#charden kinda
a-nice-egg-offering · 10 months
The way that Dennis and Dee are so similar and yet have nearly complete opposite personality types is so interesting and important to the fabric of the show no one else is an mbti/psychology buff like me so u probably don’t care but I’m gonna talk about it anyway. So Dennis is an ENTJ (if you break that down in the most basic of ways that’s extroverted, intuitive, thinking, judging but it’s actually a lot more complicated than that and I’m not going to go into it rn but u get the general gist) and Dee is an ESFP (Extroverted, sensing, feeling, perceiving) now in compatibility terms just with how you get along with the people in your life, the best matches are people with opposite first and last letters but the same middle two letters or opposite all letters but the same second letter so based on this Dennis and Dee couldn’t be more opposite unless one of them was an introverted type right so in theory they should clash in every way but here is when it’s nature vs nurture because they have so many of the same characteristics it seems impossible for their types to be so different and yet they are. Because your personality type is made up of your brain functions right and you can be one type while still having an overactive certain function that doesn’t technically align with your type so the way Dennis and Dee have influenced each other despite being such different types is very interesting in the whole outline of their psychology. Another interesting point is that Dennis and charlie are the only intuitive types in the group (ENTJ & ENFP) (Frank is ESTP) and also a pairing that seems to understand each other, charlie is certainly the person Dennis has the most compassion for and I find this super interesting because intuitive types generally don’t feel understood by sensor types and vice versa also since Dennis is an ENTJ and therefore the rarest type this also adds to the feeling of no one in the group truly understanding him and it’s bizarre bc I mean Dennis and Dee are twins they grew up together and tho Dee understands Dennis better than anyone else does there is still a rift between them where she is bad at intuitively feeling what’s going on with him at any given time possibly because she’s a sensor and that’s not naturally how she’s wired. Dennis on the other hand understands the gang intuitively to the point where it’s boring for him because they never surprise him - a reason why the RPG moment was so special and soft because he truly hadn’t been expecting it. This is what Dennis craves and values in the people around him - being able to surprise him. Being an INFJ myself (an equally intuitive type) I feel much the same way and also relate to him in the way that all my friends at school were sensors so though I enjoyed their company I never really felt like anyone truly understood me. I think that can be so frustrating for Dennis in regards to Dee sometimes too because she’s supposed to be his other half and he can read her so well yet she keeps missing the mark with his needs. It was interesting that in DTAMHD the Dee in his fantasy was on his side, knew how he’d react to something the gang did and actively tried to stop them from upsetting him because that’s what he wishes he had from her in reality. I don’t even really know what point I’m trying to make here these are just some thoughts and me finding a way to bring my two special interests together lol. Also just an extra little note Dee and macs types are very similar (ESFP & ESFJ) and yet they can’t stand each other which I find quite funny because as we know the gang is always offended by any kind of mirror so the fact Dee and Mac are so similar is also probably the reason they hate each other so much.
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fujobrainrot · 10 months
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are they... you know...
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emiliemaria · 9 months
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You guys have my first ever Charden
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chrliekclly · 3 months
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charden is v important to me bcuz they recognize their traumas n each othr...
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newtlesbian · 10 months
charlie. a character of eternal genuine natural youthfulness. small with that really round soft face. and has this kind of childlike even innocent personality a lot of times. completely casual and effortless about it all just being himself living in his own world. playing little games collecting his nostalgic things because theyre so cool! and just completely unaware of his age. “youve been over fourty for years” never even realizing it or caring just “okay cool! :) lets go get my present from my moms house”
dennis. that intense clawing scraping vanity. painfully aware of his aging. loud denial does nothing you can see it eating away at him. and a desperate panicked attachment to the world of his youth. not the objects themselves like charlie focuses on but searching for his past self. wishing for that youthfulness that charlie doesnt even realize hes gifted with. all that and no jealousy aimed at charlie just comforting being around that feeling again
super interesting contrast when theyre a duo. and not just dennis but i wanted to highlight the differences. charlies nature tends to make the others sometimes relax in a way when theyre one-on-one with him. charlie emitting kid energy and not judging what the others would eagerly jump to mock for being juvenile or lame as they love doing to boost their status. charlie has no status. so you wanna go do something involving your connection to your childhood? say no more im already with you. our inner child can play together in this room all day or throw rocks at trains in peace
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nailgunstigmata · 1 year
the most mentally ill girl u know is at the aquarium taking pictures of fish charlie would point out to dennis going „they look just like you“
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myplasticadversary · 11 months
In another life I could see Charlie/Dennis having an Elliot/Tyrell vibe
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pinkponkporpoise · 10 months
Havent posted about sunny in a while because im chronically offline but i feel like lately im a person who yearns for early macden yet longs for late charden like usually i notice its the other way around but i love the idea of dennis and charlie coming to a realization that they arent dating anyone, they arent getting any younger so they just have a romantic and sexual relationship where they dont live together but are closer because of it??
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lovrbooy · 5 months
i lied i didnt go to bed . charden has moved me so much that i started writing a fic about them (i have not attempted to write fanfiction in like 4 years) but i kinda lost motivation so if anyone would want a Hurt No Comfort charden fic where dennis is a bastard man and charlie kelly needs a hug then Let me know
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Random Risk E. Rat Notes before I go scrolling my dash at last
-The gang all singing together in the opening, I am kissing them on the lips
-The timing of that opening felt off though, the pacing/timing of the whole episode felt a little off.
-Dennis vaguely mentioning the noises in there, no I am not gonna blow this out of proportion and daydream overstimulation scenarios, I'm not, I'm not (that's a lie).
-Kinda dog-coded Frank again with the water, can't wait to read the essays on that.
-I find it really interesting they decided to team up Dee and Frank once again this season, though I'm too tired to formulate thoughts on why, I just... it's interesting. There's something there... something.
-Charden kicking the wall together, they're so stupid (affectionate) <3
-You can do whatever you want, the parents not around, I wonder if Mac's parents would just like dump him there so they wouldn't have to deal with him for the day and he'd end up in that timeout room a lot because he was angry, he needed a way to let out his anger... the fake gun he wanted to get with the tickets, oh guns again this season, I've got thoughts now for another post, don't mind me, very unrelated.
-I find it interesting the different levels of awareness, how they're all still stuck in the past because it's what they always knew, but on some level can understand why things had to change, especially when confronted with something they recognize as bad that say Frank still doesn't, yet they still cling to it because that's how it's been done, tradition, legacy, they don't actually want what what was there, the punishment? the guilt? even the rat boobs, but they want to cling on to it because they fear change, because if it changed, that means it was wrong, like how it changed from Frank's day, and then they have to face that their childhood memories of this one safe haven were not all roses, so they try to force the past back into the present to prove it was better then... and things go horribly wrong, because some things are better left in the past... seen through rose coloured glasses, but what happens when they do come to the surface, when they see it in new context, just like the whole show lately slowly becoming more tragic in hindsight with each passing detail. This episode reminds me of Big Mo in a way.
-Partly on that above note, for real, Charlie and Dennis sound so unenthusiastic/uninterested in those rat boobs, like an ace and a gay man looking at them just because they think they should, they think that's how it's supposed to be.
-Mac in the feelings room saying he's angry, and he feels misunderstood, unheard, just in this instance or in general, throughout? (Unheard, as he's not supposed to speak.) Misunderstood as our perception of him and his actions this season may not be as it seems. I also find it interesting he's separated from the gang again... And he still feels the need to be punished and feel shameful... maybe he thinks he doesn't deserve that relationship with Donald or Dennis, or... idk, just... much to think about. That theme of denial... needing to deny and look back to cope. To believe his parents still loved him, feeling guilty and being punished is what kids are supposed to go through and he’s not allergic to nuts and Dennis isn’t Johnny. (Also, off topic, Mac with his lil juice box, adorable.)
-Sending Dennis to the Feelings Centre immediately btw
-"I don't 100% understand what satire means." Dee, voice of Reddit today.
-In my mind, Dennis took the ear plugs :) noise sensitive dennis real to me
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chronussy-bc · 1 month
Train's & Sephiria's Ambiguous Relationship
Note: this is a post with little to no value for story analysis since my opinions can be bias and paranoia when it comes to this ship. This also gonna be long as hell with many parts so i that don't ram all the info in one place, and it will take a long time before I can write and post all of them.
So as I have re-read the manga to the point it became unhealthy, I can’t help but sensing something is going on between Train and Sephiria. They don’t explicitly show anything, but since the two are both the type to hide their true feelings when it comes to sentimental matters, their seemingly indifferent attitude towards one another (especially Train) just adds more to my suspicion.
Needless to say, Train is certainly a "special existence" to Sephiria. He is the first one she thinks of whenever something happens. While it is unclear if she pays more attention to his ability or him, she definitely does not mean to exploit him in a heartless way. It's true that she care for him a lot more than how it should be normally, to the point that Xiao Li can realize it. However, her organization and her Numbers always seems to worth her prioritizing more than he does, both rationally and emotionally.
It's a bit harder to tell with Train, however, since he ignores everything that has to do with Chronos. But he does trust Sephiria a lot, despite knowing how malnipulative she can be. It's important to remember that malnipulative people are the one of type he hates the most. He doesn't like controlling others or being controlled. He is outwardly doubtful of Rinslet, though not in a hostile way, because she has had some suspiscious attempts in the past. He holds Sephiria in high regards, even calling her captain after he has left. The rank addressing maybe just a slip of the tongue, but it shows how he does not object to her being the one who gives him order that much. His wish to leave mainly stems from the Elders and their rules.
There are hints across the story about how he kinda has a soft spot for her that I will elaborate below.
1. Volume 5:
This is when Sephiria was first introduced. It was shown in the picture here that Train froze on the spot for a short while when he saw her from the window. Since Sven noticed him going to see what’s going on down there and still did not hear him say anything, he had to ask Train about it himself.
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While it must partly because he was not expecting her appearance, seeing that often people of her rank would not go to do business personally when it’s not a global-scale significant one, I believe Train’s reaction is still something special. Throughout the manga, Train is rarely taken aback by the presence of anyone, even from his enemies. Prior to Sephiria’s visit, Berze had also come across Train’s gang on the street, yet Train acted quite natural, despite having some secs of reflexive surprise.
In Vol.3, their meeting with Berze:
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In Vol.10, their meeting with Echidna and Charden:
With Charden:
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With Echidna:
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He literally could not care less unless it was about the safety of his friends (Echidna’s case), and if you re-read, the way Berze turned up it’s much more dramatic than Sephiria in Vol.5. However, Train’s usual manner, even just for a short while, slipped only when he saw her. He was definitely well aware that Sephiria did not mean any harm, he knows she is better than that. And-yet-he-still-froze.
Another thing is how Sephiria addressed Eve on their first meeting. Given that she had discovered about Train’s whereabout, I suppose Sephiria would have also done some research on his partners as well, so she probably knew Eve’s name. Nevertheless, Kentaro Yabuki let her call Eve by the exact nickname Train gave her. It was weird, for someone as polite as Sephiria to act so out of courtesy, because up to that point she was a total stranger to the girl. Japanese people do heed the addressing seriously. Similar to Western culture, they will use last name, or must be name in this case (Eve doesn’t have last name), for people they aren’t as close with or superiors. Not to mention Sephiria addresses Train by Heartnet almost the entire series.
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During that talk, Sephiria’s purpose for her visit was quite clear. She said that Chronos was intending to rely on the sweepers force to capture Creed and handed them the wanted poster, announcing that the bounty for his head was serious and stuff. With all that information, it is pretty obvious that she was asking Train a favor, seeking his cooperation. Yet, the fact that she was aiming to “use” him still disappointed Train somewhat, even if he could tell that her hands were tied.
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The panel before this one was the one in which Sephiria confirmed that it was totally Chronos’s idea, and it is visible here that Train was a bit amazed by that news. After the realization, he smiled this ‘Oh-so-turns-out-you-only-come-because-Chronos-requires-my-ability-again.’ smile to her. But, what did he expect, like…for real? She had explained the circumstance and obviously did not mean anything else besides business. Optimizing every resource available has always been Chronos’s way, which he knew. Sephiria showing up at his door is enough to tell Chronos wants something from him.
Of course, being an experienced manipulative a** (sorry Sephie it’s true), Sephiria understood how he would feel. She noticed his unease at the offer and changed tactic, striking at his weak spot which is Saya’s death. This is the first time Sephiria tried to manipulate him in the story imo, and she always seemed to get away with it because Train did not wish to conflict with her.
Why saying she was manipulating? The fact that she came with Berze to Train’s place while it was unnecessary was proof. If it was just because she wanted to inform things and allow him time to think on the offer, etc…Berze could have done it alone. The trio met Berze before her, they had seen that he did not pursue bloodshed. It was fine to let him do the job. But being the woman whom he still holds in high regard even now, Sephiria had probably accompanied her deputy to raise the successful rate. She knows that her presence affects him in some ways. It could be said that she played it smart, but it is a kind of manipulation, or persuading strategy, for understatement.
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kod-lyoko · 8 months
charden kinda rhymes with crack-fed, coincidence? i don't think so
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thesinnedsystem · 7 months
valkyrie (enstars) kinda charden-coded to me
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newtlesbian · 10 months
charlie collecting old toys and weird nostalgia & memorabilia. garbage pail kids cards old expired ninja turtle pies. and random dumpsterdiving crap. shes literally sooo collector coolgirl with fun eccentric hobbies
and you know what else. dennis with his fraggle rock thermos. get her a new one so they can be collector coolgirls together and spend franks money on meaningless but personally significant memory unlocking ebay bullshit
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nailgunstigmata · 7 months
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goodgluework · 3 years
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* Take my Breath away by Berlin starts playing*
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