#clumsy Rami is clumsy
crewman-penelope · 9 months
Wait for it..
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zmayadw · 19 days
Okay, so I feel a bit calmer this morning, even though I still feel very much sad and disappointed with the whole Moonvale thing, but I'd like to share a few thoughts with you all, both bad and good, concerning the game.
And if you know me by now, you also know I can't write short posts expressing myself, so feel free to skip this long post! 😅
Alrighty, so let's begin:
From the moment Everbyte announced Moonvale I was very excited. As Duskwood was an amazing game, I only expected for the new game to be even more amazing. Logical, right? I never expected it to be a Duskwood sequel, and that was absoluetly ok for me, because no matter how much we all wanted and hoped for it, I was more than willing to give the team that made so wonderful and amazing game as Duskwood a chance to amaze me once more. And when they said that Duskwood will be a part of the new game as a side story, that excitement was only getting bigger.
And so here we are, two agonizing years of waiting later, only to be welcomed with this huge disappointment.
When I started with Moonvale, I really took it slowly, exploring everything carefully before even opening the chat and actually starting with the game and the story itself. And lo and behold, what do I see? No possibility for a premium package, but a lot of options for a ridiculously priced packages to buy jewels for, at that moment, who knew what, but I had a suspicion what it was for. Nonetheless, I dissmissed it for the time being, even though it was getting me a bit frustrated, and decided to move on and start with the story.
The story itself started quite good. I even started to laugh at one point realizing and thinking to myself Gosh, those Everbyte people really like the woods! The character/actor of Eric is nice, I like him, even though he seemes to be pretty clumsy! 😄
Now, the actor/character of Adam is probably the one of the rare things that amazed me from the start! His performance was so great, and I think I read it in someones post this morning how someone also thought he looks alike Rami Malek, and that was my first thought, too! Ok, so far not bad at all one would think, right? Wrong!
At first I didn't really pay attention to, or even realized it, but as other characters started to appear in the game, everything started to scream AI. The chats with those characters just didn't really feel right, you know? And I was really appalled by it. I mean, come on Everbyte, did we really come to this? Are you doubting in your capability of creating something great so much, when we know you damn well CAN do it? Or has the usage of AI became so much needed/mandatory ( I don't know what word to put here really or to explain it better), that you cannot do anything without it? Considering so many creators of all kinds are fighting so hard to stop it from being used in everything, I suppose no. But then again, I don't know if my knowledge about it is sufficient enough, but I can voice out my opinion, and I don't like it at all!
Ok, I have to admit, the chat with Ash about us and Duskwood wasn't bad,or the chat between Ash and Charlie about us, but that is all good(ish) I can say about that.
By this time I was really getting annoyed and frustrated, and as some of you might saw one of my post from yesterday, when it gotten really interesting in the story and my insufficient amount of jewels prevented me from seeing some photos/videos, I was so fucking angry and disappointed that I was very VERY close to just drop the whole thing and stop playing. But I continued, just for the sake to finish it.
And when I finally did finish it, not even the last video of Alan's body camera, or the message after that from Jake, lifted my spirit. All I could think of was how sad and disappointed I was. :(
I really expected an amazing and great game from Everbyte, considering Duskwood is one of THE BEST games I have played. But to get money grabbing, AI screaming thing, that was looking so promising...it just saddens me. I know they need to make money somehow, I'm well aware of it, but not like this. Not like this!
Will I continue playing it? Yes, I probably will, but mostly because I want to see how it will continue with the Duskwood sidestory. Also, I read people are considering using the mod pack if/when it becomes available so they can see the premium/special options, but I won't do that. I don't judge anyone here, do what you want, this is just my opinion, but no matter what, I still have respect towards the creators, and using those mod packs just doesn't feel right to me.
So again, yes, I will continue with Moonvale, but neither will I pay for special options (unless they by some miracle make it like with Duskwood, which I doubt but one can hope!), nor will I use the mod pack of any kind. And I really REALLY hope by all thats sacred, that as the Duskwood side story advances, those jewels won't be necessary to use there, because in that case, that's it from me, sayonara/ goodbye/farewell/adios to Moonvale completely. At least I will always have Duskwood.
Thanks to anyone who managed to read till the end! 💚 Take care all, and let's hope that all this won't get any more worse than it already is!
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bloodcrosses · 11 months
Imagine being Rami Malek, reading the script for Oppenheimer and seeing you seem to be portrayed as a clumsy assistant...
And then (Huge spoiler alert)
You get the opportunity to rip the fucker who treats you like shit (Dr. Hill is, well, a fucking DOCTOR. Strauss treats him like a silly assistant. He had every right to knife Strauss right in the back and he took it).
Also, he made sure to praise Oppenheimer, something none of Strausess' arsekissers would to do.
Hill told truth, and fuck the consequences.
He was a goddamn hero and I'm saddened Hill has no real fanfic. Y'ALL RESPECT THIS MAN.
Lastly - I know RDJ will get it, but Rami deserves Best Supporting Actor for that scene. It was dynamite with a goddamn laser beam.
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flipper-kisses · 10 months
lol anon back (same anon that listed why Rami is amazing)! I got more 🙃
He’s our clumsy king and owns it
He fell at the Oscars, fell/pushed off a side railing, did parkour only to fall when he started running on the ground (it was a Mr. Robot blooper), fell backwards in a fucking chair, and tripped during the Red Carpet at the Met Gala. This man literally trips over air and himself but we still love him ❤️
Spending time with Emma who is non-binary
Literally does make a difference because it helps non-binary people feel like they’re noticed!
Puts so much thought and consideration i to his characters and roles!
Just think about all he had to do for “The Pacific”, “Mr. Robot”, and “Bohemian Rhapsody”! Definitely lots of dedication and hard work and passion for his roles, like wow. 
Rami’s hair
Never gets old and I love his curly hair era! Also wavy hair too! Wonderful hair lol
He has great expectations for his roles
In an interview, Rami was asked if he was happy about “Night at the Museum” casting a pharaoh correctly. Rami’s reaction literally said, “that shouldn’t be something to be super overly happy about, it should just be casted correctly”. Good expectations honestly. 
Rami was the side character for so damn long and steals every scene he’s in
Rami is literally amazing in all scenes he does and even if he’s not the main character, all eyes are on him (at least mine are 😌)
He’s one of the best versatile actors I think I’ll ever witness!
This man has literally played: a gay teenager who was crushing on his best friend
traumatized war veteran who has a thick Cajun accent
an iconic and memorable lead band singer
Alcatraz prisoner who plays the violin
ancient mummy pharaoh that comes to life at night
hacker with d.i.d and ptsd
a doctor named Adam Terry
random dude in Battle Ship
a vampire with a cool scarf
a mountain man and in real life Rami gets the chance to squabble in a tiny boat with his identical twin lmao (best sibling fight we’ll ever witness, @the-real-ramimalekpeen have you used this scene for Twin Tuesday yet?)
a 6’0 tall guy in a video game who was said to most likely have schizophrenia
a dude with a beard
a weirdo guy in the literal fucking show “BoJack Horseman”
and like so many other characters I’m choosing not to describe
Already said he was a “bad boy” and pranks people but he’s literally really funny 
Have you seen him in different interviews? Such a charmer and pretty funny as well.
Like the interview with Charlie Hunnam where there was a question about Rami’s eye color and he and Charlie were teasing each other and trying to find out Rami’s eye color. Then some pictures are also pretty funny.
Also the “DoLittle” game with Robert Downey Jr (Rami’s whole outfit and appearance during the Ellen Show with Robert Downey Jr 😩👌 literally here for his outfit, freaking immaculate lmao)
“wE sHot LiVe aiD oN dAy onE” 
That’ll be in my head forever, thanks Rami
“A playful smooch”
I don’t think I’ll recover from the shocked looks on everybody’s faces when Rami exposed how he had a kiss with Daniel Craig. 
His fans are wonderful 
This man has the best real fans. Which includes the fan artists, fanfic writers, and people who just appreciate him and/or his films! also people who stand up for him which is YOU Flipper and RamiPeen 👏
Photo shoots
How can you look at his photo shoots and NOT smile??? Precious but also sexy man. 
Again he has a literal soft spot for children
That one time where I’m pretty sure he read a book to a few children
Best hugs
He seriously gives the sweetest and warmest hugs. Like can I get a hug?? 🫂 
Oppenheimer moments
I don’t care what anyone says about his role in Oppenheimer. He had literally eight minutes of screen time yet still went for the fucking jugular and was successful. 
The bulge
He has no shame and no, I won’t expand on this except… @the-real-ramimalekpeen 😉
Doesn’t give a fuck about haters
Lmao y’all hated Rami in Amsterdam and thought his character was stupid? Well he probably doesn’t give a shit (or is obliviously living his best life) lmao. 
Ages like fine wine 
God he looks like he’s in his fucking thirties in so many pictures. Raise your hand if you ever looked at a picture of him and thought, “oh a picture when he was in his twenties!” and it turns out the picture was taken in his fucking 40s… a few days ago… Unproblematic people age perfectly. 
His smile makes me smile
Could he be any cuter??? His smile literally is so wonderful.  
Most caring thing you’ll see all day and is husband material
When he was giving Emma his jacket, comforting the woman (friend) who was crying and thanking the waitress, and so many other events 🥺
Okay anyways got even more than this lol… sorry for rambling on about our Rami. I’m just so happy I finally get the chance to share my Rami findings and thoughts I’ve collected over the years.
I love your love for him!
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doctorcanon · 2 years
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All the Main Characters in Negative Bloom Organized by Appearance. 
Lord Corleone Marsalis (FC: Aldis Hodge): Age: 35. A Provincial Governor who thinks that as long as everything is stays peaceful his PTSD doesn’t matter. A friendly extrovert at heart and a good father but sometimes overbearing. He means well and is a genuinely good person who really just wants to take care of everyone. A close friend of King Raine of Nyanda and really struggling with the man’s imminent mortality. Was eating breakfast when he received word of Victoria Belmont’s murder
Khilana (FC: Zendaya): Age: ???. Not a human but a “Saint” a creature that is essentially made of magic and doesn’t age very quickly. Looks very similar to Corleone and is often mistaken for his sister or daughter so he’s more or less adopted her. Despite this acts like a typical easily bored but bubbly teenage girl who doesn’t know her own strength. Assists with Victoria Belmont’s autopsy.
Lead Cultivator Zhao Huan Chen (FC: Song Ji Yang): Age 25. The Head Cultivator for Marsalis’s Temple and religious authority of the province. Very young for his position. Suffers from a chronic illness that has shortened his life by several years. Has a heart of service and is deeply compassionate but is also deeply and existentially exhausted. Conducts Victoria Belmont’s autopsy and participates in the ensuing investigation.
“Honored Sister” Tian Gong-Er (FC: Jihae): Age: 95? The person who killed Victoria Belmont in broad daylight. She not only claims that she’s an important religious figure that’s supposed to be dead, she’s also appears several years younger. Condescending, grumpy, stoic and nothing like the person she claims to be. Lost her right arm during the war. Lives to irritate people like Corleone.
Guildmaster Yale Drake (FC: Booboo Stewart): Age 32. A former mercenary turned loyal right hand of the Warrior King Sathvik. Searching for a man named Virgil who he claims is an asset to his king. An asshole with a heart of gold who’s kind of vain and hates rich people. A widower who has only been living as a man for about eight years, still hasn’t gotten some of his official documents changed. Doesn’t know Victoria Belmont but meny similar incidents have happened in his country.
Doctor Jivin Cross (FC: Rami Malek): Age 21. Assistant to Doctor Damien Caruso of Fairmont Magic Science University. Shy, clumsy and a little annoying. Already has a rapport with the church and the Marsalis Family so he’s speaking to the king about his condition on behalf of Dr. Caruso. Khilana is quite enamored with him which terrifies him. Didn’t know Victoria Belmont but a similar incident happens as his university.
Princess Maria del Ignacio (FC: Isabela Merced): Age: 15? The bratty little sister of the young King Zargoza. While her brother is trying to end a war, she only has fighting and snacks on her mind. Isn’t actually human but doesn’t know it yet. She doesn’t seem to understand what’s going on around her and tends to be very rude and demanding of other people. Currently under the careful watch of Nyanda’s Royal Family. Doesn’t know or care about Victoria Belmont. 
Virgil Grave Winchester (FC: Ayano Go): Age: 30. A quiet, unassuming man who works as a custodian at Fairmont university. A refugee in a country that is only begrudgingly welcoming to them. Can’t cast magic but will instantly throw hands. Almost entirely mute. He can say one or two words at a time but otherwise only speaks in sign language. Knew the person who killed the REAL Victoria Belmont. 
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Year One (2009, Harold Ramis)
Year One is a 2009 comedy film written and directed by Harold Ramis, in his last cinematic experience.
Zed and Oh are two primitive and clumsy cavemen, a hunter and a gatherer respectively, who after being banished from their village begin a long biblical journey, encountering Cain as he kills Abel.
They are then enslaved by the guards of Sodom and meet Abraham just before he sacrifices his son Isaac, and Zed stops the ritual, saying that he is a messenger of God: they are thus invited to Abraham's house and, after having dinner, the young man Isaac safely takes Zed and Oh to Sodom, where Abraham plans to circumcise them.
Here they are captured again but, just before being sodomized by the soldiers, Cain, who has also become a soldier, comes to their aid, calling them "brothers" and managing to save them.
At the palace, Zed sees Maya and Eema, reduced to slaves, serving at the banquet, while Oh is forced to follow the High Priest for a "rite", that of sensually anointing his entire body behind a curtain; Zed later sees Inanna again, who takes him to the Holy of Holies and asks him to enter, believing him to be "the Chosen One". At first both are sentenced to death by stoning, but Zed fortunately manages to convince the authorities to have mercy and instead sentence them to hard labor until their deaths.
The following morning the king of Sodom declares that he will sacrifice his daughter and two virgins (Maya and Eema, according to Cain the "followers of the Chosen One") to the gods.
The protagonists Jack Black and Michael Cera are supported by a large cast: among others, Olivia Wilde plays the role of Princess Inanna, Christopher Mintz-Plasse plays Isaac while Hank Azaria plays the role of Abraham. The film's director Harold Ramis plays Adam while Rhoda Griffis is Eve, also Kyle Gass is Zaftig the Eunuch, Bill Hader plays a shaman and Vinnie Jones the chief of the guards of Sodom. Finally Paul Rudd plays Abel.
Filming of the film, which took place during January 2008, took place between Louisiana and New Mexico, considered "the end of the world" in the film.
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
'Many characters come and go in Oppenheimer, and there are plenty of cameos that cause a major impression on the audience. More than just small characters who appear to say one or two lines, these characters are highly impactful to the story despite their brief screen time, and no better way to impact viewers than casting renowned movie stars to take over these roles.
Oppenheimer is one of Christopher Nolan's most ambitious projects and covers the real-life story of the controversial J. Robert Oppenheimer, the mastermind behind the creation of the atomic bomb. Following Oppenheimer from his younger years until the aftermath of World War II, the extensive set of characters and the powerful cameos add up to a rich, nuanced narrative around one of the world's most complex historical figures.
James D'Arcy as Patrick Blackett
James D'Arcy appears right at the beginning of the film as Patrick Blackett, a ruthless professor whom Oppenheimer attempted to poison during his academic years. Blackett was a renowned British experimental physicist, graced with a Nobel Prize in 1948 for his impressive discoveries in the field of cloud chamber research and cosmic radiation.
Despite his scandalous act at the beginning of the film, Oppenheimer appears to feel great admiration for Blackett when he reappears in the film some years later. D'Arcy is better known for his role in Cloud Atlas and previously appeared in another war movie from Nolan, Dunkirk.
Kenneth Branagh as Niels Bohr
Kenneth Branagh is a prolific director and veteran actor who starred in many of his own movies, including Hamlet and Henry V. Oppenheimer marks his third collaboration with Nolan as he takes over the role of Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist and Nobel Prize winner portrayed as an expert on atomic structure and quantum theory, therefore one of Oppenheimer's idols.
At the beginning of the film, Bohr and Oppenheimer meet at Cambridge and the physicist almost eats Blackett's poisoned apple. Bohr has another major cameo in the Christmas sequence set in Los Alamos, in which he advises Oppenheimer about the bomb, but claims he won't be assisting them in their tests.
Matthias Schweighöfer as Werner Heisenberg
Werner Heisenberg was one of the most brilliant minds of his time and planted a necessary seed of uncertainty in the physics field by coming up with pioneering theories around quantum mechanics. Since Heisenberg was a German, his genius turned him into a looming menace when World War II kicked off: in Oppenheimer, the Americans didn't know how cooperative Heisenberg would be towards the Nazis and the tension about building a bomb first was through the roof.
Matthias Schweighöfer plays Heisenberg when Oppenheimer meets him by chance in Göttingen; two brilliant men who immediately strike up a friendship before the war turned them into enemies. Schweighöfer is a German actor but stars also in American productions such as Army of the Dead and Valkyrie.
Casey Affleck as Boris Pash
Casey Affleck features one of Oppenheimer's most anxiety-inducing scenes as Boris Pash, an American military with a special dislike for communists. Oppenheimer briefly touches on Pash's turbulent background; the son of a Russian priest, he would join the White Army and fight against the Bolsheviks, becoming a hardcore anti-communist military in America.
In the film, Oppenheimer doesn't know anything about Pash when he's interrogated by him; on the other hand, Pash knows every detail of Oppenheimer's controversial file. The result is an unnerving face-off in which every word said could put those Oppenheimer swore to protect in danger, consequently sealing the fate of his dear friend Chevalier.
Rami Malek as David Hill
When Rami Malek first appears as David Hill, he seems to be just a clumsy academic trying to make a difference in the debate around the ethics of the atomic bomb, attempting to persuade Oppenheimer to sign his petition. Later in the film, Malek becomes an absolute scene-stealer when Hill takes a pivotal role in Strauss' Senate hearing, exposing the chairman's personal vendetta against Oppenheimer. In real life, Hill was an associate experimental physicist at the University of Chicago's Metallurgical Laboratory.
James Remar as Henry Stimson
James Remar plays Henry Stimson in Oppenheimer, the Secretary of War appointed by former President Franklin Roosevelt and the key player in the atomic bomb program at the end of World War II, advising President Truman to use it and directing the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.
He appears once in Oppenheimer in a scene that will definitely give rise to heated discussions: Stimson summons Oppenheimer, generals, and other influential war figures to discuss where's going to be the target of the atomic bomb, treating the subject with outrageous indifference and taking Kyoto off the list simply because it was the place he went with his wife for honeymoon.
Gary Oldman as Harry S. Truman
Although President Harry S. Truman is mentioned multiple times throughout Oppenheimer's 180 minutes, he only appears in person once, during a face-to-face meeting with Oppenheimer in the aftermath of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. As Oppenheimer tries to explain the dangers of further uses of the atomic bomb, Truman dismisses his concerns and calls him a "crybaby" behind his back.
Truman is played by veteran actor Gary Oldman, and it isn't the first time the actor plays major historical figures in cinema: in JFK, he impersonated the infamous Lee Harvey Oswald, and in 2017, he played Winston Churchill in Darkest Hours, an iconic performance that earned him an Oscar, and also Herman Mankiewicz in Mank, the man who co-wrote Citizen Kane's screenplay.
David Dastmalchian as William L. Borden
David Dastmalchian makes a quick cameo as William L. Borden, an American lawyer and a former member of the United States Congress Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. In Oppenheimer, Borden unites forces with Lewis Strauss in an attempt to sabotage Oppenheimer's security clearance, holding the knife of a bureaucratic scheme by filing an extensive complaint against the father of the atomic bomb.
Alden Ehrenreich as Senate Aide to Lewis Strauss
Alden Ehrenreich gets his time to shine in Oppenheimer's third act, playing the role of a senate aide to Lewis Strauss. Through his conversation with Strauss, viewers finally learn that Strauss was the one pulling the strings of the scheme to destroy Oppenheimer's political influence. His position as senate aide prevents him from disclosing the truth to authorities, but his expression after Strauss' defeat says everything he thinks about the farse.
Tom Conti as Albert Einstein Tom Conti features the most important cameo in Nolan's epic historical drama, taking over the role of renowned scientist Albert Einstein. In the film, Einstein is already at the end of his career, contemplating the consequences of his legacy in a world shattered by another World War. Away from the action, he's merely an observer, and sometimes, a mentor, although he doesn't seem interested in being one.
Einstein appears in two of the film's pivotal moments: first when Oppenheimer comes looking for advice regarding a possible chain reaction that could ignite the atmosphere. Einstein's last appearance occurs when the two reunite in the aftermath of World War II, a moment replayed multiple times throughout the movie and seen from different perspectives; it's only in Oppenheimer's very last scene that viewers get to see what Oppenheimer says to Einstein that hurt him so deeply.'
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I need a new niche interest to obsess over and I’m not able to pick. Can you infodump about your own hyperfixations so I can adopt one of them?
OOooooo Well I know you're probably here from my TF2 fixations so I won't go into that, but in case you're not familiar with Team Fortress 2: Video Game with Two team that are identical in all but color fight in a war they can never die from. Also every single one of them is insane. And I don't mean in the hip cool way. I mean LITERALLY insane. And the ones who aren't literally insane aren't much better as they are mercenaries. The comics and the "Meet the Team" videos are really full of fun and personality.
Next up is my current hyperfixation: Ghostbusters! It's a ghost hunting story but with the use of science and comedy. I like Egon the best. Ray is a close second. Egon and Ray are FOR SURE on the spectrum. You cannot convince me otherwise. Also they handle the smart characters aren't just derpy clumsy goobers....they're scientists and...ya know...PEOPLE, not a stereotype. Also just so you know; I love Winston so much, he's so normal and precious. But really its's a light hearted story about saving the world from ghosts. The cartoon "The Real Ghostbusters" Is also a joy! It's also canonical that all versions of the Ghostbusters exist in different universes. A fun way to keep everything separate but also acknowledge the work done within the fanchise. Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis (The actors who played Ray and Egon respectively) wrote the movie with the idea that they aren't so much heroes....as they are exterminators. Trust me, give the movies a watch, the comics a perusal, and the cartoon a chance. It's all a whole lot of fun.
I'm sure I have more...but I'll have to save it for later.
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kareemsalah · 1 year
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✽ . ˚ &. 「 RAMY YOUSSEF. 30. MALE. HE/HIM. 」 KAREEM SALAH occupies LEVEL SIX: #601. you'll know THE AQUARIUS is home if you hear tip toe by YUNG NUGGET blasting through their speakers. the DOORDASH DRIVER has been living in wisteria for ONE YEAR. since then they've built a reputation for being excitable and gullible, typical for THE SLACKER.
NAME: Kareem Salah
AGE: thirty
GENDER: male
PRONOUNS: he/him
SEXUALITY: heterosexual
HOMETOWN: naperville, il
EDUCATION: BFA in graphic design from Columbia College Chicago
OCCUPATION: doordash driver
Kareem aka ‘Kimo’ is known for having no direction in life. He moved to LA purely on a whim, but he tells everyone it was to escape Chicago’s cold weather
He’s clumsy as hell and the definition of having two left feet
The guy rambles, especially when he’s nervous. Knowing when to shut the hell up is not his strong suit
He frequently messes up and delivers his doordash orders to the wrong place. He’s not sure how he still has a job 
He generally sucks at most tasks that require any kind of executive functioning, which is basically everything in life. While he hasn’t gotten an official diagnosis of being ADHD, it does run in his family
Clothing style is whatever happens to be clean and doesn’t smell particularly bad that day
He’s Mo Salah’s biggest fanboy. And no, he’s not related
Ramy grew up in the suburbs of Chicago to Egyptian immigrant parents, who fit the stereotype of all immigrant parents in their quest to give their kids a better life
He has one older brother and a younger sister. Being the middle child meant he got overlooked a lot, his parents not really caring what he did
That freedom meant he did whatever the hell he wanted. Being born a boy in Arab culture was like a limitless ‘get out of jail free’ card, where no matter what mistake he made, he was always forgiven
His parents coddling did him no favors, their son growing up both aimless and disinterested in most things in life, focused on one thing and one thing only: partying
By the time he graduated from college he had done it all. And the moment he walked across that stage, he fell into depression, seeing all his buddies make something of themselves and their lives
For several years after graduating he hopped from job to job. He’s worked at hookah lounges, vape shops, delivered pizzas, sold phones, was a valet, an usher, a gas station attendant, and a car salesman.
He’s never really managed to keep a job longer than six-eight months. His job as a doordash driver is his longest stint yet
Though he has a graphic design degree he’s never been able to use it. His inability to see a task through to completion meant he was never able to keep any design job for long
While he may not have his shit together, he still thinks he’s at least a really nice guy. Even if he’s got zero self-awareness
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crewman-penelope · 2 years
Headcanon Sami Malek
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Early bird, even on sunday
Church goer
100 % at work as a teacher, in need to let every of his student feel looked after and cherished
Overly correct at work, but clumsy at home
Nevertheless, loves house chores, as also to cook
Don't like to make laundry, despises ironing
Teached by mama Nelly of course, he knows all her favourite dishes
At least once a month cooking season with his brother - and when the time table fits, his not yet sil.
If times allow at least one Saturday with Rami alone, cinema, bowling, or just hanging out.
He sees his sister Yasmine more often and cherish every minute to watch his nices and nephews.
Family gathering mostly happend in mama Nellys house
In his free time he still works for his students. Preparing papers, attending summer classes or online courses to build his own knowledge, as also language courses for student in needs
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milarvela · 2 years
I was at the movies. This trailer looked interesting. Other highlights were hearing Somebody to Love in another trailer and also a bit of Freddie singing in a Coca-Cola ad. A tad odd since I watched Elvis, well, an actor lacking his charm, smirk, humour and sexiness while sporting very white teeth (I thought those were out of fashion now) and distractingly cartoonish lips, not sure if he had cheekbones either (those lips were so lippy), trying to wiggle his hips convincingly. As if any idiot couldn’t have told that it’s the gorgeous smile with the prominent cheekbones and all that should’ve been mimicked first and foremost.
Anyways, it was another misery tale, very much like Bohemian Rhapsody, and Tom Hanks was doing a voice that sounded even more awkward than Rami Malek's whiny Freddie. This Parker just wasn't believable. Nobody would buy a used car from him because of the voice alone. And all that boring talk about snow. Maybe it was meant to have a meaning. But please just shut up and concentrate on the music and maybe show a bit more of Elvis' private life. Make a separate movie about Parker. Could actually be interesting.
The best performance in this movie was Tutti Frutti. Not by Austin Butler as Elvis. Lol, what's with shoving in all those other artists? Poor Elvis, a third rate copy of others. Was that the idea? If so, why not make a biopic of the genuine original performers instead of the poor, miserable copycat? Well, judging by this movie, the highlight of Elvis’ career was fighting for his right to move in a certain way. Okay?
Also finally saw Doctor Strange. I think it was too much for my ability to concentrate and comprehend. I mean, there was a woman who wanted to be a mother but instead of getting children of her own, she stole somebody else's, although it looked like the same actress in both roles. I don't get it. More bafflingly, how was she the villain of the movie and the whole point of the multiverse travelling? Some woman wanting kids? Lol, they really have run out of interesting villains. Well, at least it was different.
The actress gave me soap star vibes, at least until she had to play a sort of zombie. That was funny. Especially the weird underground chase scene with Strange & co stopping to wait for her next move. What was the idea? To build up tension? Moronic. Anyways, couldn't give two shiny shits about who got the kids and what happened to the characters. Just as indifferent as about the latest Bond with its poutyface and her daughter. Speaking of which, 007 made an appearance, and I haven't a clue why. Patrick Stewart was there too, trapped inside a yellow high chair, which was fun. The word illuminati was fun too. So many clumsy jokes, though I did laugh at the cloak trying to wake up Strange. And at the third eye. Not sure if it was meant to be funny. The post credits joke was the worst. So embarrassing. I don't even get why Strange did that to a random guy in the first place. Not cool.
I didn't find America and her relationship with Strange as annoying as I had feared. Except for Strange calling her a kid all the time. Couldn't he remember her name? Aren’t Americans supposed to be inserting each other’s names everywhere? Also, you'd think she'd wanted to find her mums with that power of hers but apparently she couldn't control it. Until she suddenly inexplicably could, and still didn't fuck off to find them. Really? But since I don’t know anything about her and the mums, I guess I wasn’t expected to mind.
Not enough of both Benedicts together, but I was kind of prepared for that. Here's a better movie: multiversions of Strange (I liked the ones I saw) and both Benedicts having an epic adventure together trying to deal with them and travelling in different universes. Skip the extra characters. Or if you must, make Benedicts help America find her mums. Wouldn’t even writers with little imagination have thought that more worthy a mission than a story about random woman’s confusion about motherhood?
I quite like Christine. Don't know why she got married. Who is that husband of hers? Maybe it’s been explained in one of those TV shows I haven't seen. Did he even say/do anything? What was the point of having him there? Well, they got to show a church full of a very diverse set of people. Even more diverse than at that hidey hole where everybody was prepared for an epic battle against that one wannabe mother. I think they lost too. Well, nobody in the movie cared, so why should I? But shouldn’t America at least have realised that the sparkles are useless? Become a mother instead.  
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patroclws · 4 years
i love rami he's trying so hard to be normal on that alternative reality but for zeus' sake he can't
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ramicastiel · 5 years
"pick him up" reminds me at the oscars when someone just.. picked him up from dangling over the orchestra pit like he weighed nothing fjfkkf .. he's so... tiny
HDHDHDHD yeah omg!!
Literally just scooped him up in one arm like a kitten!! Also applicable: that scene in papillon where Charlie picks him up to dump him into a cart. Jdjdjd Rami's just. Very small.
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Rami: falls after receiving his Oscar and had EMTs tend to him
Everyone else: omg I hope he’s okay
Me: wow what a fucking idiot 😍
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givemequeen · 5 years
rami malek falling off stage
is STILL cannot get over the fact Rami Malek fell off the stage because thats something i would do....
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hoeforrami · 5 years
I love rami to bits but
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Okay I still love him he's my clumsy awkward baby boy
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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