#cpd promotional photos
xofeno · 2 years
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PROMOTIONAL PHOTOS CHICAGO P.D. – 9.22, You and Me released by NBCUMV
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karihighman · 2 years
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Upstead / Jay / Hailey in 10x02 of Chicago PD ©️NBCUMV.
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cynicalone94 · 6 months
Outside Income Ch. 6
When Intelligence gets pulled in to solve a case that another unit can't seem to close, evidence quickly begins to suggest that the gang they're investigating has man on the inside. But what shouldn't be a big deal, Intelligence is known for rooting out corruption, quickly becomes a very big deal when something goes very, very wrong.
Read on AO3 here.
“Come on, Niko. You’re already in hot water with the gang. They’re getting ready to set you up and drop you like a bad habit.” Antonio says, fanning out a series of photos. 
“This new gig they’ve given you.” he says, pointing out the man standing on a corner, talking to a low level dealer. “They played it up as an important promotion, right?”
Niko scowls. 
Antonio adds some documents to the table. 
“The last four guys they handed that spot to ended up getting busted by CPD.” Antonio says. “That’s a hell of a coincidence, especially considering they’re basically the only arrests in the Riders that we’ve made in over two years.”
Niko clenches his jaw. 
“They’re going to sell you out.” Antonio presses. “It’s only a matter of time. If you don’t wanna go up the creek all by yourself, then you’re going to tell me something that can help me get the rest of the gang.”
“So then they can kill me in prison instead?” Niko scoffs. 
“Can’t do that if you don’t go to prison.” Antonio tells him. “Make it worth my while and I’ll make it happen.”
It isn’t often that he gets to make that offer but Voight has already cleared it with the DA so for once he’s fully in the clear to make specific promises. 
“I don’t know where your guy is.” Niko says. “Everyone’s talking about the cop that was kidnapped. I wasn’t involved in that. I don’t know who has him or where they’ve stashed him.”
“Then tell me what you do know. Everything you know. Names, locations, everything. We’ll figure out what’s what.” Antonio says. 
Voight growls where he’s sitting in observation. 
The worst part of all of this is that he actually believes the idiot. The gang is planning on cutting Niko loose. They wouldn’t have brought him in on something like this. 
“Adam, you and Kevin work on the information that Niko gives Antonio. Watch for connections that might lead us to Jay but map everything. If we can dismantle the entire operation while we’re at it, I’m not complaining.”
“Got it boss.”
He stalks out of observation and back into the bullpen. Hailey looks up as he comes in. 
“Did he tell you anything?” she asks. 
“Claims he doesn’t know anything about where Jay is. Antonio, Adam and Kevin are sorting through everything he can tell us about the gang looking for a lead.” Voight says. “In the meantime, we need to look for a different way in.”
“We’ve been looking over things, trying to figure out how the gang set up their trap.” Hailey says. “I was about to head down and talk to Marston, see where he got the lead on the stash house.”
“Bring him up here.” Voight orders. “Keeping him out hasn’t helped anything.”
Keeping the case Intelligence only, icing out not only Marston but the mole as well, is probably responsible, at least in part, for Jay being taken. 
She nods and jogs down the stairs.
Jason sits in the office across from the front desk.
His head hurts and in a perfect world he would go home and go to bed. But Hank Voight wants to keep an eye on him until they’ve resolved everything and found Halstead so instead he’s stuck here. 
As a cop, he knows the man is just covering his bases. Possibly even trying to protect him. 
But he can’t help but feel like the man doesn’t trust him, like he’s waiting for him to do something that reveals his part in this. 
But maybe that’s just his guilty conscience talking. 
The female officer from Intelligence, Burgess he thinks, had jogged down a little while ago to talk to Sergeant Platt. 
She’d sounded worried, more than just the worry of a colleague being missing, and he can’t help but wonder how the proof of life had gone. 
Victor had promised that Halstead wouldn’t be hurt but surely they would have done something to make their point. He just hopes that Burgess’ concern doesn’t mean that things are a lot worse than he’d told himself he could be okay with. 
At least it was Halstead who’d ended up accompanying him to the stash house. He’d asked for Ruzek, figuring the younger officer wouldn’t put up much of a fight faced down with four guns in his face. 
He’d thought the kid’s relative inexperience would help prevent injuries. And he’d been frustrated when Halstead had been sent with him instead because the man’s military training would lead to a bigger fight at the stash house and increase the likelihood of injuries. 
But as it turns out, it’s probably a good thing that it had been Halstead. 
Because hopefully the detective’s military training will help him handle whatever it is that Victor and his friends are dishing out in spite of their promise that he wouldn’t be hurt. 
Hopefully that edge of cocky readiness that had set his nerves alight with irritation from the moment the man had commented that he must have a leak will help Jay Halstead survive the hell that Jason has gotten him into. 
A tap on the door frame alerts him to Detective Upton’s arrival. 
“Voight would like to talk to you.”
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agent-bash · 2 years
Do you think Kim, Adam, and Kevin will be promoted for the drug heist? I personally think the writers won't promote all three officers at the same time, so they may be awarded something for their hard work instead.
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Another double up, my anonymous friends!
So IRL, this bust is not something that would get them meritorious promotion. You have to go above and beyond the line of duty for meritorious promotion. While not a requirement, 99% of the time, your life is on the line, you barely scrape through it alive while doing something that saves lives in the moment. They didn't. They searched a house. In fact, they searched a house and found exactly what they were looking for. It's great. It's a historical bust, but at the end of the day, it's still just the result of searching a house and finding what they intended to find. They also weren't alone. They had a tac team with them, who should also be getting credit. And the department is not going to be issuing that may meritorious promotions at once.
All this is, is a photo op. For the city and for the department. Now that's a good thing, especially for the department. Believe me, they take any sort of good press they can get. And I could see them getting some kind of award; that's totally believable. Promotion just borders on too far-fetched for me.
It also makes zero sense from a writing standpoint, and I know I'm not alone with that view. There is just too much drama to be had in promoting one of (maybe two) and leaving the others behind. Just like when Kim and Kevin were both vying for space in Intelligence, there's only now more on the line, with a more...emotionally volatile person in the mix.
There's also more to the IRL reasons that would make no sense, and that's money. It's safe to assume that the department's budget has been slashed in recent years (Not saying that's a bad thing). Even if they received an increase because of the good press of the bust, a) that's not going to happen right away, and b) it doesn't all go to intelligence or even adding more spaces for higher ranks in the budget. Adding three detectives to the unit is expensive, especially at once. Detectives can make significantly more than officers. Like tens of thousands of dollars more. It's not outside of the realm of possibility that Hailey and Jay are pulling nearly $100,000 dollar a year (the median for a CPD det. is $90,000). So their pay bump, plus adding in another officer, you're pretty much doubling the budget you have to pay out salary.
So yeah, if it's what's happening, not only will I be disappointed because of the loss of a potentially great interpersonal storyline, it just doesn't make sense with how I know these things work IRL. It would take me out of it.
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Hey! Please can you do one with Severide where you are staying at his place for a while and he has someone over but it goes wrong when he realises it’s you he wants?! Thank you so much!! With cute fluff and angst please🥰
Just In Time by @anotheronechicagobog
@harryskittenxox I ended up deviating from your request a bit, so I’m hoping that you still like it.
AN: My computer won’t be fixed for another week and a half. I was able to finish this request because a lot of it was on cloud. I’m not very good at using the mobile version of tumblr so the Severide x reader request with a gif that I responded to? Not the finished product, I didn’t mean to post it, but I’ll deal with that later. When I get my laptop back I’ll probably post a ton of fic and then disappear for a while because university will be starting up again. Anyway, requests are still open and I’ll probably write the ones I get sent on paper and then post them with everything else when I get my laptop back. I hope you all enjoy, this one took me a while!
*I do not own Chicago fire, Med, and/or PD*
Warnings: swearing, mature themes, angst
Renee was back, and with her, more drama. She returned from Madrid pregnant, claiming that the baby belongs to one Kelly Severide. Your... Lover? Fuck buddy? Friend with benefits? You two hadn’t quite labelled what you two were, but it worked well enough, all things considered, one of those things being that you were in love with him. Everything was going well for you, you’d just been promoted to detective, the art you’d do in your spare time was starting to sell pretty well, and your crush on Kelly had kind of been recognized. You’d returned to your apartment to see Leslie on your white couch with the TV on and a deep-dish pizza on your coffee table accompanied by tequila. “Hey Shay, not that I’m not happy to see that the spare key I gave you works, but what are you doing here?”
“Renee’s back from Spain, heavily pregnant, and claims that the father is Kelly. I had a feeling you’d need grease and booze.” Now Kelly ignoring your calls and texts for the past three weeks made sense. After unfreezing you nodded enthusiastically. You started with the pizza, you didn’t want to dig into the alcohol just yet. “I don’t think the baby’s his. The timeline just doesn’t add up. I know that I’ve never really liked her, that shit she pulled trying to guilt him into moving to Spain after she’d found someone to fix his spine, but damn, something is really off about her and the entire situation this time.”
“What do you think is going to happen to my and Kelly’s... whatever it is we’re doing?” Leslie sighed and gave you a sympathetic look. “I don’t know Y/N. You should’ve seen him though, he’s so excited to be a dad. I want him to know what I think is going on but... It’ll hurt him so much. The only thing that would stop him from dropping everything and going to Renee’s side would be if you were pregnant.” You both laughed. Leslie cracked the seal on the tequila, while your laughter slowly died and a look of horror plastered itself across your face. Something Leslie noticed and cut her own laughter short. “Y/N?”
“My period’s never been regular, it just generally comes once a month, it’s short but heavy and painful. I just realized with all that's been going on, my art, the police station, I had been so busy, I hadn’t... I just realized the last time I had my period was the days before and of the firehouse barbeque.” Panic was flooding my stomach and the glass of tequila Shay had given me suddenly became the most offensive object I’d ever seen and practically threw it on the table. “Y/N,” complete seriousness had invaded Leslie’s voice, “that was four months ago.”
You both were in full-on freak out mode. Leslie grabbed your first-aid kit and went over symptoms of pregnancy asking if you’d been experiencing them at all (the answer had been yes to all of them) while checking your vitals and such. You both popped down to the pharmacy a block away from your apartment to buy ten pregnancy tests, all different brands. “You know, you probably don’t need this many-”
“Leslie, just, let me do this, okay?” She nodded in silence. One gallon of water, three minutes, and ten positive pregnancy tests later you were crying into Leslie’s shoulder. You felt sick, terrified, and alone. What were you going to do? Kelly was off with Renee somewhere playing happy families. You couldn’t even be mad about it because unlike you, Kelly actually dated her. When your tears had finally halted Leslie went to order more food you finally changed out of your work clothes into leggings and an oversized CPD sweater. “Why is that sweater so big?”
“It’s a co-worker’s. He gave it to me when he spilled coffee all over my shirt at work. I just never gave it back because he intentionally spilled a scorching beverage on me as a pickup line.” Leslie belt out a laugh at that. “So Y/N, when are you going to tell Kelly?”
“Please don’t hate me for this, but I don’t think I’m going to tell him at all, at least not anytime soon. He’s been ignoring me for weeks, spending all his time with Renee, who he didn’t even have the decency to me was back, let alone that she’s pregnant, and I think telling him now would be in poor taste. Regardless of whether or not the baby actually turns out to be his I think telling him now would just be mean. Plus, right now I have to deal with going to the doctor’s and how I’ll handle this at work.”
“I can’t say I agree with the whole not telling Kelly thing but I do understand it. I promise that I won’t tell him.”
“Thank you, Leslie.”
You ran into Renee at the doctor’s office two days later. “Congratulations Ms. Y/L/N! You are eighteen weeks pregnant. I must say, it’s usually discovered quicker. May I ask why it took you so long to come in?”
“I was busy at work and was too distracted to notice that I hadn’t gotten my monthly torturer in a while, my morning sickness hadn’t been bad or at least nothing I couldn’t explain, and I spoke with my mom, she told me that the women in my family don’t show until later in pregnancy.”
“Oh, alright, that explains everything. Just so you know the gel will be cold.” Seeing your baby and hearing their heartbeat was something you couldn’t even describe. The emotions you were feeling were awe-inspiring. “Would you like a picture?”
“Would it be possible to get three?”
“Sure thing. Now, let’s talk about your personal health and some things I’ll be prescribing you.”
You were leaving the OB’s office looking at the pamphlets you’d been given when you bumped into someone. “Oh! I’m so sorry, I should have been looking where I was going!”
“Oh, don’t worry about it Y/N.”
“Renee? What a surprise...”
“Kelly, look who’s here!”
“Hi Kelly. Well it was great running into you two but-”
“You’re pregnant?” You sighed and tucked the pamphlets and photo into your bag. “Yeah, Kelly, I am.”
“Who’s the father?”
“Y/N, I’m curious about that as well, as far as I was aware, you haven’t been seeing anyone.” Renee had a look of smug curiosity on her face. “Why would you be aware of my love life Renee, we’ve never been good enough friends to have a conversation like that, so... Kelly told you. You told her.”
“You have to understand Y/N I’ve-”
“Save it. I don’t want to hear it. I am going to leave now, I hope everything goes well at your appointment and that you have a nice day.” You bolted out of the room holding back tears before either of them could say anything. You knew you’d have to see them together, you’d prepared yourself for the pain, you just didn’t think you'd have to feel it right on the heels of feeling the connection you had with your unborn child. And the looks Renee was giving you, as if you’d been knocked up in a scandalous affair or something, not only stung but rubbed you the wrong way. Leslie’s right, there’s definitely something more going on. You, however, had a mini person to take care of, and no time to investigate. You’d leave that to Shay.
Your new boss Sgt. Hank Voight had been surprisingly understanding and supportive. He immediately told you that you were not allowed in the field. You had a degree in computer science, so you were still able to be useful which pleased you. Working for intelligence had allowed you to connect with a childhood friend of yours, Connor Rhodes. You’d met Connor when you’d gotten a scholarship to his prep school and became surprising fast and loyal friends. Which explained why you had to hold him back when you two ran into Kelly and Renee while at lunch. Unlike Leslie, Connor had been adamant that you tell Kelly so that he could step up and be there for you. It had taken quite a while  to convince Connor to not hunt Kelly down and fight him. He may not look like it, but Connor seriously knew how to fight.
“Oh, hi Y/N!” Renee’s voice was as perky and smug as ever. “Hi Renee, Kelly. It’s really nice to see you but we should get going, have a great lunch.” You were planning to make a couple pleasantries, grab Connor, and bolt, but that all went to hell when Kelly narrowed his eyes. “What’re you doing here, Rhodes?”
“Having lunch with this lovely, incredible woman, what else would I be doing?”
“Isn’t there a surgery you need to be doing?” Kelly was quite visibly seething. “Oh, you’re a surgeon?” Renee was roaming her eyes up and down Connor’s body while biting her lip. “Yes, I am a surgeon. I had the day off, so I decided to help Y/N with buying the nursery furniture and stuff while the paint on the nursery is drying.”
“You’re the father? How did she manage to trap you?” Renee’s accusatory words were not taken well by Connor or Kelly, the latter looking at her as though she’d just kicked his puppy. “No, I am not the father, but I really wish I was.”  He’d said it in such a way that if you hadn’t known him as well as you did, you’d believe him.“
“The identity of my baby’s father really isn’t any of your concern Renee.”
“Well I was just curious-”
“You should have known that it was rude and offensive to ask the things you have and behaved the way you have. Connor, let’s go. Please.”
“Yeah, good idea Y/N-”
“If you're not the father, what’re you doing, Rhodes?”
“Stepping up since you didn’t.” The silence around the four of you was deafening. Renee looked like the cat that ate the canary, Connor looked immensely regretful, Kelly paled and looked and your now somewhat noticeable bump. His eyes met yours and you couldn’t take the look of betrayal in his eyes. You ran. Out the door, down the street, and hailed the first cab you saw.
It was two days later when you heard knocking on your door. You opened it and there stood Kelly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Hello to you too, Kelly.”
“You didn’t tell me that Renee came back or that she was pregnant or that you were going to be a dad, you just ghosted me.”
“Renee’s baby isn’t mine. We did a DNA test.”
“Oh, so that’s why you’re here.”
“No Kelly. You don’t get to pop in and out of my life as you please. You just dropped me, and yes, it was an understandable decision. But I had to hear about it from Leslie. You avoided me for weeks. We had a thing going, a good thing, and you decided that it wasn’t good. That what we had wasn’t enough to deserve an explanation.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry isn’t enough.”
“Tell me what to do to make it better. I’ll do anything.”
“Make me pancakes.”
“... What?”
“Make me pancakes. I’ve been craving them.”
“Alright, you got all the supplies?”
“Alright, I’ll get to work.”
“Can I see the nursery after you’re done eating?”
“It’s not set up yet.” Kelly perked up and there was a nervous glow in his eyes. “Can... I set it up?” You looked at him thoughtfully, his eyes were pleading under your scrutinizing gaze. Well, if he did it, you wouldn’t have to. “Sure.”
“Yes! Thank you. Uh, if you don’t mind my asking, why hasn’t Connor done it?” He looked terrified as he asked the question. “He’s been busy with his fellowship, plus I’ve felt like enough of a burden on him.”
“You’re not a burden. You’d never be a burden.” His voice was like his gaze, soft, genuine, and loving. You smiled tenderly and decided to enjoy it while it lasts.
You were six months pregnant and finally in need of maternity clothes. As you walked up to Trudy and the front desk she smiled at you and gestured to the dress you were wearing. “You look great Y/N.”
“I look fat.”
“Y/N you look pregnant and you’re glowing. You look beautiful.” She smiled softly at you and you smiled back. “Thanks Trudy.”
“No problem Y/N-”
“EVERYONE GET ON THE GROUND AND DO AS I SAY!” A gunman had startled you and you immediately dropped to the ground when you heard the shots go off. “You. Pregnant bitch. Get up and come here. Now.” You looked at Trudy, wide-eyed, not knowing what to do. “ARE YOU DEAF?! GET UP AND COME HERE!” Your body went cold and your blood was pumping so fast it was all you could hear. You kneeled and then used the desk to pull yourself up, never taking a hand off of your enlarged and vulnerable stomach.once you got close enough to see the rage in his green eyes he grabbed your arm, whipped you around, and placed the barrel of his gun to your forehead. “I have some demands,” he spoke to the precinct, “and if I don’t get what I want, I’ll blow her brains out.” Everything went fuzzy after that, voices blurred together, you couldn’t focus on what was happening. You were panicking and couldn’t do anything to stop it.
You woke up in a hospital bed, an IV in your arm, and heart monitors on your chest. Your throat felt like sandpaper and your cheeks felt stiff and a little sticky from tears. You felt a weight on your hand and looked to see that it was Kelly. He was awake and clinging to your hand while murmuring as tears flooded down his cheeks. “Kelly?”
“Y/N! Oh, thank god you’re awake. April!” You were swarmed by nurses and doctors checking your vitals, asking you how you’re feeling. Somewhere in the hustle and bustle Connor, Voight, and Olinsky had entered the room. “How’re you doing kid?” Voight’s rough voice was oddly comforting. “I’m okay, I just... don’t remember what happened. When he grabbed me I just panicked and everything blurred together. I just...” I started to tear up, I was an unreliable witness, I froze when my baby was in danger. “Hey Y/N, don’t cry, it’s okay. We understand completely. We just came to check on you and pancake.” You smiled at the nickname Olinsky had given your baby when he found out about your cravings. Connor wrapped his arms around you. “I was so worried when they wheeled you into ED. I’m relieved that the both of you are okay. Nat’s gonna be back in soon to go over some things you’ll need to be careful of because of this.”
“What? But you said the baby was okay! What aren’t you telling us Rhodes?!”
“Severide! Either calm down or leave. Y/N does not need anymore stress!” Kelly was seething but obeyed Voight, knowing what the man was capable of doing. “Hey, Y/N is now a good time to come in and discuss your results or should I come back?” Nat was nervously standing in the doorway, eyes flitting between Kelly and Connor. “Come on in Nat. I want to know everything and I won’t hold off on that because these two want to have a pissing contest.” Both men bashfully backed down and Nat entered the room. “Your blood pressure was extremely high when you came in.That can be incredibly dangerous, to you and the baby. So, you’ll have to go on a low-sodium diet, I’ll give you a list of light exercise you’ll need to do, but other than that you’ll be on bed rest. You’ll need to make an appointment in three weeks. As long as you’re careful, eat healthy, and avoid stress you’ll be fine.” You took a deep breath as you absorbed the news and cradled your stomach. “I’d also feel much better if I knew there was someone at home who could take care of you.”
“I can. I’ve been staying with her for the past three weeks and, as long as she’s cool with it, I’ll stay as long as needed.” Kelly looked at you, promise in his eyes. Connor huffed and said, “what about when you’re on shift?”
“Everyone at Intelligence has been worried about her, we’ll take turns keeping tabs on and spending the day with her.” Hank’s answer was definitive and stopped anymore arguing. “Thanks Sarg.”
“No problem kid.”
“Y/N,” Nat said, bringing attention back to her, “do you have any questions for me?”
“Yeah, I do have one actually. Am I allowed to have pancakes?”
Your appointment had come and gone very slowly. This was mostly due to the fact that Kelly was smothering and overprotective. You’d been delighted when you were taken off bedrest, even though you’d still been told to be careful. Kelly did not let up on his protectiveness. Even when you invited him to stay with you in your bed.
Things with you and Kelly had gotten even more complicated. Everyone knew he was the father, you were living together, and you’d started doing couple-y things. Going out to dinner once a week (only once you were off bedrest), being each other’s emergency contacts, moving in together, sharing a bed, intimate gestures, and preparing for the arrival of a baby together. “Hey Y/N, how was your day?” He quickly kissed your forehead before going to the kitchen to put away the groceries he’d just bought. You felt... unsure. You didn’t know what your relationship was and that concerned you. You had fallen even more in love with him and you just didn’t know what to do with that information. Kelly seemed to sense that your mood had changed from cheerful to troubled and sat next to you on the couch. “What’s wrong? And don’t tell me there’s nothing wrong, you keep staring off into space and frowning. I know that being eight- almost nine- months pregnant isn’t exactly a picnic, but I’m worried about you. Please, Y/N.”
“What are we?”
“Are we dating? Co-parenting? I just... I’m in love with you, okay? It hurts, knowing that it’s possible you’re only here out of a sense of duty. That you don’t... love me back-” You were interrupted by Kelly kissing you. His hands moved to the sides of your face as he kissed you lovingly, desperately. It was like he was worried you were going to disappear on him. You parted, panting, foreheads pressed together. “I love you. So much. When Renee told me she was pregnant, I was excited to be a dad, but I was sad that it wouldn’t be with you. That’s why I didn’t tell you, I couldn’t face you. I wanted you to be the pregnant one, not her. It hurt, to wake up with her and not you, to go to doctor’s appointments with her instead of you. And when April told me you’d been taken to the hospital after being taken hostage and that you were unresponsive? I collapsed. I answered the phone and my knees just buckled Casey and Cruz caught me and drove me to the hospital. You are without a doubt, one of the most important people in my life. The others being Leslie and pancake. I can’t pinpoint when I fell in love with you, but I fell hard, and I couldn’t be happier. I want a relationship and future with you. I know that might be a little fast, but I’ll take anything you’re willing to give me. I’ll work as hard as possible to earn it. We can go slow, fast, or just go with the flow, but I love you, I love pancake, and I want to get married one day and have more kids.” 
“I love you so much Kelly, I want to work for that future, too.” Kelly let out a laugh and the bubble of anxiety within you disappeared. You grabbed his shirt and pulled him down for a long, loving, smiling kiss that was filled to the brim with promises for the future.
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cdraustraliahelp1 · 2 years
Documents necessary for CDR report
Engineers have to submit a CDR report to pursue a skilled migration visa to Australia. The CDR report is submitted to Engineers Australia which helps them to analyze the skill, knowledge, and work experience of engineers. You must follow all the guidelines mentioned in the Migration Skills Assessment (MSA) booklet for the perfect CDR report. Only the well-composed CDR report can have a result of positive skills assessment. You can also take help from the experts to prepare the CDR report and get accepted by EA on your first attempt.
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The applicants must prepare the CDR report according to the guidelines and submit all the necessary documents for the application. Some of the documents that need to be submitted to Engineers Australia along with the CDR report are photos, CV, career episodes, summary statements, etc. You must be able to submit necessary evidence that supports your work experience if asked by EA.
Here is the list of documents that go along with your CDR report.
Recent passport size photographs.
Self-attested scans of your educational degrees.
English language test result (IELTS, PTE, TOEFL).
Scan a copy of your joining letters for all the organizations that you have worked with.
Identification documents like Passport.
CV/ Resume.
Original self-attested scans of any confirmation, promotion, or experience letters from your supervisor/manager in these organizations.
Self-attested scans of salary slips/bank statements/tax returns to validate your salary claims.
Change of name document (if applicable).
Registration Certificate
You must confirm that you attach and submit all the valid evidence to enhance your scope of getting through the assessment, without any mistakes. If you submit irrelevant or fake evidence then you would get rejected from Engineers Australia and also get banned for a year.
You must follow all the specific requirements of CDR mentioned by EA or you can refer to the MSA booklet for complete details. Thus apart from the above-mentioned documents, the CDR report must be complete. Submit a well-composed CDR report with three Career Episodes, Summary statements, and Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Why CDRAustraliaHelp.com?
If you are not confident about writing your own CDR report by yourselves then you can take professional help from the experts. CDRAustraliaHelp is the leading service provider and has a high success rate of getting approval from EA. We provide premium quality CDR report writing services along with CDR report reviewing services. So, don’t hesitate to take help from the professionals and get a migration skills visa on your first attempt.
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cdrwritingexpert · 3 years
What are the basic documents necessary for CDR Report Preparation?
A complete CDR report is required to get a skills migration visa to Australia. Candidates must follow Engineers Australia's (EA) guidelines and criteria specified in the MSA booklet while writing CDR. Writing a CDR report is difficult and time-consuming even for experts with extensive engineering expertise.
Professionals who are skilled and knowledgeable should conduct CDR preparation. Individuals with little or no expertise are unlikely to meet all of the CDR authoring standards, and hence risk being rejected by Engineers Australia.
As a consequence, you may rely on professionals to write, edit, review, and proofread all of your documents. Engineers who wish to migrate to Australia must use CDR Writing Expert Services.
Because they bring years of experience to every project, our team of CDR writers is capable of creating CDR for any technical subject. Furthermore, as demonstrated by the outcome, they are conversant with the Engineers Australia criteria.
List of documents you provided with your CDR report to Engineers Australia
Recent passport size photos.
Identity documents, such as a valid passport, are required (page including photo and name).
a scanned copy of the certificate of academic diploma
(Recent) Curriculum Vitae (CV).
a copy of your academic transcripts that is complete and authentic.
a score sheet for an English language test (IELTS, TOEFL, PEARSON PTE).
The evidence of a letter of recommendation from the organization where you worked.
Original copies of any confirmation, promotion, or experience letters you received from your previous employers' supervisors/managers.
To back up your pay claims, scan copies of your bank records, bank accounts, and tax returns.
Official English language translations of your documents.
Before submitting documents to Engineers Australia, consider the following points.
Color images of the original documents must be included with your application.
Do not submit a photocopy scan; instead, scan the original materials.
Upload pictures with a resolution of at least 300 dpi and high-quality scans.
It's best if you don't upload the same document twice.
In addition to these articles, Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Three Career Episodes, and The Summary Statement must be given.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
After you finish your undergraduate degree, the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) section shows you a variety of events to keep you up to speed on developments in your engineering field. In your CDR, you must document all eligible CPD.
CPD must be presented in the form of a list. It also contains details on your formal post-graduate education, conferences you've attended, extra courses, seminars, workshops, and meetings you've attended. Books, journals, and manuals can all be included in your study resources.
Three Career Episodes
The three unique career episodes from the tasks you've completed must be obtained by EA. Each one should represent a unique time period or aspect of engineering studies or professional activities.
The basis for the career episode is the assignment of tasks that you have performed. The main objective of the career episode is to show off your technical skills and knowledge in the chosen field. Within the 1000 to 2500 word restriction, the career episode should be finished. It must be fully written in Australian English.
In terms of planning career episodes, our expert provides thorough guidance and recommendations. They may also help you write career episodes that highlight your skills and competence to the EA examiner.
Summary Statement
In your career episode, the Summary Statement summarizes or concludes all of the projects you've listed. The outcomes of your analysis must also be included in the Summary Statement.
The relevant summary statement for the specified occupational category should be downloaded and filled out. Furthermore, for all three career episodes, just one summary statement is necessary.
Our skilled team can respond to questions you have about CDRs and the preparation procedure. In addition to the CDR report, we also deal with RPL reports KA02 reports, stage 2 competency reports, and other reports.
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xofeno · 2 years
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PROMOTIONAL PHOTOS Jesse Lee Soffer as Jay Halstead CHICAGO P.D. – 10.03, A Good Man scheduled airdate: October 5, 2022 source: NBCUMV
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karihighman · 2 years
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They really said Burzek supremacy in 10x02 didn’t they? 😎 Chicago PD ©️NBCUMV
Also hi Kevin! Hi Torres! Nice to see you!! 😄
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cdrreportwriter · 3 years
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A complete CDR report is required to obtain the skills migration visa to Australia. CDR writing is not a simple process as applicants must adhere to the standards and criteria established by Engineers Australia (EA) in the MSA booklet. It is difficult and time-consuming even for experienced engineers with extensive engineering expertise.
CDR preparation should be done by qualified and experienced personnel. Individuals without experience are unlikely to meet all of the standards for CDR writing and thus face a significant risk of rejection by EA.
As a result, you may rely on experts in writing, editing, reviewing, and proofreading all papers. CDR Report Writers offers these sorts of services to engineers who want to relocate to Australia.
Our team of CDR writers is equipped to create CDR for any technical subject since they bring years of expertise to every assignment. In addition, they are familiar with the EA standards, as evidenced by the outcome. This is the list of documents submitted to Engineers Australia with your CDR report.
Recent current passport photos
The necessary identity documents, such as a valid passport (page including photo and name)
a scanned copy of the academic diploma certificate
Curriculum Vitae (Recent) (CV)
a complete and authentic copy of your academic transcripts
An English language test score sheet (IELTS, TOEFL, PEARSON PTE)
The evidence of recommendation letter from the organization for which you have worked
Original images of any confirmation, promotion, or experience letters from your prior organizations'​ supervisors/managers
Scan copies of your bank records, bank accounts, and tax return to substantiate your salary claims
Where relevant, official English language translations of the above documents.
Things to think about before submitting documentation to Engineers Australia.
You must provide colour scans of the original papers with your submission.
Do not send a photocopy scan; the original papers must be scanned.
Use high-quality scans and upload images with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
You must avoid uploading the same document more than once.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Three Career Episodes, and The Summary Statement must be presented in addition to these papers.
CPD (Continuous Professional Development) (CPD)
The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) section displays a selection of activities that keep you up to date on advances in your engineering area after you complete your undergraduate degree. All applicable CPD must be documented in your CDR.
The CPD must be in the form of a list. It also includes information about official post-graduate education, conferences you've attended, additional courses, seminars, workshops, and meetings you've participated in. You can also include books, diaries, and manuals in your study materials.
Three Career Episodes
EA must get the three distinct career episodes from the projects you've accomplished. Each of them should indicate a distinct period or a distinct component of engineering courses or professional activity.
The assignment of tasks that you have completed is the basis for the career episode. The primary goal of the career episode is to demonstrate your technical abilities and expertise in the specified occupation. The career episode should be completed within the 1000 to 2500 word limit. It should be written entirely in Australian English.
Our specialist offers comprehensive advice and direction in preparing career episodes. In addition, they can assist you in writing career episodes that emphasize your abilities and expertise to the EA evaluator.
Summary Statement
The Summary Statement summarizes or concludes all of the projects you've listed in your career episode. In addition, the results of your analysis must be shown in the Summary Statement.
You should download and fill in the appropriate summary statement for the chosen occupational category. Furthermore, just one summary statement is required for all three career episodes.
Our experienced team can answer any questions you have about CDRs and the preparation procedure. Along with the CDR report, we also deal with RPL reports, KA02 reports, stage 2 competency, and more.
0 notes
Sommerfield V. Knasiak: The Tortuous Road To Compensation For Discrimination
By Sebastian Oberkfell, University Of Chicago Class of 2021
August 31, 2020
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Sergeant Lawrence Knasiak was Officer Detlef Sommerfield’s supervisor at the Chicago Police Department. Sommerfield is ethnically Jewish, Knasiak, a virulent anti-Semite. Knasiak lathered Sommerfield with anti-Semitic remarks for years, to which Sommerfield objected strenuously, but only informally and only to Knasiak himself. Police officers at the CPD do not file complaints against their superior officers.
On March 13th, 2004, Sommerfield’s girlfriend was hospitalized for anaphylactic shock. Sommerfield asked the police captain if he could visit his girlfriend during his shift. The police captain approved, so Sommerfield visited his girlfriend and returned to the police station. Upon Sommerfield’s arrival, Knasiak told Sommerfield that, “if you want to take care of your f**king Mexican girlfriend, you take time off like everybody else”[1]. The same day, Sommerfield filed a formal complaint against his superior officer, Knasiak, for this and the previous abuse.
On March 15th, 2004, Sommerfield’s patrol car was nearly out of gas, and neither him nor his partner had a gas card. His partner suggested that they stop by Sommerfield’s house, which they did. Sommerfield left his patrol car to retrieve the gas card from his house, and immediately, a nearby officer, Sergeant Kelly, called Knasiak, resulting in Knasiak recalling Sommerfield to the station. Sommerfield had not informed the dispatcher that he was briefly leaving his patrol car, something which is technically against departmental policy but was in fact common practice, as there was little point in bothering the dispatcher with such minor errands. Knasiak himself was also no disciplinarian. He never disciplined officers for such minor infractions and had never filed a formal complaint against an officer, even those he disciplined for major infractions.
And yet, when Sommerfield arrived at the station, waiting were a line of four superior officers, in front of which Knasiak excoriated Sommerfield with a profusion of profanities for this minor infraction that was never enforced and actively ignored. In addition, Knasiak recommended that Sommerfield be suspended for five days and filed a formal complaint against Sommerfield. A purportedly independent commission (like the purportedly insulated internal affairs) suspended Sommerfield and upheld the complaint. This complaint marked the third Sommerfield had received in 5 years, meaning that later that year when he attempted to secure the canine handler job that it was well-known that he desired, he was rejected by necessity because of departmental policy.
These incidents took place in 2004, and Sommerfield filed a lawsuit first against both the City of Chicago and Knasiak in 2006, but the statute of limitations for Knasiak’s harassment had already expired, so Knasiak was immune from suit. However, in 2008, Sommerfield brought a second suit against Knasiakon account of “discrimination, harassment, and retaliation” on account of his Jewish ethnicity that was not barred by the statute of limitations since the actions in question were retaliation not harassment. The former lawsuit resolved itself quickly, resulting in a 30,000 dollar settlement. The latter took six years and only on July 14th, 2014, did a jury render a verdict for Sommerfield of 540,000 dollars of punitive damages and 0 dollars of compensatory damages. This ruling was challenged by Knasiak and appealed to the District Court, which affirmed the jury verdict, and challenged again and appealed to the 7th Circuit, which affirmed the jury verdict on July 23, 2020, 6 years after the ruling, 12 years after the suit was filed, and 14 years after the incident in question. Knasiak may yet appeal the case further to the Supreme Court, further deferring the time of payment, and even if he loses that appeal, he may never actually pay the damages, as many assets such as houses, retirement accounts, and pension plans cannot be touched by the court orders.
This case exemplifies a number of well-documented legal peculiarities, that the plaintiff, Sommerfield, may never be made whole because the defendant, Knasiak, is unlikely to pay the court-ordered amount[2], that the harm itself is clearly non-monetary but the judgment itself is purely monetary [3], and that this process took 12 years (and may be dragged on even further)[4], and one insufficiently documented peculiarity that will require some exposition.In the present case, Knasiak has been ordered to pay punitive damages for the racially motivated harm that he inflicted on Sommerfield, which may seem sensical but upon closer examination is tenuous. The two events for which the 540,000 dollars in punitive damages are being ordered are Knasiak’s suspension of Sommerfield and the denial of Sommerfield’s promotion to canine handler. The damages in question are notably punitive not compensatory, so Sommerfield is not being compensated for the fact of his suspension or the fact of his denial of promotion but rather the way that those events occurred. These are claims of retaliation, and the grounds for these retaliation claims is surprisingly not what might strike onlookers as obvious, that Knasiak filed a complaint against Sommerfield for reporting him, but rather that this retaliation was motivated by anti-Semitism.
Thus, the theory of the case and what is discussed extensively in the 7th Circuit ruling is that retaliation was impermissible because it was motivated by racial animus which is evidenced by Knasiak’s preceding harassment of Sommerfield. As discussed, Sommerfield is not being compensated for what happened, as he received no compensatory damages. Furthermore, Knasiak is not being punished for the years of anti-Semitic harassment to which he subjected Sommerfield, he is only being punished for the way in which the two events that did occur occurred. As a result, no damages are being paid for the racial harassment that preceded the incident or the facticity of the incident itself, but only why the incident happened. If we envision this as a hate crime, Knasiak is not being asked to pay for his hate (the preceding harassment) nor the crime itself (which would necessitate compensatory damages) but his hate that caused him to commit the crime. Being forced to pay 540,000 dollars for the motivation behind something that itself does not merit compensation suggests that what is happening happens not for the legally stated reasons. It should be clear that Knasiak is being punished for the preceding racial harassment, but such harassment is beyond the state of limitations, so Knasiak is being punished for something beyond the statute of limitations for an amount that is above that which is allowed by law.
To be clear, what Knasiak did was reprehensible, but the legal reasoning behind his punishment is tenuous at best. Knasiak is not being ordered to pay damages for Knasiak’s suspension and loss of promotion but the preceding harassment. The jury clearly thinks that such harassment constitutes a much greater harm than is currently recognized by the law. Cases such as this show that there is a desire to punish and to compensate that goes beyond current financial and temporal limits, suggesting that perhaps the law should be reformed so that it is not furthered distorted.
[1] “Sommerfield v. Knasiak”. FindLaw. https://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-7th-circuit/1908454.html.
[2] “After a Judgment: Collecting Money.” FindLaw.https://litigation.findlaw.com/filing-a-lawsuit/after-a-judgment-collecting-money.html.
[3] “Qualified Immunity”. Legal Information Institute. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/qualified_immunity.
[4] Sokol, Ron. “Ask the Lawyer: Reasons why some court cases take so long to settle.” Daily Breeze. October 30, 2012. https://www.dailybreeze.com/2012/10/30/ask-the-lawyer-reasons-why-some-court-cases-take-so-long-to-settle/.
Photo Credit: Asher Heimermann
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clippingpathdigital · 4 years
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writ240nick-blog · 5 years
Assessment of Sick Kids Hospital’s Use of Social Media
Executive Summary
Sick Kids’ (SK) social media presence is currently split between its Hospital accounts and Foundation accounts. Sick Kids Hospital (SKH) performs much worse across all platforms than the Sick Kids Foundation (SKF), with the exception of Instagram where this is reversed. There is no strong distinction between what these accounts post, despite their different intended audiences. We recommend clearly defining the role of each account, and providing better cross-account linking to improve navigation between them.
SKH, located in Toronto, is Canada’s most research-intensive hospital. It provides care to sick children and is dedicated to improving children’s health care. Their social media presence is currently aimed at a mix of parents and employees. The SKF is the fundraising branch of the hospital, and uses social media to help garner donations (Chiovitti, 2017). We have conducted this research to determine ways to improve the organization’s overall social media impact through each of these channels.
Literature Review
The Globe and Mail article “How Traditional Companies are Using Social Media in Unexpected Ways” outlines various options to garner a social media presence and start a conversation (Pearson, 2018). The best social media campaigns are ones that get customers talking about a product, not necessarily selling the product directly (Pearson, 2018). Social media influencer Neil Patel’s blog post on Facebook’s engagement algorithm covers how to better promote your brand on Facebook given changes to how the platform prioritizes content (2017). Crucial is its emphasis on how natural engagements such as comments will help prioritize your content (Patel, 2017).  Caitlin Hughes’ blog post on Instagram engagement helps identify several steps to improving one’s Instagram presence (2018). The most relevant steps are her recommendation to craft effective captions that set the context for your photos and the need to reply to comments quickly (Hughes, 2018).
This report approached the assessment of SK’s social media performance by analyzing its current presence (posts, videos, and images shared) and determining their effectiveness on each platform. These platforms — Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram — were identified by navigating their website. YouTube was not included in this report due to space constraints. In addition, our process follows social media audit best practices (Hanson, n.d.).
SK has two websites: SKF and SKH.
The SKF’s website (sickkidsfoundation.com) links to their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, as well as the website of the hospital. At the top of every article is a button to Tweet the link, encouraging visitors to share their posts.
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Figure 1. The website’s sharing feature.
The SKH webpage (sickkids.ca) links to all social media accounts at the top of the landing page. The site is not responsive to different screen sizes and is inaccessible to users who navigate by keyboard. The website also does not include image descriptions, and many of the images contain writing. This text is unreadable for both visually impaired users as well as search engines, negatively affecting the site’s SEO.
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Figure 2. Examples of alt-text, SKH on top and SKF below.
SK has two Twitter accounts. The SKH Twitter account (@SickKidsNews) has 12.4k tweets, 38.8k followers and a varied audience of medical professionals, regularly visiting families, and potential donors. The bio links only to their website. The SKF Twitter account (@sickkids) has 22.7k tweets, 49.7k followers, and focuses on donation efforts currently underway. The bio links to both the SKH Twitter page and the Foundation’s Instagram account.
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Figure 3. The ratio of tweets to followers on both accounts.
SK has two Instagram accounts: a general account with 34k followers (@sickkidstoronto) and a Foundation account with 2.3k followers (@sickkidsVS). Posts occasionally contain excessive text. Both accounts post daily.
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Figure 4. An Instagram post from SK with excessive text.
SK has one Facebook account with 193k likes where they post once every few days. The content is mostly pictures and videos. Some of their posts are quite successful, while a significant number lack engagement, particularly those which are recent. Although their content is of high quality, there are instances where it’s cropped poorly or ill-fitting to their brand.
The SKH website should be updated to function across a larger range of screen sizes. It should improve its accessibility features to increase SEO, as well as provide a better experience for disabled users. We suggest following keyboard accessibility standards, adding descriptions to photos, and reducing the amount of text in images (CPD, 2018).
We would recommend having pinned tweets to acknowledge the difference between the SKH Twitter account and the SKF Twitter account (Agrawal, 2019). This will encourage individuals to check both accounts and make it easier for the general public to find information about potential donations.
SKH’s Twitter bio should include links to their Instagram and should further refine its target audience to better articulate its message. We recommend focusing exclusively on parents of long-term patients (inspiring stories, advice on handling child illness, etc.) and medical professionals (updates on groundbreaking research). Tweets regarding fundraising would be better suited to the SKF’s account.
The @sickkidstoronto account is successfully engaging with the target audience previously outlined. We recommend combining Hospital and Foundation accounts given the latter’s minimal following. Additionally, the captions of some posts should be reworked, better explaining their context and reducing the number of images with excessive text (Hughes, 2018).
We would recommend creating posts which play to Facebook’s engagement algorithm by encouraging more comments on a shorter timeline (Patel, 2017). Additionally, SK should refrain from sharing content that is cropped poorly or otherwise undermines their brand.
SKH and Foundation currently have a good online presence. Although there is a slight separation between the branding of the two branches’ accounts (the use of “VS”), they maintain a consistent brand across all platforms. By following our recommendations, SK’s social media can be further leveraged to increase the impact of their social media campaigns. Our recommendations would ensure that they can engage more successfully with their already significant social media following, and increase followers on all sites.
Word Count: 999
Further Reading – List of Direct Links to Sick Kids Social Media Platforms
Sick Kids Foundation website: https://www.sickkidsfoundation.com/
Sick Kids Foundation Twitter: https://twitter.com/sickkids
Sick Kids Foundation Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sickkidsvs/
Sick Kids Hospital website: http://www.sickkids.ca/
Sick Kids Hospital Twitter: https://twitter.com/SickKidsNews
Sick Kids Hospital Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sickkidstoronto/?hl=en
Sick Kids Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sickkidsfoundation/
Sick Kids Interactive Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SickKidsInteractive/
Sick Kids Foundation Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SickKidsFoundation/
AboutKidsHealth Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Aboutkidshealth/
Agrawal, S. (2019, February 04). 19 Ways to use Your Pinned Tweet to get More Traffic, sales & clicks! DigitalGYD. Retrieved from https://www.digitalgyd.com/pin-a-tweet-guide/.
Center for Persons with Disabilities (CPD). (2018, November 20). Keyboard Accessibility. WebAIM, Utah State University. Retrieved from https://webaim.org/techniques/keyboard/.
Chiovitti, S. (2017, October 27). SickKids Launches $1.3 Billion Fundraising Campaign to Build a New Hospital. Sick Kids Foundation. Retrieved from https://www.sickkidsfoundation.com/aboutus/newsandmedia/news2017octsickkidscampaignbuildnewhospital.
Hanson, A. (n.d.). How to Conduct a Social Media Audit. ACH Communications and Marketing. Retrieved from https://onq.queensu.ca/d2l/le/content/254144/viewContent/1513524/View.
Hughes, C. (2018, August 29). Increase Your Instagram Engagement in 8 Easy Steps. Iconosquare. Retrieved from https://blog.iconosquare.com/increase-your-instagram-engagement/.
Patel, N. (2017). How to Increase Facebook Engagement (Even Though Their Algorithm Hates You). Neil Patel – Blog. Retrieve from https://neilpatel.com/blog/increase-facebook-engagement-algorithm/.
Pearson, M. (2018, May 12). How Traditional Companies are Using Social Media in Unexpected Ways. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-marketing/traditional-companies-use-social-media-in-unexpected-ways/article17564456/.
0 notes
optometrist0 · 6 years
College Optometry
Seventeen schools and colleges
Our graduates change lives
Graduates change lives
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SUNY COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY 33 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 212-938-4000
The Illinois College of Optometry (ICO) is a 4-year private optometry college located in the city of Chicago, Illinois. Graduating approximately 160 optometrists a year, it is the largest optometry college in the United States and is the oldest continually operating educational facility dedicated solely to the teaching of …
In the Pacific University College of Optometry, world-renowned faculty and diverse clinical sites prepare tomorrow's doctors of optometry. At Pacific, teaching is …
Salus University Pennsylvania College of Optometry has an unparalleled legacy in the education of competent and compassionate Doctors of Optometry.
See a list of top ranked optometry schools in the United States and Canada. Compare average incoming GPA and OAT scores, NBEO pass rates, tuition, and more.
The Arizona College of Optometry (AZCOPT) at Midwestern University has …
The Ohio State University College of Optometry, a recognized leader in optometric education, clinical research and patient care, is seeking a skilled clinician to …
NSU College of Optometry prepares optometric physicians to practice at the highest level of proficiency, integrity, and professionalism.
ICO is the nation's first, largest, and most popular optometry college. Located in Chicago, we are totally focused on cultivating best-prepared ODs.
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Marist College is located in the historic Hudson River Valley and … The university consists of colleges of Arts & Sciences, Business, Education, Health …
The Kentucky College of Optometry is the fourth college under the University of Pikeville banner and reflects the institution's mission of service and strategic …
Thomas E. Hayes Sr., US Army Veteran, retired CPD with 30 yrs. of dedicated service, 35 yrs. of service at Illinois College of Optometry, passed away suddenly Thursday Feb. 8th, beloved husband of Carol (nee Benice) for 55 yrs.; …
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Recently, Kathleen H. Goeppinger, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of Midwestern University, announced the promotion of Melissa Suckow, O.D., FAAO, to Dean of the Chicago College of Optometry (CCO). Dr. Suckow joined …
UHCO represents at Annual Heart of America Eye Care Congress. Congratulations to UHCO's own Veronica Mendez, OD, and Stephanie Marten-Ellis, OD '17, who presented …
Drs. Andrew Emch and Laura Emch. "I'm a fifth generation Buckeye, a second- generation OSU optometrist, and I met my wife at the College. So … OSU is pretty well interwoven into our life." Dr. Andrew Emch. "OSU was a wonderful place to spend four years of my life and the place where I met Andrew." Dr. Laura Emch …
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MBKU's Southern California College of Optometry has been delivering an exceptional clinical education to future eye care professionals since 1904. We have an established reputation of academic excellence. Seeing better means living better. our graduates change lives. Our students care for patients in our community …
The Southern College of Optometry’s (SCO) 11-story tower was built in the 1970s. As the years went on, the school’s leadership could easily see what it was …
The College of Optometry will build upon its rock-solid foundation by establishing its own clear identity, delineating a central focus for its educational, clinical …
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ASCO is a non-profit education association representing the interests of optometric education. Its membership encompasses the seventeen schools and colleges of optometry.
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architectnews · 3 years
UK Government Architect’s Act Response
UK Government Architect’s Act Response, British architecture practice register news
UK Government Architect’s Act Response News
8 June 2021
UK Government Architect’s Act amendments response
Government responds to consultation on amendments to the Architect’s Act
· New proposals to recognise architects’ international qualifications
· Wider transformation of architects’ register to maintain standards
· Part of ongoing reforms to improve competence of professionals across the built environment sector
A new recognition system to acknowledge architecture qualifications from around the world will be implemented as part of the Professional Qualifications Bill, ensuring the UK remains a leading, global destination to practise architecture.
The Government has responded to a consultation on proposed amendments to the Architects Act, which will ensure professional standards within the sector are maintained and enable international architects to practise in the UK.
To support this, the Architects Registration Board (ARB) – the profession’s regulator – will allow architects with certain international qualifications to join their UK Register.
Wider proposals to drive up professional competence in the sector will be implemented via the Building Safety Bill.
Under these new measures, ARB will be given new powers to monitor the way architects manage their Continuing Professional Development (CPD), in line with other regulated professions – encouraging architects to develop their competence to practise.
Housing Minister Chris Pincher MP said:
“Following an overwhelmingly positive response to our consultation from the architecture profession, we are delighted to be moving forward with firm proposals that will make a real difference to the lives of architects around the world.
“This fundamental realignment of the profession will reassert the United Kingdom’s reputation as a global leader in architecture, ensuring we continue to attract the best architects from around the world to build back better on the homes and infrastructure in this country.”
This forms part of ongoing reforms to improve the competence of professionals across the built environment sector, who have a responsibility for designing, constructing and managing homes and buildings.
These reforms build on major legislative improvements being made by government in relation to fire and building safety.
Minister for Investment Lord Gerry Grimstone said:
“Britain has a global reputation for professionalism and excellence in services like architecture, and this important change will ensure that UK architecture qualifications remain the gold standard around the world.
“Our new laws will enable world-class architects to continue working in the UK and can make it possible for the Architects Registration Board to open up opportunities for British architects working with our global partners.”
Alan Kershaw, Chair of the Architects Registration Board, said:  
“Today the Government has confirmed its intention to create new powers for the ARB, which we will use to introduce a scheme to monitor the Continuing Professional Development of architects.
“This is an opportunity to recognise formally the considerable amount of development activity that most architects already do. We will develop our approach in collaboration with architects and use our regulatory powers to promote consistency across the profession.
“ARB’s new role in recognising international qualifications is another positive step. We are going to ensure all individuals registering under this new process are held to equivalent standards, to maintain excellence across the architectural profession, whilst also ensuring the United Kingdom continues to benefit from the varied skills and experience international architects bring with them.”
The government’s response to a consultation on proposed amendments to the Architects Act 1997 include:
· strengthening the Architect Registration Board’s role in monitoring and maintaining the competence of architects on their register · increasing public confidence by listing disciplinary orders against an architect on the register · allowing the Architect Registration Board to expand its list of chargeable services to cover the full range of services by the Architect Registration Board.
Comments on this UK Government Architect’s Act Response post are welcome.
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Raphael Bostic — Changes to Affordable Housing & Demographic Changes
Affordable housing. 66 bostic
Global forums annual meeting
Fed housing programs senate
Bank chair weighs
Reverse mortgage funding expands
Good reason! 2
For renters, new construction has simply kept a bad situation from getting drastically worse," said Raphael Bostic, interim director of the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate. The report notes that the.
In the wake of a full week full of bad economic news, especially housing indicators. Secretary Raphael Bostic as saying, "There is this notion that being housed well is synonymous with being a home.
renters in this category had increased by 120,000 (10 percent) – a change. incomes drove increased competition for already scarce affordable housing. 66 bostic, Raphael W. and Brian J. Surette, 2001, “Have the Doors Opened Wider?
“Affordable Housing Goals” for the GSEs. intercensal tract demographic and income changes.. More similar to this paper, An et al (2007), An and Bostic.
Treasury report advocates slashing GSE jumbo loan ceiling Obama Administration and treasury secretary timothy geithner call for a housing overhaul and the winding down of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner called for a mortgage system overhaul and the wind down of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner proposed three options to Congress for the wind down of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Housing Department and Vice President of McCormack Baron Salazar, Inc. She will lead HUD’s CPD Office which administers nearly $8 billion in programs designed to stimulate community development, affordable housing, as well as a variety of special needs assistance programs. Dr. Raphael Bostic will serve as the new Assistant Secretary
Data & Tools. Raphael Bostic President and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Raphael W. Bostic is president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. He is currently a voting member of the Federal Open Market Committee, the monetary policymaking body of the Federal Reserve System.
On January 27, the ""Obama administration announced"":https://ift.tt/2m2PugJ. to sit and wait for the housing market to hit bottom to get some relief,ââ.
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mission-driven, long-term housing owners and their public-sector partners, and their com-plicated transactions as the path to changes that would encourage and facilitate preservation at greater scale. Preservation of unsubsidized, affordable housing is an essential, worthy chal-lenge, but it lacks a clear, direct path to policy change.
“Don’t do it,” Bostic told an audience in Atlanta Tuesday at the Hope global forums annual meeting, which promotes financial inclusion, young entrepreneurs and affordable housing. not with Fed.
Feds should do more to help underwater borrowers: Moody’s El Paso receives $75,000 grant to fix foreclosed homes Donovan: Sequestration could devastate fed housing programs senate bank chair weighs sweeping GSE, mortgage lending overhaul reverse mortgage funding expands payment options on proprietary reverse product Category: Products – Prominent financial planner jill schlesinger, who has a historical track record of questioning the viability of reverse mortgage products, has highlighted what she views as their deficiencies in a new.HUD Says Spending Cuts Could devastate housing programs. – March 2013 HUD Says Spending Cuts Could Devastate Housing Programs. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban development secretary shaun donovan told lawmakers feb. 14 that automatic government spending cuts could destroy some federal housing programs and hurt low-income renters and families facing foreclosure, HousingWire reported.There are currently 455 red-hot tax lien listings in El Paso, TX. These tax foreclosed homes are available for pennies on the dollar – as much as 75 percent off full market price (and more)! Enjoy the pride of homeownership for less than it costs to rent before it’s too late.Trulia: American homebuyers prefer new homes 2 to 1 Florida may relaunch rocket docket Professor Ayele Bekerie in New York, November 2018. (tadias photo) Tadias Magazine By Tadias Staff. Updated: March 2nd, 2019. New York (TADIAS) – Establishing the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia was a monumental moment in history. It was a nod of acknowledgement for Ethiopia’s maintenance of its independence from colonization as well as its deep support for the decolonization.According to Trulia’s American. for good reason! 2. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Just Changed All The Rules! New “Qualified Mortgage” rules were just issued by the Consumer Financial.Primed for Trouble: Pace of Mortgage Distress Shifts to Prime Borrowers Tavant Technologies opens new office with hundreds of jobs to fill For example, Snapsheet’s new home at 1 N. Dearborn-a century-old revamped loft office building-has filled its tenant roster with a run of growing tech companies, including ActiveCampaign, PowerReviews.—–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—– mQQNBFUoCGgBIADFLp+QonWyK8L6SPsNrnhwgfCxCk6OUHRIHReAsgAUXegpfg0b rsoHbeI5W9s5to/MUGwULHj59M6AvT+DS5rmrThgrND8Dt0dO+XW88bmTXHsFg9K.The Depth of Negative Equity and Mortgage Default Decisions.. To help make this discussion more concrete, consider an example. A borrower who purchased a median-priced home in 2006 in Palmdale, CA would have seen the value of that home fall from about $375,000 to less than $200,000 in just.This housing chart might scare the pants off you Your #1 source for chords, guitar tabs, bass tabs, ukulele chords, guitar pro and power tabs. Comprehensive tabs archive with over 1,100,000 tabs! Tabs search engine, guitar lessons, gear reviews.
Los Angeles, CA 90049 WHO: Mark Palim, vice president, Fannie Mae – "Higher Interest Rates and Tighter Fiscal Policy-Navigating Another Transition" Raphael Bostic. USC – "The Growing Importance of.
The post Raphael Bostic — Changes to Affordable Housing & Demographic Changes appeared first on Mortgage Broker Plano Texas.
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