#colonia dignidad
bauerntanz · 8 months
Chile vor 50 Jahren und die deutsche Mitschuld
#Chile - heute vor 50 Jahren und die deutsche Mitschuld.
Heute ist es genau 50 Jahre her. Am 11. September 1973 putschte das Militär unter General Augusto Pinochet gegen die demokratisch gewählte linke Regierung von Präsident Salvador Allende (Foto oben in der Mitte). Im Zuge der Bombardierungen des Präsidentenpalastes La Moneda nahm sich Allende an jenem 11. September 1973 das Leben. Pinochet beendete die chilenische Demokratie und schuf eine brutale…
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whatisonthemoon · 11 months
CAUSA and Colonia Dignidad and more
UC researcher Alisa Mahjoub recently posted the following on Twitter with excerpts/screenshots from Rogue Agents: The Cercle and the 6I in the Private Cold War 1951-1991 (alternatively subtitled Habsburg, Pinay and the Private Cold War 1951-1991) by David Teacher.
CAUSA (Moonie) /Colonia Dignidad connection
WACL/CAUSA congress hosted by Stroessner and Pinochet
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More on the Colonia Dignidad connection
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There is so fucking much in this book jeez
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On Taiwan, South America, WACL, and Jack Anderson
On Armed Moonies
Rod of Iron Receives Paramilitary Training  It's Not Just In Your Head episode with Alisa Mahjoub 
Secret Antenna episode Inside the Moonies with Alisa Mahjoub
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
Due to the relationship between Schafer and the authorities, if cult members fled the compound and turned up at the German embassy for assistance and protection, they were simply reported to Schafer's cronies who turned up to transport them back to Colonia Dignidad.
"Zealot: A Book About Cults" - Jo Thornely
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gimmigezz · 1 year
La Casa Lobo: Once upon a time - in the heart of the 20th century - there was a remote and secretive colony ensconced within central Chile from which nobody could escape...while Colonia Dignidad was known for its sweet honey, surrounding communities whispered of numerous, rumored atrocities committed within the reinforced boundaries of the commune. Conceived and tyrannically run by former Nazi Paul Schäfer, Colonia's covert activities ranged from politically sanctioned torture - on behalf of Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship - to Schäfer's personally orchestrated crimes against the children of Colonia. Inspired by a reported case, THE WOLF HOUSE testifies on behalf of semi-fictionalized Colonia captive Maria, a young German girl punished for releasing two beloved pigs. Maria escapes with her 'children' and finds false refuge within a supernaturally sentient house with the capacity to betray Colonia Dignidad's infamous legacy.
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oh-dear-so-queer · 1 year
Secondly, they were pretty sure that the relatively victorious Russians were going to move in and turn everyone into Communists, and if there's one thing Nazi's hate, it's Jews and gay people and the disabled and brown people and Communists.
"Zealot: A Book About Cults" - Jo Thornely
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If you're ever in Chile and looking for a unique and unexpected tourist experience, head east from San Carlos and up a bit, pop into the Maule region just near the Perquilauquen River at the foot of the Andes, and walk up the road from Parral until you see some blokes wearing traditional German lederhosen, speaking German, and offering you a German sausage.
"Zealot: A Book About Cults" - Jo Thornely
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fraanz · 11 months
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Maria, whats is your house made of? Have you closed the doors and windows?
I just rewatched La Casa Lobo (2018), a chilean stopmotion horror film and idk i just wanted to do art about it
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yuneu · 11 months
the way latin america is an entire subcontinent with some of the richest history in the world as well as some of the most interesting cultures and the only well-funded movies and tv shows that take place there are like. escobar biopic #938271. inaccurate el chapo biopics that make him seem like some extra cool generational genius. brazilian drug lord and football biopics. mexican white collar dramas where it’s just about cartel corruption. more 90s colombian cartel stories. more mexican cartel stories. obviously there are some others but the budgets are like $5 and a dream. like we get it. WE GET IT.
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bharatlivenewsmedia · 2 years
The Chilean Right Made Colonia Dignidad Possible
The Chilean Right Made Colonia Dignidad Possible
The Chilean Right Made Colonia Dignidad Possible The Netflix miniseries A Sinister Sect is a welcome effort to familiarise international audiences with the infamous story of Colonia Dignidad, a colony of German settlers located in Southern Chile. Since the mid-1960s the average Chilean has known about the Colonia Dignidad and its history of atrocious criminal acts, including pedophilia, murder,…
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dailybruhl · 5 months
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DANIEL BRÜHL Colonia Dignidad (2015)
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whatisonthemoon · 11 months
Speculating on Banco de Crédito
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The so-called “archives of terror” discovered by a human rights lawyer in Paraguay over a decade ago continue to yield new information on the cooperation between the de facto regimes that ruled much of South America in the 1970s and 1980s. These documents confirmed that Moon-owned banks in Uruguay were used as a part of Operation Condor, though it remains unclear to the public to what extent.
I have heard before that in the 80s, Paul Schafer’s Colonia Dignidad community in Chile, which became close allies of Pinochet and for many years hosted the military and its torture chambers for political prisoners, had money in several banks, including in Argentina and Uruguay. Were they by chance using Moon’s Banco de Crédito in Uruguay?  
(Researcher and author Carlo Basso had mentioned before that Colonia Dignidad even had offices in San Francisco in the U.S.  - there’s a lot more to be said about Colonia Dignidad and its pedophile leader - you can watch the 5-episode docuseries The Survivors, Colonia Dignidad on Amazon Prime) Related links and notes below
On Moon’s Political Network and their Deep Connections to Global Terrorism 4,200 female Japanese followers allegedly deposited as much as $25,000 each in the Moon-controlled Banco de Credito. Consortium News: Rev. Moon’s Bank Scam Uruguay’s freewheeling banking system that operated as a laundromat for drug money. Moon bought a bank. Chicago Tribune: Unification Church Invests Heavily Uruguay (December 1994) On Banco de Crédito
Banco de Credito out of Moonie hands
Notes on Moonie Drug Trade
The Irish Times: Moonies accused of involvement in drugs (2004)
Moon’s activities in South America
FFWPU President of IAPP (The International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace) Prosecuted for Money Laundering and Drug Smuggling in US Court; suspicions of connections to UC / FFWPU Leadership from Robert Parry - 
Another close church associate, who also requested anonymity out of fear of reprisals, said cash arriving from Japan was used in one major construction project to pay “illegal” laborers from Asia and South America. “They [the church leaders] were always waiting for our money to come in from Japan,” this source said. “When the economy in Japan crashed, a lot of our money came from South America, mainly Brazil.” …”
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
It might put you off your pork knuckle.
"Zealot: A Book About Cults" - Jo Thornely
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zvaigzdelasas · 3 months
sebastian pinera
Yeah saw that & wasn't gonna say anything but
Chile’s president-elect, the billionaire businessman Sebastian Piñera, has unveiled a new hardline cabinet, including prominent conservative figures and some politicians once closely aligned with the Pinochet dictatorship. The new interior minister, Andrés Chadwick, was a vocal supporter of Augusto Pinochet during his 1973-1990 regime, which named him president of the Catholic University Students Federation. Chadwick and the new justice minister, Hernán Larraín, were also supporters and defenders of the secretive German enclave Colonia Dignidad, which was established by the fugitive Nazi officer and paedophile Paul Shäfer in the early 60s. It later emerged that the enclave was used by security officials to torture and murder opponents of the regime.
figured might as well get at least one #RIPBOZO in
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bibliodiversidad · 2 months
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Mucho se puede discutir sobre los análisis y teorías de León Rozitchner, pero supongo indiscutible el hecho de que su proceso de madurez política con el tiempo lo llevó a darse cuenta de que israel no es en realidad el derecho materialmente histórico de un pueblo perseguido, sino la culminación de la persecusión misma cuando dice:
"¿Recuerdan cuando hace dos mil años los judíos palestinos, nuestros antepasados en Massada sitiada, enfrentaron las legiones del Imperio romano y se suicidaron en masa para no rendirse? ¿Recuerdan la rebelión popular y nacional de nuestros macabeos contra la invasión romana, cuando murieron decenas de miles de judíos y se acabó la resistencia judía en Palestina y nos dispersamos otra vez por el mundo? ¿No piensan que esa misma dignidad extrema que nuestros antepasados tuvieron, de la que quizá ya no seamos dignos, es la que lleva a la resistencia de los palestinos que ocupan en el presente el lugar que antes, hace casi dos mil años, ocupamos nosotros como judíos? ¿No se inscribe en cambio esta masacre cometida por el Estado de Israel en la estela de la “solución final” occidental y cristiana de la cuestión judía? ¿Han perdido la memoria los judíos israelíes? No: sucede que se han convertido en neoliberales y se han cristianizado como sus perseguidores europeos, que, luego de exterminarlos, empujaron a los que quedaron vivos para que se fueran a vivir a Palestina con el terror del exterminio a cuestas."
Por eso la creación del Hogar Judío en Palestina tiene un doble sentido: la “solución final” europea tuvo éxito, logró su objetivo, el cristianismo europeo se desembarazó de los judíos y muchos de los que se salvaron se fueron de Europa casi agradecidos, sin querer recordar por qué se iban y quiénes los habían exterminado. La Europa cristiana y democrática se había sacado el milenario peso judío de encima. Pero mis padres, que llegaron a las colonias judías de Entre Ríos, sí lo sabían.
Estamos pagando muy cara esta conversión judía. Los israelíes, ya vencidos en lo más entrañable que tenían de judíos históricos, se han transformado en la punta de lanza del capitalismo cristiano que los armó hasta los dientes para enfrentar el mayor y nuevo peligro que tiene el cristianismo: los mil millones de musulmanes que pueblan el mundo. Pero ni los musulmanes ni los palestinos fueron los culpables de la Shoá: los culpables del genocidio son ahora sus amigos, que los mandan al frente."
"¿Este es el lamentable destino que Jehová nos reservaba a los judíos? Porque de lo que hacen ustedes en Israel depende también el destino de todos nosotros."
—"Plomo fundido" sobre la conciencia judía (4/1/2009)
Realmente recomiendo muchísimo una lectura crítica y completa de su libro Ser judío y otros ensayos afines, para ver cómo transiciona su pensamiento. Este artículo es uno de los artículos finales (él falleció en el 2011.)
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callmeanxietygirl · 1 year
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"OAXACA esta viviendo en un proceso acelerado de GENTRIFICACION lo cual significa DESPOJO TERRITORIAL y CULTURAL EN SU NIVEL MAS SALVAJE. Se estan viendo la presencia de extranjeros de paises primermundistas llegando a colonias populares, mas tarde no será raro ver que que aumenten las rentas, el racismo, el lucro de las manifestaciones artísticas-culturales populares. El apuro de encontrar una imagen oficial para promocionar la GUELAGUETZA OFICAL como si se tratara de una mercancía responde a las necesidades de un mercado que solo lo puede gozar extranjeros con alto nivel adquisitivo del primer mundo. La industria del turismo junto con la Secretaria de Cultura de Oaxaca ha hecho de nuestra cultura de los pueblos de Oaxaca una mera marca, una experiencia, una oportunidad de negocios que se cimientan a partir del despojo, saqueo, destrucción y desprecio.
Llevamos mas de 500 años resistiendo! la lucha continua hasta alcanzar la dignidad, la justicia social y la paz de los pueblos."
Ocho Trueno
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askamuhacir02 · 7 days
Rüyamda almanların colonia dignidad işkence hapishanesine düştüğümü gördüm😭İnsan kılığına girmiş cinler vardı beni durmadan dövüp eziyet ediyorlardı. Hepsinin maskesini çıkardım(o an puff diye eridiler :) ) tek tek. Sonra da camı kırıp kaçmaya çalışırken sağ kalan şrfsz cin ayağımdan çekip geri içeri aldı yani çıkamadım :) Uyandığımda kan ter içindeydim. Allah ım hayırlara vesile etsin ama ne saçma rüyaydı😐
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