yelhsaqi · 2 months
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is the newsies fandom still alive lol
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military-newsboys · 20 days
Davey: you must have been dropped on your head as a child Jack: i couldn’t have been, i wasn’t even held! Davey: i can’t tease you when you say things like that
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racetrackmybeloved · 4 days
i adore how quick the boys are to help crutchie when he needs it. no discussion, no pity, just support.
when morris pushes him over, it isn't jack (who is right there) who helps him up, neither is it race nor romeo, who we saw him interact with earlier in the song. it's albert who helps him up, and it's albert who carries him until he gets his crutch back. did they have a system? was it albert's job to carry crutchie when needed? was it because they're close friends, and we just never get to see it again? or was it that any of the newsies would have done it, but albert happened to be the closest?
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when the nuns hand out food, kid blink and smalls don't hesitate before hoisting him onto their shoulders. jack and specs both place their hands on his back to ensure that he doesn't fall backwards. it's so smooth, so natural, like they've done it a million times before.
and note: i don't think crutchie interacts with any of those characters (albert, kid blink, smalls) at any other moment in the musical.
conclusion: crutchie is so so loved.
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metallicmikus · 3 months
#1 albert dasilva fan at your service
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ft. race, crutchie, and finch
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loving-jack-kelly · 10 months
listen i think it's like. davey falls in love immediately and davey is very aware of it and davey resigns himself to never being anything more than friends and davey takes what he can get. an arm around his shoulders. a moment of holding hands trying not to get separated in a crowd. leaning against each other on the couch. silly conversations after both of them should already have been asleep. and it's fine. it's just fine, it's not good, but it's not bad, because davey falls in love more every time they talk and davey falls in love more every time he hears jack laugh but davey also gains a better friend than he's ever had and davey gains a person he can be himself around and davey gains a group of people who don't weigh him down with more expectations that he can barely hold on his shoulders and so it's fine. it's okay. it's fine.
and jack doesn't fall in love immediately and jack isn't aware of anything and jack has no idea for months that davey has become such a solid part of his life that a future without him is unthinkable. but then he starts to notice some things and those things start to make an appearance in daydreams and drawings and sometimes in conversations where they have no business being. he starts noticing the way davey tips his whole head back when he laughs and the way he quirks his eyebrows before tearing into somebody for something mean or wrong or stupid they thought they could away with saying in front of him. he notices the careful way davey contains himself around his parents and the way that tension melts away when it's just the two of them, and he notices the undertones in davey's voice when he says "I love my family but sometimes I wish they'd let me figure things out on my own." and so jack doesn't fall in love immediately and he isn't aware of anything and he has no idea for months but once it hits.
well. once it hits it's all jack can think about because he's never been in love like this before and he has no idea what to do with himself and no idea how to handle it. and davey, who has been in love this whole time and who has accepted that things will never be more than the fine they've ended up at, refuses to read into anything. like when jack starts finding more excuses to throw an arm over his shoulder, that can't mean anything new. or when when jack refuses to let go of his hand even when they've made it outside the crowd, that can't mean anything, either. and leaning against each other on the couch, jack's head dipping down to rest on his shoulder or jack's arm draped across his waist instead of kept off to the side, those mean nothing. they can't mean anything because if they mean something they mean something and that's far more terrifying to reckon with than a lifetime of fine with an undercurrent of wishing for something else.
so that's where it stays. building and building and building, davey loving quietly and melancholic but determined to be satisfied the way things are and jack loving so hard he feels like he might explode but completely unsure of what to do with that feeling. they spend nights talking around it. "don't you want to run away?" asks davey, hoping jack will confirm again that all this hope is silly and davey should really just get on with getting over him. "there's too much good here to leave behind," jack says, hoping that davey will understand that he means no matter how badly he wants to run he wants to be with davey more. "don't you wish love worked like a fairytale?" jack asks, knowing that if it did davey would sweep him off his feet and they'd ride off into the sunset together forever. "no, happy endings would never be the ever after that everyone wanted" davey says, knowing that if love were a fairtale jack would marry his princess and leave davey the sidekick behind, forgotten.
but the thing about love like this, that becomes so big and so present and that both people are so aware of but unwilling to talk about is that it isn't always quiet and nice and settled. sometimes, it rears up and it's mean and ugly and sometimes it doesn't feel so much like love. it becomes a jealous spike and a spiteful comment when davey sees jack spending too much time flirting with and teasing somebody else. it becomes jack having too many opinions about davey's other friends, the ones he doesn't even know and hasn't bothered to try. it becomes arguing around the thing, late night conversations that turn into whispered debates where neither of them will say what they're really feeling and neither of them will listen to what the other is trying to say because things needs to stay the same. they can't change one way or another because that's terrifying and isn't better if things just stay...fine?
and i think. davey is the one who snaps first. davey who has spent his whole life compressing himself into other people's boxes, pushing down different parts of himself to fit whatever any situation needs, finally snapping from the pressure of doing it in the relationship that never felt like he needed to until everything became a fight. why should he keep pretending to be something he isn't? why should he keep pretending to be someone he's not?
and i don't think it's easy. i think it's mean and petty and easy to assume the worst, easy for davey to assume jack has know all along and has been playing with davey this whole time. easy for jack to assume that davey is saying things he doesn't mean because they're fighting and he knows it cuts too deep. they argue and get upset and spend the night and maybe a few days stewing and wondering is this the breaking point, is this where we end all of this, is there where I finally let my heart break?
but the thing is. neither of them can walk all the way away and they both know it. davey remembers the expression jack gets when he's lost in a drawing and knows he's never not been in love with him even when it feels like this. jack thinks about the way davey's hands move when he talks about something he cares about and knows that he can't walk away even though maybe it would be easier.
and if davey is the one who snaps, jack is the one who spends time figuring out exactly what to say. he's terrified and nauseous and not sure if this is what he should be doing, but when he explains himself it's careful and honest and blunt, all of the things he hasn't said since the minute he realized he was in love with davey laid out neat and gentle and real. and davey, for all he stopped pretending, can't quite believe it. not that he thinks jack is lying, exactly, but maybe he's mistaken. jack can't love davey, not the way davey loves jack, because not only would that mean all the stupid arguments and passive-aggressive moments of the last however long it's been happening have been over nothing, but that would mean jack feels this expansive, consuming, whole body love that davey has been living with for so long. that would mean jack understands and if jack understands, why has davey been okay with things being just fine for so long?
and adjusting to the truth being between them is, I think, hard. davey keeps catching himself about to say something and having to force himself to say it out loud because he's spent so long not letting himself. and jack keeps having to force himself to feel things without chasing the feeling away because he's spent so long refusing to process any of it because that would mean processing the fear. conversations are hard. change is hard. figuring out new dynamics is hard.
but when davey starts noticing that jack is taking his hand with no excuse and wrapping both arms around his waist whenever he has a chance and tipping their heads together when they sit side by side, and when he starts noticing that jack has a special smile that only ever seems to be aimed at him, and he he starts noticing that late night conversations have gone back to what they were like in the very beginning when they were about everything and nothing and more than just words, that's when he notices that things aren't fine anymore. they're good. and when jack starts noticing that davey is relaxed with him, not putting on a face, and when he starts noticing the way davey laughs at even the stupidest of his jokes without seeming insincere, and when he notices that davey has a serious, thoughtful expression that he only seems to wear when he's talking with jack, that's when he notices that this doesn't feel so confusing and scary anymore. it feels good.
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bwaybby09 · 1 month
During a Tornado Warning:
Les: What do we do if the tornado hits us?
Spot: Uh, what do we do if the tornado hit us? I'm not sure, maybe get blown away by it?!
Race: No, no, you hide under a doorway.
Katherine: No, no, no. That's an earthquake.
Davey: Actually, they say you're not supposed to do that anymore.
Albert: Who cares what they say not to do for something that's not happening.
Jack: They say that you should go towards the eye of the storm.
Spot: Where’s the eye of the storm, Jack?
Jack: I don’t know…
Spot: That’s what I thought.
Crutchie: Tell someone you trust.
Jack: No Crutchie, that's only if the tornado's molesting you.
Race: Okay, this is just a drill! Everyone grab a clutch buddy!
(Race grabs onto Spot)
Spot: Oh, get off me! No!
Race: Hold on to me!
Spot: Get off me!
Race: I am saving your life!
Spot: I don’t wanna be saved by you!
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str4wb3rry-newsboy · 4 months
just watched the somerville high school production of newsies everyone has been talking about and oh my god.
the fight scene was so heartbreaking i cant. race holding onto jack as he panics saying "i cant go back" when he sees snyder? race pulling jack away telling him "we have to go" as jack tries to go after crutchie who is yelling "jack! race! please! youre right there!" while hes dragged off stage? fucking sobbing.
and santa fe ??? starting with jack going "no no no no crutchie no" ???? my heart has been shattered.
how the hell does a high school pull this off😭😭
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 3 months
So many mistakes are made repeatedly in the Lodge House that when Crutchie comes in and says, "It Happened Again." They have a little guessing game on what happened.
Crutchie: They did it again.
David: Elmer was told he was too small for the top bunk but slept up there anyways and fell off?
Finch: Nah, he would've come running crying to me. I'd say Race and Albert got chased down the streets by the bulls again for robbery and Kloppmans pissed at 'em.
JoJo: Not a chance, I would've been told immediately. I'm gonna say that Mush don't have the money for a bunk tonight, and we all need to fish in and help?
Crutchie: Suprisingly, all wrong. Buttons, last guess, what do ya think?
Buttons: ...Splasher fell in the pond again?
Crutchie: Nope, Specs and Ritz were goofing around at Medda's and fell into the orchestra pit.
Romeo: Jesus fucking Christ, that's the third time this month.
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threebatsnests · 1 month
ralbert: *rolling around and fighting in the dirt, looney tunes style*
crutchie: ah, young love
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ratboycrutchie · 1 year
Davey, to a new newsie: I'm going to show you what kind of people you'll be living with
Davey: the floor is lava!
*Jack helps Crutchie up on a desk*
*Albert pushes Race off a desk*
Davey: as you can see, there are two types of people
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military-newsboys · 8 days
Davey, upon seeing a sleeping Jack: He looks so calm and peaceful. Race, slowly pulling out a trumpet: I’ve been waiting for this opportunity-
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throwbackkarma · 5 months
race’s cigar is woobly if that makes sense can you draw him? Thank you!
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i had no idea what this was implying but his cigar fell out of his mouth i think that’s woobly enough. crutchie is not impressed
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brooklynbadboys · 6 months
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posted on ig first <3
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
race, laying facedown on the ground: I CRAVE DEATH
crutchie, tsking: you shouldn’t do that, you know. god might be listening and answer your prayers.
race, literally screaming into the dirt because he is that bitch: I DON’T CARE. WOE IS FUCKING ME.
les, leaning over to whisper into crutchie’s ear: but I thought spot was fucking him?
race, who had heard the entire thing and who had taken offense to every last bit of it: NOW IS NOT THE GODDAMN TIME LES
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loving-jack-kelly · 4 months
Jack Crutchie and Race childhood best friends who took turns sleeping at each others' houses when things were bad at home, who spent so much time together that they practically have their own language, who understand each other so well they don't even have to speak to know what's going on, who are so casually affectionate and loving with each other that all of the have been accused of dating the others more than once, who are each others' stability and solid ground and constant through everything life throws at them.
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