#chimeratech fortress dragon
yugiohcardsdaily · 2 years
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Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
“‘Cyber Dragon’ + 1+ Machine monsters Cannot be used as Fusion Material. Must first be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by sending the above cards from either field to the GY. The original ATK of this card becomes 1000 x the number of materials used for its Special Summon.”
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trident-dragion · 2 years
Over the Nexus Deck Profile: Ancient Gear
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Ancient Gears are a classic GX archetype, and they exemplify what such an archetype is usually like; it was played in the anime, but in the TCG most or all of the cards were unplayably bad, with decks based around said archetype centering around only the best monsters within it, and filling the rest of the space with staples. For Ancient Gears, their deck revolves around their field spell, Geartown. Geartown, however, is not like other archetypal field spells; rather than wanting to keep it on the field for as long as possible, Ancient Gears want that field spell destroyed to activate its secondary effect: If it is destroyed, Geartown lets you summon an Ancient Gear monster from your hand, deck, or graveyard, and that monster is typically Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon. With 3000 attack and the ability to ignore backrow when it attacks, Gadjiltron Dragon is an incredibly powerful monster to summon for such a cheap condition. Geartown benefits significantly from an old ruling; if you set a field spell face down when you have one active already, the old one is destroyed. In short, by setting another field spell, we can easily destroy Geartown and summon Gadjiltron Dragon for free. This deck also capitalizes on how the NPC decks in Over the Nexus usually don't play Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, allowing it to play Cyber Dragon, once one of a Machine deck's greatest assets, without fear. And because this is a Machine deck, we have ready access to Machina Fortress, paired with Machina Gearframe, which works especially well in this deck given the large amount of high level Machines we can discard. And if all THAT wasn't enough, playing a field spell means we have access to Malefic Cyber End Dragon, possibly the biggest "free" special summon available. In short, this deck excels at summoning huge Machine monsters rapidly and winning through sheer offensive force. Class is in session, don't be a slacker! MONSTERS (19): Ancient Gear Beast x3 Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon x2 Ancient Gear Golem x2 Cyber Dragon x3 Machina Fortress x3 Machina Gearframe x3 Malefic Cyber End Dragon x3 SPELLS (16): Dark Hole x1 Future Fusion x1 Geartown x3 Limiter Removal x1 Monster Reborn x1 Overload Fusion x1 Pot of Duality x3 Power Bond x2 Terraforming x3 TRAPS (5): Solemn Judgment x1 Solemn Warning x2 Starlight Road x1 Torrential Tribute x1 EXTRA DECK: Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x3 Chimeratech Overdragon x1 Cyber End Dragon x3 Cyber Twin Dragon x1 Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem x2 Ancient Fairy Dragon x1 Black Rose Dragon x1 Red Dragon Archfiend x1 Scrap Dragon x1 Stardust Dragon x1
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pdutogepi · 1 year
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX - Duel Box 13: Booklet Lineart 2
- Chimeratech Fortress Dragon / Cyber Valley - Fog King - Royal Sword and M Crest - Elemental HERO Storm Neos
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magpiejay1234 · 1 month
So, let's talk about the third Fusion mechanic of GX S2, interdeterminate Fusion Materials.
This concept is introduced with Chimeratech Overdragon, and will later be used for Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (not in animé), and Worm Zero in Duel Terminals, but won't be reintroduced until ARC-V.
This mechanic will be the default for non-Tuner Monster requirements of most Synchros, and some Xyz Monsters will also use this. Of course, this will also be the default mechanic for Links.
However, all those Summoning mechanics have restrictions imposed upon them. Synchros have a Level quota, Xyz Monsters can only use monsters on the field except special circumstances, and Links have the Link Rating quota.
However, due to Future Fusion, and similar cards, Fusion don't have restrictions, so you can mill your entire Deck, or Extra Deck to get the strongest variant of a Fusion. This leads to some rather nasty one-turn kill strategies.
Despite being introduced here, this mechanic will not be expanded upon in GX, and Chimeratech Overdragon itself will only make one more Duel appearance, as Ryo will instead use Cyberdarks, and his original Cyber Dragons. Chimeratechs will only be really expanded upon in ARC-V, and onward.
This mechanic also won't make a reappearance until ARC-V, since Synchros default to this mechanic, and later ZEXAL Xyz Monsters will use this mechanic as well, so introducing more Fusions with this mechanic would have taken away the spotlight from them.
This mechanic would appear again with Cyberse Clock Dragon in VRAINS, but would not be used outside of Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon introduced in that era. Recent Fusions such as the recent Yubel Fusion continue to use this mechanic, though.
This mechanic is also part of why there are additional restrictions to each future Summoning mechanic, as those additional restrictions explictly avoid this situation. This is particularly true for Links, which are the only other Summoning mechanic that is versatile as Fusions, as Synchros, and Xyz can theoretically mess around with their Level mechanics, but Links are restricted to their material quote through their Link Rating. You can theoretically Summon a Level 4 Synchro with 4 materials, or Summon a Rank 2 Xyz with 7 materials, but you cannot Summon a LINK-2 monster with more than 2 materials.
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Clockwork Night
Continuous Spell
All face-up monsters on the field become Machine monsters. Machine monsters you control gain 500 ATK/DEF, also Machine monsters your opponent controls lose 500 ATK/DEF. You can banish this card from your GY, then discard 1 card; add 1 EARTH Machine monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Clockwork Night" once per turn. You can only activate 1 "Clockwork Night" per turn.
Turning your monsters into machines is fine I guess, but the real selling point here is turning the opponent’s monsters into machines.
System Down can pay 1000 to banish all machines from the opponent’s field and grave.
Electric Virus can discard itself to take control of an opponent’s machine or dragon.
Cyber Dragon can contact fuse with machines from either side of the field to make Chimeratech Fortress Dragon.
That last point is the strongest, as unless they can negate the summon of Cyber Dragon, they cannot stop their field getting fused away. Obviously this interaction is really good in a Cyber Dragon deck, where most of their monsters are Cyber Dragon, but you could also put one of those monsters in another deck.
The original Cyber Dragon is a level 5 you can special if only the opponent has a monster
Cyber Dragon Nachster is a level 1 that can discard a card to special itself, and can summon a machine with 2100 atk or def from grave at the cost of preventing you from special summoning anything but machines that turn. This could also be good in Infinitrack as 7 of their monsters fit that description.
Cyber Dragon Core can search a Cyber spell/trap on normal summon and banish itself from grave to summon a Cyber Dragon Monster (like another copy of itself) from deck. (Cyber Repair Plant can search a Light Machine. Cyber Emergency can search a Light Machine, but differently. Cybernetic Overflow pops a card. Cyberdark Realm effectively summons a Cyberdark from deck. Cyber Energy Shock if you playing a Jinzo deck. Cyberse Beacon if you playing a Cyberse deck.)
I’ve spent all this time discussing this card, and only got through the first sentence. Turns out there’s more words on this card. It also gives all your monsters a relative +1000 atk/def over the opponent’s monsters. Unga bunga hit hard.
In addition, you can banish it from grave and discard to search an Earth Machine. It may often end up in the grave because the opponent negated it due to fearing Chimeratech coming. The best target is probably Therion "King" Regulus, but it can also search many members of the Ancient Gear, Deskbot, Gadget, Geargia, Karakuri, Machina, Morphtronic, Qliphort, Rank 10 Trains, and Superheavy Samurai archetypes.
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What if instead of a 15 card extra deck you could have 15 each of Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Link Monsters
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jundeccentmil · 5 years
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"Attention tournament participants! Due to popular request, Chimeratech Fortress Dragon will be banned at this tournament. Though I really don't get what the big deal is."
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ygoreviews · 6 years
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Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju ———————————————— You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) to your opponent's side of the field in Attack Position, by Tributing 1 monster they control. If your opponent controls a "Kaiju" monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand) in Attack Position. You can only control 1 "Kaiju" monster. During either player's turn, when a card or effect is activated that targets exactly 1 card (and no other cards): You can remove 3 Kaiju Counters from anywhere on the field; negate that effect, and if you do, you can destroy 1 card on the field. ———————————————— Can Be Found In: Breakers of Shadow (BOSH-EN088), 2016 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP16-EN235)
Kaiju is a particular archetype as tries to take a literal approach of the movie genre. Their summon conditions pretty much forces the user to confront each other, as we must summon a Kaiju to the opposite field to follow with another on our side. This might seem a flawed gamestyle due we force our monsters to confront each other along various other restrictions arround the archetype. However, with the help of Kaiju Counters and other options to bypass most of their flaws, Kaijus can go from a slow yet dominant build to gaining a spot in mixed themes with their cheap summons.
"Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju" can become a quite dominant Kaiju not only due its high stats, but also defensive abilities to keep pressuring the opponent. Like almost every other Kaiju, "Jizukiru" can be summon to the opposite field by tributing an opponent's monster, or Special Summoned from our hand if they already control a Kaiju. Since players can only control a single Kaiju, "Jizukiru" compensates with the ability to negate a targetting effect for in return destroy any card on the field. This not only refers to the negated card, but overall any other card on the field that we can punish the opponent by getting rid of it. Therefore, as long we can provide Kaiju Counters "Jizukiru" not only will protect our cards but also clear the opponent's field if they aren't careful.
Kaijus share almost the same tools with each other, so "Jizukiru" is in a great position to be on the field (Preferably our side) as soon as possible. With the help of "Kyoutou Waterfront", "Jizukiru" and other Kaijus will arrive to our hand turn after turn as long we reach its counter quota. Alternatively some other cards will directly bring "Jizukiru" to the board from our Deck, ranging from "Interrupted Kaiju Slumber" clearing the board as summons two Kaijus, or "The Kaiju Files" replacing a Kaiju on the field. Kaijus gained some reputation in mixed themes and thus gaining further options depending of the strategy, like "Reasoning" trying our luck to excavate and summon "Jizukiru" or "Summon Sorceress" summoning it from our Deck if we have a Machine on our field. Lastly don't hesitate on using cards like "Call of the Haunted" and "Oasis of Dragon Souls" to bring back this Kaiju, specially if we have to summon it to the opposite field and take it down immediately.
The ability of "Jizukiru" goes beyond negating and destroying a targetting card or effect, gaining quite some liberties compared to more common options to stop effects with. Thanks to cards like "The Kaiju Files" and "Kyoutou Waterfront", is quite likely we have plenty of Kaiju Counters to negate one or even more targetting effects during any turn. And while we can simply destroy the source we just negated its effect, "Jizukiru" could instead take down powerful monsters (Like our own Kaiju on the opposite field) or ruin setups. This ability won't just trigger in response of opponent's cards but also our own, so we can target "Jizukiru" with cards like "Book of Moon" and "Kaiju Capture Mission" to negate their effects and destroy a card afterwards. While is preferable to summon "Jizukiru" on our side of the field don't feel bad if is brought ot the opponent's side, as not only we might tribute a powerful monster in return but gained a reputation among Cyber Dragon setups to summon "Chimeratech Fortress Dragon" thanks to its Machine-Type.
"Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju" could easily be one of the strongest negation effects in the game if wasn't for its reliance on Kaiju Counters. Fortunately having staple cards constantly providing plenty of counters, "Jizukiru" pretty much gets rid of up to two cards at once if the opponent becomes reckless arround its pressence. But to obtain the best from "Jizukiru" we don't need to wait for the opponent to act, as we can use our own targetting effects without need to be destroyed as well thinking outside the box by working arround cards like "Cyber Dragon" and "Reasoning" to further expand its uses beyond negating cards. While its effect might seem expensive compared to other Kaijus, "Jizukiru" prevails on the board for several turns as either stops threats or keeps clearing the opposite field turn after turn.
Personal Rating: A-
+ Either Special Summons itself to our field or tributes an opponent's monster to be on their side + Negates a targetting effect and destroys any card on the field in return + We can use our targetting effects to trigger its removal effect + Well supported along other options like "Reasoning" and "Cyber Dragon"
- Relies on other cards for Kaiju Counters - Effect might seem expensive or situational compared to other Kaijus
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cyberstyled · 6 years
Hey remember when I rambled at length about tangentially-related headcanons? Well this one’s longer and more tangentially-related. But I want to talk about the new Cyber support, so sue me. 
So I think we’re all pretty used to people’s ace monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh! often being representative of them in some way. Judai has Flame Wingman, a monster who’s only strong because of his bonds, and then Judai has Neos, who’s strong alone, but also waayy stronger with his friends. (Which raises an interesting point about Haou and the Evil Heroes but I’m not here to talk about that today). 
So, what does Ryo have? Well he’s got a few - the first of which is Cyber End Dragon. 
How does it represent him? It’s not like we can use the bonds metaphor again, like Judai, where he’s strong because of his friends. Except, of course, that we can - after all, whereas the HERO fusions are made with different monsters, Cyber Dragon fusions are made of only Cyber Dragons. That is, whilst first-season Ryo certainly has bonds with friends and family, the ones that make him strong are the ones he has with himself. He is utterly self-reliant, in other words.
You’d be right in thinking that this is a weird reading, given that the series’ ultimate message is about co-operating with friends (and letting them help you, as much as you help them). But when we take into account what Ryo says about this, as well as what happens next, there’s some clarity: When Judai tells Ryo that he’s perfect, Ryo responds by telling him that that’s also his limit. 
And we see that echoed with Cyber End Dragon. With 4000 ATK, it’s a real beast even without Power Bond. And with it? It’s game-ending. But that doesn’t necessarily mean game-ending in a way that favours Ryo - after all, Power Bond will burn him for that 4000 ATK if he fails to finish the fight. It’s a powerful win-condition (especially in the beatdown-centric anime), but once it’s on the field, that’s the end of the game.
The ultimate message here, then, is that you can certainly be strong by only relying on yourself, but you’ll limit your own potential that way.
And with that, we’re onto Ryo’s next ace monster - Chimeratech Overdragon. And... Well, it’s mostly only an ace monster in my headcanon - we only see it in the anime for two episodes. That said, it’s still an important link between the two decks we see Ryo use over the course of the anime. 
Chimeratech Overdragon is a monster made of a Cyber Dragon, plus any number of other machine types. So, based on what we said about Cyber End, that means Ryo’s going to make a lot more friends, right? Except, of course, that’s not what we see happen to him. Indeed, the framing of the summoning requirements is important here - what Ryo is doing is not forming bonds with friends in order to reach a higher level, but standing on the backs of the dead. 
And among those dead? His old ace, Cyber End Dragon. Cyberdark Dragon might’ve done it more obviously, but Overdragon was the first to consume Cyber End. And, well, the metaphor isn’t subtle - “Hell Kaiser” Ryo consumes “Kaiser”, and becomes stronger in the process, but he also destroys everything around him. 
We’ll come back to Overdragon, since it’s considerably more important in my ARC-V AU than it was in the anime, but for now, we need to talk about the last ace monster we see in the anime - Cyberdark Dragon. 
Now, if there’s a monster metaphor that’s better suited for foreshadowing Ryo’s eventual fate, I don’t know what it is - Cyberdark Dragon is a monster that is supremely weak alone, becoming strong only by sucking the life out of others. And what else has Ryo been doing all this time, rebuilding his career with his “Hell Kaiser” persona. But unlike Overdragon, the deck seems to be more of a parasite than a progression - Cyberdark Dragon clings desperately to Cyber End’s back, fearing that it could become powerless at any time at all, just as Ryo clings to the idea of finding a last, great opponent, knowing he could die at any time. 
And in that, it’s interesting that Ryo uses Cyber End in that last duel. Cyber End, and Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. And conspicuously, not any of the Cyberdarks. Did he then, whilst facing his own death head-on, realise that perhaps he was right (or at least, right-er) to be relying on himself, rather than taking from others.  Of course, if he does realise that, he decides that the Cyberdarks are worth keeping in spite of it, because when he fights the Psycho-Style user, Makoto Inotsume, he’s right back to using them again. Perhaps, though, he feels he simply has nothing else to do in his life but duel, whether that’s going to kill him or not. Or perhaps he’s simply addicted to what the Cyberdarks do to him - he mentions before that he’s used to pain. A little too used to it, maybe. 
It’s interesting to note that the last thing we hear about Ryo’s dueling from the anime is that now his brother has taken the Cyberdarks (for better or for worse), he’s going to play an ‘evolving duel’. ‘Evolving’ as in ‘Evolution Burst’, perhaps? 
Konami certainly seems to think so. With the release of the Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure Deck, we got Cyber Dragon Nova, and then with Breakers of Shadow, we got Cyber Dragon Infinity and Chimeratech Rampage Dragon. 
It’s at this point that we’re finally going to talk about ARC-V and my AU Ryo. Chiefly because the development of this character what most of my analysis is for, but also because the timeline of Yu-Gi-Oh! regarding the Xyz monsters gets very hazy after GX. 5d’s suggests that time has moved on at least enough for society to degenerate into a dystopia, and after that, ZEXAL suggests that it’s been long enough for both Duel Runners and Solid Vision to have either faded into obscurity, or else have been supplanted by VR. And whilst maybe one of these things might have happened in Ryo’s lifetime, it’s unlikely that both of them would. Perhaps the Cyber Style dojo survived long enough to integrate Xyz monsters, but at that point it’s not really about Ryo anymore, and can’t really inform us of his character.  So, ARC-V. 
It’s established early on that your home dimension dictates your summoning style. There are only a few characters who break this trend, and they all have very specific reasons to do so - the Lancers, and LDS as a larger whole, really, see multiple summoning methods as a more effective weapon (although even then, it’s only really Reiji, Reira and Yuya who really manage it), and Dennis, because it gives him cover as a member of the Resistance. And since Ryo is a fusion-user originally, that gives only a few choices as to why Nova and Infinity exist. Either he’s a spy, like Dennis, or he’s a defector, like Serena - who doesn’t use Xyz monsters along with her fusions, but Pendulums, which makes sense given she essentially defected to join the Lancers. 
So, why is Ryo a defector and not a spy? Well, the reason is largely based on GX - he’s perceived by others to be evil and/or brainwashed by darkness for a long time, but when push comes to shove, he’s willing to fight with the protagonists, rather than against them. And who’s the protagonist in ARC-V? It’s Yuya and the Lancers, isn’t it?
And more than that, Ryo is a decidedly un-spy-like character in any of his incarnations. As Kaiser, he’s more interested in respectfully dueling his opponents, rather than trying to take them down from the inside, and as Hell Kaiser, he’s rather preoccupied with destroying everything and everyone. When we compare that to Dennis, who duels for the majority of the series more like Yuya than anything else, Ryo practically screams ‘I’m from Fusion!!’ at any given opportunity. 
And because that’s what his dueling style does, despite his defection he can’t really ever integrate into the Resistance proper. Because even though he can force himself to be an Xyz user, those Xyz monsters have fusion fingerprints all over them. 
First up on that note is simply how Nova and Infinity look. Nova is very obviously a machine cobbled together from various other Cyber monsters - Barrier and Laser Dragon, Overdragon and Fortress Dragon, and even a little of Cyber End. Infinity is more of a streamlining of Nova, but it still bears the marks - it retains that Laser Dragon tail, and those Cyber End shoulder-wing details. These monsters are very much from the Chimeratech school of thought, in that they’re the next logical progression for the Cyber Dragons - With both the Chimeratechs and the Xyz monsters being able to use a wider range of monsters than Cyber End and Cyber Twin, they allow the deck to evolve beyond stuffing it as full of Cyber Dragons as humanly possible.
Indeed, Rampage Dragon itself is testament to Ryo’s inherent failure to integrate with the Xyz, and leave Fusion behind - Rampage Dragon is more-or-less custom made to be used to help summon Nova, since it’s not only a Level 5 itself, but it can line the graveyard with useful monsters to either fuse into another Rampage dragon, or even set up for an Overdragon play. 
All this being said, Cyber Dragon Infinity’s effect hints to something decidedly other than Cyber Dragons and Chimeratechs, though: “You can target 1 face-up Attack Position monster on the field; attach it to this card as a face-up material.”
Infinity’s effect is comparable to a few other monsters - the most apt of which is Silent Honor Ark. But Silent Honor Ark is rooted in ZEXAL, and ZEXAL is very obviously a different dimension to the Xyz Dimension (in the same way that GX is different to the Fusion Dimension, and 5d’s is different to Synchro), so we can scratch that one off the list. The next comparison is Cyberdark Dragon, but although it’s true that they do both get some attack power from the monsters they take, but Infinity’s power boost is infinitesimal compared to Dragon’s, and it certainly doesn’t rely on that boost in the same way that Dragon does. Cyberdark Dragon is undoubtedly an influence, and working outside of my AU, it may well be the reason Infinity gains attack power from its material, but inside it? Inside it there is one monster that uses the opponent’s monsters in a similar way. 
Frightfur Scissor Bear. 
Now, I know what you’re going to say - ‘Scissor Bear totally relies on its boost, what the hell are you on about?!’ But not in the same way as Cyberdark Dragon. Scissor Bear’s attack is 2200, and although that’s not massively powerful given the investment (just like Infinity), it’s certainly enough to get it by, unlike Dragon. Furthermore, although its effect technically takes from the grave, it’s essentially taking from the field, since it can only equip things it destroys there. Plus, unlike Dragon but like Infinity, it’s not absorbing the specific attacks of the monsters it equips, but using them to fuel its own effect. 
And, more to the point of this exercise, Frightfur Scissor Bear and Sora help illustrate very early on the sort of tactics Academia uses. Cyberdark Dragon is more of an inert influence on translating Ryo to ARC-V. So where’s the influence of this apparently influential figure? Well, in the same way that Scissor Bear’s effect is illustrated - that it eats its victims (much to the onlookers horror), Infinity eats its enemies, as well as its allies. And when we translate the actions of these monsters to their owners, we can come to the conclusion that Sora is capable of working with others - much like Scissor Bear, he can’t hurt his allies - but Ryo is more likely to lash out at enemy or ally alike. When Ryo was still loyal to Academia, he still couldn’t help but hurt a great deal of his classmates, and now he’s with the Resistance, he acts alone in fear of hurting his allies. 
But - and this is a big but - this ability to hurt his allies is not fatal to his development as a trustworthy member of the resistance. Just because he can hurt people, just because that Academia conditioning to work as a pack never really worked that well, doesn’t mean he has to hurt people. And this goes for Sora too, really - just because he’s capable of it, doesn’t mean he has to hurt people for the sake of Academia’s plans.
So, where does this leave the new Cyber Dragon support? Well, it seems although a good deal of it is there to set up Link plays with Sieger, as far as ARC-V Ryo goes, it’s support that suggest that he’s desperately trying to fit himself into the Resistance - Cyber Dragon Vier summons itself when another Cyber Dragon is summoned. It’s similar to a good number of Xyz summoning support monsters - Fuzzy Lanius, for example. But unlike the Raidraptors, Cyber Dragons can’t do very much with a Level 4 monster: to make Nova, Vier has to be paired with Drei. It seems to be made more for fusion then (at least in a linkless setting). And the same is true of Cyber Dragon Herz. It’s a powerful searcher, and it can become Level 5 via being special summoned, but at the same time, it’s considerably easier to get its searching effect off, rather than using one of the very few SS from grave effects that Cyber Dragons possess. It’s unlikely that the Resistance will ever actually trust Ryo completely - defector or not, he’s still very Academia-like in his conduct, and trying to fit in, for him, is ultimately self-destructive, just as trying to ignore the fusion elements in such a fusion-heavy archetype is.
 It’s quite likely that one day, Ryo will be faced with a choice: change his ways, or die a tragic death.
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lemusegallery · 3 years
Hell Kaiser Ryo Deck (For RP Dueling)
Mun's Note: For RP Duels this is going to be my own default Hell Kaiser Ryo's deck. In case of wanting me to do some regulations, please IM me. Especially for any potential Dueling RP. Same goes for all YGO Muses down the lines. But for now enjoy and read it down below. Thank you.
Normal Monsters:
Cyber Soldier of Darkworld
Effect Monsters:
Proto Cyber Dragon x3
Cyber Dragon x3
Cyber Phoenix
Infernal Dragon
Bomber Dragon
Kaiser Glider
Thunder Dragon x3
Cyberdark Horn
Cyberdark Keel
Cyber Vary
Cyber Barrier Dragon
Cyber Laser Dragon
Cyberdark Edge
Perfect Machine King
Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite x2
Heavy Mech Support Platform x2
Total Number of Monsters: 25.
Fusion Monsters:
Cyber End Dragon
Twinheaded Thunder Dragon
Cyber Twin Dragon
Chimeratech Overdragon
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Cyberdark Dragon
Total Number of Fusion Monsters: 6.
Magic/Spell Cards:
Future Fusion
Monster Reborn
Pot Of Greed
Graceful Charity
Mystical Space Typhoon
Power Bond x2
Photon Generator Unit
Overload Fusion
Cybernetic Fusion Support
Time Fusion
Creature Swap
Limit Removal x2
Total Number of Magic Cards: 15.
Trap Cards:
Rare Metalmorph
Lost Pride
Power Wall
Fusion Guard
Call of the Haunted
Cybernetic Hidden Technology
Attack Reflector Unit
Damage Polarizer
Rebirth Judgment
Final Fusion
Total Number of Trap Cards: 10.
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ygo-news · 7 years
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[Rumor] The New Odd-Eyes and Legendary Dragon Deck Lists
LEDD-ENC00 Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon Level 7 DARK Dragon Pendulum Normal Monster ATK 2700 DEF 2000 Pendulum Scale: 8 Pendulum Effect: If an “Odd-Eyes” card(s) you control is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can Special Summon 1 “Odd-Eyes” monster from your hand, Deck or GY. You can only use this effect of “Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon” once per turn. Flavor Text: Made from miracles, this valiant and beautiful dragon has gleaming eyes that reflect an arc drawn in the sky.
A Deck: Yugi’s Dragons of Atlantis Deck
3 Dark Magician 2 Magician’s Robe 1 Apprentice Illusion Magician 2 Magician’s Rod 3 Skilled Dark Magician 1 Legendary Knight Timaeus 1 Legendary Knight Critias 1 Legendary Knight Hermos 1 Breaker the Magical Warrior 1 Magical Exemplar 1 Big Shield Gardna 1 Dark Magician Girl 2 Absolute Crusader
1 Dark Magic Curtain 1 Illusion Magic 1 Dark Magic Expansion 1 Dark Magic Inheritance 1 Thousand Knives 1 Dark Magic Attack 1 The Eye of Timaeus 1 The Fang of Critias 1 The Claw of Hermos 1 Legend of Heart 1 Swords of Revealing Light 1 Pot of Duality 1 Reinforcement of the Army 1 Dark Magic Circle
1 Magician Navigation 1 Eternal Soul 1 Dark Renewal 1 Crush Card Virus 1 Mirror Force 1 Tyrant Wing
1 Dark Magician the Dragon Knight 1 Dark Paladin 1 Amulet Dragon 1 Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight 1 Tyrant Burst Dragon 1 Mirror Force Dragon 1 Doom Virus Dragon 1 Rocket Hermos Cannon 1 Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword 1 Goddess Bow 1 Time Magic Hammer
B Deck: Zane’s Cyber Dragons 3 Cyber Dragon 3 Cyber Dragon Core 2 Cyber Dragon Zwei 2 Cyber Dragon Drei 1 Proto-Cyber Dragon 2 Cyber Valley 2 Cyber Phoenix 1 Cyber Dinosaur 2 Cyber Eltanin 1 Armored Cybern 1 Machina Fortress
3 Cyber Repair Plant 1 Cybernetic Fusion Support 3 Evolution Burst 2 Power Bond 2 Overload Fusion 1 Future Fusion 1 Limiter Removal 1 Machina Armored Unit
2 Cyber Network 1 Cyber Shadow Gardna 1 Storming Mirror Force 1 Quaking Mirror Force 1 Drowning Mirror Force
1 Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon 2 Chimeratech Rampage Dragon 1 Chimeratech Over Dragon 1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon 2 Cyber Twin Dragon 1 Cyber End Dragon 2 Cyber Dragon Nova 1 Cyber Dragon Infinity
C Deck: Yuya’s Odd-Eyes Deck
1 Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon
2 Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (Alternate Art)
1 Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes 2 Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon 2 Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon 2 Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon 1 Performapal Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix 2 Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn 2 Performapal Skullcrobat Joker 1 Performapal Raingoat 2 Peformapl U Go Golem 2 Nobledragon Magician 1 Odd-Eyes Gravity Dragon
2 Sky Iris 1 Odd-Eyes Fusion 1 Odd-Eyes Advent 2 Spiral Flame Strike 2 Duelist Alliance 2 Pendulum Impentrable 2 Pendulum Storm 1 Pot of Riches 2 Terraforming
1 Echo Oscillation 2 Pendulum Reborn 2 Pendulum Switch
1 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon (Alternate Art) 1 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon (Alternate Art) 1 Starving Venom Fusion Dragon (Alternate Art) 1 Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon 1 Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing 1 Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon 1 Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion 1 Performapal Gatlinghoul 1 Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon 1 Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom
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trident-dragion · 2 years
Over the Nexus Deck Profile: Cyber Dragon
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For much of its history as a competitively relevant card, Cyber Dragon wasn't its own deck. It was a card you used in other decks, first as a game-changingly strong special summon that quickly put tempo in your favor if the opponent didn't have an out immediately, then as a side deck staple paired with Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, as a counter to Machine-focused decks like Machina Gadget and Karakuri. In fact, the presence of Fortress Dragon ironically makes a deck centered around Cyber Dragon much less viable against a human opponent; unless they agree not to play it, a Cyber Dragon deck simply can't work in the 5D's era. Fortunately, these decks are designed with a PvE context in mind, and the vast majority of AI opponents in Over the Nexus do not play Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. So, to make the most of this we use Cyber Dragon's status as a LIGHT Machine to play powerful support cards like Honest and Limiter Removal, and lean heavily into fusion summoning to try to OTK or otherwise deal heavy battle damage. To supplement our Machine package, we play Genex Neutron (which is conveniently LIGHT) and Genex Ally Birdman to enable Synchros, and Machina Fortress for instant offensive pressure. Genex Ally Birdman is also particularly interesting; on its own, it combines well with the level 5 Cyber Dragon to make level 8 Synchros, and if we want a level 7 instead we can summon Cyber Dragon with its effect, bounce it back to our hand to summon Birdman, then normal summon any level 4 monster. But Birdman's status as a Genex monster enables two interesting Synchros: Genex Ally Axel and Genex Ally Triforce. Axel is a level 8 and lets us, once per turn, discard a card to select a level 4 or lower Machine in our graveyard to special summon it with doubled attack, but it can't attack directly and is banished during the end phase. Triforce is a level 7 with three different effects, chosen based on the attribute of the monster used to summon it. In the case of LIGHT, once per turn we can select one LIGHT monster in our grave and special summon it in face-down defense position. Both monsters let us quickly recycle our other monsters for further Synchro plays, and in the case of Axel possibly clear a big monster or inflict heavy battle damage as well. Like the Cyberdark deck before this one, this is a very battle-focused deck, so embrace the Cyber Legacy and attack without hesitation! MONSTERS (20): Cyber Dragon x3 Cyber Dragon Zwei x3 Genex Ally Birdman x3 Genex Neutron x3 Honest x2 Machina Gearframe x3 Machina Fortress x3 SPELLS (17): Book of Moon x2 Dark Hole x1 Evolution Burst x2 Future Fusion x1 Giant Trunade x1 Gold Sarcophagus x2 Limiter Removal x1 Monster Reborn x1 Mystical Space Tyhoon x2 Overload Fusion x1 Power Bond x3 TRAPS (3): Royal Decree x3 EXTRA DECK: Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x3 Chimeratech Overdragon x1 Cyber End Dragon x1 Cyber Twin Dragon x2 Black Rose Dragon x1 Genex Ally Axel x1 Genex Ally Triforce x1 Light End Dragon x1 Red Dragon Archfiend x1 Scrap Dragon x1 Stardust Dragon x1 Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
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darkshadowduelist · 7 years
Unconfirmed Run Down + New Odd Eyes normal monster
LEDD-ENC00 Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon Level 7 DARK Dragon Pendulum Normal Monster ATK 2700 DEF 2000 Pendulum Scale: 8 Pendulum Effect: If an “Odd-Eyes” card(s) you control is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can Special Summon 1 “Odd-Eyes” monster from your hand, Deck or GY. You can only use this effect of “Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon” once per turn. Flavor Text: Made from miracles, this valiant and beautiful dragon has gleaming eyes that reflect an arc drawn in the sky. A Deck: Yugi’s Dragons of Atlantis Deck 3 Dark Magician 2 Magician’s Robe 1 Apprentice Illusion Magician 2 Magician’s Rod 3 Skilled Dark Magician 1 Legendary Knight Timaeus 1 Legendary Knight Critias 1 Legendary Knight Hermos 1 Breaker the Magical Warrior 1 Magical Exemplar 1 Big Shield Gardna 1 Dark Magician Girl 2 Absolute Crusader 1 Dark Magic Curtain 1 Illusion Magic 1 Dark Magic Expansion 1 Dark Magic Inheritance 1 Thousand Knives 1 Dark Magic Attack 1 The Eye of Timaeus 1 The Fang of Critias 1 The Claw of Hermos 1 Legend of Heart 1 Swords of Revealing Light 1 Pot of Duality 1 Reinforcement of the Army 1 Dark Magic Circle 1 Magician Navigation 1 Eternal Soul 1 Dark Renewal 1 Crush Card Virus 1 Mirror Force 1 Tyrant Wing 1 Dark Magician the Dragon Knight 1 Dark Paladin 1 Amulet Dragon 1 Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight 1 Tyrant Burst Dragon 1 Mirror Force Dragon 1 Doom Virus Dragon 1 Rocket Hermos Cannon 1 Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword 1 Goddess Bow 1 Time Magic Hammer B Deck: Zane’s Cyber Dragons 3 Cyber Dragon 3 Cyber Dragon Core 2 Cyber Dragon Zwei 2 Cyber Dragon Drei 1 Proto-Cyber Dragon 2 Cyber Valley 2 Cyber Phoenix 1 Cyber Dinosaur 2 Cyber Eltanin 1 Armored Cybern 1 Machina Fortress 3 Cyber Repair Plant 1 Cybernetic Fusion Support 3 Evolution Burst 2 Power Bond 2 Overload Fusion 1 Future Fusion 1 Limiter Removal 1 Machina Armored Unit 2 Cyber Network 1 Cyber Shadow Gardna 1 Storming Mirror Force 1 Quaking Mirror Force 1 Drowning Mirror Force 1 Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon 2 Chimeratech Rampage Dragon 1 Chimeratech Over Dragon 1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon 2 Cyber Twin Dragon 1 Cyber End Dragon 2 Cyber Dragon Nova 1 Cyber Dragon Infinity C Deck: Yuya’s Odd-Eyes Deck 1 Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon 2 Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (Alternate Art) 1 Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes 2 Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon 2 Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon 2 Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon 1 Performapal Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix 2 Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn 2 Performapal Skullcrobat Joker 1 Performapal Raingoat 2 Peformapl U Go Golem 2 Nobledragon Magician 1 Odd-Eyes Gravity Dragon 2 Sky Iris 1 Odd-Eyes Fusion 1 Odd-Eyes Advent 2 Spiral Flame Strike 2 Duelist Alliance 2 Pendulum Impentrable 2 Pendulum Storm 1 Pot of Riches 2 Terraforming 1 Echo Oscillation 2 Pendulum Reborn 2 Pendulum Switch 1 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon (Alternate Art) 1 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon (Alternate Art) 1 Starving Venom Fusion Dragon (Alternate Art) 1 Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon 1 Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing 1 Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon 1 Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion 1 Performapal Gatlinghoul 1 Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon 1 Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom
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magpiejay1234 · 1 month
Okay, since we are in GX S2, let's discuss Neos Contact Fusions.
After his loss to Edo, Judai takes a while to get to Duel Academia proper, getting lost in the forest. There is a recap episode with SAL, which quite funny, and reeastablishes a few things about Judai's character, such as his admiration of Kaiser, is ultimately here to make audience wait until Neos's Fusions get revealed with Edo vs. Judai 2, written by Shin Yoshida.
This is probably because of the fact that they originally wanted Neos Contact Fusions to resummon its materials as De-Fusion is Judai's (and later on, Sora, and Yuzu's) go to strategy, but they soon realized this would make Neos too powerful, so this concept was not utilized, leading to other Contact cards having effects related to this concept.
Not all Neos Fusions make it to S2, of course, Air Neos is the only one that gets introduced in S3, and two material Neos Fusions get introduced in the early half in S3.
Since Neos's concept was better utilized with Gladiator Beasts, though, later Neos Fusions after Rainbow Neos generally end up being regular Fusions, especially in S4.
For Contact Fusions in general, we have four concepts:
**Fusion Materials get banished (this is the case for the original XYZ monsters used by Kaiba, and later on Manjoume)
**Fusion Materials return to Deck (the case for Neos, and Gladiator Beasts)
**Fusion Materials are sent from the field to GY (the case for V-Jump promo Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, and a couple others)
**Fusion Materials are Tributed (the default mode after ARC-V, with the OCG variant of Yuya's Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, though not with its animé effects)
Interestingly, though, despite Rapid Trigger's effect, there is yet to be a Contact Fusion that destroys its materials, or one that banishes materials face-down.
As we discussed before, Contact Fusions, while never completely disappeared, fell out of favour with the introduction of Synchros, which were inspired by this concept initially, but further fell out of favour with the introduction of "Fusionist/Fusioner" monsters inspired by Synchro Fusionist from 5D's in ARC-V, which could Fusion Summon monsters regularly without needing Spells/Traps, or unique Contact Fusion methods. This method was later on introduced to first support for GX era cards, then to Dyna Base, implying this will be the standard for the future GX support.
Back to Neos Contact Fusions, as we discussed before, the concept had three legs:
**Neos with Neo-Spacians (main core of S2 Contact Fusions)
**Neos with upgraded Neo-Spacians (this is immediately dropped)
**Neos with two Neo-Spacians (main core of S3 Contact Fusions, but since there could be only 3 of them initially, this gets finished fast)
For post-humous Neos Contact Fusions, we have Cosmo Neos, which uses 3 Neo-Spacians, and Nebula Neos, which is uses an unused pair of Neo-Spacians (this hasn't been followed upon).
Divine Neos in the animé is a Contact Fusion with a special Contact effect, as it returns cards from Graveyard to Deck. Since that card was printed during the turnover to 5D's, its OCG effect only requires a maximum of 5 monsters, as that was the maximum amount Fusion Materials except in special cases like Chimeratech Overdragon, and of course it is not a Contact Fusion. Its actual animé effect utilizes all 6 Neo-Spacians with Neos, paralleling Rainbow Dragon, and more directly later on Rainbow Overdragon.
Part of the abandonment of Contact Fusion of course has to do with Super Polymerization, and later on Dark Fusion. Since there were new Fusion Spells with unique effects, the idea of Contact Fusions being better as they lacked Fusion Spells wasn't that important, and since S3 antagonists except Yubel don't particularly care about sealing Spells like S2 antagonists did, there wasn't much of a narrative reason to develop the concept further.
Of course, since GX's structure has Judai getting new partner monsters (Winged Kuriboh in S1, Neos in middle of S2, Yubel at the finale of S3, Honest in the middle of S4), and Contact Fusion was limited to Neos, once Yubel became more prominent, that also made this concept less important.
This topic probably can go on for hours, as Contact Fusion was the second time animé tried to make an advanced variant of a Summoning method that was a major mechanic (first being Legendary Dragons in Doma which wouldn't be printed for a long time), and first time an advanced variant of a Summoning method was properly promoted in OCG proper. So we will probably talk about this more in detail, especially in comparison to others.
Edit (10 April, 2024): Correction, Dyna Base, Dyna Tank is the Fusion.
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sxulsteel · 6 years
Yu-Gi-Oh AU - The Machine General
Just note that the deck list is still a bit under construction as I tweak and refine it a bit more. Though I will do battles with this deck for the sake of RPs in Yu-Gi-Oh DevPro as well.
Even at a young age, Stahl derived a lot of enjoyment in testing herself against other people and trying to better her own skills in most games, thus it was only natural for her to have found herself at one point involved in one of the biggest competitive card games of the time.
And thus on her own, Stahl soon enough began to seriously involve herself in the game most of all, finding herself drawn into the nature of the game easily though while she kept trying out different kinds of decks, there never was one that felt 'right' to her.
That was until she finally laid her eyes on the Machine King series... she always had a small interest in robotics but seeing these cards only helped to further inspire her. And thus it was because of them that she ended up finding more than just the kind of deck that she wanted to play.
Over time and much work, she had began to be known a bit in her region as one of the top experts of Machine-type monsters, it was due to that small bit of fame that she was found by a tenacious young man who was determined to learn from her no matter what. A trait that Stahl admired greatly in him, thus it was no surprise that she would take him under her wing.
-Due to the way she commands her deck, and the skill that she has with it, she had often times been called the Machine General in many dueling circles. A nickname that was initially started by some friends of hers and Soyi's.
If anything, she had began to find the nickname to be a bit endearing most of all. Even having a costume made that looked akin to a military uniform that she would wear for many dueling events.
-While she is a duelist most of the time, she also had found her interest with robotics due to her cards. And thus she is currently taking college classes for the sake of learning more on building and programming such machinery. She is nowhere near as good as Soyi is with in terms of that, but she has been learning quite a bit from him as well.
-This AU also has a Side-Muse, Aidan Curtis, who is available ONLY upon request. His WiP profile is here.
Main Deck (45 cards)
Perfect Machine King x3 Machina Megaform x3 Machina Fortress x3 Cyber Dragon x3 Machina Gearframe x3 Cyber Phoenix x1 Machine King Prototype x3 Scrap Recycler x2
Raigeki x1 Mystical Space Typhoon x2 Soul Charge x1 Limiter Removal x1 The Monarchs Stormforth x1 Machine Assembly Line x2 Solidarity x2 System Down x1
Ojama Trio x2 Torrential Tribute x1 Dimensional Prison x2 Fiendish Chain x1 Final Attack Orders x1 DNA Surgery x3 Call of the Haunted x2 Mirror Force x1
Extra Deck (5 Cards)
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x3 Gear Gigant X x1 Geargiagear XG x1
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lilyhoshikawa · 6 years
Personally I've never really been interested with the cyber dragon infinity deck builds because in my experience it's always just… kinda boring to play those? I have a lot more fun using fusion-centric builds focused on chimeratech stuff because it's just way more fun to dump stuff into the grave and then summon overdragon with 8000+ atk and attack ten times in a row for overkill victories eltanin is also great because it's basically fortress dragon + a field nuke without needing to get overload fusion into your hand somehow also this reminds me… I still have to try out the new chimeratech from legendary dragon decks sometime
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