#cheating enemies
Stay tune for new years everyone cause I got a big surprise to show soon
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snixx · 7 months
good god my obsession with infidelity is becoming a little bit concerning but hot women (so like all women) cheating on their mid-ass boyfriends/husbands with either their homoerotic girl best friend or "the other woman" in their relationship (who they used to scorn as cheap and a homewrecker as a scapegoat for the boyfriend's ungratefulness) ESPECIALLY in historical settings will always be a top tier trope for me and i will never not eat it up
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futuretherapoo · 28 days
No cuz after a year of thinking that enemies to lovers is my favorite trope (despite never truly loving an enemies to lovers book/movie), I finally realized that fake-dating has always been my favorite trope 😭
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rottengurlz · 10 months
My mom got me my own laptop as a surprise gift since I’ve been using my sisters shitty pc that barely ran the sims and it runs the sims so smoothly THIS is how you guys have been playing the entire time 😭😭😭
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6-2-aestheticsofhate · 2 months
help i thought there was a non zero chance that the fandom wiki was lying about this but if you take the blue skull in 5-3 and take it to the dead ferryman this happens
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jessread-s · 3 months
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Thanks to the publisher for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review
“The Rule Book” follows Nora Mackenzie, a sports agent whose first client is famous NFL tight end Derek Pender. He also happens to be her ex-boyfriend and he’s still holding a grudge. He’s determined to make her life difficult, but when a wild night in Vegas leads to an accidental marriage, they have to rekindle their relationship to save their careers.
Reading this book was like getting a warm hug and its all because I really adored the characters. Nora is my favorite of Sarah’s female main characters because she is so inspiring, unapologetically herself, and hardworking. Adams gives her so much personality and I found myself relating to her organization skills (specifically color-coding), can-do attitude, and love of sweet treats. I also saw a lot of myself in Derek. Though I do not have a shared experience with a learning disability diagnosis, I’ve felt inadequate before and I resonated with his internal struggle. Both Nora and Derek really moved me and I now consider them my comfort characters.
Nora and Derek’s second chance romance had me feeling so giddy! Adams does a great job establishing what their relationship was like in college and why it eventually fell apart. She executes the “right person, wrong time” narrative so well and weaves in some of my other favorite tropes like accidental marriage/marriage of convenience, only one bed, and “that’s my wife” flawlessly without overwhelming the reader. The inclusion of such tropes push Nora and Derek to face their lingering feelings for each other and act on them to give their relationship another shot. I couldn’t get enough of the mutual pining, the tension, and the way they continuously uplift each other. Thank you Sarah for this masterpiece! I’m so obsessed with this book that it hurts.
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
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zel-zo · 6 months
Favorite voice in slay the princess?
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I love them all so dearly, and my favorite tends to flux between routes... BUT the general ranking is:
1.Hero 2.Broken 3.Paranoid 4.Skeptic 5.Hunted 6.Contrarian 7.Cheated 8.opportunist 9.Cold 10.stubborn 11.Smitten
If you're wondering where narrator is, he's directly implanted in my heart at all times. No rank, just love.
--- (Also, introducing some of my voice designs!! Just for funnies I've drawn a few of them as humans, working on designing them all. Up top, from left to right, we have Broken, Hunted, Skeptic, and Paranoid)
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kleefkruid · 6 months
Just realised at the market tomorrow I need to know my wares in French and make sure I don't mix up my prices and ask €500 for a key chain
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inhumanevoid · 2 years
Vegas : *storming into the first family compound* KINN!! WHERE IS THAT BASTARD!?!?
Kinn : * who was just about to go see Porsche in their room* hey what's happening? why are u yelling up a storm??!!?
Vegas : YOU!! you've been spending a lot of time with Porsche.
Kinn : Vegas no it not what it looks like . trust me please I swear.
Vegas : So no reason for me to kidnap Porsche and dump him somewhere far, far away?
Kinn : no I swear you're the only one for me always.
Vegas : is that so?!
Kinn : yes!! you have to believe me. porsche is just my boyfriend! just my partner. that's all.
Vegas : So there's no rival-cousin-feelings involved?
Kinn : yes I swear to god!! hes just the love of my life, the light in my darkness. that is all. your are still my one and only mortal enemy and rival.
Vegas : bastard?
Kinn : bastard.
(their version of bro)
Porsche : *who rushed out the bedroom hearing the commotion* : ..............
Pete : *who almost crashed thrice tryna race after Vegas from the second fam compound, panting* : .............
Porsche & Pete : noW WHAT IN THE TED BUNDY -
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gggoldfinch · 30 days
holding myself back by the throat from making a pro vaultghoul rant post bc I keep getting recommended anti posts
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mintjeru · 11 months
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my pride and joy
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mamamittens · 9 months
After a Crown for a Ring
This is the somewhat unhinged romcom order for myself based on my 'menu' for my Shake Date 500+follower event. Without the smut, I... I cannot write and post that and still come online ever again at this point in time (social anxiety for the win!), so ya'll just get the ridiculous build up.
That and I realized I had written over 2K just building up to smut. Why am I like this for this man???
So here.
Order: strawberry cake, gummy candy, sprinkles. Add in pink schnapps, jager bomb, white Russian, hot damn, and brain hemorrhage with a coffee and strawberry mochi.
Warnings: Yandere, technically kidnapping, and intended imprisonment until marriage agreement.
Thatch X Nikia (OC)
What can I say, he's a real romantic at heart.
word count: 2,490
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The kingdom was burning.
Okay, so only some of the kingdom was burning. It was still a problem and there wasn’t much to be done at this point.
Nikia sighed, anxiously wringing her hands as she looked out over the balcony. She was trained for peacetime, not war. The weight of lives on her shoulders a distinctly uncomfortable one. So, she ordered her people to evacuate well before the enemy line made it to the capital city. Some stayed, too stubborn or loyal to go, but the rest fled quickly.
In theory, this is where her fiancé would shine. As a well decorated war general, this would have been his moment. He likely could have managed this whole mess swiftly and gotten a treaty signed. But he’d gone at the first sign of war to handle things and… he never came back.
Nikia shifted on her feet, wings fluttering behind her restlessly.
She liked Henrick well enough. Kind and deferential to her title without being a kiss ass. Older but not so old she worried he’d pass well before she ever would. They’d been arranged to marry next spring by her late parents but that clearly wasn’t going to happen now. And her envoys for peace went unheeded for reasons beyond her understanding. Spies, perhaps. Or perhaps just a lack of interest in peace. It was possible.
The rival kingdom was quite fond of conquering, so it was possible that this was inevitable.
And as queen she had to greet them.
There was a rattle of armor behind her as her personal guard, Minos, entered the room.
“Your majesty, they’ve made it to the pavilion.” She sighed, fussing with her skirts.
“Then I shall meet them in the entrance.” She declared, turning to walk swiftly through the halls, Minos glancing from under his helmet, hand on his blade.
“It’s not too late to run, your majesty.” He reminded her softly. She paused before the stairs, smiling softly.
“And go where? I can hardly pass as an unfortunate peasant.” Nikia sighed, extending her wings. It was something all royal family members had and became incredibly symbolic over the years, much to her frustration. “Besides, I have to try for peace one last time before the entire kingdom is razed. You heard what happened to Marineford.” She moved on, not looking at the portraits of her ancestors along the walls and artwork gifted to her family over the years. Marineford had, somehow, gotten hold of a prince and tried to execute him. It did not end well.
“Well, you haven’t acted against them before. And neither did your family! Perhaps this is just a show of force?” He asked, lengthening his stride to keep up.
“Well, they’ve certainly shown it!” Nikia grumbled. “The staff are safe?”
“No one wanted to leave.” He informed her.
Nikia stopped at the bottom of the stairs and sighed.
Perhaps she shouldn’t have spent her youth running around the kitchens.
She looked out across the hall where guards stood at the ready. Men she knew. Had watched train over the years in the courtyard. Personally knighting several when they’d become skilled enough to warrant the lofty title.
The sound of battle was faint but echoed over the empty hall. White marble draped in silk livery. The door was closed. But it wouldn’t be for long.
“Open the door and leave.” Nikia commanded clearly, though she knew only one part of her order would be followed. They hesitated, the two closest to the door looking back at her as she approached. Her dress trailing across the carpet. “We were never going to win this battle… so let’s get this over with.” Nikia stated, taking a sword from a kneeling servant. It was a mostly ceremonial blade, the one she had knighted several of those present with, in fact. Gemstones embedded in the blade and pommel, a flawless silver with golden leaves across the centerline. It could still cut, but was not meant to.
A bit ironic, really.
Pretty but useless.
The doors opened up, the sound of fighting pouring in as she saw the fight come to a screeching halt. All eyes on her as she tipped up her chin and walked to the top of the stairs.
She flared out her wings purposefully, letting them stretch out in the open air as she looked across the foreign soldiers. They seemed shocked. Perhaps they thought the ‘angelic royalty’ thing was a hoax. While she certainly wasn’t an angel, the imagery of her family line was no joke.
Now with their full attention she swallowed hard, gripping the sword.
“Congratulations. You’ve made a mess. Who am I meant to address?” She asked clearly, her voice ringing out.
A man stepped forward with a wide grin, wearing remarkably light armor and two blades in his hands. Amber red hair pulled back out of his face with a black goatee.
“That would be me, your majesty. Prince Thatch, captain of the eleventh division.” He dipped his head in deference but his eyes remained bold and amused.
“Well, since your kingdom insisted on dramatics—here!” Nikia called out, tossing the priceless blade down the stairs to his feet where it clattered with a chiming ring. He looked startled. “What? Did you expect me to fight you? What good would that do with an army still left behind? I’ve sent envoys for peace many times. We are not a country built for war, as you may have noticed while razing the countryside.” Nikia chided while walking towards him.
“Just like that?” Annoyance seeped into her.
“That desperate for a fight, are you? What, nothing to do back home, Prince Thatch?” Nikia hissed, flinging out her arms. “Besides, it would be a poor match. My weapon of choice is a bow.”
Though she had been tempted to shoot him from the sky.
He grinned, relaxing his stance and sheathing his blades as she approached closer.
“I think I would have liked to see that.” He mused, looking over her.
Her crown still in place over her curls, dark blue hair cut around her chin and braids of soft teal over her shoulders. Her dress trimmed close to her chest in silver silk lined with blue, trailing down her arms in wide sleeves. It wasn’t her most extravagant dress. But it was one she could run in, if need be.
“Too bad… so what now? Will you charge through my castle still or execute me first?” She asked, looking up at him. His expression softened.
“Now, why would I be so wasteful?” He asked, delicately picking up a thin braid and bringing it to his lips with a smile.
Nikia… wasn’t sure what to do with that. If they wanted peace, there were easier ways before this point. Hell, after the first battle where her fiancé was slain, marriage was suddenly a very easy and open option if they wanted.
“…Because you clearly didn’t want to sign a treaty?” She said in confusion. “And you clearly didn’t come here to talk.” She waved towards the still eerily quiet battlefield.
He laughed.
“Hah! I suppose that would be a little confusing on your part, wouldn’t it?” Thatch said before frowning thoughtfully. “I’m here for one thing. Where’s your king? Is he such a poor husband he makes his wife face an army to surrender?”
Nikia frowned.
“Uh…” Despite her many lessons, she couldn’t help the graceless sound that slipped from her lips. “… There isn’t one?”
Now Thatch looked confused.
“What?” she parroted, shrugging her shoulders. “There isn’t one? There is no king? No consort either, before you ask… it’s just me? Who are you looking for—are you lost?!?” Nikia demanded, utterly baffled.
“You-You’re married.” Thatch said, looking down and grabbing her hand only to find it bare of any ring.
“No? I’m not?” Nikia insisted. “I mean, I would be… next spring. What the hell does it matter, why are you here?!”
“Fiancé then. Where is he.” Thatch looked around with narrowed eyes, like her fiancé would spring up from the shadows.
“Dead! In this stupid fucking war!” Nikia screeched, yanking back her hand. “What! Do you! Want here!”
“Then how are you queen?”
“Because my parents were king and queen?! And died—thanks for the reminder, ass.” Nikia hissed.
Thatch looked shocked before grinning.
“Oh?” Nikia considered storming to her rooms and shooting him with a bow. She’d definitely be executed then but it would be worth it.
“Well, I’m here for you.” His tone shifted to something dark and she couldn’t help but shudder.
“Well… I’m right here? What do you want?!” Nikia stammered, taking a step back. Thatch grabbed her waist and pulled her in close, the familiar cries of alarm ringing behind her falling silent swiftly.
“My homeland makes allies in many ways. Usually treaties and exchanges. Sometimes even marriage.” Thatch informed her softly.
“That is… how most make allies, yes? Y-You’re freaking me out, what the fuck is your point?” Nikia questioned equally quiet.
“It’s seems there’s been a… misunderstanding. I’d been informed you were already married.” Thatch chimed in helpfully. “So, obviously, your husband had to go. And I couldn’t do that if we had a treaty.”
It took a moment. Nikia willing admitted it took a moment to understand what Thatch was saying.
Her face flushed.
“Y-You started a war to marry me?! No!” Nikia said, utterly horrified. “Absolutely not!”
“I gotta say, this is much easier!” Thatch chuckled, and in a move too fast to process, picked her up into his arms. Her wings flailed in alarm but it didn’t phase him in the slightest. “Fights over, boys!” There was a round of cheers and wolf whistles.
Apparently, it was only her side that was unaware of Thatch’s true intentions.
“Put our queen down!” Minos declared, drawing his blade. Thatch shifted his stance, still walking up the stairs with her on one arm, reaching for his own blade.
“No! You are not fighting this madman! Put me down, damnit!” Nikia screeched. A young man without a shirt clambered up the stairs and surprised her guard, the two engaging in a short fight before a column of fire erupted and left only one standing. And it was not her guard. Minos was, thankfully, still breathing.
The young man winked cheekily at her and Thatch before darting into the castle.
“No can do. Where’s your scribe, we need to square away the details.” Thatch commented breezily with a laugh. “Where are you going, Ace?!”
“I’m going to find the kitchen!” the young man declared over his shoulder.
“What details!?” Nikia asked, squirming to no avail.
“Our marriage, of course.”
“We are not getting married!” Thatch came to a halt at the top of the stairs, looking up at her smugly. Her guards were subdued on the ground, though thankfully not dead.
“Then I guess this is an armed occupation until we do. Where are your chambers?” He asked. Upon seeing her flustered but speechless, he looked towards a maid. “You there, miss? Would you kindly show me where the queen sleeps?”
“Why do you need to know that?!” Nikia hissed.
“I’m not locking my wife in the dungeons!” Thatch shot back, utterly offended.
“I am not your wife!”
The poor maid looked horrified and confused.
Thatch pouted at her.
“Then I suppose we’ll do it right here.” Thatch declared.
“Do what?” he grinned, reaching up to hook his fingers in the collar of her dress. Her eyes widened as her face grew hot. “No.”
“Yes.” He smirked and she couldn’t say for certain he was joking.
Nikia looked at the poor maid, utterly flustered herself.
“Show him.” The maid hurried, clearly understanding the innuendo before she had. “What the hell is wrong with you—we’ve never even met!—we haven’t met, have we?” She asked in horror as he effortless carried her up the stairs after the maid.
“No, but you have a lovely portrait.”
Okay, so he’s absolutely fucking mad.
“They’re paid to make me look good, what the hell is wrong with you?” Nikia asked, feeling a tad overwhelmed.
Her kingdom was invaded because a prince thought she was pretty?!
“Easiest money of that painter’s life. You’re already a work of art—thank you, you’re excused now.” Thatch said, stepping into her personal chambers as the maid nodded and fled.
He looked around in satisfaction and curiosity. Clearly eager to snoop around.
“Are you going to put me down, now?” Nikia asked blandly, feeling a tad resigned to the situation.
“You fit in my arms so well, though.” He pouted. “I suppose I should do it anyway.” Thatch sighed dramatically before setting her on her bed. He kneeled, looking up at her with a bright smile as she grimaced.
“…what now?” She asked softly.
Thatch reached up and pushed back her hair, settling his palm over her cheek.
“You agree to marry me.” Thatch smiled. “Until then, you don’t leave these rooms. Can’t have you running off. Or flying away for that matter.” Thatch looked at the balcony with a frown.
“You want to be king that badly?” Nikia asked. “You could always just oust me. It’s not that hard. Execution or banishment usually does the trick. Not that I want to die but… I just don’t get why you’re doing this.”
He hummed, looking back at her with a chastising expression.
“I don’t care about being king. Just your king.” He corrected her.
Nikia scowled.
“Then why do I need to agree to marriage? You’ve effectively conquered my kingdom already. I’d hardly be the first queen married without being asked. I didn’t even ask to marry Henrick. That was arranged.” She couldn’t help but point out. Upon his horrified look she rolled her eyes. “I’m queen, Thatch. My duty is to my people first. And for a secure kingdom, you must be married. I thought you were a prince and would know that.”
Thatch frowned, cupping her face in both hands as he rested his forehead against hers, staring deeply into her eyes.
“That’s not how it works where I’m from. I want you to want me. As much as I want you.” Thatch kissed her lips softly before standing up. “Even if it takes a little convincing. Get some rest. It’s been a long day, my queen.”
Thatch walked to the balcony doors and pressed his hand over them, mumbling a spell under his breath. Lights and symbols danced over the glass, forming a perfect circle over the handles. Locked now with magic. He grinned, pleased with his work, and headed to the door, bowing as he exited with a pleased smirk.
Familiar magic swirling over the wood as that, too, was locked. That wasn’t the only exit of course but, with her castle occupied, she could hardly escape regardless.
Just as trapped as she was this morning. Though infinitely more confused.
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mickstart · 9 months
You can hate the tifosi but you have to admit when you're not Ferrari and we happen to be on your side (because we hate someone else more than you) you enjoy the taste of scary dog privilege.
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i hate being invested in any sort of mainstream celebrity drama but i really cant help the ari and ethan slater thing. like yeah sorry if you bring it up ill get a little heated
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belle-keys · 2 years
friends-to-lovers will always be superior to enemies-to-lovers and booktok can choke on several bricks
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6-2-aestheticsofhate · 3 months
i have a lot of thoughts on minos in relation to pasiphae and the minotaur (both greek mythological and in ultrakill) but i dont really want to make a lot of posts abt it considering. the topic is generally hard to talk about.
#like i dont wanna go around claiming that the myth went 1:1 in ultrakills lore#because for example sisyphus was more based off a book rather than his mythology (thank god)#so minos might be only loosely based on his mythological counter part as well#but like. the fact that with the introduction of the minotaur enemy we KNOW the minotaur thing actually happened? jesus fuck#like we KNOW ultrakill minos thinks that the people of lust are only punished for loving eachother....#while his real life mythological counterpart got mad at his wife for essentially being raped by proxy and she had to defend herself saying#why would she want that. she was cursed/forced to do that because minos didnt sacrifice that bull to poseidon#like i KNOW why that was never really brought up in ultrakill that would be. a weird topic to bring up in a funny robot shooter#and i dont think you could accurately handle the themes of rape through lore books you find in levels of the game#but theres just. something about minos willfully thinking his wife did that of her own accord and him refusing to think about how lust#carries more than people who had sex a lot in ultrakill.#again the myth MAY be different in ultrakill. maybe he never even accused his wife of that. maybe he was more understanding#but theres a non zero chance he did#he could be willfully ignorant and think his wife willingly cheated on him. he thinks everyone in lust is innocent/only had consensual sex#because the alternatives are too gross/immoral for him to think about#it might be because i sympathize a lot with greek mythology women but finding out that the thing with pasiphae happened in ultrakill#DID happen made me lose respect for minos.#... also towards a lot of the fandom for joking abt it.#rape tw
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