#curio rowleyanus
semprvivum · 4 months
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Curio rowleyanus / String of Pearls
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buffetlicious · 7 months
Went out shopping with mum and bought myself a pot of Variegated String of Pearls (Curio rowleyanus) or better known by its synonym Senecio rowleyanus. This creeping succulent vine is native to the Cape Provinces of South Africa. Also called string of beads, it comes in both green and variegated colours. The latter had pearl-like leaves that are swirled in cream, green and sometimes even pink and purple colours with the right combination of sun stress and water.
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Green String of Pearls image from here.
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plantpositivevibes · 2 years
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Got a bonus plant the other day, ended up with both for only 6 dollars 😊
Curio radicans (string of bananas), and Curio rowleyanus (string of pearls)
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Curio rowleyanus~ String Of Pearls
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by-jessica-achillea · 4 months
🌱Complete Guide: How to Grow String of Pearls 🌱
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noisynutcrusade · 10 months
How to Care for String of Pearls Plants
The String of Pearls, also known as the Curio Rowleyanus, is a unique trailing succulent. If I were to name one plant that has my heart, it would be this one. I think it is the most beautiful houseplant! The plant originates from the southern tip of Africa, and its uniqueness makes this plant a favorite for plant parents. String of Pearls is a creeping succulent that has green balls for leaves…
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Курио Роули или син. Крестовник Роули (лат. Curio rowleyanus, син. Senecio rowleyanus) — вид суккулентных растений из рода Курио, семейства Астровые.
Это стелющаяся многолетняя сочная лиана, произрастающая в более засушливых частях юго-западной Африки. В естественной среде его стебли стелются по земле, укореняясь там, где соприкасаются, и образуют плотные коврики. Он часто избегает прямых солнечных лучей, растёт в тени других растений и камней. Он широко известен как нить жемчуга или нить бус (string-of-pearls or string-of-beads)
Необычная форма листьев является адаптацией к засушливой среде и позволяет хранить воду, при этом минимальная площадь поверхности на единицу объема подвергается воздействию сухого пустынного воздуха. Хотя его сферическая морфология листа способствует минимизации потери воды, он также значительно уменьшает площадь поверхности, доступную для поглощения света и фотосинтеза.
Адаптация, которая может помочь компенсировать это уменьшение перехвата света, представляет собой узкую полупрозрачную полосу ткани в форме полумесяца на адаксиальной стороне пластинки. Эта специализированная структура известна как « эпидермальное окно », и она позволяет свету проникать внутрь листа и облучать его, эффективно увеличивая площадь ткани листа, доступную для фотосинтеза.
25 Rimutaka Place, Titirangi, Auckland 0604
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blogflores0 · 1 year
Colar de golfinhos – Senecio peregrinus
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Nome Científico: Senecio peregrinus Sinónimos: Curio peregrinus, Curio x peregrinus, Senecio x peregrinus, Dendrophorbium peregrinus Nomes Populares: Colar de golfinhos, Planta-golfinho, Golfinhos-voadores, Cordão-de-golfinhos Família: Asteraceae Categoria: Cactos e Suculentas, Folhagens Clima: Subtropical, Tropical Origem: África, África do Sul Altura: 0.1 a 0.3 metros Luminosidade: Luz Difusa, Meia Sombra Ciclo de Vida: Perene Cada folha suculenta desta planta incrível é uma réplica perfeita de um golfinho. Dispostas ao longo de caules finos e compridos, em intervalos regulares, estas estruturas assemelham-se a um alegre grupo de golfinhos a saltar sobre as águas. A Senecio Peregrinus vem de uma polinização cruzada entre a Senecio Rowleyanus (Colar de Pérolas) e Senecio Articulatus, e pode atingir até 15 centímetros de altura. Em altura o colar de golfinhos não ultrapassa 15 centímetros, mas se for cultivado como planta pendente, os seus ramos podem ultrapassar um metro de comprimento facilmente. A sua folhagem é muito característica, de cor verde-clara a levemente acinzentada e apresenta-se no formato de golfinhos, suculentos, que actuam como janelas que permitem o máximo de entrada de luz e reduzem o excesso de transpiração ao mesmo tempo, como muitas espécies de suculentas que tem folhas parcialmente transparentes. https://youtu.be/AeNRLieI7x0
Como cultivar Colar de golfinhos
Deve ser cultivado sob meia sombra ou abundante luz filtrada, solo perfeitamente drenável e regas espaçadas. As condições ideais de luminosidade para a espécie incluem abundante iluminação indirecta o dia todo, com algumas horas de sol directo pela manhã. O sol quente do meio dia e da tarde provocam queimaduras nas folhas. Da mesma forma que outras suculentas, o colar-de-golfinhos aprecia que o seu substrato seque entre as regas, mas ele pode conter um pouco mais de matéria orgânica que o comum para suculentas, uma vez que aprecia um pouco mais de humidade. Mas cuidado, o colar-de-golfinhos é igualmente sensível a encharcamentos e consequente redução na aeração do substrato, que provoca o apodrecimento das raízes e morte da planta. Durante o inverno, é importante reduzir as regas, mantendo o substrato ligeiramente mais seco. Não tolera geadas ou frio intenso, e deve ser levado para ambientes internos durante invernos rigorosos.
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As flores do Colar de golfinhos Apesar de ser raro que o colar de golfinhos floresça, caso seja cultivado dentro de casas e apartamentos, as suas flores são bastante parecidas com aquelas produzidas pelo colar de pérolas, um dos seus progenitores. Além da coloração branca e da anatomia composta, as flores desta planta exalam um aroma muito parecido com o da canela. Ainda assim, a suculenta colar de golfinhos é uma excelente opção de planta para ser cultivada em interiores. Qualquer ambiente no qual o colar de pérolas se desenvolva bem será propício para o colar-de-golfinhos, uma vez que descende dele. Multiplica-se facilmente por estaquia de segmentos do caule, postos a enraizar no substrato ou em água, ou por mergulhia, prendendo ramos com grampos sobre o substrato para que criem novas raízes em contacto com a terra. Após o enraizamento dos segmentos, o que pode levar de duas a três semanas, podemos separar as mudas da planta mãe e plantar em local definitivo. Vaso de plástico ou de barro? O vaso para o cultivo da suculenta colar-de-golfinhos pode ser de barro ou de plástico. Contudo, como esta é uma planta que se torna pendente, com o tempo, o mais seguro é optar pelo plástico, que é mais leve e pode ser suspenso com maior facilidade. Read the full article
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gfloutdoors · 2 years
Blue String of Pearl Plants: Do They Even Exist?
Blue String of Pearl Plants: Do They Even Exist?
The string of pearls is a distinct plant with spherical leaves that originates from South Africa. It’s a succulent in the genus Curio, but scientists identify it as Senecio rowleyanus in the field.  The plant grows from a weak surface root network. The trailing stems can grow up to three feet long before the plant touches the soil and begins another root network. Because the plant prefers not to…
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houseplantcentral · 3 years
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I know a lot of people struggle with this trailing succulent, so I figured a care guide was in order! ⬇
How to care for a string of pearls succulent
Get the free PDF on 10 easy houseplants
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succygirl · 4 years
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This arrangement has come a long way since Christmas. Some things have died and been pulled out, others have been added. The String-of-Pearls, Echeveria 'Lola', Schlumbergera, and Crassula mesembryanthemoides are all original residents, though the Crassula did rot originally and needed to be cut and rerooted. But it's doing fine now! There were Sedum rubrotinctum in there but they also sadly rotted, though there's a tiny pup from a leaf nestled next to the Lola that's doing okay. The Sedum adolphi also rotted and was pulled out, there's still a hole in the back next to the Schlumbergera that I haven't filled in.
The other Echeveria 'Ramillete' and it's crested form are new so we shall see how they fair.
I tend to water this when the Schlumbergera calls for it which has worked for the other plants so far! The ones that rotted was probably due to a combination of repotting with the soil moist and past treatment at the store we bought them from (Home Depot, and it had rained on them).
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merulanoir · 4 years
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Hanging plants means unlimited power, yes?
Two Hoyas and one string-of-pearls.
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succulent-sanity · 4 years
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Newest addition - variegated Curio rowleyanus
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lilleaflover · 4 years
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Here are my first three plants in LECA/ semi-hydro
Pictured here is: Philodendron “Brazil”, Golden pothos, and string of pearls
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thewindowsill · 4 years
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I got my curio/senecio herreianus “Purple Flush” and curio/senecio rowleyanus on September 1, they arrived bare rooted and it was not fun trying to get them untangled and into a pot, which I didn’t have because I assumed they would arrive in a pot so I bought some plastic cups and made holes in them because I couldn’t find any pots.
But it did give me a window into the pot and herrianus send out roots so fast. A cutting rooted in one day, ONE DAY! Herrianus pot is full of roots while I can only see two roots in rowleyanus pot.
With all the roots herrianus drinks a lot more water and I got curious to try him in water culture along with my peperomia prostrata.
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Curio rowleyanus, syn. Senecio rowleyanus, is a flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae. It is a creeping, perennial, succulent vine native to the drier parts of southwest Africa. In its natural environment its stems trail on the ground, rooting where they touch and forming dense mats. It often avoids direct sunlight by growing in the shade of other plants and rocks. It is commonly known as string-of-pearls or string-of-beads.
23 Rimutaka Place, Titirangi, Auckland 0604
-36.9441360, 174.6356360
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