#charles calvin x oc
berensteinsmonster · 4 months
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mcrebs for my own valentines day :)))))) theyre actually like this this all year round
hoenstly at this point charles rebelivin is like my own oc tbh and i will never stop
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rarestdoge · 1 month
Happy birthday Cam!!
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AAH I can't believe it's already been a year! This stupid little guy is so very special to me. Cam. You helped me get through the horrors of high school, you taught me how to love myself more, you taught me to care for my siblings more, you helped me find the wonderful friends that I have today, you're someone who brings me happiness and comfort, and you're someone I can relate to. So thank you Cameron. I love you so much 💙 (and hate your guts sometimes /aff)
And of course, thank you so much to everyone who's given Cam, and honestly my art in general love! You guys motivate me, and seeing your compliments makes me smile every single time. It feels so wonderful to know that my art inspires and makes people happy. That is such a wonderful feeling
And a special thanks to my fellow A and B, @mai-mai-lim and @smoresthehalloweenqueen 💙 I'll never forget the day you two kidnapped me into a discord gc to vc and chill lol. And we're still doing that today! You two may live far away from me, but that doesn't stop you guys from being my best friends, as corny af as that sounds. I love you two to the moon and back /p, and I hope our wonderful friendship lasts forever
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seashoreships · 7 months
Alright gays use that askbox and send me some Stickmin OCs with a small blurb about them
Need this for research purposes.
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I give you this old doodle page in return
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kc-macey · 11 months
Yeah so, I haven't posted in quite a while, so might as well post, Now- But, anyways, I've decided to draw this due to Boredom, plus I've never actually mentioned or shown anything about the Child that's drinking Henry's Soda
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The kid's name is Rory, he's a 7-9 year old who was adopted by Henry and Charles, in which, Charles and Henry have gotten Married beforehand [Charles basically taking Henry's Last name, Too]
Anyways, Rory basically has photographic memory, nobody can exactly explain Why or How, but he Does.
Rory's biological parents had passed away when he was around 2-3 years old, but even so, Rory still loves them as much as he loves his Adoptive Dads. Even if he didn't exactly meet or know his Parents, he knew they still cared for him, and that's why he still loves them either Way. ,:]
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birchisnotokay · 1 year
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echotrinityme · 1 year
Distrust Chapter 31: A New Hope (Epilogue)
A/N: This is the last chapter of Distrust, I'm sad it's the end but at the same time I'm glad so many of you enjoyed this story despite it having blood and gore.
I'm so super sorry for this late update...
Victoria was washing dishes when she heard laughter behind her, she glanced behind to see Charles playing with their two children.
It has been several years since Briar Bloodsworth has been defeated and the deaths of Rupert and Henry.
She chuckled as their eldest son, Rupert Junior or RJ, played with his younger sister, Henley. Charles was watching them and playing with them. After everything that happened to them, they managed to build a good life.
Two years after the defeat of Briar, Victoria, and Charles started dating and eventually got married. Galeforce retired, leaving Charles to take over as the General. Victoria was supposed to be the new general but she turn down the offer, she wanted to retire and raise her two kids. RJ was born a couple of years after they got married, at first, they were going to name him something different but they decided to name him after Rupert to remember him by.
RJ has his mother's hair color and his father's red eyes. He has his father's personality and his mother's determination, he's an energetic fellow just like his father. Three years after RJ was born, Henley was born. Henley was named after Henry, she has her father's hair color and her mother's emerald eyes. She has her mother's personality and her father's go-getter attitude. Overall, Charles and Victoria have a beautiful family.
"What are you guys doing?" Victoria asked as she wiped her hands.
"Playing," RJ and Henley responded in unison while Charles was snorting.
Victoria shook her head as she went back to washing dishes, Charles kept playing with the kids.
Later that night, Victoria was putting the kids into bed while Charles was looking through some old photos from when Rupert and Henry were still alive. Charles held up a photo of him, Victoria, Rupert, Henry, Johnny, Ellie, and Dave. Everyone was smiling in the photo including Rupert who never smiled, Henry was also smiling. The photo was taken when Johnny wanted everyone to hang out in the town, Charles stared at Rupert and Henry smiling.
The photo was taken before the General sent Rupert and Henry to capture Briar. And it was the last time, everyone including Victoria would see Rupert and Henry as themselves instead of them being brainwashed by Briar. Two droplets of tears landed on the photo, he started trembling, and he put a hand on his mouth to stifle his sobs. He knows it's been years since their deaths but it never gets easier remembering them, he still hates himself for being tricked by Rupert and Henry.
If he had noticed something off by them sooner, they would still be alive and they would be free from Briar.
Charles put down the photo as he picked up a brown envelope, Charles took out a file report with a bunch of photos. Charles's sadness quickly turn to rage as he stared at the report, Briar Bloodsworth's smiling face was staring at him like he was taunting him. Charles then stared at the logo at the top of the report, he was looking at a CCC report.
The Center for Chaos Containment or the CCC for short had created Briar Bloodsworth.
Yes, you have read that right. The CCC created Briar Bloodsworth to contain the chaos and he was made to terminate chaos. However, they messed up in creating him and instead of a being who stops chaos, they created chaos incarnate.
When the Government, Toppat Clan, and the Wall found out about this; they were pissed. The Wall especially since they were allies and they weren't informed of Briar. Bill Bullet, the director of the Central Branch didn't inform Dmitri because they wanted to see if the plan worked in creating a being who can contain and terminate chaos. It didn't.
The reason they didn't stop Briar was that he escaped from them and got a new identity. They've gotten the news of Briar's death a little after everything went back to normal.
Charles put away the file as Victoria came downstairs and sat down next to him. Victoria kissed him on the cheek when she noticed he was depressed, Charles smiled and kissed her back. "Thanks, Tori," he said.
"You're welcome, honey," Victoria replied happily.
Charles smiled for a moment then dropped the smile, Victoria saw this as she looked down at the files and photos. She sighed heavily as she shook her head, and she hugged him tight.
"Charles, don't beat yourself over what Briar did," Victoria said firmly, "He's gone and he will never hurt anyone again."
"I know, but he brainwashed Rupert and Henry," Charles responded sadly, "If we had found out sooner, they will be been fixed, and they wouldn't have died."
Charles started sobbing and Victoria kept hugging him. She whispered comforting and soothing words to calm him down. A few minutes later, Charles finally calm down.
"Feel better?" Victoria asked gently.
Charles nodded but Victoria could tell he was lying, "Look, it's all in the past," Victoria said softly, "Briar's gone, Rupert and Henry are not under his control, and no one will get hurt by him anymore."
Charles wiped his eyes as Victoria continued, "Right now let's focus on the present, all we have to do is raise our children to be good, righteous citizens. And if they ask, we will tell them about everyone including Rupert and Henry."
Charles stared at Victoria, eyes still shimmering, and he smiled. "Yeah, you're right. It's still hard after all these years but I'm glad Briar is gone and we are leaving at peace now. Thanks, sweetie."
Victoria smiled as she closed her eyes and kissed him, Charles kissed her back as he put his hand on her cheek.
Rupert and Henry may be gone and Briar is rotting in Hell but everything is at peace.
"You know, I never thought they would end up together," Rupert said as he munched on some popcorn, he was sitting in what looked like a movie theater but it was small.
"Me neither," Henry responded as he also munched on some popcorn, he was sitting next to Rupert. "But they do look cute together."
Rupert nodded, and Henry finished his bag of popcorn. He was about to get up when the movie screen that was displaying turned off, Rupert and Henry glanced behind them to see Briar Bloodsworth holding up the remote control with a bored expression on his face, "Boring," Briar said dully.
Rupert and Henry gave him a death glare.
"Hey, loser, shouldn't you be in Hell?" Rupert asked angrily.
"Shouldn't you guys stop flirting in front of me?" Briar retorted with a smile on his face.
Rupert growled and was about to punch Briar but felt someone touch his arm, Rupert looked down at Henry who was giving him a gentle look. "Don't let him get you riled up," Henry said gently, "He'll get what coming towards him in Hell."
Rupert sighed as he sat back down, he crossed his arms like a child would be told no, and he grumbled. Briar looked at his watch and he stood up. "Well would you look the time," he stretched as he said that, "I must be heading off."
He went to the exit of the theater, and he glanced at Rupert and Henry who were watching him carefully. "Bye hedgehog and diamond boy,"
Briar left the theater with a smile on his face.
Rupert and Henry shook their heads in frustration, "I feel so sorry for the people in Hell, they're the ones that are going to have to deal with him," Henry said.
"Better than us and everyone else on Earth," Rupert responded.
Henry nodded as they both stared at the black screen, then Henry looked at Rupert. Rupert glanced at him back. "What?" he asked.
"Maybe we should also get going?" Henry said tentatively.
"Oh, right,"
Henry stood up and looked at Rupert, "Aren't you coming?"
Rupert blinked at him in confusion, "In a minute, just want to keep sitting for a little bit." he responded.
Henry went over to him and kissed him on the cheek, Rupert's face was now red. "Hey, if you're worried about us or something I can't explain," Henry said, "It will be alright, we will meet again in another life."
Henry smiled at him and began to leave but before he did, he glanced at Rupert. "And you can see your mom again."
Then Henry left the theater without another word.
Rupert stared at his exit as he thought about what Henry just said, he contemplated his choices, and he stood up. He smiled as he headed for the exit of the theater, he doesn't know where he will end up but hopefully, it will be with Henry, Charles, and everyone else including his mom.
There's a new hope in everything.
A/N: Again, I'm so so sorry for this late update. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I did. Will I do any more stories like this? Maybe, in the future.
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 1 year
Stickmintines 2023 (Day 10: Date) + Day 16 information.
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Jacob decided to take Binta to the museum where he previously worked before joining the government, and what can I say? Binta was really impressed by everything she saw, she meet Jacob's friends and a lot of more stuff, also Henry had to give back (Note: The background is a screenshot since i suck at drawing backgrounds, so don't ask about the diamond).
Also i have come to explain the Day 16 plot because I'm Pretty sure that mostly everyone is really confused.
The day 16 is not necessarily be an ship Collab, it can also be an au crossover! And in case anyone wants to draw my THSC Au characters, here are their designs:
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Note: Charles has fluffy hair.
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Note #2: Ignore Binta's government design, that's how she look like when she's in the government (I mean outside the Au)
So i hope you guys can do the day 16 (and if you can't or couldn't then i understand, there's no problem, plus it's not obligated if you don't want to).
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perrys-place · 2 years
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soda-selfships · 2 years
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my henry stickmin self insert! also…
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charles is my bf <33
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judes-hoe · 2 months
Bitter rivals,Sweet love
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Parrings~Lewis Hamilton x OC Summary~She’s gonna be in f1 for her third year and goes to a team no one expects her to. She’s always got a cold expression and only those close to her know why. Shes been close one to many times to winning a championship and this year she’s gonna get it no matter what.
Warnings~none I don’t think
A/N~i can’t wait to see how this turns out
Pt.1 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5
Vanessa walked into the paddock, scanning her pass as she walked through and to the Mercedes garage. Her eyes lit up when she seen a familiar face. “Calvin?” She asked. He turned around and smiled at her. Calvin was her race engineer during her time in F3 and F2. She had someone different while at Ferrari. She hugged the man happy to see him. “How you been kid?” He asked, he loved being her race engineer when he was and was happy to be it again. “I’ve been better, how have you been?” She asked him. “I’ve been good, and sorry for your loss,” he replied but she just ignored him at the last part.
She went to her drivers room, changing out the clothes she arrived in, and into her fire proofs and her suit. She sat for a minute scrolling on instagram before she saw it was time for FP1. She walked out her drivers room with her balaclava and helmet in hand. She put her balaclava on and before she put on her helmet she kissed each side one had ‘Enzo’ and the other had ‘Emilia’. She did it before each FP1, Q1, the race, and the sprint if there was one. She loved her helmet, one side was blue and the other a purple and had them fade into each other.
She got in her car, she watched as Lewis was back in the garage and she was sent out. Toto thought it was best they don’t go out at the same time. She took a lap warming up her tyres. When she came around the last corner and saw the finish line and pressed the accelerator a little harder to start her flying lap. She hit all the corners right managing to keep her speed the whole time. She got fastest lap and took p1 from Charles who had fastest before her. She went around again before pulling into the pit and going back into the garage and Lewis going back out. “Good job kid,” she heard through the radio. “God have I missed that beautiful face Calvin,” she said back, she heard him laugh.
When Lewis came back in she went out and did her fast lap after warming her tyres. She managed to get p2 behind max before going into pits again. Lewis went back out again, she was happy with my cars performance and hers. There was also only 2 minutes left of FP1 so she got out her car before walking over to Calvin. She watched with him as the last couple cars did their last laps.
FP2 went the same for her but she ended up p3 which Charles p2 and max p1. Lewis behind her in p4. Tomorrow they have FP3 and qualifying. She walked out the garage and stood to the side texting Daniel.
Where are you???
Hey kid
Im about to go into a meeting
What do you need?
I was just wondering if you wanted to go out again but I’ll go ask Charles🙃
Oh sorry nessa
Maybe we can go out again before we leave☺️
Ok danny ttyl😝 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Italy’s girl🇮🇹
Monaco’s prince🇲🇨
Uhhhhh nothing ig
Italy’s girl🇮🇹
Cause I don’t wanna go back to my hotel
So you wanna go out to eat???
We can invite Lando to😝
Monaco’s prince🇲🇨
Yesss let’s go out cause I didn’t wanna go back to my hotel either😭
I’ll text Lando
Italy’s girl🇮🇹
Okay see u soon.
Charles texts Lando and they all meet up at a restaurant and hang out and eat there. They all gossip and talk more about their vacations. Vanessa had a great time and was happy, only time she showed happiness was when she was with her friends alone. She hated showing it to everyone, people always wondered why she acted so cold all of a sudden, but it wasn’t their business if it was she would’ve just said something.
They all went back to their hotels around 8pm. When she got back to her room, she took a nice hot shower and cleaned her face. She then laid in bed scrolling on TikTok before putting her phone on the charger and closing her eyes to get a good amount of sleep.
FP3 went great Vanessa getting P2, Charles being the one to get P1. She sat in her drivers room waiting for Q1 to start. She heard 2 knocks on the door which meant it was time. Toto decided to let her go out first instead of Lewis. Vanessa talked to a few engineers before getting in her car, they pulled her out the garage and she drove out the pit lane. As she was warming up her tyers she heard the radio go off. “You still do your same strategies,” Calvin asked Vanessa. “Yes sir, still do and works like a charm!” She exclaimed. “Alright kid do your thing,” he laughed.
It was the same strategy she used every year from F4 to F1. She does good enough to pass Q1 and Q2, she manages to try and get p4 to p6. Then in Q3 puts in her best effort and tries to get p1, p2, or p3. And it worked like a charm for Vanessa ever.single.time.
She managed to get p5 in Q1, and p4 in Q2. So Vanessa puts in her all for Q3, as she passes the checkered flag as the end of Q3 she pressed she radio button. “How’d I do Calvin?” She asked him hoping she’d gotten the position she wanted. “Pole position nessa great job!” He exclaimed through the radio. She pulled into the pit lane after she went around the track one last time. She walked into the garage with people congratulating her, she went over and got weighed losing the right amount she should be.
All Vanessa was thinking right was how she wanted to go back to her hotel room and take a nice bath. As she was walking to her drivers room she felt a pair of eyes on her, she look the the direction and saw him looking at her, she looked back at him, anger in her eyes as she did before walking into her drivers room to get changed.
Vanessa was finally taking her nice needed bath, soft Italian music in the background. All calming until her loud ringtone took over and she grabbed her phone look at the name. “dannazione,” she mumbled under her breath. She answered the phone and heard someone talking in the background. “Lando you muppet do you need something?” She asked the man that’s interrupting her peace. “Oh hey nessa, was wondering if you wanted to come over to my room, Charles,Carlos,max, and some others are here,” he said as she heard more talking in the background. “I might but your interrupting me, I’m trying to take a bath,” she said with annoyance in her tone. “Oh, ok sorry just let me know if you’re coming over,” he said before they said goodbye to each other and Vanessa went back to relaxing.
Well she never went to Lando’s because when she got out that bath and laid in bed she was knock out and it was only 8:30pm.
A/N~ WAIT TILL NEXT CHAPTER, also I’m not gonna write about the Saudi GP, and kinda skim over it cause the Australian GP is when things are gonna get GOOOOOOD!!!!!!!
Taglist: @happy-golden-hour @tallrock35
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berensteinsmonster · 4 months
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lol one more for me. happy valentines day from mcrebs :}
(reblogs help my posts be seen :)
they rreally are just the cutest for eachother idgaf. when i started making scott mccoolsvile they were supposed to be like the serious one in the trio-v, and i still remember when i thought id only make them as a side character. but they slowly became ken-ified with how like dedicated they was to being at Charles' right hand and became like his boyfriend. im really happy with how ive written Charles' character over the years now too. I think it fits him as an opposite of Charles to be like, a self-centered selfish prone to anger a-hole lol. But like that's not all there is too him, the way he's been raised by Captain Bailfalse and The TVOGXART by proxy has been... not the most emotionally stable and mature. But Charles does try to respect his fellow employees at The TVOG which in turn gains their respect right back. Scott sort of acts as a hint of that kindness that Charles subconsciously gives to others even if he doesn't realize or understand how to actually be kind. And also I just like oc x canon lmao
ps. ripped the sunny park background from free4kwallpapers <- thats the source
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rarestdoge · 1 month
I found this while going through my PCs files take it
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afikaandthefandoms09 · 10 months
[late] Introduction before you go to my blog
Hi, the name is Afika but u can call me Alex or just Afika... Pronous She/Her [also this blog is safe for everyone],but first... before you go to my blog, there something tell u guys:
Interest and Favorite thing:
- Robot or Cyborg
- Some Cartoon & Some Anime
- Furry (not at all)
- Cute Stuff
- Comic and Story
- Horror Story & Creepy Stuff
- Monster & Mythical Creature
- Fantasy thing
- Gems & Crystal (but i haven't collected some Gem or Crystal)
- Comedy & Adventure genre
- Video Games
- Nice Clothes/Outfit
- Drawing & Writing
DNI thing:
- P*rn*grafic
- Racist thing
- NSFW Blog
- Islamphobic
- Spamming Blog
- P3d0philia Person/Blog
Fandom i went:
- Henry Stickmin's Collection
- Minecraft
- Paddle Pop
- Ori And The Blind Forest/Will Of The Wisps
- Cookie Run Kingdom
- Super Wings
- Robot Trains
- Murder Drones
- Mystery Kids (Gravity falls, Coraline, Paranorman, etc)
- The Owl House
- MLP (My little pony G4 & G5, Equestria Girl)
- Just Shape And Beats
- @michaelathisten Games (The Well Speaks To Me, They Watch From The Walls, Like Veins Beneath The Town, A Hollow Harvest)
- Changed (and other Latex Invasion Game)
- Garten Of Banban
- Boboiboy, Ejen Ali etc
Some information about me:
- My Age is Minor
- I born at 6/3/9 (Date/Month/Year)
- My Hobbies Is Drawing, Writing, Singing
- I'm Indonesian
- I Love Eating But I Hate Spicy & Bitter Flavour
- I Like To Sing But I'm Shy
- I Wish I Can Exploring & Famous
- I Wanna Be The Content Creator One Day
- I Wish I Can Make Animation & My Own Games
- I Think I Have Mental Issue Or Anything Else...
- I Want To Make My Own Series About My Ocs And Fandom Crossover
The Character I Like/Simp/Kins/Favorite:
- Kay & Duke (Robot Trains)
- Paddle Pop, Jendral Khan & Shadow Master (Paddle Pop's Adventure)
- Jesse Thornheart (Likes Veins Beneath The Town)
- Cube (Jsab)
- Henry Stickmin, Charles Calvin & Ellie Rose (Henry Stickmin's Collection)
- Uzi & N (Murder Drones)
- Leafy, Firey, Four, X, Flower, Puffball, Lightning, Fanny, Bubble, Ice Cube (BFDI)
- Werewolf Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, Milky Way Cookie, Sea Fairy Cookie, Pastry Cookie, Strawberry Cookie & Strawberry Crepe Cookie (Cookie Run)
- Jett, Astra, Chase, Tino, Golden Girl/BubbleGum & Golden boy/Theodore (Super Wings)
- Snivy, Marshadow, Meloetta, Sylveon, Zeraora, Jirachi, Cresselia, Zorua, Zoroark, Gardevor & Umbreon [Shiny] (Pokemon)
- Entity 303 (Minecraft)
- Banban (Normal & Hellish Form), Bittergiggle, Nabnab, Stinger Flynn & Sheriff Toadster (Garten Of Banban)
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icilarastudios · 1 year
Ranking THSC Ships In My Opinion
Rules: No Proshipping ships are on here, (you disgusting people -,-) and I’m basing this on my opinion, I respect your opinion if you don’t agree. I’m also not including original ships in here, so no very rare ships and no OC related ships.
28. Dave Panpa x Kurt Dietrich
This isn’t even a shit…most of the time, Dave is literally tied up while Kurt is lying there, H-HOW DO YOU CONSIDER THAT A SHIP?! HELL, @lexi-the-demon-child EVEN SAID IT WAS CONSIDERED KIDNAPPING! At first, I didn’t like this ship at all because A, why would Dave want to date the guy that is basically telling his ass to shut the hell up. B, why do people think this is okay?
27. Henry Stickmin x Rupert Price
So this was going to be the very last, but Dietpan had to be the top, this ship is probably the one people are aware that I absolutely hate. This ship makes absolutely no sense, and I have no idea how people think this could be romanticized. Henry and Rupert are basically enemies. Not only did Henry get Rupert’s friend fired, he also caused the death of one of them. In ItA, Rupert was literally going to shoot Henry during the Sticky Hand Fail! Enemy to Lover ships don’t work in my opinion, and they could only work in the canon rather than the fanon in my opinion.
26. Dave Panpa x Burt Curtis
I have a good reason to hate this ship. The fandom portrays the ship terribly. First, everyone has to portray Dave as the Damsel in Distress and he has to fall in love with whoever frees him from his cell. Second, why would he want to fall in love with someone who is working for the same people that locked him up in the first place?! The ship is terrible, Dave and Burt are better off as friends than lovers.
25. Henry Stickmin x Burt Curtis
I think this ship would’ve been higher if the fandom wasn’t so disgusting with this ship. Hell, most of the art for this ship is lewd art! It’s hard to go a single search online without finding art of Henry and Burt getting naughty or just being used s3xually. Still, the ship sucks, it sucks so bad.
24. General Galeforce x Dmitri Johannes Petrov
No. Okay, what is wrong with this ship? A, old people gay ships don’t really make me comfortable. B, Dmitri is Russian, and Russia happens to be a country that isn’t as accepting to homosexuality. Plus, the ship makes no sense, like these two haven’t even met. I’d take it over the ships I already listed, but still…why
23. General Galeforce x Hershel Panzer
I don’t even know where this ship came from, it-it’s dumb…I don’t even know why it’s on here. Again, what is it with the gay old people? Galeforce screams heteromantic ace if anything to me!
22. Rupert Price x Sven Svensson
GODDAMNIT- Okay how and why? They’re on opposing sides for god sake!
21. Charles Calvin x Calvin Bukowski
Calvin simping over Charles while Charles is trying to maintain a new relationship, that’s fine! I even Headcanon that as Charles keeps getting simped over by Calvin despite being in a relationship. But as an actual ship…..no. I honestly prefer it as a joke than an actual ship.
20. Ellie Rose x Sven Svensson
Eh…I don’t really see it happening. Ellie and Sven don’t seem to be a good match up honestly too.
19. Toppat Stickvin
Okay, this might be confusing, but I believe Stickvin and either one of the two or both are Toppats are completely different from each other. Stickvin isn’t the same as Toppat Stickvin, Toppat Stickvin is just Stickvin except with fancy outfits and much worse. As a Stickvin shipper, this concept absolutely sucks. Firstly, what is it with one out of the two getting r$%ed by the other in this ship? Second, WHY IS CHARLES A TOPPAT TO BEGIN WITH?! I don’t care what the logic is, Toppat Charles sucks so much. I’ve only seen one person who actually did this ship right!
18. Ellie Rose x Dave Panpa
Again, I don’t know where this one came from. This one isn’t my interest, it’s fine but also just…they never met…and would they last long in a relationship?
17. Polyofficers
So just to let y’all know, I don’t know how Poly relationships work, they confuse me, and I’m not even sure what’s the difference between that and an affair at this point. And that’s partially why I don’t like this ship. So basically this ship is just Panprice but with the inclusion of Johnny Panzer. Shocking that someone who’s crazy over Panprice is saying that. I think my problem is the fact I’m still trying to understand how Poly ships work and how I just don’t think Johnny would date either of these two..
16. Charles Calvin x Dave Panpa
The ship between two great characters, yet another ship with characters that never met.
15. Henry Stickmin x Dave Panpa
Why would these two date? Henry basically f#$ked over this guy’s life…
14. Ellie Rose x Carol Cross
So apparently I got to be careful when I mention this part because the last time I mentioned this one and the next ship, I was called out because people thought I was against lesbians, yet the people defending me were my friends that WERE lesbian…..anyway, I’m just gonna get straight with this one, they never met and any lesbian ship with Ellie sucks and I never learned my lesson clearl-
13. Ellie Rose x Dr. Vinschpinsilstien
Again, they never met, and the ship sucks. These ships make you question if they were attempts at an actual lesbian ship….
12. Charles Calvin x Burt Curtis
Okay so this ship goes against a Headcanon of mine but isn’t breaking a rule because my Headcanons don’t matter here as much. I think it’s eh…but I see them more as half brothers and as I mentioned on the Rupert x Sven one, opposing teams. This isn’t Romeo and Juliet.
11. Rupert Price x Victoria Grit
This one’s eh for me as well, mainly because the shippers, but we’re not talking about them, we’re talking about the ship. They never met, and it seems odd to me that they would even date.
10. Charles Calvin x Victoria Grit
So this one is basically the same reason as Grice, but Grtivin is just slightly more excusable to me.
9. Polythreat
We’re back with the confusion of Poly ships. This ship makes me question a lot as well, and it’s very overrated in my opinion. I also agree with Lexi again because most of the time the focus between these three are Henry and Charles, so why even ship this if you’re not gonna focus on the other one?
8. Charles Calvin x Rupert Price
Okay I honestly thought this ship would be lower because this was a ship I use to absolutely hate, but the ship has grown to me because of @androidcharles. I’m not as fond of it as other ships, but it’s surprisingly in my comfort area compared to the other ships. I think the reason why I didn’t like this ship at first was because it felt like Stickprice, but with a softer Henry. But it’s grown now, I don’t ship it myself but i guess im supportive of it now lol
7. Icepick x Snowcap
Okay, these guys are basically married. They had at least one actual interaction, they had a great talk, they’re married. They wold be higher if the fandom wasn’t destroying my innocence by keep MAKING SNOWCAP PREGNANT AND GIVING BIRTH TO CHILDREN SO BAD AND HAVING THE CHILD’S HEAD STICKING OUT OF HIM!
6. Henry Stickmin x Ellie Rose
So this is probably one of the closest ships that’s possibly canon in the actual game. Henry and Ellie have, for the most part, great relationships when robbing the hell out of the Toppats and beating the f#$k out of Dmitri. To be honest, I don’t really see this as a ship as much unless the two are Toppats. I’m also not really fond of the ship children, usually I don’t like ship children when it comes to main characters since they lose all of that fun and crap they use to do just so they can take care of a baby..but overall, Rosemin is fine, I support and ship it partially.
5. Charles Calvin x Ellie Rose
I think I’m more fond of Rosevin because I’ve seen it more than Rosemin surprisingly. So this one is the better out of Rosemin and Rosevin. Sure they had like….one interaction and Charles seems to have favoritism with Henry (and I’m surprised no one ha realized that yet-) but the ship is usually portrayed better than most ships surprisingly. Like Rosemin, I support this and partially ship it.
4. Reginald Copperbottom x Right Hand Man
Come on, they’re basically another couple that could possibly be canon. The game makes it obvious that these two could be in a relationship, with how loyal RHM is towards Reginald, how RHM is basically Reginald’s go to, if that isn’t a possibility idk what is. I think the reason this one isn’t higher because I don’t really get the chance to work on this ship as much or get to see it.
3. Henry Stickmin x Charles Calvin
Shocked that this was in the top 3? Bet not. Shocked that it was 3rd? Most likely. This ship is another one that’s the closest to being canon. Henry and Charles had the biggest and greatest relationship in the story, how can you not say this is canon? It’s because of the disgusting lewd art, huh-? Yeah the reason hy this isn’t 2nd or 1st is because it isn’t perfect with how poor and gruesome the fandom portrays it and the earlier mentioned Toppat concept..but still, these two are one of the closest to actual be considered canon.
2. Sven Svensson x Burt Curtis
Call me a hypocrite, but this ship is better than literally any other Burt and Sven ship. So the reason many hate this ship is because these two never properly interacted in the game. It’s a good ship to me because, like I said, it’s better than the other ships with Sven and Burt since they all suck. Better than Pricesson, better than Rosesson, better than Pantis, better than Curtmin.
1. Dave Panpa x Rupert Price
These two have to be the best fanon couple in my opinion. So I just want to let everyone know, people always say when they don’t like this ship that they barely met in the beginning of EtP, but never really considered how Rupert was in high school and how he could’ve known Dave there, especially since these two already seem like they’re great buddies. Plus, they got separated after EtP and never see each other again, and the reunions are just heartbreaking to see.
That’s my list, tell me if you agree or not :D
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jacobbseedd · 4 months
I’m gonna be doing an oc master list on hear just so everyone can see it more better this is also gonna have the people relationship to .
Oc master list :
Eden gate :
Michaela Reece Campbell - Jeanine Mason
Katarina Maya Morgan - Elizabeth Gilles
Jayda Raven wright - Danielle Victoria Perry
Bryson Kai grant - max Parker
Adam Blaine Strickland - Travis fimmel
Trenton Enzo collymore - Kori Sampson
Jayla Rae ford - aj Naomi king
Renne Mia Huxley - Lauren cohen
Natalie Quinn Kramer - Katheryn winnick
Lindsey Cerys Morris - Bryce Dallas Howard
Braeden Weston Raymond - will Graham
Audrey Cara baker - Maia Michelle
Keira Beth white - Madeline peutch
Nicholas Matteo Pearce - Kyle Allen
Preston James huff - Richard harman
Darin Shane Reid - Brant daughtery
Martinez Campbell - Tom ellis
Stephanie woods - inbar lavi
Nadia Jane Sutton - Katheryn newton
Felix Micah porter - Freddy thorp
Parker Lance Dawson - Tyler Blackburn
Maliah cass Gordon - Morgan Crabtree
Kayden Lucian Morgan - Chris Evan’s
Michael trace Sullivan - will poulter
Antonio Kyson chambers - Kieron Moore
Blake chandler miller - Matthew naszka
Cassidy everly Quinn - Madeline cline
Relationship for oc :
Jacob & Michaela
John & Katarina
Jayda & Braeden
Bryson & Audrey
Adam & Natalie
Trenton & jayla
Renne & Nicholas
Lindsey & Keira
Preston & Nadia
Darin & Felix
Parker & Maliah
Cassidy &
Kayden &
Michael &
Antonio &
Blake &
Larissa Leah Palmer - Marie avgeropoulos
Terrence miles Harvey - Chris wood
Chase Luca gray - Theo James
Malcolm Jay Bryant - Ryan Guzman
Lauren grace Shaffer - Hillary Burton
Annabel Kaylyn Chavez - rose Salazar
Charles gage fisher - Pedro pascal
Elena Katie smith - Lucy hale
Izaiah Theo Farley - Federico massaro
Conner Ryder knight - Logan lerman
Robin Kelsey Norwood - Diana agron
Sean Corey Harrison - Alexander Ludwig
Aiden Nico Davenport - Rafael l Silva
Davina Brielle Ramsey - Rachel Zegler
Sage Damon Harrison - Travis van winkle not yet posted
Larissa & Conner
Terrence & Joey
Chase & Jess
Malcolm & Mary
Eli & Robin
Lauren & Earl
Charles & Adelaide
Isaiah & Skyler
Cameron & Annabel
Tammy & Sean
Aiden & Davina
Shaw &
Miner oc :
Jessica Nora miner - Rosamund pike
Calvin madden price - Tyler hoechlin
Trey Draven Sanford - Aaron Taylor Johnson
Emery cordella combs - ayo edebiri
Jayne rose Frey - Alexandra Breckenridge
Liam Cole mullens - Jesse Williams
Jessica & Calvin
Trey & Jayne
Emery & Liam
Kids oc :
Thea raine seed -
Cod oc :
Olive Maeve Rowland - Leah pipes
Makenna sky marks - Zoey deuch
Olive & soap
Makenna & konig
Red dead redemption two oc’s
Eliza Jane Evermore- Isabel may
Rdr2 relationships:
Eliza x Micah Bell
These are all my master oc list and I hope this makes it better some of my people are brother or sister with my sister oc just in case if anyone wonders why there are a last names that are the same .
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birchisnotokay · 1 year
more disassembly drones doodles,,I'll go to the worker drones later I swear
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