#could've done better tbh
maxladcomics · 1 month
But how can I make this about Papyrus
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kaiserouo · 9 days
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i want him to hug me till my spine breaks
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dixidin · 22 days
Happy 4/20 day to Brian
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@zol1x for you cause I always gotta tag ur goofy ass :3
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khickuwa · 7 months
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"watch the glasses."
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tvckerwash · 5 months
I hc wash and south (and by proxy, north) as all being ODSTs prior to pfl and one thing I really like about hcing them as such is that it adds another layer of depth to why they were all chosen to be a part of the recovery force.
ODSTs are a special forces unit within the marines, and they're generally used as force amplifiers and in high risk or sensitive operations. two such scenarios include the recovery or recapture of personal and high level assets behind enemy lines, as well as deep reconnaissance and intelligence gathering. ODSTs are also used in politically sensitive operations, which pfl was following the crash of the moi.
so basically, who better to be on the recovery force than former ODSTs who already have a background doing the kind of work that would need to be done?
this also adds to some of the tension between north and south as well imo, as while they're a great team who are capable of working together they clearly have two very different skillsets—south is not portrayed as someone who has the patience necessary for long reconnaissance missions, and part of the reason why team b failed so spectacularly is because two snipers and an intelligence operative are not a good choice for a smash and grab mission. had north been replaced with south things would've probably went way better for them, because south is actually fairly similar to wash in her "get in, get it done, get out" mentality, though where wash comes off as more methodical and is willing to take that "wait and see" approach, south throws caution to the wind and has a "we'll cross that bridge when we get there" approach.
this is probably why wash and south were (on paper at least) going to get eta and iota—south would've benefited greatly from having an ai that was afraid and anxious as it would force her to slow down and think things through more, and wash getting an ai that was happy and cheerful would force him to loosen up a bit and be less high-strung and serious.
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d4larte · 10 months
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made this in january, love chihiro so much
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nctaezen · 1 year
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mildhigh · 6 months
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Look at what they stole from us
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iorekbyrinson · 1 year
lalo salamanca headcanons
He's a black-hearted asshole. It's an important core aspect of his character and it can't be ignored.
He has a dead sibling. My HC is a dead sister who got married and then her husband killed her. Death lives cheek by jowl in the Salamanca family. There's a reason for those empty spaces.
He wasn't born with severe antisocial tendencies, and a naturally extroverted personality made him more open to experiences than some of his more rigid relatives. The rot set in to the idealism early, maybe 7 or 8 years old. I actually see the twins grappling with suppressing their feelings more than Lalo - he's the perfect adaptable boy-Prince that adapts to suit the family, and never really took the time to build anything under that veneer. He takes information in purely to benefit himself or benefit his family. The emotionality and empathy has been stripped away. This is a DARK character.
One of the roles he's tried on that he's put a little more into is the benefactor role to the peasants that live on/or near his estate, in fact most of the underlings associated with the Salamanca holdings. It reinforces to Lalo a sense of benevolence, which at its core is still basically transactional. The people under him have no choice to do what they do. It's the performance of helping them out that makes Lalo feel good about himself.
He was absolutely going to murder Kim when Jimmy left. That whole speech about the people the assassins killed at his hacienda reeked of a tit-for-tat situation. He no longer trusted Jimmy at all so he had no further utility to him as a lawyer. He was going to kill Jimmy's wife as punishment for that, torture the truth out of Jimmy when he returned from the laundrette, and then kill him.
Lalo's blue shoes tie into what I mentioned about him having an attachment to being seen as perfect/a benefactor/on the "right" side of things. Blue = personal law in BCS. Lalo never does anything that doesn't benefit himself or his family, so he always sees himself as following the correct path. He feels 100% justified in his sabotage mission against Gus, and then in the atrocities he commits in attempting to come back and bring him up in front of Eladio. He would actually feel morally angry at the implication any of that wasn't right - you protect yourself and you protect your family. In his eyes, he's bringing a liar and a traitor to justice, a snake who is attempting to bring down their cartel from the inside. In that respect, Lalo has a parallel with the most unlikeliest of BCS characters - Chuck McGill.
The insomnia is the barest of brush strokes that imply Lalo's possible ambivalence about the life he was born into. Gilligould have notoriously not given the characters of colour much contextual depth at all outside of roles that serve the cartel story, and Lalo is no exception, but I still think it was the barest of indicators of another story being played out there. Like Howard Hamlin dissuaded early on from putting up his own shingle and making an identity for himself outside of what his father expected of him, Lalo, neck deep in the lifetime role of cartel Prince, may have felt the twingings of his own destiny being held away from him. TDalton's comments about Lalo believing he could die at any point has an interesting, nihilistic extension here - so why bother?
He's a Hufflepuff. His people, his group, and himself above all. Duty, discipline, and "fairness" - all Puff traits. His contempt for Slytherin Gus is for Gus's refusal to accept his position and bend the knee - he sees Gus's strident individualism as selfish, in comparison to his own lifelong commitment to his family and the cartel. On the positive side, he can do a surface level cohesion with groups, some performative actions of good on behalf of the group(s) he identifies with, and skilfully takes Nacho and sends him up to the boss. There's a reason old ladies seem to adore Lalo - he, in an entirely selfish sense, works within the group.
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bellysoupset · 1 month
but also jonah getting flustered when he asked vince to help him pick the ring leads me to wonder how exactly he approached asking luke to help 😭
because if he was all embarrassed asking VINCE asking luke must’ve been insane 💀
You just KNOW he babbled about something that had nothing to do with nothing and Luke was like ❓❓❓❓literally standing outside of gym at 10 AM, sweaty and confused as Jon stumbled over himself.
Until finally Jon was literally just gesturing Luke's wedding band until he got it.
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solradguy · 1 year
As one note as the yaoi jokes are it’s hard to deny that sol and ky’s present relationship is pretty much amicably broken up ex bfs/beloathed in-laws/flawed but well intentioned fathers of an unknown but growing number of children
There's definitely underlying homoeroticism to their relationship, but sometimes the fanfiction headcanons need to be set aside to look at what the actual canon is trying to get across, you know? It's easy to boil it all down to "because they're gay for each other" (which I also do sometimes because it's funny lol) but their relationship is so much deeper than that.
I'm not even really a Ky guy, tbh, but I very rarely see people talk about him with the same care they talk about characters with 1/10th the lore he has, and his relationship with Sol is discussed in a serious context even less.
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t-u-i-t-c · 4 months
episode 26 of ryusoulger is really good and has some really great koh moments, but i think it could've benefited from more canalo. when koh loses his kindness due to the minusaur hitting him when he guarded nada, he attacks the minusaur in a wild manner not taking notice of canalo grasping onto the minusaur. due to this, koh hits canalo and injures him.
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koh obviously feels bad about this, as he voices his guilt of not noticing canalo to asuna, but we never see how canalo feels about this. we see the others be upset but not canalo and i feel like this was a misstep.
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canalo never even acknowledges it happened in the episode and i think they missed an opportunity to explore their dynamic through this incident and discuss how kindness relates to apologizing. as in when we hurt someone we care about, like our friends the kind thing to do and the right thing to do is apologize even if it was an accident. honestly, the ryusoulgers have landed attacks on each other before and it's never been a big deal, but i think the tonal shift when this incident occurred is really what makes this situation feel more serious. i think if we were going to be as serious as to have koh believe he's not fit to be a ryusoulger after this incident, then we should see canalo's view too.
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lisxdumbr · 7 months
I still think that making the climax event of the christian character a Halloween story is wild
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cryopathiic-a · 9 months
2b for Douma and Kotoha please :)
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in the summer silence, I was getting violent in the summer silence, I was doing nothing
|| SOURCE || accepting ( one more :D )
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linagram · 1 year
Back again, this time with the expectations duo! I’ll just get right into it, starting with…
Prisoner 003: Shun Ishizu
Oh Christ, this one’s even more of a headache. The CLOSET, MAN.
To start with, he pretty clearly killed his ex’s new boyfriend (who I’ll call Kuro, because “his ex’s new boyfriend” is WAY too long to keep typing). If we assume what happened in the MV is somewhat true (which I will because otherwise I have jack shit to go on), he invited his ex over to celebrate something (maybe a birthday? Hopefully not their anniversary, that’s just way too weird), and his ex brought Kuro along.
Then apparently he stabbed Kuro to death in his kitchen. Which is somehow the least concerning part about all this.
First of all, the closet doors. What is up with that. Why did Shun wave at his closet. Why does the video end with closet doors shutting on his ex’s POV. Is Shun keeping his ex in the closet? Is Shun keeping more than one of his exes in his closet? I think he’s definitely keeping at least one ex in his closet.
Secondly, if Shun did actually kill Kuro while his ex was over… how did he manage to avoid getting caught immediately? He lives in an apartment, wouldn’t his neighbours have heard screaming or something? Were the events of the MV more metaphorical maybe??? You mentioned the cake-baking was symbolic of Shun trying to forget his crime by replacing it with something else, so maybe the MV is a metaphor. Who knows, this dude gives me a headache.
Third, Shun’s last memory before MILGRAM. This is obviously not terribly reliable, considering it’s Shun we’re talking about, but he says he thinks he was laying on the floor next to somebody else before getting up to make food for the two of them. He also says he thinks it took him a while. Assuming this is correct… who the fuck was he laying next to, and why? It probably wasn’t Kuro, because why would Shun want to cook for him, so I guess it must have been the ex? (That poor woman is so dead, isn’t she.)
Okay, so with all that in mind, here’s my best guess as to what’s going on with him: Shun actually has two victims, his ex-girlfriend and her current boyfriend, Kuro. Probably a cop-out, but I think the MV could be blending multiple events together, thanks to Shun’s fucked-up memory and delusional tendencies. The first important event is Shun inviting his ex over to celebrate something (maybe a birthday?), and she brings Kuro along. This is the first time Shun and Kuro meet, and Shun immediately dislikes Kuro. Shun, being jealous and delusional, eventually decides the best course of action is to kidnap his ex, so he does that off-screen, ties her up and locks her in his closet. He then invites Kuro to his apartment under the pretence of being concerned about his ex going missing and wanting to talk, and stabs him to death in the kitchen (somehow not alerting the neighbours). He then shows his ex Kuro’s dead body in an attempt to convince her to get back with him (because he’s delusional and probably a yandere, considering he’s planned to cover Tailor Shop on Enbizaka), and when that doesn’t work he gets frustrated and kills her too. He then collapses from the physical and/or mental strain, leading to his final memory of laying on the floor with someone else (his dead girlfriend) before slowly getting up to make food (because he’s already dissociated enough he doesn’t recall killing her). Shun thinks his ex is alive because he still doesn’t recall killing her, and probably doesn’t recall kidnapping her either.
…Okay, that sounds kind of insane and it’s probably at least half-wrong, but in my defence IDK what the fuck is going on with this dude, I think this is as good as I can get with the information we have now. This theory took me like all weekend, cut me some slack.
Prisoner 004: Naomi Chiba
Another easy one, thank GOD. Once again, most of the murder is already out in the open, so I’ll just recap and add in my speculation when relevant.
So, let’s start with the victim. I’ll call them Gaki for short. Gaki was one of Naomi’s students, and he was a troubled kid, clearly suffering some sort of familial abuse. As a result, he was a giant dick to everybody at school, including their classmates and teacher, Naomi. (This is probably where her Undercover flashback scene comes in: I’m willing to bet she’s picking up books because Gaki knocked them out of her hands.)
Naomi was clearly being driven insane by this kid, and so were her students. After a while, Naomi stopped wanting to help Gaki so much as she just wanted him to stop causing her grief.
One night, Naomi was driving home from the school, probably delayed by some problem Gaki had caused, and saw him on the street. In a fit of rage, she ran him over. (This is pictured in her MV, where she’s in her rapidly-flooding car and singing about hating someone so much she wants them dead.)
Here’s where the fucked up part comes in: Naomi is obviously horrified at what she did and regretted it almost immediately… but she’s literally the only person who cares. Everyone else was just thankful he was gone. So now Naomi is saddled with the suffocating guilt of killing a student she knows was acting out because he had a bad home life, made worse by the fact that she’s the only person who even cares that he’s dead.
(Also, bonus thoughts: I wonder what Naomi honestly thinks of her job? In her QNA session she says she doesn’t deserve or want to be a mother, and that she became a teacher because she wanted to do it as a child and her family thought she’d make a good one. She also seems shocked and then deflects with “a lot of people have told me that” when Miki says she can see Naomi being good with kids. I know she seems like a super nice teacher, but… is she actually all that fond of kids, or is she just doing it because she felt pressured into it by her family, and it’s a very stable job? (Seriously, it’s a super solid profession in Japan. Well-paid and excellent job security. Look it up if you don’t believe me!) She also says in the QNA that she wishes she wasn’t close with her parents, which seems to point to a messy relationship. Just some food for thought, I guess.)
So, that’s a wrap! Tune in next time for the idealization/betrayal duo, Kei Sanada and Eiko Yoshioka! (…Did you ever pick an official theme for those two, by the way?)
the expectations duo is like.. one of them has one of the easiest crimes here and the other one has ONE OF THE HARDEST CRIMES THAT ACTUALLY MAKES ME CRY AND NOT BECAUSE IT'S SO SAD BUT BECAUSE SHUN WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
okay, it's basically impossible to talk about shun's mv without spoiling anything, so i'll just answer some questions that shun won't (or can't) answer himself and also can't be explained in the mvs/interrogations/voice dramas/etc.
you're right, shun actually had two victims and not just one, those victims were his "ex" and her new boyfriend. which is already, like, not a good sign because it means that he was either lying or he actually doesn't remember killing his ex. or maybe even both.
about the closet.. it's gonna be shown again in his second mv and i feel like the reveal will be very underwhelming 😭😭 all i can say right now is that no, shun, didn't kill all his "other girlfriends", even though that sounds like a very cool concept.
about the apartment. i can imagine shun's apartment being.. not the best place to live in, his neighbors either came home only after school/work/etc to spend the night somewhere or.. they were just not the most sane people themselves. and also, when i wrote down everything that happened before, during and after his murder, it actually scared me just how smart shun actually is. he planned all of this and he actually waited for almost all of his neighbors to leave and he didn't care about the "weird" ones, he knew that they won't hear any noises and they won't even care about any dead bodies. shun's apartment being such a bad place can also explain why no one cared about shun's murder, especially if he didn't get rid of the bodies. his neighbors probably were used to weird, gross and scary stuff and they also knew about shun's.. personality, so they just either decided to ignore it or they were too busy (or tired) to actually try to understand what happened. as long as they're not the ones in danger, everything is fine, right? (so shun wasn't wrong when he said that "milgram is not that different from his apartment". milgram is actually most likely better)
it's more than okay to find shun's murder hard to solve, because. um. considering how delusional this guy is, it's possible that everything that we know right now about his crime is either a lie, him trying to replace the "bad" memories or a mix of both. thankfully, he got voted innocent and his ideas were affirmed, so he will be more confident about revealing information about himself in season 2. his season 2 trailer voiceline is already.. a lot. if you want a hint, i'd suggest thinking a bit more about his undercover lyrics.
about naomi, you're pretty much right about everything! she really did run the kid over and that's what the "car part" meant. and about her job, she didn't really like it, but she liked her students and she really was very close with all of them except her victim. she really did try her best to help them, especially the ones who were abused, bullied, ignored by everyone, etc. she chose to become a teacher only because of her family, but she didn't regret it that much because of her students (or at least most of them). but she still doesn't want to become a mother because she doesn't want to make the same mistakes her parents did and she would want her children to have mentally stable parents that will never hurt them, which is not something she can guarantee right now. so yeah, her relationship with her parents was.. bad.
(about kei and eiko, i think "idealization" fits them more? "betrayal" still fits them, but i think it doesn't describe their murders that well. like come on, a guy who kidnapped someone to make him his muse and thought he was perfect in every way and a girl who murdered someone because he wasn't "perfect" enough? yeah, "idealization".)
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curemoonliite · 1 year
I would literally kill to see Tokyo Mew Mew fan merch of Mew Berry doing a silly Jessica Rabbit pose with the words "I'm not bad, I'm just written that way" underneath. Partially because of the obvious rabbit joke, of course, but mostly because...if you were around the fandom at all when A La Mode came out, you know what I'm talking about.
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