#dalek rex
riverlethe · 1 year
It's Valentine's Day in the Lethe Household, and everyone is celebrating.
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Wall-E really hopes Eve will be his Valentine again this year. Cubie just loves celebrating love 💕
(Wall-E doesn't know who those other "robots" are, but he thinks they look awful nice)
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A beautiful rose for a beautiful senshi
(Mamoru, you romantic you)
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The Tiny Tuxies banded together to get something super special for Sailor Rex
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Helping set the rose pin in her odango
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How does it look?
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I think he likes it ☺️
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Tiny Tuxie POV
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Happy 💘 Valentine's Day!
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Peter Cushing (Van Helsing, Dracula, Dr. Who and the Daleks)—His cheekbones. His. Cheekbones.
Rex Harrison (My Fair Lady, The Ghost and Mrs Muir)—the quote mentioning his "long, saturnine physiognomy" with "satyr-like associations" lives rent free in my head. he absolutely sucks as a human being BUT look at him in ghost and mrs muir!! [pics below]
This is round 1 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man.
EDIT: ignore the "three-way" part in the poll headline! this was originally intended to be a three-way poll (due to having too many submissions) but I'm saving that for later. These two are only competing against each other!
[propaganda photos submitted under the cut]
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thefiresofpompeii · 4 months
does anybody else think about how the two-dimensional aliens in flatline…
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are ‘experimenting. dissecting. testing. and trying to understand us’. just like somebody else is throughout the entire episode! she’s asking questions at first, uncertain (the 2D phase) — “that’s how you would do it, isn’t it”? — seeking reassurance from the earpiece, probing, trying the mask on for size.
in the warehouse getting more comfortable, settling into the role, taking on a leadership position and even succeeding at sounding intimidating in an all-too-doctorish way (“i’m your one chance of getting out of here alive, that’s what i am”) — as the TARDIS shrinks smaller and smaller, eventually falling out of view onto the tracks. powerless, energy drained, resorting to siege mode… while clara looms larger and larger, in lockstep with the creatures as they master the third dimension and emerge from the shadows wearing other people’s skin. that’s her, wearing the skin of the doctor.
as the threat starts to get tangible she gets more creative, stops defaulting to “what would he do if he was here”… what would she do? she’s all they’ve got! and comes up with an ingenious plan to rival any of his. “rule one of being the doctor: use the enemy’s power against them”. makes up her own “rule one” because the real rule one out in full force in flatline doesn’t need saying. rule one: clara lies and she does it exceptionally. goodness has nothing to do with it.
in a predominant number of previous episodes featuring clara, the doctor was faced with a narrative foil in the shape of that episode’s enemy, a gothic double of sorts, a funhouse mirror: the t-rex; the half-faced man; the “good dalek”; robin hood; the teller. in s7, albeit in a quite different manner, mr clever.
the crowning glory of flatline, then, is that instead of being another foil for some flaw of twelve’s, this monster-of-the-week is clara’s foil. a parallel for doctor oswald, doctor of lies: that other dimension, growing as the TARDIS shrinks.
p.s. yes, “we” are “still doing” doctor who meta in 2024 because i’m watching it for the first time. deal with it
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companion-showdown · 8 months
we are deviating from companion tournaments for a bit to judge Doctor Who's
Freaky Little Pets
(this has absolutely nothing to do with me wanting to include a certain sandbeast, i swear)
The current contestant list is:
The Slyther (Dalek Invasion of Earth)
Sandy the Sandbeast (The Rescue)
Zombo the Zarbi (The Web Planet)
The Chumblies (Galaxy 4)
HiFi (Steven's stuffed panda)
Aggedor (Curse/Monster of Peladon)
The Drashigs (Carnival of Monsters)
The Clam (Genesis of the Daleks)
The Shrivenzale (The Ribos Operation)
Fifi (The Happiness Patrol)
Spider robots (The End of the World)
Arthur the horse from The Girl in the Fireplace
Rose the dog (Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel)
The cat that vanished in Fear Her
Gadget Gadget (The Waters of Mars)
The Triceratops (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
Mr Sweet (The Crimson Horror)
The T-Rex (Deep Breath - the Doctor world have so it counts)
The beatles in Knock Knock
Myfanwy the Pterodactyl (Torchwood)
Janet the Weevil
Wolsey (everyone here and after is from the EU)
Bernard Socks
Group Marshal
Keepsake's Vulture
Jasper and Stewart
Grandfather's shadow
Ramsay the Vortisaur
Fred the Eternal Snail
The Butterfly Room
Mina the cat and her kittens
Vampire squirrels
We are playing fast and loose with the definitions of every word in the title, contestants do not have to be freaky, they can be normal, standard, earthly pets, they do not have to be little, horrible giant monsters are welcome, if you can justify calling them a pet its fine
any creatures that any characters make friends with or look after in some way are welcome, go wild
the only rules (that I probably don't have to explicitly state, but I will anyway) are that
submissions absolutely cannot have a level of intelligence comparable to humans. Animal-like intelligences only. (K9 is the exception to this because he is a robot dog)
should be treated well by the people you are claiming they are pets of, so, for example, you can't have the whale under the thames in Thin Ice
Some items on this list are from stories I have not seen in a while, so potentially won't meet these rules. If that is the case please let me know so I can remove them
Nominations will close 19:15 BST (UTC+1) tomorrow (27/09)
(also when the time comes you will vote Sandy or I will delete this blog and you will never see a companion tournament again for as long as you live (<- this is a joke but please let my beloved sandy do well))
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darklordsofskaro · 5 months
OOC introduction post
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Currently in progress, but this will be a Dalek-dedicated rp blog. I also have a Cyberman one in progress. I had these two muses back in 2020 or 2021 but deleted those blogs last year. Now that I'm interested in rping again, maybe that was a mistake haha Mod goes by "Editor," used to go by "Rex." Is 21+. Rules, could be added to in time: - Crossovers welcome! - I'd prefer rp formatting to stay the same between our posts - no smut... not that the Daleks would even want that but have to put it - Feel free to ask for further rules or clarifications
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Cast: Emperor Metallix
Replaces: Spider-Rex Origin: Sonic the Comic
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Emperor Metallix is a giant Metallix Badnik who leads the Brotherhood of Metallix in Dimension STC-1993. Compared to the rest of the Metallix, who were built by Robotnik and Grimer Wormtongue, Emperor Metallix was made by the Badniks themselves in the abandoned Egg Fortress.
In a way, the Metallix believed themselves to be perfect and the only beings worthy of ruling over Mobius. If you've seen or watched Doctor Who, you'll know where this is going. As such, the Emperor made a plan to wipe out all organic life and assure Metallix dominance by rewriting history.
In a way, the Emperor is even more cunning than Eggman usually is, with schemes that are on par with, if not superior to, the doctor's own. Thankfully, even though it got away with a lot of stuff, Emperor Metallix was ultimately stopped by Sonic, Eggman and the Chaotix Crew.
In a way, Metallix is an evil counterpart to Daisy from The Wrath Soul. Metallix is not only inspired by Dalek Emperors and Metal Sonic Kai, but his robotic programming gives him more of a cold and calculating approach. Daisy, on the other hand, is completely original for her series, is genuinely kind and is almost practically human in her ways.
That said, its actions were not done then and there. The remains of the Emperor were taken in and reworked by Lost Memory Sonic, mainly to sort out any flaws in the robot's design. The rogue hedgehog even kitted him with weapons to hold his own in combat, which fitted well with the robot's high intellect.
As such, Lost Memory Sonic kept him concealed away in Gust Planet Zone, and only brought him out when the truth about "canon events" was spilled, causing things to go awry for the evil blue blur. While Metallix did stall OMT!Tails during his run, he ultimately managed to decapitate and shut down the robot, rendering its threat neutralised.
After Crimtake was defeated and captured, Metallix's remains were scavenged by the Quill Society's technicians for reworking, its code overwritten to be of better use when the Quill Society needed it in action in the future. As such, that broke LM!Sonic's pedestal further and ruined his plans to turn the Quill Society into a sacrifice-inducing cult for his definition of "keeping the multiverse stable".
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lucascecil · 4 months
Something I read - Kursaal
I heard so much about Kursaal over the years since I started going into the Expanded Universe. And it was rarely anything good. I think that's why I procrastinated so much to read it, specially after I devored Alien Bodies so fast. I decided to read it for real these last two days and I was pleasantly surprised - I liked it quite a bit.
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Ok, let's start from the beginning: that cover is fucking gorgeous. One of the prettiest from the EDAs. I have a tough time with werewolves in Doctor Who because I usually find the stories not that much interesting - but I LOVE werewolves. Blood on Santa's Claw was a good surprise in that prospect last year and now there is Kursaal.
There are two highlights in this book for me, but let's start with the characters.
Our regulars - Forever romantic Eighth Doctor and miss Samantha Jones
The book is stuctured in a way, at least in the first two thirds, so that the narrative is never from the Doctor's perspective. It's Sam's, it's the secondary characters', but never the Doctor's. I liked that quite bit because this is primarly a horror story, and so you had these chunks of the narrative where the Doctor would disappear because he was not with any of the other characters and it raised the stakes so much. It helped with that feeling that something ominous is about to happen and every single character is at danger. I wish Anghelides kept that in the last third.
There are plently of references to his past and dialogue that helps build his character here. "I wish I'd brought my umbrella,' said the Doctor. 'I remember I used to have one.'' Him and Sam have some delightful banter when they arrive at Kursaal.
[...] Oh great, you're making me sound like my mum.' The Doctor had come back down the tunnel towards her. 'Well,' he said solemnly, his face level with hers, 'for that, I apologise most sincerely.'
'Where is your spirit of adventure?' he demanded brightly. 'In its box alongside your umbrella.'
There is a chase scene midway the book where the Doctor is pilloting a ship and it's very well constructed, but also so much fun because while he's doing it he's also telling a story about how he learned to drive. He woofs and tells werewolf Sam to call him Rex, when she is trying to bite him.
And then you have Sam. I have been strugling with her in past books. Her introduction in Eight Doctors is fun, but bizarre. She is great in Vampire Science and has an interesting dilemma in Genocide, but is non-entity in The Bodysnatchers and outright awful in War of the Daleks. There is an interesting idea planted in Alien Bodies, but it's so much more because of the concept behind it than because it's Sam.
She is great here though. No, really. Most of the book in the first two thirds is told through her perspective and it's interesting seen her deal with such violent deaths and the situation she's in. When she meets the HALF personel, this enveromentalist organization that is bound to make Kursaal fail, of course she is simpathetic. She talks a lot about her dad in the beginning of the book and it's nice how you can tell she misses him and love him. Even through his faults.
Her jealously of the Doctor has been well established in previously entries, and it's present here but much less. And not as irritating. I was spoiled that she would try to make the Doctor her wolf-king at the end of the book and I thought I would hate it, but I didn't. She is not in control of her body, the virus is making some less desirable traits of her bubble into the surface and it's brief.
I do wish though that she hadn't forgotten the plently of people she killed in Kursaal. Anghelides makes a good job of working upon her guilty because of the person she killed back in Genocide. The deaths that happen here, albeit not exactly her fault, could be incorporated into that. Also, I don't like when a character goes through horrible things and do not get to remember it because it only feels exploitative.
There is beautiful scene when the deaths start getting to her head and she is angry at how apathetic everyone on Kursaal is and how it's making her feel..
'They treat death so casually here', she said. 'The animals, the enviroment, even the people.' The Doctor studied his socks. 'Don't judge those two so harshly, Sam. It's just the way they deal with death on a regular basis. [...] 'Don't be so hard,' he persisted softly. Don't think it's brave or clever or necessary to take death in your stride. Because you have something that I wish I had: you have youth, you have so few preconceptions, you have the inexpressible joy of discovering things for the very, very first time. Don't let yourself become hard. I know you want to be grown up, but don't forget to enjoy being the child as well.' [...]
There are two scene where she and the Doctor talk about changing the past and about her timeline and both are great. It's always a topic I like to see being brought up in the companion-Doctor dynamic. The last one, at the tail end of the book is my favorite:
Sam sighed her favourite, world-weary wigh. The Doctor was avoiding the question again. 'So our work here is done?' she said, trying to sound like Batman. 'Is that how you see it, Doctor? The Jax have been wiped out. The drug guys are behind bars. We've done our bit. Made a difference.' She peered closer at him. 'Left our mark.' This made him open his eyes and squint up at her against the sunshine. 'I'm not sure that's true. Sometimes one has just to do... enough.' 'Oh, come on, Doctor. But what's enough? We could make a real difference.' The Doctor proped himself up awkwardly in his deckchair. 'What should we do? Prevent the First World War, perhaps? Save millions of lives? Imagine the effects on history. Smaller scale perhaps. Warn Lord Cardigan ahead of the Charge of the Light Brigade? Save six hundred lives, six hundred ripples through history. Cardigan would never become a hero, and you'd lose a valueable item of knitwear.' 'That's not what I meant...' 'Save just one life, then. Make on short visit to 1948, nudge Nathu-ram Godse's arm just as he fires the fatal shot at Gandhi. One life, with immeasurable effects on humankind. But what effects? But how would they have affected you life, Sam? Would your father have gone into medicine, would your mother have become a social worker, if they hadn't seen things they wanted to change? And if you and I, with the benefit of our hindsight, control their lives for them, is there any element of choice in any of it? And would you even exist? 'I think I'd rather die than survive knowning I allowed an innocent person to die,' Sam bridled. 'My little life would be nothing compared to the many that we might save.' The Doctor grasped her arm gently. 'But the very existence of that little life would have been the means for saving them.' He smiled a warm smile in the afernoon sun. 'Just one of Time's little paradoxes, eh?'
Paul Kadijk and Mister Gray
They are mainly the secondary antagonists of the book, although that's not entirely true for Kadijk at the last third of the narrative. Gray however is the centre of the themes of the book about the enviroment, preservation of flauna and flora and explorativism. It's neatly summarised by Amy at the first few pages of the book:
"You'd earn their respect if you allowed them to do their job. Which is protecting these ancient artefacts from your bulldozers. Doesn't this cavern move you? Listen to your heart, if you can hear it over the sound of jingling coins."
Kadijk is however the most interesting of the two and perhaps the best character besides Eight and Sam. He is strongly characterized, a very unpleasent man. He may be a workaholic because it's through his loyalty (if you can call it that) to his work as head of security of Kursaal that some of his redeeming qualities (however few) are shown.
Yet since his arrival, Kadijk had achieve some sucess in reducing HALF activity on Kursaal. The newsfeeds said he was a lateral thinker. His staff said he was a tyrant who demanded the impossible and achieved it through fear. His wife thought she was better off without him. 'Go and marry bloody Gray, why don't you?' she'd said with cold deliberation on the day she left him. 'You see more of him than you do of me.' That was two years ago.'
There is this bit at the beginning of the book that was very well written about his work as a "cop" and how it changed him. It's an example of what Sam comments later on how the people in Kursaal aren't fased by death anymore. How it disturbs her. And it stuck with me because I couldn't help but think of a Doctor Who audio, Absolution, where Eight's relationship with his companion there is destroyed because he shows no feelings upon the death of their friend.
And it stuck with me also because it's so easy to fall into that trap of not caring for the world around you anymore. It's something I've been struggling with in my personal life for a while, and so when the novel touched upon this topic it resonated with me.
As he spoke, his eyes never left the corpses. He had seen worse when he was a junior officer back on Kandax. At his first murder, the SOC officer Bhairom had brought him over - 'to get your opinion' - pushed him into the tent protecting the scene of crime, and shown him the two kids' bodies without any warning. Junior Oficcer Kadijk just had time to dodge back out again before he had brought up his whole lunch, to the cherry accompaniment of his senior's laughter. It was the first and only time he'd ever thrown up when viewing a body. Bhairom had seen it as a cheap gag on the new boy. She attributed no motives to the two runaways' flight from home, it just gave the murderer opportunity. She just saw two small corpses, the latest in a long line of dozens of dead bodies in her career. Kadijk had forced himself to follow things through, and to her irritation had also followed the kids' bodies through the post-mortem stages and to the funeral. When he'd nailed the father for the deaths, Bhairom had been sidelined and Kadijk promoted. [...] Now, as he looked at this young woman's corpse with its guts spilling into the dirt, he just saw one more corpse, and he could understand Bhairom at last. He thought about bringing Zaterday across for a closer look, but reconsidered when he thought about where his blue junior might throw up.
Weirdly enough it's Kadijk who has the closest to character developtment between the secondary characters. He is very antagonistic to the Doctor in the first two thirds, but then a time skip happens and fifteen years later he has mellowed out a bit. He feels for Cockaigne death's a litte bit and under the surface you can see he wonders if he failed Zaterday because of how he treated him. But he's still a bit of a bully, he still hasn't seen his children in years and I couldn't help but laugh when he and the Doctor talk about Zaterday:
'I wasn't thinking about the security clearance you gave him. I was referring to the way you behaved towards him.' 'Affectionate bullying.'
Kadijk dies a terrible death at the end of the book after - perhaps justified - smashing the Doctor's hand and knocking him out with an axe. Possessed Sam kills him. It's a good death and he goes out on fire. I think it's ironic he died trying to do what he tought was right. And I can't fault him too much, I probably would have exploded the cathedral too.
The body horror and the Jax
It's the second highlight for me. There are so many, many terrifying descriptions about the Jax and the dead corpses that just stuck with me. You can perhaps say that Kursaal has a pace problem and that the plot takes too long to start moving forward, but I disagree. Because of how some things are suggested at the beginning of the book, rather than shown, there is this feeling that something horrible is about to happen at any time.
It starts when the Doctor points out, at first without suspecting anything wrong with it, that the bodies have not started deteriorating. He tells Kadijk someone must have sent the SOS signal much earlier than the deaths, but you know it's not true because we saw the attack in the first chapter and it was Amy who called them. Then later, a body disappears from the morgue. Some more pages, and it's two bodies. And you know the dead are walking again.
And of course, when bad things do happen in page, Anghelides make sure to detail them disturbingly. There is a point, when the Doctor and Cockaigne have gone back to the cathedral, that one of the wolves is decapitated by Bernard. I love the descriptions there. It's so violent, it's so bloody and it's horrifying because Cockaigne just decapitated the body of his already dead friend. Not much later you have this scene, Johnson being another member of HALF that just died:
Johnson was standing up. In the attack, her neck had been hacked though at the front, so when she stumbled towards him he could see her head lolling forward awkwardly. In the sharp brilliance of the police vehicle floods, Cockaigne could see that Johnson's left arm and hand were covered in thick brown hair. The rest of her skin was shimmering, undulating - and then more coarse hair began to srpout from underneath. The police guards stared in disbelief. Johnson took two more steps towards Cockaigne, who shied away. Her green eyes focused uncertainly on him, and she threw her head in a gargling howl. But the effort was too much, and her slashed neck finally gave way - her head dropping off backward, and her body falling prone on the muddy ground. The head bounced twice, and rolled into a pool of dirty water.
One of my favorite bits is when Gray is transforming into the Jax:
Gray stumbled to his feet, tearing off his jacket then ripping his shirt and tie off savagely. Metal buttons pinged and bounced like scattered change on the wooden floor. Then he lunged on to the desk with a howl of anguish. Sam could see, in the moonlight, an arch of hair splitting out down the skin of his spine. The medallion still dangled on its chain around his neck. [...] Grey's obscene transformation continued. She watched his clean white nails suddenly sprout longer, more pointed. He screamed out a howl of anguish as his legs - his rear legs - bent awkwardly in the opposite direction and dropped him to the floor on his haunches. His new claws gouded a short path in the surface of the solid wooden desk. Then he turned his head into the moonlight streaming in through the open window, and Sam could see it distending, stretching, a muzzle forming from the centre of the mass of hair at the centre of his face with a sickening cracking sound. Pointed ears developed from swollen buds on the top os his head, and he screamed in agony and exultation.
The werewolves themselves are not that inventive, sure, but I like it. I love how there two kinds. The Jax themselves, the sentient species, and then you have the dead bodies being infected and being controled in a kind of hive mind. There is also a bit of a twist that the Jax are not the wolves themselves but the sentient virus that infects them. Also! Because of that plus the descriptions of the infection on the dead and how it's spreading through Kursaal and the tourists, this feels a little bit like a zombie apocalypse. Which I liked a lot.
HALF, Kursaal and the themes
HALF is a ecoterrist (or is it?) organization that is sabotaging Kursaal. They are used on the narrative to comment on how the construction of the park is destryoing the planet and killing native life. And of course, how evil corporations are. Which are both true. Amy and Cockaigne are the most important characters from HALF in the book; the others are mostly cannon folder for disturbing deaths. Amy's death took me by surprise, I was not expecting it. And after that? Nobody is safe in the book.
I do wish though it (the HALF) was more cohesive with the themes. Perhaps Sam could have a conflict about what to do with the Jax; perhaps they could've been used to comment onto ecofacism (which they are not, I am just playing with what ifs), perhaps the park could've been indeed destroyed but it fucked up the future. I say that because they are core to the themes of the book and yet it's not important at all in the timeskip. By the Kursaal has finished its construction, Cockaigne is no longer working with HALF and the politics of the park revolve around the drug cartels - which are well established as a small problem fifteen years prior, so the worldbuilding is very done, it just doesn't fit that well thematically.
One of the things I disliked though, is that the book doesn't use the parks to its fullest. Kursaal is a leisure planet, full of thematic parks with vividy imagery. We could have had so much more fun with that.
And then, everybody died. Or, the Veredict.
This a very bleak book. I was not expecting that. Every single character dies horribly, except for Sam, the Doctor and a minor officer. Even some background characters. It fits, in a way. It's a blood hungry narrative and I like it for what it is. I even thought it would be a fitting ending for Sam if she died here. It could have been visceral, with a few tweaks in the thematics beats.
Considering how much dislike I had seen for Kursaal, I was not expecting such a fun read. It's even my third favorite book so far, behind only Vampire Science and Alien Bodies. A good surprise. ★★★★☆, for now.
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reachingforthevoid · 1 year
Doctor Who: The Mark of the Rani
I rewatched this serial on 5 May 2023. It’s another one I’ve not seen often. 
We begin with coal miners in 19th century rags heading to the baths after a long day’s work. They’re gassed and once they awake they become violent. In the TARDIS, the Doctor and Peri head to Earth because of some kind of time distortion gubbins. They land in the midst of the violence and the Doctor wants to see George Stephenson — for the first time in a while we see a character who was a real historical person. The industrial revolution provides the back drop to this serial, and it is a shame there’s not more about it going on. Stephenson is fairly much in the background, too, for most of it.
Meanwhile, the Master is skulking about. It doesn’t take long before we learn that the old woman running the bath house is a Time Lord called the Rani. While the Rani and the Master aren’t working together, and aren’t alike, they are of a kind. It’s a shame that the Master is in this story, really, because he doesn’t add anything and takes away from the Rani and her plans. Her TARDIS is rather cool, too. A bit Dalek-y. Tee hee with the Tyrannosaurus Rexes — neat nonsense, that.
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streetglider · 2 years
Wheelchair Edit Wheelchair Wheelchair Type: Vehicle Place of origin: Earth Used by: Humans First seen in: The Dalek Invasion of Earth Memorable moment A wheelchair was a chair mounted on wheels used by disabled or injured people. History Among those who required a wheelchair were Dr. Judson, (TV: The Curse of Fenric) Jeremy Winterdawn, (PROSE: Falls the Shadow) Alexander K. Bridgeman, Udentkista, (PROSE: Invasion of the Cat-People) David Merrison, (PROSE: But Once a Year) John Lumic, (TV: Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel) Rona Bellows, (TV: Last Christmas) Jackie MacLean (TV: For Tonight We Might Die) and Dortmun. (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth) When Channing abducted the Third Doctor from Ashbridge Cottage Hospital, he transported him in a wheelchair; however, the Doctor used the wheelchair to escape. (TV: Spearhead from Space) Having been sent back to Event One, the TARDIS appeared to provide the newly regenerated Fifth Doctor with an electric wheelchair to help him get around. (TV: Castrovalva) The Second Doctor was wheeled around in a wheelchair in front of Peri by Shockeye to see if she recognised him. (TV: The Two Doctors) Hugh Curbishley pretended to need a wheelchair to keep his wife Clemency Eddison from leaving him. (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp) Neil Redmond used a wheelchair after his car accident in France in 2004. (AUDIO: Uncanny Valley) Owen Harper used a wheelchair after forgetting how to walk thanks to Amira Hussein. (AUDIO: Iceberg) Amfetriti used a wheelchair to disguise her nature. (AUDIO: Cryptobiosis) Rex Matheson used a wheelchair to make his way to the hospital exit. (TV: The New World) By 2018, an elderly Umbreen made use of a wheelchair. (TV: Demons of the Punjab) In an alternate timeline in which the British Empire had conquered Earth with Dalek technology, the Sixth Doctor was confined to a wheelchair after his legs had been cut off for attempting to escape. (AUDIO: Jubilee) In an alternate reality created by Mister Heart, Patrick Spate used a wheelchair. (PROSE: Framed)
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askdalekrex · 4 years
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Dalek Rex is still alive in the wonderful world of VRChat. Even though I’m not updating this blog anymore I can still keep Dalek Rex alive. I just need to find a program to change my voice in to a Dalek and Rexie here will speak and spread the wonderful news about how Daleks are the best race in the galaxy. Sadly to bring Scarlet and Violet into VRChat I would have to commission them which I don’t have the money for that. Although if you guys want to see Rexie every once in awhile and possibly ask him how he has been doing you can visit him on my twitch channel. Hopefully these pics of the cute little angry squid will bring some type of smile or joy seeing Rexie again.I hope y’all are staying safe and having fun, love y’all.
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scarletandfriends · 6 years
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(I back again with the updates, now i just need questions to go with them)
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jmmallory · 2 years
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askponyrex · 7 years
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On this SD card I have in my phone is an old drawing of Rex as a human I did while I was still in school. I kinda wanna redraw this but I'm not really a good artist or anything.
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companion-showdown · 8 months
Freaky Little Pets:
Fifi vs K9
Fifi vs Myfanwy WINNER: Fifi
Sandy the sandbeast vs K9 WINNER: K9
previous rounds under the cut
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Fifi vs the t-rex from Deep Breath WINNER: Fifi
Handles vs Myfanwy WINNER: Myfanwy
Sandy the sandbeast vs the butterfly room WINNER: Sandy the sandbeast
The chumblies vs K9 WINNER: K9
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Fifi vs Arthur the horse WINNER: Fifi
The t-rex from Deep Breath vs Wolsey WINNER: the t-rex from Deep Breath
Handles vs Gadget Gadget WINNER: Handles
Tricey the triceratops vs Myfanwy WINNER: Myfanwy
Sandy the Sandbeast vs Bernard Socks WINNER: Sandy the Sandbeast
The butterfly room vs Ramsay the vortisaur WINNER: the butterfly room
The clam vs the chumblies WINNER: the chumblies
Fred the Eternal Snail vs K9 WINNER: K9
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Mina and her kittens vs Fifi WINNER: Fifi
Jasper and Stewart vs Arthur the horse WINNER: Arthur the horse
The T-Rex from Deep Breath vs Janet the Weevil WINNER: The T-Rex
Vampire Squirrels vs Wolsey WINNER: Wolsey
Handles vs Antranak WINNER: Handles
Zombo the zarbi vs Gadget Gadget WINNER: Gadget Gadget
Tricey the triceratops vs Rose the dog WINNER: Tricey the triceratops
2-2 vs Myfanwy WINNER: Myfanwy
Sandy the Sandbeast vs Splinx WINNER: Sandy the Sandbeast
The Drashigs vs Bernard Socks WINNER: Bernard Socks
The butterfly room vs Group Marshal WINNER: The Butterfly Room
The cybershades vs Ramsay the Vortisaur WINNER: Ramsay the Vortisaur
HiFi vs The clam WINNER: The clam
Gramps vs The chumblies WINNER: The chumblies
Fred the Eternal Snail vs Aggedor WINNER: Fred the Eternal Snail
The cat from Fear Her vs K9 WINNER: K9
ROUND 1: Group Stage
The group stage is going to be in two parts, first the bottom contestant in each group will be eliminated, then those who came in second to last will face each other, and the bottom three will be eliminated. This is because it is the easiest way to make the numbers work
Group 9: pets who came in second to last, the bottom 3 will be eliminated
Zombo the Zarbi
The Drashigs
Rose the dog
Mr Sweet
Janet the Weevil
Group Marshal
Grandfather's shadow
Group 1:
The Slyther (Dalek Invasion of Earth) ELIMINATED
Sandy the Sandbest (The Rescue) (<- you should vote for him)
Zombo the Zarbi (The Web Planet) GROUP 9
The Chumblies (Galaxy 4)
HiFi (Steven's stuffed panda)
Group 2:
Aggedor (The Curse/Monster of Peladon)
The Drashigs (Carnival of Monsters) GROUP 9
The Clam (Genesis of the Daleks)
K9 (you know who K9 is)
The Shrivenzale (The Ribos Operation) ELIMINATED
Fifi (The Ribos Operation)
Group 3:
Spider robots (The End of the World) ELIMINATED
Arthur the Horse (Girl in the Fireplace)
Rose the Dog (Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel) GROUP 9
The cat from Fear Her
Cybershades (The Next Doctor)
Gadget Gadget (The Waters of Mars)
Group 4:
Tricey (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
Mr Sweet (The Crimson Horror) GROUP 9
Handles (Time of the Doctor)
The T-Rex from Deep Breath
The Beetles from Knnock Knock ELIMINATED
Group 5:
Rose-the-cat ELIMINATED
Bernard Socks
Group Marshal GROUP 9
Group 6:
Gramps GROUP 9
Marmaduke GROUP 9
Mina the cat and her kittens
Group 7:
Myfanwy (Torchwood Pterodactyl)
Janet the Weevil (Torchwood) GROUP 9
Keepsake's Vulture ELIMINATED
Jasper and Stewart
Group 8:
Grandfather's Shadow GROUP 9
Ramsay the Vortisaur
Fred the Eternal Snail
The Butterfly Room
Vampire squirrels
links to previous tournaments
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theranibish · 3 years
I have collected quite the number of specimen over the centuries, all kept in the TARDIS zoo, so here are the most notable of them:
- 317 Daleks (2 exterminated, 2 in critical condition)
- 7 CIA operatives (Timelords)
- 4 radioactive rats + every type of rats (in pairs)
- 2560 furbies (they have their own island ... it's a long story)
- 1 T-rex (that caused way too much trouble than it is worth)
- 27 varoious crossbred dinasours
- 100 Best Scientific Minds from around the universe
- 3 giraffes (I just think they are neat)
Loss's corner has:
- 2 alive worms on string
- 1 weasel (themselves excluded)
- alpacas (they keep adding more so i always end up with different numbers when i try to count them)
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dilfjack · 3 years
not me, realizing jack and rex will probably still be on earth during the dalek takeover of 2164,
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