#clearly i just don't have a big enough attention span to for books that you need to take time with
aroaessidhe · 9 months
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2023 reads
Saint Death’s Daughter
slowbuilding and intricate queer fantasy in a world with 12 gods and different forms of magic
Miscellaneous “Lanie” Stones, a necromancer born into an infamous family of royal assassins who’d rather stay away from All Of That, has to call her dangerous older sister back home to deal with family debt
but she causes some much bigger problems, and leaves Lanie to deal with them, plus her child and the child’s traumatized father
a revenant housekeeper. a vengeful 7 year old with too many knives. a parliament of wizards who turn into birds. a dog called underwear. there's a lot going on in here
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archonsabyss · 2 months
babes you're so right: sunghoon IS a kdrama moment, complete with the ending credits song~ he's so dreamy~ not me squealing and kicking my feet over him i have to remain loyal to heeseung for now c: he and san do look like they'd give good hugs. i did see you fangirling san's shoulders 😏 pls tell me more about san hehe
pls pls pls get back into hsr!!! it's so much fun, and unlike genshin where i'm tapping away on dialogue, i'm actually paying attention. i don't want to spoil anything in the game but in penacony there was a part of the story that touched me so emotionally deep i had to stare at the ceiling for the rest of the night thinking about life. like hey hoyo i play this game to escape not contemplate the meaning of life?????? if i wanted that i'd pick up frieren again ;-; 10/10 pls get back into it
also!!!! because okay listen!!! 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣 so there's a 4-star destruction character that came with black swan's banner named misha!! babes!!! that's my SON! are you kidding me!!! he's a nervous wreck who doesn't want to be late!!!!! he's loosely associated with the main story!!!! and he has a pocket watch!!!! like!!!!!!!! that's my BOY! MY CHILD i love using him on comps (also bc i needed another solo ice dps instead of jingliu) and his ult!!! babes misha is my favorite character (after all the husbands i collect 🤭)
okay so... i tried l&ds, and i don't think it's for me 😣 i think it's cool, it's like otome-adjacent, but idk i wasn't as engaged as i thought it'd be? it's a lot of story, and i think i'm too single brain celled to comprehend it 🙃 but i love seeing you geek out about it c: and i love seeing you write about the game~
₊⊹ I'm sorry for getting to this soo late but I'm here now. thing is, Heeseung is my first love and I'll always have that sort of attachment to him because of it. but lately I've realized that maybe Sunghoon is my true love. (talking like this sounds so delusional lmao). it's like the right person right time sort of thing.
OMG and the hugs thing! I shouldn't, but every night I go to bed and fall asleep hoping I dream of them. I'm convinced the faceless man in my dreams is San!! It just feels right. (fyi, I've had the worst heeseung related dreams. Literally every dream with him has felt like a nightmare. He broke my heart in a thousand different ways that when I woke up, I was actually crying. LIKE TALK ABOUT TRAUMA, I constantly recall ur so clearly, it never leaves.
as for sans shoulders, I'm sitting here anticipating coachella. *wipes drool*. I'm half asleep but priorities, too anxious (in a good? way) to sleep.
HEAR ME OUT, I'm slowly being pulled in with hsr. I've burnt myself out playing genshin back when I farmed so hard for Raiden but didn't get her. Slowly leaving my genshin playing days (but I obsess over Alhaitham all day every day 24/7 365, secondly). My sister was playing and she let me watch the cutscenes, (I think I bruised her shoulder with the way I was giggling and hitting her shoulder cause blade, Jing yuan and danfeng were in frame). THE LORE SEEMS SO ENTICING. but overwhelming hah! I just get overly excited. I CAN SEE MYSELF NOW ALREADY WHEN MY HSR PHASE ENTERS. IT'S GONA BE THE END OF ME HAH!!
I'm currently waiting for wuthering waves because of my husband jiyan, like... I'm grinning so big writing this. Idc what expectations people have for the game, jiyan has already stolen my heart. I'm so in love I refuse to do this anymore. I wanna be chaotic, I wanna break stuff XD.
This where I confess the truth with l&ds, regarding the whole single braincell.. Same. I don't know shit what's truly happening with the lore fkskslsl. I haven't read the anecdotes because my attention span is very limited unless it's manhwas or books and sometimes I don't even read the paragraphs finsiehd. I'm terrible. I have very limited knowledgeable on the story but it's enough to keep me engaged (because I'm telling myself I'll fully invest soon soon soon but gets overwhelmed and then doesn't get to it). THE ONLY TIME IVED EVER PLAYED A CUTSCENE OR WHTV WITHOUT SKIPPING IS WHEN I WAS DOING SUMERU ARCHON QUEST AND AL HAITHAM CAME ON SCREEN. BECAUSE OMGFJSISIW MY ATTACHMENT TO ALHAITHAM IS UNREAL. back to l&ds, currently I'm waiting for updates on the main story that I don't fully get hahah😅 I told myself I'll redo all chapters to understand it but it's been a month. anyways, having preferences is completely normal!! If it makes you happy and brings you joy, it's all you and for you, and if it doesn't, whose forcing you to like it!!
And thank you 🥹✨ I'm struggling to write atm and most of my drafts of l&ds. I can't lie, I do love my boys and the intricacy of their lore (despite not fully getting it! I will soon, right? Yes. Idk. I hope lol)
Take care, dearest. Always nice talking with you!! Hope u mind the lengthy time it took to reply❤️
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joshisurcrush · 1 year
'Tschick' by Wolfgang Herrndorf
(This is a mini-review for all you social media enthusiasts with tiny attention spans who don't love me enough to have read my full Stephen King review (smh))
Tschick was pretty crazy, I liked it:
1) There was a queer character that isn't a stereotype? Man, I had no idea those existed in media! I want to get it out of the way right off the bat, ‘cause I think Tschick’s homosexuality is really well-written (he’s one of the two main characters). There was a bit of what I can best describe as “performative homophobia” at the beginning of the story and from the way he acts and talks it slowly sinks in. He’s not some hypereffeminate guy, or a bear or a twink of some sort; he’s just some new kid who likes stealing cars and isn’t really interested in girls which? I find pretty cool. I liked that aspect. Also, the story didn’t force any sort of queer plot-action between him and his clearly-heterosexual best friend, and it didn’t make a big deal out of it either, it was more of a little sidenote, and it was really well-done. Wanted to get that out of the way right off the bat so I don’t have to focus on it too much later.
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2) I like a male character extensively thinking about his feelings, it’s pretty unheard of unless it’s sex drive or pure, unfiltered anger. Maybe anger with an undertone of grief; but aside from that you don’t tend to get much out of male leads. Which I think sucks. Or it’s not documented or mentioned, and only implied. Which I also think sucks. I feel like the fake that Maik (did I spell that right) opened up more, commented on he feels about his feelings, and commented on the fact that he comments about how he feels on his feelings was pretty interesting. Also, I feel like it added more dimension to him as a character, his general cynical nature and pessimistic attitude despite being in a relatively-well-off place (in comparison to Tschick, the other male lead), it all just gave me the “he’s just like me fr” feel. Also, I generally just like seeing the lives of other teenage guys, seeing their lives come together, learning about the girl they’re seeing and their relationship with their dad, etc. 
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c) It gives me a chance to live vicariously through a guy with anger issues who decides to steal a car and drive off spontaneously, which happens to be one of my wettest dreams of all time. (You would be alarmed at how much I fantasize about running away and off-roading across the country in a stolen car with a friend or two.)
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d) Also the book filled the void in my heart, the one that craves a decent young adult book, set and written in the good part of Germany with an accurate representation of what being a male teenager in Germany is like. Can vouch, since I used to be a male teenager in Germany. Also, it’s written in German (read it, if you can speak German) and it’s extremely well-written and clean, and handles some topics like substance abuse, poverty, and adultery pretty well, without glorifying or dramatizing anything in an over-the-top manner.
PSA: Do NOT read the English translation. It’s botched, and gross, and doesn’t do the story justice. If you’re not a German-speaker, sure, you might check it out due to interest but if you don’t like it as much as I do, it’s likely because you didn’t read the original.
Also, if I get positive feedback I’ll re-read the book and publish an EXTENSIVE review.
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ikimonoeren · 2 years
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☆ warnings. none, just fluff
☆ summary. reader is almost late to class but college student!eren informs her that they have a sub and as a result their test is postponed. he learns that reader is struggling in math and offers his expertise.
☆ author's note. another old story i had to repurpose bc i wrote it in high school and they were all hella young during this time so enjoy (°◡°♡)
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Shit. Shit. Shit. You were going to be late for your last class for the second time in a row which meant if you didn't get there in time you would get penalized by your professor. As you rushed down the halls you shoved past anyone who was in your way and once your classroom door was in sight your eyes gleamed with hope. You were so close--
The sound of your professor's book shutting as the same time you stepped in the room at exactly 3:30PM and you sighed in relief as you slipped into your regular seat. Getting to class on time from the opposite side of campus was a real struggle. "You know, you didn't need to run like a bunch of hell hounds were chasing you. We have a sub today." Eren spoke, getting your attention. "Huh?" You looked up to see that your regular teacher was in fact not there making you slump in your chair. Had you just imagined the ceremonious book shutting of your strict professor? So much for trying to get to class on time... "Hey, don't look so glum at least we don't have to take that test anymore." He nudged smiling at you. You couldn't help but smile back. Eren Jaeger was not your closest friend, but he was close enough. You had known him all through out high school sharing many of the same classes. He was also captain of the Shingeki University Soccer Team, top of his class and--much to your dismay--very popular with the girls. But how could he not be? His soft dark brown hair, tan toned body and those big gorgeous teal eyes of his. He was practically irresistible. "Can I get your attention." The sub called, gaining the short-spanned attention of college students. "As you may be well aware, your teacher is absent today because of personal issues therefore postponing the test that you were all supposed to be taking." A erupt of cheers filled the classroom. "But you still have a worksheet to that needs to be completed by the end of class." The class groaned in response making the sub gently smile at the young adults just teeming with energy. "It's not a big deal..." "See? What did I tell ya?" He grinned, taking your focus off the sub and now to him. The way he looked at you made your heart squeeze and you were at a total loss for words. "U-uh, yeah. I'm really glad we don't need to take it. I kinda suck at math." You admitted, rubbing the back of your neck in embarrassment. Eren's eyes widened in surprise. "Seriously? I thought you were great!" He exclaimed, gathering a bit of unwanted attention to him. He laughed slightly flustered but his rowdiness. "I mean you know because from what I can remember, when we were in high school you were in all the Honors and AP classes. I just thought that you were super intelligent." His eyes shifted to the floor clearly uncomfortable with the situation he put himself in, but you couldn't help but giggle at him. "Well, thanks, but really it's just math. It kills me you know?" "I wish I knew the feeling. I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty great at it." He triumphed, sitting up straight in his seat making you laugh again. The sub handed you both your worksheets and you took it waving it in front of his face. "Do you mind helping me out?"
* * *
"That was pure torture." You breathed completely drained from the two hour class. "Oh c'mon it wasn't that bad." He laughed, clapping you on the back. You rolled your eyes as you two both made your way off campus. "Easy for you to say." You grumbled, twirling your keys around your index finger as you made your way to your car. "Okay, I'll tell you what," He spoke, leaning up against your hood with his hand shoved into his pockets. The sun glistened on his body and the way he grinned at you with his sparkling eyes made you weak in the knees, but you simply raised an eyebrow at him. "I'll be your tutor." "My tutor?" You repeated, looking at him incredulously. This guy was just full of surprises. "Yeah, how 'bout it? I mean we're pretty good friends and I'm great at math and,well, you kinda suck at it. It's perfect." He smirked, showing his white teeth. You sighed and unlocked your car. "Yeah, alright." You finally agreed, and he fist pumped into the air like an idiot as he opened your the driver's door for you. "You're such a dork, seriously." You put on your seat belt laughing at him. "Yeah, yeah. Just don't plan anything this weekend 'cuz it's just gonna be you and I." He winked. "You and me." "Huh?" "It's you and me. Not you and I." You corrected blandly waving him off. "Don't worry since I'm great at english. " You mimicked. "I'll help you out." He simply laughed and waved as he ran over to his car. "See ya tomorrow at 3."
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