#cmon guys lol
charmac · 2 months
1 of 3 blogs with access to the bathroom problem script ? why isn’t it public lol
They've been asked and begged and RCG chose to release only 10 scripts publicly, The Bathroom Problem was not one of them.
That script has only ever been privately distributed to anyone who works on the show, I have no possible idea where you might find access to something like that.
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linkvcr · 4 months
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more gratitude (by @arecaceae175) doodles! couldn't resist drawing my fave duo hehe
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southofsound · 5 months
Yeah idk man I'm just fuckin around
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chalkeater · 7 months
guys can you please stop drawing the UTDR Humans as YELLOW. (Kris and frisk)
it normalizes it for the fandom and people WILL copy you. IVE SEEN PEOPLE COPY PEOPLE. Especially seeing Frisk look like a walking asian stereotype is CRAZY . on my dash??
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here are some "quick" rvb restoration thoughts before i go to bed that i may expand upon later, in no particular order:
this movie was ABOUT tucker but tucker is not in it. there is a tucker sized hole. we see tucker only a little bit more than we see donut, but tucker is still there the whole time!!! at the beginning, i was excited for the tucker whump, but does it count if not a single character reacts to the truly horrifying news that their friend has been controlled for a few months by eight or nine ais, at least two of which have tried to kill him and everyone you love before? like even if they had retconned red and blue teams being friends (which they didn't), you're telling me that we never get to see wash's reaction to this news? carolina's? two people who lost a different friend to this exact gruesome process of de-personing? no one ever tells carolina that tucker is in there and no one objects when tex goes to fucking decapitate him? like i get that caboose was the only person to see that tucker was actually still in there, and he can't really be trusted to communicate things clearly, but they could have even just included some sort of discussion where they decide that they think that tucker would rather be dead than be dragged along in this parody of life (and with the way the ais were torturing him, he probably would have agreed.)
speaking of caboose knowing that tucker is still in there - grif and simmons abandoning caboose rubbed me SO wrong. usually if a character is trying not to involve themselves, they'll "run away" to the nearest place to hide, not GET ON A SHIP TO FLY AWAY LEAVING CABOOSE TO DIE AT POSSESSED TUCKER'S HANDS. i get why they (the writers) did it, but that doesn't mean i have to like it lol
why weren't they FRIENDS ANYMORE
where was donut
what was that wash b-plot. what did the wash b-plot add?? what it did: make me feel weird about dr. grey's character, kill doc off screen, and make wash useless in the main plot. what it did not do: make sense. when did wash get injured post chorus? why is he hallucinating, period? why was he institutionalized? (and why is the room number the same as his prison number?) why did they spend so much time on it for it to have no real conclusion? they didn't need to have this weird "wash is hanging onto the past via doc" plot to have the carolina-wash-freelancer ghost heart-to-heart. (also i have never laughed so hard as when i saw the post pointing out that they left wyoming out bc neither my friend or i noticed lol) why wouldn't he know there was a manual way to activate the recovery beacon since he was LITERALLY recovery one? so many questions, no answers. what have you done to my boy, burnie.
the pacing was ATROCIOUS. nothing happened for the first half of the movie, a bunch of stuff happened in the second half, and none of it felt resolved.
where was donut
why was everyone separated at the beginning? why was no one worried about it? where was donut? where was carolina? why was no one worried about where tucker was? had caboose been the lone blue for the few months that tucker was gone and wash was hospitalized? genuinely, my friend and i thought that the reds and caboose had been mind wiped and dropped into their undisclosed locations without knowing why, and the plot was gonna be them all reuniting and piecing together what had happened and getting tucker back. alas.
it felt like it was the grif-simmons-caboose show, which was interesting because that's not a problem i feel like i've had before with this show. even if i saw less of a particular character than i wanted to. they usually have a pretty good balance of characters and this movie felt like they suddenly Realized how many characters they had and fumbled it.
i did actually really like the tex reveal that was BOSS i LOVED IT
i have more thoughts but this is far too long already so i'll save it for later lmao
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stoshasaurus · 9 months
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a snazzy ramattra to match the zenyatta i drew earlier
i wonder who he's giving those flowers to
a non-transparent version, too:
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fragonreal · 3 months
me when I c[^:
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here's a bit of an older whiteboard doodle don't judge me ! does my gay dance
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ducktracy · 18 days
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the Harvey kids are now being used to foster gambling addictions… Hot Stuff’s fallen on hard times
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riftiee · 2 months
yet another Blu Drifter OC, Caligo.
(i will probably revise his design in the future!)
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Y’all, do you know how many replies I’ve gotten on that Brennan Lee Mulligan Game Changer post telling me I forgot about the second place episode??
No I didn’t, I vividly remember that one, I loved that one. But Brennan wasn’t deceived and tricked in that one, that’s the whole point. The whole point of that episode is he knows what is happening and is hating it, and the whole point of my post is that Brennan has been deceived like ten times by Sam at this point, it’s insane that it keeps happening, yknow?
I am an avid dropout viewer, there’s not an episode of Game Changer I have not watched multiple times, do not presume to know what I might not.
That episode doesn’t fit snugly into the themes of the post and the post was getting too long, okay?
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cryptidkreates · 11 days
can i just say in the midst of all the andrew body type discourse (i dont care draw him however you want, skinny, fat, buff as hell, as long as he's still short)
dont be talking about what is and isnt a realistic body type for a person to have.
depending on genetics and metabolism, two people can have the exact same habits and have two completely different body types. just because someone works out and is active doesnt mean they cant have a larger, stocky build. just because someone eats alot of sweets doesnt immediately mean they can't be slender or petite either. you can be any size and still be strong, it's called a sleeper build.
dont get me wrong, these things can influence how you think a character looks, but don't be going around saying that "its unrealistic" for someone to be shaped a specific way just because of how you think their eating or their activity should make them look. whats unrealistic is you saying a character that has no canon description besides blonde hair, hazel eyes, short, and benches alot can't look a certain way because "a real person couldn't look like that"
i think you'll find they do, and saying they dont is a form of body shaming <33
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catalise-comenta · 9 months
q!Badboyhalo: "you're saying that I'm hot and that you want me to die? What? Oh you and your mixed signals..."
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kidrunaway · 5 months
the headcanon that North makes herself pretty for Markus throughout the game has bothered me so bad. You can headcanon this if you want to, but to me it seems rather odd.
North doesn't always need to revolve around a man. She can make herself pretty for herself.
To me, she just wants to change her outfit and other things to embrace herself. To embrace her past. Yes, Markus did give her hope I'm not denying that, but my interpretation of her constantly changing herself (hair, nails, make up, clothes) is just to embrace herself and her last outfit really shows that. Markus just gave her the push she needed by saying that she has to know where she comes from to know who she is.
Overall a woman doesn't need to "make herself pretty" for a man. She can do it for herself! It's okay! Let north be a character on her own abeg 😭
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mitchievousness · 1 year
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KazuRei Week Day 1 - Growing Old
when miri is fully grown and moves away from the family home, the papas move to the countryside and become the unofficial elder gays in the little village
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screaming-oak · 1 year
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doodles of ellis with the gaudiest, silliest, transest pieces of clothing i could pair
written-out text (in case its hard to read) + the reference images of the shirts, hats, and earrings below the cut! :] (going left to right, top to bottom):
the hat: “i got a lobotomy at toyotathon”
the shirt: “i was gay in the whispering oaks tunnel of love and all i got was this stupid tshirt” (inspired by a text post by punkasshunter and tags by thethingost)
the hat: the infamous “women want me, fish fear me”
the shirt: “i hate being sexy but im a chick who plays bass so i can’t help it”
the hat: “my eyes are up here” with an arrow pointing upwards
the shirt: “this container transports a disease which has no cure”
the hat: “somebody special calls me grandpa”
the shirt: “autism mega truck” with a picture of a monster truck labeled “autism”
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seiwas · 2 months
unfortunately, bakugo will not load the weights onto your barbell all the time 😔
kiri however 🥹🥺🥹🥺 will stop midset to help you. will stop a treadmill too.
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