#cold cruel merciless whumpers are very good
emmettworld · 2 months
whumper: You do not deserve my kindness.
me: 👀
whumper: You have not earned my kindness yet.
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Blue Whumper + Coffee
Tw pet whump, dehumanization, beating/burning/cold water/sick mention; biting
Gets very, very energetic and scary. Hits harder, knife is less controlled, makes the worst stress position, lasts longer. Might go to far and not realize.
Likes to put whumpees in the swiveling chair and spin then till they are sick. Might add other punishments with it (like beating, throwing things at them, cold water)
Bites. Hard. Unexpectedly. Mercilessly.
Whumpees have to abide by Bonnie's will as well. She gets to eat good food and go on furniture and make requests and the whumpees don't.
If whumpees as much as THINK of saying something bad about Bonnie ('ie: it's just a plush, that's creepy, she is not real') Blue will be absolute merciless. Punishment will be as cruel as blue can think of and they will have to apologize to Bonnie afterwards.
After the caffeine leaves him he goes on a downard spiral. He gets super cuddly and sleepy and just wants to hug his pets, give them gentle cuddles and nuzzle with them to sleep.
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