#construction management system
nyggs · 2 months
Construction Management Software in Gurgaon
NYGGS ERP is a solution that allows you to group and centralise all the data and projects in a single platform, helping manage any construction company and automating all administrative tasks.
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hrsoftalfi · 2 years
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nupurhfsoft · 2 years
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xevensolution · 2 years
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Real Estate CRM: Top 5 Advantages of ERP Construction Software
Real Estate CRM with the advent of advanced tech tools and the introduction of fast digital solutions in every field, ERP is the new normal. It has taken the market by storm with its several benefits and applicability in all sectors.
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iturbide · 1 year
I'm curious, what would your ideal FE be?
And do you have any particular FE concepts in mind?
So, fun fact: I actually talked about this a while back.
...and by 'a while back,' I mean 'five years ago,' because time is soup.
So because that's a heck of a lot longer than I remember and a lot changes in that amount of time, let's come at this fresh and see what changes and what doesn't.
So I still really want to keep the lead character concept: dual sword/mage older sister and priest younger brother (with natural promotion to dual healer/mage) is a nice shift on the usual Fire Emblem formula, where we rarely see female Lords in the lead who are set to inherit the throne or male healers (and I can't recall the last time one was a prince, barring Brady with Chrom as his father and I guess Forrest though he's not in the immediate line of succession since he's Siegbert's cousin meaning Xander and Siegbert would need to be removed from the equation before he'd be in line for the throne but since Leo's a prince I think that technically akes him one too and now I'm just going down a rabbit hole of technicalities).
Intro/tutorial would be fairly run-of-the-mill, border skirmish type thing against a small incursion from a neighboring nation and going out to take care of it. But something I think would be fascinating is an expansion on the usual mid-battle recruitment and the option to spare foes that we saw at times in Three Houses: I want every main chapter enemy to have a name and unique portrait. I want there to be a frankly ridiculous number of characters who could theoretically be recruited depending on who approaches them, and I want every enemy to have an option to spare them even if they're not recruited.
Think of it: you go into battle and you see that every enemy is an individual. Every enemy is someone you can engage with. And you can approach any one of them with any of your units and talk to them. As you play, you start to get to know the different personalities of your units: someone may have a kind and gentle approach that's more likely to convince someone who's not exactly keen on fighting -- but that same approach might get steamrolled over by another person that's more set in their ways. Conversely, one of your units might be blunt and straightforward, and could butt heads in a constructive way with someone like that, but whose approach would scare off a more timid foe. Maybe approaching another unit with a character just recruited in the same battle can be helpful -- one of them bringing a friend or close ally over, because they don't want to hurt each other -- or maybe it can backfire spectacularly, with the enemy unit accusing your new ally of stabbing his comrades in the back, which shuts down all attempts at conversation.
It could be an interesting risk/reward system that encourages getting familiar with your various units beyond just their mechanical strengths and weaknesses: knowing their personalities and being able to employ them to take enemies off the field and bloodlessly thin the ranks could be a lot of fun -- plus, it's something that's not required. You don't have to try and bring them to your side -- you can breeze past those little dialogue snippets and just take them out if you want. And at the end of combat, if they weren't recruited, you have an option to spare them or kill them. If you spare them, you might see them again in another battle, and maybe they'll remember you: maybe you'll have another chance to recruit them, and more success the second time around because your actions challenged their preconceived notions about you. If you kill them, though, you might run into someone else later on -- a sibling, a relative, a friend -- who can't be reached at all because their quest is one of vengeance against the one that murdered someone they loved.
And then: what if that built into Supports. What if recruiting units off the battlefield had long-running effects based on how that unit was used? If someone was initially hesitant to join you, and then you bench them permanently, maybe they desert your force after a while because they felt isolated and lacked any kind of community since no work had been done building a new support network for them. Maybe someone else was a little too eager to join based on their impression of your army, and if you build out their Supports it becomes clear that their character has goals that are entirely at odds with the main characters' -- but because those Supports also gave them an understanding of the disconnect, they end up betraying you at some point to get what they want. Recruitment becomes a mechanic that needs to be considered, rather than just a 'collect them all' thing, because indiscriminate recruiting can backfire on you down the road.
With that many characters, of course, it would be completely insane to have all of them as combat units -- so what if some recruits unlock camp options. Maybe they're hesitant to fight against their own people directly, but they want to help and learn more about your force, so they offer non-combat skills: cooking, hunting, fishing, foraging, various sorts of combat/weaponry training, medical aid, merchant services. Similar to Three Houses monastery activities, you can pick a couple of combat units and send them to do different tasks that help keep your forces in fighting shape, building support bonds and learning things about the non-combat units in the process.
One thing I definitely want to see though is a reversal on the stereotypical Divine Dragon and Evil Dragon dichotomy. I want the main characters to talk about their Divine with absolute reverence, I want them to refer to their Divine as their protector and guardian, I want them to make their Divine out to be so kind and compassionate -- and then at some point deep in the game, I want it revealed that their Divine is the one that's seen as that world's Ultimate Evil. I want their Divine to look incredibly daunting, too, big and dark and toothy and terrifying -- but the main characters have nothing but respect for it, and it's eventually proven (maybe through calling it for aid against the threat of the neighboring nation's Divine) that their faith is not misplaced nor mistaken, and their Divine is everything they claim it is.
I still really like the split narrative concept, too, with the two siblings having different stories and different objectives: the kidnapped brother would likely have missions emphasizing escape or endurance (which takes advantage of his status as a healer), while the questing sister would have more objectives to rout an enemy or defeat a particular foe. Odds are that the narrative would begin with a single straightforward story, then split at the kidnapping, and only join together again at the very end before the closing chapters (so you could bring your favorites from both sides of the story to the final confrontation, but wouldn't get all the out of battle/camp stuff).
And above all: I wouldn't want it to be a story that ends with unification under a single banner. A lot of Fire Emblem games have this as their 'ideal' final state, and that's just never worked for me. I would want every nation to remain independent -- maybe with more connections, an openness to diplomatic discussion and free trade, possibly some leadership changes -- rather than having one country dissolved into another.
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coastallands77capes · 4 months
Coastal Landscape Construction
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Website: https://www.coastallandscapes.net.au
Address: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Coastal Landscape Construction, a boutique landscaping service based in Melbourne, specializes in bringing clients' landscaping visions to life. With 16 years of industry experience, they offer comprehensive services including garden makeovers, new entertaining areas, construction, irrigation, drainage, decking, screens, garden lighting, and paving. As registered builders, they ensure quality and reliability in every project.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coastallandscapeconstruction
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coastallandscapeconstruction/
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#hhhhh tomorrow i have to drive to another uni to build a chamber#this morning i drove like 11min down the road and that was enough to dislodge me halfway outside my body#i just. hate driving so much. its so fucking stressful#and im also worried the chamber isnt gonna come together with what we have#and i dont wanna drive down there again#oh god. i need to chill out so i can sleep tonight#it just stresses me out so much. anytime i have to drive i just become absolutely certain that im gonna get into an accident#or that ill get distracted and cause a crash#why cant we have a working train system in this fucking country. i wanna go back to the uk. where its more manageable to not have a car#when i think abt driving my brain just sends me images of destruction#i also get it to a lesser extent when im a passenger#like i have to sit exactly as ur supposed to in a seat or else i just get horrible imaginings of my limbs being crushed or whatever#god. i just hate it so much. i have a fragile mind. i was not constructed with the mental fortitude to drive#at least i dont get so many intrusive thoughts abt like flipping rhe steering wheel anymore. bc that sucked#hopefully i dont show up in tears but usually i cry at least once when i have to drive someone#so im gonna look unhinged when i drop off all the equipment. whatever ill wear sunglasses#how is it possible some ppl enjoy driving? i dont understand. i dont want that kind of power in my hands#i dont trust myself not to get someone killed. like that's prob my ultimate fear. getting in a crash caused by my brain not being able to#focus and then i kill a happy family of 5 or something and i just have to live with it#it just makes me so upset. which is why ive been avoiding this for literally months.#ugh. whatever i have to do it. and then itll be over. as my mum would say: itll b good for me#i just have to freak out abt it for a while#unrelated
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homunculus-argument · 8 months
If you know anyone who seems really chill to the point of being virtually indestructible, like nothing could ever bother them in any way, could get hit by a train and just shake it off and be totally fine, laughing it off as soon as they've dusted themselves off and stopped bleeding, but who occasionally just randomly falls apart to complete fucking smithereens with seemingly no cause nor warning, only to get back up again a few minutes/hours/days later like "ok yeah I'm fine again that was weird lmao", and you've ever wondered what the fuck is up with that:
They are actually not ok and most likely are not ok at any point. The whole "hardiest person you know who just collapses randomly sometimes" thing isn't a deliberately constructed façade, as a matter of fact it might be something that they actually personally believe themselves to be. But in reality this is somebody who's either unintentionally learned or has been deliberately trained to hide negative emotions and mask symptoms at all costs, as the #1 priority that goes over any other survival needs.
So even though it may look like they go from 1 to 100 completely at random and unpredictably, and then swing right back again to being totally fine, you have no way of knowing how long they've been at 95% before the last line of defense broke down and the system collapsed. And once they flip back up, odds are that they just managed to scrape their shit back together again just enough to get their backup masking systems running. The "check engine" light never turned on because the wire was clipped years ago.
If this is you, this is your callout to seek some sort of help. I'm telling on everyone in this room including myself.
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Enhancing Learning Retention: Utilizing Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve
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We’ve all experienced it: the frustration of forgetting newly acquired information much sooner than we anticipated. Despite our best efforts to consciously remember what we learned, retention often proves to be a tricky challenge. This phenomenon is not a personal failing but a natural aspect of how human memory works. Forgetting can occur rapidly, sometimes within minutes of learning something new. To tackle this issue, it’s crucial to design training programs that enhance memory retention effectively. One powerful tool in this endeavor is Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve, which provides a valuable framework for understanding and mitigating the natural decline of memory over time.
Understanding Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve
Hermann Ebbinghaus, a pioneering psychologist, conducted groundbreaking research on memory in the late 19th century. His experiments led to the formulation of the Forgetting Curve, which illustrates the rate at which information is lost over time when no attempt is made to retain it. According to Ebbinghaus, memory retention declines exponentially after learning, meaning that the most substantial drop in retention happens soon after the initial learning event. Without reinforcement, a significant portion of newly acquired information can be forgotten within hours or days.
The Implications for Training Design
Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve highlights the necessity of strategic reinforcement in training programs to combat rapid memory loss. By understanding the curve, educators and trainers can implement methods to help learners retain information more effectively. Here are some key strategies to make learning ‘stick’:
1. Spaced Repetition
Spaced repetition involves reviewing information at increasing intervals over time. This technique counters the rapid decline in memory retention by refreshing the material just as the learner is about to forget it. For instance, reviewing new content after one day, then three days, then one week, and so on, helps solidify the memory. This method leverages the spacing effect, where information is better remembered when it is studied multiple times spaced out over a longer period.
2. Active Recall
Active recall is a powerful learning strategy that involves actively stimulating memory during the learning process. Instead of passively re-reading or listening to information, learners actively retrieve it from memory. This can be done through quizzes, flashcards, or practice tests. The process of recalling information strengthens neural connections, making the memory more durable.
3. Microlearning
Microlearning delivers content in small, manageable chunks, making it easier for learners to absorb and retain information. This approach aligns well with the principles of spaced repetition and active recall. By breaking down complex information into bite-sized pieces and reinforcing it regularly, microlearning helps combat the forgetting curve effectively.
4. Interleaved Practice
Interleaved practice involves mixing different topics or types of problems within a single study session. This contrasts with blocked practice, where learners focus on one topic at a time. Interleaving helps learners to develop better problem-solving skills and improves long-term retention by encouraging them to constantly retrieve and apply knowledge in varying contexts.
5. Feedback and Reflection
Providing timely feedback is crucial for reinforcing learning. Constructive feedback helps learners understand what they know and where they need improvement, facilitating better memory retention. Encouraging reflection on what has been learned also helps solidify knowledge. Reflection can involve summarizing key points, discussing insights with peers, or writing about the learning experience.
Applying These Strategies in Training Programs
To effectively implement these strategies, trainers and instructional designers need to create a structured plan that incorporates regular reviews and interactive learning activities. Here are some practical steps to integrate these retention techniques into training programs:
Design Modular Content: Break down training material into modules that can be revisited over time. Each module should focus on a specific topic or skill, making it easier for learners to digest and retain information.
Schedule Regular Reviews: Plan a review schedule that follows the principles of spaced repetition. Use calendars, reminders, or automated systems to prompt learners to review material at optimal intervals.
Incorporate Quizzes and Tests: Regular quizzes and tests encourage active recall. Use a mix of multiple-choice questions, short answer prompts, and practical exercises to reinforce learning.
Utilize Technology: Leverage learning management systems (LMS) and mobile apps to deliver microlearning content and track learner progress. These tools can automate spaced repetition schedules and provide instant feedback.
Foster a Collaborative Learning Environment: Encourage learners to engage in discussions, group activities, and peer teaching. Social interactions enhance memory retention by allowing learners to explain concepts and receive diverse perspectives.
Provide Timely Feedback: Ensure that learners receive immediate and constructive feedback on their performance. Highlight strengths and areas for improvement to guide their learning journey.
Encourage Reflection: Incorporate reflective activities such as journaling, group discussions, or presentations. Reflection helps learners consolidate their knowledge and identify connections between different concepts.
Measuring the Effectiveness of Retention Strategies
To ensure that the implemented strategies are effective, it’s important to measure and analyze their impact on learning retention. Here are some methods to evaluate the success of your training programs:
Pre- and Post-Training Assessments: Conduct assessments before and after the training program to measure knowledge gain and retention. Compare the results to identify areas where retention strategies are working or need improvement.
Longitudinal Tracking: Track learner performance over an extended period to observe how well they retain information. Use periodic assessments and quizzes to gauge long-term retention.
Feedback Surveys: Gather feedback from learners about their experiences with the training program. Ask about the usefulness of review sessions, quizzes, and other retention activities. Use this feedback to refine your approach.
Performance Metrics: Analyze job performance metrics to see if there’s a correlation between training participation and improved job performance. This can provide insights into the practical impact of your retention strategies.
Memory retention is a significant challenge in the realm of learning and development. However, by leveraging the insights provided by Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve, trainers can design more effective training programs that help learners retain information over the long term. Strategies such as spaced repetition, active recall, microlearning, interleaved practice, and timely feedback are essential tools in combating the natural decline of memory. By thoughtfully integrating these techniques into training programs, organizations can enhance learning outcomes, boost employee performance, and ultimately achieve their development goals.
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jcmarchi · 23 days
Professor Emeritus David Lanning, nuclear engineer and key contributor to the MIT Reactor, dies at 96
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/professor-emeritus-david-lanning-nuclear-engineer-and-key-contributor-to-the-mit-reactor-dies-at-96/
Professor Emeritus David Lanning, nuclear engineer and key contributor to the MIT Reactor, dies at 96
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David Lanning, MIT professor emeritus of nuclear science and engineering and a key contributor to the MIT Reactor project, passed away on April 26 at the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Massachusetts, at the age of 96.
Born in Baker, Oregon, on March 30, 1928, Lanning graduated in 1951 from the University of Oregon with a BS in physics. While taking night classes in nuclear engineering, in lieu of an available degree program at the time, he started his career path working for General Electric in Richland, Washington. There he conducted critical-mass studies for handling and designing safe plutonium-bearing systems in separation plants at the Hanford Atomic Products Operation, making him a pioneer in nuclear fuel cycle management.
Lanning was then involved in the design, construction, and startup of the Physical Constants Testing Reactor (PCTR). As one of the few people qualified to operate the experimental reactor, he trained others to safely assess and handle its highly radioactive components.
Lanning supervised experiments at the PCTR to find the critical conditions of various lattices in a safe manner and conduct reactivity measurements to determine relative flux distributions. This primed him to be an indispensable asset to the MIT Reactor (MITR), which was being constructed on the opposite side of the country.
An early authority in nuclear engineering comes to MIT
Lanning came to MIT in 1957 to join what was being called the “MIT Reactor Project” after being recruited by the MITR’s designer and first director, Theos “Tommy” J. Thompson, to serve as one of the MITR’s first operating supervisors. With only a handful of people on the operations team at the time, Lanning also completed the emergency plan and startup procedures for the MITR, which achieved criticality on July 21, 1958.
In addition to becoming a faculty member in the Department of Nuclear Engineering in 1962, Lanning’s roles at the MITR went from reactor operations superintendent in the 1950s and early 1960s, to assistant director in 1962, and then acting director in 1963, when Thompson went on sabbatical.
In his faculty position, Lanning took responsibility for supervising lab subjects and research projects at the MITR, including the Heavy Water Lattice Project. This project supported the thesis work of more than 30 students doing experimental studies of sub-critical uranium fuel rods — including Lanning’s own thesis. He received his PhD in nuclear engineering from MIT in fall 1963.
Lanning decided to leave MIT in July 1965 and return to Hanford as the manager of their Reactor Neutronics Section. Despite not having plans to return to work for MIT, Lanning agreed when Thompson requested that he renew his MITR operator’s license shortly after leaving.
“Because of his thorough familiarity with our facility, it is anticipated that Dr. Lanning may be asked to return to MIT for temporary tours of duty at our reactor. It is always possible that there may be changes in the key personnel presently operating the MIT Reactor and the possible availability of Dr. Lanning to fill in, even temporarily, could be a very important factor in maintaining a high level of competence at the reactor during its continued operation,” Theos J. Thompson wrote in a letter to the Atomic Energy Commission on Sept. 21, 1965
One modification, many changes
This was an invaluable decision to continue the MITR’s success as a nuclear research facility. In 1969 Thompson accepted a two-year term appointment as a U.S. atomic energy commissioner and requested Lanning to return to MIT to take his place during his temporary absence. Thompson initiated feasibility studies for a new MITR core design and believed Lanning was the most capable person to continue the task of seeing the MITR redesign to fruition.
Lanning returned to MIT in July 1969 with a faculty appointment to take over the subjects Thompson was teaching, in addition to being co-director of the MITR with Lincoln Clark Jr. during the redesign. Tragically, Thompson was killed in a plane accident in November 1970, just one week after Lanning and his team submitted the application for the redesign’s construction permit.
Thompson’s death meant his responsibilities were now Lanning’s on a permanent basis. Lanning continued to completion the redesign of the MITR, known today as the MITR-II. The redesign increased the neutron flux level by a factor of three without changing its operating power — expanding the reactor’s research capabilities and refreshing its status as a premier research facility.
Construction and startup tests for the MITR-II were completed in 1975 and the MITR-II went critical on Aug. 14, 1975. Management of the MITR-II was transferred the following year from the Nuclear Engineering Department to its own interdepartmental research center, the Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, where Lanning continued to use the MITR-II for research.
Beyond the redesign
In 1970, Lanning combined two reactor design courses he inherited and introduced a new course in which he had students apply their knowledge and critique the design and economic considerations of a reactor presented by a student in a prior term. He taught these courses through the late 1990s, in addition to leading new courses with other faculty for industry professionals on reactor safety.
Co-author of over 70 papers, many on the forefront of nuclear engineering, Lanning’s research included studies to improve the efficiency, cycle management, and design of nuclear fuel, as well as making reactors safer and more economical to operate.
Lanning was part of an ongoing research project team that introduced and demonstrated digital control and automation in nuclear reactor control mechanisms before any of the sort were found in reactors in the United States. Their research improved the regulatory barriers preventing commercial plants from replacing aging analog reactor control components with digital ones. The project also demonstrated that reactor operations would be more reliable, safe, and economical by introducing automation in certain reactor control systems. This led to the MITR being one of the first reactors in the United States licensed to operate using digital technology to control reactor power.
Lanning became professor emeritus in May 1989 and retired in 1994, but continued his passion for teaching through the late 1990s as a thesis advisor and reader. His legacy lives on in the still-operational MITR-II, with his former students following in his footsteps by working on fuel studies for the next version of the MITR core. 
Lanning is predeceased by his wife of 60 years, Gloria Lanning, and is survived by his two children, a brother, and his many grandchildren.
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nyggs · 2 months
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Online Construction Management Software in India
A Construction Management System (CMS) is an indispensable tool for the construction industry, helping to improve work processes, monitor activities and maximise performance. These best-in-class systems, such as NYGGS CMS, perform key construction operations, including building structures, planning, mapping, equipment procurement, labour allocation, construction costing, budgeting and resource planning. Many of these operations are automated, reducing human intervention and error, with this cloud-based system. Interested in an affordable CMS solution in India? Contact NYGGS for a free demonstration!
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hrsoftalfi · 2 years
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nupurhfsoft · 2 years
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xevensolution · 2 years
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CRM: 8 Benefits of Construction Management System for Real Estate
Construction managers are utilizing a variety of software tools to better comprehend and complete varied projects as the construction business changes of CRM. Many development organizations are utilizing construction management software as part of this adaption to improve internal procedures, increase productivity and efficiency, and better coordinate their teams especially since there are many teams in different locations.
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carparkingsystems · 25 days
Want To Launch A Smart Parking System? Things You Must Complete!
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Launching a Smart Parking System is more than just embracing cutting-edge technology; it's about crafting an experience that resonates with the beating heart of humanity. In the vibrant tapestry of Delhi, where every car has a story, consider these four essential elements to ensure that your Smart Parking System isn't just smart but radiates the warmth of genuine human connection.
Know More>> https://sotefinparking.weebly.com/blog/want-to-launch-a-smart-parking-system-things-you-must-complete
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memphisbuyandhold · 1 month
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