modeus-the-unbound · 1 month
You think the reason why prisoner non talkative is because she’s horrible at lying like witch and razor?
....that is an angle I never thought about. Cause her reaction to you bringing up the fact you died is to say "Oh, are we talking about that." Cause she want's to try and outsmart whatever has you both stuck like this in the loops.
She might be trying to keep her own mouth shut specifically to prevent any details from slipping. I like it.
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salty-an-disco · 2 months
Hey, random ask.
What StP proppganda do you try to preach, specifically about the Vessels. Like how Coldchary wants Adversary associated with strawberries, and I wakt to make Thorn a Spaniard.
Strawberry blond Damsel
Freckled Witch and Thorn (and also, Witch being an actual cat who can cast spells; if she’s not gonna evolve into Thorn, might as well evolve into Magic Kitty)
Agender Razor
Horsegirl Adversary
and sys4sys Quiet/Stranger (tho that one’s true to any variant of a Quiet/Princess ship, but I specifically wanna preach for Stranger love)
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coldchary2468 · 3 months
Coldchary, buddy, pal, amiga.
I fully endorse amd support your Strawberry Adversary agenda!
But at the same time....care to remind me what the full scope of that agenda is though?
Love you too mod
Anyhow I never told what the agenda was just that I had one….one that shall remain silent to the general public
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butchdykenormallen · 5 months
i heart coldchary content time. backyardigans w!!!
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modeus-the-unbound · 2 months
Shifting mound
That is one hell (hehehe) of an ask.
Shifting Mound is a goddess, but unlike most other deities in fiction she doesn't seem to gain any power from worship. I think she would be mostly ambivelant to any and all religiouns founded in her name. She would be a very absent goddess, never answering prayers or reacting to rituals of any kind...unless someone was strong enough to approach what Narrator did to her. I think if someone held power like that, they would get like 2.8 seconds to enjoy it before Shifty smites that fuck out of them.
She would support any religions founded for Long Quiet, she was so adamant they ascended into godhood with her afterall. She would be happy that others recognize what she saw in them.
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modeus-the-unbound · 23 days
So when playing slay the princess how forefront was the perspective that princess was just a captive women at your mind? Like the god and love story on the back burner here just how much did that color your perspective of princess if it did?
It actually left my mind relatively quickly because of who my Very First chapter 2 was in the Demo.
I went dowm into the basement with no knife in hand, because I didn't trust the dodgy Narrator. But after talking to Princess and not getting any straight answers, I felt she was dodgy too. Then she threatened me, "I am gonna get out eventually, so you better get on my good side." Or something like that.
So I went back upstairs to get the knife, because If you threaten me, I will arm myself. I meant to continue the conversation afterwards....but then the princess had already chewed off her arm and left it in the middle of the room. No longer a normal captive woman in my mind. Then she tore my throat out with her teeth.
So the idea she was a captive woman left my mind very quickly, and was replaced with a deep fascination of what she "Actually" was.
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modeus-the-unbound · 2 months
Magic ritual go!
Please tell me about witch and prisoner
*Poofs into the room like a genie. But this time I am in the middle of eating a samdwhich.*
Oh uh...*Clears throat*.
Prisoner and Witch are a pretty cute ship idea to me. Especially when taken into context how I enjoy Damsel and Prisoner being twins. Damsel meets Witch first and introduces the two. Prisoner barely says two words to Witch, which catches her interest. She begins to spend more time around Prisoner, causing Damsel to (in private) make well intentioned jokes about how cats always do seem to like Prisoner more. (It's cause she lets them passively chill with her, unlike the very active Damsel.)
Prisoner becomes the first Vessel to learn that Witch can pur, Prisoner was reading a book and Witch was having fun lounging and leaning against Prisoner in order to annoy her. And eventually it led to Witch rubbing her cheeck against Prisoner's shoulder and accidentally purring loudly. This made them both realize just how comfortable they had become with one another. Prisoner's no nonsense attitude helped a lot in the following conversarion. Soon Witch is sneaking into Prisoner's room at night for cuddles, (she sneaks in cause she is too prideful to let others know she is a cuddlebug.) Prisoner is the one who kisses her first, a simple chaste kiss goodbye that left Witch stunned.
They don't have a label to what they are, Witch doesn't like labels (but would be jealous if Prisoner tried to date someone else.) & Prisoner doesn't care about them. (And wouldn't be jealous of Witch tried to date someone else.) But Damsel would call them Casual Gal pals. Prisoner and Witch have gotten intimate, and neither of them want this...whatever they are, to end anytime soon.
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modeus-the-unbound · 2 months
I’m using the magic ritual!
Please give me the explanation modeus!
(For some context, this is about me saying "Witch stabbing LQ after being given the knife makes Thorn palatable.")
*Poofs into the room like a genie.* Because the narrative would be significantly lopsided, emotionally speaking. Because Princess doesn't know about the Narrator in the events that create Witch, and Witch in turn is unaware of his presence. Making LQ's action of slashing at her back look unpromted by anything other than a desire to harm her. If you could somehow plead your case to her, even by bringing up the existence of the Narrator, she would have to...for some reason...trust the word of someone who has explicitely stabbed her in the back.
It would feel shallow. Letting her kill you, a defenseless Bird, it allows her to have the same "Bloodied hands" as LQ. Regardless of what dialogue you could choose, it stops becoming about forgiveness the moment she acted upon her hatred. It became about breaking a mutual cycle of violence, and learning to trust not just eachother, but yourselves. Thorn gets to live the rest of her life (all 5 minutes of it) with the knowledge she is capable of hurting someone who didn't fight back, who couldn't truly fight back even if they wanted to.
It more importantly means that if LQ expresses regret for hurting her, she understamds them fully, and can reciprocate. Prior to continuing their cycle of hurting eachother, Witch shows no signs of being able to accept that you aren't still willing to harm her. Forgiveness in Chapter 2 would have been hollow, with a lingering doubt that would have damaged their relationship (platonic or romantic) potentially forever.
Hence why Witch giving into her hatred, and learning to regret that is infinitely better for the narrative than simply "turning the other cheek" and feeding into the fetishized version of forgivness that media tend to show.
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modeus-the-unbound · 2 months
Lovecraft gods are depicted as being asleep if they wake up the world ends as there dream is over,
Long quiet is a god and when he wakes up the world the construct is destroyed
Something something nightmare chapter
This and our previous conversation about lovecraftian horror, has me thinking of an AU. Where Nightmare (specifically Moment Of Clarity) is a former Lovecraft protagonist, who was forced to experience EVERY possible human experience, every possible life someone could live, and is now significantly worse and more dangerous than Long Quiet (in this AU) ever could be.
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modeus-the-unbound · 2 months
Considering smitten would pluck his feathers for a coat for damsel would damsel remove her skin if smitten got cold?
....maybe? Damsel seems like the kind of vessel who could dive DEEP into the self-mutilation style of body horror if properly prompted. Recall how Princess in chapter 1 can cut their hand off without "uttering a single sound" and how Prisoner decpitates herself.
I think of you even phrased something a little too literally, Damsel in her desire to make you happy, would immediately begin skinning herself with a smile on her face.
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modeus-the-unbound · 18 days
Yeah know for fun what vessel do you think each voice they be most interested in ehhhh romantically? After all being foils does not mean romantic
I think Paranoid and Cheated would appreciate both Prisoner and Adversary. They are both extremely up front Vessels in terms of personality and intent. (Prisoner doesn't outright say what she wants, like Adversary, but it is clear going to her from how Chapter 1 ended that she is focused on escape.)
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modeus-the-unbound · 3 months
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I keep trying to make it look like long quiet was crouching and I almost solved it by giving him a butt but then I realized the angle was to wide and gave up
That above sentence really ruined the creepy or sad vibe I wanted. This is the new dawn ending with princess dead.
“That’s our stoic smiling angel”
AAAAAH! Long Quiet missing his soulmate after doing what they thought was their only choice is really sweet!
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modeus-the-unbound · 17 days
It’s strawberry season you know what that means?
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I know you love Strawberry Shortcake, but unless she has the RPG-7 on her. (Check AskTheAdversary for context) this is a "Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby" situation.
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modeus-the-unbound · 3 months
I think it means something despite tower godliness she shares the trait of wearing a leotard with a rip up skirt with advasary
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And in these angels the look like pants or blend in with her hair. As far as I know no shot of advasary or eon does that at most it looks like a loincloth.
And now that I’m thinking about it adversary puts her hair up while tower keeps her lose except with fury where it’s a braid
Which again now that i think about base princess is the only other princess the most human with a braid and fury is a decrepit state for tower and adversary
With Adversary it actually makes a fair bit of sense to braid her her hair. As someone with long hair, you really...REALLY don't know how bad it is for someome to grab a handful of your loose hair midfight until it occurs.
But to focus on the Tower, the ripped and flowing dress does give her an etheral look. I think that, plus the visual of having her dress flow in a non-existant wind helps make her look more magical/grandiose. As to why it wraps around her like pants sometimes...I know your Sex Averse, but they did tell the actress to sound like a "Dommy Mommy" when voicing the Tower specifically, if I recall correctly.
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modeus-the-unbound · 2 months
Hey question why is damsel tendril thing in stranger route her hair?
In canon, no clue. So wild speculation time it is! Considering we know there is cut and altered content in StP like almost any game. Then the easy assumption is Damsel would have had some parallels to Rapunzel at some point in development of the story, but those idea simply didn't work like the devs wanted.
So they altered the story of Damsel, but didn't feel like it was worth changing that tendril in Strangers route. Especially considering how many times we the audience have seen the Stranger get an overhaul. Might have been a case of "look we are done making changes to the stranger, we have to finalize her art."
Once again, I base this all upon nothing.
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modeus-the-unbound · 3 months
What’s your favorite princess crown
I like Adversary/Eye of the Needle/Fury, the fact it's fully integrated as a pair of horns is a nice visual motif.
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