ryanyflags · 4 months
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ciscelian/cislian | cisaric/cisric (symbol) | cisaric/cisric (plain) cishet/cistraight | cisrian/cisdian (1) | cisrian/cisdian (2) cisbian (1) | cisbian (2) | cisbian (3)
ciscelian/cislian - cis cenelian (nln version of turian/lesbian) cisaric/cisric - cis duaric cishet/cistraight - cis het/straight cisrian/cisdian - cis turian/veldian cisbian - cis lesbian
Some cis orienation flags. These are based off of my trans orientation flags, and my alt cis flag (though I mainly just used the cool grey colors from there, and not the full colors).
I made these with queer cis people in mind, like cis nonbinary, cis trans, cis intersex, etc. They're made to be inclusive. Though someone doesn't have to be those specifically to use these flags. Anyone who's cis in any way can use these.
(I also didn't even realise when making the flags that I made a cishet flag too lol, I was just following the trans- set I made. Though I think it's still a good flag to have because people can be cishet/straight and still queer, like people who use multiple labels in addition to cis and straight. Or "contradictory" labels if you will. So think of this as a inclusive cishet/straight flag :)
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ryanyflags · 5 months
not a request; i just wanted to know. would the cis version of transdian/transcian/transrian be cisdian/ciscian/cisrian?
Yes! Sorry for not answering this ask, I wanted to make a set of cis flags for it, and I got somewhat stuck with the design, so it took a while.
I have them queued now, they should be posted in 2 weeks.
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