilowog (Green Lantern); Kimimaro (Naruto); Skeleton King (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!); The Ghost of Elias Kingston (Scooby Doo); Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura); Kirara (InuYasha); Jean Kirstein (Attack on Titan); Captain K'nucles (Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack); King Kong (The King Kong Show); Kongo (Arpeggio of Blue Steel); Korath (Marvel Comics); Korra (Legend of Korra); Tsumugi Kotobuki (K-On); Kowalski Sisters (Monsters University); Kris Kringle (Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town); Kristoff (Frozen); Krusty (Simpsons); Krypto the Superdog; Kumiko (Heroes); Kodachi Kuno (Ranma 1/2); Ukyo Kuonji (Ranma 1/2); Ichigo Kurasaki (Bleach); Kuroko Shirai (To Aru Majutsu No Index .. To Aru Kagaku No Railgun); Major Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell); Kazuma Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho); Kuzco (Emperor's New Groove); Madoka Kyouno (Lagrange); Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); L: L (Death Note); Lady (Lady and the Tramp); Lambert the Sheepish Lion (Disney); Lelouch Lamperogue (Code Geass)*; Lois Lane (DC, Superman); Lana Lang (Superman); Tuun-La (The Tick); Larfleeze (Green Lantern: The Animated Series); Larry (Teen Titans); Peppermint Larry (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack); Vince LaSalle (Recess); Justin Law (Soul Eater); Lazlo (Camp Lazlo); Juniper Lee (Life & Times of Juniper Lee); Rock Lee (Naruto)*; Ty Lee (Avatar: Last Airbender); Turanga Leela (Futurama); Leeron (Gurren Lagann); Lenny Leonard (Simpsons); Leroy (Lilo and Stitch); Kevin Levin (Ben 10); Lexington (Gargoyles); Lady Liberty (Schoolhouse Rock); Lickitung (Pokémon); Light (Death Note); Lilandra (Marvel Comics); Panther Lily (Fairy Tail); Lillybot (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Abigail "Abby" Lincoln a.k.a. "Numbuh 5" (Kids Next Door); Ling Ling  (Ranma 1/2); Ling-Ling (Drawn Together); Lion-O (Thunder Cats); Linus (Peanuts); Littlefoot (Land Before Time); Lizard (Spider Man); Juvia Lockser (Fairy Tail); Loki; Susan Long (American Dragon Jake Long); Loo-Kee (She-Ra Princess of Power); Lorax (The Lorax); Frugal Lucre (Kim Possible); Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)*; Lum (Urusei Yatsura); Lumiere (Beauty and the Beast);   Lung Lung (Ranma 1/2); Lydia (Beetlejuice) M: Mr. Mackey (South Park); Mad Mod (Teen Titans); Mai (Avatar: Last Airbender); Mako (Legend of Korra); Mala (Battle for Terra); Mandarin (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go!); Mandark (Dexter's Laboratory); Mannaka Junpei (Ichigo 100% / 100% Strawberry); Manny (Ice Age); Marceline (Adventure Time); Miss Marvel (Marvel Comics); Marvin the Martian; Tenchi Masaki (Tenchi Muyo); Dungeon Master (Dungeons and Dragons); Maximus (Tangled); Mari Maya (Samurai Flamenco); Kenny McCormick (South Park); Lightning McQueen (Cars); Olivia Mears (American Dragon Jake Long); Megamind; Melman (Madigascar); Melomelody (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Meow/Merowmreowreow (Space Dandy); Meowth (Pokémon); Meta Man (The Incredibles); Reiko Mikami (GS Mikami); Sayaka Miki (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone); Miroku (Inuyasha); Mikoto Misaka (A Certain Scientific Railgun); Captain Yurika Misumaru (Martian Successor Nadesico); Mokona (Magic Knight Rayearth); Gaëtan "Mole" Molière (Atlantis: The Lost Empire); Mom (Futurama); Takeshi Momoshiro (Prince of Tennis); Morbius (Marvel); Princess Morbucks (Powerpuff Girls); Mordecai (Regular Show); Mort (Madagascar); Micky Mouse; Mighty Mouse; Fievel Mousekewitz (An American Tale); Mousse (Ranma 1/2); Mugen (Samurai Champloo); Fa Mulan (Mulan); Captain Hank Murphy (Sealab 2021);
I'm always still in trouble again You're by far the worst poster on TWeb -- starlight
PART II N: Naga (Legend of Korra); Nagamimi (Requiem From the Darkness); Azusa Nakano (K-On); Tsubaki Nakatsukasa (Soul Eater); Nala (The Lion King); Nami (One Piece)*; Nancy; Napoleon (The Aristocats); Shikamaru Nara (Naruto); Naraku (Inuyasha)*; Naru "the Narcissist" (Ghost Hunt); Naru Narusegawa (Love Hina); Nazz (Ed, Edd & Eddy); Zorc Necrophades (Yu Gi Oh!); Kida Nedakh (Atlantis The Lost Empire); Ned Needlemeyer (Nightmare Ned); Dr. Nefario (Despicable Me); Negaduck (Darkwing Duck); Yuzuriha Nekoi (X); Nemo (American Dad!); Nemo (Finding Nemo); Elemental Hero Neos (Yu Gi Oh! GX); Nerdator (Freakazoid!); Jimmy Neutron; Nibbler (Futurama); Nia (Gurren Lagann); Nick (Chicken Run); Niddler (Pirates of Darkwater); Nightcrawler (Inhumanoids); Nightcrawler (X-Men); Nightshroud (Yu Gi Oh! GX); Nightwing; Number Nine (Schoolhouse Rocks); Ninetales (Pokémon); Ninja Ninja (Afro Samurai); Mr. Nishi (Whisper of the Heart)*; Noah Nixon (Generator Rex); Noah (Total Drama Island); Noctowl (Pokémon); Shinnosuke "Shin" Nohara (Shin Chan); Norman (ParaNorman); Nova (Magic Knight Rayearth); Nova (Ultimate Spider-Man); (Hello) Nurse (Anamaniacs); Nyla (Avatar the Last Airbender) O: Oa (Green Lantern); Professor Samuel Oak (Pokémon); Obelix (Asterix and Obelix); Octagon (Thundarr the Barbarian); Dr. Otto "Octopus" Octavius (Spider Man); Odie (Garfield); Mama Odie (The Princess and the Frog); Odion (Yu Gi Oh); Chihiro Ogino (Spirited Away); Ollie Oilslick (Galaxy High School); Olaf (Frozen); Oliver (Oliver & Co.); Ollie (Family Guy); Shu Oma (Guilty Crown); Omi (Xiaolin Showdown); One (Generator Rex); Numbuh One Oogi (The Legend of Korra); (Codename: Kids Next Door); April O'Neil (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles); Onix (Pokémon) ; Dr. Tofu Ono (Ranma 1/2); Onslaught (Marvel Comics); Oogway (Kung Fu Panda); Ookla (Thundarr the Barbarian); Oonoki (Naruto)*; Opacho (Shaman King); Ophelia (Claymore); Opus (Bloom County); Orochimaru (Naruto); Orphen (Orphen); Dr. Byron Orpheus (Venture Bros.); Otto Osworth (Time Squad); Mutsumi Otohime (Love Hina); Otter (Franklin); Otto (Simpsons); Overlord (Blackstar); Owen (Total Drama Island); Owl (Winnie the Pooh); Oyuki (Urusei Yatsura); Olive Oyl (Popeye); Firelord Ozai (Avatar: Last Airbender); Ozzie (Over the Hedge) P:  Pablo the Penguin (Three Caballeros); Pacha (Emperor's New Groove); Paddlefoot (Clutch Cargo); Pain/Pein (Naruto); Peter Pan*; Panini (Chowder); Pink Panther; Panthro (Thundercats); Patrick (Spongebob Squarepants); Relena Peacecraft (Gundam Wing); Lilo Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch); The Penguin; Alfred Pennysworth (Batman); Peppa Pig; Peppermint Patty (Peanuts); Perdita (101 Dalmatians); Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb); Joe Petto (The Boondocks); Piccolo (Dragon Ball); Pickles the drummer (Metalocalypse); Tommy Pickles (Rugrats); Pig (Kipper); Piglet (Winnie the Pooh); Pikachu (Pokémon); Mr. Ping (Kung Fu Panda); Pinky (Pinky & the Brain); Pinocchio; Pinocchio (Shrek); Penelope Pitstop (Wacky Races/Perils of Penelope Pitstop); P.I.X.A.L. (Ninjago); Polly Pocket; Polaris (Marvel Comics); Ponta (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Ponygon (Zatch Bell); Poopdeck Pappy (Popeye); Popeye; Mr. Popo (Dragon Ball); Porky Pig; Jane Porter (Tarzan); Pepper Potts (Iron Man); Presto (Dungeons and Dragons); Primera (Magic Knight Rayearth); Priscilla (Claymore); Pumba (Lion King) Q: Q ([C] - The Money of Soul and Possibility Control); Dr. Q (Dirty Pair); Master Q (Old Master Q); Q-Bert (Wreck It Ralph); Q-chan (Petshop of Horrors); QT (Space Dandy); Quacker The Duck (Tom and Jerry); Quackerjack (Darkwing Duck); Glen Quagmire (Family Guy); Ida/Dan Quagmire (Family Guy); Quailman (Doug); Quake (Marvel Comics); Quakemaster (DC Comics); Quarry (Generator Rex); Rose Quartz (Steven Universe); Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame); Queen (A Bug's Life); "The Queen" (of Corona-- Tangled); The Evil Queen (Snow White)*; Galaxy Queen (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Queenie (Claymore); Marquess of Queensberry (Mike Tyson Mysteries); Dr. Benton Quest (Jonny Quest); Jonny Quest; The Question (Justice League); Quetzal (Dragon Tales); Quicksilver (Marvel); Quilava (Pokémon); Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy); Moon Dragon Quilla (Yu Gi Oh! 5D's); Chief Quimby (Inspector Gadget); Mayor Joe Quimby (Simpsons); Quincy (Bubblegum Crisis); Ashley Quinlan (Recess); Quinn (Daria); Quinn (Ergo Proxy); Harley Quinn (Batman); Dr. Quentin Q. Quinn (Sealab 2021); Quint (Timon and Pumbaa); Quintesson (Transformers); Quinze (Gundam Wing); Qwilfish (Pokémon); Quisp (Quisp comics and commercials); Quiver (Marvel Comics); Q-vier (Valvrave the Liberator) R: Mumm-Ra (Thundercats); The Winged Dragon of Ra (Yu Gi Oh!); Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit); Roger Rabbit; Raditz (Dragon Ball Z); Raichu (Pokémon); Rajah (Aladdin); Ralph (Wreck-it Ralph); Ran (Urusei Yatsura); Raphael (TMNT); Rapunzel (Tangled); Rasputin (Disney's Anastasia); Razoul (Aladdin); Solty Revant (Solty Rei); Raven (Teen Titans); Remy (Ratatouille); Ren (DearS); Ren (Pirates of Dark Water); Ren (Ren & Stimpy); Renji (Bleach); Reptar (Rugrats); Revy (Black Lagoon); Rico (Penguins of Madagascar); Flynn Rider (Rapunzel); The Riddler (Batman); Rigby (Regular Show); Manny Rivera (El Tigre); Dr. Nick Riviera (Simpsons); Roadrunner; Robin (Teen Titans); Nico Robin (One Piece); Wilbur Robinson (Meet the Robinsons); Rocko (Rocko's Modern Life); Roger (American Dad); Rogue (X-men); Rojo (Ben 10); Rokujiro (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); King Roland (Sofia the First); Rolf (Ed, Edd & Eddy); Nene Romanova (Bubblegum Crisis); Rosie (The Jetsons); Rothbart (The Swan Princess); Lyle Tiberius Rourke (Atlantis: The Lost Empire); Barney Rubble (Flintstones); Russell (Up); Umi Ryuuzaki (Magic Knight Rayearth) S: Saber (Fate/Stay Night); Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Samehada (Naruto); Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty); Sango (Inuyasha); Sanji (One Piece); Ranma Saotome (Ranma 1/2); Sartorius (Yu Gi Oh! GX); Sailor Saturn (Sailor Moon); Scar (Lion King); Schnitzel (Chowder); Scooby Doo; Scruffy Scruffington (Futurama); Saint Seiya; Samurai Jack; Sebastian (Little Mermaid); Hashirama Señor Senior, Senior (Kim Possible); Senju (Naruto); Sesshomaru (Inuyasha); Shaggy (Scooby Doo); Master Shake (Aqua Teen Hunger Force); Shampoo (Ranma 1/2); Shang (Mulan); Shenron (Dragon Ball); Sherman (Mr Peabody and Sherman); Shippo (Inuyasha); Uchiha Shisui (Naruto); Shrek; Maggie Simpson (The Simpsons); Skeletor (He-Man); Skips (Regular Show); Skuld (Oh My Goddess!); Berry Shirayuki (Tokyo Mew Mew); Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles); Skwisgaar Skwigelf (Metalocalypse); Ranger Smith (Yogi Bear); Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion); Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop); Patrick Star (Sponge Bob); Starfire (Teen Titans); Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben (Liberty's Kids); Sue Storm (Fantastic 4)*; Jorgen Von Strangle (Fairly Odd Parents); James P. "Sulley" Sullivan (Monsters, Inc.); Superman (DC Comics); Sylvester the cat; Syndrome (Incredibles) T: Tailfeather (Valiant); Takao (Arpeggio of Blue Steel); Trixie Tang (Fairly Odd Parents); Tantor (Tarzan); Tarrlok (Avatar Legend of Korra); Tasmanian “Taz” Devil;  Rikki Tikki Tavi; Tayuya (Naruto); Akane Tendo (Ranma 1/2); Ben Tennyson (various Ben Ten); Tenten (Naruto); Tenzin (Legend of Korra); Teresa (Claymore); Terk (Tarzan); Terra (Teen Titans); Thomson and Thompson (Adventures of Tintin); King Throktar (Dave the Barbarian); Tiamat (Dungeons and Dragons); Tiana (Princess and the Frog); Tigger (Winnie the Pooh); Tigress (Kung Fu Panda); Tigress (Young Justice); Timmy (South Park); Timon (Lion King); Tinkerbell; Tintin (Adventures of Tintin); Mister Toad (Beware the Batman); Tohru (Jackie Chan Adventures); Token (South Park); Tom (Tom and Jerry); Ashley Tomassian / "Ashley T." (Recess); Bob the Tomato (Veggie Tales); Mami Tomoe (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Top Cat; Toph (Avatar: Last Airbender); Tornadus (Pokémon); Tramp (Lady & the Tramp); Bolivar Trask (Marvel Comics); Tundro (Herculoids); Turtwig (Pokémon); Tennessee Tuxedo; Timmy Turner (Fairly Odd Parents); Tweek Tweak (South Park); Tweety Bird; Tyrannosaurus (Meet the Robinsons); Mike Tyson (Mike Tyson Mysteries) U: Ubik (Berserk); Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto); Kosuke Ueki (Law of Ueki); Uglor (Herculoids); Nyota Uhura (Star Trek: the Animated Series); Kazari Uiharu (A Certain Scientific Railgun); Ukon (Naruto); Ultron (Marvel Comics); Umagon/Ponygon (Zatch Bell); Umbreon (Pokémon); Gurio Umino (Sailor Moon); Iruka Umino (Naruto); Unalaq (Avatar The Legend of Korra); Uncle (Jackie Chan Adventures); Underdog (Total Television); Allison Underhill (Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters); The Underminer (The Incredibles); Captain Underpants; Undertaker (Black Butler); Weevil Underwood (Yu Gi Oh!); Uni (Dungeons and Dragons); Unico (Unico); Unicron (Transformers); Steven Universe (Steven Universe); Nigel Uno (Codename Kids Next Door); Upchuck (Ben 10); Upgrade (Ben 10); Upin (Upin & Ipin); Ur (Fairy Tail); Kisuke Urahara (Bleach); Yusuke Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho); Urd (Oh My Goddess!); Forever King Urian (Ben 10); Urouge (One Piece); Ursaring (Pokémon); Keitaro Urashima (Love Hina); Ursula (Little Mermaid); Ururu (Bleach); Urutori (Utawarerumono); Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon); Usagi Yojimbo; Usopp (One Piece); Utakata (Naruto); Professor Utonium (Powerpuff Girls); Uvogin (Hunter x Hunter); Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) V: V (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Chester V (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2); Vaatu (Legend of Korra); Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop); Mai Valentine (Yu-Gi-Oh!); Skeeter Valentine (Doug); Jimmy Valmer (South Park); Valmont (Jackie Chan Adventures); Webbigail "Webby" Vanderquack (Duck Tales); Vaporeon (Pokémon); Varrick (Legend of Korra); Vash the Stampede (Trigun); Miss Vavoom (Droopy); Vector (Despicable Me); Vector (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z); King Vegeta (Dragon Ball); Velma (Scooby Doo); Venger (Dungeons and Dragons); Venom (Spiderman); Dr. Thaddeus S. "Rusty" Venture (Venture Brothers); Rune Venus (El-Hazard); Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail); Vermouth/Sharon Vineyard (Case Closed/Detective Conan); Vexen (Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories);.Vetrix / Tron / Byron Arclight (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Vicky (Fairly Odd Parents); Seras Victoria (Hellsing); Aerial Viking (Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix);Dr. Viktor (Ben 10); Vincent (Regular Show); Virulina (Visionaries); Vitalstatistix (Asterix and Obelix); Nefertari Vivi (One Piece); Vlad Vladikoff (Horton Hears a Who); Vladimir (Tangled); Volcasaurus (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Yukio Hans Vorarlberna (Bleach); Canal Vorfeed (Lost Universe); Vortex (Transformers); Vostok (Generator Rex); Ma Vreedle (Ben 10);  Octagon Vreedle (Ben 10); Pretty Boy Vreedle (Ben 10); Rhomboid Vreedle (Ben 10); Veronica Vreeland (Batman:The Animated Series); Vulpix (Pokémon); The Vulture (Spider-Man) W: Waddles (Gravity Falls); Wakko (Animaniacs); Bismarck Waldstein (Code Geass); Wallace (Wallace & Gromit); Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents); Wardrobe (Beauty and the Beast); Toki Wartooth (Metalocalypse); Baron Wasteland (Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?); Gumball Watterson (Amazing World of Gumball); Bruce Wayne (Batman); Mike Wazowski (Monsters Inc.)*; Wendigo (Marvel Comics); Wendy, the Good Little Witch (Casper the Friendly Ghost); Werewolf (Scooby Doo); Professor Ogden Wernstrom (Futurama); Wally West ("Kid Flash" DC Comics)*; Joey Wheeler (Yu Gi Oh); Carl Wheezer (Jimmy Neutron); Snow White; Wild Child (Marvel); Chilly Willy*; Wilt (Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends); Mr. Wink (Codename Kids Next Door); Quatre Raberba Winner (Gundam Wing); Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist); Winston (Oliver and Company); Witch (Scooby Doo); Witch of the Waste (Howl's Moving Castle); Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun); Wolverine (X-men); Wonder Woman; Amy Wong (Futurama); Woodcarver/Witch (Brave); Woody Woodpecker; Woodstock (Peanuts); Woody (Toy Story -- and sequels); William Walter Wordsworth (Trinity Blood); Wordsworth W. Wordsworth (Catillac Cats); Warren Worthington III (Marvel Comics); Wrath (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood); Hsi Wu (Jackie Chan Adventures); Chang Wufei (Gundam Wing); X: X the Eliminator (Birdman); Agent X (Marvel Comics); Alien X (Ben 10); Awesome X (Frisky Dingo); Crashbug X (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Doctor Double X (DC Comics); Racer X (Speed Racer)*; Red X (Teen Titans); Samurai X (Rurouni Kenshin); Truman X (The X's); Tuesday X (The X's); WarGreymon X (Digimon X-Evolution); X-9 (King Features); X-cutioner (Marvel); X-Ray (Marvel Comics); XANA (Code Lyoko); Madame Xanadu (Young Justice); David Xanatos (Gargoyles); Petros Xanatos (Gargoyles); Xander (Drawn Together); Xanxus (Reborn!); Xatu (Pokémon); Xavier (Xavier: Renegade Angel); Charles Xavier (X-Men); Francisco Xavier III (Samurai Champloo); Red-Eyed Xaxa (Sword Art Online); Xanxus (Reborn!); Xellos (Slayers); Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts); Xenocyte (Ben 10); Xenovia (Highschool DxD); Xerneas (Pokémon); Xerxes (Aladdin); Xibalba (Book of the Dead); Xigbar (Kingdom Hearts); Li Xingke (Code Geass); Xion (Kingdom Hearts); XJ-1 (My Life as a Teenage Robot); XJ-2 (My life as a Teenage Robot); XJ-9 (My Life as a Teenage Robot); Megas XLR (Megas XLR); XLR8 (Ben 10); Xnfe (Black Rock Shooter); XR (Buzz Lightyear); Xylie (Barbie in A Mermaid Tale); Professor XXXL (Cpodename: Kids Next Door) Y: Tai Yagami (Digimon); Yagura (Naruto); Yajirobe (Dragon Ball); Yakko (Animaniacs); Ino Yamanaka (Naruto); Miyu Yamano (Vampire Princess Miyu); Tatsu Yamashiro (Beware the Batman); Yamask (Pokémon); Julie Yamamoto (Ben 10); Captain Yamato (Naruto)*; Kira Yamato (Gundam Seed); Linna Yamazaki (Bubblegum Crisis); Yamcha (Dragon Ball Z); Yan Yan (American Dragon: Jake Long); Tenzen Yanagi (Yu Gi Oh! 5D's); Yao (Mulan); Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan); Yellowbird (Yellowbird); Miss Yelp (Horton Hears a Who!); Y'Garon (Marvel Comics); Yin (Darker Than Black); Yo (Yin Yang Yo); Yobi (Yobi, the Five Tailed Fox); Yoda; Yogi Bear; Yoh (Shaman King); Yoko (Gurren Lagann); Yokochini (Bleach); Yolei (Digimon); Val Yor (Teen Titans); Yori (Kim Possible); Yoshi (Mario Bros); Chizuru Yoshida (Kimi ni Todoke); Fujieda Yoshino (Digimon Data Squad); Chase Young (Xiaolin Showdown); Yubaba (Spirited Away); Yugo (Yu Gi Oh! Arc V); Yui (Sword Art Online); Jaden Yuki (Yu Gi Oh! GX); Yukime (Jigoku Sensei Nube); Yuto (Yu Gi Oh); Azusa Yumi (Soul Eater); Yuri (Dirty Pair); Heero Yuy (Gundam Wing); Inori Yuzuriha (Guilty Crown); Yzma (Emperor's New Groove) Z: Z-one (Yu Gi Oh! 5D's); Zabar (Aladdin); Mike Zacharius (Attack on Titan); Zagato (Magic Knight Rayearth); Zaheer (Legend of Korra); Athrun Zala (Gundam Seed); Zan (Wonder Twins); Zancrow (Fairy Tail); Zandor (The Herculoids); Zane (AstroBoy); Tensa Zangetsu (Bleach); Zangoose (Pokémon); Zarbon (Dragon Ball); Zarina (Pirate Fairy); King Zarkon (Voltron); Zatara (D.C. Comics); Zatanna (Justice League/Young Justice); Zartan (GI Joe: Sigma 6); Zazu (The Lion King); Zazzala (DC Comics); Zelman (Black Blood Brotherhood); Baron Zemo (Marvel Comics); Inspector Zenigata (Lupin III); Zenki (Zenki); Zephyr (Marvel Comics); Zeref (Fairy Tail); Zero (Nightmare Before Christmas); Zero (Schoolhouse Rocks); Zero (Vampire Knights); White Zetsu (Naruto); Zeus (Disney's Hercules); Zigzagoon (Pokémon); Zim (Invader Zim); Queen Zinn (Dungeons and Dragons); Chet Zipper (As Told by Ginger); Zix (Jimmy Neutron); Nosferatu Zodd the Immortal (Berserk); Zoey (Total Drama Island); Dr. Zoidberg (Futurama); No-Face Zombie (Scooby Doo); Lightning Bolt Zolt (Legend of Korra); Zombozo (Ben 10); Queen Zonthara (Dave the Barbarian); Zoom (Battle Force 5); Zorak (Space Ghost); Roronoa Zoro (One Piece); Zs'Skayr (Ben 10); Zuko (Avatar: Last Airbender)
15 notes · View notes
ardeportal · 3 years
Vuelve el verano, vuelve Márama
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La banda de cumbia pop regresa a la actividad, 4 años después de su intempestiva disolución. 
Por Ginny Lupin
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Existe una suerte de consenso popular que parece trascender todas las discusiones de internet, tan así que incluso Twitter - red social hipercrítica por excelencia - está de acuerdo: el verano de 2015/16 fue “nuestro mejor momento”. ¿De quiénes? Los jóvenes a ambos lados del Río de la Plata.  ¿Por qué? No lo motivó una bonanza económica, ni la consagración de las selecciones en un campeonato mundial, ni un clima particularmente favorable, ni un nuevo trago de moda; sino la banda sonora de ese verano, cuyo recuerdo nostálgico permanece musicalizado por el boom de la cumbia cheta, liderado por los compatriotas de Márama y Rombai. 
La cumbia pop (conocida popularmente como cumbia cheta dado el estrato social del que provenían los músicos, completamente opuesto a la cumbia “villera”), fue el ultimo fenómeno de música exportada desde Uruguay al mundo; la ultima vez que pateamos el tablero de algo nuevo que después fue tendencia. Pasaron 6 años de aquel verano y, tras la disolución de Márama y los constantes cambios de Rombai, el sueño pareció morir a manos de conflictos judiciales, Tinellismos, tiras de televisión y managers en Miami. Hasta este lunes, claro, cuando el rumor que venía cobrando fuerza en redes fue confirmado oficialmente por Agustín Casanova en Got Talent Uruguay, programa que integra como jurado: vuelve Márama. Y con los boliches empezando a abrir para personas vacunadas, el calor acercándose y los casos de coronavirus descendiendo, el regreso de la banda parecería marcar una luz de esperanza: el primer verano con todas las letras después de la Pandemia. 
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Los inicios
Márama nació en 2014 de la mente de Fer Vázquez - en ese entonces productor, luego vocalista de Rombai; quien convocó a Agustín Casanova a raíz de sus videos en YouTube y completando la banda con los instrumentistas Marcos Ifrán, Alejandro Vázquez, Pablo Arnoletti y Martín Zina, lanzó el proyecto.  El éxito fue inmediato. La banda empezó a girar por boliches y eventos, a la vez que desencadenaban un fenómeno que excedería nuestras fronteras: a Márama le siguieron decenas de bandas, solistas e incluso viejos bastiones de la música tropical que decidieron reformularse al ver en la cumbia cheta la posibilidad de saltar a la fama. Entre esos grupos se encontraba (por supuesto) Rombai, quienes lanzaron Locuras Contigo en 2014 estableciendo una suerte de hermandad para con Márama - mismo management, producción y creador detrás de ambos productos.  Al principio la propuesta era sencilla y relajada: bandas de amigos (o al menos así se presentaban al público), videoclips relativamente caseros, una base de cumbia con la percusión y ritmo típicos, acompañada de letras “de fiesta” - chicas, noche, alcohol, amor, desamor, verano. La fórmula se probó infalible y a fines de 2015 no quedaba un boliche en la región donde no se coreara con delirio adolescente el slogan “baila nena con Márama”.
A partir de ahí trascendieron la escena nocturna bailable, llenando el Velódromo en Uruguay, el Gran Rex y el Luna Park en Buenos Aires para un público mucho más infanto-juvenil. Hicieron una película (Márama y Rombai - El Viaje), un libro (también compartido con sus colegas) y en 2017 ganaron una Gaviota de Plata y una de Oro en el Festival de Viña del Mar.  Márama y la cumbia pop parecían un fenómeno imparable, pero algo rompió con la buena racha del grupo. 
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El conflicto
Márama y Rombai parecían ser bandas hermanas, pero su paso por Showmatch desencadenó una lucha de egos que terminaría con el vínculo. Al menos así lo determinaba la prensa del momento, especulando sobre supuestos celos entre Vázquez y Casanova, una pelea que ambos negaron y el puntapié inicial de una tensión que creció hasta llegar al ámbito judicial. Lo cierto es que a principios de 2018 Márama anunció su disolución en un comunicado que desmentía dichos de Fer Vázquez respecto al funcionamiento del grupo. Las dos versiones se volcaron a las redes, la prensa y finalmente en oficinas de abogados y juzgados en lo laboral.  Según Casanova, Márama se disolvió cuando Vázquez cortó relación personal y laboral con el manager de ambas bandas - Enrique Quinteros - mientras que Márama decidió continuar con él como representante. De ahí disputas por los derechos del nombre del grupo (Vázquez declaró que el era “el titular exclusivo y excluyente de las marcas Márama, Rombai y Dame 5 en América Latina, Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea”.), una demanda de Vázquez a Quinteros por estafa y la contrapartida de los integrantes de Márama al líder de Rombai por reclamaciones laborales.
De la amistad solo quedó el recuerdo y del fenómeno de la cumbia pop los pobres intentos de Rombai por continuar con un crecimiento que hace rato se había estancado. Agustín Casanova continuó en formato solista (con los mismos músicos que en Márama, salvo el hermano de Fer Vázquez, Alejandro, que había integrado el grupo); participó de la tira Simona en Argentina y poco después volvió a Uruguay para ser jurado en el programa Got Talent. Del conflicto con Fer Vázquez y el posible regreso de la banda solo se escucharon especulaciones hasta estas últimas semanas.
Aparentemente, Vázquez habría retirado la denuncia penal contra Quinteros y “Márama” como marca estaría registrada a nombre de éste último, pudiendo volver a utilizarse por lo músicos que permanecían bajo su management; mientras que se habría acordado dar por finalizadas las reclamaciones laborales por parte de los Márama en pos de dejar atrás el conflicto. 
El regreso 
Resuelta la parte legal, Márama comenzó a palpitar el regreso con una suerte de trailer publicado por partes en redes que desató la ilusión entre sus seguidores. El anuncio fue finalmente confirmado por Agustín Casanova en la final en vivo de Got Talent Uruguay, donde afirmó estar muy contento por el regreso de la banda, y agregó que “ahora es un momento muy importante para que la música dé muchísima alegría".
La fecha fijada para el primer lanzamiento de esta nueva etapa del grupo es el próximo martes 28 de Septiembre y todo indica que, con el regreso de Márama, este año se adelanta el verano. 
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undercover-witch · 7 years
Hellsing crew relationship headcanons? 🙏🏻
holdings hands while he shoots his way through ghouls
taking pictures by the moonlight; Alu has his hat and glasses off, his short hair slightly ruffled to achieve maximum handsomeness
doing that crossed arms romantic maneuver where he holds a smoothie for you to drink, while you hold his blood bag
fast travel through the house, glitching through walls, Bethesda
often appears through a wall at lip level to steal a kiss
he teaches you slow dancing, Romanian dancing, but he’s rusty so you have to look it up together to refresh his memory
sticking close to his naked body on summer nights solely for the chill
lets you call him Vlad after a few years together and only when it’s just you two
awkward as heck, flinches when you’re in close proximity
forgets to smoke for days when she’s with you
suddenly likes rose tea
you two drink it together and she says the cutest thing in the universe, it nearly kills you on the spot: “It tastes like love.”
likes a long hug at the end of a hard day, loves it when you run your fingers through her hair
it takes a while for her to be comfortable with mouth kisses (which never bothered you, her cheeks are very kissable)
your first kiss is nonchalant
Integra leaves her seat during your tea break to head to her office and gives you a short peck on the lips followed by “I’ll see you later.”
smooching and more smooching
she’s shy in new circumstances but once she gets the feel for it she's like home
especially in your arms
likes to have her back stroked and temple kissed
she goes out with you on datesduring daytime
takes her rain gear, bottle of blood, your hand in hers and out you go
is a bit sad she can’t drink cappuccino but assure her Starbucks is worse every day and she’ll laugh, her sadness out of the picture already
likes to be complimented in cutesy ways; like smooch her nose, squish her cheeks and tell her she’s “fangtastic”
loves to pick outfits for you since she usually just wears uniforms
takes you on a night date to the place where Alucard killed her
you toast to life hacks
lots of slapping his hand off your butt
or not, your choice
he compliments you so much, you get dizzy from blushing
even his dirty compliments still mean a lot
heck, the man whistles at you from across the room and you feel like a French poet dedicated you a sonnet
prefers dates in fun places, like small taverns where you can get drunk and dance around without anyone judging you but joining you instead
when you’re out at night in the cold city he finds a romantic, secluded spot and he confesses a lot to you
how he feels for you, about himself, about his uncertain life span
hold his hand through it all and he’ll look at you with eyes full of love
I don’t think Walter would commit at this point in time
maybe have a fleeting romance with a dame his age
a couple museum dates, dessert in a fancy cafeteria
arms linked as you two talk about the uncertain times you live in
you feed the ducks and the pigeons in the park
sometimes Walter comes to the date with bread made by him
you’re never officially a couple but it’s a pleasant feeling to be in each other’s presence
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