#cutaneous membrane
pat-the-pa · 2 years
Subcutaneous Layer
The first layer below the cutaneous membrane is called the subcutaneous layer. It is also known as the hypodermis and superficial fascia. Although this layer helps stabilize the integumentary system and shares some characteristics, it is not technically a part of the integumentary system. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/21902-hypodermis-subcutaneous-tissue Within the subcutaneous…
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harvardfineartslib · 1 year
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Happy International Bat Appreciation Day!
Did you know that bats are the only mammals capable of true and sustained flight? Their hand-like wings are formed from four elongated “fingers” covered by a cutaneous membrane. Pretty amazing!
Image: Bat with Young, 1881. Kyōsai Kawanabe (1831 – 1889) Plate from the illustrated book Kyōsai rankuga (Kyōsai’s Drawings for Pleasure)
Kyōsai's animal circus : from the Israel Goldman Collection Sadamura, Koto, 1982- [author] London : Royal Academy of Arts, 2022. English 河鍋暁斎, -- 1831-1889 -- Exhibitions. Kawanabe, Kyōsai, 1831-1889 -- Exhibitions HOLLIS number: 99156378937403941
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theavianlady · 10 months
Haha…this got much too long to put in an ask.
So…I have done an obscene amount of research on turtle biology. Because I’m so freakin obsessed with these stupid turtle people. And in doing my research, I found something that reminded me of something in the endnotes of a fic from @thedawningofthehour.
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From what I could see, softshell turtles do have lungs, and they can breathe air just like any other “air-breather”.
We also know that most turtles can “breathe through their butts''. Thank you, Olaf. This is called Cloacal Respiration (for those of you who don’t know, a cloaca is the only…uh…hole that most birds and reptiles have). This is kind of a misleading name because they can also oxygenate through their mouths and throats as well (I’m a bit mad at society for only really sharing the butt part, especially since it’s not even a butthole (referring to the anus, rectum, etc), it is a cloaca people. I’m begging you, for the love of all things good in this horrible world, please use the correct terminology instead of joking about butts all the time; it pains me).
I was really curious about how exactly they did that because that’s pretty freaking cool, so I did more research. It sounds like they can do it through specific areas because they have a high enough concentration of blood vessels close enough to the surface that it is possible for them to oxygenate through diffusion (diffusion is essentially just molecules passing through cell membranes to get into the cell, thus, in the case of oxygen, fueling it). Which is kind of scary considering that that would imply that those areas would bleed a lot more if injured and likely be a lot more sensitive. This is even more scary considering that I also found out that most turtles also have something else called cutaneous respiration, which is literally the same thing, but through their skin. Which implies that their skin is very sensitive. I also learned that in their throats, they have lots of highly vascularized villi (little...bits of flesh in a specific shape), which allows for even more diffusion. Oh, fun.
Kind of unrelated, but I also found out that while brumating, every once in a while, softshells will do something resembling a pushup to expose more oxygen-rich water to their skin. Ooh, fascinating.
Important notes:
I am not a professional, everything listed here is from my own personal research - which is very carefully conducted, but still take everything I’ve said with a grain of salt.
When I say “most…”, it’s most likely because I don’t want to speak in absolutes about things I’m not 100% certain about, so it could be true, or it could not be.
I’m sorry if I offended anyone by explaining things that people already knew, I just have absolutely no clue what normal people know (I researched taxonomy and turtle ear anatomy for fun, y’all).
I know that a cloaca could technically count as an anus…but it’s not exactly the same, so it bugs me that people think it is.
I, unfortunately, couldn’t find anything talking about how long turtles can actually hold their breaths or go without oxygen that took into consideration cloacal respiration. Maybe that information doesn’t exist because I’m the first psychopath to wonder about it, who knows?
There are so many questions I’ve had branching off from this that I’ve just chosen not to delve into yet because I’ve already spent way too much time researching this. For example, I’m not sure if the “higher concentration of blood vessels” is actually, well. Blood vessels. ‘Cause I have no clue if diffusion can occur in flowing blood. How do alveoli work? Do the blood cells stop at the alveoli to re-oxygenate and then keep going? Do they have like, little docking stations? Are there alveoli in turtles' cloacal tissue? How fast does the transfer of oxygen happen; maybe it doesn’t matter if the blood is flowing, I don’t know. My brain is a mess; I could keep listing questions for ages.
Having said that, if anyone knows anything about this that I missed, can confirm my hypotheses, or even just wants to discuss this further, I absolutely love talking about science, and I would really like to develop my theories more. Knowledge is the most valuable thing in the world to me, so please don’t keep it from me. Even if you have like, the most stupid idea, I would really enjoy discussing it.
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synblr · 1 year
A Prologue to Amniotes
Part IV - The egg came first
Late Mississippian. It has been 40 million years since tetrapods first walked on land. Every generation since then, they have remained bound to the waters for at least one moment in their life cycle.
Despite their adaptations for walking on land, early tetrapod reproduction wasn't much different from that of their fish predecessors. Spawning, or external fertilization of an egg mass, with eggs covered in a gelatinous membrane laid in a body of water, prevending the permeable eggs from dessicating.
But things are now changing. While the mid-Carboniferous rainforests still provide safe, moist environments, reptiliomorphs have already begun adventuring further inland. As swamps left room to humid crevices to lay eggs in, creatures like Casineria also began to develop internal fertilization, refusing to leave their reproduction at the mercy of the elements.
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Casineria kiddi, an early amniote relative by ДиБгд (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Adventuring into even drier environments, ancestors of amniotes still had to solve two crucial problems. While a harder shell could prevent the egg from dessicating, it would doom the embryo to suffocation, by preventing it to get rid of carbon dioxide. Furthermore, the small size of the eggs - also constrained by gas exchange - limited the full development of the embryo before hatching.
To solve both of these issues, the outer layers of the eggs would have to be reshaped. The outer gelatinous layer was replaced by a fibrous membrane for protection, and later by the three layers known as extraembryonic membranes: the amnion, chorion and allantois. The innermost amnion would surround and protect the embryo, while the outer chorion and sac-like allantois take care of gas exchange and waste removal.
In the safety of the amniotic egg, the embryo was able to hatch considerably more developed than before. Skipping the larval stage, amniote youngs would hatch as miniatures of the adults, making them able to face the challenges of the Carboniferous world from the day of their birth.
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Structure of the amniotic egg, by Lumen Learning (CC-BY)
As the Pennsylvanian began and climate started to dry out, later developments would perfect the ability of early amniotes to survive in drier, fully terrestrial environments. A thicker, less permeable skin will develop, incorporating keratin and preventing dessication. Cutaneous respiration, requiring the skin to be moist at all times, will give way to costal respiration, harnessing the power of the ribcage to expand and contract the lungs. Cutting their last ties with the water, amniotes had finally conquered the land.
On one fateful day, not long after the amniote body plan was perfected, one of the most decisive splits in vertebrate history would occur. A divergence of the amniotes into two major lineages, alternating domination of land, sea and sky for the next 320 million years. But sauropsids like Hylonomus would at first stay in the shadows. The stage of the Late Pennsylvanian would be left to their rivals and cousins, as forerunners like Archaeothyris paved the way for their own lineage: the synapsids.
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Archaeothyris, one of the first known synapsids, by ArthurWeasley (CC BY-SA 3.0)
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Warrior Cats Prefixes List- B
I had a WC Name Generator on Perchance that I made but I don't seem to have access anymore, so I'm remaking it here as just a simple list. The definitions used are the ones that Clan cats have for those things, and thus are the origins of the names. Definitions used are whatever I found when I googled it.
Badger-: "[noun] a heavily built omnivorous nocturnal mammal of the weasel family, typically having a gray and black coat"
Bark-: "[noun] an outer layer of a woody plant such as a tree or stick; [noun] the sharp explosive cry of certain animals, especially a dog, fox, or seal"
Barley-: "[noun] a hardy cereal that has coarse bristles extending from the ears"
Basalt-: "[noun] a dark, fine-grained volcanic rock that sometimes displays a columnar structure"
Basil-: "[noun] an aromatic annual herb of the mint family; [noun] the leaves of the basil plant"
Bass-: "[noun] any of numerous edible marine or freshwater bony fishes"
Bat-: "[noun] any of a widely distributed order of nocturnal flying mammals that have wings formed from four elongated digits of the forelimb covered by a cutaneous membrane and rely on echolocation"
Bay-: "[noun] a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward; [noun] an indentation or recess in a range of hills or mountains"
Beach-: "[noun] a strip of land covered with sand, pebbles, or small stones at the edge of a body of water"
Bear-: "[noun] a large, heavy mammal that walks on the soles of its feet, having thick fur and a very short tail"
Beaver-: "[noun] a large semiaquatic broad-tailed rodent that is native to North America and northern Eurasia"
Bee-: "[noun] a honeybee; [noun] an insect of a large group to which the honeybee belongs, including many solitary as well as social kinds"
Beech-: "[noun] a large tree with smooth gray bark, glossy leaves, and hard, pale, fine-grained timber"
Beetle-: "[noun] an insect of an order distinguished by forewings typically modified into hard wing cases that cover and protect the hind wings and abdomen"
Belladonna-: "[noun] another name for the deadly nightshade plant"
Bellflower-: "[noun] a plant with bell-shaped flowers that are usually blue, purple, pink, or white"
Berry-: "[noun] a small roundish juicy fruit without a stone"
Big-: "[adj] of considerable size, extent, or intensity"
Bilberry-: "[noun] a small dark blue edible berry; [noun] a hardy dwarf shrub closely related to the blueberry, with red drooping flowers and dark blue edible berries"
Birch-: "[noun] a slender, fast-growing tree that has thin bark (often peeling) and bears catkins"
Bird-: "[noun] a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, and a beak and (typically) by being able to fly"
Bison-: "[noun] a humpbacked shaggy-haired wild ox native to North America and Europe"
Bitter-: "[adj] having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet"
Black-: "[noun] black color or pigment; [adj] of the very darkest color owing to the absence of or complete absorption of light; the opposite of white"
Blackberry-: "[noun] an edible soft fruit consisting of a cluster of soft purple-black drupelets; [noun] the prickly climbing shrub of the rose family that bears blackberries"
Blackbird-: "[noun] a European thrush with mainly black plumage; [noun] an American bird with a strong pointed bill. The male has black plumage that is iridescent or has patches of red or yellow"
Blaze-: "[noun] a very large or fiercely burning fire; [verb] burn fiercely or brightly"
Blazing-: "[verb] burn fiercely or brightly"
Blight-: "[noun] a plant disease, typically one caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts (smut as defined as a fungal disease of grains); [verb] infect (plants) with blight"
Blizzard-: "[noun] a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility"
Bloom-: "[noun] a flower, especially one cultivated for its beauty; [noun] a delicate powdery surface deposit on certain fresh fruits, leaves, or stems; [verb] to produce flowers, to be in flower"
Blossom-: "[noun] a flower or a mass of flowers, especially on a tree or bush; [verb] (of a tree or bush) produce flowers or masses of flowers"
Blue-: "[noun] blue color or pigment; [adj] of a color intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day"
Bluebell-: "[noun] a European woodland plant of the lily family that produces clusters of blue bell-shaped flowers in spring; [noun] any of a number of other plants with blue bell-shaped flowers"
Blueberry-: "[noun] the small sweet blue-black edible berry of the blueberry plant; [noun] a hardy dwarf shrub of the heath family, with small, whitish drooping flowers and dark blue edible berries"
Bluebird-: "[noun] an American songbird of the thrush subfamily, the male of which has a blue head, back, and wings"
Boa-: "[noun] a constrictor snake which bears live young and may reach great size, native to America, Africa, Asia, and some Pacific islands"
Boar-: "[noun] a tusked Eurasian wild pig from which domestic pigs are descended; [noun] a male domestic pig"
Bog-: "[noun] wet muddy ground too soft to support a heavy body"
Bolt-: "[verb] (of an animal) run away suddenly out of control; [noun] thunderbolt"
Bone-: "[noun] any of the pieces of hard whitish tissue making up the skeleton in vertebrates; [noun] the calcified material of which bones consist"
Borage-: "[noun] a herbaceous plant with bright blue flowers and hairy leaves"
Boulder-: "[noun] a large rock, typically one that has been worn smooth by erosion"
Bounce-: "[noun] an act of jumping or an instance of being moved up and down; [verb] (of a person) jump repeatedly up and down, typically on something springy"
Bough-: "[noun] a main branch of a tree"
Bracken-: "[noun] a tall fern with coarse lobed fronds, which occurs worldwide and can cover large areas"
Bramble-: "[noun] a prickly scrambling vine or shrub, especially a blackberry or other wild shrub of the rose family"
Brambling-: "[noun] a small brightly-colored passerine bird in the finch family"
Branch-: "[noun] a part of a tree which grows out from the trunk or from a bough"
Brave-: "[adj] ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage"
Bream-: "[noun] a greenish-bronze deep-bodied freshwater fish native to Europe"
Breeze-: "[noun] a gentle wind"
Briar-: "[noun] any of a number of prickly scrambling shrubs, especially the sweetbriar and other wild roses"
Bright-: "[adj] giving out or reflecting a lot of light, shining; [adj] (of a person) intelligent and quick-witted"
Brindle-: "[noun] a brownish or tawny color of animal fur, with streaks of other color; [adj] (especially of domestic animals) brownish or tawny with streaks of other color"
Bristle-: "[noun] a short stiff hair, typically one of those on an animal's skin, a man's face, or a plant; [verb] (of hair or fur) stand upright away from the skin, especially in anger or fear"
Broken-: "[adj] having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order; [adj] (of a person) having given up all hope, despairing"
Bronze-: "[noun] a yellowish-brown alloy of copper with up to one-third tin; [noun] a yellowish-brown color"
Brown-: "[noun] brown color or pigment; [adj] of a color produced by mixing red, yellow, and blue, as of dark wood or rich soil"
Brush-: "[noun] a plant community characterized by vegetation dominated by shrubs, often also including grasses, herbs, and geophytes"
Bryony-: "[noun] a climbing plant that has greenish-white flowers and red berries"
Bubble-: "[noun] a thin sphere of liquid enclosing air or another gas"
Bud-: "[noun] a compact growth on a plant that develops into a leaf, flower, or shoot"
Buffalo-: "[noun] a heavily built wild ox with backswept horns, found mainly in the Old World tropics"
Bug-: "[noun] an insect of a large order distinguished by having mouthparts that are modified for piercing and sucking; [noun] a small insect"
Bull-: "[noun] a fully grown male animal of a domesticated breed of ox"
Bumble-: "[verb] move or act in an awkward or confused manner; [verb] speak in a confused or indistinct way"
Bumblebee-: "[noun] a large hairy bee with a loud hum, living in small colonies in holes underground"
Bunny-: "[noun] a rabbit, especially a young one"
Burdock-: "[noun] a large herbaceous Old World plant of the daisy family"
Burn-: "[verb] (of a fire) produce flames and heat while consuming a material such as coal or wood; [verb] destroy, damage, or injure by heat or fire"
Burnet-: "[noun] a herbaceous plant of the rose family, with globular pinkish flower heads and leaves composed of many small leaflets"
Burnt-: "[adj] of or showing colors having a deeper or grayer hue than is usually associated with them"
Burrow-: "[noun] a hole or tunnel dug by a small animal, especially a rabbit, as a dwelling; [verb] (of an animal) make a hole or tunnel, typically for use as a dwelling"
Buttercup-: "[noun] a poisonous herbaceous plant with bright yellow cup-shaped flowers, which is common in grasslands and as a garden weed"
Butterfly-: "[noun] a nectar-feeding insect with two pairs of large, typically brightly colored wings that are covered with microscopic scales"
Buzz-: "[noun] a low, continuous humming or murmuring sound, made by or similar to that made by an insect"
Buzzard-: "[noun] a large hawklike bird of prey with broad wings and a rounded tail, typically seen soaring in wide circles"
Buzzing-: "[verb] making a low, continuous humming or murmuring sound"
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auburniivenus · 4 months
❛ i'm going to make sure nothing bad will ever happen to you. ❜
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Within   the   ecstatic   ballet   of   adjustment,   METAMORPHOSIS   manifests   as   a   poignant   sonnet,   weaving   segments   of   dread   and   unbearable   discomfort.   Nascent   tendrils   of   deterioration   encompass   the   human   heart,   choreographing   a   concerto   of   excruciating   agony   that   imprisons   the   senses   –   a   malevolent   march   that   constricts   the   soul   to   trembling   remnants   of   PARANOIA   and   hellish   urgency.   The   heart,   erstwhile   a   resilient   drummer   of   existence,   falters   in   rhythm,   diminishing   until   its   final   threnody   reverberates   within   the   body’s   forsaken   hollows.   
Blood,   once   a   fluorescent   river   of   life's   sustenance,   transmutes   into   an   acrid   deluge,   its   essential   purpose   disintegrating   into   the   ether   as   cell   membranes   tremor   and   twist   in   a   grotesque   tableau   of   decaying.   The   inhalations   which   embraced   air’s   luscious   bounty   collapse   into   MUTILATED   fragments   of   despair;   they   scorch   the   pulmonary   system   with   each   burning   exhalation   as   vitality   wanes   and   yields.   Human   form,   once   abounded   with   supple   warmth,   undergoes   an   ALABASTER   MORPHING   –   cutaneous   calcifying   to   the   semblance   of   archaic   marble   –   a   petrifying   rebirth   that   crystallizes   the   spirit   in   perpetual   gloom.   
Excruciating   screams   emerge   as   she   contorts;   perceptions   dimming   and   corporeal   existence   disintegrating.   As   reality’s   fabric   frays,   the   implications   of   this   dismal   reshaping   unfurl   like   a   nightmarish   embroidery.   The   seething   torment   accompanying   physical   dissolution   merely   prefaces   her   incremental   rise   into   an   immortal   realm—a   disturbing   resurgence   anchoring   her   within   an   eternal   penumbra.   Nature   itself   appears   to   withdraw   in   horror   from   this   catastrophe,   lamenting   both   INNOCENCE’S   DEMISE   and   the   nascent   existence   of   a   timeless   predator.   
Progressively,   she   perceives   her   humanity   dispelling;   her   intrinsic   luminescence   absorbed   by   encroaching   darkness.   Her   hand   vehemently   seizes   his   own,   her   nails   impaling   his   flesh   in   desperate   search   for   connection,   drawing   sanguine   drops   from   him.   Consciousness   slips   from   her   tenuous   grasp,   extinguishing   what   frail   embers   remain   of   her   mortal   essence.   As   eyelids   flit   open   to   reveal   eyes   reminiscent   of   crimson   jewels   caressed   by   lunar   fondness,   she   finds   him   before   her;   their   glances   meet   and   coordinate   in   sanguine   allure.   A   freshly   acquired   awareness   overwhelms   her—an   unquenchable   thirst   galvanizing   every   connective   tissue   with   raw   ardor.   She   aches   for   him   entirely.   
With   a   languid,   sinuous   movement,   she   presses   her   tongue   over   the   newly   acquired   fangs   that   now   adorn   her   ivory   teeth,   feeling   the   crispness   of   their   tips   with   a   sensation   akin   to   the   delicate   kiss   of   a   razor's   edge.   Her   every   movement   exudes   a   strong   magnetic   pull,   a   siren's   call   that   beckons   the   unsuspecting   to   her   side   with   an   irresistible   force.   Attraction   emanates   from   her   being,   as   if   her   very   presence   is   a   hypnotic   melody   that   captivates   all   who   dare   to   gaze   upon   her.   “I   am   confident   in   your   protection.”   Whispers,   her   voice   a   tremulous   breath   suspended   in   the   charged   air.   
“This   new   reality—its   intensity   confounds   me,   its   power   overwhelms   me.”   She   contends   with   the   tumultuous   sea   of   emotions   that   accompany   the   staggering   awakening   to   her   new   existence.   Orihime's   delicate   digits   glide   over   her   alabaster   complexion,   now   imbued   with   an   ethereal   glow,   making   her   appear   as   a   terrestrial   incarnation   of   the   moon's   arcane   splendor.   “I   find   myself   besieged   by   urges   too   potent   to   ignore.”   Electricity   dances   across   her   frame,   rapture   and   raw   desire   entwine   within   her   as   she   moves   closer   and   enfolds   him   in   an   enraptured   embrace—their   edges   blurring   into   one.   It's   a   kiss   of   profound   passion   and   urgent   need,   as   though   she   pleads   with   him   to   claim   her.   Her   hand   caresses   his   platinum   locks   as   if   taming   chaos   itself,   and   from   barely   parted   lips   slips   a   whisper—an   invocation.   “Make   me   yours,   my   lord.”   
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sskk-ao3feed · 9 months
the cutaneous and mucous membranes: a comparison study
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/rP85ZbI by sarahworm Atsushi said, with as much emphasis as he could muster, “Kunikida-san, Akutagawa did stuff to me and then dropped me on the ground and he says he doesn’t remember but he left me all alone and it made me sad.” *** Akutagawa biting Atsushi and then immediately being summoned to catch Aya causes a series of problems in the aftermath. Words: 2540, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs) Relationships: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Vampire Bites, Misunderstandings, Crack, among other things this is a joke about a mistaken case of workplace sexual harassment, so: fair warning if you're sensitive to that!, i feel like i ought to be put in the stocks for the title. sorry, background/implied relationships for:, Dazai/chuuya - Freeform, dazai/kunikida (and chuuya), dazai/ango, he's just like that. it's not my fault. read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/rP85ZbI
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
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The most common triggers for EM are herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection, followed by Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. It occurs most often in young men. A prodrome of fever, malaise, and itching or burning at the site of the eruption can occur. Early lesions are red maculopapular spots and progress to the characteristic “targetoid” lesions. Targetoid lesions have a center blister surrounded by pale edema and a ring of erythema. Target lesions are the hallmark of EM, although they may not always be present. Lesions are usually symmetric and most commonly appear in a symmetrical distribution on the extensor surfaces of the acral extremities and subsequently spread in a centripetal manner. The lesions may be asymptomatic, but they also may present with itching and burning.
Eruptions can also occur in the oral cavity and can often be associated with the vesicular lesions of HSV. EM can progress to toxic epidermal necrosis or Stevens-Johnson syndrome. If linked to an HSV infection, acyclovir can be prescribed to decrease recurrent rashes.
Because of the association between HSV and EM, all patients with EM should be closely evaluated for concomitant HSV infection and appropriate treatment.
Bottom Line: Erythema multiforme (EM) is a cutaneous skin eruption with classic targetoid and oral mucosal lesions most commonly caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. It is less commonly caused by drugs. All patients with EM should be evaluated for HSV infection.
EM major, also known as Stevens-Johnson syndrome, involves mucous membranes.
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rnedicalimaging · 21 days
18th May 2024
Crash Course: Anatomy & Physiology - The Integumentary System, Skin Deeper
Integumentary System Protects Your Body
Senses The Outside World
Helps Excrete Waste
Stores Blood
Regulates Temperature
Makes Vitamin D
Indicates Signs of Poor Health
Integumentary System
Blood Storage
Temperature Regulation
Vitamin D Synthesis
"The first and most vital purpose of the integumentary system is to act as a protective barrier."
Protective & Sensory Functions of the Integumentary System
Skin, hair, nails, sweat and oil glands work to shield us from threats: excessive sunlight, infections, abrasions etc.
"The integumentary system is also vital to how you sense the world around you."
Cutaneous Sensory Receptors
Structures, part of the nervous system, that receive stimuli from outside environment and send them to the brain.
Corpuscles (Receptors)
register different sensations associated with touch
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Tactile Corpuscles
transmits sensations of light touch and low frequency vibrations from periphery > central nervous system
E.g. Makes you aware of a tag scratching the back of your neck.
Lamellar Corpuscles
register the sense of pressure
E.g. Someone puts their hand on your shoulder.
Hair Follicle Receptors
feeling the breeze on skin/through your hair
More Functions: Removing Waste, Storing Blood & Regulating Body Temperature
"The integumentary system also plays a role in the excretion of waste."
Waste Removal
The integumentary system excretes small amounts of waste elimanted through the skin via sweat.
Urea, uric acid and ammonia, nitrogen-containing waste, are disposed via urine.
There's no evidence that heavy sweating rids the body of extra toxins, just water loss.
Blood Storage Unit
"About 5 percent of the entire blood volume is retained in your skin at any given time."
When more bloody supply is needed, like exercising, the nervous syste constricts dermal blood vessels to squeeze extra blood into circulation.
Body Temperature Regulation
During exertion, both blood and sweat glands regulate body temperature.
Insensible Perspiration
unnoticable sweat
The body excretes about 1.5L of sweat daily to maintain a comfortable body temperature.
Sensible Perspiration
noticeable sweat
Heavy exertion can cause 12L of sweat per day.
To regulate heat loss, dermal blood vessels constrict, causing causing blood to head deeper into tissues to keep vital organs warm
Once heat returns, blood vessels relax, allowing blood to return to the surface.
Skin Dyscolouration: Cyanosis, Jaundice or Erythema
Skin colour can indicate homeostatic imbalances.
As human skin colour spans, some conditions are easier to diagnose by discolouration of other tissues - mucous membranes, finger and toenail beds.
Cyanosis (Blue Skin)
In Caucasian people:
may indicate heart failure
poor circulation
severe respiratory issues
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Blood depleted of oxygen turns darker in colour, which seen through the tissue of lips or skin, can look blue-ish.
Jaundice (Yellow Skin)
may indicate liver disorder
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Yellow bile accumulates in the blood stream.
Erythema (Red Skin)
may indicate fever, inflammation, allergy
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Fever, inflammation and allergy cause blood vessels expand and cause more blood flow to the skin's surface.
Melanin, Vitamin D & Skin Tone
synthesizes melanin
Melanin is a pigment produced by melanocyte cells in the epidermis.
produces reddish yellow pigments
produces brownish black pigments
It's main job is to protect against sun's ultraviolet rays.
Vitamin D
Bones require Vitamin D to produce new bone cells, which is the only vitamin the body can produce on its own.
Skill cells contain a molecule that converts to Vitamin D when in contact with UV light.
Vitamin D Path:
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Skin > Bloodstream > Liver & Kidneys
In the liver and kidneys, Vitamin D becomes Activated D (Calcitriol).
Calcitriol circulated to all bones of the body.
How Does Hair Conditioner Work?
Skin Appendages
Sebaceous Glands
Oil Glands
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Hair, or pili, are flexible strands of dead keratin protein - like fingernails.
The outermost layer of the dead cells, the cuticle, look like overlapping roof shingles.
keratinisation is complete
keratinisation is still happening
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Each follicle is a tube of epidermal cells.
Like the epidermis, cells at the bottom of each follicle are young, continually dividing and pushing older cells up through the skin's surface.
Finger & Toe Nails
root of nail
nail body
nail bed
At the back of the nail bed, new cells divide at the root and are pushed forward, creating scaly-hard keratin.
Types of Sweat Glands: Eccrine, Apocrine, Mammary and Ceruminious
Sweat & Oil Glands
"There are up to three million toiny sudoriferous, or sweat glands, distributed throughout the body."
secrete salty, watery sweat
Eccrine & Apocrine Glands
Eccrine Glands
soles of feet
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Eccrine glands are abundant.
They're simple coiled tubes that start in the dermis, extend through a duct and open into a pore on the skin's surface.
Apocrine Glands
armpit hair follicles
groin hair follicles
"deluxe" sweat - with fats and proteins
yellow-ish colour
"You only have about 2000 of these, and they start cookin' around puberty, emptying into the hair follicles around the armpits and groin."
When the bacteria on the skin gets a hold of this sweat, it gets odorific, creating body odor.
Deodorants don't affect how much you sweat, but they reduce the smell by attacking odor-making bacteria.
Antiperspirants, using aluminum, block the sweat glands and prevent perspiration.
Modified Apocrine Sweat Glands
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Mammary Glands
secrete milk
Ceruminious Glands
cerumen (earwax)
Sebaceous (Oil) Glands
Sebaceous Glands
oil glands
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Sebaceous glands are everywhere but in thick skin on palms and foot soles.
Ducts are smaller on limbs but bigger on face, neck and upper chest.
Most sebaceous glands secrete sebum, an oily substance, into hair follicles that can travel to the skin's surface.
Although they cause pimples, their primary function is to soften and lubricate skin and hair, and slow skin's water loss in dry environments.
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vancepruitt52 · 3 months
Characterization of the Effect of Sphingolipid Accumulation in Membrane Compactness, Dipole Prospective, along with Mobility associated with Tissue layer Components.
Nederlander Sr. System for Alzheimer's Investigation, and also the Sinai Medical Staff Groundwork.Tryout REGISTRATIONClinicalTrials.gov, NCT00340678.Despite the large deaths along with mortality between people together with extensive cutaneous burns within the extensive proper care product because of the progression of severe breathing distress symptoms, successful therapeutics continue to be decided. That is simply because your systems bringing about severe lung injury (ALI) over these people continue being unfamiliar. We test the actual speculation that cutaneous chemical substance melts away encourage bronchi harm due to endemic service involving neutrophils, specifically, accumulation mediated by the arrangement of neutrophil extracellular draws in (Fabric tailgate enclosures). Additionally we illustrate the potential benefit for any peptidyl arginine deiminase Several (PAD4) inhibitor to avoid NETosis and to protect microvascular endothelial hurdle purpose, as a result reducing the harshness of ALI throughout these animals ch-223191antagonist . Each of our info demonstrated that phenylarsine oxide (PAO) treatments for neutrophils brought on greater intra cellular Ca2+-associated PAD4 task. Any skin chemical substance melt away simply by lewisite as well as PAO ended in PAD4 activation, NETosis, as well as ALI. NETs disrupted the particular obstacle objective of endothelial tissues within individual lung microvascular endothelial cellular spheroids. Citrullinated histone 3 by yourself triggered ALI in rats. Pharmacologic or even innate abrogation regarding PAD4 restricted bronchi harm following cutaneous compound burns. Cutaneous can burn by simply lewisite along with PAO triggered ALI through PAD4-mediated NETosis. PAD4 inhibitors may have potential as countermeasures in order to suppress negative bronchi harm after chemical substance can burn.Extreme expansion associated with general easy muscle tissues (SMCs) is still a tremendous reason for in-stent restenosis. Integrins, which can be heterodimeric transmembrane receptors, perform an important role inside SMC biology by binding for the extracellular matrix health proteins together with the actin cytoskeleton from the SMC. Integrin α9 performs a vital role inside cellular mobility and also autoimmune ailments; even so, it's position inside SMC chemistry and biology as well as upgrading continues to be uncertain. Herein, all of us show that activated human being coronary SMCs upregulate α9 phrase. Aimed towards α9 throughout ignited man heart SMCs, employing anti-integrin α9 antibody, curbs man made phenotype and also stops SMC growth and migration. To deliver definitive facts, many of us made a great SMC-specific α9-deficient mouse tension. Innate ablation associated with α9 in SMCs covered up man made phenotype along with decreased proliferation and also migration throughout vitro. Mechanistically, under control man made phenotype as well as reduced expansion were related to decreased major adhesion kinase/steroid receptor coactivator signaling along with downstream goals, which includes phosphorylated ERK, p38 MAPK, glycogen synthase kinase 3β, as well as atomic β-catenin, along with reduced transcriptional initial of β-catenin focus on genes. Right after general injury, SMC-specific α9-deficient mice or wild-type these animals treated with murine anti-integrin α9 antibody shown diminished injury-induced neointimal hyperplasia from evening Twenty eight by simply constraining SMC migration along with spreading. Our results claim that integrin α9 handles SMC chemistry and biology, advising the potential healing request within general remodeling.
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irevizecom · 5 months
Frog Morphology and Anatomy
Frog Morphology and Anatomy are carnivorous tailless amphibians found widely in India. A variety of frogs can be found around the world; Among them, the Indian frogs are called Rana tigrina. They are vertebrates, which fall under the class Amphibia (phylum Chordata). Frogs are cold-blooded animals (poikilotherms) whose body temperature varies according to their environment, therefore, they need to protect themselves from extreme heat and cold to maintain optimal body temperature. Thus, they follow aestivation and hibernation during the summer and winter seasons respectively. Another characteristic of frogs is that they are camouflaged i.e. they can change the color of their skin according to their surroundings.
Morphology of Frogs
Although larvae have a tail, adult frogs are tailless. An adult frog has a thick body divided into a head and torso. Other external features are a pair of nostrils, bulging eyes, a membranous tympanum (ear), slippery/warty moist skin, and webbed organs.
The skin of frogs is usually slippery, moist, and highly permeable through which they absorb water and respire. Thus, moist skin serves as a respiratory organ in frogs. Additionally, the skin is glandular, producing mucus and toxins to alert them to their predators. The color of the skin can vary from brown and green to bright red depending on the secretion.
Frog Morphology and Anatomy move with the help of their forelimbs and hindlimbs. Frogs are monogamous, that is, they show sexual dimorphism. A male frog is distinguished from a female frog by the presence of vocal folds and copulatory pads on the forelimbs. Female frogs lack these physical characteristics.
Below Is an Easy and Well-Labeled Picture of a Frog (Rana Tigrina) for Your Better Understanding.
Body Structure
The body plan of Frog Morphology and Anatomy consists of well-developed structures that help in their physical activities. The body cavity accommodates all the organ systems such as digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, nervous, and reproductive systems, whose functions are almost similar to those of human body systems.
Digestive System
The alimentary canal together with the accessory organs forms the digestive system of the frog. Since frogs are carnivorous, their intestines are small. The alimentary canal starts from the mouth (oral or oral cavity), passes through the pharynx, esophagus or food pipe, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and finally ends at the cloaca. Food particles are slowly digested by passing through different parts of the alimentary canal.
Respiratory System
Amphibians have two methods of respiration – cutaneous respiration and pulmonary respiration. In aquatic ecosystems, the skin is the respiratory organ where diffusion of dissolved oxygen occurs. This is called cutaneous respiration. During pulmonary respiration, air entering from the nostrils enters the lungs through the oral cavity. But during summer and winter sleep, they use only the skin for respiration.
Communication Systems
Frog Morphology and Anatomy have a well-developed muscular heart with three chambers, two atria, and one ventricle. Blood and lymph help transport food, air, and other substances throughout the body through the network of blood vessels. Blood is composed of plasma and blood cells (RBCs, WBCs, and platelets.
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Excretory System
The frog is a ureotelic animal whose major excretory product is urea. They have a separate excretory system composed of a pair of kidneys, ureters, cloaca, and bladder. The kidneys contain structural units called nephrons that filter blood and remove waste.
Coordinate System
The nervous system and endocrine system together perform the functions of control and coordination in Frog Morphology and Anatomy. The endocrine system is composed of endocrine glands such as the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, pineal body, pancreas islets, adrenals, and gonads. The secretions of these glands, called hormones, are responsible for metamorphosis and other regulatory functions.
The nervous system is divided into the CNS and PNS. The brain is distinguished as the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain which control different parts of the body. The brain is encased in the skull and the vertebral column protects the spinal cord.
Reproductive System
Both male and female frogs have their reproductive systems where gametes are produced for reproduction. Male frogs have testicles that produce sperm and expel it through the cloaca. In the female frog, a pair of ovaries produce the ovum and transport it to the oviduct which opens into the cloaca. The cloaca is a common passageway for excretion and reproduction. Lays 2500 to 3000 eggs at a time which are fertilized externally.
Visit Us: - Frog Morphology and Anatomy
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Address: A-32b, Top floor, Vishwakarma Colony, New Delhi - 110044
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pat-the-pa · 2 years
Layers Of The Dermis The dermis layer is located inferior to the epidermis layer in the cutaneous layer. This layer is made of connective tissue and can be divided into two layers: Papillary LayerReticular Layer https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Adult-human-skin-is-a-layered-organ-consisting-of-an-epidermis-and-a-dermis-The_fig1_233976352 The papillary layer of the dermis is the most…
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frass-stuff-blog · 8 months
Emerging Threat: Disfiguring Skin Disease Caused by Tropical Parasite Spreads in Texas
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In a concerning turn of events, Texas is grappling with the emergence of a disfiguring skin disease caused by a tropical parasite, now considered endemic in the state. While proposed measures aim to allow Texas to deport migrants, the pressing issue at hand is the local spread of leishmaniasis through sand flies native to the southern U.S., a situation exacerbated by the lack of authority to deport these disease-carrying sand flies.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlights that the parasite responsible, Leishmania mexicana, is likely spreading locally through sand flies, resulting in the development of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Skin sores, erupting weeks to months after an infected fly bite, can last for years, leading to scarring. Although hospitals have treatment options, not all cases require medication.
Remarkably, no vaccine is currently available for leishmaniasis in humans, adding urgency to the need for heightened awareness. The CDC emphasizes that the parasite is now "endemic" in Texas and southern border states, a fact confirmed through genetic testing of locally sourced flies.
Preventing sand fly bites, which lead to parasite infestation, poses a challenge. Leishmania mexicana targets the nerves of the skin, making bites difficult to detect. These tiny tan flies, a quarter the size of mosquitoes, are most active at night and can slip through ordinary mosquito nets.
Dr. Mary Kamb, a medical epidemiologist at the CDC, notes that people may be asymptomatic, but when symptoms manifest, skin ulcers develop, resembling tiny volcanoes with craters. Although generally not painful due to nerve disablement, these sores can be disfiguring, particularly if on the face. Severe cases, according to the CDC, can be fatal.
While cutaneous leishmaniasis sores usually heal on their own, the process can take months or even years, leaving unsightly scars. Additionally, certain parasite types found in Latin America may cause mucosal leishmaniasis, affecting mucous membranes and potentially going unnoticed until years after initial sores have healed.
Addressing the spread of this skin disease is crucial, as untreated cases of visceral leishmaniasis can be fatal. The focus is now on raising awareness and implementing measures to prevent further infections and protect public health.
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dermexpertise · 11 months
The hormonal changes of menopause can significantly impact skin health and appearance. As estrogen levels decline, skin may become thinner, drier, and lose elasticity. This “hormonal aging” accelerates wrinkling and aging.
While hormone replacement therapy (HRT) helps mitigate some changes, it doesn't fully prevent aging. Topical estrogen applied directly to skin provides local benefits without systemic effects.
Cosmetic treatments like retinoids, peels, lasers, and injectables target sun damage and wrinkles that HRT does not. Lifestyle measures like sun protection remain key.
For optimal skin health during menopause, consider HRT along with cosmetic treatments and skincare under guidance of experts like Dr. Aria Moradkhani of DermExpertise. A multi-faceted approach helps you look your vibrant best.
#menopause #skincare #antiaging #hormonereplacementtherapy #dermatology #beauty #health
#DrAriaMoradkhani #DermExpertise
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biomedres · 1 year
Uncommon Cutaneous Solitary Reticulohistiocytoma: A Case Report
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Uncommon Cutaneous Solitary Reticulohistiocytoma: A Case Report in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
The histiocytosis are a group of diseases associated with the exacerbated immune response of macrophages/monocytes. There is still no consensus regarding their morphological classifications and clinical presentations [1,2]. The most common and studied histiocytosis are Langerhans cell histiocytosis and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. The others are collectively called NonLangerhans Cell Histiocytosis (NLCH) or rare histiocytosis [3]. Among the NLCH, Reticulohistiocytosis (RH) can present in a multicentric, diffuse cutaneous, or solitary pattern [4,5]. Solitary Reticulohistiocytoma (SRH) presents as a solitary papule or nodule with a reddish or yellowish hue. It affects mainly the skin and mucous membranes, being first described by Zak in 1950 [5-7]. SHR is a rare condition, and its prevalence has not yet been established [8]. With this in mind, we present below a rare case of SRH in a female patient from southern Brazil.
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healthcare-gomedii · 1 year
What Is Anthrax: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment?
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Anthrax is a rare but serious disease caused by bacteria called Bacillus anthracis. The bacteria of this disease remain in the soil and remain dormant for many years. Anthrax mainly affects animals but due to exposure to sick and infected animals, this bacterium also infects humans. Anthrax bacteria enter the body through skin lesions.
Also, contaminated meat can also affect a person with anthrax. A person suffering from this disease has chest pain, diarrhea, vomiting, fever and blisters on the skin. If the problem increases, a serious situation can occur for you. Therefore, timely treatment is necessary. It also has some symptoms, which, when given attention, you can understand its initial condition.
(People Also Like To Read:Anthrax Vaccine – Everything You Should Know About Anthrax Vaccine)
How Common Is Anthrax?
Anthrax is a rare disease. It affects both women and men equally. Hundreds of people all over the world suffer from anthrax. In 2001, 5 people died due to exposure to biological weapons, while 17 people were seriously ill. Contact your doctor for more information.
Symptoms Of Anthrax
Anthrax affects many body systems. In most cases, a person suffering from anthrax usually develops symptoms within a week of exposure to the bacteria, whereas inhalation anthrax symptoms occur a few weeks or months later. Over time, these symptoms of cutaneous anthrax begin to appear:
Skin ulcers and itching
Swelling without pain on the skin
Dark spots on the skin
Lymph gland and tissue inflammation
It is considered to be a mild form of anthrax, and symptoms of cutaneous anthrax usually decrease after treatment.
A person suffering from inhaled anthrax has the following symptoms:
Throat pain
Fever and phlegm
Muscle aches
Shortness of breath
Fatigue and shiver
These symptoms occur in a person suffering from anthrax ingestion:
Severe abdominal pain
Loss of appetite
Sore throat
Blood in stool
(People Also Like To Read:Sore Throat)
When should I see a doctor?
See the doctor after any of the symptoms mentioned above. Anthrax can have a different effect on everyone's body. Therefore, you should consult a doctor for any situation. Symptoms of anthrax are similar to flu. There is mild pain in the throat and muscles when anthrax occurs. If you work in places where there is a high chance of anthrax or if you notice unusual symptoms in the body when you come in contact with animals, go to the doctor immediately.
What causes anthrax?
Anthrax is usually spread by touching, breathing and eating anthrax spores directly or indirectly. Anthrax spores become active once they enter the body and produce toxins by increasing the number of bacteria there. Apart from this, the person can also come in contact with anthrax through animals and biological weapons. Anthrax bacteria can also enter the body due to infected domestic and wild animals, products made from infected animals such as wool and skins, eating the undercooked meat of infected animals.
The Risk
Anthrax is a serious disease. 20 percent of people suffering from anthrax through the skin die due to timely treatment. While 25 to 75 percent of people affected by gastrointestinal anthrax are likely to die. Not only this, anthrax can cause inflammation in the membranes and fluid covering the brain and spinal cord, which can lead to death of a person due to rapid bleeding or hemorrhagic meningitis. Contact your doctor for more information.
The Treatment     
Do not treat the information provided here as any medical advice. Always consult your doctor for more information.
How is anthrax diagnosed?
Doctors examine the body to detect anthrax and also check the patient's family history. Some tests are done to know this disease:
Skin test: Cutaneous anthrax is examined by taking a sample of fluid or tissue from a skin lesion.
Blood test: Anthrax bacteria are detected by taking a sample of blood from the patient's body.
CT scan and X-ray: A chest X-ray or CT scan is performed to check for inhalation anthrax.
In some patients, a stool test is performed to diagnose gastrointestinal anthrax. During this, anthrax bacteria are examined in the patient's feces. Also, the endoscopy test also tests the bowels.
How Is Anthrax Treated?
Anthrax can be cured by treatment. Certain therapies and medications reduce anthrax effects in individuals. There are several types of medications for anthrax:
The patient is given antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin or doxycycline for 60 consecutive days.
Anthrax and BioThrax vaccine are given to the patient to destroy anthrax bacteria.
The patient is given anti-toxin therapy to remove the toxin of Bacillus anthracis bacteria from the body.
In addition, in some patients, surgery removes infected tissues if anthrax does not reduce after treatment.
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