#crown of thorns starfish
aquatark · 1 month
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Marine Encyclopedia - The Gabbiano
Endless Ocean, Nintendo Wii
did you know...? this is the only place in the game where you can see the spiny lobster's walking animation!
the model and animation for it were taken from the everblue series, where they did walk around... but in endless ocean, they made them stationary. for some reason
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mosshrooms · 1 year
Updating some old gross refrence material. Starting with a real star(fish), Amaya!
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nientedal · 27 days
The Reef and the Deep
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For @buginateacup's fic Haute Water, in which the trio goes to the Met Gala in Minion's designs. These were so much fun! I learned a lot!
Image descriptions: Roxanne and Minion and Megamind in extremely fancy outfits.
Roxanne's dress is cut sharply up the thigh and looks like a wave rolling in - sleeveless, strapless, it has a bustled train of tulle scattered with seed pearls and a waist gather with a seashell and corals. The top of the bodice also has the same seafoam tulle, which wraps around Roxanne's arms. She is wearing a necklace and crown of coral and has iridescent blue highlights on her face. She is holding Minion aloft in a net of pearls. Minion looks extremely pleased with himself and is wearing pink eyeshadow.
Megamind is wearing ink-black and very sharp fins on his ears, a net of black pearls on his head. He has spines of very dark blue rising from his shoulders and arms, and similar spines falling in a narrow overskirt from his waist. He has lionfish-fin spines framing the sides of his cape, which is very dark blue inside and black outside. He has no shirt, but is wearing fishnet sleeves with scattered black pearls, and black armor on the backs of his hands and fingers. His boots are laced all the way up his thighs.
Both are on a pinkish-lavender background with a faded splash effect behind them.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 months
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Crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci)
Crown-of-thorns starfish are found on reefs in the Indo-Pacific region.
(Image credit: Georgette Douwma via Getty Images)
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bethanythebogwitch · 10 months
You know what Alola has a lot of? Water. And when there’s lots of water you get lots of aquatic Pokémon. Welcome back to the series where I discuss the real-life inspirations of every aquatic, non-fish Pokémon. This time I’m covering gen VII. To see previous entries in this series see gen I part 1, gen I part 2, gen II, gen III, gen IV, gen V, and gen VI. For my previous series where I covered the origins of all fish Pokémon see here. As before, starters and legendary/mythical Pokémon will be covered in a separate series. I’ll also cover ultra beasts separately, so no Nihilego this time.
Starting things off we have Marenie and Toxapex bringing us the first echinoderms since gen I. While Staryu and Starmie were generic starfish, the Marenie line are based specifically on the crown-of-thorns starfish.
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(image: a crown-of-thorns)
These are large starfish covered with venomous spines. The spines are used for defense as they (and the starfish’s other tissues) are filed with a chemicals called saponins. While there is no mechanism for injecting venom, any animal punctured by a spine will get the venom in the wound. It is hemolytic, causing destruction of red blood cells, which can lead to the injured animal suffocating or bleeding out.  In addition, the spines are brittle and can break off and get stuck in a wound. In humans, the venom can cause sharp, stinging pains, persistent bleeding, and swelling and nausea for up to a week after the sting. The persistent nature of the pain and hemolysis may be the basis for the line’s signature ability “Merciless”. The other big feature of the crown-of-thorns is its diet. They feed on coral polyps by everting their stomachs onto coral and digesting them externally. This is why the line are specifically stated to prey on Corsola. Too many crown-of-thorns in one coral reef can badly damage it, hence why Toxapex is said to leave a trail of Corsola horns in its wake. Toxapex also takes influence from the hā’uke’uke or helmet urchin, a species found in Hawaii that is shaped very similar to Toxapex’s tentacles when they are all down.
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(image: a hā’uke’uke)
Dewpider and Araquanid are based on diving-bell spiders. These spiders spend almost their entire lives underwater, the only species to do so. They do still need to breathe air and so used a coating of water-repelling hairs to carry a bubble of oxygen with them when they are underwater, surfacing occasionally to refresh their supply. The Dewpider line are the inverse of that: a species that can only breathe water and need to bring a bubble of water with them while they live on land. Because of this, they may also be based on sea spiders, a group of marine arthropods that look very similar to spiders. This origin is more noticeable with Araquanid, which has the skinny body and long legs of sea spiders. In both species, the bubble over the head is based on a diving helmet.
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(image: a diving bell spider with its air bubble visible)
Wimpod is one of my favorite gen VII mons and its origin is complex. It is based on a variety of aquatic arthropods. Most notably it resembles an isopod while having a head similar to a trilobite.
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(image: a terrestrial isopod)
It also looks like a copepod, which are zooplankton that have prominent antennae. Fun fact: Plankton from Spongebob is a copepod.
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(image: a copepod)
Wimpod’s behavior of fleeing at the first sign of danger is very similar to silverfish. These are insects with a similar body shape to Wimpod that are famous to coming out in the dark and fleeing once the lights come on.
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(image: a silverfish)
Wimpod’s habit of eating almost anything and leading a clean path as it travels makes it effectively a living Roomba. As Golisopod, it is based on the giant isopod, a group of species that are much larger than the average isopod thanks to deep-sea gigantism. This is a phenomenon where animals living in the deep ocean become larger than their shallow-water relatives and has a number of proposed causes. The largest and most famous of the giant isopods reaches a maximum recorded length of 50 cm (19.65 in), which is still quite a bit shorter than Golisopod’s 2 m (6’7”). It is also based on samurai as its shell resembles samurai armor and some of its behavior (such as meditation) comes from samurai stories. Its ability to cleave the air in twain with its claws likely comes from classic exaggerations of a warrior’s ability. Golisopod doesn’t care much for a samurai’s code of honor though, as it will happily fight dirty and run from fights.
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(image: preserved specimens of two giant isopod species)
Gen VII was a good one for echinoderms as coming off the hells of the starfish Marenie line we get a sea cucumber in Pyukumuku. Sea cucumbers have a pretty simple body plan, basically looking like tubes. Their most famous ability is a defense strategy some species employ where they can eject part of their guts to deter predators. In real sea cucumbers, the ejected guts will regenerate while in Pyukumuku, they can retract back into the body and even act like a hand. Sea cucumbers also have external gonads that look like strings. The fluffy tail Pyukumuku has is actually its genitals. The spikes on top might be based on sea urchins, which are relatives of sea cucumbers.
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(image: a sea cucumber with similar spines to Pyukumuku)
Our final Pokemon for today is Dhelmise and it’s a weird one. An anchor and ship’s wheel bound together and possessed by the ghost of seaweed. What confuses me is that it’s a wooden anchor. It turns out wooden anchors were used at one point in early boats, but were phased out in favor of ones made of iron. Dhelmise being haunted parts of ships is reminiscent of tales of ghost ships, though on a smaller scale. The seaweed on it may be dead man’s fingers, which grows small tendrils and the name is obviously fitting for a ghost-type.
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(image: dead man's fingers)
The shiny version having red seaweed could reference red tide, a type of algal bloom that can turn parts of the ocean red. Dhelmise hunts Wailord, meaning it may have been a part of a whaling ship and now the ghosts within it are carrying out their last tasks endlessly, a common trope in ghost stories. It may also reference Moby Dick’s Captain Ahab and his obsessive quest to kill the white whale.
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(image: a sunken anchor from a shipwreck in Hawaii's Papahānaumokuākea National Monument)
That’s all for now. Return next time when we go to Galar.
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todropscience · 1 year
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Crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster spp) receives its name from the venomous thorn-like spines that cover its upper surface whose venom provokes strong hemolytic activity. This sea star species is native from Taiwan but is invasive in tropical coral reef ecosystems around the world, and is a pervasive coral predator prone to population outbreaks that have damaged coral reefs across Australia and the wider Indo-Pacific.
Coral rubble is often produced from physical disturbances like fish predation, anchor damage or storms, and is the primary settlement habitat of juvenile crown-of-thorns starfish, when they herbivorous and arent venomous yet. To understand the dinamycs and ecology of the predation of this invasive species in its early stage has been suggested as a primary mechanism that suppresses their outbreaks. Australian researchers assessed the capacity of 104 species of the rubble fauna found across Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. They found only 10 species that regularly consumed juvenile crown-of-thorns in their entirety. 
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 - A juvenile Crown-of-thorns starfish being devored by a red decorator crab during feeding experiments, by K Wolfe.
Most cases of predation resulted in sublethal predation, but not total consumption, making them suvirved, as they could regenerate, but the red decorator crab (Schizophrys aspera), seemed to be VERY hungry, eating  almost 5 juvenile crown-of-thorns per day, emphasising the importance of this tiny crab as a key predators at the critical juvenile stage, when it may be controled before outbreak population.
GIF University of Queensland
Reference: Desbiens et al. 2023 Novel rubble-dwelling predators of herbivorous juvenile crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster sp.). Coral Reefs.
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anthyies · 11 months
To understand me it is crucial to know that in another life I could have been a theater kid. But in this life I was a science olympiad kid.
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pochqmqri · 1 year
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Crown-of-thorns starfish at the Cairns Aquarium in Cairns, QLD, Australia    
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elementalgod-aj · 2 years
Animal practice 27
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Shore (Echinoderm hybrid)
Jagger (Feather Star )
Lilith (Sea lilies)
Monty (crown of thorns sea star) (thanks
Flail (Brittle star)
Luca (Fire Sea urchin)
Kosher (red Sea cucumber/Sea pig)
Oakton (acorn worm)
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aquatark · 10 months
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Comb Reef - Manoa Lai Main
Endless Ocean, Nintendo Wii
the worst enemy of red/green colorblind people everywhere... eo1 crown-of-thorns starfish
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neon-zoologist · 2 years
Annihilation is spreading through my brain,, just the book was so perfect for me with the biologist and the focus on all the creatures, but also it was written so well and will be sticking with me for a long time
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bogleech · 7 hours
[Hades II spoilers] have you seen scylla? Any thoughts on her design? I keep thinking anemone or crown of thorns starfish, even with the scallop influences and fins
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Yeah I see anemone in there, though a lot of mollusks can have tufts of tentacles including some bivalves!
This ask however is how I found out Hades II is a pretty little hand drawn game. All this time that I saw people mentioning it, I just kinda glossed over it and assumed it was the sequel to a triple A 3-d action game.
I think I must have been subconsciously thinking of any of the many "God of War" knockoffs that involved Hades or hell. I guess I thought you were all hyped about an unexpected sequel to EA's 2010 Dante's Inferno or something
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byeanbi · 3 months
I might have found a video of a virtual reality experience of the Octonauts!
Whats surprising is that this is made in 2016 and has tons of information regarding the great barrier reef. Another surprising thing is that they are searching for the crown of thorns starfish!
Could this be the great barrier reef special before 2020?
Here is a link to the vr version of the experience ( its a 360 video! No need for a headset)
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symptomsofdeceit · 29 days
Spoilers just in case!!!
In the backstory of their childhood we see Thaumo and Nalis being all together (i assume they're all friends in that time) but during the scene with Thaumo coming into the office with Mc for their lunch break and Nalis sees Thaumo and ask who they're, was it for Mc sake? or did Nalis not actually recognize Thaumo? or something we'll learn more as the game goes on
Nalis met the mc around a year ago, and he never met Thaumo before the game. The childhood friend with Thaumo & mc is a different character.
The other kid isn’t named in the flashback because the mc can’t remember his name. In the longer flashback from Thaumo’s POV it is mentioned that he’s a sea star boy & has star shaped pupils, though! Some spoilers/bonus info under the cut:
He’s associated with crown of thorns starfish.
He has kinda spiky/messy hair and glasses. In the demo it’s unclear what happened to him, but if he survives to adulthood he would have lost one arm & both legs from SSWS and ended up with prosthetic limbs.
If he was still in the mc’s life he would have been trying to be another yandere LI also 💀
& finally his colors are super pretty!! I want to draw him just so I can use this palette 💕
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eddieintheocean · 2 years
top 10 spooky and scary fish
happy fishy-ween everyone! these are 10 of the spookiest fish (in my opinion) although i love all fish equally so please dont take this too seriously!
10. Angler fish
A classic. Probably the first thing most people think of when you mention spooky fish. Wonderfully girlboss.
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9. Gluper eel/pelican eel
look at this guy! he's so happy and smiley :))) It's lower jaw is roughly a quater of it's body length!
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8. Barreleye fish
This guy is truly no thoughts head empty, my idol. Scientists speculate that it's fins are well adapted for avoiding the stinging tentacles of siphonophores.
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7. the harp sponge
you might say, "eddie, why the fuck is a sponge on this list! its a sponge how the hell is it spooky?" WELL this guy is carnivorous! Sponges usually eat bacteria and other floaty things but this guy eats crustaceans of all things. Imagine you're a tiny crab and you get eaten by this!! i'd be terrified!
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6. Goblin shark
this guy is also a classic spooky fish in my opinion. Love this guy! Its long nose has electrical receptors which detect the electric currents of its prey
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5. Snail fish
i've included this one entirely out of pity. look at him and pretend to shake in terror so you dont upset him.
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4. crown of thorns starfish
Crown of thorns starfish eat coral and phtoplankton. phytoplankton aren't common in coral reefs usually, however their numbers increase due to increasing pollutants and fertiliser run off. These starfish can cause devastation on coral reefs and this is only increasing. i'd say ecosystem destruction is pretty damn scary.
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3. candiru
candiru or vampire fish are the fleas and mosquitos of the fish world. They bury themselves in the fishs' gills and use little barbs to stay in.
while i was researching this fish i found a singular story of this guy swimming up a man's ureathra in 1997 however this was subject to controversy.
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2. cone snail
those who have watched the octonauts will be familiar with this guy. The cone snail is a predatory snail that use a harpoon-like projectile to subdue their prey. Should also point out that this is venomous as well. The octonauts episode that introduced this guy made baby eddie genuinely terrified. Also, some of the larger species of cone snail eat fish, and their venom can be fatal to humans.
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1. Magnapinna squid
i saved this guy for first spot because i love him so much <3 i think he deserves top spot on this list. So far we have only discovered juvinille samples and there have been fewer than 15 sightings. We know basically nothing about them including what their funky tentacles are for (although it is suspected they are related to feeding)
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Thank you for reading this far! hope you enjoyed learning about horrors beyond your comprehension, enjoy your spooky day
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