thatlittledandere · 28 days
Some emojis for the procrastinating WIP(s) game uwu: 💾 🖍 🛠
💾What is your document of your wip/ a wip called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
At least one of them is called the actual title! A rare occurence! Another one is "kanyuki nostalgia". NOT going to be the actual title.
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
Another sentencccce 🎶
An only laughed and threw her arm around Kohane’s shoulder, mushing her cheek against the side of her head. “Isn’t she just the sweetest?”
🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
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mystofthestars · 6 months
Last line tag game!
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
Tagged by @crazy-grrrl-on-the-computer
I haven't written anything in a while but I have been drawing XiYao :D
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Tagging: @yukidelleran @disorder7ed @kuroopurrr @fengtianshi @mostlikelytofangirl aaaand Idk whoever wants to do it I guess :D
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auniverseforgotten · 21 days
Last line tag game!
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
Tagged by @crazy-grrrl-on-the-computer
She leaves the shop glowing with pride at the record she had managed to flirt her way into buying early, staring down at the cover and feeling her heart begin to beat again. Salieri is front and center on the cover, glaring out at the world as if daring it to question her place in it; it makes Amadeus want to cry, that strength and anger that her contemporary has always wielded with such skill. Amadeus wishes she had that skill, wishes that she could cut herself loose from her father's control, even if it was into free fall. She wishes that she could exist in the world without feeling like she's intruding. More than that, she wishes she still had Salieri, even if the other woman hated her.
Eyyy it's a snippet from Vinyl Destination, props to Sabu for the band/fic name. Is this one line no do I care also no
Lesbian composers in the modern world, one a classical darling and one in an up-and-coming punk metal band!! They're t4t in this but Mozart doesn't know Salieri is too bcus she transitioned prior to them knowing each other. By the time the classical world Really paid attention Salieri had already transitioned; Mozart is in the process in the fic.
Tagging: @crazy-grrrl-on-the-computer may the feedback loop be with you UwU
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spacefinch · 8 months
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Next year, on September 9th, the Magic School Bus show turns 30!
I think this deserves a celebration of sorts!
@a-dinosaur-a-day @releasing-my-insanity @the-mnp-club @crazy-grrrl-on-the-computer, @collidingmess @msboutofcontext and everyone else who loves Magic School Bus, why don't we come up with a way to celebrate?
Starting today, we have 350 days until the big day!
If you guys have ideas, leave them in the notes!
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deuterium51614 · 5 months
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Stealing this from @thatlittledandere and @crazy-grrrl-on-the-computer
Reply or reblog!
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fortune-maiden · 7 months
Last line tag game!
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
Tagged by @jaimebluesq Thank you <33
and wouldn't you know it I'm finally writing again! :'D
"Little Pei had better pull through," Pei Ming finally said and turned away.
writing angry Pei Ming is so fun *heart eyes*
Tagging: @fennel9 @kefis @factorialsfandoms @plotdesigner @mikkeneko @azurefishnets @siverwrites @myheartismadeofstars @crazy-grrrl-on-the-computer and whoever wants to!
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nardaviel · 4 months
WIP Game
Rules: Go to your current work in progress and share the following
The first line of the work.
The first line of your current chapter (or if it’s a one-shot, the first line of the tenth paragraph).
The last line you wrote.
A line for a chapter/part you haven’t written yet.
Tag at least 3 people whose work you wanna see, and if you make a separate post for it, please link back to the original.
I was tagged by @crazy-grrrl-on-the-computer! Thank you so much for giving me an excuse to talk about my apparently eternal WIP, Dreamless. I posted character aesthetics in my tag for the story back in 2019 when I started working on it, and I'm still not done T_T. Technically it's a Boueibu fic, I guess, because Ibushi is there as a six-year-old and Kinshirou is mentioned, but it's extremely OC-centric, Ibushi is (I hope) not unrecognizable but he is smol and extremely AU-ified, and it doesn't take place in the Boueibu universe. So I pretty much consider it an original work.
The first line of the work:
The sun was rising over Kennington, placing Ibushi's first day in England in the past where it belonged, when Sora, heading blearily back from the maisonette's bathroom to his couch, poked his head into the bedroom and found Ibushi drawing runes on the window.
The first line of the current chapter:
"I don't… know what the problem is. I'm sorry."
The way he said it, Rasim could have been apologising for personally spending their entire stash of money in one ill-fated shopping trip. Then again, perhaps that would have been less of a setback than not helping Sam learn to cast.
The last line you wrote:
A suspicion began to take shape, too new and nebulous for words. Sora exchanged a glance with Sam; Sam shrugged, at a loss. Fair enough. As his heartbeat stuttered with hope or with dread, Sora turned back to the newly-drawn containment circle and called fire.
A line for a chapter/part you haven't written yet:
(I write in such an incredibly linear way that I don't have any scraps of future scenes to put here LMAO so I had to write something on the spot. Here it is:)
Sora made a noise, and the dreamscape twisted. The lush ravine melted like wax and swirled into grey nothingness, weightless and all-encompassing like the inside of a cloud. Only Sora himself remained, his shocked eyes and his stiff posture, like he wanted to comfort Sam but didn't dare.
Half-blind, Sam seized his wrist. Bones shifted beneath his grip. Weird thing to happen in a dream, but this wasn't a normal-- this was--
"Put it back," he rasped.
Tagging @naometry, @spell-struck, @flowersforthemachines, @cyanide-e-pistachio, and anyone else who wants to do it o7 I've done these things many times before because I was covered by the "anyone else who wants to do it" clause.
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floweryuu · 3 days
Tagged by @crazy-grrrl-on-the-computer
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
I am working on an Aventio fanfic where Aventurine noncons Ratio as requested by a friend.
“Hey gambler” He states.
No answer.
“Gambler” states Ratio irritated from being ignored.
“Yes doc?” he replies not turning around, he can’t tell Aventurine’s emotions in the tone at all.
“What are you planning?”
Aventurine chuckles holding up his bag “I’m going to take my cornerstone I smashed into pieces in my bag and change the dreamscape”
“That was your plan all along?” Ratio asks him, getting a bad feeling from it.
“Of course dear doctor~” Aventurine chuckles, staying silent the rest of the way towards the stage.
Aventurine transforms with the cornerstone, calling out for Acheron and the trailblazer to come fight him, Ratio feels his guts twist by each word the stoneheart speaks, even when he isn’t looking at him it sends shivers down his spine, digging his nails into his own exposed skin on his sides. The now taller stoneheart looks at him, only glancing over at him before glancing away again he’s unable to read his expression thanks to the mask.
“Are you afraid of me Ra-tio~ ?” He asks with a cold yet playful tone, stepping closer to him.
Words fail to come out, caught in his throat, Aventurine’s giant hands in this form pushes away his hands from digging into himself, digging his claws into his sides, earning a pained yelp from the doctor.
Tagging no one haha, so happy I haven't started on the smut yet.
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happinessandco · 6 months
New layout who disss?!?
I made a change...Happiness & Co has gone green! Something a little more spa and relaxing for this hectic, crazy normie filled world. But the awesome/funny/cute/interesting/unique posts will still keep coming! Shout out to my followers after all these years! <3 @crazy-grrrl-on-the-computer
#newthemenewyear #teavibes #cantbelievetumblrisstillsurvivinandimallforit
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restinpeacesensei · 8 months
#HELLO SWEET PRECIOUS PEARL!!! <3 #as much as it is difficult to choose between the characters who have collectively brought so much joy #I had to vote for Akoya the last time this post crossed my dash #after the hand he was dealt he deserves to conquer at least this one thing!! and looking at that smile how can you not root for him!! #the way his hair sweeps out around him as he leans forward to wave at his adoring fans~ his eyes sparkling with delight~ #he is so happy to be here and I'm happy to be in his presence once again too! <3 #that soft warm light creating glowing highlights in his hair? just a small taste of how brightly he lights up a room the moment he enters #ALSO THE FLOWERS AND SIGNATURE ARE SUCH A GOOD TOUCH!! I can completely imagine him autographing his photo for his fans >v<
CLOEEEEEEEE OMGGGGGG YOUR TAGS ARE SO WARM AND WELCOMING!!!!! \;;///////;;/ it feels like being welcomed home and immediately being caught up in a warm and loving embrace waaaa!!! /)///////(\💕💕 you are so sweet to call him sweet precious pearl omgggg thank you for giving him such a precious and perfect name, you are a treasure!!! ;;;//////;;;💕💕💕 (OUGH I KNOW RIGHT i wish they weren't in competition and yet i... i HAVE to support akoya hakjvsghg)
AKOYA IS VERY TOUCHED YOU VOTED FOR HIM!!! \;;//////;;/ it's a deep honor bc i know you care deeply about ryuu too!! T/////T i love how you say he deserves to conquer at least this one thing omg that's such a fitting way to put it!! ;;/////;; thank you so much for rooting for him after everything he's been through waaa!! \>////</💕💕 i love how you describe his hair sweeping around him as he leans forward to wave at his adoring fans, im so happy you know who he is waving at!! \;;w;;/ he is absolutely delighted to have you here!! \>/////</ THE SPARKLES IN HIS EYES ARE FROM BEING IN YOUR PRESENCE TOO!!! \;;W;;/
OGVSHGS I WAS SO HAPPY ALREADY you noticed the glowing highlights in his hair and described them so beautifully BUT THEN YOU SOMEHOW MADE IT EVEN MORE INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL AND FLATTERING!!!! ;;//////;; saying this is just a taste of how much he lights up the room as soon as he enters!! >/////< THIS IS,, THIS IS---the little akoyas in my heart are going to faintttt from happiness they are running and bouncing around all ajitter from how overwhelmingly precious and sweet this is!!!! /)///////(\💕💕💘
ALSO I AM SO HAPPY YOU NOTICED AND LIKE THE FLOWERS AND SIGNATURE!!!! ;;W;; i love how you pictured this as an autographed photo, that's totally what i imagined it as!! i tried to make it a fittingly akoya signature!! ;;w;; he would definitely sign an autograph for you!! \>/////</💕💕 all of his fans are precious pearls, akoya treasures every one of you!!! \;;W;;/💖💖💖
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vashtijoy · 5 years
crazy-grrrl-on-the-computer replied to your post: so in case anyone was wondering why I’m not...
Oof. I’ve only vaguely heard of the cesspool Twitter is and have elected to stay far away from it, but I’m sorry it turned out this way for you. D=
*stay away*. It is a bad place.
Technically I can probably go back soon but I don’t think I want to.
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thatlittledandere · 2 months
Some questions from the “hi, I’m not from the US” Ask set you reblogged: 7. three words from your native language that you like the most? ; 15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get? ; 21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
7: three words from your native language that you like the most?
Just gonna wing it without thinking too hard, here's three pretty ones
isi (sanana nätimpi ku äiti fight me)
15: a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get
Mä annoin sulle tonnin setelin
21: if you could sends two things from your cpuntry to space what would they be?
To show off or to get rid of them? For the first category, a lone kotitonttu, he'll show them all what's up. For the second, viinanpiru. Viinan pitäis olla vaan hauskaa >:(
Hi I'm not American
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Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers. (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 💗
This is an old ask but I think this is a good night to do one of these. So all right, here I go!
1. I am happy how in shape and physically fit I am. 
2. I love all the characters/OCs I create, be it in my original work or in fandoms.
3. I enjoy my sarcastic or witty sense of humor.
4. I am proud of my writing and don’t want to stop improving and cultivating my craft. 
5. Love my eyes. 
It’s late so I’m going to send all of this to my followers so go ahead and say some nice comments about yourself!
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spacefinch · 8 months
I made a sideblog!
This is my first time making an rp blog, so I hope you guys like it!
(Just putting these here to help get the word out!)
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sleepyzenpanda · 6 years
For that Tumblr "group" Ask meme thing: whole fandom groups aside, I would say the people I see you tagging and interacting with the most (not counting myself nvn) are magiccatprincess, larlar1588, and mostlikelytofangirl~
Yep I think I definitely think of you guys as my “group.” Larlar1588 is one of my closet rl friends who I’ve known for over a decade now but she’s not really active in the boueibu fandom.
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fortune-maiden · 6 months
Last line tag game!
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
tagged by @crazy-grrrl-on-the-computer Thank you <33
From the next chapter of Let the Earth Pull Me Down:
“If Shi Qingxuan would just return to the heavens, this would be resolved already.”
blorbos discussing the plot :3
tagging @fennel9 @myheartismadeofstars @plotdesigner @jaimebluesq @pbaintthetb @mikkeneko @kefis @factorialsfandoms @tavina-writes and whoever else wants to <3
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