#chloe's parents are supporting the rebels
wolfeyedwitch · 11 months
Weapons Don't Weep, Part 11
Chloe calls home.
“Hey, Mom. Yeah, we got it; thank you, as always. I would definitely have gone insane by now without the care packages.”
“Yeah, everything’s… no, you’re right, everything’s not okay. It’s all—”
A sniffle.
“It’s really bad. Like, really, really bad. I know I have the least experience on the team, but this is messing with all of us.”
“Well, by now you’ve seen the news about it. The city, with the protesters, and— yeah, that one. We… we were too late to catch it on the way in, but on the way out…”
“Mom, it wasn’t anything like we were expecting. None of our guesses were even close. It. When we got the door open, it…”
A pause followed, filled with harsh, shuddering breaths. 
“Mom, it was a person.” 
“Yeah. A living, breathing, flesh and blood person. I think this means Hayden wins that bet you guys made, about those rumors of people having superpowers.”
A shaky laugh.
“Yeah. I’m sure Dad is going to make that reference too. But this person, they’re not— they’re not doing this for fun. They didn’t choose this. They’re not… hell. I don’t think they’ve had any real choices for a long, long time.”
“They were chained up in there! They were in that transport, and instead of having a seat, they were chained to the floor like, like how you’d transport a bomb. When Zeke asked their name, they replied with a fucking serial number. And yes, I’m sorry for cussing, but I think this situation warrants a little leeway on language!”
A long sigh.
“No, they haven’t been aggressive. If anything, they’re so damn docile it’s creepy. I don’t know if it’s because of whatever propaganda Government told them about us, or if that’s how they’d act with anyone. They flinch from everything, and I haven’t heard them call anyone anything other than ‘sir’.”
“I don’t know. I don’t know how you can help. Add some books on deprogramming brainwashing victims and clothes that’ll fit someone one size up from ‘Holocaust survivor’?  There’s so much, they need so much help, and I don’t even know where to start, Mom. And that’s not even touching on everyone else’s reaction.”
“Well, Zeke seems like he’s sympathetic, but that won’t change his actions if he decides they’re a threat. Riley is being pragmatic, and Tyler is, well, Tyler. It feels like the only person on my side here is the doc.”
“No, I didn’t even think of that. God, I’m so— no, sorry, you’re right, I won’t. No negative self-talk. I was preoccupied and didn’t think of how Zeke is going to have to report this and then we’re going to have the entire network breathing down our necks about them. Better?”
“I know it won’t change anything, but I don’t know how to just stop worrying, Mom. Not everyone is in this because of compassion.”
Another sigh. 
“Yeah, I got the extra from the people who were short-changed in that department. I just wish that caring didn’t hurt so much, sometimes.”
Sometimes compassion and empathy can be overwhelming. The world is a tough place, and it can be easy to let that get to you. Take care of yourselves, everyone.
@ghostfacepepper @kim-poce @badluck990 @cupcakes-and-pain @lonesome--hunter @wits-and-wrongs @neuro-whump @winedark-whump @aswallowimprisoned @rose-pinkie @whumpy-writings @whump-cravings @secretwhumplair @hobiisthesunfiteme @whumpcreations @myhusbandsasemni @heart4brains @kixngiggles @neverthelass @extrabitterbrain @towerlesskey @ohnowhump @vickytokio @whumpinggrounds @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @extemporary-whump @pigeonwhumps @ifurd4d @aswallowimprisoned @the-magpiesystem @someonecradlemeintheirarms @sacredwrath @whump-in-the-closet @whumpfessional
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saemi-the-dreamer · 7 months
For the ask meme, 8, 19, and 23?
Thanks for the ask Elves ^o^ Now let's gooooo!!
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8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I've answered it here already, but here's another thing that bugs me and I'm going to take the risk: about the games Life is Strange (1 and Before the Storm)
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Rachel and Chloe were not a cute couple. In the first game "Life is Strange", it's implied that Rachel was selfish and manipulative and that she took advantage of Chloe and many people to get what she wanted, breaking hearts on her way and leaving the people behind to pick up the pieces after her. In "Before the Storm, there are many clues and foreshadowings telling us that Chloe shouldn't trust Rachel, nor get close to her, but she's just so lonely, desperate and in a vulnerable state of mind that she's tricked. This whole scene is not Rachel confessing her love or "proposing to her" - as some comments like to say - on stage / in public to Chloe while staying in character. Look well at the lines, forget they're acting a Shakespearian play, and you have a true summary of their relationship:
Rachel sent Chloe to wreak havoc for her; Chloé does and is always the one who takes the risks, always in the first line for her, and because of Rachel's influence, Chloe becomes more and more ruthless, self-centred and obsessed with Rachel, which leads Chloe to lose any friend she could make in BtS and we know how bad her relationship with both her mother and step-father is in LiS1.
After Chloe is done with a task, Rachel praises her but then immediately points out "There's more work"; even though Rachel's parents are rich and she's socially way above Chloe, she's relying on others to do everything for her. Rachel is the most desperate to leave Arcadia Bay, but Chloe is the one who has to find a car and the money to leave. What does Rachel do, except give orders and get more and more demanding? What does she concretely do for Chloe, except get her in trouble and give her some crumbs of affection/love? Nothing! She never helped Chloe find a way to go back to school, follow her studies online or anything, or even support her in finding a job! All she does is ask and take, and her pieces of advice are shit, she pushes Chloe to rebel and be unpleasant when it comes to her mother marrying again instead of telling her to talk it out with them or to give her future step-dad a chance before slamming the door shut to his face.
when Chloe reminds Rachel that she made a promise to her, Rachel either doesn't remember or pretends not to
"My liberty." "Nay, this most of all I will not grant." Rachel refuses to let Chloe go. She even has the gall to ask why! Like "Hey, why do you want to be free? Aren't you happy to serve me? Are you not having fun?"
"Yeah, but fun is not happiness!" Chloe even points out that she wants to be loved for who she truly is, not just have fun and adventures, Chloe needs something genuine, she also needs stability. But Rachel still refuses, "I hold you in my grasp" (!!!) and then even points out that seeing Chloe free, happy on her own, and seeing her thrive would make her envious. This plainly shows Rachel is an abuser! She can't stand the idea that Chloe can be happy without her, she needs to be the centre of her world!
And although Chloe reaches out for her, telling her "Then come with me, isn't that possible for you?", Rachel evades the question and basically tells her "Once we leave Arcadia Bay, I will make you so happy that you will forget that you're my prisoner and slave".
THIS IS NOT ROMANTIC! And people in the game PLUS many gamers are falling for it, since someone in the public screams "SAY YES!!" er... NO?! Chloe, run for your life!!?
Chloe was basically the caretaker of Rachel, and when Chloe wasn't enough, she looked for another. Rachel seduced Nathan (rich, abused and vulnerable but mentally ill), then Frank (an independent adult, but he was a drug dealer and not mentally stable) and then she fell for Jefferson, who had ticked all the boxes... Unfortunately for her, he was very much like her but worse!
Another point for LiS1, I don't believe David was an abusive step-father.
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Is he kind of a jerk, not the most tactful, and kinda sexist? Yep, all agreed. But people also forget that this guy has fought in a freaking war! Everyone justifies both Chloe and Rachel's actions with their traumas, but no one even thinks about how this guy must be full of traumas too. What he lived explains (not justify!!) that he's a bit paranoid and adamant about following rules and laws. And we tend to forget how he had a very good intuition for many things: he was suspicious about Jefferson very early, but no one took him seriously, for one!
And back to the stepfather thing, I saw many people talking shit bout how Chloe didn't feel safe at home because of him. This is bullcrap. If Chloe didn't feel safe, then why did she take drugs in her room?! Or hid the gun she stole from him under her mattress? Because she knew she would get away with it with, at worst, a slap. A slap she pushed David to give her, which is another abuser tactic btw - one she must have taken from Rachel, as we see how her speech, manners and even clothing mimic Rachel if you take BtS into account. In Life is Strange 2, there is a scene where you meet him, and if you have a saved game with the "Chloe survived ending", we see how she and Max keep in touch with him! They write letters and send him photos, and David calls her "his daughter" and even "Sweetie" as he picks up when Chloe calls him!!! ; and let's not forget the "your old man doesn't fear the heat." So Chloe even came to consider him as her father then! Do you seriously think she would if he had been an abusive piece of shit? I don't. If anything, Chloe must have acted on her realization at the end of the first game, where she told Max that David doesn't deserve to die in the storm and reached out when she felt ready.
19. You're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
I'm at an age where I stop caring about the internet's opinion most of the time, I just want to chill and enjoy my things in my corner xD BUT I'm quite kind of surprised and embarrassed (sometimes) at some kinks I realised I enjoy more than I thought I should (still quite soft compared to what we can find!) like spanking for example. Or when I start a story and think "URGH this character is SO annoying, I can't stand them" then it changes to either "I love them" or "I want *insert character* to tame them"
23. Ship you've unwillingly come around to
Well, I've ranted about the game series, so I'll keep on it:
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I've spoken about Rachel/Chloe, so I'm not going to expand more, but for Pricefield (Chloe/Max)? Well, in summary, I'll say that Chloe did to Max exactly what Rachel did to her.
I'm not the purist kind, if you want to ship a toxic ship, it's totally okay! I can see the appeal! But most fanworks romanticise them way too much! They cut out all the toxic traits or interesting character development and make it all "pure from friend to lover" which isn't... that at all. I'd like them more if it was addressed that the pairings are not the healthiest, or if it was explicitly written under "toxic/abusive relationship"! Or just an "everything is fine/better AU", sure, go ahead! I love these AUs too, it would be fun and heartwarming to read slices of life stories/small comics with the characters without the tragedies awaiting them!
But at the moment, all I see is that Rachel was Chloe's toxic ex, and Chloe became Max's toxic ex-best/girlfriend (in the timeline where Chloe dies).
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tangent101 · 5 months
The Prejudice of Appearance in LiS
Okay. I would like you to imagine an AU where Kate Marsh was rebelling against her parents and loved dressing up in goth clothes - it can even be the frilly cute goth clothes some girls wear, with the lace gloves and the like. She also has a more biting wit and speaks up for herself more. (We can see signs of that Kate if Max doesn't support Kate against David and suggests against going to the police over Nathan drugging her.)
Meanwhile, Chloe Price actually works and while she was a high school dropout has respectable looking clothes, wearing slacks and a good quality shirt. She's also quieter and less sarcastic, even in the face of being abused by David, because she's trying to avoid being hit by him.
Now envision the reaction of the LiS Haters if that was the Kate and Chloe we'd gotten. How much do you think they'd have railed against Kate and hated her outright (especially with her religiosity) while feeling more sympathy for Chloe?
How much of the hatred and belief of "she deserved it" from certain folks came from how Chloe dressed, while the fact Kate dresses like a schoolgirl makes people feel sympathy for her? (How much of society's hatred of the homeless is due to how they look? Do we not feel more sympathy when the homeless person is a good-looking white person?)
Just some food for thought.
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notsopleasant2 · 8 months
I can't sleep and sims 2 is one of my main hyperfixations so here are my Headcannons!!
Brandi had Dustin as a teen, she could've managed to graduate high school if she wasn't helping skip take care of his dying parents
Lilith has undiagnosed autism, I can go so into depth with this and how it effects the family dynamics but that will be for a later post
Juliet is very much a lana del rey stan, her aesthetic is Pinterest coquette, she also loves uggs, she has so many and has customised some with pink ribbons
Olive was infatuated with death since a young age, she first saw the grim reaper when a friend passed away when she was a teen and ever since she's been infatuated with them, to the point where she'd kill sims to see death, atleast for a few moments and during one of those moments, she ended up with Nervous, he didn't have a name, she wasn't ready to be a mother, she never thought she could get pregnant by literal death in the first place, she was about to put him in the foster system until a daughter of a family friend, Circe Beaker, offered Olive a large sum of money to adopt, who is now known as Nervous Subject
Chloe and Lola are both queer, Lola is a lesbian and Chloe is bi with a feminine lean
PT9 is the supportive dad at pride that gives out free hugs and supplies, he is more understanding then some humans as being LGBTQ+ was very common on his planet.
Angela is only dating Dustin to silently rebel against her parents, the main reason is unknown but Lilith thinks it's because they were spending all their time punishing her and not enough attention on Angela, or that they bought her a hot pink convertable when she wanted pastel pink
Dina actually wants childeren, but only one and would prefer a girl, she would be the mom to buy her toddler designer clothes and shoes even though they wouldn't fit or get tarnished in a few months but would keep them in the attic for memories, even if she lost all her money, she would never sell them
Tank is the definition of internalised Homophobia, I don't think he'd fully realise until way later in life
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Okay now I have to ask, from that list I made or absolutely any other ideas, so you have any thoughts on crossovers between our ocs? 🥺
Omg! Hold onto your hat! This is gonna get weird!
Roni Tanner
Mia Queen- I feel like they could develop like kind of a sister-y relationship when the Gambit goes down since Oliver is kind of the brother Roni never had and she feels a duty to look out for his kid sisters.
Rose Smythe
Annika Webster- I see potential for superhero girl shenanigans! And also meddling and matchmaking attempts!
Kelsey Doyle- they seem to have similar vibes and I feel like they would be wonderfully chaotic together!
Kris Smythe
Sadie Maddox- I think these two could get along and maybe cause a little trouble together
Carli Tanner
Ophelia Wayne- she seems like exactly the kind of boss bitch Carli would love to have in her corner
Ruby Fitzherbert
Finley Rider- I feel like we could play up the angst with this. Sisters separated by circumstance and whatnot
Piper Pan
Finley Rider- I also see a lot of potential for mischief and shenanigans here
Winnie Pan- another possible awesome sister duo! I see a lot of adventure potential with these two
Regina Grimhilde
Violet Kingsleigh- I feel like these two could have similar paths of being sent to Auradon with ulterior motives then (presumably) realizing things aren't what they've always thought
Bobbi LaCosta
Jane Forester- I see a whole"best friend's brother" situation developing with them and Dean
Charlotte Howard-Danes- I'm seeing bonding over dancing and flighty absent moms!
Sam Gleason- with the way Miss Patty kind of mothers Kirk, I assume she does something similar with Sam. I see that leading to a sister/bestie bond
Lila Lupin
Gemini Black- I think these two could have a very interesting friendship. Their personalities seem like they would compliment each other will
Athena Prewett
Bobbie Fortescue- This could be an interesting pair. Both war orphans (well half orphan on Athena's side), both cousins of people directly In The Drama, both separated from their families by their sorting. I see kindred spirits here
Phoenix Dumbledore- I just wanna see what these two would get up to since the Beauxbatons stayed with the ravenclaws.
Venus Malfoy- Athena would be the friend supporting her to rebel against her parents.
Stella Knight
Atalanta Jackson- As the two girls closest to Jason I feel they're constantly tag teaming to keep him alive 🤣
Cassandra Aelius- People think Stella's kind of crazy for trying to tell the future using the stars so I feel like she would at least listen to her prophecies even if she doesn't always believe them
Alexa Cantwood
Crystal Solace- I feel like we've discussed these two before and I still want them to be besties
Elyana Chase- we're always here for half sister adventures!
Stella Beauregard- I think that these two would be friends. I also think Stella would see Alexa and Lucian and be like "Ugh you guys are disgusting" because that's how cute they are
Victoria Blofis- She seems so chill and I think that could have that kind of friendship you can only have with people you've known through all your awkward phases.
Gwen Macintosh
Brandy Hayes- I'm seeing these two being like parallel "one girl field agent" type of friends who can bond by laughing at/bitching about their teams together
Xenia Hart- I'm guessing she's Harry's daughter so I see them being best friends since babyhood and the ultimate agent team when their grown up. We'd either have to give one of them a new codename or we could play with the hilarity of two Guinevere's on top of the two galahads
Rikki Lane
Chloe Grace Routledge- I see these two acting as literally ALL of John B's impulse control.
Cody Maybank- These two and Kie would be terrifying together. I can already tell. I don't know why though.
Jo Clark- Rikki would totally be sympathetic to Jo running to the Cut to get away from her problems. They would bond over being kook defectors and Rikki would offer to let Jo stay with her or borrow clothes or anything
Sharon Henderson
Beth Munson (Thompson?)- I feel like Sharon would be like the Dustin to Nancy, Beth, and Barb's Mike Lucas and Will. The one who joined the squad late (sixth grade) but blended in flawlessly
Cara Henderson- can you say ultimate big sister duo? From what I can tell, Cara would be the athletic sister to Sharon's need sister and I love that!
Samantha Mayfield- They would totally team up to kick monster ass.
Sidney Hopper- These two and Jonathan would have totally been like the three musketeers growing up so I could see a besties turned worst enemies and back progression with them.
Stacy Byers- Similar to Sidney, I'm seeing a "sisters in all but blood" situation
Roxy Winchester
Ainsley Winchester- Roxy always wanted a sister so I think she would love Ainsley. I can see them trying to be the peacekeepers of the family and rolling their eyes at the boys constantly.
Deborah Winchester- these two would have either been best friends or constantly at each other's throats after John found Roxy. Either way, I think they would have loved each other. I could see them being a formidable hunting team to rival their brothers.
Elle Winchester- the adopted sisters with the secret pasts? I love it!!! Potential for lots of drama and shocking reveals!
Esther Cott- I'm not sure exactly what these two would do together but I feel like they would make interesting friends
Drea Jones
Ana Andrews- Total parallels for their brothers. They have the brain cells. Do not get paid enough for this shit.
Charlotte Jones- The female role model Drea needs in her life. Sister Bonding (TM). Will fuck you up.
Delaney Carlyle- Chaos. All the chaos. I like it!
Fallon Parris Jones- You know that part in The Parent Trap between Annie and Hallie realizing they're twins and the end of camp? I feel like that's these two when Fallon comes back to Riverdale
Harper Harrison- These two would be great friends. Drea is totally the kind of friend to learn sign language along with Harper so they can talk shit about people without anybody knowing. Also was Riverdale High Drama Department's designated choreographer, she would talk about musicals all day with her
Kris Keller- As Kevin's best friend, I could see Drea becoming a regular fixture in the Keller household to the point where Tom will walk into one of the twins' rooms to find Drea sprawled on the floor with her sketchbook and just be like "yeah sure why not?"
Lyra Lovell- Creative dancer girls!!! Will spill blood for Jughead Jones. Exhausted by Gladys Jones.
Tanya Conway- As someone who loves a good mystery and, thanks to Archie, never really believed Svenson was the Black Hood, dress would totally help Tanya prove her dad's innocence.
Roni Stark
Alessia Stark- We could do some interesting things here with both of them having the serum used on them. Plus I've never considered Roni having a big sister. Could be fun!
Adelaide Stark- Roni would absolutely ADORE Adi! She'd be the cool aunt who took her on trips aunt bought her whatever she wanted. She'd also be the one to bake cookies and make pillow courts for movie marathons.
Aris Stark-- Much like with Adi, Roni would be Aris's ultimate supporter growing up. When the boys go to space and the girls are left behind, Roni tries to guide Aris through developing unexpected superpowers. She's been there herself so she should be able to handle it, right?
Athena Stark- Ultimate Aunt Roni would help her ambitious niece get anything her little heart desired
Ava Potts- Ava describing Roni "my aunt who's not really my aunt bursts into flames. Sure why not?"
Cora (& Orion) Royce- Roni would totally love this little girl and her determination to help protect her family. She'd do everything she could to help her
Zora Wright- I could see these two being great friends
Cora Hargreeves
Alice Hargreeves- Cora likes to think she was the empathetic sibling growing up. She tried to include Viktor as much as possible and would have treated Alice no different. When they grow up and find themselves the most stable of their family, they're have to be the brain cells to help keep everyone focused to stop the apocalypse
Andromeda Hargreeves- Cora would try to help Andromeda develop her powers by levitating small objects around her for her to try to catch. She doesn't blame her for leaving and welcomes her home
Audrey- They would totally bond over music and being the "artsy" siblings
Cassie Hargreeves- Oh this could be fun! Cora's psychic but she has a lot of trouble with that part of her powers do when cause around he uses Cora more for her telekinesis. Then when caddies gone he would push her more to have visions.
Cleo Sullivan- Anyone who can work with Diego on a regular basis and not kill him is immediately a friend of Cora's. She'd be glad to have another girl around who knows how to fight
Kamaria Hargreeves- We love a long lost sister in this house! I see a lot of room for shenanigans here
Max Carmichael- Cora would either love Max or she would annoy the hell out of her. I'm not sure which. Maybe both
Mira Hargreeves- "My thirteen year old brother and his eighteen year old daughter just fell through a time portal to stop the apocalypse. Sounds about right." -Cora Hargreeves
Mireille Labonair- Cora would probably be wary of anyone who agreed to work with her father but once she got past that, she'd love that Luther had someone who made him happy
Odessa Hargreeves- Cora would hate having her sister resent their family but she wouldn't her.
Poppy- Cora would love Poppy! She adores Grace so having a sister like her would be awesome. When they grow up she would love getting to finally show her the world!
Sierra Nearing- Cora actually works at Griddy's after leaving the Academy. Sierra would probably be her first real friends and I love that! Cora would show her all the sculptures she works on when she's not at the diner. Curiously, her shifts never line up with her siblings' visits so she still doesn't know Sierra knows them beyond what's she's told her. Even Diego and Klaus who she actually sees regularly.
Vienna Montgomery- As Diego's designated favorite sibling, Cora would have met Vienna and immediately love her. They would be great friends and cora would only be mildly surprised but not unhappy when Vienna shows up to the funeral.
Virginia West- Cora would absolutely love Ginny! Books are some of her favorite things and watching Ginny literally bring stories to life would be like magic to her.
Wilhelmina Hargreeves- Cora might resent Willa a little bit for leaving, but she still loves her and understands why she did it. When she comes back for the funeral, Cora is glad to see Willa just like all the others.
Mickey Daniels (& Melissa van Aren, Emily Kirkpatrick, and Amy Turner)
Alyssa Solomon- If there's one thing Mickey Daniels loves, it's a challenge. Befriending Alyssa Solomon has proven to be one of the bigger challenges Mickey's encountered. The girl has secrets on top of secrets. Lucky for Mickey, secrets are her chosen trade.
Annalise Goode- Mickey's part of the welcome committee for new students so she'd be totally excited to meet Annalise! I could see them being like workout partners and training together
Leia Gallagher- Mickey would think it's so coul that Latoya is a direct descendant of Gilly! They'd probably spend a lot of time talking about places they've travelled and having parental figures who are always away.
Sami Upton
Abbie Hudson- These two would totally have been best friends growing up! They would have spent all their time practicing gymnastics moves and driving Finn and Noah crazy. They probably would have decided to join Glee together just to try it and both fell in love with it.
Christina Hummel- Sami doesn't agree with the way the football team treats the Hummel twins. She also doesn't do much to interfere for fear of losing her own social standing. As an original Glee member, she's been friends with Kurt and at least frenemies with Christina since freshman year.
Joy Schuester- Sami would totally be the friend Joy would look at when Will does something crazy/stupid/embarrassing like "Do you see what I have to deal with???" Only for Sami to sheriff and start laughing like "I'm sorry I can't help you, but this is hilarious."
Kendall Pierce- Sami would love Kendall because she too would see no reason to choose between cheer and Glee. I could see them being kind of a mirror for Quinn and Britt
Ok finally done!!! Wow that was a lot.
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faraway-wanderer · 3 years
In light of recent events and the growing anti- Asian hate in the US and UK over the course of the pandemic I wanted to put together a masterlist of books by Asian authors. Obviously, it’s not extensive and there are HUNDREDS out there, but supporting art by Asian creators is a way of showing support; read their stories, educate ourselves. It goes without saying that we should all be putting effort into reading stories of POC and by POC because even through fiction we’re learning about different cultures, countries and heritages. So here’s some books to start with by Asian authors!
Here is a link also for resources to educate and petitions to sign (especially if you don’t read haha). It’s important that we educate ourselves and uplift Asian voices right now. Your anti-racism has to include every minority that faces it.
for UK peeps, this is a good read: We may not hear about the anti Asian racism happening here, but it is definitely happening. https://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/culture/culture-news/a35692226/its-time-we-stopped-downplaying-the-uks-anti-asian-racism/
·         War Cross- Marie Lu ( the worldbuilding in this is IMMENSE.)
For the millions who log in every day, Warcross isn’t just a game—it’s a way of life. The obsession started ten years ago and its fan base now spans the globe, some eager to escape from reality and others hoping to make a profit. 
·         Star Daughter- Shveta Thakrar
A beautiful story about a girl who is half human and half star, and she must go to the celestial court to try to save her father after he has fallen ill. And before she knows it, she is taking part in a magical competition that she must win!
·         These Violent Delights- Chloe Gong (I told my little sister to read this book yesterday bc she has a thing for a Leo as Romeo- so if you want deadly good looking Romeos, badass Juliet’s and to learn about 1920s Shanghai- this is for you.)
The year is 1926, and Shanghai hums to the tune of debauchery. A blood feud between two gangs runs the streets red, leaving the city helpless in the grip of chaos. A Romeo and Juliet retelling.
·         The Poppy War- R.F Kuang (My fave fantasy series just fyi- it’s soul crushing in the best way. Rebecca Kuang is a god of an author).
A brilliantly imaginative talent makes her exciting debut with this epic historical military fantasy, inspired by the bloody history of China’s twentieth century and filled with treachery and magic, in the tradition of Ken Liu’s Grace of Kings and N.K. Jemisin’s Inheritance Trilogy.
·         Loveboat Taipei-  Abigail Hing Wen  (Really heartwarming and insightful!)
When eighteen-year-old Ever Wong’s parents send her from Ohio to Taiwan to study Mandarin for the summer, she finds herself thrust among the very over-achieving kids her parents have always wanted her to be, including Rick Woo, the Yale-bound prodigy profiled in the Chinese newspapers since they were nine—and her parents’ yardstick for her never-measuring-up life.
·         Sorcerer to the Crown- Zen Cho (if anyone is looking for another Howl’s Moving Castle, look no further than this book)
At his wit’s end, Zacharias Wythe, freed slave, eminently proficient magician, and Sorcerer Royal of the Unnatural Philosophers—one of the most respected organizations throughout all of Britain—ventures to the border of Fairyland to discover why England’s magical stocks are drying up.
·         Emergency Contact- Mary H.K. Choi (very wholesome and fun rom-com!)
For Penny Lee high school was a total nonevent. When she heads to college in Austin, Texas, to learn how to become a writer, it’s seventy-nine miles and a zillion light years away from everything she can’t wait to leave behind.
 ·         Jade City- Fonda Lee (I am reading this currently and can I just say- I think everyone who loves fantasy and blood feuds in a story should read this.)
JADE CITY is a gripping Godfather-esque saga of intergenerational blood feuds, vicious politics, magic, and kungfu. The Kaul family is one of two crime syndicates that control the island of Kekon. It's the only place in the world that produces rare magical jade, which grants those with the right training and heritage superhuman abilities.
 ·         A Pho Love Story- Loan Le
When Dimple Met Rishi meets Ugly Delicious in this funny, smart romantic comedy, in which two Vietnamese-American teens fall in love and must navigate their newfound relationship amid their families’ age-old feud about their competing, neighbouring restaurants.
·         Rebelwing- Andrea Tang
Business is booming for Prudence Wu. A black-market-media smuggler and scholarship student at the prestigious New Columbia Preparatory Academy, Pru is lucky to live in the Barricade Coalition where she is free to study, read, watch, and listen to whatever she wants.
·         Wings of the Locust- Joel Donato Ching Jacob
Tuan escapes his mundane and mediocre existence when he is apprenticed to Muhen, a charming barangay wiseman. But, as he delves deeper into the craft of a mambabarang and its applications in espionage, sabotage and assassination, the young apprentice is overcome by conflicting emotions that cause him to question his new life.
 ·         The Travelling Cat Chronicles- Hiro Arikawa
Sometimes you have to leave behind everything you know to find the place you truly belong...
Nana the cat is on a road trip. He is not sure where he's going or why, but it means that he gets to sit in the front seat of a silver van with his beloved owner, Satoru. 
 ·         Super Fake Love Song- David Yoon
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·         The Grace of Kings- Ken Liu ( One of the Time 100 Best Fantasy Books Of All Time!)
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·         America is in the Heart- Carlos Bulosan
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·         On Earth we’re briefly Gorgeous- Ocean Vuong
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·         Fierce Fairytales- Nikita Gill
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·         Counting down with you- Tashie Bhuiyan- 4th May
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How do you make one month last a lifetime?
·         Gearbreakers- Zoe Hana Mikuta- June 29th
Two girls on opposite sides of a war discover they're fighting for a common purpose--and falling for each other--in Zoe Hana Mikuta's high-octane debut Gearbreakers, perfect for fans of Pacific Rim, Pierce Brown's Red Rising Saga, and Marie Lu's Legend series
·         XOXO- Axie Oh- 13th July
When a relationship means throwing Jenny’s life off the path she’s spent years mapping out, she’ll have to decide once and for all just how much she’s willing to risk for love.
·         She who became the sun- Shelley Parker-Chan- 20th July
Mulan meets The Song of Achilles in Shelley Parker-Chan's She Who Became the Sun, a bold, queer, and lyrical reimagining of the rise of the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty from an amazing new voice in literary fantasy.
·         Jade Fire Gold- June C.L Tan- October 12th
Two girls on opposite sides of a war discover they're fighting for a common purpose--and falling for each other--in Zoe Hana Mikuta's high-octane debut Gearbreakers, perfect for fans of Pacific Rim, Pierce Brown's Red Rising Saga, and Marie Lu's Legend series
  Keep sharing, signing petitions and donating where you can. The more people who are actively anti-racist, the better. And if your anti-racism doesn’t include the Asian community then go and educate yourself! BLM wasn’t a trend and neither is this. We have to stand up against white supremacy, and racism and stereotypes and we have to support the communities that need our support. Part of that can include cultivating your reading so you’re reading more diversely and challenging any stereotypes western society may have given you.
 Feel free to reblog and add any more recommendations and resources of course!
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spooky-z · 4 years
Maribat by @ozmav
Warnings: aggression and language
Almost 3K.
All Marinette could see was red, purple and yellow against pale skin.
It was mostly red, the edges already becoming purple and around a sick yellow.
She could blink, look away, try to think of something else, but the image was glued to her eyes.
The anger burning under the skin, the blood running hot in her veins, heart beating angrily against her ribs. She could feel the metallic taste of the cut that her teeth opened on her lip.
Marinette had never felt more hatred for anyone than she did at that moment.
She wanted to jump the jugular and pull out the trachea with her teeth.
The urge to kill.
"... you better get away from her." Damian growled. His face contorted with disgust.
“Who do you think you are to intrude on a family affair?!” Audrey Bourgeois stood, arrogant and pompous, glancing disdainfully at the Pack.
Chloe by her side, her eyes puffy, hair down shadowing her face and lips trembling from holding back the crying. The handprint on the pale cheek was obvious and clearly visible despite the hair to cover.
She didn't dare look at her friends. At the pack. The humiliation was a heavy feeling, seeming worse every moment she heard the shutter sound of a phone camera toward her.
Dupont would have something to talk about for weeks now.
"... who does he think he is?!" Kagami says. She was the only one who seemed coolly calm. "Who YOU think you are." There were more than sharp words coming out. There were canines becoming sharper by the moment and a lack of control going on.
Audrey seems offended by the girl’s words.
"Lower your tone, young lady." She replies. Her tone was threatening. “Do you know who you are talking to? I'm Audrey Bourgeois, one of the greatest designers of the world. Wife of the mayor of Paris. And I can end your family's life in two seconds.”
Adrien smiles mockingly at the woman's words. "I'd love to see that happen... Auntie."
The woman chokes offended at the nickname, but doesn't seem surprised by the boy's behavior.
She raises her eyebrow.
"When Gabriel told me that you were in your rebel phase and that you were taking Chloe the wrong way, I really didn't believe it." She says. "But I see this time he has some reason to warn me."
The Pack grunts at the man's name.
"I knew that piece of trash wouldn't be quiet." Max mutters venomously.
"It's time we put an end to this old man." Kim mumbles back.
Audrey seemed to tire of all the little show they were giving Dupont's students and grabbed Chloe's arm, trying to pull the girl into the limo parked on the sidewalk.
“Come on Chloe, you have to pack your bags. We leave for New York today.” She turns, ignoring the Pack.
Something pops in Marinette, because all she can do is slap Audrey's hand away from Chloe and put herself between them. She probably looked like a wild animal right now.
The stylist shrugs her arm, holding her injured hand. Red face in indignation.
"Don't touch her." Marinette says. "Or I'll be forced to do something you won't like."
“Oh? What are you going to do? Tell your parents? You're nobody, little girl.” Audrey laughs sarcastically. “Chloe, let's go. Now."
"Nette, please, I don't want you to get in trouble." Chloe whispers, the pain was clear in the words.
The sound that comes from Marinette's chest is animalistic. The sound made the Pack shudder with the force and the dark feeling dripping into it.
Marinette would not let Chloe be taken. Not by Audrey, at least.
She doesn't look away from the adult Bourgeois before firing commands at the Pack.
"Damian, call Richard." The boy is quick to pick up the phone. “Adrien, call Clark and Lois. Let them know they can release that story in the newspaper.” The blonde doesn't even blink at the command. “Kim, Max and Luka, take Chloe to my house and don't let her out of sight.” Max and Kim surround Chloe and she gets carried away.
"Are you sure you want me to go, Mari?" Luka asks quietly, hesitating to leave. He knew that Damian and Adrien were not good at being Marinette's conscience in difficult situations. "I can stay and Adrien go with Chloe."
Marinette waves denying it. She looks at him just fast enough to calm him down before turning her attention back to Audrey.
“Kagami will stay with me and can keep me from doing something extreme.” Responds. "Chloe will need you more now."
“Alright, bu-”
"I'll call if I need support." Kagami is quick to answer him.
Luka hesitates for two more seconds before running after the other three who were waiting in the car with Auguste (aka Gorilla).
When only Damian, Marinette, Adrien and Kagami were left with Audrey (besides the audience watching), Marinette calmed down. The heated air was suddenly getting cold.
She was ready to attack.
“Do you really think hiding Chloe from me is going to work? I am her mother! The first lady! I run this town!” Audrey starts to scream. "Nothing you do will stop me from taking my daughter away from this... filthy relationship going on here."
Kagami steps forward wanting to attack the woman, but Adrien holds her hand and she stops, coming back to herself.
Damian had hung up the phone signaling an "OK" with his fingers.
"How about you shut up?" He says. “Keep talking will only make your situation worse.”
“Make my situation worse? What the hell are you talking about?!”
"He's talking about you getting arrested." Marinette replies without emotion. "Assault on a minor, threats, conspiracy with another adult to kidnap a child... There is a long list of your crimes."
Audrey looks attacked by Marinette's words, but also snorts in confusion.
“Conspiracy to kidnap a child?!” She grits her teeth. “Look at me and tell me if I look like someone who kidnaps someone! She is my daughter and I have the right to take her wherever I want when I want.”
Adrien laughs cynically at the woman.
"Not. You don't have.” He says. "Do you remember signing a document giving Chloe full custody to the mayor after signing the divorce a few months ago?"
“Yeah, we know you are no longer the mayor's wife and you have no right to do what you did. If you left the country with Chloe without André's written permission, it would become a kidnapping.” Kagami cuts her off.
“She's my daughter!” Audrey stomps her foot.
"No, she is not. You gave up that right and now you hit her.” Damian growls. "You're lucky that murder is against the law, because otherwise..." He whispers deadly, but she can hear.
Audrey turns pale at the boy's words. Seeming to notice for the first time that the four teenagers had equal expressions of hate.
She opened her mouth to say something more, but the sound of police car sirens interrupted her and soon Dick was getting out of the car with Roger.
"Good afternoon." The Parisian cop politely greets, Dick nods without saying anything. “We received a complaint of public disorder and aggression against a minor.”
Audrey, knowing she would be in trouble, tries to get out of the situation by playing the victim.
"Officers, please, those brats went crazy and kidnapped my daughter!" There was a fake tear running down her cheek.
"What?!" Damian complains indignantly. "This crazy woman who was trying to kidnap one of us!"
Roger seemed frankly unsure of what to do, while Dick was watching the scene analytically. He was probably choosing the best way to end Audrey Bourgeois in front of everyone.
"What? No! You who kidnapped my Chloe and assaulted me!” She pointed her finger theatrically. “They threatened me, officer! Me! The first lady!”
"Madam, please." Roger takes Audrey by the shoulders and the woman makes an expression of disgust at the gesture. “Let's calm down. This confusion is attracting a much bigger audience than before.”
Only then does Audrey seem to notice that not only did Dupont's students watch (and film), but pedestrians passing by stopped to watch the confusion.
A TVi car getting closer and closer to guarantee the gossip of the day.
"Great! So, everyone learns about the sordid behavior that this school promotes towards students and how it corrupted my daughter!”
“Audrey Bourgeois-“ Marinette takes a step forward, looking at the woman and shaking her head. "Sorry! I meant Audrey Bisset.” She winks conspiratorially with the stylist's offended expression. "Here are your options."
She holds up a finger to signal "1" and begins, a soft voice.
"The first option is for you to leave now, without making another scene and we will not report you to these kind officers here."
The middle finger raises following the index finger. The "2".
"The second is that you continue and we are obliged to report you."
The ring finger raises to "3".
"Or I can just release very intimate files of yours on the internet and in the press, if you insist." Marinette lowers her arm and crosses the two behind her back, in a timid gesture. “Look, I knew you had some skeletons in the closet, but wow! What we found is enough to buy the entire IKEA and there is still no closet to store the bones.”
Roger, despite not appearing to like what Marinette was talking about, was curious about what she knew.
He was never a fan of Audrey Bourgeois for the way the woman treated her husband and daughter. Roger hated it every time Sabrina came home crying because Chloe had been particularly mean to her due to Audrey's influence.
The woman forced herself to be as unpleasant as possible and did not seem to have a drop of love in her heart.
Just greed and status.
“What.” Audrey babbles.
"Evan Halle." Kagami throws the name in the air, relaxed.
Audrey gets two shades paler. "How do you-"
"Laurence Green." Adrien continues.
The woman's skin changes to a greenish tone.
"Alright! I'm leaving!" She screams. "But you have to promise that the press will not know those names!"
"Deal!" Marinette waves happily. A sweet, very sweet smile, on the lips.
Audrey puts the sunglasses back on her face, composing herself. She pretends not to notice the press filming everything live for viewers at home and turns to get into the limo.
"Odette Han." Dick finally speaks and with that Audrey seems ready to run at any moment. “This is part of some of the names listed in the files. You will have to accompany us to the police station.”
He steps in front of her, preventing Audrey from trying to escape. Roger followed his movement and took the stylist by the arm.
“It will be good if you collaborate with us. Otherwise, we will be forced to handcuff you in front of everyone.” He says when Audrey tries to break free.
She looks at Marinette, anger in her expression and her eyes are wet with humiliation.
"You said you wouldn't let anyone know!" She rages at Marinette, losing her composure for the first time.
She struggles in Roger's grip, wanting to move forward on Marinette, but the man has an iron grip on the woman's arm and she stops.
Damian smirks. A dangerous look.
"She said she wouldn't release it in the press or on the internet." He answers. "And I believe that she is fulfilling the agreement, since the police are not part of the press."
Dick takes the opportunity to put the handcuffs on Audrey's wrists. “And she won't be the one to tell the press. It will be me.”
When Audrey starts struggling again trying to break free, Roger drags her into the police car. Leaving Dick with the teenagers.
“Thank you so much for your help, Richard. She wouldn't give up on Chloe if you hadn't arrived.” Marinette sighs a smile.
Dick raises an eyebrow, seeming not at all convinced by the false sincerity in the girl's words. He knew she could be quite manipulative when needed.
"You're welcome." He answers. “We were lucky to have obtained these files before she arrived in Paris. Chloe will be safe now.”
Kagami snorts. "What are you talking about? Chloe was always safe. Audrey only touched her because that was the plan.”
"Yes! And everything came out the way we planned!” Adrien claps the hands, a huge smile on his face.
"The slap was much stronger than imagined, but it gave the effect we wanted." Damian nods sharply. "The anger I felt when I saw the mark was genuine."
Dick's eyes widen in surprise.
"Wait, did you know this was going to happen?"
“Duh. Of course." Marinette replies. “Appearing at school all together and happy. We knew there would be gossip, especially nasty gossip from our class.” She rolls her eyes. "So, we took advantage of that knowing that Lila wouldn't be quiet and we let her get closer to Gabriel."
“But how were you sure he was going to talk to Audrey? I thought they didn't get along.”
"Because Gabriel likes to be in control." Kagami speaks. “He doesn't like to be told. Especially if the people giving the order are children.”
“My father wants to isolate me. If I lose all my friends, he will be able to regain control over me as before.”
"So, Gabriel, thinking that Audrey would take Chloe away from us, warns the woman about an "orgy" involving only daughter she has and she comes running to save her." Damian continues.
“But you didn't need evidence of the crimes she committed to get her away from Chloe. She had no right, so she would be arrested even if you didn't do anything.” Dick crosses his arms. "So why all this staging?"
Marinette smiles, a dark mood shining in the blueberry eyes.
"Because that way we send a message to everyone, especially Gabriel."
"And what message would that be?" Dick questions.
"Never mess with the Pack."
The “otherwise” was left unsaid, but the meaning was clear.
"I didn't know you could be such a good actress, Apis." Kim praises Chloe, eyes glued to the news channel.
The girl snorts. "I am good at everything."
Max jumps on the couch, turning up the sound of the TV when a footage (probably from a cell phone, if judged by the image quality), particularly good of Chloe's marked face, appeared on the screen.
"Fuck." He swears in wonder. "It looks a lot worse on TV."
Luka sits next to the three and places the ice pack gently on Chloe's face, who moans gratefully.
That hurt like hell.
"I didn't think Audrey would be that strong." Luka comments. "Your face will be swollen for a few days, Apis."
"All for the greater good." She sighs.
They would have no more to worry about for a while.
"What the hell was this all about?" Ivan grumbles.
“Why was Chloe's mother arrested? Anybody know?" Rose asks.
Alix swallows a sigh when she sees Nadja Chamack announce that Audrey Bisset has been arrested for promoting slave labor in her clothing line, bribery and blackmail.
"Guys, come see this!" She calls.
They were all gathered on Juleka's boat (thinking that Chloe had gone there with Luka) wanting to know what it was all about in front of the school.
"Damn it. The mayor's wife is hardcore." Nino whistles in surprise.
"It looks like they're not together anymore." Alya says. Eyes glued to the cell phone. “The mayor filed for divorce five months ago and took custody of Chloe. It looked like she wanted to take Chloe to New York without his permission and then the police were called.”
"But how did he know that?" Nathaniel asks. "That she was trying to get Chloe out of Paris?"
"Hm... It says here that 'friends concerned about the physical and emotional integrity of the mayor's daughter, called the police and made the report'." Juleka reads aloud.
"They?" Sabrina asks.
"They." Alya waves.
Lila couldn't help thinking that Marinette's group was unpleasantly scary. They didn't seem to take any effort to break down the obstacles on the way.
She feared for when her time came.
Because she was not stupid.
Her time was coming.
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spartanxhunterx · 4 years
Another miraculous AU idea...
Parent personally swap AU.
What do I mean by this? Well what if Gabriel's personality was swapped with the Dupain-Chengs personalities.
So we'll get a very loving and doting Gabriel who genuinely cares for Adrien but is just SO busy with his business that he genuinely doesn't have time to be with Adrien.
But he tries, he tries so hard to make time, being wth him when he take a break, being there during dinner, Talking to him about his interest and if he likes all the things Gabriel has signed him up for.
And Adrien tells the truth, cause now that he's lost one parent he needs double the attention from one who tries but can't provide, so he tells him he doesn't like certain things. Like modeling and playing piano. So Gabriel listens, cause he doesn't want to lose Adrien too.
So even though Adrien is still stuck inside he doesn't have to do things he doesn't like and is no longer stuck on a diet.
Gabriel is still hawkmoth though, he can't get past his wife going 'missing' so he's still trying to get the miraculous.
He gets scared when Adrien sneaks out to get to school cause he fears his son is rebelling. On the second, successful, attempt he realises he can't control Adrien without creating strain between them so he lets him go.
It helps that he can be a bit more free as hawkmoth too so... Win-Win.
Now, as for the dupain-Cheng's.
They're very busy with their bakery, getting up early and staying up late to get everything done for the next day.
They're so busy in fact, that they hardly make time for marinette. Dinner time is like 90% of their interactions.
Mari's parents hold her up to high standards, good grades, helping in the bakery, delivering goods, learning Chinese and so much more.
They are disappointed when their daughter says she wants to be a fashion designer, they want her to takeover the bakery when they eventually retire.
They expect marinette to complete everything they tell her to do, digging into the time she uses to design and make clothes.
They micromanage her everyday so she gets the most done while doing very little of her desires.
There are times where they even forget they have a daughter and after they've planned out her whole entire month they tend to go a long time without speaking.
With only a few update on if she has or hasn't done what she should.
They're also very controlling of when, where and with who she's with when she goes out. She must always be back before a certain time (usually early) so THEY can go to sleep ready for the next day.
Because of these changes Adrien has a slightly bigger backbone but still lacks social understanding. Gabriel has given him plenty of talks on how he should treat people, especially girls, from when he was modelling so he doesn't come across as weird or pushy.
He gets more free time and can even go out more after going to school thanks to it.
He sees school as an escape from his homes confines while he sees being Chat Noir as a duty to Paris.
Marinette however, detests school, she hates it. Chloé makes her days feel like hell, busier never reprimands Chloé, no-one talks to her and her high grades are never enough for her parents.
Between home and school she feels trapped and confined. She can never speak up in school unless a teacher would tells her parents about it, she can't make friend because she can't commit to them.
Being Ladybug is freedom to her, but only just. Since she's held to the high standard of having to save the day, she takes it very, very seriously.
To the point of complete exhaustion. She micromanages her time even more to be able to memorize exactly when she can and can't escape as ladybug.
It helps that her parents don't pay that much attention to her to notice she goes missing most nights.
When adrien gets to school he sees the real Chloé and is determined to get her to change into the nice person he knows she can be.
The Marinette-Chloé rivalry comes to a halt when during lunch (after trying for so long) Adrien gets Chloé to admit that Chloe is just jealous of Marinette's life cause she has "loving parents."
And Marinette Scoffs in disbelief, her confidence as ladybug betraying her.
There is a heavy silence around the cafeteria (cause everyone wanted to listen to Chloé) when suddenly Marinette Bolts out in pure paranoia cause Miss Bustier was the one on Cafeteria watch.
From there people suspect that maybe Marinette's tardiness and flaky behaviour was NOT her fault as much.
I think, romance wise, reverse love square is best. Cause Adrien knows to treat Ladybug like he would treat a female model, with utmost respect, Adrien would fall for the somewhat quite yet brave Marinette, Marinette would get a crush on Chat Noir cause he is THE first person to support HER, despite knowing that it can't work.
And I don't even want to touch up on the subject that is the damage Lila could cause with this set up.
If you're interested in learning more let me know as I do have ideas for both a Gabriel redemption and more Lila Salt
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Yo I heard it was crackship season and I'm stressed as all hell so let's start some chaos. Here are a bunch of ships for the adults which don't get enough attention, and the kinds of dynamics I can think of.
*Anakra X Tomoe
- basically what happens if take the argument of ninjas samurai vs pirates and instead asked what would happen if they fucked instead? This the couple that never fights becuase they're too busy fighting anyone and everyone else. There may or may not be a few murders between them.
I like to imagine tomoe dated Anakra in the past in her rebellious phase against her strict parents and after a while they just drifted apart until they're reunited years later.
Tomoe just has to hear Anakra once before going "Holy shit Id know that smart-ass fucking voice everywhere." meanwhile Kagami is in the background fainting after hearing her mother swearing for the first time in her life. Que Anakra who has no chill and has determined that she's going to do everything in her power to "re-corrupt" Tomoe. Kagami becomes their biggest shipper becuase she's never seen her mom as happy as she is with Anakra around and she's totally down for having Juleka and Luka as siblings. She's even dyed a strand of her hair red to match them.
*Nathalie X Caline
- the two stressed out moms who don't actually have children of their own becuase they've adopted literally any child that comes to them. Lots of coffee dates because coffee is the only thing keeping them alive.
Nathalie just going to all the parent events and conferences instead of Gabriel and just getting along with this teacher who's all sunshine and support. Caline adopts chloe while Nathalie adopts Adrien and they're just these two nurturing women taking care of these blond rich kids with horrible parents.
*Nathalie X Emile
- this one should just be canon. Nathalie is 100% saving Emile for herself.
This is just a complete Pearl mood. "it's over isn't it" is the official soundtrack.
*Nathalie X Clara Nightingale
-Idol whose mission is to make the world smile meets her biggest project, to make the cute stressed assistant with a horrible boss smile again.
Basically Clara becomes a client for the brand and meanwhile shes spending her free time getting Nathalie to open up and realize that her problems matter and the she's important too. Just two women wanting to live life and be happy no matter what the world throws at you.
*Anakra X Caline
-little biased with this one since I helped with the lore of the two queens in the other magic AU but basically it's Anakra being the voice that goes "aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just wanna go apeshit?" and Caline being all for it.
Just soft teacher develops huge crush on the rebel mom of one of her students and she's crushing hard. Anakra sees this beautiful redhead that's also fantastic with kids and Juleka in particular and may decide it's time to use the "Couffaine charm."
I also thought of this like small headcanon to for normal AUs to match the other magic one where Anakra and Caline used to know each other where they used to be neighbors so Anakra was like this cool older kid about 2 or 3 years older than Caline that used to hang out and look after her, the two being the best of friends until down the line around high-school where Anakra just disapears one day with all anyone knowing is that something happened between her and her parents. They meet many years later at a parent teacher conference and actually go on a few dates before they have their realization of "Cali?!" and "Raka?!"
*Anakra X Caline X Tomoe X Nathalie
-Basically just an even crazier version of Lukadrigaminette. Just the right mix of chaos and braincells to form a functioning polygroup that could probably either take over the world or destroy it if they wanted to.
I think that's enough for one post. I'll make more later and maybe dip into the crackship for the class. Idk. Depends on how well people recieve this post I geuss.
This was great 
Also “Couffaine Charm” reminds me of-
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reithel1 · 3 years
Lucifer: Revelations (Outline for a Movie)
Lucifer: Season 6.66
(How I Would Have Written Season 6):
I Love the actors, the characters and have deep appreciation for everyone in front of and behind the cameras… the story had quite a few good things… but parts were missing, some were confusing and some parts that were just plain mean… you naughty writers!
Lucifer Season Six was a disappointment to a lot of people. I swear, if I hear one more person say “bittersweet” I’m going to kick someone right in their dark chocolate.
It wasn’t “bittersweet” … much of the Chloe-and-Lucifer story was just bitter, period. (Also, a lot of folks are appalled at the way Trixie was snubbed…)
First, it’s obvious that none of your writers are old enough to understand the pain they are trying to write about…
They say, “it’s ok because they know Lucifer and Chloe will have eternity together”… This is something that a younger person would write… someone who has never had to live for several decades without that one person… the love of her life, raise his child alone… missing those milestones… first steps, first giggles, birthdays and holidays… it’s even worse, much worse, if he is somewhere else missing them too and she has to feel his pain too. And that is just HUMAN suffering.
Compound that with knowing your loved one is in a place where a month of your pain is a thousand years of torture for him, and it becomes unfathomable.
I have done the human part and wouldn’t even wish that pain on a fictional character.
That Time Travel nonsense just doesn’t work if it means that Lucifer has to sacrifice everything he has worked through, trying to so hard to come to grips with his own daddy issues. There is NO WAY that he would agree to walk away from his own child after all of that. NO WAY that he becomes a deadbeat Daddy.
So, I learned a new word… RETCON… it means “Retroactive Continuity”… something can be changed so that things that come after it can also be changed…
This can be corrected if it is shown that parts of the sixth season were just old, sick Chloe’s dementia, bad dreams, an injury or an illness-driven hallucination...
For one thing, once Rory returned to Chloe’s deathbed, couldn’t she have EASILY just sent up a prayer to Uncle Amenadiel aka GOD, and said, “I know the truth now, please tell Dad it’s time to come home, Mom needs him... it’s time!” and Lucifer could have been there within seconds! So the final scenes of Chloe dying without him don’t make any sense. Amenadiel not taking Chloe to see her Dad and Mom in heaven before heading to Hell also doesn’t make any sense… if she lived to be old, Penelope would have joined John by then.
NEW GOD: I would change the plot so that Lucifer initially ascends the throne, attempts being God, (people AND angels died for him to become God, you know), he discovers what a hard job it really is, (remember when he said he hated the cacophony of voices in his head? How hard would it be for him to have to deal with 7.79 billion people praying to him in different languages, almost all at once, and see how he handled THAT!), then discovers Chloe is pregnant and THEN figures out that he doesn’t want the God job... How hard would it be for him when he’s God to constantly hear what she is thinking and have to turn a “deaf ear” to it? Not comment on it out of respect for her... adjust to letting her have some kind of privacy? After awhile, Lucifer begins to take more and more time away from his God duties, as if pretending he’s deaf and turning off his “hearing aid.”
NO GOD: On a celestial level, the other angels get frustrated because Dad has vacated the throne, Michael was gone (being punished in Hell) and Lucifer is gone frequently because he wants to step down — spend more time with Chloe as she nears her due date, then with the baby and Trixie, settling in to being an “earthly” Dad, and sort of neglecting his “Father of the Universe” duties… and Amenadiel doesn’t want it either... New rumbling began regarding who should rule... Since earth is once again basically without a God, things begin to descend into chaos, both on the earthly plane and in Heaven...
MICHAEL: Lucifer’s counsel helps Michael understand that the same parental issues that caused him to be rebellious and mischievous has caused Michael to be resentful and devious… This revelation helps them both, Lucifer forgives Michael and after awhile, Michael finally forgives himself for being a dickhead, and finally self-actualizes his wings back. Michael returns to the Silver City, and is happily reunited with all his siblings who are pleased that he has found his way... but soon, he feels the tension of the empty throne, he considers trying to claim it, but he is a different angel now, feels that it is no longer his destiny or his desire to rule... he feels unfulfilled in Heaven and returns to Hell to help Lucifer with his giant new task of helping lost souls find their own way out.
Lucifer is surprised and very pleased to be working wing-to-wing with his brother and it helps lighten his work load, but is dismayed to hear of the unrest in Heaven and the disintegration of things on earth. Since Michael has made such a transformation, while Lucifer was still God, he fixes Michael’s wing and shoulder, removes his scar and makes him beautiful again, with shimmering gold wings. Now he’s just as lovely as Lucifer and has no further reason for jealousy.
AMENADIEL: I wanted to see Amenadiel in a situation where he saved that racist boss by stepping in front of him and deflecting a bullet… the same black guy he has been so horrid to has now saved him… Amenadiel could have a few choice words for him, maybe pulls his shirt open and show him there is no bulletproof vest… right before leaving to go back to the Silver City.
NEW REBELLION: Near the end of the Movie: Wouldn't it be great if Lucifer and Michael could return to Heaven for a battle scene and fight together with Amenadiel against a new rebellion led by someone other than Lucifer or Michael? Now Lucifer is finding out how his father felt when Lucifer rebelled against Him all those many years ago! Surprised? Betrayed? Angry? Hurt? (Maybe it could even be Rory or some as-yet unborn angel child that starts this rebellion against him... but this time, it’s not because he wasn’t a good Dad, but because he is not being a good God in their eyes.)
They would find a way to make their brothers and sisters stand down by stopping the rebellion by a show of wit and power but not fighting... maybe just as the battle is about to begin, Lucifer (who is still God at this point) slices a veil of clouds with the flaming sword, showing a brilliant white and diamond view of a Heavenly Host of souls, millions of them... (CGI) all the good souls who have agreed, plus all the souls that he has saved from Hell and ascended to Heaven who have vowed never to serve any angel who takes the throne by force... (this scene would be great close to the end of the movie for a chance to see everyone one last time as they all stand together in the clouds in support of Lucifer), and can include any/all main characters that have recently deceased — if any — Ella, Maze, Eve, Linda, Trixie... previous characters: John and Penelope Decker, Dan and Charlotte, Father Kinley/Dromos and Squee, Delilah, Jimmy Barnes, Father Frank, Candy Morningstar, Reese, Cain, Abel and LeMec and Mr Said Out Bitch and any angels like RayRay, Zadkiel, Sara, Gabriel, and any other fan favorites from the past that we’d recognize, anyone who is available and willing to do it for the right price), and it is an amazing, breathtaking sight to behold... and with Chloe, Michael, and Amenadiel by his side, Lucifer says, “What would be the point of sitting on a throne in an empty kingdom where the only ones to bend a knee will be a few of your own brothers and sisters?”
This has paved the way for the New God...
(Note: For a couple of seconds each, show a view of the couch back home in Hell’s Therapy Office: Julian and his dad Mr. Tiernan are waiting for their session, squabbling. In another room, Malcom is sitting in a lumpy chair in front of a big screen TV that doesn’t work, with a table of food looks beautiful but has no taste or smell, and a glance into another room with Pete surrounded by lilies, listening to angry women — Ella’s voice and his mother’s — screaming at him 24/7. He and Malcom are both staring at a sign above a Red Light that isn’t lit... “Come to Therapy Office when Lit”)
NEW GOD/OG GOD: The three brothers calmed the rebellion, but they still have an empty throne that none of them really want to ascend to... Lucifer is still technically God, and Michael and Amenadiel try to convince Lucifer that he should resume his duties but Lucifer and Michael are now humble enough to know that it is not their calling... their work in Hell needs them.
Big fanfare! Dad comes back, and Lucifer gladly returns the family business back to its rightful owner... ALL of Lucifer’s lessons are NOW FINALLY completed, FINALLY he has a whole new understanding of how tough God’s job was, he has a whole new appreciation and respect for his Dad and the two of them can finally have the relationship they have always needed and Lucifer has always craved and Lucifer will finally have the chance to have a real family with his Dad and Mum, since they worked out their shit in her dimension, (He’s GOD for Heaven’s sake, you damn well know He can travel between dimensions if He wants to, and I’m sure Goddess is equally powerful and can come and go as She pleases too... gimme a break!
PS: Uriel and Remi can make an appearance too, because I am quite sure Dad is very capable of snatching his children’s souls out of their bodies, or creating replicas or holograms or whatever… removing them from harm’s way just in the nick of time, or giving them new bodies up in the Silver City. He IS God!)
God tells Lucifer he saw him at the Colosseum and was practicing blinking his eyes at the end (we saw three quick black outs at the end of season five while Lucifer held up the flaming sword and said, “Oh my Me”... figured it must’ve been God blinking, but it wasn’t mentioned again).
The three brothers now understand the pecking order, Amenadiel is second in command and has his ability to slow time plus almost as many powers as God (but not quite all the “omni’s”), and Lucifer and Michael are 2nd and 3rd in line, having slightly less powers than Amenadiel but more than the other angels, are happy to facilitate the transformation of Hell while helping out in Heaven whenever called upon to do so — those rare times when God, Goddess and Amenadiel are absent, need extra help or errands run somewhere in the world. Lucifer is still the Lightbringer but that is about all that stands him apart from Michael at that point, as they stand together as matching archangels.
And maybe in the end, the seven of them, (Dad, Mum, Amenadiel, Linda, Lucifer and Chloe and Michael) all working together to make earth and hell better places, and raise Charlie, Trixie and Rory and any future angel babies to be the next generation so that Grandpa and Grandma, Moms, Dads and Uncles can actually take a Vacay once in awhile and visit Mum’s dimension... or... Boca maybe? French Riviera? And Michael helps cover the workload in Hell’s Therapy Office, while Lucifer is away.
LINDA: Speaking of Linda, Linda and Amenadiel should realize eventually that they miss each other and really do love each other. In my story, Dad returns and takes his throne back so that would give Amenadiel and Linda plenty of time to fall back in love, especially now that Maze has married and no longer has a reason to be jealous of them. God and Goddess may retire eventually, or at least lighten their load in this dimension so they can work part time in Goddess’s dimension, so it would be nice if Amenadiel wasn’t going to be alone for eternity since he will obviously be second in command, and in charge, when God and Goddess are busy elsewhere. Plus, there’s Charlie and maybe future angel babies???
DAN: I would have shown Lucifer spending more time with Dan but getting frustrated with him like he always did, (and like he did with Mr. SOB), until he finally takes Dan through a rewind of every important scene of the last days of his life, in reverse, to see why he was feeling guilty... he would have landed on Trixie and their game of unicorn armies soon enough. (And by the way... how is it that Lucifer instantly knew the source of Lee’s guilt, and the Professor’s, and apparently everyone else’s in hell, but couldn’t figure out what Dan was feeling guilty about???) The way Dan ended up in Heaven with Charlotte, waffles and chocolate pudding cups was pretty perfect. I wouldn’t change that.
They didn’t need the whole time travel bullshit to pull it off... and it would have made a much better story without it.
MAZE and EVE: Maze and Eve was pretty good... in a movie, we could see more of their daily life, find out if they have a dungeon in their basement... you know, for Saturday night orgies... (or for some quick, fun torture before turning in their bounty catches)... find out if they ever decided to raise a kid together... maybe Trixie went to stay with them when she turned 18?
Plot twist! Maybe something happens to Trixie and Maze sacrifices herself to save her and dies... ends up in Heaven after all. (See below.)
ADAM: I thought the guy they cast for Adam was an odd choice... Eve looked like she came from that region, but he didn’t look like someone who supplied a rib to make her... all things being equal and taking DNA into consideration.... He should have looked more like her.... But oh well, not my place.... Anyway... maybe God can park Adam in Mum’s new universe and see if She can “pull” something better out of him, LoL. Hopefully his first two sons in Her dimension won’t set us all up to be potential homicidal maniacs.
ELLA: Ella and Carol seemed to be getting along ok, we could find out if she finally found a good guy... or does she like tequila too much to stick with him? Does he backslide into drinking and become violent with her? Does she have to defend herself with the taser she keeps on her key ring these days?
LOL. Anyway, there should be a scene where RayRay comes for a visit... maybe two scenes... one where she stops by to say hello right when Ella finds out that celestials are real and then again at the moment of her death. And Ella should feel welcomed and comforted by her friend RayRay in that moment... which could be something violent and dramatic (and very poignant) if it happens when she’s young... like a shooter in the police station or something.
Then she could see Amenadiel and Lucifer when they welcome her into Heaven. After Michael redeems himself, he and Ella might be a great pair in Heaven... she’s always been attracted to bad boys, and Michael, being an ex-bad boy, might be just what she needs... and her heavenly brightness, might be just what he needs! Michael needs somebody to love him and give him the balance that Chloe gives Lucifer. Yes... perfect... and then Michael would also have his eternal mate. Michael could even fly her down to Hell at some point to peek in on Pete… just for shits and giggles.
One final note about Ella... once God returns, now that Ella knows the truth... she will demand a wedding. We all know Ella wouldn’t let Chloe’s baby be born without Chloe being married to the baby daddy... even if he is an angel... and even if the officiant is God... she would want the pomp and circumstance and the flourish for Chloe and for all their friends. (Because their police friends don’t know that Lucifer is an Angel and God-frey is GOD and Lucifer’s brother/aka Officer Amenadiel is an Angel...) she would want to put on the whole shindig as much for them as the for the happy couple! (The fans want it too!) And woweee what a wedding night!
TRIXIE: I would have shown a few short clips and bits or a montage of Trixie as she reached adulthood… not only milestones like getting driver’s license and a not-catholic-Chloe giving her the keys then crossing herself… first kiss, cap and gown pic of high school graduation, but also brief scenes of her holding pic of Dan crying… maybe even looking at her mom’s gun… sitting on Linda’s couch…
Maybe Trixie follows in the family tradition and joins the LAPD when she’s old enough... Pete has been in a mental institution but has conned everyone that he’s sane and is out now… Trixie is in the precinct when Pete shows up bearing a grudge and a semi-automatic pistol… Maze and Eve are there with their latest bounty, Ella is there with some evidence on a case, and is scared when she sees him… Pete shoots at Ella, but Maze jumps him, takes the bullet, starts fighting… Pete isn’t great with a gun (and he’s still crazy) so he misses Ella, but he keeps shooting… then RayRay shows up, tells Ella not to worry, to close her eyes, everything will be fine,(nobody else can see her of course)… Maze ends up saving Trixie and Eve and several other people in the office with her ninja skills, but during the scuffle, one of the bullets hits Ella and several others are deflected, but Maze takes two more hits that would have killed Trixie and Eve and a couple of other officers receive non-life-threatening GSWs. Maze is a tough cookie, but even she can’t survive being shot three times at close range… and RayRay makes sure Ella feels no fear or pain as she transcends then goes back for Maze who survives a little longer. Long enough for a tearful, heartfelt goodbye to Eve... maybe she sings a few bars of Wonderwall? Eve, who, being 13 billion years old herself, may follow her to Heaven with a broken heart (or an aneurism or a ruptured appendix) soon after. Who knows. She’s never been sick before... will she know what to do if she feels a pain in her right side?
Ooooo! I just added this:
As she is dying, Maze thinks Eve’s wound is superficial, (but is it?), and tells Eve she thinks she is “Done, ‘over-and-out” and probably headed for Squee’s chamber of torture in Hell since she’s not sure Lucifer ever finished making the changes regarding who could rule…
After RayRay drops off Ella in Heaven she returns to the precinct massacre… Maze thinks she’s there to take Eve and begs RayRay to let Eve live… To keep us guessing, the scene changes…. SO, did RayRay take only Eve back to Heaven? Or put one under each arm and fly away? Did she take one to Heaven and one to Hell? Stay tuned…
Trixie was saved by Maze’s sacrifice and ultimately becomes a Detective like her mom and dies heroically, in the line, years later, after marrying and giving Chloe and Lucifer a couple of grandchildren to dote over. Happy reunion scene in Heaven with Dad-Dan and Grandma Penelope Decker, meets Grandpa John Decker. Maybe it could do a quick view of the person Trixie gave her life to save who goes on to become a doctor and find a cure for a disease. Framed on the doctor’s desk is a newspaper clipping of a headline, “Ninja Cop Saves Kid” subheading “Officer Subdued Three Suspects Using Karambit, Freed Hostage Before Being Shot”
LINDA: It doesn’t have to be Rory that helps Lucifer figure out that he’s supposed to be a therapist is Hell... LINDA could be the one to point out to Lucifer that he offered Lee, (Mr. Said Out Bitch), some excellent advice, the same way she’s been offering Lucifer advice for the past five years, only Lee actually took that advice (unlike Lucifer who usually skews or screws up her advice)... And that’s why Lee was there in heaven to help him when he crash-landed... “And hey... wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone could give that kind of advice to other souls down in Hell? Because until the moment that YOU TOOK THE TIME to explain it to Lee, NOBODY DOWN THERE KNEW what was causing their hell loops or that they had ANY CHANCE or ANY METHOD of escaping them! Maybe they just needed somebody to give them that clue. What do you think Lucifer? Do you know anybody who might be UNIQUELY QUALIFIED for that job?” — you see??? No need for a friggin' time travel plot device... no need to torture Lucifer, who has already spent billions of years in hell, by taking him away from the love of life and his child for billions more years!
I could also see Lucifer having a standing weekly appointment with Linda both while still living and in Heaven after she passes, to discuss his most difficult cases and get her take on them and opinions on what he should say, which he will get right sometimes and spectacularly fuck up other times!
Linda loves her role as therapist to the celestial world, and her man is God and Goddess’s 2nd in Command now, her son is an angel... she is set for eternity! The doctor is IN!
CHARLIE, RORY, OTHER ANGEL BABIES: After Amenadiel and Linda come to their senses and finally commit to being together, they should have a set of twins, possibly more babies later. Lucifer and Chloe should have at least one more. Angel babies are smart… half humans start normal… get their wings around the time they are potty trained. Linda and Chloe provide discipline, human education… empathy, sympathy, joy, and as much human history as possible. The children would be extremely smart, could skate through school jumping grades… so being home-schooled seems more logical. Controlling excitable, hyperactive children who can fly will prove quite challenging for the human parents, but the angel Daddies are thrilled with their role… teaching them to fly, schooling them about celestial business… Also, they could grow in stature faster than normal human children. They would look grown up by the age of five, but would still be as immature as children and need their mothers to guide their emotional maturity to catch up to their rapid growth.
DECKERSTAR: In my story, we get to see Lucifer and Chloe happy together, raising Trixie and Rory... Chloe always trying to keep her devilish side in check while Daddy's always having fun. Rory has him wrapped around her pinky and he is a doting daddy. She’s a handful, brilliant in school.... Sometimes a little “spirited” and that gets her in trouble.
She gets bullied at school, she says, “back off Billy, you got no idea who my daddy is! Remember the girl that bullied Trixie?
I can picture her first date... Lucifer says, “have her home by 9:30 OR ELSE” and flashes his red eyes...
The first time a date gets fresh with her and she says, “No means NO!” and tosses them out of the car!
Oh hell, watching Lucifer and Chloe raise Rory and Trixie and any other little angels that come along would be hilariously funny... could be it’s own spin off “Devil Daddy Knows Best” or Daddy Devil Knows Best... I can’t decide.
NUDITY: In a movie, we can see more of Lucifer in the nude, and have hotter sex scenes.... Not x-rated or anything, but we could get closer to R-rated... definitely expand on that orgy scene in “Orgy Pants to Work”!!! (Tom’s wife looks enough like Lauren that with the right lighting and camera angles, they could do a lot together using her as Lauren’s body double and with editing, we would never know which was which!!!). And maybe he’d actually KISS HER.
Sure, the whole “Chloe growing older while Lucifer stays young” plot thing is a pain in the ass... for some of the years, he could dye his hair greyer to match hers until it was white, even though his face wouldn’t have aged.... People see what they want to see... but it would have been a lot more heart-wrenching to have a scene where an older-looking Chloe calls a family meeting and asks the children to please understand that society just won’t handle the truth, and they must fake Lucifer’s death so that they can start a new life someplace else where nobody knows them... that means they won’t get to see him very much because he will have to live elsewhere and they can only go visit and have to pretend he’s dead. At least that way, Chloe can see him on weekends and vacations, and he can fly in for quick visits in the middle of the night when either of them get too lonely. They can set things up ahead of time for rendezvous.
At some point, she can retire from the LAPD and announce that she is moving to Florida or Vegas (some place where folks are used to seeing older women with younger men), or whatever, and she can be a cougar and he’s her pool boy? Massage therapist? Chef? (Could be a running joke.)
When she reaches a certain age, it could be a tear jerking scene if she asks him to leave her because she is embarrassed about her failing body, but would he? Why wouldn’t he just agree to allow her to lie to people and say he was living with her because he was her nephew or male nurse or something? Or simply say he was her caretaker… which wouldn’t be a lie… At that point, nobody would know them, and it’s nobody’s business anyway...
And he would definitely be by her bedside when she died, and so would Trixie and Maze and anyone else that was still alive, (if any... or did she outlive them all because she was stuck with the Tree of Life??? Nobody told us if that, and being able to conceive angel babies were the side effects of being stabbed with the Tree of Life...) and upon her death there would be a tender, tearful, “see you soon,” then RayRay would show up, she would transform into her younger self, and Lucifer would fly her to Heaven to see Amenadiel and her Dad, probably her mom by then, and any of their friends if any of them died first.
We could dispense with the whole “she’s growing old and whatever shall we do???” problem, and just have Chloe die doing what she loves best.. protecting somebody in the line of duty. She could be approaching retirement... she and Lucifer could already be having the “I’m starting to look too old to be with you even though you’re dyeing your hair grey... what should we do?” conversation when one day, they are coming out of a fast food joint with the grandkids and bank robbers step out of the bank next door, she yells “LAPD!” they both step in front of the grandkids as she pulls her gun... RayRay shows up one second later… you see where I’m going with this right? Tearful goodbye scene… no rescue this time… Lilith’s ring is empty… this time, it is her human destiny.
After her death, Lucifer would carry her to Heaven to visit her dad and anyone who predeceased her, and then they would travel back and forth together where she would help him redeem souls part of the time in hell. Same outcome as Season 6.
Maybe, since she was a handmade gift from God (via Amenadiel) to start with, God will turn her into an angel and give her matching white luminescent wings so that she can stand beside Lucifer as an equal, and that way, they can also fly to earth now and then for vacations all over the world after all their friends and family members have crossed over (so nobody on earth freaks out from accidentally seeing them again, LoL, but if she outlived everybody anyway... problem solved.) Hey, He’s God, He can do anything, right? ;o)
Along those same lines, in special consideration for all the help and happiness they have brought to Amenadiel and later to Michael, I could also see God and Goddess granting wings and angel status to Linda and Ella so that they can be suitable mates for His sons for their eternity in Heaven, and able to enjoy all of the perks that go along with that… Maybe, if Chloe outlives them all and she is the last to arrive in Heaven, they could even have a little ceremony, where God and Goddess bestow wings and angel status on them all, including Maze and Eve, which might come as a HUGE surprise to Maze, who never dreamed she’s make it to Heaven to begin with.
They could keep the parts where Chloe and Amenadiel work toward cleaning up the LAPD… and we definitely need to hear Tom sing more… a lullaby to his baby… childhood songs when they’re older and of course, show him teaching them the piano and guitar… of course we must have full blown staged musical numbers… maybe have him sing softly to Chloe as she’s sleeping… and/or as she’s dying… it could be amazing. And I loved Bob the Drag Queen… Lux should bring the RuPaul Review and enjoy several of them… they put on a great show!
One more thing... we NEED a making-love scene with Lucifer holding Chloe in his arms while flying! Wings covering everything important, of course, but it is obvious what they’re doing! Joining the mile-high club! How about on the wedding night?!? Whooohooo!!!!! (If Chloe isn’t already pregnant when this wedding night flight happens, maybe this is when Rory is conceived???)
There’s enough there for a movie or about a dozen more episodes of the show... This is only an outline, but but I could write stories myself for some of these ideas… hell, they practically write themselves. Anyway, THAT’S how I would outline a Movie: Lucifer: Revelations… or Lucifer Season 6.66!!!
Now... let’s get busy and do it different this time (with no time travel nonsense and no sadistic torturing DECKERSTAR)! LOL
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flightfoot · 4 years
Divergent Points: Onichan
Nino walked to school.
 It’d been a few weeks since he and his friends had been sucked into some salty sentient alternate dimension. 
 They’d all been extremely relieved to be out of there. Though his return to his body hadn’t been the most pleasant thing around.
 Seriously, he hadn’t even THOUGHT of where some of those tubes comatose patients were hooked up to would go. Oh HELL did he learn though.
 ...Maybe time to get back on subject. He didn’t need to dwell on that train of thought any longer. Wouldn’t change what’d happened and hopefully he wouldn’t have to deal with it again any time soon.
 Marinette’d been bringing lots of little gifts to their get-togethers and reassuring them how much they meant to her, how much she cared about them. It got to the point where they’d needed to take her aside and reassure her that they KNEW she cared, KNEW she wasn’t Saltinette. 
 They all knew, including Marinette, but… well that didn’t stop anxiety. And when Marinette got anxious she tended to try to reach out and do something to help with it, to try and assert some control over it - in this case gift-giving and verbal affirmation, since gift-giving was the main way she communicated her feelings to other people and how she most easily perceived them. 
 As for verbal affirmation?
 It was something she found valuable, something that they all worked to do with each other more… but it was a love language she’d grown especially in-tune to because of how much Adrien needed it. 
 With seeing his insecurities during the Syren attack? With knowing what his father was like?
 She was going to make sure all her friends knew how much they meant to her.
 They’d check in with her whenever she seemed to be a little too frantic or harried, especially with stammering over her words when she became afraid she’d said something to hurt one of them. They just calmly reassured her over and over that they were ok, that she was fine, and gave her small smiles whenever they could to let her know they weren’t upset or hurt. 
 If she seemed overly focused on needing to DO something to help, on baking a ton of macarons, on needing to be there for every event any of them went to, of wanting to be supportive to the point that she hurt herself, they’d pull her into a hug and reassure her she was enough. That their bond and their conception of her as a person wasn’t so fragile that one wrong move could break it. And just squeezed her tight until her breathing slowed down and she could manage on her own.
 She’d slowly been doing better. Her anxiety was still definitely there, but it wasn’t as all-consuming as it once had been.
 Not that everyone else was completely unscathed. Adrien still flinched when he saw that statue of himself and Ladybug in the park. He’d stare at it for a moment as if reassuring himself that it was fully intact. That no bloodthirsty mob had taken to vandalizing his statue as a proxy for himself.
 Marinette just avoided the statue entirely.
 Alya’d been avoiding Lila as much as she could - difficult to do since she’d purposely set it up so she’d be sitting right behind her, but she managed. Not like Lila wanted to talk to her anyway. Those salty scenarios supposedly springing from her becoming one of Lila’s sycophants just freaked her out too much. She KNEW she could never be dragged down that path, that her very self had rebelled against it so hard even Saltinette couldn’t force her into it, but… well, like with Marinette, that didn’t stop the thoughts, stop the anxiety.
 Adrien mostly took the whole thing in stride, aside from the statue thing. Considering how much trauma he’d been through already it was probably a drop in the bucket.
 He was glad Adrien could function well even with what he’d been through during their adventure.
 (He was more concerned that Adrien had to develop his trauma coping skills to this point.)
 Which left himself mostly monitoring the Lila situation, as the one with the least trauma. Alya’d apologized to him a few times for not being able to help more.
 He’d just smiled and reassured her, giving her a hug if she could use one.
 The three of them could take as much time to heal as they needed.
 He’d protect them until they were better.
 After all, wasn’t that what a Guardian should do?
 Lila hadn’t actually been doing much of anything. She told lies here and there, but nothing that’d make major waves. 
 She’d also tried to finagle it so she and Adrien would be in close quarters a few times and got a little too close to him.
 He’d subtly intervened whenever he saw that happening, pushing his way between them or finding some excuse to call Adrien over and separate them.
 Lila seemed suspicious at how often he ‘conveniently’ got in the way, but she hadn’t called him out on it.
 Just as well. He’d like to maintain at least some plausible deniability of being a neutral party. Not much considering that his girlfriend was well known to dislike Lila, but it was something.
 None of them were sure what to do about Lila. Originally they’d fantasized about exposing her, finding something to get her thrown out of school. 
 After seeing the vengeance-driven Saltinette? They’d all agreed that whatever they did about Lila should be based firmly on stopping her from hurting people, not on enacting retribution. They’d seen how far that could go.
 Not that it helped much. Not when they still had no ideas-
 Wait. Was that?
 He peered closer, keeping behind her so she wouldn’t see.
 Yep. Definitely Lila.
 And if she was coming out of that apartment just before school -
 It was probably where she lived!
 She’d been very cagey about her address or her parent’s full names or most things that could be used to locate them. Not that he’d pressed too hard, but it did seem suspicious.
 Probably because a bunch of her lies would collapse if they could talk to her parents.
 Lila herself though?
 He frowned, running to catch up with her. 
 He’d never seen her so miserable. 
 She’d put on acts before, but… this was different. More genuine.
She glanced up at him, looking surprised for a moment before shaking herself, plastering on that fake smile of hers.
 But he knew what he saw.
 Maybe there was more to her than he thought?
 “Is something wrong, Lila?”
 “Uh no, I’m doing great! It’s just that… my mom wants me to go with her to this fancy embassy function tonight, but I’ve got way too much homework and I’m so behind after being away for the first term. I’m just gonna have to tell her no. She’ll be so upset…”
 He wasn’t sure whether any of that was a lie, but with the exaggerated expressions and her leading statements, she was pretty obviously trying to manipulate him into helping her somehow - probably not in a way he should be helping her.
 Best not to take the bait. “Ah yeah. Bummer.”
 “Adrien said he’d help me, but I don’t want to bother him with it. He’s probably forgotten anyway. He might think I’ve got a crush on him, just like all those other girls who are constantly hanging all over him.”
 Like you? He wanted to add.
 He was pretty sure she was jabbing at Chloe and maybe even Marinette - though if she was trying to implicate Marinette that was a pretty poor way of doing it. She didn’t hang off of him, at least not when it wasn’t wanted. They’d certainly been very touchy-feely lately, but it was VERY clear that Adrien was fine with that.
 Even before the Reveal when Marinette and Adrien were still stuck in that Lovesquare (oh WOW had Alya ranted about that one), her clinging to him was decidedly NOT a problem - if anything she had trouble being in his vicinity. Though she’d gotten better with that over time.
 As for the rest of it? No way his bro had agreed to help her. Not without telling him. 
 She was pushing pretty hard without outright asking him to ask for Adrien’s help on her behalf. Probably trying to set up a situation where Adrien couldn’t refuse without looking like the bad guy and hoping that social pressure would force him to do what she wanted.
 After needing to fend her off from Adrien multiple times? He wasn’t going to allow that situation. He certainly wasn’t going to help set it up.
 But while he could nip this one in the bud… what about the next one? 
 He needed to try to settle this. Soon.
 Before his friends got hurt.
 They were still trying to heal from the salt worlds. 
 Lila was the last thing they needed to worry about.
 Best to brush her off for now and try to figure out what to do about her later. “Adrien’s been very busy lately,” he told her apologetically. “Even if he did remember he might just not want to bring it up because he feels so bad about not being able to help. I’d just let it go for now.”
 “Oh…” she said looking down at the ground in an exaggerated display of sadness, clearly different from her more natural-looking melancholy from before.
 Luckily school wasn’t far so Lila didn’t have time to come up with some other plan.
 And he had time to come up with one of his own.
Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door of Lila’s family’s apartment.
 Lila always ate at school for lunch so he figured it was a safe time to try to talk to her parents. See whether gathering more information that way could help. He didn’t have much proof that Lila was making her claims - though he could get other classmates to corroborate that at least - and none for her making threats besides Alya and Marinette’s word which he was betting wouldn’t be enough to convince her parents unless they already thought poorly of Lila.
 He knocked.
 No answer.
 And knocked again.
 Waited a minute.
 Knocked a third time.
 Didn’t look like anyone was home.
 Not that big a surprise. A lot of parents were gone during the day. 
 Inconvenient though.
 He’d just have to wait until next time Lila was preoccupied and check back again.
...Okay, this was getting ridiculous.
 It’d been two weeks. He’d checked every time he could find that Lila was preoccupied while he was free - which had been pretty often lately - and no one ever answered. He was beginning to suspect he was mistaken and no one actually lived in that apartment.
 Marinette, Adrien, and Alya had started to notice his frequent absences and began asking questions. The three of them were talking and healing and just… really getting to enjoy themselves again. They’d been running around Paris while suited up almost every night getting to enjoy the freedom the Miraculous offered.
 Which was especially important for Adrien; both worlds targeting him had emphasized stealing his Miraculous. Getting to be Chat was a good reminder that those worlds were false.
 Alya just enjoyed having that level of freedom and control, especially with how the worlds targeting her had tried to bend her to their will, trying to brainwash and even physically force her to do what they wanted.
 He just told them he was figuring out what to do about Lila and not to worry about it.
 They’d seemed concerned but didn’t press the subject.
 Not that Lila was the ONLY reason he’d had more absences lately. Fu’d been training him some more which took up some time.
 At least he could read some of the Guardian literature while on stake out.
 Some adult had to be home at some point.
 Plus Lila was sleeping over at a friend’s place today; hence why he decided to do this stake out today and not some other day. It wouldn’t do as much good if he finally caught a parent or guardian entering but was unable to talk to them due to Lila being there.
 So he waited.
 And waited.
 And waited.
 Luckily his parents thought he was sleeping over at Marinette’s. Not entirely a lie either. Her balcony had a decent view of Lila’s (suspected) apartment, albeit a distance away.
 She frowned and asked him whether he was sure when he said he wanted to stake out and watch for Lila, but he just nodded and smiled at her. She stayed with him for a lot of it, even proposing taking shifts but… yeah he wasn’t gonna do that. She needed all the rest and relaxation she could get.
 Wait, was that…
 Finally, an adult heading to the apartment. 
 So someone else DID live there!
 He quickly checked his phone.
 Yep. All the evidence he and Alya had assembled since Lila came back to school was right there. Most of it probably wouldn’t be relevant - this was geared more towards potentially exposing her to classmates and their teacher, not to her mom, so it was geared towards the lies she told THEM, not what she told her parents - but some of it might still be useful, depending on what Lila’d told her parents.
 He headed out from the bakery and to Lila’s apartment, knocking on the door.
 Finally, after probably a dozen different times trying, someone answered.
 A woman opened the door.
 Judging by how similar she looked to Lila? Most likely her mom.
 She glanced up briefly from her phone. “Oh hi, are you one of Lila’s friends? I’m afraid she isn’t here right now.”
 He took a deep breath. “Yeah. That’s why I came. I need to talk to you about your daughter.”
Taking in the seriousness in his voice and the intensity in his expression, she put down her phone, devoting her full attention to him, alarm slowly creeping into her voice. “What happened? Is something wrong? Is my daughter okay?!”
 “As far as I know she’s fine - physically anyway.” His eyes hardened. “But there is some trouble WITH her.”
 She frowned. “...Huh?”
 He sighed. “I have some things to show you.”
Ms. Rossi sat on a stool in the kitchen, just leaning back and staring into the distance. 
 He couldn't blame her. She’d been skeptical at first that Lila was making all these claims, that he might have just misinterpreted stuff she said. Which he supposed was a reasonable thing to think. It was certainly a possible thing to happen and he couldn’t prove otherwise… with SOME things.
 But others? 
 “Wait, Lila’s been akumatized?! That can’t be right, she would’ve told me!”
 Nino just stared. Not everyone kept track of EVERY akuma but… seriously? It wasn’t like it was a major secret Lila had been Volpina and Chameleon. Volpina in particular just looked like Lila in a costume. It wasn’t THAT dramatic a transformation.
 He just flipped through his phone bringing up old news reports and akumas.
 Ms. Rossi watched, eyes wide, as her akumatized daughter ran around fighting Ladybug and Chat Noir.
 The Volpina fight was especially interesting. “Wait, isn’t that Lila’s boyfriend? That Adrien boy who’s all over the billboards?”
 Nino’s head shot up. “She is NOT his girlfriend. They’re not even friends.”
 “Young man you must be mistaken! Lila’s told me several times about how much he adores her. She wouldn’t lie to me!”
 He kinda wished Adrien was here to disprove it now.
 Ms. Rossi frowned. “I guess Lila was one of the few people Ladybug was able to save. The school had to close down for so long because of all the akumatizations going on.”
 “The school never closed down. We’ve missed maybe half of a school day sometimes because of some akumatization, but… yeah that’s about it.”
 Ms. Rossi blinked at him. “But Lila had to stay home all last semester because of that!”
 “Did you google to see whether the school was closed at least?”
 “I- I thought I did.”
 “Maybe you should try it now?”
 With a few quick types she looked up the school. Looked through their akuma procedures. And then frantically started googling everything she could about akumas and the Miraculous holders.
 Nino sat back as her face slowly fell, reality crashing in as she saw more and more of what was really going on.
 Eventually she sighed, looking like she’d aged about ten years in ten minutes. “...I’m going to have to talk to the principal. And this time Lila isn’t talking me out of it.”
 Looking up she gave him a small, bitter smile. “We’ve always bounced around a lot for my job which meant Lila didn’t have much time to form firm friendships. Between that and the divorce a few years ago, plus work being busier than ever… well. Lila got left by the wayside a lot. I thought she was fine since she began talking about all these great friends she has, even having a boyfriend now. And when she told me the school was closed down but that the school had let her handle most things, I just… didn’t question it. She was one fewer thing, one fewer person I had to worry about.”
 She sat back heavily and closed her eyes. “I should’ve tried to pay closer attention to what she was saying, looked at things for myself. I might not have been able to spend much more time with her than I have been - my job keeps me really busy - but for something as major as her school being closed, I should’ve looked it up myself. 
 I just… wanted to believe Lila was right. She told me what I wanted to hear; that she was fine and handling everything.”
 She laughed wryly. “I guess in a way she WAS handling everything. Just not in a way I’d approve of.”  
 Adrien may have been right when he thought Lila was lonely.
 It just went deeper than that.
 But he could give Ms. Rossi some small comfort at least. 
 “She DOES have friends, people she hangs out with. If she’s told you she’s at a friend’s house on a sleepover? That’s true. I’ve been sent a few selfies of her with our classmates. She’s pretty well-liked. I doubt they’ll be happy to find out that Lila’s been lying to them but… I don’t think she’ll be abandoned over some lies. Not unless they were malicious and hurtful.” 
 Most of the lies she’d told hadn’t been intended to cause harm except for when she told Adrien that Alya and Marinette were backstabbers and just using him - though that may have been less of a lie and more of an actual belief on her part. 
 Aside from that? They were usually pretty harmless. He wouldn’t put it past her to blatantly lie for malicious purposes, he didn’t think she was above that, but he hadn’t seen much sign of her doing so to date.
 If Lila could get the help she needed, maybe she could be set on the right path before she did something it was hard to come back from.
 Ms. Rossi gave a more genuine smile at that. “I’m glad. Maybe… maybe this is something that can be fixed. My boss has been suggesting I take a vacation soon anyway. I’d been planning on putting it off a bit longer but - well, this is important. I won’t make a final decision until I investigate more, but I think it might be time for my daughter and I to go visit my parents for a few weeks, far away from Paris and Hawkmoth and the risk of akumatization. I think we have some things to work out.”
A few days later Lila disappeared, telling everyone that her mom was taking her on vacation with her - an actual truth for once.
 There was definitely a method with her lies. They either allowed her to exert more control over her circumstances or were things she WISHED was true. He guessed she didn’t see the need to lie there since she liked the idea of going on vacation with her mom. 
Come to think of it, while she’d lied about how much time she got to spend with her mom and the types of things they’d do together before, she didn’t lie about say, her mom’s profession - she really DID work at the embassy. That wasn’t something she really seemed to wish was different, though he suspected that she lied about some of her specific accomplishments, making up grander-sounding ones than were probably true.
 Lila still kept in touch with the rest of the class and nothing much happened for a couple weeks.
 Until one day he came into class and saw a group of his classmates muttering together.
 He frowned. “What’s going on?”
 Mylene looked up. “Lila just called and… well… she told us some stuff.”
 She winced. “I guess you were right to warn us not to take everything she said at face value.”
 “It’s okay; I get it. You didn’t want to believe that someone would lie to you.”
 At least she’d fessed up.
 “What’re you going to do?” he asked curiously.
 Mylene chewed her lip. “I’m not happy she lied and manipulated us, but… well, not everything was a sham. The fun times we had together? They still matter. So… for me at least? I’m not gonna let this stop us from being friends, so long as she doesn’t do it again. Some of the others are more upset - Alix walked out when she heard, I think she’s cooling her head first - but that’s my take on it.”
 Nino nodded.
 Lila’s actions had consequences and each person she’d lied to would have to decide for themselves how they felt about it. 
 But at least she wouldn’t be completely alienated.
Lila returned a few weeks after that seeming more subdued. A few of the people who were in her posse formerly now avoided her, but they didn’t try to do anything against her. They just only engaged with her casually. He suspected that they’d warm back up after awhile once the sting had faded some more.
 Speaking of avoiding people, Lila’d been avoiding Adrien, Marinette, and Alya. Though he didn’t get the sense she hated or disliked them anymore - she almost seemed ashamed. The few times he’d caught her glancing their way she’d looked sad more than anything. 
 With great relief he found that she’d stopped trying to invade Adrien’s personal space and harass him. He actually felt safe leaving them together for short periods of time, though he still had some reservations and wouldn’t want to purposely set them up in that kind of situation.
 She also happened to be busy regularly on certain days twice a week, shortly after school. When some of his classmates asked her about it she said she’d been signed up for some violin lessons. He heavily suspected that that was one of the few lies she was still telling though. He’d seen some worksheets poking out of her bag lately that looked less like anything a music teacher would assign, and more like homework a therapist might assign.
 That was fine. She might still be lying, but well… it genuinely wasn’t anyone else’s business whether she was seeing a therapist or not. He might not be fond of her, but she still deserved privacy. If she felt safer telling people she was going to violin lessons than that she was going to therapy, then so be it. Not like he and his friends had never told lies when they’d felt it was necessary.
 He was just glad that Lila was finally getting the help she needed.
(A/N) I figure after everything that happened there'd be some lingering trauma, with Marinette having the most because of the way Divergent Points - ML Salt centered around her (plus seeing herself used for that would be VERY disturbing). Alya and Adrien would have a fair amount as well, but considering how Adrien's reacted to the trauma of losing his mom, Gabriel's abuse, Desperada, etc., I don't think it'd be all that visible with him.
I have no love for Lila. I'll still happily read fics that include bashing her and exposing her, at least when doing something else that I massively enjoy, when that's not the sole purpose of the fic.
But I've seen it done a million ways already, and have seen so many of those fics just turn into warping every other character into a horrible human being and exacting extreme vengeance and I'm just... I'm tired of it. At this point I just want Lila to not be a threat anymore.
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Who’s up for some more Temp Hero! Ninja? Because today we got three!
Also, Biker! Chloe! (That’s not something you hear every day...)
Firstly, scenario:
Audrey... is a horrible parent.
And being the Karen she is, you can bet she’s not really appreciate the crowd Chloe’s become a part of (there is NO WAY she’d approve of Kai, let’s be real).
So a mother-daughter confrontation occurs with Audrey trying to control Chloe’s social interactions and Chloe deciding to be a rebellious teen. And getting Akumatized into a Rebel.
No, I’m serious, that’s my working name for the Akuma.
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And thus Chloe joins the Sons of Garmadon! ... Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Yeah, meet Rebel. Ability-wise, she can cause other people to become rebellious. And also has enhanced ability to break the rules (crime spree, anyone?).
Also to help further justify the need for extra heroes, she gets a Sentimonster.
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Yes. That is a motorcycle. It’s awesome.
The items are her bag and glasses, I don’t know which would be which.
Anyways, Chat and LB need help. And guess who?
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Meet Bee! Kai, aka Apis, and Fox! Nya, aka Vixen. Plus my finalized Dragon! Lloyd, Shenlong.
As to what they do in the battle... Lloyd does some fancy-schmancy elemental storm stuff to help with crowd control, Nya uses an illusion to distract Rebel (I’m thinking it’s an image of Kai trying to help her calm down and give her support), and Kai uses the opportunity to paralyze her. Cataclysm destroys the bag, the glasses get plain snapped in half, IDK what the Lucky Charm should be, and all is well.
Except that Audrey now has a limited amount of time to live (not that she didn’t already, but still).
Edit: I know technically Kat is in charge of the miraculous AU, but I'm in love and I have a nam idea!!! Rebella! Like rebel, combined with bella, which means beauty. (because Chloe is fab no matter what.)
Also, definitely the sunglasses. She wears them normally and they can turn into some badass Rayburn's or something to fit the biker aesthetic. And a lot of people headcanon that they were her mom's and that's why Chloe never takes them off. Which could also lead to a symbolic gesture when she gets rid of them.
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
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I have been doing a lot of writing on my fics this week and hope to have an update of Start of Time ready for tomorrow. In the meantime, here’s a sweet and funny story from Lightport, Massachusetts - the setting of my novel What Hindered Love. Spoilers for my book, if you haven’t read it. What can be cuter than Micah with baby Luke?
Summary: Nobody ever told Micah Barrett drug rehab was easy, but he never thought it would bring him face to face with an identity crisis. Missing Chloe doesn't make things any easier, or the fact that he just became a father. Then again, maybe fatherhood is just what he needs.
Words: About 4k
Rating: T for mentions of drug abuse
Tagging: @snowbellewells​​​ @teamhook​​​ @xhookswenchx​​​ @ekr032-blog-blog​​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​​ @superchocovian​​​ @thislassishooked​​​ @ohmakemeahercules​​​ @kday426​​​ @onceuponaprincessworld​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​ @nikkiemms​​​ @kmomof4​​​ @hollyethecurious​​​ @bethacaciakay​​​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​​​ @welllpthisishappening​​​ @wellhellotragic​​​ @tiganasummertree​​​ @captainswanapproved​
Micah Barrett slammed the door of his room behind him so loudly it echoed up and down the halls of Hope Haven Rehabilitation center. He paced back and forth in the dorm-like room he had called home for the past seven weeks, muttering obscenities under his breath. Most of them were aimed at Logan, his counselor/mentor for the duration of his stay in rehab. It didn’t take much pacing to cover the distance in his tiny, eleven feet by thirteen feet room that barely had space for a bed, dresser, and desk. At least he didn’t have a roommate.
Micah ran the fingers of both hands through his dark hair in frustration. He thought the basic six week program at Hope Haven had been difficult; if his first counseling session with Logan this afternoon was any indication, the one year program might just kill him. Either that or he would kill Logan. Micah guessed there was a good reason they called it their “intensive” program.
To say Logan had been picking at old wounds today was an understatement. First dredging up his childhood along with the anger and self-doubt those years were filled with. Then he had to go and bring up Rachel and Chloe. Micah pressed the heel of both hands to the back of his closed eyelids, thinking back to Logan’s words.
“You love intensely, Micah, that’s not a bad thing. Your parents, your brother, these two great loves of your life.”
“It’s a problem if you end up losing everyone,” Micah had snapped back.
“Rachel died, Micah, and that was tragic. But who else have you lost? You still have everyone else last time I checked.”
“There’s more than one way to lose someone. I lost my parents to the church. Dad became a workaholic, mom a shell of a person. I lost Josiah to disappointment and failed expectations. The golden boy I could never measure up to.”
Micah had clamped his mouth shut at that, having never intended to speak such feelings aloud. How did Logan manage it? Every damn session.
“And Chloe. What exactly happened the other day?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Micah had muttered.
“Rose said she seemed upset when she left.”
Micah had sighed and suppressed the urge to roll his eyes, “So obviously I’ve lost her. Do I have to give you every detail of the conversation?”
“She didn’t support you staying on here?”
Micah had evaded the question, clenching his mouth tightly until the muscle at his jaw twitched.
Logan had regarded him calmly, “You said in previous sessions you always got high alone. Did you only say that to protect Chloe?”
“No!” Micah practically shouted, “Chloe isn’t that kind of person! Which is exactly why I had to –“
Micah had stopped talking abruptly, realizing that Logan had goaded him on purpose.
“Just because you’re staying on here longer doesn’t mean you have to end things with Chloe,” Logan had told him gently.
“That’s precisely what it means,” Micah had whispered back. Logan had let the silence linger until it began to make Micah uncomfortable. “It’s what’s best for her,” he had finally added, a bit grudgingly.
“What’s best for her? Or what’s easier for you?”
And that’s when Micah had stormed out, rage threatening to overwhelm him. His sessions with Logan had a way of turning him inside out, digging beneath the surface to the hard truths underneath. And what it all boiled down to was what Micah thought he deserved. Or didn’t deserve. It seemed like every time he faced darkness, instead of fighting it, he jumped in with both feet. And dragged everyone he loved right down with him.
Micah sat up, knees bouncing in agitation, heart pounding. His left leg started to throb, and an old, familiar urge surged through him to numb it with pills and feel the euphoria of the high that came with the deadened pain. He already knew from being here for seven weeks that temptation was always greatest when facing emotions he didn’t feel ready to deal with. Why did Logan have to poke the beast today of all days? His parents were visiting today. And most importantly of all, they were bringing Luke with them. His sweet infant son whom Micah hadn’t seen since the day he was brought into this world. Micah had been counting down the days, hours, and minutes to this visit. They would be here in an hour, and Micah was wound tighter than guitar strings.
His guitar! Micah stopped rubbing his sore leg and reached under the bed to pull out his old instrument. The same well loved, battered Gibson he had gotten for his fifteenth birthday. He strummed it a few times and tuned it. Then he bit his lower lip in thought. What should he play? He was still a little rusty after putting the hobby aside for four long years. The first day his father had dropped him off at Hope Haven, he had mostly just strummed a few chord progressions, getting the feel of the instrument in his hands again. After that, he added Bob Dylan’s “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door,” which was the first song he had ever learned to play. Just last night, he had played Tom Petty’s “Free Fallin’”, which was always great to play hard and sing at the top of your lungs. He strummed a bit, thinking both songs over. He quickly dismissed both. He didn’t want to think about black clouds or bad boys making good girls cry.
He sighed and just started to sing and play the first song that came to mind - a Greenday song. He sang the first line, and realized it was about a guy making a girl cry. Micah shook his head. Ugh, not that one. He changed chords to an Oasis song instead.
Micah stopped strumming that one abruptly too, falling back on the bed, clutching his guitar to his chest. He had two problems. One, every song made him think of Chloe. Two, he suddenly had a startling revelation: he didn’t know for sure what kind of music he liked. How was that possible? He had spent hours since he first picked up a guitar at the age of twelve playing dozens and dozens of songs. And not just songs that were popular at the time, but classic rock, heavy metal, grunge rock, and alternative. All of the stuff that guitar enthusiasts were supposed to like. All of the stuff that spoke to the heart of a rebellious teenager. But that was just it. He knew what guitar nerds liked. He knew what teen rebels liked. But what did Micah Barrett like? He thought about that Smashing Pumpkins song his dad had always complained about. To be honest, Micah knew that he had never liked the song all that much. But the more his father complained about it, the more concerned his mother seemed about the content of the lyrics, the more he wanted to play it.
He sat up suddenly, as a thought occurred to him that he had never considered before. He used to pride himself on being different. Of not allowing the church or what people thought to dictate the person he was, the way Josiah did. But wasn’t he? Was doing the opposite of what everyone wanted you to do really being unique? Or was it just trying to make a point? Josiah toed the line while Micah ran smugly over it. But they were both equally trapped by expectations.
Micah took a few deep, shaky breaths. Micah Barrett didn’t know who he was. But here at Hope Haven, he could find out. And he could start right now. What kind of music do I like . . . ?
The lyrics to U2’s “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” ran through his mind. He chuckled. There was no way, especially after four years of not playing, that he could master the dotted eighth delay of The Edge. If he had his electric and a delay pedal, maybe, but it wasn’t happening today. Still, now he knew he truly liked U2. But who didn’t? A person could no more say they didn’t like U2 than they could say that they didn’t like The Beatles. If you appreciated music at all, it was a given. So was Bob Dylan. And Jimi Hendrix.
Kilian closed his eyes and strummed again. The next song that came to him flowed out of him. It was perfect in every way: the chords familiar, the strum cathartic, and the words . . . Micah could have written the words himself. He had heard it only recently, so he was only able to pick out a few chords. It sounded rough and halting, and he didn’t know all the words, but the meaning of it hit him square in the chest. Lost, not knowing who you were, wondering where God was in everything - it summed up everything he was feeling.
Micah stopped playing abruptly, lifting a shaking hand to touch his cheek that was wet with tears. He had started the song thinking only of himself and his own pain, but now the lyrics reminded him of Chloe. He had never believed in soul mates, in the idea that there was one person out there that you were destined to be with. Until Chloe. Too bad for him.
At least he would always have their son. The one good thing that had come from the mess he had made.
Micah was pacing again, but this time in a much bigger space. There were several visitation rooms at Hope Haven, one of the advantages of the place being a former mansion. This one was the family room. It was huge, spanning a large portion of the mansion’s basement. In one corner was a play area filled with toys and books, in another was a kitchenette where patients could share a family meal with their loved ones. There was a sitting area that even included a changing table and a rocking chair, and along the far wall was a big screen TV surrounded by couches for family movie nights. He looked forward to earning more time with his family; he knew this hour would fly by. Hence his nervousness. He wanted to make the most of every second with his son. In short, he wanted this afternoon to be perfect.
He turned at the gentle exclamation from his mother’s lips. He rushed towards her, bending to accept the kiss Elizabeth placed to his cheek. However, he was far more interested in the tiny baby boy cradled in his mother’s arms. Luke looked up at Micah with bright blue eyes that seemed to soak in the world around him. His tiny hands clenched and unclenched as his arms flailed about. Micah smiled as exuberant coos and gurglings came from Luke’s tiny lips. The thick tufts of hair Luke had been born with had fallen out, but the downy fluff left behind was still the same shade of black as Micah’s own. His cheeks were also a bit chubbier, his eyes far more alert.
“He’s grown so much,” Micah whispered in wonder, offering his son a finger which the baby grasped in a surprisingly tight grip.
“Yes,” his mother agreed, looking down into the baby’s eyes with a tender smile. Luke’s eyes filled with recognition as he focused on his grandmother’s face, and he smiled. Micah’s heart raced at the sight.
“Good to see you again, son,” Tom said as he stepped around his wife. He clapped a hand firmly onto Micah’s shoulder, “You’re looking well.”
“Thank you, father,” Micah replied. Despite the formal words, their smiles communicated the change that had come recently in their relationship. Tenderness and displays of affection would take more time to develop, but they were on their way.
Micah looked back at the child in his mother’s arms, shifting his feet nervously. He bit his lower lip then asked tentatively, “May I hold him?”
“Don’t be so shy!” his mother chuckled as she transferred Luke gently into his eager arms, “You’re the boy’s father!”
Micah took the little squirming bundle into his arms, that same sense of awe overwhelming him that he had first felt in the hospital. “Hey,” he whispered down at his little one. Luke gazed up at him, a tiny furrow forming in the skin between his eyes. Micah swallowed a lump in his throat. His own son didn’t recognize him. But how could he? Micah had only held the child once.
His mother motioned him to the rocking chair and his parents sat on the love seat nearby. They chatted about everyday things as Micah rocked Luke in the chair. He couldn’t stop looking down at his tiny son, barely following the flow of conversation. It didn’t escape his attention, however, that his parents seemed to be avoiding church as a topic. Their faces also seemed slightly strained when he asked about Community Fellowship, and now that he really looked at her, his mother seemed thinner and had dark circles under her eyes. He sighed inwardly, knowing that the tension at church probably involved him. And, unfairly, the baby in his arms.
Said infant started to squirm and scrunch his face up. Micah looked down at Luke with concern. The little one then started to whimper and gum his fist. Micah bounced him slightly in his arms and frowned at Elizabeth.
“What’s wrong with him?”
Elizabeth glanced at her watch, “Oh, he’s probably hungry.” She reached into the diaper bag on the floor beside the loveseat, but then paused. She looked at Micah for a long while and then dropped her hand back to her lap. “You know, I’ll just let you give him his bottle.”
“Me?” Micah squeaked, eyes widening.
“Yes, you,” Elizabeth said with a slightly scolding edge to her voice, “You are his father, and a father has to learn these things.” She turned to Tom, and when she spoke again, Micah could have sworn she sounded a bit mischievous. “Actually, darling, why don’t we give Luke a little one on one time with his Daddy?”
An unspoken conversation passed between Micah’s parents, and then a slow smile spread across Tom’s face, “I think that’s a wonderful idea.”
And just like that, Micah was alone. With a seven week old baby. He had tried to argue with his mother that he had no idea how to fix a bottle, or change a diaper, or really anything related to babies. Couldn’t she stay and tell him what to do? But his mother had simply fixed him with a stern glare, softened by the kiss she placed to his stubbled cheek.
“What’s done is done, sweetheart. Now you have to man up.” Then she had patted his shoulder gently and was gone. Micah wasn’t sure what surprised him more: his mother refusing to come to his aid as she always had in the past, or the fact that she had actually used the expression “man up.”
Luke’s fussing had increased in intensity to the point that he was now waving his arms in the air and wiggling in Micah’s arms. Micah shifted him to the crook of one elbow while he rooted in the diaper bag with his other hand. He pulled out a bottle, but it was empty. Further down in the bag, his hand closed on a plastic container of powder. Bingo! Formula! But now what?
Well, this was the new millennia, after all. There wasn’t anything a person couldn’t learn on the internet. Micah made shushing noises to the fussing baby as he made his way over to the PC set up next to the book shelf. He googled “making a baby’s bottle,” then clicked on the first listing. Micah’s heart sank and his head spun as he started reading about sterilizing the parts of the bottle and only handling things with sterilized tongs. He picked up the empty baby bottle. Had it been sterilized? Surely his mother or Chloe had seen to that. He prayed that was the case as he scrolled farther down. Panic started to seize him as he read about the dangers of bottled water and contaminated tap water. Bloody hell, what kind of water was he supposed to use? Then the site said that using water from a different tap than the baby was used to could give him an upset tummy. Luke’s whimpering turned to loud cries, and Micah felt like joining in. His spirits lifted when he saw an alternate search subject: “feeding your baby on the go.” That was more like it! He clicked on it.
He groaned in frustration when the first few paragraphs were all about breastfeeding in public. That was obviously zero help. He scrolled down until he found a list of tips for bottle feeding. He inwardly cheered at first when the site said that all you had to do was add warm tap water and shake. Until it warned that the water still needed to be boiled until they were four months old because of their weak immune systems. Micah glanced over at the kitchenette on the other side of the room. How long was it going to take to boil water? Luke was full-out wailing now. Micah scanned the article, hoping there was some other way, and then he saw it: taking along a thermos of pre-boiled water. Maybe that’s what Chloe did. He reached down and searched the contents of the diaper bag again. He almost cheered aloud when his hands closed over the cool metal of a thermos. When he pulled it out, there was a piece of paper taped to the side with instructions in Chloe’s handwriting: “Elizabeth, this water is already sterilized and measured. So is the powder. Just put both in his bottle and shake.”
Micah cast a withering glance at his son, “Your grandmother could have shared this bit of information, don’t you think?” Luke’s only response was red-faced screaming.
Micah debated whether to set Luke down in the infant carrier his father had brought in while he made the bottle or to attempt it while juggling the baby. Fear of spilling the precious formula or dropping Luke won out, and Micah buckled the wee lad into the plastic carrier. Luke’s cries were now so powerful, his mouth was opened wide and his eyes were squeezed shut.
“I’ll do this as fast as I can, Luke, I promise,” Micah assured as he unscrewed the lid of the thermos with shaking hands. It was amazing how a baby’s cries could frazzle your nerves to their breaking point. When he finally had the bottle ready, he settled with his son into the rocking chair. Luke’s mouth smacked desperately for the bottle, and once he made contact, he began to suck almost desperately. Micah cooed to him, setting the rocking chair in motion, worried that his frantic eating would give him a tummy ache, but once Luke had a few mouthfuls, his little body shuddered and sighed in contentment as he continued to eat. Micah’s own body sagged in the rocking chair. He felt as if he’d just run five miles uphill.
It took Luke almost half an hour to finish his bottle, a fact that Micah was quite grateful for. He needed the peace and quiet of holding his son and rocking him gently after the screaming cries and frantic bottle preparation. He enjoyed just gazing at him, of running his thumb over his soft downy hair. But it also gave him time to really mull over what raising this child would mean. Conquering his addiction successfully was only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. If simply seeing to his son’s basic needs was this panic-inducing, how in the world was he ever going to do this fatherhood thing right?
Luke finished his bottle, and Micah cradled the child against his chest, patting his diminutive rear end gently. The tiny thing gave a momentous burp, followed by a wet feeling spreading across Micah’s shoulder. He turned to see a sufficient amount of spit up spread across the shoulder of his black Fender t-shirt. Micah groaned as he fished a burp cloth out of the diaper bag to dab at the mess.
“Guess I should have put this on my shoulder before I burped you, huh?” Micah said wryly to his son. Luke looked back at him with wide, wondering eyes as if he wasn’t quite sure what to think of this man. Micah sighed, trying not to take it personally. Chloe said he had begun to smile; he had seen Luke bestow smiles on his grandmother. What Micah wouldn’t give to receive a smile of his own!
Almost without warning, Luke’s face took on a pinched look, and he began to wail again. Micah tried rocking him, rubbing his back as he whispered loving words in his ear, but Luke simply arched his back and wailed louder. Micah stood and began pacing, bouncing Luke gently in his arms. The wails intensified. Micah shifted the baby to a different position, and as he did, a sharp, pungent odor drifted to Micah’s nose.
“Ugh,” he muttered, “smells like someone needs a change.”
Micah carried both Luke and the diaper bag over to the changing table. He gently lowered his son onto the water proof surface, then unsnapped his onesie. Micah recoiled in disgust once the contents of the diaper were revealed, but he soldiered on, lifting a squirming, crying Luke up by the ankles so he could wipe his rear clean. He rolled the offending diaper up into a tight ball and tossed it into the diaper pail, and only then did he realize he had forgotten to grab a clean diaper from the bag at his feet. He rested one hand on Luke’s tummy, and reached down with his other hand. Luke was still exercising his little lungs with enthusiasm until Micah straightened with a fresh diaper in his hand. Micah watched his son’s face instantly clear into a blank, calm expression, followed by a stream of urine shooting higher into the air than Micah would have thought possible for a child so small. The arc of warm liquid sprayed all over the front of Micah’s t-shirt, and even splashed onto his chin. Micah shouted in alarm as he hurried to cover his son. Chest heaving from the antics of the seven week old, Micah looked down into those bright blue eyes that matched his own and shook his head.
“Seriously, Luke? After all I’ve done for you?”
And then Luke smiled. A beaming, gummy smile that absolutely stole Micah’s heart.
“Oh,” Micah chuckled, “you think that was funny?”
Luke kicked his little legs and swung his arms, grinning even wider. Micah thought his cheeks might crack from the force of his own grin as he changed Luke into a dry diaper and onesie. Then he lifted the tiny boy and nuzzled him to his chest, which unfortunately still smelled like baby pee and spit-up. Micah kissed the top of Luke’s little head and felt that lump clog his throat again.
“If you promise to keep smiling like that,” he whispered hoarsely to the baby, “you can keep right on baptizing me.”
When Micah’s parents tiptoed back into the room, Luke had fallen asleep in his arms as he rocked him, singing “Blackbird” to him softly.
Elizabeth bent down to brush her knuckles first against her grandson’s soft cheek and then her son’s scruffy one. “I used to sing that to you when you were little,” she whispered.
Eyes glassy and wet, Micah nodded, “I remember. The Beatles were always your favorite.”
Elizabeth straightened and gave him a smile, “I knew you could do it.” Then she screwed up her nose, “Although . . . what’s that smell?”
And for the second time that day, but only the second time in seven weeks, Micah Barrett laughed.
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volperion-moved · 4 years
girls shows to watch if you like seeing mean girls like chloe and lila get redeemed
my little pony: friendship is magic - this show is 9 seasons long, I haven't even seen all of it. so I can't point out every example of a mean girl getting redeemed but a big one is starlight glimmer. she's an antagonist at first but then twilight takes her under her wing and she really tries to improve. she often still shows her flaws and makes mistakes, a little bit like chloe, but she's still good in the end. she befriends trixie, another character who starts off bad but gets redeemed and they relate to each other because of it and support each other.
my little pony: equestria girls - okay, so the premise of these movies (and i believe there are shorts and episodes as well? i haven't seen them all) is weird, but it has my favourite character of the series sunset shimmer. she's the villain of the first movie and gets redeemed in the second. her past becomes a strength as she is able to strongly empathize with people and help them, basically becoming the leader of the group in the end. if you're averse to mlp because of the fandom (which has died down now, but I still understand) then maybe still give the equestria girls spinoff a try because they feel more like classic girl show stuff then the show which became more about pandering to adult male fans.
tinkerbell - there are 6 tinkerbell movies, plus a shorter special (pixie hollow games), they're really underrated. there's a mean girl in the first movie, vidia, who gets redeemed in the third movie and stays a friend in the main group from then on. she's still sarcastic and haughty but a hero, it's great.
tangled the series - it's kind of hard to talk about this without spoiling it, so you might have already seen spoilers without watching the show. the first half of the first season is very light hearted, similar to something like my little pony in tone, then the show takes a darker turn. get past that whiplash and it's a great cartoon and there is a big female redemption story (and a smaller one with a more minor character that's cute too) that I won't share too much of. but yeah you might already know about it from the songs of the show being shared.
she-ra - so there's a character in this one who is bad now and she hasn't been redeemed yet but it's heavily implied she will be. she's getting worse before she gets better and it's tragic, but jump in and hope?
monster high - monster high is all about celebrating the characters 'freaky flaws' and shows several girls getting redeemed in some way. cleo starts off a mean girl in the webisodes but quickly gets redeemed and is part of the main friend group. toralei is a mean girl who gets a bit of redemption in the movie the great scarrier reef. monster high is based on a doll brand so the characters kind of get redeemed mostly to sell their dolls so it's a liiitle forced, but i think it's executed mostly well.
ever after high - this is a fairytale themed spinoff of monster high. the characters are sons and daughters of fairytale characters and are supposed to follow their parents destinies, but there are rebels who don't want to, including villain children who don't want to be evil. similar to monster high, the characters mostly get redeemed to sell their dolls but it's generally done well aside from courtly jester. faybelle is done great.
disney descendants - descendants is a spiritual successor to high school musical, and a bit of a copy of the premise of ever after high. i think it does a better job than eah did though at showing how kids who have grown up with abusive parents and are treated as villains are victims who can break out of the cycle of abuse and become better people. i don't really like how descendants 3 ends with the villain kids being excited to reunite with their abusive parents in the end, but it does give us a great mean girl villain and sort of redemption in the form of audrey.
feel free to add more, for example I know there are some Barbie movies with mean girl redemptions but I'm spacing on which ones. big appreciation to shows that don't just write the lazy mean girl cliché and instead develop these characters and show them improve and/or give reason for why they are like that 😘
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 5 years
Thoughts on Startrain
Do I need another blog specifically for this???
Warning: Spoilers as usual of course. Other than that, have fun!
Marinette willing to sacrifice fun to be the guardian of Paris as Ladybug made me feel a bit sad as she would have to sacrifice being a teenager to be a superhero. Thank you Master Fu for giving her the Horse Miraculous to teleport!
Adrien snuck out of the house to go on the field trip to London??? Our Sunshine boy is rebelling! I couldn't be any prouder! (Am I okay???)
Sabrina's father in the middle of an internal turmoil between making her daughter happy and enforcing the law on others was mood of any parent. But, I get that they are a family that serve, but why does he support her to be Chloé's servant? I get that they are friends regardless, but still.
Max's mom wanting to be an astronaut is inspiring and you can't change my mind.
"London is always cold!" -Chloé Bourgeois. I mean, she's not entirely wrong...(I've never been to London, but it seems to rain a lot).
Everyone sitting with their friends! I love that so much! (PS: Julerose!)
Marinette's yawn is so adorable, but gained a lot of attention. You know, relatable (well, the attention part).
But the best part: Adrien's face, like he's in love with her! I had to rewind because I had a hard time believing it after all that happened. (This is an earlier episode by the way, but they threw so much at us before this).
And once Mari falls asleep, Alya decides to swap seats with Adrien to implement the "go with the flow" plan to have Mari sit next to Adrien.
And the best moment of the episode happened: Marinette sleeps on Adrien's shoulder and Adrien admires her before falling asleep! (The class, as well as the majority of the fandom "aww"s) Alya snaps a photo and the world is at peace for once. But...
...guess who tries to ruin that moment: Jealous Lila! Why am I surprised? Can someone punch her in the face for me or do I have to do it myself? How dare you attempt to ruin Adrienette, Lila?!
You may be asking "What do you mean by 'attempt' 934?" Well, guess who saved that moment: Alya. Of course, this is like her favorite ship and would do anything to see it happen (remember Reflekdoll?). As Lila crept up to Mari, Alya stopped her and ask what's her deal. Lila's lie led to Sabrina helping her out with her motion sickness (the lie was to ask Mari for help). Of course, Alya beingvthe good friend she is reminded Lila that she is asleep and let Sabrina help her. Thank you Alya for: 1) saving Adrienette, and 2) letting your friend sleep after a long night.
Sabrina wakes up Chloe in the process of getting Lila what she needs and gets what Chloe needs as well, unknowingly releasing the akuma in her luggage.
Let me backtrack: while Hawkmoth was trying to get her dad akumatized, his anger went away and the akuma ended up in her suitcase. Hawkmoth lost contact with the akuma so it is now independent.
Now, The passengers see the akuma and start to panic. What Chloé does is introduce herself to the passengers as Queen Bee (I believe this is before "Miraculer") and tells them to not panic and it's just an akuma. All hell broke loose and her urges to not have anyone panic were counterintuitive.
They head out of the cart and lock the car, but then the funniest thing happened: Kim comes out with his swim trunks because the train was going underwater and thought that they could swim in the English Channel. I couldn't help but laugh, especially when Chloé expressed how "utterly ridiculous" that was. (Where are the memes???)
The panic spreads to the other car and we see some cameos: Simon the hypnotist from "Simon Says"! Cameos! Yay! This is amazing! Cameos! From previous episodes!
Mari awakens at hearing "Ladybug" and noticed her position and went back to sleep! Moment still preserved and she was aware of it! Yay!
I feel for Max's mom. An important test not showing up on her emails and made her feel like she failed. That was like a blow to the head for me, waiting the results of my regents and not getting them for a whole 2 months.
This is when his mom is akumatized into Startrain on her own accord. Remember, the akuma is now independent without Hawkmoth giving an introduction and Startrain gained her powers based on her own desire.
This startled everyone, including Marinette and Adrien, who woke up from their sleep.
And everyone on the train goes to space. So yeah, not your typical Miraculous episode.
Speaking of which, that appeared on the news since a satellite showed images of this. And this is how Gabriel found out where did his akuma go and that Adrien went on the trip without permission.
Ladybug: I got here because of the Horse Miraculous
Chat: I happened to be on the train and no one noticed. Oh wow. 😂
The cars would eventually get to Absolute Zero (lowest possible temperature recorded) and that is very scary for obvious reasons
Max's debut as Pegasus went like this: he and Markov helped Ladybug and Chat Noir by unscrewing the doors. Now, the cabin will reach absolute zero (which is deadly for humans) and he is given the Horse Miraculous for protection and to help teleport the train to Earth.
The kwami was like "are you famous?" to Max. And Ladybug reminds the kwami (I forgot his name) that Max is capable of the job. I had to rewatch this because I simply cannot believe this happened.
Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Pegasus make a great team and you can't tell me otherwise.
When they teleport back to Earth, the ended up HANGING FROM BIG BEN! And Chat was like "Well, I heard your class was going there anyways" (or something like that). I can't. 😂
Everything goes back to normal, except Adrien could not go on the trip anymore since Nathalie and Gorilla go to pick him up. Seriously, what's the harm of letting your son go on a field trip Gabriel.
And Alya shows Marinette the picture of her and Adrien and going like "THANK YOU!" was a whole mood.
Overall, this was a light hearted episode compared to the ones thrown to us within this month. I give it a 10/10 for all the funny moments and giving Max a suitable introduction (not like Luka's in "Desperada"). Also, Adrienette anyone? This episode had the best Adrienette moment in, well, ever!
(PS: I wrote this all at 7 in the morning on my way to school, so yeah.)
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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(grabs the speaker hanging above) Attention everyone! This your conductor/reviewer speaking, for today’s review, we’ll be goin’ for a ride from Point A to Point B and as we journey in this state of the art revolutionary industrialistic mechanism, we’ll be seeing some oh so interesting sights along the way such as an adorable shipping moment, a view from our own Milky Way galaxy and a new superhero in combat! So please fasten your seatbelts, sit back, relax and do enjoy the ride, All aboard! (pulls the trains caboose and it sounds):
*Startrain-Ms.Bustiers class is taking a field trip to London, WHOA! London!? Damn! Wish my field trips were fun! They’re taking the Startrain! (not the villain) You know, that fancy modern looking bullet train that goes from the city of love to the Queen in seconds from “Bakerix”!? Yeah, that Startrain! Foreshadowing! Unfortunately, poor Marinette can’t go cuz if she does, Hawk Moth will have an advantage on akumatizing someone and they’ll be no Ladybug there to purify the akuma. On occasion, this is one of those eps where she acts responsible and not impulsive (depending on the writer), but Master Fu allows her to go cuz she needs a break! She works harder than anyone in Paris, France! She deserves a vacation! But! she’s still responsible, so Fu gives her the horse miraculous (power of teleportation) in case there’s any danger. Smart! As for Adrien, he sneaks off to his field trip cuz Gabe barely lets him go anywhere. Hey! Let the kid go eat a crumpet! Besides, it’s not the first time he’s run off to go do something against his fathers wishes. Nice guys can rebel! Elsewhere, Sabrina’s father, Lieutenant Roger, is bald-I mean! Running late on getting his daughter onboard cuz he’s too distracted by his code of honor on the force to focus which has the akuma go after him. Oh great! We’re gonna have Robocop again, okay, let’s see how this-wait what!? He calmed down? Oh cool. Sorry little akuma, run along! Nice try there Hawk Moth. Looks like Rogers hair isn’t the only thing receding over here! (Badum-tish🥁).
The class genius, Max Kanté, is excited cuz his mother, Dr.Claudie Kanté, is the conductor for the Startrain. Hey! Look at that! We’re expanding even more on Marinettes classmates and their families! Yea! We need to know more about these kids. As cool as it is to operate a train, Dr.Kantés real dream is to be an astronaut! She had to put that aside to support her son, but now that he’s all grown up and is a genius who can pretty much take care of himself, she’s free to follow her true passion. All she needs to do now is just wait for her results in her e-mail if she passed her exam to go into space. So she waits.......and waits......and waits.......and waits.......and waits.......and-Hey! Let’s see what’s goin’ in the train!
The Startrains futuristically fun! Service droids roaming around asking the passengers for drinks and automatically handing it to them! Are these things real! I’d love for them to be real! Chloe was in First Class (why bother, it’s still a cool train?) while the other kids were just being kids playing video games, drawing, browsing on their iPhones, yawning!? Oops! That’s Marinette. She’s exhausted from her earlier crime fighting and is just taking a nap. Good-night girl! Alya asks Adrien to switch seats with her to be with her boyfriend, Nino (😉), and he says yes. Here’s the part where everyone goes, “Awwwww”. I’ve seen fan art of this particular moment, the moment that’s so precious and so soft, there’s a word for it. Sleep Cute! The ✨Adrienette Sleep Cute!✨It’s now canon! Awwwwwww. The girl squad and everyone else think it’s the cutest thing in the world and they just-(record scratch) Wait! What’s Lila doing there!? Hey! Lila! No! Bad Lila! SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING! Alya! Thank God! Thank you girl! The leader of the squad saved the moment! Take that! Lila! The people may believe every word you say, but when it comes to the girl squads Adrienette ship, don’t.rock.the.boat!*snap**snap* Mmmhmm.
Wait! We’re not on a boat! We’re on a train! Lol! Forgot where I was for a moment there! Dr.Kanté grows impatient with her e-mail wait and thinks she probably failed her exam and that’s when the akuma comes (was it just fluttering around aimlessly?) in making her into Startrain. She’s a sci fi looking villainess who’s right arm is attached to the “dead mans switch” (or else it’s a dead stop) and makes the whole train, containing its passenger, her own rocket ship! Going all Magic Schhol Bus on them. 10.....9.....8.....7.....6.....5.....4.....3.....2.....1! BLAST OFF! 💥🚀💥And we have lift off! It’s a space case adventure and I had no idea how this was gonna go! Our heroes were in space with zero gravity! Where no one can hear them scream! Don! Don! Don!
Hmmmm, so another parent from Marinettes classmates has been akumatized and Ladybug and Cat Noir need extra help......I think we all know who that is. Ladies and gentleman, the holder of the horse miraculous, Max Kanté! A.k.a. Pegasus! (trumpets sound). Well, we all knew from “Party Crasher” anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . His Kwamie is a British accented uppity pony like being named Kaalki, the miraculous: a pair of glasses, the weapon: two horse shoes and it’s power:(we already know) teleportation by saying, “Voyage” that opens up a huge portal to wherever they want.
(grabs the speaker hanging above) Thank you for riding the Startrain, please unbuckle your seatbelts, take your belongings and exit in an orderly fashion as we come to our destination. We apologize for the inconvenience of our unexpected space odyssey as that was not planned in our schedule, but we thank you for staying calm throughout the journey. Have a nice day! It’s interesting how Marinette managed to get the highest score in “Ladybug” for her quiz (really? Even more so than Max!?) despite having to juggle her school work along with her superhero duties and social life and yet she felt drowsy here after another unseen supervillain fight. Well, since this ep took place before “Ladybug” she must’ve handled it better later. As for Adrien, let us count the ways he’s rebelled against Gabe: 1. Ditching his bodyguard to sneak off to the movies (“The Puppeteer”), 2. Running away to go to school (“Origins Part:1-2”), 3. Running away to blow off some steam (“A Christmas Special”), 4. Stealing the miraculous book (“The Collector”), 5. Sneaking off to see his moms movie (“Gorizilla”), 6. Lying about going to fencing practice to instead go on a date with Kagami (“Frozer”), 7. Having a party with Gabe gone (“Party Crasher”) and 8. Ditching fencing practice again with Kagami to hang out with their friends (“Desperada”). It’s all very reasonable cuz he has an overprotective (evil) father, lives in a mansion full of mostly stone cold people and is VERY lonely and miserable! Who wouldn’t wanna get away from all that!? Lieutenant Roger is blind to his daughters slavitude towards Chloe and just thinks she’s “serving and protecting” by being a “good friend”. Ironic that he’s a cop and doesn’t notice the injustice in this. Whomp! Whomp! Whomp! A little thing we learned about the akumas, Hawk Moth can’t control ‘em if they’re a distance away! Like space! He also reluctantly had to see his plan fail cuz Adrien was on the Startrain in space and was forced to let the good guys win for his sons sake. Was this the first time it happened? Cuz I think so. No Queen Bee in this ep cuz Chloe dear, you’re retired! I’m sensing her distraught over this is the reason for her third akumatization in the finale *cough*BattleoftheMiraculousPart2:MiracleQueen*cough* Yeah, wait for it. Another thing is Alya has a second blog for astronomy, so she’s not limited to her Ladyblog. That’s good! Give her a new hobby so she won’t look one-dimensional. So this was the space episode and sadly, there were no space related power-ups :P. Damn it! I wanted to see Ladybug and Cat Noir in space outfits! We see a member of Maxes family and we find out he has a mother who operates the Startrain, but really wants to be an astronaut. Hey, we’ve all been there. Stuck at a dead end job you had to take to support a family instead of following your dreams on what you really wanted to do. I can relate! I wanted to be a writer! I love books and reading, so I wanted to create some myself. Unfortunately, I wasn’t motivated much and didn’t get any support, so now I’m just a medical assistant to put bread on the table. That’s it! The closest I get to my writing career is writing in these reviews on my blog! It’s fine, just cuz I can’t do my real passion, doesn’t mean I have to stop. Right? Least Claudies dream came true. Congratulations girl! Boldly go where (no) man has gone before! (salutes). What everyone was really talking about was the Sleep Cute Adrienette moment :). When Marinette fell asleep on Adrien, he allowed it and even fell asleep as well. Wether you see it as either him being a gentlemen and not disturbing her or him just subconsciously being in love with her is up to you (I’m mixed on both, but mostly on the former). Lila was almost a c*ckblocker in that moment, but thanks to Shipper On Deck Alya, it was thwarted! Yea-ah! Really Lila, another “illness” you have? First it was tinnitus and arthritis (“Chameleon”), then it was “a lying problem” (“Ladybug”) and now you’re saying “motion sickness”! It’s amazing she’s able to walk! Isn’t anyone concerned!? Well, people almost saw her ruin the Adrienette moment which would make everyone start being suspicious of Lila as they all vouched for Marinette (“Ladybug”). Max is Pegasus! And his transformation had a techno beat! Cool! However, his powers were the same as Bunnyx. Teleportation! Why is that!? Viperion has a similar power to Bunnyx too, time travel! Why are all three of these the same!? I prefer each miraculous power to be individually different to stand out! This better not happen again with the other miraculouses! The miraculous for the horse miraculous was a pair of glasses.........glasses?........and it went to Max......how convenient 😒. As someone who’s born in the Year of the Horse, this was most disappointing. Guess I’m just like Kaalki who has high expectations and wants to be representative of my Chinese sign with “grace, beauty, nobility and freedom”.
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