#civil war mannequins
zzoupz · 1 year
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felt bad so I drew them more to feel less bad
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the-chaotic-anon · 2 years
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Man, those funky little mannequins from natm legit woke up, breathed air for the first time, and chose violence
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daley-devices · 2 years
Aw poor Nicky and Civil War Guy Three. Are they okay now?
Oh, don't worry! They made up real fast. Im really proud of Nicky, actually. The little guy faced up to his fears like a real champ.
So, uh, Nicky told the Civil War dude that he was sorry for getting scared, and because he can't speak, the soldier used the power of physicality. Oooo.
Basically they hugged it out.
I gotta admit, those faceless dudes have taken really well to Ahkmenrah's anger management lessons. Considering that, uh, all they did when I first met them was try to murder eachother.
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aesernsplace · 1 year
Theres a fucking night at the museum fandom?????
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cryptidtumbleweed · 2 years
For the color palette, how about stand by him as one of the civil war mannequins from natm?
Yo dude this was so much more fun to make than I expected! Here you go:
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He turned out a bit more personalized than I intended to, with his little plants on his hat - but hey, he looks neat!
I think he needs a name now...
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Propaganda why Bella Swan is insufferable:
Feels like low hanging fruit, but characters that are supposed to be self inserts will always be bland boring bad ideas if you want to make a truly interesting character. Especially self inserts that go along with things like stalking and abuse from their love interests for the sake of continuing the story, because it kinda makes them seem like a mannequin who just there to be passed around like the punching bag in super smash bros, you know what I mean
complete bland character that all the boys somehow fall in love with. just gets pushed around by the plot. she's interesting as cardboard while everyone around her is more interesting.
She spends the entirety of three books looking down on others, being completely braindead, worrying that she's old at age 18 for an entire book, has a horror movie pregnancyand birth, and then becomes the most specialist vampire to ever vampire. And through all that her personality and thought processes that she had page 1 of Twilight she has on the last page of Breaking Dawn.
She has the personality of a rock, but for some reason everyone is obsessed with her.
Propaganda why Tony Stark is insufferable:
She’s a hypocrite who is ready to restrict the freedom of others when they make one mistake, but when he makes a mistake he figures he’s able to handle himself
Super long, sorry lol
Thinking about how in Homecoming when Peter accidentally caused that boat to get split in half because the Vulture’s gun exploded and Tony was acting like as if Peter was completely in the wrong for going there just because he did it without his permission. He was acting like as if Peter was out of line and “disobeyed him”, trying to act like his father. And then I remember how in CACW he’s the one who scouted Peter in the first place just because he saw he might be useful against a personal squabble between him and Captain America despite knowing that he was a kid and he’s just now acknowledging how dangerous it is because Peter “acted on his own”
Completely hijacking Peter’s superhero story and trying to control his every move (Training wheels protocol and baby monitor thing he put in the suit), acting like Peter should’ve known that Tony would send someone in despite the fact that he’d been ignoring him for 2 months since Civil War and not keeping him updated on anything!!
How the hell is peter supposed to know Tony is going to listen to him when he treats him like a kid instead of a superhero when it’s convenient for him? And when Tony loses his temper after Peter says he’s 15 not 14 like “the adult is talking” bitch he could literally flatten you without your suit!!!
I guess in a way he is acting like a father but like the absentee kind. He’s more like a sperm donor father trying to act like he has any rights over Peter’s life smh.
It’s not that reprimanding Peter for the situation is bad, but the way he makes it seem as if Peter is irredeemable as if Tony wasn't a literal weapons dealer lmfao. He could’ve said what was the truth about it without completely invalidating him saying shit like “no thanks to you” after Peter asked if everyone is okay when it’s literally thanks to Peter finding a lead on those guys in the first place that they were even noticed and it’s not like the FBI being there could’ve in no way caused a similar situation.
And then near the end of the movie when he’s getting crushed by the building rubble screaming and crying for someone to help him where the fuck is Tony?? That scene just proved that he never needed Tony’s suit in the first place to be Spider-Man since he had to use 100% his own strength to lift it off of him. I know he would’ve found the motivation even if Tony hadn’t been involved in the first place to give him the suit, take it away from him and have the words “if you’re nothing without the suit you shouldn’t have it“ echo in his head. Why did Tony even take the suit away? Like as if he expects Peter to stop being spoderman without it??? Holy fuck. This is why you don’t make it out of endgame /j /srs.
When Tony took this suit away from Peter he was like “God I sound like my dad“ shouldn’t that be a red flag to him? Wasn’t he literally just saying that he wished his dad was better than he was?? Lmfao
Tony is so annoying. When they first meet he straight up bullies Peter into fighting for his personal bullshit, insults and objectifies Aunt May in front of him, spits into his trashcan and is in general being pushy af. He blackmails Peter when he doesn’t wanna come to Germany with him AND HE DOESNT EVEN EXPLAIN WHY HE WANTS HIM TO COME. Uncomfortable vibes lol.
Tony being the one to tell peter “if Captain America wanted to hurt you he would’ve” when Peter was trying to state his case, yet HE’S also the one who put Peter in harms way when he didn’t even want to go with him???
Telling Peter that he should stick to being a “friendly neighborhood Spider-Man” (stealing his thing once again) when that’s what Peter _was_ doing before Tony took him out of his zone and filled his head with grander things to be apart of….bitch? Die. Ohh waaaait (jkjk) but yeah
There’s the usual “he’s a war criminal who only felt bad about it when he realized his weapons were killing white Americans as well as Arab people” reason, and also he’s just super annoying. You had to be there for the original Avengers shitty dialogue a la “we have a Hulk” that had Tumblr in a vicious chokehold. Also he was supposed to FINALLY go away after destroying all his suits in Iron Man 3 but he just… didn’t! Which is bullshit.
Portrayed as a hero because? He chose to no longer mass produce war weapons and bombs after suffering the consequences. Huge hypocrite. Doesn't care about anyone but himself. Will backstab people if they believe in human rights when it's inconvenient to him. Seen as a hero while he's the personification of privileged people saying they're not privileged
>Makes weapons
>Made multiple AI Surveillance Robots
>Gaslight a child into fighting a super soldier in a foreign country for him
>His fans are annoying
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Mod I Wish Existed
Play as Miraak Alternate Start.
Still able to freely choose race and gender - if we’re going AU then Lady Miraak or Khajiit Miraak can work, why not.  You can call yourself what you like - keeping the name the Dov gave you or leaving it behind.
Starting point is in the Temple of Miraak with your cultists around you.  You’ve got Destruction and Speech set to 100, Alteration and Restoration set to 75, One-Handed and Heavy Armour set to 50, Conjuration 40, all other skills race-based.  You are level 40... and so is everything else, hem hem.  Tutorial message advises you to view the level up screen immediately so you can assign attributes and perks as you see fit.
Starting spells: all novice and apprentice vanilla Destruction spells, Greater Ward, Steadfast Ward, Fast Healing, Healing Hands, Healing, Cure Wounds, Thunderbolt, Wall of Storms, Lightning Cloak, Ebonyflesh, Ironflesh, Stoneflesh, Conjure Seeker, Conjure Lurker.
Starting Shouts: Bend Will, Dragon Aspect, Unrelenting Force, Become Ethereal, Fire Breath, Frost Breath, Whirlwind Sprint, Disarm, Dismay.  All fully unlocked.  You have 10 dragon souls.  You still need to learn everything else.  Your Shout cooldown is half what a standard PC would be.
Shrines present in your temple that give the benefits of the end of Waking Dreams and Epistolary Acumen if you activate them.  If you have Pilgrim or Wintersun there’ll be a Mora shrine too.
Starting inventory: just the robes, mask, staff and sword.
The Dragonborn main quest simply never fires up, but you can do any other Solstheim quest.  If you go to the Skaal Village, first thing you see is Deor and Fanari arguing.  Tel Mithryn largely unchanged.  Raven Rock ditto.  No one is working at the All-Maker Stones, and they’re all yours.  You need to visit each Stone to activate its power though.  The locations are on your starting map but not open for fast travel.
Inside the temple, it’s actually tricked out as a player home - you have a master bedroom with weapons racks, mannequins, shelves and storage chests.  The kitchen and dining room has food and drink to help yourself to plus a cultist with food and drink for sale plus rumour dialogue.  There is an alchemy room with several alchemy labs, free potions and ingredients to help yourself to, and an alchemist with the ability to train you in the arts and who sells ingredients and potions.  The enchanting room has standard and staff enchanters, a selection of heart stone and soul gems, plus a cultist who can train you in Enchanting and has soul gems and mage gear for sale.  The smithy has all smithing stations, a wood-chopping station with a woodcutter’s axe next to it, a chest with various ingots and pelts in it plus some free lockpicks, and an ancient nordic pickaxe available.  There’s also a cultist who acts as a blacksmith merchant who can train you in Smithing.  Last but not least, there is a bathroom, including showers, toilet, a jacuzzi and swimming pool.
Cultists wander around freely with generic dialogue for the most part.  No cultist is ever hostile.  About three or four are available as followers and Hearthfire stewards.  If you join the civil war, some of your cultists will join you for set piece battles.  They can also be recruited to the Blades.
No children’s bedroom but you can ask one of your cultists to set one up (for a fee - they would give you stuff for free but they have their own expenses).  There is also a treasure room with money in it - perhaps a couple of thousand to start.  The cult is not that wealthy but will hand its profits over.
LOTD plugin - Micmou’s Spade relocated from Apocrypha to the Temple, the Dragonborn display activates as soon as you become relic hunter officially, and the text declares Miraak to be an ancient hero who will return one day to save Skyrim in her darkest hour.  Sahrotaar scales available by simply asking Sahrotaar for some after the museum opens up.  Replica recipes for your gear and Black Books also available at that point.  Nchardak Control Cubes already on display.
Plugin for Deus Mons - you have the key in your inventory already and there’s no guardian dragon. Location is on your map, and reachable on dragon back.
Outside the temple, your dragons will be found living.  All permanently friendly and available for riding just by activating.  You also have shouts to summon them - if there are enemies, they’ll attack, if not, they’ll land in case you want to ride them.  Fast travel to the Skyrim map is available if you’re on dragonback but not otherwise until you’ve paid Gjalund at least once.  The hold capitals are automatically unlocked if you’re on dragon back as are any other destinations you’ve heard of - exceptions are Skuldafn, Shrine of Malacath, Throat of the World and Forgotten Vale, these need to be unlocked via the usual quests before you can take your dragons there.  Assume Skuldafn’s location was either unknown to you before or Alduin had it shielded from you after the rebellion, so you still need to rely on Odahviing flying you in.
All other content is completely unchanged!  No one’s heard of you on the mainland, no one on Solstheim remembers anything about working the Stones, so you’re all good to go.  Possible tweaks might be needed to Way of the Voice to account for you knowing the Shouts already.  Otherwise off you go, and the First Dragonborn Turned Last Dragonborn can either go finish what he started with Alduin, or just take up fishing instead.
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
0In terms of Worm’s larger deconstructive project, I’ve always sort of pattern-matched New Wave/The Brockton Bay Brigade to The Fantastic Four. Not necessarily to the internal family dynamic itself; there’s no one-to-one there, besides the fact that they’re both crimefighting families- but to the celebrity element. An examination of what would happen, what would go wrong if you had a public-facing family of crime fighters, no secret identities.
There’s very little money in it, for one thing; Ward establishes that unlike the Fantastic Four, the Dallon-Pelhams have a hard time monetizing their situation, soliciting donations and relying on their out-of-costume careers to make ends meet. No super scientists extorting Proctor-and-Gamble here. 
Panacea loosely covers the “why don’t they change the world with their superscience” bit- because it would lead to burnout, put too much descision-making power in the hands of one fallible person, and lead to someone who’s both guilty about not doing enough and resentful of how much of their time is monopolized by helping people to try and feel less guilty.
Glory Girl covers the perverse incentives you’d see if you had maskless, “publicly accountable” heroes; if your whole image is tied up in being a wholesome family that plays by the rules to earn people’s trust, you’re incentivized to go to unethical lengths to cover up your missteps, and being “publicly accountable” is kinda just code for being able to effectively swing celebrity power and institutional connections around like a cudgel.
The situation with Fleur and Lightstar is another example of the “public-facing-family” dynamic turning sour, and actually pattern-matches pretty closely to a problem the FF have dealt with at numerous points, including during Civil War when The Human Torch was attacked by a mob in his civilian identity. If you operate without secret identities, people can hunt you down when you’re out of costume and murder your uncostumed ass, and turn you into an example as to why nobody should follow your lead in unmasking. (For a long time, the FF were some of the only heroes without secret identities not because they were making a statement, but because the circumstances of their empowerment made it too hard to get away with what they were doing.)
Now, the thing is that there’s a big and obvious way in which New Wave doesn’t map to the Fantastic Four, and it’s a pretty foundational one; the Fantastic Four are scientists, explorers and adventurers. Structurally speaking, their stories hew closer to Lost in Space or Star Trek than they do to a lot of conventional cape stories. They’re specialists who you call to look at the latest weird science thing. They’re the vanguard you send through a portal to see what’s on the other side. You send them to open relations with Wakanda and Atilla and The Savage Land, and they’re the perfect people to send because of their (or at least Reeds) genuine sense wonder and love of discovery and their disdain for political intrigue in favor of collaboration and SCIENCE! The crime fighting is ancillary, something they do as it comes up or becomes immoral to ignore, but it’s not their charter.
This is something Worm doesn’t model as precisely. You get close-ish with Toybox, the extradimensional Tinker Think Tank, but there’s no group that serves the same function the FF does as a public-facing adventure-research institute staffed by parahumans. This is something that’s actually much easier to imagine forming during the Ward era, due to the thinning of dimensional walls, the increased accessability of Shardspace, and the deaths of Mannequin and Simurgh and everyone else who was making a point of wiping out would-be Reed Richards. It still wouldn’t line up perfectly, because a big part of the FF is that they were the first, the foundationals, the first spark of wonder the world had seen in years. But a “go-where-no-man-has-gone-before” team in the Ward era really would round out the archetype!
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itsbenedict · 12 days
Villain meme: .......Step Lively? Does she count as not-a-villain enough? I'm certainly curious where things were going with her
Ha ha ha ha ha ohhhhh man, no, yeah, she's already a villain. After stealing the party's ship, she was going to be, like... enabling a proto-Pacifista situation using her amplified Senchou Senchou no Mi power to provide the World Government with countless battle-puppet replicas of her crew, and wielding political power via the taxidermied-alive not-quite-corpse of Saint Zaroff acting as her mouthpiece. In her mind, she was doing her mutinous crew a favor by ensuring that their visages would command fear and respect wherever they went!
(Notably, she would not be distributing robot Dinas- they were supposed to be the Lively Pirates, after all, and Dina had made it very clear that she was technically not a member of the crew, and wanted to avoid notoriety at all costs. She did have a doppel-Dina among her personal retinue of elite PX-0.X pacifistas, for sentimental reasons, but it wore a mask.)
She... was going to start her reign of terror by abolishing slavery, since she has a personal bone to pick with that, but that was going to involve- as a step one- attempting to overthrow the World Government and install herself at the head. I hadn't landed on exactly how- letting her combat mannequins become ubiquitous and then carrying out an Order 66 on the Marines? Using realistic doppelganger puppets to trigger an intragovernmental civil war? Whatever it was going to be, she was going to go about it with zero regard for collateral damage, and prioritize grabbing at power over actually helping anyone.
So yeah- the intention was to play her as a Big Bad to the hilt, cause problems constantly, and let the party straight-up kill her if that was where they were at.
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geminialchemist · 2 years
Still on a Megaman kick, so here is a cosplay I made of my favorite classic character, Protoman! Also known as Blues!
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This guy sits by my gaming setup, on a homemade mannequin. Said mannequin is made up of pool noodles, EVA foam for the chest, duct tape, and hopes and dreams. Hopes that it doesn’t fall to pieces in between hasty repairs every few months, and dreams of one day getting my hands on a actual mannequin.
The shield is made out of foam board that was gently bent into shape. Then I used 2mm foam to make the red outline.
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Here is a picture without the shield. I sewed the outfit using a modified pattern of an American Civil War Confederate soldier uniform. I actually got the idea from another person making their own Protoman cosplay years before I started my own. That poster never showed the completed project as far as I can remember, but this was years and years ago. I wanted the outfit to look more realistic for combat than tights, which I can’t pull off, and seeing as the plot of Megaman is robots Vs robots, a civil war uniform seemed fitting for Protoman. It’s also old and outdated, which fit his theme as the prototype for all the other Robot Masters.
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The gloves are made of a mixture of EVA foams. Floor mat foam, and just some craft foams you can pick up at any craft store. 5mm and 2 mm. I used a modified Iron Man glove template for these. Meanwhile, the boots were based off some generic medieval greaves pattern I found and modified.
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The belt is a combination of a few superhero belts. I freehanded on some paper while looking at a few Batman belts, a Deadpool belt, and maybe a Superman one, until I created my own pattern that I liked. The scarf is just some fabric sewn together, and is in desperate need of an ironing.
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The helmet went under a few iterations. Much like the rest of the outfit, I wanted a unique approach to the character. I looked at flight helmets, since those have visors. I always loved the Protoman.exe version of the helmet as well.
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I also made a Protobuster for this as well. It’s displayed up on a different shelf, but here it is for your viewing pleasure. It’s fairly simple, something I threw together in a day.
I actually had a different iteration of this outfit that was made out of steel. You heard right, Steel! Basically the same construction as the foam, though the gauntlets were a bit different. It weighed a ton, though, and the only pieces I still have are the legs and the helmet. I used this painted Super Soaker as the buster as well. Maybe I’ll post those another day.
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zzoupz · 1 year
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redraw of something I never posted here. I'm setting him free like a caged bird
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maples-pages · 8 months
"I know..." the blond begins, staring up at the starless sky, "...we said we wouldn't talk 'bout it," Octavius' heart skips, "but if you hadta pick one, what was the worst thing about bein' with me?"
Octavius looks out at the street again and swallows. "Just one?" he asks, and he knows that Jed can hear the sobriety in his voice despite the moonshine they've been drinking.
Jed snorts in an attempt to dispel the tension. "Yeah, asshole, just one."
The windowsill down the hall from Sacagawea's exhibit has become their nightly spot in the year since Ahkmenrah's release.  Sometimes someone will open the window for them, offer them a brief gust of nighttime air, but usually they sit and stare through the panes.
Jed says it makes him feel like he's stuck in the fairytale with Rapunzel, stuck in a place so high off the ground with only a window to look out of.
"Well, not only a window," Octavius says, a vague shrug lifting his shoulders as a light breeze slips through the tiny gap one of the Civil War mannequins opened for them.  "We do have an entire museum the size of Rome to explore."  Comparatively, Octavius reminds himself, and only in physical size.  There are only so many exhibits to see, after all, and most of them leave their displays during the night, so it can be hard to really know what some things are meant to be.
"What's that movie you like so well?" Jed asks, squeezing through the tiny gap and praising the mannequin's foresight to hold it open with a pencil between the swinging frames.  "Notre Dame, somethin'?"
Octavius takes a moment to consider his response.  He knows why Jed has mentioned this movie.  "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," he says, following his friend through the gap.
"And what's that thing Frollo says?  In the church?" Jed continues, reaching inside his vest and bringing out a flask.  The chilly night wind may be enjoyable compared to the stale air conditioning of the museum, but it's more bearable with a bit of booze to warm their cheeks.  He takes a nip from the flask and offers it to the General.  Octavius takes it and swallows a swig, if only to soften the blow of Jed's next words.  "'A pretty prison, but still a prison’?"
"Magnificent," Octavius corrects, looking down at the flask in his hands.  "'You've chosen a magnificent prison, but it is a prison nonetheless.'  That's the line."  Jedediah nods.  "Although, I feel that is a bit harsh for this place," Octavius tries.
Jed huffs a laugh through his nose and takes a heavy seat against the window frame.  "A conqueror with nothin' t' conquer," Jed says, gesturing to his companion, "an' I'm an explorer with no explorin' t' do."  The blond shakes his head.  "Nah, 'Tavius, this is a prison, like it or not."
Octavius eyes his friend briefly, then takes another drink and sits next to him.  "Well, if I am to be imprisoned...I'd rather it be in your company."
The two look at each other for a moment and stare, and Jed shakes his head before leaning to snatch the flask back.  "Take that damn thing off, wouldja?" he gripes, sipping from their shared drink.  "I can't take you seriously with a toothbrush on your head."
Octavius balks at the cowboy's words―"Fur trapper!  I ain't a cowboy, alright―ain't even from here!" Jed had said once―but a half-offended laugh makes its way out before he obliges.  "Well, then, you should take your hat off, should you not?" he asks, raking his fingers through his hair and relishing in the relief the breeze offers as it cools his sweat-soaked hair.
"Nnnnope!" Jed declares as he sets the flask between them.  "My hat's stylish."
Octavius rolls his eyes and draws one knee up to rest his arm on as he looks out at the city.
After a long silence, Jed takes a breath, then pauses and sighs.  Octavius looks over at him with a raised brow.  "I know..." the blond begins, staring up at the starless sky, "...we said we wouldn't talk 'bout it," Octavius' heart skips, "but if you hadta pick one, what was the worst thing about bein' with me?"
Octavius looks out at the street again and swallows.  "Just one?" he asks, and he knows that Jed can hear the sobriety in his voice despite the moonshine they've been drinking.
Jed snorts in an attempt to dispel the tension.  "Yeah, asshole, just one."
Octavius' jaw flexes as he mulls over his answer.  "I suppose..." he takes a breath and sighs, shaking his head, "...the fact that I am...no longer allowed to know you in that way."
Jed looks over, and Octavius can feel his stare.  "Wha'd'ya mean?"
Octavius reaches for the flask and takes a larger gulp this time before setting it down again.  "I know you, Jedediah.  In ways that no one else ever will.  I know your confusions, your frustrations, the level of determination you have when attempting any task...but so does everyone who meets you."  Octavius looks down at his armor with a wry shake of his head.  "No one else knows the way..." he takes a deep breath, "...the way your hair smells at the precise moment the magic takes hold, or what it feels like to hold you as it fades in the morning.  No one else knows about the elation you felt alongside your brother when he got his first gray hair.  No one has seen you fall apart over his deaths the way I have.  No one else..."  Octavius shakes his head as he trails off.  "And I am no longer the one who should be allowed to know these things," he finally says with a slight shrug.  "So, yes, that would be...the worst thing about having been with you, Jedediah.  The fact that it is over."
There's a long stretch of silence between them, then, and Jedediah looks straight across the street and into the darkened windows of an apartment.  Or, well, they think it's an apartment, anyway.  They still haven't been able to pin down who lives there.
"Is this..." Jedediah's voice is hoarse when it interrupts the quiet, and he clears his throat before he continues, "...hurtin' you, too, 'Tavius?"
Octavius nods without speaking, but Jed knows the answer without looking at him, anyway.
"Then what the hell are we doin'?" Jed asks, and Octavius thinks he's never sounded more broken.
Octavius shakes his head and says, "I don't know."
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the-blue-fairie · 1 year
Good Vibes Challenge: Speedy (1928)
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Speedy (1928) - Harold Lloyd's last silent feature, recommended by @thealmightyemprex and quite delightful, overall.
Okay, so - it's probably been over a decade since I've seen any Harold Lloyd. My uncle got a collection once that included Safety Last and a few other films, so I remember the iconic clocktower film. Unfortunately, the only other film I remember from that collection turned out to be quite racist, so I remember it negatively indeed. I shan't repeat its title - because even that turned out to be a racist play on words - but it had "Haunted" in the title, so if you look it up... ugh, it's that one.
BUT this film isn't that one, and it's much more in the vein of Safety Last, so that's a good thing. It's just a nearly nonstop parade of sight gags and slapstick, one after the other after, down to the film's last second.
The plot centers on Lloyd as Harold "Speedy" Swift as he tries (unsuccessfully) to hold down a job and help out his girlfriend and her dad, who runs the last horse-drawn streetcar in the city of New York. It's broken up into different sequences - Speedy as a soda jerk, Speedy and Jane at Coney Island, Speedy's hijinks as a cabdriver (with a very memorable Babe Ruth cameo), a brawl of Civil War veterans and thugs trying to bring down the streetcar, etc.
Okay, so - first things first. That dog is iconic. Good doggo.
I think my favorite segment was the Coney Island one. It's got Speedy and Jane being adorable, so that's sweet. It's got the "wet paint" gag, which is quite amusing. It's got the dog and the hot dog, which is amazing glorious wonderful. (Also HOT DOG BALLOON. Glorious.) It's got the lobster gag which - oh good grief, but it was a riot especially when they were on the spinning ride.
And when the dog returned later in the sequence and smashed all those things? We love to see it. That dog was, again, iconic.
I will say that the Coney Island and "Speedy tries to be a cab driver" sequences felt stronger than some of the later sequences, like the "looks like rain" brawl, but the last part of the film DID have the phony mannequin cop, so - that's awesome.
Also, even though the Babe Ruth was quite funny, which I didn't expect.
Overall, a thoroughly enjoyable romp.
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland
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daley-devices · 2 years
What were some of your favorite inventions? Do you ever make anything just for yourself/for fun?
Oh, the Snapper is definitely my favourite. It's got a lot of sentimental value. It was the first product of mine (not some other joe, mine!) that got 'big'. Although the Clapper knocked the wind out of my sales... literally. Sales were not good.
Tough world out there. You know? Big corporations are always stealing from the little guys.
But as they say, once an inventor, always an inventor! Genius can spark anywhere, especially when you work at a museum where things are... hectic, to say the least. Some of my brilliant ideas include:
Struggling to express your feelings through words? Express them on your face with 'Stick-Em-Expressions'! These are reusable stickers of eyebrows, eyes and mouths which convey all different emotions. (Created for the Civil War Mannequins. The angry emotions are used the most which is a little concerning.)
Suddenly find yourself under a very, very small waterfall? The rain coming down on just one small spot? 'BittyBrella' has got you covered! 'BittyBrella' is a tiny umbrella that fits in your pocket and can be opened at an instant with the push of a button! Gone are the days of getting wet in one specific area! (This was made with Dexter in mind. Do you know how annoying it is having a monkey pee stream suddenly hit you at any given time? Not fun. Not fun at all.)
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remornia · 1 year
10 songs
Tagged by @late-to-the-fandom Thank you!!! This is really fun!
I always feel weird about tagging people so if you see this, feel free to do it yourself!
Rules: Put a wip/character/etc playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up. Describe how they relate to your WIPs or worldbuilding.
All of these will be coming from my Thu/Uinen playlist
1. Is It True by Mabel Ye
I imagine this from Thu's perspective when Uinen is getting really deep into all the Revendreth shit and seemingly growing apart as a result. Thu doesn't know what to think, and can't decide if they want to keep putting effort into what seems like a failing relationship (spoiler alert: They do)
"I just wanna cry and I just wanna be happy that now I'm finally free"
2. Desert Song by My Chemical Romance
Oh man. This song just makes me think of Uinen at their worst, imprisoned in Castle Nathria. Completely hopeless and believing that this is how it all ends. Becoming Denathrius' consort and mingling with the Venthyr elite while still undeniably being a captive. And then after it all comes crashing down, being found by Thu, helpless, humiliated and completely alone.
"Did you come to stare or wash away the blood?"
3. The Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance
When Uinen disappears, Thu assumes them to be dead. What follows is a complete mental breakdown. Remembering that this is the second time they had failed to save their loved ones from themselves.
"If I died we'd be together"
4. Poison & Wine by the Civil Wars
Just a perfect song about a fractured relationship. One person closes themselves off because they don't know any better, while the other only wants their love. And yet, knowing that they can't be apart; despite their flaws they are destined for each other.
"I don't have a choice, but I'd still choose you"
5. Best Friend by Laufey
This is just such a cute song and the first positive one that I'm gonna write about LMAO. I imagine it from Uinen's POV. It's just about 2 idiots in love, with some snarky comments included. I'd say this is more indicative of their relationship post-Shadowlands. They've both gone through so much bullshit together and now they're just ready to hang out and vibe
"I have never tolerated someone for so long"
6. Romantic by Mannequin Pussy
This one is interesting, because I really think it could be from either of their POVs, though I typically assign it to Thu. Definitely during the Shadowlands Bullshit though. Thu is hopelessly holding onto this semblance of a relationship while watching Uinen slowly drift further and further away, and further into depravity. Leading Thu's mental state to just go spiralling down. I also think that the quieter verses vs. the desperate, screaming choruses are representative of their tendency to ignore their negative feelings and try to focus on what few positives there are, until their negative feelings are literally impossible to keep down any longer
"You would sleep with me, if you could do it comfortably. You're so sweet"
7. Westbound Sign by Green Day
To me, this is about Uinen leaving Suramar for the first time after the dome falls, and going on their first adventures into Azeroth with Thu! She's nervous but excited, and experiencing a wider world she never knew existed. And of course, leaving the city that has continually ostracized her, despite it being the only thing she's ever known.
"Is it salvation, or an escape from discontent?"
8. Happier by A Fine Frenzy
What do I even need to say about this song? It's just perfect. Uinen in Revendreth trying to slowly push Thu away, believing that they deserve more than someone as broken as himself. And despite Thu's protests, succeeding in doing so. The song is from Thu's POV as they watch Uinen grow colder and more distant.
"What a transformation to behold. But I don't like this new, I want the old."
9. The Horror of Our Love by Ludo
I typically assign this to Uinen's POV. It's just a song about a nasty codependent relationship, with the narrator believing themself to be significantly more depraved than the subject. Uinen has quite a fixation on the morbid, and believes themself to be sick ans basically A Twisted Fucking Cycle Path. And they think Thu is the exact opposite; pure, innocent, and their love to be akin to a predator hunting its prey. In reality, Thu is not pure or innocent like Uinen thinks, but it's this image of them that she has in her mind. I also took the title for the playlist, The Awful Edges, from this song.
"The awful edges of where you end and I begin"
10. Grand Hotel by Regina Spektor
My autistic ass has managed to make this entire song a metaphor about the Illidari/The Black Temple, so it's basically just Thu narrating their experiences there wrapped in layers of euphemism. It touches on the disdain for demon hunters that is held by the larger elven society, and the found family dynamic within the Illidari themselves. I honestly could write an entire post about this song alone so I'll leave it at that to spare you all
"That's where old devils danced and kissed and made their blood pacts in the ancient myths"
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year
When Zak Bagans went to Gettysburg:
1) He wears this hat the entire time:
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He's like a 12 year old tourist. But it becomes relevant to the "plot" later when ghosts try to kill him because they think he is actually the guy who started the Civil War or something.
2) There is a part where he and "the crew" LARP being in a skirmish where 5 old fat men run at them from the woods. It goes on for like 4 minutes, and ends with Zak being the hero. Zak claims that, having done this, he now understands the soldiers' experience.
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3) The part where he humped the mannequin of a dead woman and got sexually assaulted by a ghost:
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4) He goes to Gettysburg, one of the most haunted places in the world, talks to Mark Nesbitt AND Rob Conover about it...and doesn't do anything whatsoever with the actual battlefield. Either because it's mostly just boring woods now, or because the Park Service wouldn't let his dumb ass camp out there overnight, tripping over tree roots and cracking his head open on a boulder in Devil's Den. Probably both.
5) I've been going to that park / town my entire life, and this is the first time I ever heard about it having a haunted torture orphanage.
Yes, I knew about the home for war orphans. But I wasn't aware it had dungeons and tour guides, making up stories about how it had dungeons.
6) Someone really should have warned Zak that if you show up at Gettysburg with a camera crew and ask if anyone will let you pay them to tell you about ghosts, many people will accept that offer. But there is no guarantee they have permission to take you anywhere or have any goddamn idea what they're talking about.
7) Zak, there is a part of the battlefield that is notorious for causing electronic malfunctions. You didn't go there. Misinterpreting software quirks is like your ENTIRE THING. And you didn't go to the Triangular Field. That is amazing.
Maybe he goes back later. I haven't checked out all 28 seasons of this show yet.
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