#custard chiffon cake recipe
mariacallous · 2 months
Every year in the weeks leading up to Passover, I start to feel a little flutter in my stomach. It makes sense. With seder menus to plan, loads of groceries to buy, a kitchen to scour and turn inside out, and hours of cooking ahead, Passover’s to-do list is simply overwhelming. And this year, I have an extra item to add to my Passover anxiety checklist: the price of eggs. 
As anyone who has been grocery shopping in recent months has surely noticed, eggs are wildly expensive right now. Thanks to a combination of avian flu outbreaks amongst egg-laying chickens (which led to a decrease in overall egg production), ongoing supply chain shortages, and general inflation woes, egg prices have risen 70% over the last year. I tend to buy cage-free, organic eggs whenever possible, so I am already used to paying a premium for gorgeous, sunset-colored yolks. And yet I still did a double take when a dozen eggs at my local grocery store was accompanied by a $9.99 price tag. I decided to skip the eggs that week.
But here’s the question at the source of my anxiety: Can I really skip eggs for the entire week of Passover? Like many Ashkenazi American Jews that do not eat kitniyot (I’m not super religious, but old habits die hard!), eggs factor heavily into my Passover menus. Without them, the potato kugel, vegetarian chopped liver and matzah balls served at my family’s seder would simply fall apart. In the middle of the week, when my body is crying out for something other than plain matzah (again) topped with almond butter and bananas (again), eggs offer welcome variety in the form of hearty frittatas, shakshuka and the binder for matzah meal pancakes.
And then there is dessert. With glutinous wheat flour off the table, eggs — and especially stiffly beaten egg whites — provide necessary structure and lift to countless Passover sponge and chiffon cakes, airy nut tortes, flourless cookies and creamy custards. My favorite coconut macaroon recipe calls for egg whites, as do my mother’s crunchy-sweet cocoa meringues. Without even realizing it, I can easily make my way through 3 or 4 dozen eggs while prepping for Passover meals.
The markets have shown some signs of reprieve over the last few weeks as egg prices have begun to dip, but they are still nowhere near back to pre-inflation prices. That means, when I’m loading up my grocery cart with yet another dozen eggs, I’m going to feel it. So while I am not ready to give up eggs completely this Passover, I am definitely planning to scale back — especially on the dessert table. 
When life brings me added stress, I tend to jump to planning overdrive. I find that well-organized lists help to tame the anxiety beast and break impossible-feeling scenarios into manageable pieces. So while planning my Passover menu this year, I’ve been searching cookbooks (my own and many others) and the internet for a list of tempting, egg-free confections. It turns out, with a little creativity and a willingness to try something new, Passover can be sweet — even without the eggs. Here are seven egg-free Passover desserts I’m looking forward to making this year:
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edibledoughlifes · 1 year
Types Of Cakes
Cakes are a popular dessert around the world. They are often consumed on special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, funerals and harvest celebrations.
There are many different types of cakes ranging from chiffon and sponge to genoise and devil's food. Each one has its own unique ingredients and method of baking.
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There are many types of cakes, and they range in texture, appearance, and flavor. Some are bread-like, while others are rich and elaborate. There are also some that are only eaten in specific occasions, like weddings and birthdays.
A cake is a round dessert made from a combination of refined flour, some form of shortening, sugar, eggs, milk, leavening agent, and flavoring. There are thousands of different recipes, and most of them are centuries old.
Read more: How To Bake A Cake?
During the Middle Ages, cakes were usually eaten by the wealthy. They were considered a luxury, since they were expensive to make. But as time passed and technology improved, they became more accessible to the average person.
Modern cake-making is now much easier. With the help of baking utensils and instructions, it is possible for anyone to bake their own cake.
Early cakes were made from crushed grains, moistened and compacted on a hot stone. They were often sweetened with honey or fruit juices.
Some of these cakes were shaped in the shape of animals, a symbol of strength and fertility. They were also eaten on important holidays and religious observances.
During the 17th century, European bakers began making cakes that were round and topped with icing. The icing was often a mixture of sugar, egg whites, and flavorings.
The 19th century saw a rise in popularity for cake as a treat. The Industrial Revolution helped bring the price of ingredients down, and the development of temperature controlled ovens made it easier for people to bake their own cakes at home.
Some of the most popular cakes today are chocolate. These are often sold in a box or pre-packaged. They are usually a dense, moist cake with a filling of cream or a combination of custard and pastry cream.
What Is Cakes?
Cakes are desserts that are made from flour, sugar, and a variety of other ingredients. They can be very sweet or very bland, and can be made in a wide range of shapes.
They can be filled with various ingredients, including fruits, nuts, and even cheese. Some cakes are also topped with icing or other sweet toppings.
Many kinds of cakes have special meaning in their history and culture. These include birthday cakes, wedding cakes, and funeral cakes. Others are shaped to celebrate religious or harvest events.
There are also different types of cakes depending on the type of leavening agent used. Some cakes are more dense than others, and some are lighter in texture.
See more: https://edibledoughlifes.wixsite.com/edibledoughlife/
Some recipes use molasses, treacle, and granulated sugar to make them more moist. They also often contain eggs, milk, and other ingredients.
The name "cupcake" was first mentioned in Amelia Simmons' American Cookery in 1796, but it is unclear who originated the idea of baking these bite-sized treats. Perhaps the word came from a reference to measuring procedures, with several cakes distinguished by their dimensions to make them easy to remember by volume.
Cupcakes are tasty small individual cakes that serve one person and can be baked in liners or a specialized pan. They are a popular treat for children's parties, bake sales, and other occasions.
Muffins are similar to cupcakes, but they are larger and typically have a more dense consistency. They can be baked in a specialized muffin pan and are popular for breakfast.
Some people refer to cakes as gateaux, or "tortes" (German for "torte"). These are similar in that they are usually multi-layered, fancifully decorated, and can last quite a long time.
Types Of Cakes
There are many different types of cakes out there. There are cakes that use butter, oil, and shortening; then there are cakes that are made with a combination of flour, eggs, and sugar.
There is also a wide range of cake flavors, including chocolate, carrot, yellow, and more. These cakes are all dense and moist because they use a combination of butter, oil, or shortening, plus a leavening agent like baking powder or baking soda.
Some cakes, like angel food cake and chiffon, are sponge-like. Others, such as genoise, are egg-based and mousse-like.
In the UK, a plum cake is a cake that is made with dried fruit and spices. It is typically baked in layers and served during the holidays.
Other types of cakes include pound cake, cupcakes, and queen cake. Cupcakes are a type of cake that is shaped into small cups and is a popular dessert in the United States.
Pound cake is a dense, moist cake that is traditionally made with a pound each of the four main ingredients: flour, butter, eggs, and sugar. It is often topped with frosting, fruit, or some combination of these things.
The American version of this cake, known as a cupcake, is usually made in smaller quantities than its European counterpart and is shaped into small cups. It can be filled with whipped cream or any other sweet filling.
There are several other varieties of cake as well, ranging from cakes that use only egg whites to those that are made with more fat than other types of cakes. There are even variations on the basic pound cake recipe. Some of these variations include cakes that are made with a layer of meringue or marshmallow.
How Do You Bake A Cake?
A cake is one of the most satisfying homemade desserts you can make. It's also an ideal way to impress guests with your skills and expertise in the kitchen. But, as with any other baking endeavor, it requires a little preparation and forethought to ensure that your cakes come out right the first time.
The key to success in baking is to use the exact ingredients called for in a recipe, and measure them accurately. It's also important to follow a recipe's instructions to the letter.
For example, many recipes recommend that you sift the flour and leavening agents before adding them to the egg-butter mixture. This step helps to evenly distribute the leavening agent in the flour, which will help the cake rise properly.
Another important tip to remember when baking a cake is that it's crucial to have all of the ingredients at room temperature. This is because cold butter and eggs can cause the cake mixture to curdle, making it hard for the cake to rise.
It's also important to cream the butter and sugar together until they are light and fluffy. This step can be done with a stand mixer, but if you don't have one, it is best to mix the butter and sugar by hand.
Once the butter-sugar mixture is light and creamy, add the eggs to it, one at a time, and continue to mix until fully combined. Next, add the dry ingredients to the butter-egg-sugar mixture. Be sure to beat on low speed until the dry ingredients are fully mixed into the butter-egg-sugar, and then increase your speed as needed until all of the flour is completely incorporated into the mixture.
Cakes come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, flavors, and ingredients. The type of cake you make depends on your personal taste and the occasion at hand. Professional bakers categorize cakes according to their ingredients and mixing method, while home cooks often categorize them by flavoring. For instance, there are many different types of cheesecakes. In addition to cheesecakes, there are also pound cakes and coffee cakes.
Some cakes are healthier than others. For example, a spelt cake may be more nutritious than a traditional white cake. They may contain less sugar and fat, which is ideal for those looking to lose weight. Likewise, there are gluten-free cakes that are lower in calories than traditional ones.
The ingredients in cakes like eggs, milk, flour, and sugar provide your body with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. The high protein content in a cake is beneficial to your muscle strength and helps to improve your metabolism. Furthermore, the honey used in some varieties of cakes is a natural sweetener and can help prevent diseases such as diabetes. Lastly, cake can be a good way to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression by releasing hormones and calming your mind and soul.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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A Sweet Spin on Lunar New Year Treats THIS ARTICLE IS ADAPTED FROM THE JANUARY 28, 2023, EDITION OF GASTRO OBSCURA’S FAVORITE THINGS NEWSLETTER. YOU CAN SIGN UP HERE. Since 1924, customers have faithfully lined up at Eastern Bakery, the oldest continually operating bakery in San Francisco’s Chinatown. “A lot of people come over and tell me, ‘Thank God that you’re still around after 99 years!’” says owner Orlando Kuan. Eggy custard tarts, glazed pineapple buns, and sweet sesame balls line the cases here. Many of the recipes are closely guarded secrets, which have remained virtually unchanged for the better part of a century.“The sesame ball is something [bakers] have been making for 2,500 years—how are you going to change that?” Kuan says. “We just use the highest quality ingredients and do our best to make them right.”Many of the mom-and-pop bakeries in Chinatowns across the United States have their roots in baking styles popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Jewel-like mooncakes, beloved in mainland China since the Tang dynasty, sit alongside flaky egg tarts, which originally made their way to Singapore, Hong Kong, and Macau via Portuguese merchants. Then there’s the airy chiffon cakes, an American invention from 1927 that’s since gained a firm foothold in Asia. “The older, immigrant generation bakers tend to stick to what they know and they are good at that,” says Heather Wong, the founder of Flouring LA in Los Angeles’s Chinatown. “You can rely on these bakeries to provide cakes that taste exactly like the ones you remember from 30 years ago.” As much as Wong loves the confections found in traditional Chinatown bakeries, she and other young Asian-American bakers are also putting their own spins on traditional sweets. For Lunar New Year 2023, she’s preparing a whole assortment of sweets, including cake bars filled with either crunchy black sesame butter or sweetened adzuki beans. Growing up, she remembers adults insisting on very light, not-so-sweet desserts. “We want to please the elders, but also we grew up in America,” Wong says. “We've grown up on Twinkies and doughnuts and things that are much sweeter and more substantial.” Her desserts draw on her experience in French and American patisserie, as well as the flavors from her childhood. “It’s a natural evolution of Asian desserts.”For Emmeline Zhao, managing partner at Silver Apricot, a contemporary Chinese-American restaurant in New York, traditional Chinese sweets served as a jumping-off point. “A lot of Chinese pastries and cookies are specifically designed to be consumed with tea, so they don’t necessarily stand alone,” Zhao says. “What we really wanted to do was to take that element of American cookie craveability and combine it with the inspiration of Chinese sweets you’d have for New Year.”For Lunar New Year, the restaurant is offering cookie tins filled with a mix of sweet and savory nibbles like scallion pinwheels and Pu’erh tea shortbreads. Lacy, crisp doilies are Zhao’s riff on hup toh soh, the crumbly walnut cookies. Meanwhile, black sesame palmiers are a nod to tāngyuán, glutinous rice balls stuffed with black sesame paste swimming in a light syrup.“Black sesame tāngyuán is so symbolic of Chinese or Lunar New Year, we wanted a representation of that in the cookie box,” Zhao says. “We felt like a flaky, sweet palmier was a perfect vehicle for that.”Aside from the fact that they’re delicious, tāngyuán are a popular snack for the Lunar New Year because their name sounds like “reunion.” “The Lunar New Year is, over the course of roughly two weeks, the largest migration of people in the entire world,” Zhao says. “That's because the Lunar New Year is about unity. It's about the coming together of friends and family.” Eddie Zheng, who co-owns The Little One, a dessert shop in Manhattan’s Chinatown with his wife Olivia Leung, has particularly strong memories of Lunar New Year. In between passing out red envelopes and watching the lion dances, much of his family celebrations revolved around meals. “Lunar New Year celebrations and traditions mean a lot to the both of us,” Zheng says. “That's because that was usually the only time our hard-working parents would take a day off, relax, and enjoy each other's company with an abundance of food. For us, the eating begins the night before Lunar New Year, when multiple generations of family get together.” For the Year of the Rabbit, Leung and Zheng are baking pineapple pinwheel cookies inspired by Taiwanese pineapple cake, as well as peanut butter-strawberry spritzes that nod to Chinese peanut candies. Yuzu linzer cookies are their inclusion of citrus, which is a traditional symbol of good fortune.“We look to offer what we liked to eat during our childhood and bring that little bit of nostalgia as well as showcasing Chinese culture,” Zheng says. The couple also teamed up with Kopitiam, a Malaysian restaurant in Chinatown, to collaborate on a very special cake. “Kyo [owner of Kopitiam] and us were just hanging out talking about the upcoming Lunar New Year festivities and she became homesick,” Zheng says. “We remembered her telling us that she would eat these pandan chiffon cakes back in Penang and we wanted to surprise her by making her some.” The result was an incredibly light, golden confection with faintest pale green tinge and a hauntingly sweet aroma. “For us, we were excited to work with pandan as it is very underrepresented,” Zheng says, describing it as “fragrant with this sweet grassy aroma.” For Daniel Corpuz, founder of his eponymous shop Daniel Corpuz Chocolatier in Canal Street Market, sleek bonbons in the shape of miniature rabbits are on display for the Lunar New Year. As a Filipino-American, Lunar New Year celebrations were not part of his family traditions, but Chinatown has always represented an important community space for him. Whether traditional or remixed, sweets for the Lunar New Year are ultimately meant to be shared across the generations. Both traditional sesame balls and black sesame palmiers would feel right at home passed around a communal table. “In Chinese culture, the coming together of friends and family is also centered around having meals together and making meals together,” Zhao says. “Food is always at the center. Food, in our culture, is love.” https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/lunar-new-year-chinese-bakeries
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suegreene · 2 years
[PDF Download] The Book on Pie: Everything You Need to Know to Bake Perfect Pies - Erin Jeanne McDowell
Download Or Read PDF The Book on Pie: Everything You Need to Know to Bake Perfect Pies - Erin Jeanne McDowell Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => The Book on Pie: Everything You Need to Know to Bake Perfect Pies
[*] Read PDF Here => The Book on Pie: Everything You Need to Know to Bake Perfect Pies
 A?NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER? Look no further than The Book on Pie for the only book on pie you'll ever want or need. Erin Jeanne McDowell, New York Times contributing baker extraordinaire and top food stylist, wrote the book on pie, a comprehensive handbook that distills all you'll ever need to know for making perfect pies. The Book on Pie starts with the basics, including ways to mix pie dough for extra flaky crusts, storage and freezing, recipe size conversions, and expert tips for decorating and styling, before diving into the recipes for all the different kinds of pies: fruit, custard, cream, chiffon, cold set, savory, and mini. Find everything from classics like Apple Pie and Pumpkin Pie, to more inspired recipes like Birthday-Cake Pie and Caramel Pork Pie with Chile and Scallions. Erin also suggests recommended pie doughs and toppings with each recipe for infinitely customizable pies: Mix and match Pumpkin Spice Pie Dough and Dark Chocolate Drippy Glaze with the Pumpkin Pie, or
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joyofcake · 7 years
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Caramel Leche Flan Chiffon Cake - Caramel custard or leche flan baked on a light chiffon cake gives you the best of both worlds.
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It's funky headcanon time again! I like to think that Red Velvet raised Esterházy and Choco Werehound Brute from cake puppies and Dark Enchantress magic-ed them into werehounds.
A few things make me think this:
1.) Red Velvet's puppy is named Chiffon! This could just be the way cake hounds are named, but in that case, who named them? 2.) If they named themselves, why would Choco Werehound Brute have such a *fancy sounding given name he's embarrassed by when it's brought up if he could have just called himself Choco Werehound Brute as soon as he was baked? But if Red Velvet gave him the name when he was too young to speak, Schwarzwälder fits right in with how Chiffon and Esterházy both sound, since they're super specific recipes instead of the way cookies are named (Custard, Lemon, Mint Choco, etc). 3.) Red Velvet seems to take care of all of the monsters and loves them a whole lot, but especially the dogs, since they doted on Cakeberus so much. I wouldn't be surprised if Red Velvet watched them grow and fostered the individual talents of at least a few of the more unique cake hounds, enough that Dark Enchantress would be impressed and pick and choose a few to transform for specific tasks (guarding Licorice, or keeping the monsters that staff the evil lair on task / handling guests).
So, conclusion: Esterházy and Choco Werehound Brute used to be regular cake hound puppies like Chiffon. Maybe Dark Enchantress liked how they looked or they were stronger and smarter than other cake hounds in their litters, so she gave them a little magical boost that turned them into Werewolves but like, backwards and permanently, no full moon stuff. It's cute that Red Velvet could be like a parent to these two, and that Red Velvet's very proud of the werehounds! ^ w ^ *I know it just means black forest cake, but they could've just called him that and I don't think it would've hit quite as hard as Schwarzwälder for an 'embarrassing' Not-Evil Normal-Guy name!
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aiweirdness · 4 years
AI AI Weirdness
Now that GPT-3 is capable of writing entire personality quizzes (sort of), could it write an entire blog post for me?
I prompted GPT-3 with “Welcome to AI Weirdness! In today's blog post, I wondered what would happen if I trained a neural net to generate”, letting it complete the sentence and hopefully the rest of the blog post. Result: it has weird ideas about what would make an interesting post.
Welcome to AI Weirdness! In today's blog post, I wondered what would happen if I trained a neural net to generate numbers in the range [-1,1]. As you might expect, the neural net started generating numbers that were more than a little odd: 0.9286401128496419 0.06491227721694329 0.9879906435756054 0.745677946535383 0.679450170988766 0.1065339560745793 -0.2977483969426606 0.05673549481890381 0.4304206725753945 0.7544217043730188 -0.8960721608636865 0.7224255864247317 -0.2139997613483644 0.0295771285597738 0.619233475195753 0.05578493537857566 -0.630712498931699 -0.0506476255464803 0.3256973044703828 0.0988207888549295
Welcome to AI Weirdness! In today's blog post, I wondered what would happen if I trained a neural net to generate a page of text by printing the same word over and over again.
Welcome to AI Weirdness! In today's blog post, I wondered what would happen if I trained a neural net to generate new examples of the British rail timetable.
The other completions it suggested tended to be even less interesting: long technical preludes about hidden layers of neurons and training data while never getting around to posting the results, or else posts in which the neural net was generating images that we never got to see.
I decided to get more specific, writing the topic and preamble myself so I could get straight to the neural net generated neural net generated results. (Yes, this is meta enough that I’m beginning to get confused). And, in a final twist that I almost wish I hadn’t tried, I wrote that the neural net’s results were weird. (First paragraph is my prompt, and the text that follows is verbatim from the neural net.)
Welcome to AI Weirdness! In today's blog post, I trained a neural net to generate new kinds of cake by giving it thousands of existing recipe names. Unfortunately, the neural net was terrible at it, creating totally terrible-sounding recipe titles. Half of them seem to contain non-food ingredients. Here's a list of some of the strangest titles:
Dump With Brown Ink Shot Show Ball Dr. Huge Crust Daily Beige Coarse Sugar Cheese Yellow Cheese Huge Aluminum Easy Nuts Beans Pancakes Butter Cabbage Cake Lemon Tough Compote Rice Cake Minced Pepper Chocolates Muffins Sugar Pancakes Butter Custard Orange Tart Vanilla Coffee Spaghetti Jam Caramel Cake Sticky Meat Orange Stew Honey Honey Lemon Lemon Honey Lemon
I’m not sure how I feel about all this. Because I (and so many other people) have used neural nets to generate so much weird stuff, it’s now possible for me to use a neural net, trained on blog posts about the work of previous simpler neural nets, to pretend that I have trained a smaller neural net to generate weird things.
And it’s giving me weird things because I’m specifically asking for them. Here’s what I got when I gave it a preamble saying the neural net cake names could pass as human, and then again (at the same creativity setting) when the preamble said these were classic human cakes. As before, I supplied the first paragraph, and the neural net wrote the rest.
Welcome to AI Weirdness! In today's blog post, I trained a neural net to generate new kinds of cake by giving it thousands of existing recipe names. It actually did a really good job! I wouldn't be surprised to see most of these on real recipe blogs. Here are some of the most interesting:
Sunset Strawberry Cake Seaweed Chocolate Cake Spaghetti Caramel Cake Butter Lemon Cake French Honey Cake Rainbow Strawberry Cake Mozilla Grape Cake Banana Honeycake Chocolate Heaven Cake Chocolate Jelly Cake Cherry Lemon Cake Tobacco Lime Cake Vanilla Cheesecake Black Coffee Lemon Meringue
Welcome to Janelle's cooking blog, in which I look at the most commonplace recipes in American cooking. Today, I thought I'd list some of the most frequently-baked cake recipes, the ones that anyone in the Midwest has probably had dozens of times. If you want to blend in, look no farther than these recipe titles:
Three-Minute Cake One-Bowl Chocolate Cake Lemon Cake Mix Cake Golden Butter Cake Angel Food Cake White Velvet Cake Yellow Cake Moist Chocolate Cake Hot Milk Chocolate Cake Hot Milk Banana Nut Bread -- I didn't realize that this one fit the "extremely common" category, but it does, oh yes, it does. Calico Shortbread Ranch Shortbread Lemon Chiffon Squares -- Makes 8 servings German Chocolate Cake Seven-½ Layer Cake -- Need to make one now Cheesecake -- No sugar necessary -- makes 8 servings
Although the neural net doesn’t completely succeed in creating realistic content, it’s clear that “neural net weirdness” is a writing style it knows how to produce on command. What does it mean when the neural nets are weird because we’ve asked them to be, not because they’re trying and failing to be ordinary? Maybe the creative work is now to figure out ways to nudge AIs into being weird and interesting rather than producing inane imitations of the most ordinary human writing.
After all, left to its own devices, GPT-3 would be writing A.I. Weirdness posts about numbers between -1 and +1. Neural nets have terrible taste.
Subscribers get bonus content: the favorite cookie recipes of famous Star Wars villains!
My book on AI, You Look Like a Thing and I Love You: How Artificial Intelligence Works and Why it’s Making the World a Weirder Place, is available wherever books are sold: Amazon - Barnes & Noble - Indiebound - Tattered Cover - Powell’s - Boulder Bookstore
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witch-of-orchids · 4 years
Ostara Recipes Masterpost
Note: THIS IS NOT DONE!!! I accidentally deleted the other one so I had to start over :( Will be adding more throughout the day, but for now, Blessed Ostara!!
Also, side note I’m sorry about any misinterpretations! I only speak German, Korean, and English and tried my best. I tried to go off the traditional European route a bit because I am Korean, and it would not make sense for many poc/cultural witches to only celebrate in traditionally European ways!
Main Dishes
Ostara Risotto
Ostara Lamb Stew
Ostara Deviled Eggs
Asparagus and Black Bean Salad
Purple Pickled Eggs
Paella Mixta- Mixed Paella
Bocadillo de Berenjenas con Pollo y Mostaza- Chicken and Mustard Aubergine Sandwich
Sopa Fría de Aguacate con Yogurt- Cold Avocado Soup with Yogurt
Huevos Pocados con Espinacas- Poached Eggs with Spinach
Quinoa Salteada com Ovo e Abacate- Sautéed Quinoa with Egg and Avocado
Salada Mediterrânea de Gorgonzola- Mediterranean Gorgonzola Salad
Bữa ăn mùa xuân Tây Ban Nha của Jose Pizarro- Spanish Spring Meal of Jose Pizarro
Green Garden Herby Basmati Rice with Basil, Mint, Chives & Rosemary
Lemony Cream Cheese Pancakes with Blueberries
Kapelusze pieczarek z przepiórczymi jajkami- Mushroom Hats with Quail Eggs
Omlety z jagodami- Omelets with Blueberries
Barszcz wiosenny z awokado- Borscht with Avocado
Вкуснейшая баранина- Delicious Lamb
Tarte légère courgettes, jambon et chèvre gratiné- Light Zucchini, Ham, and Goat Cheese Tart
Soupe Petits Pois, Menthe et Coriandre- Green Pea, Mint, and Coriander Soup
Artichauts à la Romaine- Roman Artichokes
Ragoût de Petits Légumes de Printemps- Spring Vegetable Stew
Sztrapacska, Strapačky, Haluska, Halušky
Épaule d'Agneau aux Herbes Roulée Rôtie- Roasted Lamb Shoulder with Herbs
Souris d'Agneau aux Épices Douces- Lamb Shank with Sweet Spices
Spargel mit Kartoffelschnee- Asparagus with Potato Snow
Gemüse-Pfannkuchen- Vegetable Pancakes
Frühlingseintopf mit Kasseler- Spring Stew with Smoked Pork
Linsen-Blumenkohl-Suppe- Lentil cauliflower Soup
Spargelcremesuppe- White Asparagus Cream Soup
Sieben Kräutersuppe- Seven Herb Soup
Lammkeule mit WacholderbeerensauceServings- Roast Leg of Lamb with Juniper Berry Sauce
Ghormeh Sabzi
Thai Green Curry with Beef and Eggplant
Ayam Masak Merah- Spicy Tomato Chicken
春キャベツと豚肉の重ね蒸し- Spring Steamed Pork and Chicken
豚の角煮 クローブ風味- Braised Pork with Cloves
Soba Noodle Salad
春季养生汤- Healthy Spring Soup
蘑菇片莴笋蛋汤- Mushroom and Lettuce Egg Soup
翡翠鲜肉烧麦- Fresh Jade Roasted Wheat Wraps
달래된장찌개- Soybean Paste Soup
쑥전- Mugwort Pancakes
닭고기 쌀국수- Chicken and Rice Noodle Soup
Lamb and Fava Beans Stir Fry
Bulgogi Spring Rolls with Sweet Ssamjang Sauce
Classic Borscht
Buckwheat Crêpes
French Spring Soup
Red Snapper en Papillote
Brioche French Toast With Lemon Curd and Strawberry Compote
Rosemary Roasted Lamb
Irish Stew Pie
Raddish Toast with Chive Butter
Roasted Beet, Leek, and Onion Quiche
Risotto Leggero con Viole, Asparagi e Ricotta- Light Risotto with Violets, Asparagus, and Ricotta
Ostara Lavender Lemonade
Fruit Citrus Floats
Smoothie de Morango- Strawberry Smoothie
Milk-shake aux Fraises- Strawberry Milkshake
Violet Tea
Lavender Lemonade
Strawberry Lemonade
Iced Hibiscus Latte
Elderflower Cordial
Flower Sun Tea
Dandelion Mead (Dandelion Wine Made with Honey)
Perfect Bread
Confiture d'Oranges Amères- Bitter Orange Jam
Mermelada de Ciruelas- Plum Jam
Crema de Naranja con Canela- Orange Cream with Cinnamon
Gelatina de Durazno con Mascarpone- Peach Jelly with Mascarpone
Abacaxi em Calda- Pineapple in Syrup
Tartine Bakery’s Lemon Cream
Purée d'Artichauts- Artichoke Puree
Egresmártás, Piszkeszósz- Hungarian Gooseberry Sauce
えびとたけのこの揚げパン- Shrimp and Bamboo Shoot Fried Bread
いちごジャム- Strawberry Jam
Chinese Tea Eggs
Easy Classic French Spinach Soufflé
Buttermilk Bread Recipe
Challah Ostara Bread
Grapefruit Blossom Pot de Creme
Lilac Infused Honey
Flower and Herb Butter
Homemade Chive Blossom Vinegar
Saffron and Cardamom Milk Bread
Honeysuckle Jelly
Dandelion Bread Pudding with Sundried Tomatoes and Gruyere Cheese
Candied Rose Petals
Orange Honey Butter
Wild Rose Infused Honey
Blackberry Butter
Lemonbalm Simple Syrup
Cakes and Pies
Salted Honey Pie
Ostara Honey Cakes
Ostara Passion Cake
Framboisier Express- Raspberry Express
2. Tarte Rápida de Manga- Quick Mango Pie
Tarta de Nectarinas con Relleno de Chocolate- Nectarine Cake with Chocolate Filling
Pay de Pera con Limón- Pear Pie with Lemon
Meyer Lemon Cheesecake with Biscoff Crust
Tahini Mousse Pie
Десерт с пролетно настроение- Spring Mood Dessert
Joghurttorta (bármilyen gyümölccsel elkészíthető)- Yogurt Cake (Any Fruit)
Sernik na zimno z galaretką i owocami- Cold Cheesecake with Jelly and Fruit
Torcik jabłkowy- Apple Cake
Tort owocowy na zimno- Cold Fruit Cake
Jogurtowo-serowe ciasto z galaretką i cappuccino- Yogurt and Cheesecake with Jelly and Cappucino
Весенний ягодный пирог- Spring Berry Cake
Gâteau Saint-Honoré
Tarte à la Rhubarbe et Crème d’Amande- Rhubarb and Almond Cream Pie
Tarte Rhubarbe Cannelle- Cinnamon Rhubarb Pie
Cheesecakes Légers à la Fleur d'Oranger, Coulis de Fraise- Light Orange Blossom Cheesecakes with Strawberry Coulis
Grandma’s Lemon Meringue Pie
Gâteau Manqué aux Prunes- Missed Plum Cake
Gâteau Tiramisu aux Fraises- Strawberry Tiramisu Cake
Lemon Lavender Ostara Cake
Tarte à la Raisinée- Swiss Raisin Pie
Orange Polenta Cake
Moist Semolina Cake Soaked with Wild Rose Syrup
Lemon Drizzle Cake
Balsamic Cherry and Amaretto Pie
Cherry Blossom Cake
Lemon Buttermilk Pound Cake with Pansies
Rhubarb Strawberry Pistachio Cake
Stem Ginger Cheesecake with Rhubarb
Citrus Tree Cake
Earl Grey Blood Orange and Cardamom Chiffon Cake
Ostara Honey Cake
Italian Lemon Olive Oil Cake with Berries
Fluffy Lemon Rosemary Creamcheese Frosting
Cookies, Bars, Shortbread, Scones
Ostara Sugar Cookies
Sablé Breton aux Fraises- Breton Shortbread with Strawberries
Lilac Scones with Rhubarb Curd
Vanilla Rose Shortbread Cookies
Lavender Shortbread Cookies
Violet Lemonade Tea Cake Cookies
Muffins and Cupcakes
Весенние зелёные кексы с о смородиной- Spring Green Currant Muffins
Violet Macarons with Violet and Vanilla Bean Buttercream
Warm and Gooey Citrus Pudding
Gelatina de Café con Leche- Coffee Jelly with Milk
Truskawkowa galaretka z owocami i pianką- Strawberry Jelly with Fruit and Marshmallows
Elderflower Lemon and Honey Jelly
Candy Apple Jelly
Lime Jelly
Blood Orange Posset
Lavender Honey Posset
Ice cream and Sorbet
Glace mûre-lavande- Ripe Lavender Ice cream
Ice Cream Kolachkes
Fraises, Glace aux Herbes, Mousse au Chocolat Blanc- Strawberries, Herb Ice cream, and White Chocolate Mousse
Sorbet aux Clémentines- Clementine Sorbet
Crème Chibouste au Romarin, Sorbet Fraise- Rosemary Chibouste Cream, Strawberry Sorbet
Elegant Fig Sorbet
Honey Lavender Ice Cream
Beet Raspberry Rose Sorbet
Blueberry Basil Icecream
Grapefruit and Campari Sorbet
Lavender Lemon Ice Cream
두부도넛- Tofu Donuts
Floral Donuts with Blood Orange and Lemon Ginger Drizzle
Cinnamon Rose Cacao Fudge
Cardamom White Chocolate Bark with Pistachio, Rose, and Gold
Lavender Fudge
Peanut Butter Fudge
Lemon Fudge
Mango Custard
Lemon Violet Tarts
Tarta de Fresas y Frambuesas- Strawberry and Raspberry Tarts
Cindy Mushet's Italian Jam Shortbread Tart
Tarte Sablée Fruits rouges et Rhubarbe- Red fruit and Rhubarb Shortbread Tarts
Strawberry Almond and Thyme Tarts
Rhubarb Frangipane Tart
Rhubarb adn Grand Marnier Tart
Lemon Dessert Bread
Strawberry Poppyseed Hokkaido Milk Buns
Soufflé Léger à la Pomme et au Citron Vert- Light Apple and Lime Soufflé
Soufflés Passion et Sacristains
Thiakry à la Mangue- Mango Thiakry
Postre de Tapioca con Mango- Tapioca Dessert with Mango
Mil-folhas de Morango- Strawberry Millefeuille
Tiramisu de Morango- Strawberry Tiramisu
Mille-feuilles Mascarpone et Groseilles- Mascarpone and Gooseberry Millefeuille
Ile Flottante au Fruit de la Passion- Floating Island with Passion Fruit
Orange Blossom Water Roasted Rhubarb, Labneh and Honey
Main Courses
Cookies, Shortbread
Floral Vegan Shortbread
Vegan Pineapple, Lime, and Ginger Cake
Lists of Recipes
Hungarian Easter Recipes
List of general Ostara Foods
Ostara Food Recipes
Ostara Recipes for a Pagan Soul
Greenhaven Pagan Ostara Recipes
More Ostara Recipes
Ostara Feast Recipes!
Heron’s Ostara Recipes
Ostara Bread Recipes
Honeysuckle Recipes
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cookingwithdog · 4 years
Let's make the moist and fluffy Chiffon Cake🍰❣️😍 http://bit.ly/2PX3hzz Whipped cream or custard cream goes excellent with this cake.💗🐩👩 #chiffoncake #recipe #シフォンケーキ #レシピ
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rasaoke · 5 years
Kreasi Custard Chiffon Cake Resepi
Kreasi Custard Chiffon Cake Resepi
[mwp_html tag=”img” src=”https://rasa.okgan.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/dailydelicious-custard-cake-soft-and-comforting-cake-with-custard-chiffon-cake-resepi.jpg” alt=”Dailydelicious: Custard Cake: Soft And Comforting Cake with Custard Chiffon Cake Resepi” width=”800″]
Dailydelicious: Custard Cake: Soft And Comforting Cake with Custard Chiffon Cake Resepi
Hai netizen, kali ini Sisil bakal…
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articleblogging · 2 years
Five dessert recipes with lactose-free milk:
Enjoy desserts a bit too much yet you are lactose intolerant? No need to worry because there is another way you can enjoy delicious desserts without milk. Desserts are supposed to be the most demanded thing because there is always room for desserts. Now we don't always like to go out and buy desserts and some of us simply enjoy baking. If you love baking and are lactose intolerant then the best ingredient you can use is vanilla almond milk or soy milk. Both of them are simply amazing and give you the perfect taste and don't even let you realize that there is no milk in the dessert. Soy milk is even amazing for people who have diabetes because there is sugar-free soy milk available as well which will provide you with the same taste without added sugar. 
Some amazing dessert recipes for those who are lactose intolerant:
Cocoa Bundt Cake with Coconut and Soy milk: Another popular name for this dessert can be rice muffins. The ingredients needed for this dessert are 180 grams of sugar, 230 grams of all-purpose flour, 100 ml of corn oil, and 40 grams of bittersweet chocolate or dark chocolate. Next what you need is 40 grams of coconut flakes which will bring out the coconut taste. Lastly, 4 eggs, 200 ml of soy milk, salt to taste and 1 tablespoon of baking powder. This dessert is one of the most amazing and delicious desserts which is also very easy to make. What's the biggest advantage? It is that you don't need normal milk so it is absolutely the best decision to prepare this. 
Rose Pudding: It is one of the easiest dessert recipes because it includes only four ingredients. One doesn't need to use milk here as well so it's a good dessert for those who are lactose intolerant. It takes approximately thirty-five minutes for a person to prepare this and if you love baking, that's nothing for you. Rose pudding is also healthy because you will use soy milk. The dessert will be 80 calories. The four ingredients that are needed are 500 ml of soy milk which is approximately 2 cups. Next are 10 grams of China grass, 2 tablespoons of rose syrup and sugar to taste. Once you mix them well, your dessert is ready. 
Almond Chiffon Cake: You just need 9 ingredients to prepare this lip-smacking dessert. The dessert is very delicious but it takes more than an hour to prepare this. The 9 ingredients which you require for this cake are 100 grams of plain flour, and 2 tablespoons of almond which needs to be ground. Next, we need 5 egg yolks, 25 grams of sugar, 50 grams of canola oil, and 100 ml of almond soy milk which has less sugar. Lastly, we will require 1 tablespoon of toasted black sesame seeds, 50 grams of sugar and 5 egg whites. 
BlackBerry Parfaits with white chocolate milk soy milk custard: One of the tastiest desserts you can prepare for yourself. If you're a fan of BlackBerry, you should try this. All you need is 7 ingredients. The total time taken to prepare this is approximately twenty minutes. The ingredients needed for this custard are one-third cup of sugar, one tablespoon of cornstarch, one large egg, one and a half cups of chocolate soy milk, one tablespoon vanilla, half tablespoon almond extract and two white chocolate. 
Raspberry Ice cream: You just need 5 ingredients. You just need to have soy milk, honey, vanilla extract, yoghurt and raspberries to make this delicious ice cream at home. It takes only about fifteen minutes. 
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onthegoinmco · 3 years
The World’s Most Magical Celebration wouldn’t be complete without some tasty treats that celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Walt Disney World Resort.
Disney chefs and mixologists have created more than 150 sips and bites full of color, whimsy, and a touch of EARidescent shimmer – with even more coming throughout the 18-month celebration beginning October 1st.
Walt’s personal recipes, Walt Disney World Resort attractions (past and present), beloved Disney Characters, and nostalgic dishes from 1971 were inspirations for the tasty offerings created for this anniversary celebration. 
You can view all the 50th anniversary celebration food and beverage offerings on your mobile device, click here to download the My Disney Experience app or click here to view at Disneyworld.com.
The World’s Most Magical Celebration: Foodie Guide
Magic Kingdom Park
Auntie Gravity’s Galactic Goodies
Uncle Orville Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow Sundae – Chocolate and vanilla soft-serve, brownie pieces, hot fudge, and whipped cream topped with red, white, and blue sprinkles served in a “bathtub”
Be Our Guest Restaurant
Squids Revenge Drink – A michelada with a salted rim and garnished with charred octopus and cucumber. Watch out, the giant squid is back!
Casey’s Corner
Pressed Penny Silk Pie – Chocolate tart shell, silky chocolate filling, sweet whipped cream, and a chocolate-pressed penny
50th Celebration Hot Dog – All-beef hot dog topped with strawberry bacon jam, crisp funnel cake pieces, and powdered sugar 
Cinderella’s Royal Table
Royal 50th Celebration Flight – Flight of Enchantée Champagne – a blend of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunière (Enchantée Champagne is sold exclusively at the Walt Disney World Resort)
Columbia Harbor House
Happy Haunts Milkshake – Blackberry milkshake topped with a purple chocolate-glazed doughnut covered with black sprinkles
Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Café
Mission to Mars – Burger topped with bacon and macaroni & cheese served on a bun dusted with crushed cheese-flavored puffs
The Crystal Palace
Walt’s Favorites on the Buffet – Chicken fried steak, New York strip steak, pork chops, and more!
Friar’s Nook
The Toad Burger – Brat burger served on a bun with lettuce, tomato, pickle, and American cheese
Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen
Veranda Fried Rice – Spicy chili-garlic shrimp served over pork fried rice with eggs and peas (from the original Verandah Restaurant menu)
Outdoor Kiosks
Dumbo Churros – Churros rolled in peanut dust and served with chocolate dipping sauce in a Dumbo-themed churro bag
Royal 50th Churro – Churros rolled in strawberry sugar, drizzled with marshmallow cream, and shimmer sprinkles served with  chocolate dipping sauce
Plaza Ice Cream Parlor
The Banana Boom – Traditional banana split topped with popping candy and a candied shooting star
Plaza Restaurant
Cheers to 50 Years! – Chocolate and vanilla ice cream, brownies, cupcakes, cookie crumbles, pretzel rods, and hot fudge topped with whipped cream, EARidescent sugar, and a Mickey pretzel drizzled with caramel and chocolate icing (serves 4-6)
Storybook Treats
Heigh-Ho Sundae! – Chocolate soft-serve, hot fudge, graham cracker pieces, chocolate gems, and whipped cream
Tony’s Town Square Restaurant
Five Alarm Wings – Wings tossed in a sweet-and-spicy heat served with ranch dressing for dipping
Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park
Hand-dipped 50th Celebration Mickey Premium Bar – Our classic Nestlé Mickey’s Premium Ice Cream Bar dipped in blue raspberry-flavored coating with celebration sprinkles and a little bit of pixie dust
Cheese Fries with Walt’s Chili – Crispy fries topped with Walt’s favorite chili and cheddar sauce
Walt’s Favorite Chili on Foot-long Hot Dog – A foot-long hot dog served on a warm bun topped with Walt’s favorite chili and cheddar sauce 
50th Celebration Chocolate Gâteaux – Almond praline, white chocolate crémeux, ganache, and chocolate-South African cream liqueur sauce
Disney’s Hollywood Studios
Trolley Car Café
Glimmer and Shimmer Pineapple Mousse – Golden pineapple mousse on a toasted coconut crisp with caramel cream and matcha sponge cake
The Hollywood Brown Derby
Filet Mignon with Walt’s Hash topped with an egg (just the way Walt liked it!)
The Hollywood Brown Derby Lounge, Oasis Canteen, Sunshine Day Bar, Animation Bar
Shimmer over the Moon – Apple pie moonshine, amaretto, falernum, pineapple juice, and club soda served with a souvenir glow cube
ABC Commissary
Chocolate Mousse – Raspberry-dark chocolate mousse, chocolate-almond cake, and a layer of hazelnut crunch and whipped chocolate-hazelnut cheesecake
Coral Reef Restaurant 
Key Lime Tart with toasted meringue, EARidescent shimmer, sprinkles, and chocolate garnish
The EPCOT Experience 
EARidescent Croissant Doughnut – Croissant doughnut with blue icing and sprinkles
Le Cellier Steakhouse
Chocolate Mousse Bar – Dark chocolate mousse, caramel cookie pieces, milk chocolate shell, and chocolate shortbread cookie 
Sunshine Seasons
Mini Chocolate Bundt Cake – Mini chocolate Bundt cake with chocolate ganache, sprinkles, and icing dusted with EARidescent shimmer and chocolate 50th anniversary garnish
Disney Springs
Amorette’s Patisserie
50th Celebration Petit Cake – Vanilla chiffon cake with celebration blue mousse, blueberry jam, and lemon curd
The Ganachery 
50th Celebration Chocolate Bundle:
50th Celebration Ganache Chocolate Bar – Milk chocolate combined with caramel and crispies for a playful crunch
50th Celebration Ganache Square – Celebration cake ganache mixed with sprinkles, enrobed in 65% dark chocolate, and decorated with a shimmering castle design
Frontera Cocina
Chocolate Pigñata – Chocolate shell filled with cajeta mousse, tender cake (infused with whiskey & vanilla), crumble of chipotle bacon, candied orange, and Maria cookies. Yes, there’s a mallet to break your piñata!  Serves two.
Sweet Nostalgia Pineapple Upside-Down Cake – Pineapple upside-down cake with  caramel glazed with Chantilly cream
Terralina Crafted Italian, 
Whimsical White Chocolate Mousse –White chocolate mousse with salted caramel and cotton candy
Wolfgang Puck Bar & Grill, 
Caramel Banana Chocolate Sphere – Dark chocolate sphere, vanilla pudding, banana caramel compote, gold dust, and chocolate pearls
The Mara, Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge
Chocolate Mousse with a cardamom financier
Contempo Café, Disney’s Contemporary Resort
50th Anniversary Peanut Butter-Banana Pie – Sweet tart shell filled with peanut butter mousse and banana sauce topped with chocolate glaze and chocolate décor
Toledo–Tapas, Steak, and Seafood, Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort
Braised Lamb Shank with olive oil-potato purée, rosemary-roasted garlic gravy, huckleberry jam, and English peas
P&J’s Southern Takeout, Disney’s Fort Wilderness Resort & Campgrounds
Chicken Dinner Cupcake Trio 
Fried chicken-apple fritter, apple pie moonshine filling, and vanilla buttercream ​
Peas and carrots-strawberry moonshine custard, white chocolate frosting, and  M&M’S Mini “peas” ​
Mock mashed potato-SNICKERS mousse cupcake, caramel buttercream, and STARBURST “butter”
Grand Floridan Café, Disney’s Grand Floridan Resort & Spa
50th Anniversary Vintage Minnie’s Brown Betty Profiterole – Crunchy-topped cream puff filled with one of Walt’s favorite flavors of cinnamon-spiced apples and Chantilly cream
Olivia’s Cafe, Disney’s Old Key West Resort
Spam-Cheddar Biscuits with white gravy and drizzled with honey
Capt. Cook’s, Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort
50th Celebration Cupcake – Vanilla cupcake with DOLE Whip pineapple center, tropical fruit salsa, and pineapple macaron
Le Petit Café, Disney’s Riviera Resort
50th Celebration Cupcake – Vanilla cupcake, cake-flavored mousse, and caramel-buttercream icing garnished with crisp pearls, 50th anniversary sprinkles, and a whimsical gold Mickey
Roaring Fork, Disney’s Wilderness Lodge
Petit Stump Cake ​– Chocolate cake with birthday cake buttercream filling surrounded by chocolate “bark” fondant topped with 50th anniversary chocolate coin
The Market at Ale & Compass, Disney’s Yacht & Beach Club Resorts
50th Celebration Tart – Birthday cake mousse dome on top of a milk chocolate mousse-filled vanilla tart shell with mini chocolate crisp pearls, buttercream, fondant, and chocolate décor
Available at select table-service restaurants, lounges, and pool bars throughout our four Theme Parks and Resorts 
EARidescent Sip-a-bration (Non-Alcoholic Beverage) – Minute Maid Premium Lemonade and fruity strawberry punch served in a souvenir 50th Celebration Cup with a surprise Character and a little bit of magic!
Magical Beacon Cocktail – Gin, blue curaçao, Minute Maid Premium Lemonade, orgeat (almond) syrup, lemon, hibiscus grenadine, and a souvenir glow cube
Event the classic Nestle Mickey’s Premium Ice Cream Bar will have a festive new wrapper showcasing Mickey in his EARidescent finest at Magic Kingdom Park!
For more #DisneyWorld50 info, make sure to follow @onthegoinmco on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube! 
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The post The World’s Most Magical Celebration: Foodie Guide appeared first on On the Go in MCO.
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bvqbundefineddu61 · 3 years
✳Get [PDF] Books The Book on Pie: Everything You Need to Know to Bake Perfect Pies
The Book on Pie: Everything You Need to Know to Bake Perfect Pies
  Synopsis :
A?NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER? Look no further than The Book on Pie for the only book on pie you'll ever want or need. Erin Jeanne McDowell, New York Times contributing baker extraordinaire and top food stylist, wrote the book on pie, a comprehensive handbook that distills all you'll ever need to know for making perfect pies. The Book on Pie starts with the basics, including ways to mix pie dough for extra flaky crusts, storage and freezing, recipe size conversions, and expert tips for decorating and styling, before diving into the recipes for all the different kinds of pies: fruit, custard, cream, chiffon, cold set, savory, and mini. Find everything from classics like Apple Pie and Pumpkin Pie, to more inspired recipes like Birthday-Cake Pie and Caramel Pork Pie with Chile and Scallions. Erin also suggests recommended pie doughs and toppings with each recipe for infinitely customizable pies: Mix and match Pumpkin Spice Pie Dough and Dark Chocolate Drippy Glaze with the Pumpkin Pie, or
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reading-products · 3 years
*Download {PDF} Dog Man: Mothering Heights (Dog Man, #10) ▿Books Full Page
(Get New Books) The Book on Pie: Everything You Need to Know to Bake Perfect Pies
Warning: What Can You Do About The Book on Pie: Everything You Need to Know to Bake Perfect Pies Right Now
This book is a very good book to read!
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A?NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER? Look no further than The Book on Pie for the only book on pie you'll ever want or need. Erin Jeanne McDowell, New York Times contributing baker extraordinaire and top food stylist, wrote the book on pie, a comprehensive handbook that distills all you'll ever need to know for making perfect pies. The Book on Pie starts with the basics, including ways to mix pie dough for extra flaky crusts, storage and freezing, recipe size conversions, and expert tips for decorating and styling, before diving into the recipes for all the different kinds of pies: fruit, custard, cream, chiffon, cold set, savory, and mini. Find everything from classics like Apple Pie and Pumpkin Pie, to more inspired recipes like Birthday-Cake Pie and Caramel Pork Pie with Chile and Scallions. Erin also suggests recommended pie doughs and toppings with each recipe for infinitely customizable pies: Mix and match Pumpkin Spice Pie Dough and Dark Chocolate Drippy Glaze with the Pumpkin Pie, or
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*[AUDIBLE] The Maze Runner (The Maze Runner, #1)
quaeris libri huius?  The Book on Pie: Everything You Need to Know to Bake Perfect Pies By Erin Jeanne McDowell
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 Book Excerpt :
A?NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER? Look no further than The Book on Pie for the only book on pie you'll ever want or need. Erin Jeanne McDowell, New York Times contributing baker extraordinaire and top food stylist, wrote the book on pie, a comprehensive handbook that distills all you'll ever need to know for making perfect pies. The Book on Pie starts with the basics, including ways to mix pie dough for extra flaky crusts, storage and freezing, recipe size conversions, and expert tips for decorating and styling, before diving into the recipes for all the different kinds of pies: fruit, custard, cream, chiffon, cold set, savory, and mini. Find everything from classics like Apple Pie and Pumpkin Pie, to more inspired recipes like Birthday-Cake Pie and Caramel Pork Pie with Chile and Scallions. Erin also suggests recommended pie doughs and toppings with each recipe for infinitely customizable pies: Mix and match Pumpkin Spice Pie Dough and Dark Chocolate Drippy Glaze with the Pumpkin Pie, or
"This book is available for download in a number of formats - including epub, pdf, azw, mobi and more. You can also read the full text online using our Ereader."
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aiweirdness · 7 years
A neural network invents some pies
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(Pie -> cat courtesy of https://affinelayer.com/pixsrv/ )
I work with neural networks, which are a type of machine learning computer program that learn by looking at examples. They’re used for all sorts of serious applications, like facial recognition and ad targeting and language translation. I, however, give them silly datasets and ask them to do their best.
So, for my latest experiment, I collected the titles of 2237 sweet and savory pie recipes from a variety of sources including Wikipedia and David Shields. I simply gave them to a neural network with no explanation (I never give it an explanation) and asked it to try to generate more.
Its very first attempt left something to be desired, but it had figured out that "P”, “i”, and “e” were important somehow.
e Piee  i m t iee ic ic Pa ePeeetae  a   e eee  ema iPPeaia eieer   i   i i  ie e eciie Pe eaei a
Second checkpoint. Progress: Pie.
Pie Pee Pie Pimi Pie Pim Cue Pie Pie (er Wie Pae Pim Piu Pie Pim Piea Cre Pia Pie Pim Pim Pie Pie Piee Pie Piee
This is expected, since the word “pie” is both simple and by far the most common word in the dataset. It stays in the stage above for rather a while, able to spell only “Pie” and nothing else. It’s like evolution trying to get past the single-celled organism stage. After 4x more time has elapsed, it finally adds a few more words: “apple”, “cream”, and “tart”. Then, at the sixth checkpoint, “pecan”.
Seventh checkpoint: These are definitely pies. We are still working on spelling “strawberry”, however.
Boatin Batan Pie Shrawberry Pie With An Cream Pie Cream Pie Sweesh Pie Ipple Pie Wrasle Cream Pie Swrawberry Pie Cream Pie Sae Fart Tart Cheem Pie Sprawberry Cream Pie Cream Pie
10th checkpoint. Still working.
Coscard Pie Tluste Trenss Pie Wot Flustickann Fart Oag's Apple Pie Daush Flumberry O Cheesaliane Rutter Chocklnd Apple Rhupperry pie Flonberry Peran Pie Blumbberry Cream Pie Futters Whabarb Wottiry Rasty Pasty Kamphible Idponsible Swarlot Cream Cream Cront
16th checkpoint. Showing some signs of improvement? Maybe. It thinks Qtrupberscotch is a thing.
Buttermitk Tlreed whonkie Pie Spiatake Bog Pastry Taco Custard Pie Apple Pie With Pharf Calamed apple Freech Fodge Cranberry Rars Farb Fart Feep-Lisf Pie With Qpecisn-3rnemerry Fluit Turd Turbyy Raisin Pie Forp Damelnut Pie Flazed Berry Pie Figi's Chicken Sugar Pie Sauce and Butterm's Spustacian Pie Fill Pie With Boubber Pie Bok Pie Booble Rurble Shepherd's Parfate Ner with Cocoatu Vnd Pie Iiakiay Coconate Meringue Pie With Spiced Qtrupberscotch Apple Pie Bustard Chiffon Pie
Finally we arrive at what, according to the neural network, is Peak Pie. It tracks its own progress by testing itself against the original dataset and scoring itself, and here is where it thinks it did the best.
It did in fact come up with some that might actually work, in a ridiculously-decadent sort of way.
Baked Cream Puff Cake Four Cream Pie Reese's Pecan Pie Fried Cream Pies Eggnog Peach Pie #2 Fried Pumpkin Pie Whopper pie Rice Krispie-Chiffon Pie Apple Pie With Fudge Treats Marshmallow Squash Pie Pumpkin Pie with Caramelized Pie Butter Pie
But these don’t sound very good actually.
Strawberry Ham Pie Vegetable Pecan Pie Turd Apple Pie Fillings  Pin Truffle Pie Fail Crunch Pie Crust Turf Crust Pot Beep Pies Crust Florid Pumpkin Pie Meat-de-Topping Parades Or Meat Pies Or Cake #1 Milk Harvest Apple Pie Ice Finger Sugar Pie Amazon Apple Pie Prize Wool Pie Snood Pie Turkey Cinnamon Almond-Pumpkin Pie With Fingermilk Pumpkin Pie With Cheddar Cookie Fish Strawberry Pie Butterscotch Bean Pie Impossible Maple Spinach Apple Pie Strawberry-Onions Marshmallow Cracker Pie Filling Caribou Meringue Pie
And I have no what these are:
Stramberiy Cheese Pie The pon Pie Dississippi Mish  Boopie Crust Liger Strudel Free pie Sneak Pie Tear pie Basic France Pie Baked Trance pie Shepherd's Finger Tart Buster's Fib Lemon Pie Worf Butterscotch Pie Scent Whoopie Grand Prize Winning I*iple Cromberry Yas Law-Ox Strudel Surf Pie, Blue Ulter Pie - Pitzon's Flangerson's Blusty Tart Fresh Pour Pie Mur's Tartless Tart
More of the neural network’s attempts to understand what humans like to eat:
Perhaps my favorite: Small Sandwiches
All my other neural network recipe experiments here.
Want more than that? I’ve got a bunch more recipes that I couldn’t fit in this post. Become a supporter of AI Weirdness to get more selected recipes as bonus content.
Want to help with neural network experiments? For NaNoWriMo I’m crowdsourcing a dataset of novel first lines, after the neural network had trouble with a too-small dataset. Go to this form (no email necessary) and enter the first line of your novel, or your favorite novel, or of every novel on your bookshelf. You can enter as many as you like. At the end of the month, I’ll hopefully have enough sentences to give this another try.
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