#cloud security Australia
jcmarchi · 3 months
Aussie data breach report exposes supply chain risks - CyberTalk
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/aussie-data-breach-report-exposes-supply-chain-risks-cybertalk/
Aussie data breach report exposes supply chain risks - CyberTalk
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Approximately 60% of Australian organizations lack a comprehensive understanding of third-party data breach risks, with over 50% failing to implement impactful measures to assist with long-term third-party risk management. Authorities are concerned…
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s recent data breach report highlights growing concern over supply chain risks and breaches. The report reveals a significant number of multi-party incidents.
These often originate from cloud or software providers, raising questions about awareness of and efforts to mature supply chain security measures.
Commonly reported incidents, catalyzed by supply chain breaches, include phishing, compromised account credentials and ransomware.
OAIC response
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) is intensifying its pursuit of regulatory actions against organizations that have experienced data breaches. Civil penalties are being exacted through the Federal Court.
In particular, Australia is prioritizing actions in cases where there were clear failures to adhere to reporting requirements and obvious lapses around protecting personal information. This includes situations where organizations have left data vulnerable by retaining it for undue lengths of time.
“As the guardians of Australians’ personal information, organisations must have security measures in place to minimise the risk of a data breach. If a data breach does occur, organisations should put the individual at the front and centre of their response, ensuring they are promptly told so their risk of harm can be minimized,” said Australian Information Commissioner Angelene Falk.
Steps for organizations
An organization’s third-party risk management approach should be unique to the given enterprise on account of who it works with, its role in the larger ecosystem, regulatory requirements, data protection requirements and risk tolerance.
There are numerous ways in which to go about being more proactive around third-party risk. As a strong initial step, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner recommends, among other things, embedding risk management into third-party contractual agreements.
If your organization is just starting out in this area or would like to improve existing agreements, consider the following:
Define clear expectations and requirements
Establish well-defined SLAs. They should clearly outline cyber security expectations and requirements for all parties.
Specify ownership of data. Clearly define who is responsible for which data and how it can or cannot be used.
Address access and use of customer data. Ensure that data handling aligns you’re your organization’s privacy and security standards.
Call out data retention. Define how long data can be stored for. Specify when it should be securely deleted.
Create backup and contingency plans
Retain backup vendors for critical services. Should one provider fail for whatever reason, your organization will be able to quickly switch to an alternative without operational disruption.
Have a data breach response plan. Roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined. Establish communication channels and procedures for notifying affected parties, should a breach occur.
Regularly monitor and assess
Conduct risk assessments. Understand third-party security practices and evaluate risk posture.
Conduct compliance audits. Conduct audits in order to verify compliance with contractual obligations. Ensure that third-parties adhere to agreed upon cyber security measures.
Further thoughts
In our global business landscape, supply chain risk management is a critical practice. By limiting supply chain breaches, organizations protect their reputations, avoid emergency costs, and reduce the potential for risk management related lawsuits — Which, again, are about to affect a number of organizations in Australia.
If you’d like to get ahead of potential regulatory and legal challenges, be sure to read A CISO’s Guide to Preventing Downstream Effects (And Litigation) After a Breach.
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dgcloudconsultancy · 6 months
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technomasterglobal · 1 year
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We provide online live Cloud Computing Training in Liverpool by Industry Experts at TechnoMaster. Visit the site to attend a trial class. Contact +919895490866 for more information. Learn topics such as Overview Cloud and Google Cloud Platform, Virtual Machines, Cloud IAM, Data Storage Services, App Engine, Functions, Cloud Run, Resource Management, Resource Monitoring, Interconnecting Networks, Load Balancing and Autoscaling, Google Kubernetes Engine, Maintenance and Monitoring Cloud Migrations etc
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ipcommunications · 1 year
Cloud-Based VoIP Phone Systems – The Backbone For Small Businesses
Several reasons have contributed to the popularity of VoIP phone systems for small officers. One top reason is that it gives users access to a whole plethora of features and tools that can be used for business purposes. These modern-day office phone systems come with features like auto-attendant, music on hold, voicemail to email, and so on. With all these features, these phone systems have become a popular alternative to traditional landline phones and, at the same time, serve the employees in several other ways.
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Cloud-based VoIP office phone systems have also gained massive popularity; as a matter of fact, they have a number of benefits that we will discuss in this post.
Cloud-Based Voip
The first benefit is that, as a business owner, you will not have to install any special hardware or equipment. It will use your Internet to store your information, calls, messages, and contacts in the cloud telephone systems. It is the latest technology in terms of business communications, and it appeals the most to businesses that don't have the budget to hire an IT team.
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Other Major Benefits This System Is Scalable
Compared to traditional VoIP phone systems for small offices, this system is scalable per your business. To add new lines, you will not have to put in any hard work at all, and you will also not have to change phone systems as your company grows.
Easy Configuration and Management
Compared to other office phone systems, it is incredibly easy to configure and manage this system. You can change your office hours, your greeting, you can add a department line, or even start an office in another state or location. Everything can be done in just a few minutes with the help of the Internet and also no specialised training would be required for the same.
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Easy To Install and Use
There is no major equipment needed to run this system, and this makes it very easy to install and use. It is the most straightforward phone system for small offices that can be configured very quickly, and with cloud-hosted small business systems, your business will become fast.
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salesforcescouts · 1 year
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chaosology · 10 months
only slightly
— Sam Kerr x reader
based off these requests, where Sam is only slightly mad that Y/N got hurt
There was something in the air that night. Your relationship with Sam had blossomed from teammates to more than friends only eight months prior, a secret well hidden from the public.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want people to know, but you just wanted to enjoy each other in private. The photos that decorated your walls were for your eyes only, pictures of arms around waists and kisses on cheeks during tender moments. You knew a small part of Sam wanted to show you off, grab you by the hand and twirl you with a “that’s my girl” expression, but even she was enjoying the privacy and security.
Your sport wasn’t easy - you fell, tripped and tumbled constantly. You knew the game's rough edges, the unpredictability of injuries, and the unspoken understanding of pushing through pain. You know you have to get back up and push aside whatever you feel to keep going. Concern never takes precedence.
Unless it’s her.
Witnessing the person you cherish hit the ground evokes a unique kind of terror. Resilience fades as love clouds your vision, and it’s so incredibly hard to not run over and protect them in the only way you know how.
Despite this, you and Sam had remained professional (even though it was incredibly hard). There hadn’t been many occurrences; one of the examples being when Sam was booted in the face, and you clapped her on the back when she sat back up. The cameras didn’t catch the whispered I love you’s, though.
“You right?” you heard Kyra say as she nudged you.
You offered only a stiff nod in response. It was the quarter finals, giving your team the opportunity to make history for Australia in the World Cup. Sam was giving a speech, her hands moving animatedly with a few fucks thrown in here and there. You could tell she was stressed too. It was her dream being here, but all she could feel was the weight of the world on her shoulders.
As you moved out to position, you could feel a hand brush against yours, her pinky intertwining with yours for only the briefest of seconds. It was a silent reassurance of which you treasured, offering a smile and cheeky wink back. Sam just laughed, moving out to her spot You didn’t miss the way she turned back to look at you.
You were beginning to feel the heat. Both teams were 0-0 and there was 20 minutes left. Every player on the field was getting more aggressive, weaving in and out strategically. You couldn’t help but feel annoyed, though. Mini had been tripped up twice by the same player and Kyra had taken a hit to the head - in what seemed to be calculated attacks. The referee didn’t seem to care, as nobody had been carded or even lightly reprimanded. What a joke.
Running up and down the field had began to tire you, a familiar tight feeling returning to your chest. The stress of the game was taking its toll, and you wondered if Sam was doing ok. She was down the other side of the pitch, but you could still see her meet your eye and smile. In seconds, you had turned back to see the ball heading your way. You took off, weaving through the opposition as you made your way towards the goal.
What you didn’t predict, though, was a player on the other team not only barreling into you, but shoving you hard on the way down. Her hands were at your shoulders, forcing your head at the ground. Feeling slightly spiteful in the heat of the moment, you grabbed the neck of her shirt and forced her down with you. It was only fair, right?
The white hot pain spread throughout your head like a wildfire, your eyes closing as your hands came to cradle your face. You could taste the blood on your lips the familiar searing sensation returned to your ankle, which had healed only weeks earlier. The force of impact had blurred your vision slightly, and you were surprised to see that the other girl had ran off the game was continuing.
Couldn’t they see that you were hurt? Why hadn’t they stopped? The referee didn’t even glance at you.
Sam had seen you take a tumble from the corner of her eye, losing focus when the ball came her way. She didn’t look back over until she noticed the crowd’s chanting change to yells of anger and concern. Her eyes flitted over the field, where were you? Who was that curled up on the ground?
She was running in an instant, yelling for someone to grab the medics and the referee as she made her way to you. The referee had finally taken notice, signalling a pause in gameplay she took her sweet, fucking time walking over.
All urges to keep the relationship private had left her body as Sam crouched to pull you to her. She sat behind you as the medics checked your pupils and made sure it wasn’t urgent. The referee was having an animated conversation with the player who had pushed you, insisting that you had pulled her down. The ref looked to you, asking question after question that you didn’t even clock.
“Give her a fucking minute, can you see she’s hurt?” Sam had snapped back, pushing your hair behind your ear as you cleaned your face up. The medics had offered wet wipes as the physio made her way out to asses your ankle. You were still dazed, but coming to it more and more as you felt Sam’s grip on you. Who cares that anyone saw.
She looked up from where she was sitting to see the screens in the stadium had been replaying the moment for the crowd. The other girl had been vicious in her actions, and the expression on your face as you hit the ground made the Aussie see red.
She was up in seconds, in the other girls face and shoving her back.
“What the fuck was that, huh?” she had yelled, pointing at the screen. “She could’ve been really hurt.” Her eyes were slightly teary as she yelled. She shoved her back once more, a string of expletives as she did so. It was Mackenzie who eventually separated the two, offering the offender a pointed glare.
Sam’s attention was back at you, still hot with anger and concern. It was a kiss on the forehead as she took your arm and you walked off the field to rest. It wasn’t too bad, the shock had worn off and you were beginning to feel better despite the yellow bruise painting your head.
The cameras had captured her crouching in front of you, taking your hands in hers as she kissed your knuckles. Regretfully, she went back out to play, but you couldn’t help but notice her looking over at you protectively every few minutes.
All pain from your ankle disappeared as you ran back out to the field, jumping to Sam and Caitlin as they celebrated the win. The winning penalty had just been kicked after a tense 15 extra minutes. Sam had grabbed your chin, tilting it down to kiss your forehead in the midst of the chaos. You were laughing and crying, embracing one another as the crowd screamed bloody murder.
Like all other games, you and the opposing team had ended with handshakes and hugs. You were lined up as they walked past in defeat, offering a small “you guys did great” to each player that came by. By now, the crowds had settled and the cameras were skirting by, trying to get a good shot of everyone’s face - you hoped they didn’t focus to hard on yours.
What they did catch, however, was the moment Sam didn’t let go of that girls hand. Keeping up appearances, she smiled and pulled her in, saying something in her ear as she paled in response. She let go, giving her a slight push and clap on the back. From a distance, it looked friendly. Looked friendly.
“What did you say to her, Sami?”
“Nah, didn’t say anything. Must’ve hit your head pretty hard there, babe.” she responded teasingly. You had retired to the changing rooms where she was still inspecting your face. Her hands gently moving your chin in all directions so she could see the damage. You could see the fire behind her eyes that she was holding back, instead busying herself with making sure you were ok.
“Oh come off it, we all saw. What’d ya say??”
She sighed, muttering a small so demanding as she whipped off her jersey and changed. You admired as you awaited her response. Anyone could guess she offered something of a threat, but you just wanted to hear her say it. Perhaps that was because it was super attractive when she was protective, but you’d take that secret to the grave.
“I just told her what would happen if she did it again, that’s all.” She looked almost proud as she pulled you in for another hug.
“I’m serious, though. I’m glad you’re okay. Gave me a fucking heart attack out there” she admitted, her arms tightening around your waste.
“I’m glad you were there, Sam. All I wanted was you” you whispered, “but no more threats.”
“No promises, baby”
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mariacallous · 8 days
One of the biggest hacks of the year may have started to unfold. Late on Friday, embattled events business Live Nation, which owns Ticketmaster, confirmed it suffered a data breach after criminal hackers claimed to be selling half a billion customer records online. Banking firm Santander also confirmed it had suffered a data breach impacting millions of customers and staff after its data was advertised by the same group of hackers.
While the specific circumstances of the breaches—including exactly what information was stolen and how it was accessed—remain unclear, the incidents may be linked to attacks against company accounts with cloud hosting provider Snowflake. The US-based cloud firm has thousands of customers, including Adobe, Canva, and Mastercard, which can store and analyze vast amounts of data in its systems.
Security experts say that as more details become clear about hackers' attempts to access and take data from Snowflake’s systems, it is possible that other companies will reveal they had data stolen. At present, though, the developing situation is messy and complicated.
“Snowflake recently observed and is investigating an increase in cyber threat activity targeting some of our customers’ accounts,” wrote Brad Jones, Snowflake’s chief information security officer in a blog post acknowledging the cybersecurity incident on Friday. Snowflake has found a “limited number” of customer accounts that have been targeted by hackers who obtained their login credentials to the company’s systems, Jones wrote. Snowflake also found one former staff member’s “demo” account that had been accessed.
However, Snowflake doesn’t “believe” it was the source of any leaked customer credentials, the post says. “We have no evidence suggesting this activity was caused by any vulnerability, misconfiguration, or breach of Snowflake’s product,” Jones wrote in the blog post.
While the number of Snowflake accounts accessed and what data may have been taken have not been released, government officials are warning about the impact of the attack. Australia’s Cyber Security Center issued a “high” alert on Saturday, saying it is “aware of successful compromises of several companies utilizing Snowflake environments” and companies using Snowflake should reset their account credentials, turn on multifactor authentication, and review user activity.
“It looks like Snowflake has had some rather egregiously bad security compromise,” security researcher Troy Hunt, who runs data breach notification website Have I Been Pwned, tells WIRED. “It being a provider to many other different parties, it has sort of bubbled up to different data breaches in different locations.”
Details of the data breaches started to emerge on May 27. A newly registered account on cybercrime forum Exploit posted an advertisement where they claimed to be selling 1.3 TB of Ticketmaster data, including more than 560 million people’s information. The hacker claimed to have names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, some credit card details, ticket sales, order details, and more. They asked for $500,000 for the database.
One day later, the established hacking group ShinyHunters—which first emerged in 2020 with a data-stealing rampage, before selling 70 million AT&T records in 2021—posted the exact same Ticketmaster ad on rival marketplace BreachForums. At the time, Ticketmaster and its parent company Live Nation had not confirmed any data theft and it was unclear if either post selling the data was legitimate.
On May 30, ShinyHunters also claimed to be selling 30 million customer details and staff information from Santander, putting a $2 million price tag on the information. Both posts on BreachForums have drawn attention to the illegal marketplace, which was recently revived by ShinyHunters after the FBI took the website down on May 15. The posts may, at least in part, be efforts to restore the disrupted forum’s damaged reputation with criminals.
The two hacks were linked to Snowflake’s systems by Israeli security firm Hudson Rock, which, in a now-removed blog post, posted conversations its researchers had with the alleged hacker who claimed to have accessed Snowflake’s systems and exfiltrated data. The hacker claimed they had tried to sell the data back to Snowflake for $20 million. (Hudson Rock did not respond to WIRED’s questions about why it has removed its research).
The Hudson Rock post claimed that a Snowflake employee may have been infected by an infostealer that collected the details the hacker needed to log in to its systems. Charles Carmakal, the chief technology officer at Google-owned security firm Mandiant, told BleepingComputer that its investigations, which have been taking place in recent weeks, indicate information-stealing malware may have been used to get Snowflake account credentials.
A Ticketmaster spokesperson told TechCrunch that its stolen database was hosted on Snowflake after the company acknowledged a data breach in a filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission on Friday evening. In the middle of May, before its data was advertised online, Santander first said it had seen unauthorized access to one of its databases “hosted by a third-party provider,” however it has refused to name the third party.
Snowflake’s CISO, Jones, acknowledged the security incident on Friday, saying that if a “threat actor obtains customer credentials, they may be able to access the account.” The company says it became aware of the suspicious activity on May 23 but has since found out it had been happening since mid-April. Jones’ post says Snowflake has notified all of its customers and “encouraged” them to review account settings and ensure they have implemented multi-factor authentication. In an additional security bulletin, Snowflake says it has seen “malicious traffic” from a client calling itself “rapeflake” and also connections from another client called “DBeaver_DBeaverUltimate.” A company spokesperson tells WIRED they have “nothing else to add” beyond the information included in company posts.
Cloud security company Mitiga says its investigations have seen a threat actor targeting organizations using Snowflake databases and using an attack tool called “​​rapeflake” in the process. Roei Sherman, field CTO at Mitiga, tells WIRED one possible scenario is that a threat actor managed to get information about Snowflake’s systems and then stole information about its clients, possibly using automated tools and brute-forcing their way into accounts.
Sherman says little is known about what data was stolen at the moment or the “​​rapeflake” tool, but that the attack could have wider ramifications going forward. There are already early signs other companies may be impacted.
Sherman says some of Mitiga’s customers have reached out to it for help, while Mandiant told BleepingComputer it had been assisting Snowflake customers in recent weeks. Cybersecurity researcher Kevin Beaumont shared online that he knows of six companies that have been impacted. And Australian events company Ticketek has also revealed customer names and email addresses stored in a “cloud-based platform, hosted by a reputable, global third-party supplier” have been accessed, although a spokesperson refused to confirm if this was related to Snowflake at all.
“We haven’t seen the entire blast radius yet,” Sherman says. “Snowflake has thousands of clients—they offer self-registration—and some of their clients are huge companies. We expect to learn about additional companies compromised.”
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hezzabeth · 6 months
The description of the space station is based on my own experiences during a ten hour layover in Singapore.
"Are you alright? Do you have a bout of telesickness?" Brigadeiro Bun asked as Revati stared off into space.
"Telewhat?" Revati asked, her brain snapping back into place.
When Amma and Nanni heard that Revati was about to go off-world, they tried to prepare her.
"It's not like your other wasteland adventures where you wandered into a city on foot! You'll need to buy tickets; then apply for a tourism visa," Amma explained.
"My what?" Revati asked, completely confused.
"The actual teleporting takes less than a second, but you will have to spend at least an hour in customs and immigration and four hours in the teleport waiting your turn," Nanni added.
It was all incredibly exhausting and confusing.
The teleport hub they were waiting in was deliberately designed to make people forget they were waiting. Bright, expensive shops with intricate displays created pathways to different teleportation gates. Massive, giant flowering bushes surrounded by clouds of butterflies brushed against the glass ceiling. In the center of everything, there was a crystal pond. Robotic bronze mermaids swam up and down underneath the lily pads.
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"Telesickness! It's okay, a lot of people not used to teleporting end up with upset stomachs," Brigadeiro reassured her, handing her something small and pink from his shirt pocket.
"This should help, their stomach stabilizers! I bought them in the bathroom," Brigadeiro smiled helpfully, and Revati took one, popping it into her mouth before promptly spitting it out.
"It tastes like gasoline," Revati grimaced.
"You're not supposed to eat it! You rub it on your temples," Brigadeiro explained gently before picking the stomach stabilizer up off her lap.
"Please don't rub that all over my temples; it has my spit on it," Revati pointed out, shutting her eyes.
"Are you sure you're not sick?" Brigadeiro asked.
"I'm just exhausted; we've teleported so many times I have no idea where we are," Revati sighed, closing her gritty eyes.
"We're at the Anh Do memorial teleport hub; he was a figure from southwest Sydney legends! When he was a baby, he was on a boat attacked by pirates. Then he grew up to become a famous children's writer and artist," Brigadeiro rattled on.
Revati felt herself slump to one side with exhaustion, her head landing on something soft.
Brigadeiro's home wasn't even technically a planet. Rather, it was a series of six space stations, each representing different areas of a land once known as "Australia." The Southwest Sydney Station was so big it had its own weather patterns, ecosystem, and geography. Most of it consisted of expensive tourist resorts, beachside towns, and theme parks. Brigadeiro had explained many times before that his family was part of the 15 million-strong workforce that lived in the secret employee-only towns and cities. Someone, hopefully Brigadeiro, was gently massaging her scalp, and Revati felt herself fall into a drowsy, dark state.
Revati wasn't sure how long she had been snoozing when the screaming sirens suddenly filled the air. Revati's self-preservation instincts kicked in, and her eyes snapped open. Within seconds, she was back on her feet, reaching for her mace.
"You had to leave the weapon at security back on Mars," Brigadeiro reminded her as hundreds of people suddenly started flowing out of the teleport gates. The air was thick with sirens and flashing blue lights as the crowd swelled around her. Brigadeiro snatched her hand, and together they were swept forward in the tidal wave of chaos.
People were everywhere, their faces blurred by the rapidity of the moment, their shouts and cries a blurry nonsense of at least a dozen different languages. In a second of terror, Revati found herself thrown down. Feet pounded on her back as she curled herself up into a ball. There was a sudden break in people, and Revati saw a glimpse of the mermaid pool. Revati forced herself forward and grabbed the pool's safety fence, hauling herself over the edge. She landed with a splash into the shallow water. For a few moments, all Revati could hear was the pounding of the mob and sirens.
All Revati could feel was her body as the robot mermaids bumped into her before swimming away. The glass ceiling above had clouded over, turning an eerie white. There was a sudden buzzing on Revati's wrist, indicating her bangle had an incoming call. It was the android. Of course, it was.
"Ignore," Revati groaned, sitting up, and a tiny mermaid bounced off her cleavage. Somehow, half her shirt had managed to get ripped off. The crowd wasn't as thick, but people were still charging past the shops heading to some unknown destination. The sirens suddenly stopped.
"All interstellar teleport gates have been switched off temporarily! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused," a lady's voice chimed over the speakers. People slowly stopped running and instead began to shuffle around.
Tiny first aid drones began to zoom out of the shops, attending to the fallen. Through it all, Revati scanned and searched. Spotting Brigadeiro was far harder than usual since many people in the hub had pink, curly hair. Finally, she saw him across the crowd in the doorway of a chocolate shop. A woman was lying at his feet. Revati slowly stood, her legs wobbling, before climbing out of the pond. By the time she managed to push her way through to the storefront, she had heard several whispers. There had been an attack on another Space Station known as “Cairnes”. The crowd consisted of tourists and travelers who fled when an employee opened up a teleportation gate during the attack. Brigadeiro was attending to the woman who was bleeding all over the shop floor from a gash on her temples.
"Oh, thank Goup!" Brigadeiro cried, wrapping Revati in a smothering hug. Brigadeiro was, of course, a little shorter than her, and he nuzzled his face into her shoulder, sobbing.
"It's alright, I'm fine," Revati assured him, petting his back, and Brigadeiro sobbed.
"It's not that; Cairnes has been destroyed! Millions are dead," Brigadeiro's voice choked.
"Destroyed?" Revati gasped. The bleeding lady on the ground twitched, and Revati let go of Brigadeiro in order to check her. The lady was a bit older than Revati, probably in her late twenties. She had the pale, sickly skin and brighter blue hair of those who came from the northern parts of Mars. Her haircut, however, was similar to the trendy “mushroom cap” style she had seen on the space station – short with a blunt fringe. Revati reached into one of her pants pockets, pulling out a trusty medibandage, and stuck it onto the woman’s temple. Even while unconscious, she had the expression of someone fully capable of starting a riot in a coffee shop. It clashed violently with her bright purple tropical print shirt and neon pink watch. The watch. Revati grabbed the unconscious lady's hand to examine the watch.
"SOS Emergency Medical Information," she said to the watch. Its screen flickered, and a tiny 3D hologram of the lady appeared.
"My name is Pauletta Chuchotor, I am twenty-nine years old! My blood type is B- and I'm allergic to Venusian swamp gas," the hologram said cheerfully, and suddenly the hologram switched off as tight fingers wrapped themselves around Revati's wrist.
Revati glanced at the lady who was now staring at her with bloodshot green eyes.
"My personal information isn't for you," she said in a deep, raspy voice.
"Good to know," Revati said. Pauletta Chuchotor was staring at her curiously.
"I don't forget faces easily," she said, her fingernails still digging into Revati's wrist.
"Ok," Revati replied uneasily, wondering if the lady had a brain injury.
"You look a little like someone I met a long time ago," Pauletta said, as if accusing Revati of something terrible.
"I got a message from Dad; the news says all the teleporting hubs have been shut down! He says we should leave the hub and take the workers' bullet train back to Paprika Station before they stop running," Brigadeiro said, gesturing to his grey bracelet.
"A bullet train? Like the one in Olde Landon? I thought this space station was supposed to be super advanced?" Revati asked, completely confused.
"It is, but teleportation has a weight limit of six hundred kilograms; the trains are used when we need to transport bulk goods and supplies to different resorts," Brigadeiro explained.
"I also need to go to this Paprika Station; I will follow you," Pauletta Chuchotor remarked, and Revati exchanged a look with Brigadeiro.
"I mean, it's not like we can stop her," Brigadeiro pointed out.
The train ride to Paprika Station turned out to be far more exhausting, bewildering, and strangely smelly than teleporting. Everyone seemed to know Brigadeiro Bun, and by extension, everyone seemed to know Revati.
"Bridgadeiro! Your mama said you would be back for Applefestus! And is this the famous Revati from Mars?" An old lady with orange hair said to them as they waited for the train.
"I may have mentioned you in my messages home; this is my mother's friend Mrs. Jambalaya from church," Brigadeiro said as the old lady descended onto Revati in a cloud of vanilla perfume.
"Oh, she's so pretty! Such big amber eyes! And who's that?" She asked, nodding at Pauletta, who was standing several feet away from them, staring into the distance.
"No idea, we think she's an injured tourist," Brigadeiro admitted as Revati quietly blushed. No one in Olde Landon had ever called her pretty.
"Bridge! Did you hear about the terrorist attack? My dad said appliances from Mars did it," someone yelled when they finally got onto the cramped train. A teenage boy with dark skin and fuchsia braids was waving at them from a row of seats.
"We were at the capital telehub when it happened! Revati, this is my cousin Pecan," Brigadeiro explained as they sat down.
Pecan gasped with horror. "Oh, Goup! You're the girl Bridge is bringing home for Applefestus! You probably don't want us talking about the war," Pecan remarked.
"It's fine; I'm too tired and freaked out to care," Revati assured him.
"Why don't you take a nap? The ride to Paprika Station takes around four hours," Brigadeiro said, tapping his shoulder. Revati sighed gratefully, her head dropping onto his shoulder. Before her eyes shut, she spotted Pauletta standing on the other side of the carriage, staring at her with dried blood still in her hair.
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codingquill · 8 months
What is Cloud Computing ?
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Cloud computing has become a widely discussed topic in recent years, but explaining it in simple terms to someone without a background in computer science can be challenging. Allow me to break it down for you.
Cloud computing is a method of storing and accessing data and programs over the internet, rather than keeping them on your personal computer or mobile device. To illustrate this, let's consider online email services like Gmail or Outlook. When you use these services, you can access your emails from anywhere because they are stored in the cloud. This means you don't need to install any special software or save your messages on your hard drive. Instead, your emails are stored on remote servers owned by companies like Google or Microsoft. You can access them from any device connected to the internet, regardless of your location.
Understanding Servers in the Cloud
Now, let's delve into the concept of servers in the cloud.
The data stored in the cloud is saved on physical servers, which are powerful computers capable of storing and processing vast amounts of information. These servers are typically housed in data centers, which are specialized facilities that accommodate thousands of servers and other equipment. Data centers require significant power, cooling, security, and connectivity to operate efficiently and reliably.
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Microsoft and Google are two of the largest cloud providers globally, and they have data centers located in various regions and continents. Here are some examples of where their data centers are located, according to search results:
Microsoft has data centers in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.
Google has data centers in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.
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methaqshahbein-blog · 2 months
The best cloud mining and cryptocurrency companies in 2024. How to earn $1,000 a month from mining
History of cryptocurrencies:
The history of cryptocurrencies and mining goes back to 2009 when Bitcoin was launched by a person or group of people using the customary name “Satoshi Nakamoto”. Bitcoin was the first decentralized digital currency based on Blockchain technology, which is an encrypted and tamper-proof recording technology.
The mining process is considered an essential part of the process of creating cryptocurrencies, as powerful computers are used to solve complex equations to find new blocks in the blockchain and secure the network. Miners are rewarded with units of the cryptocurrency in question as a reward for their efforts.
Since the launch of Bitcoin, many other cryptocurrencies have emerged with similar technology, and cryptocurrencies have become an important part of the global financial system. Mining techniques have evolved and become more complex and energy-intensive with the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies.
In addition, cryptocurrencies have played a role in transforming the traditional financial system and opening doors to innovation and decentralized finance. The history of cryptocurrencies and mining is still evolving, witnessing continuous technological development and changes in policies and regulations related to them.
What is cloud mining:
Cloud mining is the process of renting computing power from companies that provide cloud computing services, such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google, to run mining operations for digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. The computing power and resources needed to run mining operations are provided remotely, without the need to own special mining equipment.
How to profit from cloud mining:
You can profit from cloud mining by paying a monthly or annual subscription fee to rent computing capacity, and after that you can obtain profits from the mining operations carried out by the company by distributing the mined digital currencies. It should be taken into account that there are factors such as the cost of subscription, difficulty in mining, and the price of digital currencies that may affect profitability.
Therefore, before investing in cloud mining, you should conduct the necessary research and comprehensive analysis to evaluate the opportunities and risks associated with this type of investment.
The best and most secure cloud mining companies in 2024:
It is a cloud mining platform that allows users to mine various digital currencies without the need for specialized hardware or deep technical knowledge. Users can rent mining power from IQMining and start earning cryptocurrencies by participating in mining activities You must have appropriate capital to invest in the platform. The company does not give free mining at all
To register with the company, click here
2- BeMine
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BeMine is a cloud mining platform founded in 2018 in Estonia. The company focuses on providing cloud mining services to individual users and small businesses.
BeMine Features:
Ease of use: The platform features a simple and easy-to-use user interface, making it suitable for beginners. Flexible Contracts: BeMine offers short- and long-term contracts with resale capabilities, allowing users to adjust their investments as needed. Competitive Returns: BeMine offers competitive returns on cloud mining investments. Advanced Equipment: BeMine uses the latest equipment to provide the best possible performance. Customer Support: BeMine offers 24/7 customer support. The minimum investment is 50 USD To register on the company's website, click here
3- MineThrive
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MineThrive is a relatively new cloud mining platform that was launched in 2023 in Australia. The platform offers cloud mining services to individual users and small businesses.
MineThrive features:
Ease of use: The platform features a simple and easy-to-use user interface. It has a free plan for a limited time, after which you can either upgrade, or one of the referrals performs an upgrade that gets 7% of the purchased mining power, and there are other levels. Flexible Contracts: Offers short- and long-term contracts with the possibility of resale. Minimum Investment: The minimum investment is $1, making it suitable for beginners. Customer Support: Offers 24/7 customer support. Supported currencies: Supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin mining. Service Fee: They charge fees for cloud mining contracts. To register here
There are many companies working in the field of cloud mining. I will work to complete the remaining companies and platforms that are trustworthy and have easy terms and relatively large returns. I will see you well.
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vncglobal · 6 months
Financial Freedom Down Under: A Comprehensive Guide to Bookkeeping for Australian Entrepreneurs
Achieving financial freedom is a common goal for entrepreneurs across the globe, and down under in Australia, it's no different. Proper bookkeeping is a cornerstone for any successful business, ensuring accurate financial records and compliance with regulations. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of Bookkeeping services for small businesses entrepreneurs, shedding light on the vital role it plays in the path to financial freedom. Whether you're a startup or an established business, understanding the nuances of bookkeeping is essential for sustainable growth.
1: The Importance of Accurate Bookkeeping
Bookkeeping is not just about crunching numbers; it's about making informed decisions that drive your business forward. In Australia, where regulations are stringent and financial transparency is highly valued, accurate bookkeeping is crucial. Entrepreneurs need to maintain precise records of income, expenses, and financial transactions to meet compliance standards and gain a clear understanding of their financial health.
2: Bookkeeping Services for Small Businesses
For small businesses, managing day-to-day operations while keeping track of financial transactions can be overwhelming. This is where professional bookkeeping services come into play. A reliable bookkeeping services provider in Australia can take the burden off entrepreneurs, allowing them to focus on growing their business. These services encompass everything from recording transactions to generating financial reports, providing a comprehensive solution tailored to the unique needs of small enterprises.
3: Choosing the Right Bookkeeping Services Provider
Selecting the right bookkeeping services provider is a critical decision that can impact the long-term success of your business. Look for a provider that specializes in catering to small businesses in Australia. They should have a solid understanding of the local regulatory landscape, ensuring your business remains compliant with tax laws and reporting requirements. A trustworthy provider will also offer scalable solutions, adapting to the evolving needs of your business.
4: Cloud-Based Bookkeeping Solutions
In the digital age, entrepreneurs can leverage cloud-based bookkeeping solutions to streamline their financial processes. These platforms not only provide real-time access to financial data but also enhance collaboration between business owners and their bookkeepers. As a bookkeeping services provider in Australia, embracing cloud-based solutions ensures efficiency, accuracy, and security in managing financial records.
5: Bookkeeping as a Tool for Business Growth
Beyond compliance, entrepreneurs should view bookkeeping as a strategic tool for business growth. Accurate financial records enable informed decision-making, helping businesses identify areas for improvement and capitalize on opportunities. Entrepreneurs can leverage insights from bookkeeping to optimize expenses, allocate resources efficiently, and make strategic investments that contribute to the overall success and financial freedom of their ventures.
6: Outsourcing Bookkeeping Services
Outsourcing bookkeeping services is a cost-effective solution for many entrepreneurs in Australia. By entrusting their financial records to experts, business owners can focus on core activities while ensuring their books are in the hands of professionals. Outsourcing also provides access to a team with specialized knowledge, reducing the risk of errors and enhancing the overall accuracy of financial records.
7: Bookkeeping and Taxation in Australia
Navigating the complex landscape of taxation in Australia requires a deep understanding of local laws and regulations. A proficient bookkeeping services provider in Australia will not only ensure compliance with tax obligations but also optimize your tax strategy. This includes identifying eligible deductions, managing GST obligations, and facilitating a smooth process during tax audits.
Final Thoughts:
In the pursuit of financial freedom down under, entrepreneurs must recognize the pivotal role of bookkeeping in their business journey. By embracing professional bookkeeping services tailored to small businesses in Australia, entrepreneurs can achieve accurate financial records, ensure compliance with regulations, and leverage financial insights for strategic VNC Global decision-making. Whether opting for cloud-based solutions or outsourcing services, the right approach to bookkeeping can propel businesses toward sustainable growth and long-term financial success.
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dlibskzh · 1 year
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in honour of stray kids’ 5th anniversary
i would like to say that in may of 2022, i was introduced to these eight korean men in an attempt to finally get me into kpop. needless to say, it worked. my friend showed me the thunderous studio choom and i was WHIPPED. it all started with the boy with long hair…
the following week, i fell ill with the flu and decided that my time would be best spent looking up stray kids funny moments on youtube. that’s when i did some research, finding that they were a group of eight men from JYP entertainment called bang chan, lee know, changbin, hyunjin, han, felix, seungmin, and I.N. back then, i found it difficult to differentiate between seungmin and I.N, so i opted for my first ever bias, lee minho.
gradually, i got more and more invested in this group, learning that felix and bang chan were australian, lee know likes cats, han grew up in malaysia and so on. my first ever stray kids mv premiere was circus. i remember distinctly staying up until 12:30am on a school night just to see it. by then my bias had turned out to be bang chan.
soon enough, i had learnt all there is to learn, seen all there is to see, and had gotten my friends into them. i was on cloud (district) 9. by the time they announced their second mini-album MAXIDENT, i had the NOEASY album, bang chan as my wallpaper, astronaut as my favourite song, and a crippling addiction. that’s when i started questioning my bias again… the savage kim seungmin threw himself towards me with full force and his oreo hair. i was officially done for.
now, i consider myself a full-fledged kpop stan with photo cards galore. i had this vision that myself and my two best friends would get tickets to see them in sydney. i bought the tickets, not realising that my parents would have an opinion on my well-being. although i had enough money to pay for the two-day trip myself, they selfishly denied us of going. to say i spiralled into a depressive state is an understatement. i cried for hours at the fact that i wouldn’t see my saviours live and in the flesh.
i sold those tickets reluctantly. although i was lucky enough to see harry styles in sydney the day after my birthday this year, my mum posed the question: “was it worth missing out on stray kids?” and the simple answer is no. absolutely not. although i’ve been a fan of harry for much longer, he will never make me feel the same security and happiness that stray kids do. through stray kids, i have met so many new friends both irl and on the internet and i’ve never been happier.
they’re not just some silly boy band, they’re a source of light. they have taught me so much about myself and have been there for me when i needed it the most. and the funny part is, they have no idea who i am. and i’m ok with that. i can’t wait for the day they come back to australia so i can show them my love and support.
i’m also immensely proud of how far they’ve come. they are the top 4th gen boy group, gained billions of streams, and are performing at lolipalooza. something bts didn’t quite do so early in their career.
and now for a personal thank you to the members.
thank you for your endless guardianship for both stays and your members. channie’s room is always the part of my week i look forward to, no matter what language you choose to speak in. you have sacrificed so much, and i’m so proud of the leader you are today. i really wish you could see yourself through our eyes.
thank you for your comfort. i always seem to find stability in your electric dance performances. you have worked so hard to get to where you are today. your quirks are what makes you unique, and i believe in your judgement. please never loose sight of who you are because we love you for it.
where do i even start? thank you for being strong (both physically, emotionally, and spiritually). you are what most aspiring rap sensations think they are. you are phenomenal at what you do. some people lose their sense of self when they undergo physical change, but you have never become as arrogant as them because of your grounded essence.
we all know you are the prettiest man on the planet. but what i want to thank you for is your artistic ability. there is not one single boy i know that loves to draw and sketch and read poetry more than you. i can get lost in your paintings and that says a lot about your talent. you and i also share the same personality type and zodiac sign so we are immediately the best :D
your words are utopian. there are not many people in this world that can write a song and touch so many people in different languages. that, paired with your effortless comedic timing makes for the best friend we all dream of. thank you for bringing laughter to my darkest of days. you’re like a caffeine hit to the soul. there is a reason why we call you the fourth gen ace.
you are what everyone looks for in a soulmate. a literal beam of sunshine. it’s funny because it juxtaposes the beautiful deep rasp of your comforting voice. i am a little older than you were when you first moved to korea, and it makes me incredibly bewildered that you had the courage to leave your life behind and start afresh at such a young age.
the comedian you are. everyone always overlooks your contagious smile and your gorgeously angelic singing voice. i feel like i connect with you on a deeper, more spiritual level than most. i hope you realise just how loved you are. you may not be the member everyone notices, but you are certainly the member everyone grows to admire.
our baby bread. look at where you are now. barely 22 and living the life of your dreams. i wonder where all those bullies are now? certainly not as famous as you. your face is beautiful. you made me realise that self esteem is more important than what others say. you are the beauty to the beast. i can’t wait to see where your voice takes you.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Australia has decided to examine and remove Chinese-made surveillance technology used in government buildings.
Defense Minister Richard Marles on Thursday said the Chinese-made cameras could pose a security risk for the country.
Two companies, Hikvision and Dahua, have provided at least 913 cameras, intercoms, electronic entry systems and video recorders in over 250 Australian government buildings.
Both companies are partly owned by the Chinese government.
"We would have no way of knowing if the sensitive information, images and audio collected by these devices are secretly being sent back to China against the interests of Australian citizens,'' said shadow Minister for Cyber Security James Paterson, who requested the audit.
The checks came after Britain in November announced that it would stop installing Chinese-linked surveillance cameras in sensitive buildings.
Some US states have also banned vendors and products from several Chinese technology companies.
Hikvision rejects claims of security threat
An audit found that equipment from at least one of the two companies was present in almost every government department, except the Agriculture Department and Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Paterson urged the government to "urgently" come up with a plan.
Defense Minister Marles said that issue was significant but added "I don't think we should overstate it."
Hikvision said that to represent the company as a national security threat is "categorically false," as it cannot sell cloud storage, access the video data or manage databases of end users in Australia.
"Our cameras are compliant with all applicable Australian laws and regulations and are subject to strict security requirements," said a spokesperson of the company.
Dahua Technology has not yet responded.
China urges "fair" treatment
Beijing on Thursday accused Canberra of "misusing national might to discriminate against and suppress Chinese enterprises."
"We hope Australia will provide a fair, just and nondiscriminatory environment for the normal operations of Chinese enterprises," said China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning. 
According to Paterson, both companies are subject to China's national intelligence law which requires them to cooperate with Chinese intelligence. 
In similar cases, China's general response to such situations has been to defend their high-tech companies and present them as good corporate citizens who play no part in intelligence gathering. 
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secureaccessit · 11 months
Secure Access IT
Secure Access IT is an esteemed and trailblazing cybersecurity firm in Sunshine Coast, Australia, dedicated to safeguarding businesses' digital ecosystems and empowering them to thrive securely in the modern world. With a rich history of excellence, the company has been delivering cutting-edge IT solutions since 1999.
With an unwavering focus on customer satisfaction, Secure Access IT nurtures enduring partnerships by providing personalized technology plans that align with each client's unique business objectives.
Specializing in risk management, cloud enablement, security, and a comprehensive suite of services, the company boasts an impressive track record of delighting customers both nationally and internationally.
Trusted by numerous businesses and acclaimed with CRN Fast 50 awards, Secure Access IT is at the forefront of fortifying digital resilience for enterprises and continues to lead the charge in the rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape.
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ipcommunications · 2 years
Different Kinds of Office Phone Systems for Small Businesses Explained
Businesses rely heavily on communication, and for this communication, business phone systems are the best solution. Different business phone systems for small offices are available in the markets, and it is essential that before the selection process, a company owner goes through all of them to determine the best one based on the needs eventually.
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Types Of Business Phone Systems Explained
Experts say that comparing these office phone systems begins with understanding the three principles, namely - KSU, PBX and VoIP.
KSUs stand for key service units that are uncomplicated multi-line on-premise office phone systems used by smaller and medium size organisations. They have been a very reliable solution for decades now, and it is easy for any business to use them based on their needs.
The term PBX denotes private branch exchange, and they are telephone systems with a PBX server residing in the office. It can incorporate digital and Internet protocol phones as well, which allows users to talk to each other inside the private telephone network.
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These are cloud-based private branch exchanges that deliver communication over the Internet using VoIP or Voice Over Internet Protocol technology. The cloud PBX provider is known by the name of PBX host, and he has a server or software that helps them offer services to different businesses from under one roof.
Advantages of On-Premise Phone Systems
The first benefit of on-premise phone systems for small businesses is that they are inexpensive and can be acquired within a budget. 
Then they are also very durable and long lasting, and without any need for backup, they can run for years and years. 
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It is also very easy to identify with them what line is used. 
They come with the ability to connect phones to actual phone outlets through existing phone wiring.
Advantages of Hosted Voip or a Cloud-Based Pbx
This is an advanced multi-channel technology that remains unchallenged 
It is straightforward to use at home and even in remote locations. 
It is an ideal tool for collaboration and customer management. 
This technology runs office phone systems at much lower initial costs.
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oz-digital · 1 year
Hosting Services Sydney
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Hosting services Sydney are essential for business websites to be online at all times. Downtime can lead to loss of traffic, potential clients, and sales. Juncture ITs Web Hosting service will optimise the functions of your website to meet your needs.
Crucial monitors its servers 24/7 to ensure high uptime. Their support team is available to assist customers with any issues that may arise. They also donate to a set of local and international charities each year. To know more about Hosting Services, visit the OZ Digital website or call 0423591273.
Digital Pacific is an Australian provider of web hosting, dedicated servers and domain registration services for individuals, small to medium-sized businesses and corporations. It offers shared, reseller, VPS, and dedicated server hosting services. The company also provides cloud services, including backup and disaster recovery solutions.
The company has a good reputation for customer service and a solid technical team. They provide an extensive set of tools and resources for its customers, and their support is available 24/7. The company has a range of hosting packages, and its plans are flexible and affordable.
ARZHost is a great Sydney hosting provider. Their services include a free domain, unlimited traffic, and a range of other features. They also offer powerful hardware support. Their servers are based in Australia, which means your website will load faster. They also have a great money back guarantee, which is another plus. They also have many helpful articles on their website. This makes them an excellent choice for any type of business.
Netregistry is one of Australia’s most reliable hosting service providers. They offer a wide range of online services designed to help Australian businesses establish themselves on the internet. This includes world-class web hosting, domain names, intuitive DIY options and fully-managed online marketing solutions. They also offer a variety of SSL certificates and Samsung enterprise-grade SSD storage for outstanding performance.
Their hosting plans are priced competitively and include free site backups, unlimited premium bandwidth, and a full-featured control panel. They also monitor their servers 24/7 and guarantee 99.9% uptime. This uptime is important because downtime can cost your business traffic, leads, and sales. The company’s tech support is also available to assist you with any problems. They also offer a basic search engine submission tool and an early website evaluation. These features make them an excellent choice for any Australian business looking for a reputable host. They can be reached via phone and email. Moreover, their support line is handled by experienced and knowledgeable technicians.
HostPapa is a top-notch website hosting provider with an excellent uptime, impressive page loading speeds, and multiple customer support options. They offer a variety of different plans, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and WordPress hosting. Their plans come with an extensive set of security tools, including server firewall and monitoring, a ModSecurity package, and DDoS attack prevention.
They also have a number of global points of presence (PoP), so you can choose the one closest to your audience. This makes them a good choice for local businesses who want to target visitors from other parts of the world.
Their shared plans include cPanel, unlimited bandwidth, Cloudflare CDN, and SSL certificates. You can also add more RAM and disk space as needed. You get 1 site and 100 GB storage with each plan, as well as 10 email accounts. They also offer a money-back guarantee, which is a great way to try out their services. They have a friendly and responsive customer support team that can help you with any questions.
Telstra Hosting Services is a network of data centres offering private cloud solutions. These are built on dedicated infrastructure owned and hosted in Australia, utilising Dell Technologies market leading storage infrastructure and VMware virtualisation. They’re secure by design, certified against ISO27001 and offer automation to make it easy for you to get started.
The telco’s software-defined Internet delivery network is designed to deliver high-quality media content and live broadcast streams across contended networks like the public internet. It can also detect and respond to unpredictable latency, jitter and dropped packets. To know more about Hosting Services, visit the OZ Digital website or call 0423591273.
Its customers can prioritise activities and limit others with the Internet Optimiser feature. All plans come with unlimited data and free calls to standard Australian mobiles and landlines. Plus, you can save unused data for up to 200 GB in the Data Bank. The service is month-to-month and you can cancel anytime. All you need is an NBN connection and a smartphone or tablet. You can also get perks like Event Cinemas rewards and Foxtel plans with some of the plans.
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