#currently only have machine translations available
abyssalshriek · 1 month
New Splatoon dev interview came out!
Had a lot of Side Order lore, but I'd like to focus on the line that says Agent 4 is rumored to be "strongest." If this line was accurately translated, that would explain why they were the one Marina wanted as Head of Security rather than Agent 8, someone she both knew better and many fans had previously considered stronger than 4.
Also masked Parallel Canon is a copy of 4, and the helmet Parallel Canons are copies of the copy.
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nyerus · 9 days
Overview of TGCF Versions
Due to recent(ish) events, I thought it would be good to make another post cataloguing all the different "versions" of TGCF, for newcomers and old fans alike! I'll also be going over some FAQs that I've seen or been asked so this post can serve as a decent info thread.
For simplicity's sake, first think of there being two "main" version of TGCF:
The Original -- what all the translations are based on, as well as the manhua and donghua.
The Revised -- what was released in print last year in China (only), and what was recently updated on JJWXC. The audio drama is adapting this
The original webnovel was itself not "censored." By that I mean, it contained everything MXTX originally wrote including kisses, swearing, innuendo, etc. MXTX did self-censor to avoid Real Censorship (hence the lack of NSFW scenes we may have gotten like in her previous novels), but that's a whole different thing. For all intents and purposes, consider the original version and (most of) its translations as being uncensored.
The revised version was first publicly released as a print novel in China. As such, it was actually censored. While "Hualian" is still there, and things are alluded to, it's a lot more vague. Kisses and a lot of other things were cut, including certain dialogue tidbits that perhaps were deemed a bit too obvious. (Plus a lot of Feng Xin and Qi Rong's cursing was removed lmao.)
HOWEVER, shortly after the print release, the audio drama started adapting the uncensored revised version. So we all knew there was an uncensored revised version somewhere in existence. It wasn't until the end of last month that we actually saw it! TGCF was available again on JJWXC after years of being "temporarily locked" to comply with regulations. (Though it was possible it was locked for other reasons. We will never fully know!) Not only was it finally unlocked, but it was actually updated to the uncensored revised version!
1.) Why did MXTX make a revised version anyway? MXTX has mentioned before that she was not entirely satisfied with the original version of TGCF. Because she wrote and released each chapter in a serialized manner, with frequent (possibly daily?) updates, it doesn't surprise me that it didn't turn out exactly how she wanted. Now that she has the opportunity to sit down with it and go over everything on her own time, she's able to get it closer to what she wanted. In short: she's just really passionate about this story!
2.) Is there and English translation, or will there be? What about other languages? Officially, not yet. We don't know if there ever will be, as MXTX would have to re-negotiate the rights with publishers for translations, and at this time, we don't know if that'll happen. Unofficially, there are a few options: a. ClearNoodle has done some fan-translations you should check out here! b. By purchasing the webnovel on JJWXC now, you can MTL (machine translate) the novel. If you've seen screenshots in English floating around that aren't part of the fan-translations above, this is probably the source.
3.) What is JJWXC and how do I use it/purchase TGCF on it? JJWXC is the webnovel publishing site where TGCF was originally released. It hosts a giant array of C-novels, including most other danmei that you may have heard about. SV and MDZS were indeed also on JJWXC, but are currently (still) locked. To purchase TGCF (or any other novel) on JJWXC, cangji.net has an excellent guide and list of other helpful links to get you all set up. Please do check it out! Additionally, buying on JJWXC seems to be the most direct way to support authors. You can also throw bonus tips at them!
4.) How much has really changed in the revised version? A fair bit. Mostly, the changes are to do with plot structure, minor characters, overall flow, and so on. It's still essentially the same story, but in a way that feels fresh. Hualian in particular have exactly the same dynamic as before. MXTX added extra scenes between them, including very sweet and tender domestic stuff haha! There's also a few new lines of spicier dialogue to go along with some of the scenes that already existed in the original.
5.) So what is considered canonical? Both, in a way. MXTX has stated that she's happy if fans can enjoy both at once, and that we're free to pick-and-choose as we wish. Personally, while there are many things I prefer from the original, the revised version is something closer to MXTX's true vision for the novel. So I feel that holds a little bit of weight there, too.
6.) Will the manhua/donghua be adapting any of the newly revised content? So far that seems unlikely. The revised version facelifts a lot from the early parts of the story, which is stuff these adaptations have already covered. It would be hard to change things down the line now. At most they could add some of the extra dialogue or such, but we'll see if that's the case. For now, we simply don't know and shouldn't count on it. If you'd still like an adaptation of the revised, please absolutely check out the audio drama! It's easily become my personal fave adaptation of the story, and is made by a small but very passionate team who are close to MXTX. Thus, it's quite faithful and does the source material such justice! <3
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spirithunter · 5 days
Fan-translation Plagiarism for DM Vol.1
I've noticed similarities between a Death Mark manga translation that is currently being worked on by @lamentations-lighthouse (aris on Discord) and a translation done by @kasmis, posted on Tumblr in 2022.
Enough similarities that I suspect kasmis' existing translation has been lifted directly in parts of their translation. I spoke with kasmis about it and she’s aware of the situation and shared some more info from her side.
You can view kasmis' original translation here. On the first page, you can see the disclaimer about working with an existing scanlation group with plans to publicly list the final version on an ad-free manga sharing site (added once she was made aware of the situation). I won’t go over all similarities, but this second translation in question is available on a public Discord and can be compared there. I wanted to point out three instances that I think are particularly noticeable, but I encourage anyone who is curious to look for themselves.
Pictures & Evidence under the cut.
1st comparison: translation notes
The translation notes shared between the two versions regarding the way characters speak is similar both in content and flow. They also both come at the end of Chapter 2.
kasmis' translation:
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other translation:
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I think this is also worth mentioning considering a comment made by lamentations-lighthouse in their Discord where they make a very blatant error determining who is speaking during a panel in a Vol 2 extra, when they spent an entire translator’s note going over how the characters talk. They incorrectly assume Banshee is the speaker, when it’s obvious with a working knowledge of Japanese that the speaker is female and likely Yasuoka, the only woman in the panel (again, aris is lamentations-lighthouse, Kiu is the current editor who is not on Tumblr):
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2nd comparison: "guess we're in the same boat"
One of the lines from Chapter 2 is lifted directly from kasmis' translation. This isn't a matter of translating the same material and coming to a similar conclusion, as the original Japanese line is completely different.
In the bottom left corner, Mashita uses the expression "腹をくくる" when talking about the Mark. His line (very) literally translated would be something like "Looks like I should prepare for the worst, too"
kasmis has gone on record with me saying she took some creative liberty when translating this bubble, using it as a callback to a line of his from the actual game (the scene from the car ride back to the mansion where they're having this same conversation). Additionally, she was very clear in stating this change was purposefully made to act as an indicator of if someone was using her translation without her permission, as a translation not referencing hers would likely translate it differently. In her words: it’s a phrase that doesn’t get spit out neatly when put through machine translation, but also is easily understandable to anyone using a dictionary for reference. The term for “being in the same boat” as someone is entirely different (一連托生) and is not a logical conclusion when going solely based off the text. Here is a link to the site in the second screenshot showing an explanation of this phrase by native Japanese speakers offering English advice. The phrase has the same translation when entered into a Japanese dictionary as well.
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kasmis initially didn't translate the line such a way either. Here is a comparison from her first draft (which was copy-pasted from her individual chapter translations she did back in early 2021) and the eventual change later that same year. The part in question is underlined:
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Here's the comparison between the most recent version of her translation and the other translation:
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Even if this group were employing a similar strategy, the chances of the "indicator" line being exactly the same is hard to believe.
3rd comparison: XX/XX/199X
This observation is somewhat minor, but the date format used throughout Chapter 2 is the exact same one used by kasmis in her translation, just with the order switched around. In the raws, the dates are written as "O (Month) X (Day)," aka censored placeholders for month and day, with no mention of the year. kasmis stated she decided to use the 199X/XX/XX format to better relay some of the info from the game (the year 199X being mentioned in the diary seen after the final confrontation). While this team may be doing the same, it's odd how it's exactly the same.
Raws for comparison:
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kasmis' translation:
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other translation:
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Public Bashing of kasmis and Proof of Knowledge of Her Translation
kasmis was contacted by @buffaloborgine about using her translation in their project, but she stated she was working with a separate group and that she did not give them permission to use any of her translation in their own project. This user is currently working on a translation of Volume 2 of the manga. For transparency, in the 3 day gap between messages seen below, buffaloborgine joined lamentations-lighthouse and Kiu’s group, so the relationship was not established initially. buffaloborgine did not disclose however they were collaborating/in contact with lamentations-lighthouse, when in fact both are now moderators in the discord where the new translation is being uploaded. kasmis followed up with buffaloborgine once she was made aware of this connection. Below are her initial answer to the offer (note dates) and the follow-up messages (screenshots taken on 4/24):
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buffaloborgine discussed their conversation in the Discord server (screenshots taken on 4/24):
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They later followed up complaining about kasmis’ reply publicly in the Discord while omitting similar relevant details (screenshots taken on 4/24):
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Again, note that kasmis’ reply was only 3 days after this initial explanation, not 1-2 weeks as they originally stated. Though this gap doesn't really need an explanation in my opinion, kasmis agreed to allow me to share that she was in fact in preparation for a medical procedure and was not available to answer messages at the time. She sent her follow up message regarding lamentations-lighthouse's translation because I informed her of buffaloborgine's presence in the Discord server.
The messages from buffaloborgine to kasmis also appear to show the team had direct knowledge of her existing translation, as the editor in question is Kiu. At no point did any individual besides buffaloborgine reach out to her about potentially collaborating or using her translation in any way. aris/lamentations-lighthouse claimed to have no knowledge of the translation and similarly shamed kasmis in their public (reiterating this fact) Discord, where all of these messages are available to anyone who joins (screenshot taken on 4/24):
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For this reason kasmis decided not to reach out to lamentations-lighthouse directly as they already publicly denied knowing anything about her translation.
I think it’s also worth pointing out, since the SH Reddit has been mentioned, that kasmis shared her translation there as well last year. The comment can be found here. As a relatively inactive subreddit, this post and her comment are not hard to find.
If anyone mentioned in this post wants to go on record in response, something as simple as posting the version history from their working draft (as seen in kasmis’ Google Docs screenshots, for example) to show that they aren't simply modifying her existing translation could help clear up any confusion. lamentations-lighthouse stated in the Discord that they use Google Docs to communicate with their editor, so showing their process should be fairly simple (screenshot taken on 4/23):
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Disclaimer: kasmis and I are friends and she provided input and helped write parts of this post. This post is not meant to be an outright accusation, nor is it implying that lamentations-lighthouse’s translation is a one-to-one copy of kasmis’. I wanted to draw attention to the similarities between the two translations, kasmis’ experience, and the available information we have. All screenshots and images shared here are unedited besides cropping, redacting the information from third parties, and marking relevant points. Time stamps marked as “today” have the associated date attached to them in the description. The relevant Discord server is publicly available at the time of posting and all conversations screenshotted are available in public channels.
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pammarie-gx · 10 months
Black Cherry Ice Cream Tracker
So, I know a lot of people right now are concerned about privacy, especially around period trackers. Being able to track your period is pretty important for all sorts of health reasons, but obviously that data could be used against you in certain situations.
So! I made an "Ice Cream" tracker - a small, completely offline app that lets you track your periods (and also ice cream) in a non-explicit way. The data is stored locally on your device and is automatically deleted when you delete the app. There's no online functionality at all expect the initial download and updates from Google Play (sorry iPhone users, I don't have an apple dev account yet).
I went out of my way to make it as backward compatible as possible (it's been tested down to Android 9) and I used machine translation so it's available in the following languages:
Chinese (Simplified)
French (France)
Portuguese (Brazil)
Spanish (Spain)
Spanish (Latin America)
The app currently uses the language settings on the device, but I might add some user settings later, in which case I'll add a language select option.
It also shows you your next expected period and a general fertility window (awkwardly phrased as a "possible messy time" because making that not explicit was harder than expected).
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It's currently available here:
I'd love some feedback (especially on the translations - I checked them as best I could, but I'm only fluent in English).
I have no intention of ever adding monetisation. I might not be able to add features to it quickly, but I want it to be free forever to whoever finds it useful.
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n41r · 8 days
Oreca Battle Introduction Post!
Hello, I am N41R, a.k.a Naive41Rika, the one who submitted her Oreca Battle fanart to Tumblr Radar-
I honestly didn't expect any of my post to make it through, it was just something I did out of curiosity-
And for this occasion, I want to make a quick introduction about Oreca Battle for those who might be curious!
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Oreca Battle is an arcade game that scan and also print cards!
Yup, prints cards, not dispense cards! Because Oreca Battle's gimmick is to make a card that you can call your own, so every cards you get from this machine will have your name!
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Oreca Battle had an English version that were only distributed to few selected South East Asia countries, and for now there are only few working machines confirmed in Philippines and Indonesia
This franchise also have about... 5 manga titles and a completed anime series with around 51 episodes (each episode is around 10 minutes long, including opening)
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For the anime, you can find the English Subtitled version on Crunchyroll (although their translation are a bit wonky-)
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While most of the manga are only available as E-book through Japanese Kindle, two of the official manga drawn by Demizu Posuka were available on corocoro before But now you can only read through chapter 1-5 for free
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Other than the main arcade game, Oreca Battle also,
Have an iOS app version of the game,
Have some of the characters made an appearance in Solomon Program (a turn-base Nintendo Switch game from Konami)
Have a sister game called Otocadoll (a fighting-rhythm arcade game with similar card system with Oreca Battle), and
Currently have a spiritual successor named Ore'n (multi-platform gacha game with similar battle system)
And that's pretty much it for general introduction!
Oreca Battle's lore are not limited to what are shown in the anime and in the manga, they were also hidden in the interaction between characters while playing the game, and in the game guide as well
And the fact that the cards that you get after playing the game will have your name on it is very endearing to me
Personally, I think that's what makes Oreca Battle very charming
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lizzieonka · 1 year
Super, super late reply, but I was tagged by @variabels to list 5 anime/manga recs. Thanks for the tag! (I also love Durarara and Baccano ヾ(•ω•`)o)
I’m gonna list mainly Chinese media in this list, though, because that’s what I consume more. And ha! How brave, asking an ND person like me for recs. Prepare to be bombarded by my rambling!
Starting off with the media currently featured in my header (excluding Blue Lock coz most of my mutuals already know that)...
1. The Earth is Online (danmei* novel)
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* Danmei - Chinese boys love stories
The plot basically: Everyone on Earth is pulled into a death game.
A good intro to the unlimited flow* genre. Each instance is thrilling and complex. The boys love aspect is not much, as it focuses on plot, but it’s definitely not subtle. The characters are also quite diverse. Most UF novels just focus on the Chinese characters and revolve around what happens in China, but this one actually features those from other countries. I also like how the protagonist isn’t treated as the entire world’s savior. Other people around the world are also doing their part.
Where to read: An official English release is coming out in 2024. Translations will be done by luckkoi, the fan translator. As such, they've taken down their translations online. There's an alternate translation by @leonsrightlations , but only a few chapters are out right now. There are several completed translations online, but they're all edited mtl (machine translation). If you don't mind that, you can go google it. I recommend the one by Rainbow Mushroom. Their translations require a password, though, and you can find that on their Discord server.
* unlimited flow - Chinese genre of web novels where the protagonist is pulled into different instances to complete challenges which, if failed, would result in punishment or even death. It’s basically the death game genre, but instead of just one game, there are multiple.
2. Legend of Hei movie + Legend of Luo Xiaohei series sequel (donghua*)
(I downloaded this video from YouTube years ago. I can no longer find it there, so I’m reuploading it here…)
* Donghua – Chinese anime
A story about the young cat demon Xiao Hei and his quest to find a new home after humans destroyed his old one. Cute cat + cool powers + awesome fighting scenes + clean and crisp animation.
You can watch this on Netflix, but it’s not available in all countries. There’s an English and Japanese dub available, but I strongly recommend watching it in the original Chinese. (I can send you the full movie with English subtitles if you want). The series, which takes place after the movie, can be watched on YouTube. S1 of the series is more slice of life, but s2 is action-packed.
3. Low Tide in Twilight (BL manhwa)
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That BL trope where the bottom has a mountainload of debt, while the top gives him a way out… except, not really, coz the male lead Taeju is partly the creditor, and he’s forcing Euihyun into a relationship with him in exchange for money.
Typical BL story with an initially toxic couple, but better. Complex characters, and a manhwa that relies more on the art to tell the story instead of the words. Also, Taeju gives off that same annoying but hot vibe as Kaiser. What more do you want?
4. Link Click (donghua)
The title (时光代理人) would be literally translated as “Time Agents.” I have no idea why the official English title is Link Click.
The plot basically: Two guys with time-related powers run a photography shop, where they accept orders from clients to dive back in time through a photo.
Funimation did this donghua so dirty by not promoting it more back when it aired in 2021. The English subs were also terrible.
Did you know that it used to rank #20 in MAL, surpassing MP 100 S2, Jujutsu Kaisen, and many other mainstream anime? Now, it’s ranked #41 on MAL, lower than before, but still pretty high for a donghua on MAL. That’s just how good it is.
Here’s a link to the blu-ray version with fansubs. Just pick the normal English track option and not English (CR).
Edit: OKAAAY, it turns out that link has the episode order all mesed up. Just ask me if you need an HD copy with good fansubs.
5. White Cat Legend 2020 (donghua)
Title (大理寺日志) would be literally translated as The Journal of Dali Court.
Another cat boy donghua! Can you tell I just love cats?
The plot: Chen Shi travels from the countryside to the big city to search for his missing brother and inadvertently ends up working at Dali court under the cat guy Li Bing.
Slice of Life + Comedy + Drama + Supernatural + Mystery + Action
Baiting you with a hot guy gif~
It's a historical show btw, so expect some references to real-life events.
The animation is also really smooth in this one! You can watch it on YouTube. Here's a link to episode 1.
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Season 2 is also out! I'm yet to watch it, though. I should really do some time...
Tagging some mutuals to check these out, and also to list 5 recs (no pressure)~
@potato-longsocks @echarie @takeunknownroadnow @gachagon @bachirasbodyguard @blonde-batgirl @oo-mi-ru-oo @www98vikitoo @whiteapplesandblackblood
I recommend creating your own post instead of adding your recs in a reblog. My post is already pretty long. Turn this into a long thread, and we'll be a menace on the dashboard haha
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dgsfufu · 2 years
[Exclusive Coverage] Behind the scenes: Official announcement of Bridget's self identification - What do the creators of Guilty Gear think as they proceeded with the development of the game? (2/2)
Translation done by me, an actual person. Loose to make words flow but, posting this for posterity and to make a point against people who still somehow doubt machine TL despite not being able to read Japanese. Link to article here. Page 1 only bc no time for other 2. (EDIT: fixed a mistranslation)
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Coverage by TBS TV, posted on 26th Oct 2022.
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Conceptualized from the beginning with an ending in mind: the road to self-identification.
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---What are your thoughts regarding the conclusion of the story, beginning from the drafting phase and especially surrounding the clear impact of transgenderism left in the plotline?
Mr. Ishiwatari: It has already been decided from the beginning itself that the story would see Bridget's story unfold in a direction with the theme of realizing her gender the moment she debuted, and this has not changed.
--This was decided the moment Bridget was born, then?
Mr. Ishiwatari: I don't know if the feelings towards Bridget's plotline has ever been as strong before, but while her concept was never meant to be this dramatic, the details have been gradually ironed out slowly over time.
Mr Katano: Thinking back even lightly, the story has really not changed at all. This isn't just a story about Bridget, but rather a message the character represents, and the drama which had already been set to be written from the get-go.
--Right now people are more understanding of transgender issues, and I really think society has finally caught up to what people think of Bridget and her story too. 
Mr Ishiwatari: I guess putting it like that does make us sound kinda cool, but, it just so happens that the timing for this topic is perfect since it's landed just as the discussion is hot.
Mr Katano: Ishiwatari thinks of all of the characters' background and plot, and there are so many bits that can't just be published as is. However, this time we believe all of Bridget's storyline has been fully revealed and covered.
--So the timing for her to appear again was just perfect?
Mr Katano: Hm, yeah, it's the perfect timing for her reappearance. I think so.
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--Did both of you expect any controversies to follow after Bridget's reappearance?
Mr Katano: Honestly, yes. As we expected, people are split on the topic. To summarize what we do: we draw up how the characters in the story live, what they are worried about, and how they thought as we made them. 
But there are people who get caught up in the controversy without buying the game and playing it, people who blindly press the topic, and at the end of the day misinterpret our message and continuously spread a different portrayal contrary to what we intended. 
Initially we thought, "we hope people will accept our message despite different interpretations", but we then realized we had to turn this official, and therefore published and announced the official information from our side. 
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Mr Ishiwatari: We had our internal discussion whether or not this action was necessary. Our primary concern is whether we leave it to the global audience to decide whatever, or if we dictate the narrative with official info. This was the most important point in our discussion.
There were many fans who saw the situation as us pouring fuel into a fire we started, and so there became a growing voice who didn't care what it was so long as we came out and clarified the matter.
--You decided to come out and calm things down as the game trended globally?
Mr Ishiwatari: I don't know if that's an apt way to put it, but we read the situation as us giving fans a semblance of assurance after coming out and clarifying the matter.
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"Currently available Bridget merchandises on sale"
--Putting myself in the creator's shoes, coming out to explain in this unsure matter comes off as a little boorish, I would think.
Mr Katano: We are in part just people who simply create games and the world in it. While I could tell people to play and see for themselves, tell them to buy and see, there are many who do not and irresponsibly spread misinterpretation without care. 
Therefore I wasn't opposed to us taking an official stance. But as a creator, my biggest concern is posting spoilers. I mulled over whether or not to post this information on the official site -- I worried about this greatly. 
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booksandchainmail · 10 months
Hugos Reading Progress:
Categories I will vote in:
5/6 of best novel nominees (missing: Nettle and Bone)
4/6 best novella (missing: Ogres, What Moves the Dead)
0/6 novelettes
0/6 short stories
3/6 lodestar (missing: Akata Woman, Osmo Unknown and the Eightpenny Woods. Also missing Dreams Greater than Heartbreak, but I disliked the first one enough to be willing to skip this one)
4/6 series (missing: Founders, Children of Time. Both are trilogies, which is manageable. Technically I'm not up to date on Rivers of London, but I think I'm okay voting from where I am)
2/6 astounding (missing: Naseem Jamnia, Isabel J Kim, Maijia Liu, Weimu Xin)
1/6 related work (missing: everything except Ghosts of Workshops Past. Looks like 1 translation project, 2 memoirs, and 2 histories?)
Categories I may or may not vote in:
Art categories (these are relatively quick to decide)
Fan Writer (this was fun last year)
Graphic Stories (lengthy! But I've been meaning to read Saga and Monstress for a while, and 3 of the others are standalones or first volumes)
Zine categories (every year I think I will vote on these, but I never get around to it)
Categories I will probably not vote in:
Fancast (same as zines, but more time needed)
Dramatic Presentation (time commitment!)
Editor categories (I have no idea what to look for in judging)
Chengdu WorldCon is in October, and I've heard that voting will run until sometime in September, I'm not sure exactly when. So I'm figuring on two months. Complicating factor is that some categories (Astounding, Fan Writer) pretty much require the packet to vote on. Other complication is that some works are currently only available in Chinese. I'm not sure if they'll try and get translations into English done for the packet? Hopefully so, it would be a shame to have to vote based on a machine translation.
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magnesiumxp · 2 months
haii sorry for following you like so long ago and not elaborating. anyway i would like to ask,, if you've played/watched mo4? if you have i need to know if you speak japanese or if you translated it somehow. no need to actually answer that i just really want to watch and/or play mo4 somehow but i dont know japanese so i haven't really found a way around that, the wiki is my only source of info and im sure you've seen how . the wiki is
Ive played mo4 yes, I odnt speak japanese really [try to learn but no avail mostly ive never been good w/ languages] and instead I used a translator 4 it-using translator++ to machine translate the whole game and then fixing anything it broke in the process lol… its easy enough 4 me but also maybe that was just me being autism insnae and wanting to play by any means necessary so i learned a whole thing just 2 do that quicker
there sre currently like sctual translations in progress 4 the game but noen that are truly completele , one ik as like an. actual game trnaslation and the other as a playthrough on youtube that i can gvie links 2 if u want
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ukagakadreamteam · 1 month
So I have a little problem, whenever I run a japanese Ghost and try to use the english version, it just,, keeps speaking in japanese😭 even when I restart it, it doesn't change anything- is there any way to change/fix that?
When you say "English version", are you referring to a translation created for that ghost, or are you referring to SSP's language setting?
If it's a ghost with a translation created for it, then please tell us which ghost/translation it is so that we can assist you! We won't be able to help without knowing specifically what's giving you trouble.
If you're referring to SSP's language setting, then that's normal! SSP's language setting is for SSP's menu only, ghosts themselves are only able to speak in the language their developer wrote them in. There are ghosts out there that come in more than one language or have a translation available for download, but it is not many due to the difficulty that translating ghosts presents.
Not only do the words have to be translated, but most ghosts will include cultural references that don't make sense outside their culture, or they may have in-jokes that only make sense to a small group of people. Often there are concepts that just cannot be translated at all, not without a separate guide to explain what they mean. Localization like this can be very challenging!
If you want to try machine translation, it may help you be able to navigate a ghost's menus, and get some of the gist of what they're saying. The drawback is, machine translation is not able to do the localization, so a lot of ghosts will not make much sense or the full meaning will be lost. But if you want to try it, there are currently two ghosts that can help: Ukatranslator and simultaneous-interpreter.
Good luck to you! Again, if what you're having trouble with is a ghost that does have a translation created for it, then let us know which it is so that we can assist! Any details you can provide us would be helpful in resolving your issue.
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frevandrest · 11 months
I would like to ask a few things, I hope you can help me.
Is there any English translation of Monar's biography? I have heard/ read that it is the best SJ biography that is currently available and I would very much like to read it. Or if there is no English translation can I acquire the book in an ebbok format so that DeepL/ Google can help me translate it? (So far I've only managed to find printed copies on Amazon.)
Is Olivier's biography trustworthy - I am currently reading it and I don't know what to think. (The denial of his running away, the speculation about Masonry...)
What about Boulant's recent biography? I have it but I have read mixed reviews about it.
What do you think of Le silence de Saint-Just?
And finally, there is a novel SAINT-JUS & DES POUSSIÈRES. What is your opnion of that one?
Sorry for the plethora of questions, hope I didn't inconvenience you.
There are no official translations of Monar's biography. Only machine translated and shared unofficially around here (more info in private message if you wish). You can download the German original here: https://perspectivia.net//publikationen/phs/monar_saint-just Also, a note on Monar: His biography is very detailed (over 800 pages) because he goes into details such as how the Oratorian schools operated, Palais-Royal, Convention, etc. It is also very meticulous in terms of providing sources and it's the first place I look when I want to track something SJ related. But the biography itself... It is very good, but sometimes subjective (as in, explain/analyze things as in "this happened because SJ probably thought X" or "SJ must have intended Y"). This is not something that ruins the bio, but be careful when figuring out what happened. Now, many bios do the same thing to villainize SJ, while Monar defends him, but it's important to be aware of author's guesswork.
I've read Ollivier's "Saint-Just et la force des choses" a long time ago and now I can't remember what I thought about it. I do remember it was written in a more philosophical (?) style that was difficult for me to follow, but it's because my French is not great, to put it mildly. I know the book is more known as the film made based on it (undeservingly? I am not sure).
I have Boulant's biography but never read it in full. I skimmed through it and didn't see any new info, but I will need to check it in full. I can't even say why it received mixed reviews.
I have the book (Le silence de Saint-Just) but never got to read it. This can be my reminder to do so!
I heard of "Saint-Just & des poussières" but didn't have a chance to read it. Perhaps one of my mutuals know more?
Sorry, that wasn't super helpful!
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canmom · 1 year
Animation Night 141: short film night (donghua edition)
Hi everyone! Welcome to Animation Night, the night where we watch animation. We’re running mega late due to insomnia + travelling, so I will be brief.
Tonight the plan is to watch some exciting short animated films from China. First up we have the return of the mighty Shanghai Animation Film Studio.
You may remember from Animation Nights past that for a long time through the 50s and 60s, Shanghai Animation Film Studio was Chinese animation (donghua). They created many beautiful and experimental works, such as the astonishing ‘ink wash’ films of Te Wei, accomplished through an ingenious process of stacking up layers of cels to create the subtle gradients.
SAFS was squashed during the Cultural Revolution, its animators sent to the countryside, and animation was instead turned to heavy-handed propaganda films. Under Deng, the Shanghai animators returned for a brief last hurrah... but the chain of reproduction had been broken, and donghua went through a period where few films were being made, and only cheaply, with Chinese animators mostly working on outsourcing for other countries.
That’s changed in a huge way recently with the rise of what is now termed guómàn (国漫), referring to Chinese domestic animation and comics. Despite a hard-to-please audience at home, Chinese studios have been absolutely killing it lately... but Shanghai Animation Film Studio hasn’t really been a player. That’s changing now, AniObsessive reports, with the release of a series of four ~20 minute short films titled  中国奇谭 (Yao - Chinese Folktales) on Bilibili. A decidedly non-commercial project, with four teams and directors spending about two years on each film, it’s unexpectedly become an enormous hit in China:
Yao’s numbers have climbed dramatically since that report. After 15 days, with four episodes online, the series has topped 99 million views on its Bilibili page — and they’re rising fast. Users of the movie site Douban are often harsh critics of Chinese animation, and yet Yao currently scores 9.4 there, based on more than 132,000 reviews.
Zhang Shengyan, the Bilibili VP, feels that Yao owes its popularity to its ties to China. Not just in the stories and art, but in the Shanghai Animation name — most people in China, Zhang says, have fond memories of the studio’s classics. Yao channels this tradition of artistry for the 2020s, and it may be the start of a new era for the company. There’s already talk of a second season.
So that’s exciting! The four episodes are titled Nobody, Goose Mountain, She-Wolf, and... I don’t have a translation available for the fourth one but in Chinese it’s 乡村巴士带走了王孩儿和神仙, which machine translation renders The Country Bus Took Away Wang Haier and Shenxian. They use a variety of styles from CG to traditional animation.
Our second item is also courtesy of AniObsessive, who have gone to the impressive effort of translating and subtitling a series called Mee’s Forest on their new Chinese Flash YT channel. The series is directed by Busifan, known for the incredible film Dahufa (The Guardian) which we watched back on Animation Night 46 and again on Animation Night 104. (Incidentally, AniObsessive also wrote a wonderful article about the creation of Dahufa, finding all sorts of obscure sources, which is how I know anything at all about Busifan.)
Mee’s Forest is an earlier work, beginning in 2009 about six years before Dahufa’s completion, but after Busifan had made a name for himself with The Black Bird series in 2004. At this time, Busifan had quit his telecoms job, and was working at small animation studios in Hangzhou, chafing against the limits of the industry. This series centers on a young monk who, left alone by his master, is embroiled in some kind of supernatural forest shenanigans. The animation has sparks of what we’d see in Dahufa, notably the abrupt, vicious fight scenes.
I love everything I’ve seen from the Chinese Flash scene and I’m sure this will be no exception. At the time of writing, we’re jumping the gun a bit, with only 15 of 16 episodes translated... but this concords perfectly with Yao so we’ll wrap it up later.
So, with apologies for the incredibly late start - please make your way to twitch.tv/canmom and we’ll be starting on the hour in about ten minutes! (23:00 UK time, 15:00 California time)
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blazehedgehog · 8 months
Thoughts on One Piece?
I've told this story, but since Tumblr search is so awful, I'll tell it again.
The short of it is: I really wanted to get into One Piece. When One Piece started, pirates weren't really a subject you saw a whole lot of in anime. I thought Oda's art style was fresh and cool, too.
I did not like dealing with fansubs. They were kind of difficult to acquire (relatively), and at the time, I had a router that would absolutely crap its pants if I left a torrent running (it would have a firmware crash and all internet traffic would die until you power cycled the device). So the Kaizoku stuff was right out for me from the start.
I forget which came first, the 4Kids dub or Viz launching American Shonen Jump with their version One Piece. I think the 4Kids dub was first, because I remember being angry at Viz for adopting "Zolo" instead of "Zoro." Either way, I was angry about the 4Kids dub, but I was lucky enough to pick up the entire first 12 months of Shonen Jump, and figured that's where I'd start with One Piece.
Didn't have the money to keep buying new Jumps past that first year, so I figured I'd have to slum it with scanlations at least. I believe I left off in the back half of Baratie, and the only scanlations I could find from that part of the manga were like, truly awful quality. I have described them as "third generation Yahoo Groups quality scans." They were dark, blurry, heavily compressed, and the dialog was barely a step above an automated machine translation. I almost wish I could find them again, because it was nasty.
Around this time I think Funimation announced they wrestled the rights to One Piece away from the decaying hands of 4Kids, so I was happy to wait for that. We subscribed to Netflix in those days, the original DVD-by-mail service, so I'd rent each new set as they came out. Got all the way up through Baratie, up through Arlong Park, up to where they visit and prepare to leave Loguetown.
I think by the time the DVDs hit the fifth set, I ran into a problem: physical rental locations like Blockbuster had hard rental deadlines. You had to bring the disc (or tape) back in a day or two. Netflix, famously, had no rental deadlines. Keep things as long as you like.
While I had no trouble getting 1-4, some clown got set 5 before I could, and sat on it. For over a year. I complained to Netflix, and Netflix just shrugged at me.
Within a year or two of that, Funimation officially launched a One Piece website, like my memory is saying it was onepiece.com or something (which it isn't, that's a clothing store), but the point was they were announcing they were going to simulcast subs of the anime, for free, on this site. They were also adding dub episodes to this site, again, to stream for free. Back then, this was pretty unprecedented. Hulu was only a few years old at this point.
I figured: wow! Now's my chance! Go to check the website and...
The free episodes ended at the exact same point I left off at with the Netflix DVDs. Episode 53. It went from Dub Episode 53 straight to Sub Episode 230, which is where the simulcast began. Looking at Funimation's current site, this is what they consider "Season 1."
So I earmarked it. "Maybe I can finish it some day."
Some day never came. One Piece is over 1000 chapters (100 volumes) and 1000 episodes. There is over 430 hours of One Piece available to watch. The manga is so big people have talked about it taking up an entire shelving unit. I even saw photos once of somebody who had their shelf break because their One Piece collection was so heavy.
It took me over a year to read 16 volumes of the original Dragon Ball. There are almost ten times as many volumes of One Piece.
I have given up. I will never read it. Never watch it. Never see it. It's great that it's this amazing thing, truly this long journey, but even at 500 chapters it would have been too much.
Even if I wanted to, it's grown to be such a thing that when something happens in the anime or the manga, there are instantly spoilers for it all over the entire internet. 107 volumes of that is pretty disheartening.
I know about One Pace. One Pace is still too long. Some of those videos are over 20 hours. For a single video. And One Pace still has gaps in their coverage anyway.
It's just not happening.
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all-hallows-street · 6 months
The Future of an English Translation for the All Saints Street Manhua
If you are a fan of All Saints Street and have or want to read the mahua you might have noticed that the translation in mangadex was dropped 2 years ago. I do not wish to send hate to ASSlators for that, I understand their decision and I know that is the nature of fan translations. I thank them and the others that have tried to pick up the job of translating this wonderful 4-koma. However right now if you want to read the manhua in English, you will be almost 3 years behind from what is currently available in bilibili. Almost 300 strips untranslated.
I've been reading the manhua on my own by relying on machine translations, which are surprisingly good (when compared to trying to machine translate manga), but it's not the best solution. I've encountered mistranslations (example Nini (泥泥) will be translated as Mud) and I know for sure I am missing some cultural context, jokes, and overall, its uncomfortable trying to go back and forth to translate with google lenses. I know that the animation of All Saints Street will always be more popular, but I want the original work to be fully translated so more fans outside of China can join in and read. I am looking for translators to collaborate with me to translate, post and in the future not just have the translation here on tumblr but also make them available on mangadex. Should be obvious by now I don't know Chinese, but I will work as the typesetter and cleaner. I need translators and proofreaders. Even just 1 person would be enough to get slowly started. As for payment: I can't offer much right now, I might be able to pay 2-3 usd for each 4-koma with a max of 50 usd per month. This is only if you can prove you can read and translate Standard Chinese text to English. If you understand China's internet/meme culture even better as All Saints Street manhua uses them a lot.
If you are up for it contact me here via DMs so we can exchange further information and details.
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cheesy-cryptid · 2 years
Are there any links for us non-Filipinos to help? Donation sites, news articles we should share, etc?
CW// Politics. Activism. Unjust Political Practices. Dictatorships. Violence. Protests
Hi anon. Im so glad you reached out for some links but as far as I know, most of the volunteer groups and Non-gov orgs supporting Leni Robredo’s campaign ( Marcos’ main opposition for presidency ) are decentralized. And for the most part, these groups only have local donation links.
EDIT: I have to edit out a donation link here since receiving support overseas for partisan election purposes is not allowed. Thank you to the anon for informing me of this.
About that decentralized network of volunteers problem, Ms. Robredo has recently announced that she will be establishing the “Angat Buhay NGO” ( Angat Buhay translates to: Uplifting Lives ). This was recently announced during a thanksgiving mass and rally around the time of the end of election season. She is planning for this Non-Gov org to be the biggest network of volunteers supporting marginalized communities in the Philippines. We will be awaiting more information on this. I invite you all to learn more about Ms. Leni Robredo, her track record and background. Here’s more info on the project when it was first launched back in 2016 from the Office of the Vice President. 
Another way to support Filipinos right now is to continue commissioning Filipino artists. There have been incidents circulating online right now with clients from other countries discontinuing commissions from Filipino artists at the news of election results (Here’s an article about it after lilypichu recently tweeted about asking to commission some art to help out Filipino artists ) 
I would like to emphasize-- NO ONE WANTS BONG BONG MARCOS-- Several people in the Philippines are dreading the Marcos regime returning to power. Please believe me when I tell you this-- No one wants this. No one wants another dictator. There are online news reports (especially in facebook) explaining the current situation of the election and the comment sections are being flooded with Marcos’ loyalists, troll farms, and revisionists all saying that the Marcos regime was the “golden era” for the Philippines. Please dont believe them. Please dont fall for their lies. Our country cannot afford another dictatorship. Believe me when I tell you that Bong-Bong Marcos is a whole iceberg decades in the making behind the scenes of elite and corrupt families. 
With this, I will be leaving links and articles explaining the disturbing incidents during the election season ( from broken Vote-counting Machines, Election Fraud, Red-tagging etc ) and what the Marcos’s return to power could mean for the Philippines:  -Violent Incidents during Election day.  -Broken Vote Counting Machines.  -Red-Tagging (Link to Definition | Students, protesters, activists being Red-Tagged during election season ) 
- “  Marcos dynasty back in power: What’s next for the Philippines? “ by   Richard Javad Heydarian  - “  The World Should Be Worried About a Dictator’s Son's Apparent Win in the Philippines “ by Jonathan Corpus Ong  - “  Why Bongbong Marcos, a Philippine Dictator’s Son, Leads the Race for the Presidency “ by Chad de Guzman  - “How ‘Bongbong’ Marcos rewrote his brutal family history and won in the Philippines” by  Anya van Wagtendonk 
As several people in the country are being gaslit with disinformation from the families of the Marcoses and the Dutertes, I am sharing here important resources exposing the truth of the Marcos dictatorship. Alot of us here are fearing for the truth being lost as Bong-Bong Marcos is targeting to rewrite history books. And even a children’s books publishing house is being red-tagged  ( being labelled as activists/terrorists ) for producing books about Martial Law and the EDSA Revolution. it is important for us to share with what we still have available.  - “ Claiming History: Memoirs of the Struggle against Ferdinand Marcos’s Martial Law Regime in the Philippines “ by Portia L. Reyes 
- “The Conjugal Dictatorship” by Primitivo Mijares 
- “ The Jupiter Effect “ by Katrina Tuvera  -  “  Subversive Lives: A Family Memoir of the Marcos Years “  by Nathan Gilbert Quimpo and Susan Quimpo - “Dekada “ 70 “ (The 70s) by Lualhati Bautista (this is both a film and a novel) - “ Si Jhun-Jhun Noong Bago Idineklara ang Batas Militar “ ( Jhun-Jhun, before Martial Law) by Augie Rivera  - “ Marcos Martial Law: Never Again “ by  Raissa Espinosa- Robles
As of now, manual vote counting is still on-going so in a way there’s still hope. People are still fighting for what’s right.  But I’ll be damned if I reach a Marcos Regime. 
Tuloy ang Laban! 🌷
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He kept staring at it. 2185. The original Normandy was attacked by the Collectors in 2183, leaving twenty crew members--and her commander--dead.
When he had spare time, Shepard tried to catch up on current events, but disorientation was a common adversary. The way he'd perceived it, he was spaced one moment, and waking up from fading sedatives the next. Unfortunately, the state of it was that he missed two entire calendar years. Two years of birthdays, holidays, workdays, and bad hair days (granted, regulation hair was fairly manageable) missed and irreplaceable. But it didn't feel that way. He'd been on the clock when he'd gone under, and he was on the clock again now that he was up. But his crew was gone. The Citadel was crowded and strange (technically again, but it was different this time). He was at once a legend and a fugitive, and the Collectors didn't even have the decency to kill him on the New Year. He'd already mislabeled three reports.
Shepard looked up from his terminal, watching the CIC bustle with activity dressed in Cerberus colors. It was eerie; the atmosphere was not dissimilar to what it had been on the SR-1, but the very presence of the organization’s insignia, the skew to orange instead of blew, was foreign and disconcerting. Glancing over at Kelly, he caught her suddenly looking away, as if she’d been watching him. Narrowing his eyes, Shepard felt the sensation of being cornered. If he was being honest, he could use a break from it. He could use some familiarity.
One elevator ride later, he stepped out onto the engineering deck, letting a breath cycle through his lungs. Garrus had been busy with calibrations (as usual), and Joker was in a bickering contest with the Cerberus AI, EDI, so he decided to head down to the only other face hw recognized.
As the automatic doors opened, Shepard let the scent of eezo drift into his nose. It wasn't a bad smell in the slightest. Most biotics tended to give it off at some point, and it was almost always present in the air of Alliance engine rooms. The Normandy's Tantalus drive core was certainly no exception, especially when it was designed to vent into the engineering compartment when overtaxed (Shepard still couldn't understand how Cerberus engineers could have let that happen with the resources available to them). Either way, the commander had come to tolerate it well enough. It wasn't why he was there.
She was.
Shepard's eyes softened as they found the familiar patterns of quarian fabric. Turning to face him, Tali'Zorah's violet faceplate flashed in the blue light of the drive core, prompting the commander's lips to rise into a smile. He'd always enjoyed Tali's general fashion, but regardless, it matched quite pleasantly to the backdrop of her workplace.
"Shepard," she said. He couldn't help but enjoy how she rolled the "r" in his name, something even their translators couldn't phase out. "Something I can do for you?"
He shrugged, leaning against the wall next to her station. "Been seeing a bit too much white and orange. Needed a change in scenery."
Across the room, Daniels spoke up. "If you need us to clear the room, you can certainly ask, Commander."
Before Shepard could respond, Tali's speaker lit up. "We can try to step away," she said, turning to Shepard. "I hope you don't mind. The core's oscillationary cycles have been staggering, and I'd rather we have eyes on it until we figure out what's wrong."
"Fine by me."
He followed her deeper into the workings of the ship, closer to the drive core. It thrummed and hummed and made a lot of other sounds that were better replicated with a printer than with speech. If Shepard was being honest, he found them relaxing. In the event that the Normandy's mission was complete and the ship decommissioned, the Tantalus drive could easily become the galaxy's most expensive white noise machine.
Tali stopped at the end of the walkway, lazily placing a hand on the safety railing. At first, she looked up at the tremulous orb in the center of the room. Shepard joined her, careful not to blind himself looking at the various nodes.
"I appreciate you sparing some time, Tali." The commander let his hip rest against the rail.
The quarian turned her gaze on him. "Of course. Is everything okay?"
Shepard shrugged. "Still trying to get the calendar to make sense," he said. "Have you ever overslept on a really important day?"
Tali shook her head. "I'd like to say yes out of sympathy, but if I'm being honest, I have the opposite problem. I usually wake up too early for things, and can't get back to sleep."
That got him to chuckle a bit. "I guess you were never born with an off switch, huh?"
"Not many quarians can afford to be," she replied. "But I do know what it's like for things to have changed. After my pilgrimage, I was assigned to the Neema, and began to work with my father. For the first time in years, it felt like he was truly acknowledging me… but there were downsides, too. Not many of my people believed you about the Reapers."
"Yeah," he bit, though not at his friend. "I got that much."
Tali shrugged. "It was hard, for a while. I watched while you talked to Sovereign. I know they're real. But every time I tried to talk about it, my shipmates either wanted to change the subject or laughed me off. 'The geth are advancing' they said. 'He's a human; they don't think too much' they said." She took a deep breath, letting out a heavy sigh. "Some of the science team had doubts. They knew the Reaper-tech was foreign, but either they were bullied out of talking about it, or they didn't think it was enough to back you up."
Shepard smiled a bit. "Thanks for trying to have my back."
"Of course, Shepard," she said, softly. "Thank you for trusting a quarian with your fancy new drive core."
That made Shepard's smile disappear. "I'm sorry you've had to put up with that kind of treatment."
She waved him off. "Unfortunately, it comes with being born in an entirely nomadic culture whose ancestors built rebellious AI," she said, her voice damp with bitterness. "I can either be torn up about it, or I can help you stop the Collectors."
He pushed an amused breath out of his nose. For a moment, the pair stood in silence, enjoying the sights and sounds of the Tantalus drive. It wasn't long before Shepard remembered something, and realized he might want to share it with Tali.
"You know," he said, "I actually got a message from your father."
Tali straightened her back, abandoning any indication of relaxation. "You did?"
Shepard nodded. “It was formal, but he was clearly worried for you. He practically threatened me," he said, smirking to make it clear that it didn't bother him. "I thought it was sweet."
Tali scoffed. “Of course he chooses to be sweet when I’m gone…”
“I remember you telling me that he was hard on you,” said Shepard. “I guess that didn’t change too much.”
“Like I said before,” Tali replied, “most quarians can’t really afford to take it easy. But when your father is both on the Admiralty Board and your lead project coordinator, you’re expected to be your best on all fronts.”
"I bet," he said. The commander put his full weight on the railing. "Lucky for me, I know what you can do, best or not. The Collectors should be running scared."
Tali mimicked Shepard's posture, releasing the tension she'd assumed at the mention of her father. "If you get my best, the bosh'tets sure will be."
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