#character: dawn long
otaku553 · 8 months
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I have an agenda.
Long hair teenage sabo.
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palilious · 4 months
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Work Wives
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rocksanddeadflowers · 10 months
so i've been listening to elysian fields way too much lately and thinking how fucked up that song is for the mechs to perform. like put death to the mechanisms out of your head (bc that basically didn't happen yet with udad) and listen.
they're immortal. they can't die. the song is all about the sweet release of death, and arguably a gentle one at that, cradled in the fields on a world were nature ceases, next to the grave of your deceased beloved. it's a beautiful song, and arguably, ulysses got their happy ending.
the mechanisms don't get that, though. most didn't even get the option of keeping mortality. they're stuck on the mortal plane, in flesh and metal, with no escape or release within reach.
their finale performance of this album is the bittersweet comfort of mortality and endings, something they're well aware they will never be granted.
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robo-dino-puppy · 2 months
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ferahntics · 3 months
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Third batch of commissions done! Thank you to everyone for your patience and support 💖
1st Batch /// 2nd Batch
Tags under the cut:
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wheregoodthingsthrive · 9 months
Hellsing Headcanon Mass Post
I had been wanting to make one of these for a long while. Compiling a lot of my overly fleshed out ideas for the Hellsing five especially is a fixation for me and a lot of these are 8+ years in the making. This is long and covers Seras, Integra, Pip, and Walter. Alucard isn't in here cause I want the others to get more love lmao. I'll do Iscariot and Alucard eventually. I just want to try this out-- I want to make more Hellsing friends, especially one's willing to build on the lush free real estate we have here :3
Seras Victoria 
Born February 9th 1979* 
I refuse to believe she was 19 and a cop. *I don’t know how old I want her to be exactly but part of me thinks she’s either Integra’s age (22) or younger by a few months. I refuse. 
Her middle name is Marie, which is her mother’s name, 
Speaking of her parents -- her parents, Marie and John-Mark Victoria, were an elementary teacher and a cop (duh) respectively. 
They were a pretty chill middle class family, known in their community pretty well as they were often involved in a lot. 
So the brutal breaking and entering double homicide of the family and the orphaning of Seras was a big deal. It was in the local news. Definitely contributes to Seras having an intense need to NOT stand out. 
Her time at the orphanage is a seriously blocked out time period for her and for good reason -- it was a very emotionally and mentally isolating place. And she was disciplined. A lot. As canon explores, she was very violent, aggressive, and apprehensive of relations. She never truly got the therapy she needed and she surely thought the orphanage’s religious predisposition would not help. 
Protestant turned skeptical agnostic. She never understands religion all that well after her traumatic childhood. 
She went to a private school until her graduation. She had a massive passion in the law and enforcement, leading her to become a cop for emotional reasons she could never really place (traumatic memory blocking lmao) 
Despite being picked on and being seen as a little lesser, Seras really did enjoy her job as a cop and hoped to one day become a sergeant or a head of the office. Her fellow coworkers really wanted to see her succeed… 
In/Beyond Hellsing
The TV show was onto something with having Seras and Integra have quite the strained relationship. Seras just wanted to be liked and definitely understood that she was seen as an ‘invader’ into this strange little found family. 
I don’t have much more on this in terms of Seras’ side because Integra’s side has more potential for nuance. See Integra section. <3 
Overall, Seras has a very skittish relationship with everyone. She does get close to Walter though, as he’s the most merciful with her regarding her development as a Hellsing agent and vampire alike. She gets on the tradition of being up early enough to enjoy morning tea with him. (She can’t drink it but it helps her feel normal)
Her vampiric arm CAN formulate into a normal, fleshy arm but she prefers it not to as it reminds her of her strength. She can equally dissipate a lot of her body, mainly her eyes and back alongside her arm, but she can’t go full shadow like Alucard can on a whim. 
Vampires of different classes have different arrays of abilities. Seras learns a lot of hers is illusionary and omnipresence. Shadow work, shape shifting, illusions, and expert third-eye vision are her specialties. 
Her favorite drink was London fog or a classic pint of beer. Her sweet tooth was unbeatable. 
She has a nice list of hobbies and interests! She loves dancing, can crochet, learning calligraphy for fun, 
Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing 
Born June 17th 1977
It’s van Helsing but whatever. Hellsing is the popularized version of the surname but if you ever ask her to sign a document or write her name, she always fills it out as ‘van Helsing’ because it is “correct”. 
Childhood and Parents
Integra is conceived out of wedlock between Arthur and Ahalya. They met in 1975 and Integra was born three months after their official wedding. Both of her parents were on the older side.  
Her ‘bastard’ status was a big issue in her inheritance and caused, frankly, a lot of tension between Arthur and Richard and more so doubts among the Round Table. 
Arthur defended his decision till the day he died. Integra was the best thing that ever happened to him. 
Arthur was a devoted, very loving, very gracious father. Meeting Ahalya and really taking the Hellsing position seriously since his 30s helped prepare him to be an engaging father and dedicated spouse. While he was busy and often away, any moment he got with Integra was intentional and held his undivided attention. 
Integra’s mother was present until she was ten. Her mother was a little less emotional but equally loving. She was very adamant on Integra’s education and development into a young, respectable lady. She was very against Integra becoming the next head of Hellsing but Arthur was insistent. 
While not always perfect, Integra and her mother got along. Her mother passed away in the spring of 1987 due to terminal illness. 
She was basically raised by Walter whenever neither of her parents were around. They were the best of friends and could read each other like books. Where Arthur taught her the occult and leadership, her mother etiquette and poise, Walter taught her self-reliance and strong headedness. 
Their relationship was not always perfect and definitely hit a rocky patch when Alucard returned. She still never understood what their deal was. 
Early adult years - Integra is the most socially inept but poised individual. Talking to men? Talking to women? It’s near impossible. She’s a brick wall. She’s real fun at parties when she is either obligated or strongly convinced to go to them. 
Definitely earns herself a Elizabeth I reputation. The only time she ever dated was when she was 15 and she had a picnic with a guy her age once. Never again. 
Hellsing Era
Integra’s ascent into the head of the organization was agonizingly painful. Walter served as her legal guardian and Alucard was her…strange project. 
This is truly when she adopted her more masculine persona and this…closed off nature. It was the only way she saw herself being protected from all the prying, doubting, and slander of the bureaucracies. Was this damaging to her? Absolutely. 
Despite this, she grew very close with her father’s trusted friends. Penwood is more at an arm's length while surprisingly, despite his intensity, Irons is her closest among the RTC. 
Irons definitely sees Integra as his daughter as well, not even as Arthur’s child. 
Her relationship with Alucard at this time is very odd. Mentor/mentee, master/servant, Hellsing/vampire. She didn’t quite know how to appreciate him at this time 
A major contributor to their relationship growing was her discovery of Hellsing experiments and frankly more shameful works. While not inherently positive to their dynamic, it definitely changed the way she viewed Alucard forever. 
Adding onto the Seras/Integra segment here from Integra’s perspective. Integra can not afford to lose her ‘normal’. She is a creature of habit and stability. She would never admit it but the upheaval of her life via the death of her father, the absenteeism of Walter, the introduction of Alucard, her first kill, etc. ruined her perceived safety and it took her many years to regain it. 
She had a new, safe, constant normal with Walter and Alucard. So when Seras is introduced, Integra feels threatened. Her vampire acted irrationally and now she has to pay for it (literally and socially). Seras was an unfactored element to her that invaded her life and threw her into disarray. Obviously, this feeling does not last forever, but she detests Seras at first. 
I could also make a point about Integra having no real positive feminine influences in her life after her mother dies. She lives in such a masculine bubble that when Seras is introduced, she frankly does not know how to respond to a positive, feminine presence. That’s a whole other bag of marshmallows for another time.   
She dies fifteen years after the time skip finale from natural causes. 
Operas are her favorite. Her favorite is Tosca. Her favorite activity with Arthur in her youth was to attend the opera and ballets and the likes.
She pulls just as much as Arthur did. :)   
She is fluent in Dutch and English, and knows a decent handful of French and German from her governess days.
Pip Bernadotte 
Born March 27th 1972. Left handed. 
His full name is Pierre Andre. ‘Pip’ stuck in his youth. 
I have an unhealthy loyalty to believing he is French-Belgian-Columbian. Why Columbian? Because I said so. 
His father served on a mercenary job in Columbia where he met Pip’s mother and he brought her back to Europe with him. Pip was born in Belgium and his parents split up shortly after his birth but they never married. He was left with his dad as his mother returned to the Americas. 
He was primarily raised by her grandfather due to his father’s pretty constant absenteeism but whenever his father was around, it was very pleasant and he has a good, positive recollection of his father. 
His grandfather though? It was complicated. He was a stern disciplinarian.    
His father passed away in Pip’s 20s. They hadn’t seen each other for a few years leading up to his death, not in a negative way…just…kinda went down their own paths. 
Pip skipped Belgium and backpacked all around Europe for a long time after his basic level education. He used to have aspirations of being an actor but well we all saw what he actually is so say goodbye to the dream. 
He was engaged at least three times. Absolute dumbass heartbreaker. 
This is a running joke with the Wild Geese and definitely contributed to his dedication to Seras. She really made him want to settle and stop and be still. Sobs.  
Leading up to Hellsing/Hellsing
He was dumb, young, and had both eyes when he joined his first mercenary group. It was not the Wild Geese but there were some guys in there he met who would soon coagulate into the WG. 
That being said, he found he could make more money if he ran the show, so entered the formation of the Wild Geese. 
When he lost his eye, he temporarily considered getting a fake glass eye but (thank you cocolacola &lt;3) Seras gave him the eyepatch as a “welcome to Hellsing sorry for flicking you” offering. 
He’s got some unsorted trauma from losing his eye but he’s an adamant “it’s not that bad I don’t need to talk about it” kind of guy. Toxic masculinity or whatever. 
In general. He’s got a lot of unresolved/undiscussed trauma. Will he ever discuss it? No. 
Y’know. I feel he and Walter clicked too. They’re both a pair of war dogs who refuse to talk about being said war dogs. Pip is also under the illusion that Walter is pretty normal too until he soon realizes he is NOT. Pip and Walter worked together a lot in creating training drills, tweaking defense systems, and Pip ran the whole “this is our new defense plan” by the latter and both were maybe too excited to bond over insane artillery. 
Pip is not allowed in the gunshop though.
 When it comes to Integra, this man has mad respect for her and after the first greeting, he would never dare to disrespect her to her face or without good humor. 
Alucard is another…can of worms. Pip and Alucard have this odd ‘bro code’ honor between them but not much else. Really Pip only talks to Alucard because Seras serves as some type of liaison. 
As Seras’ familiar, I feel he develops ‘powers’- in a non-traditional sense. 
Memory barricades, psychic blocks/links, a minor form of omnipresence, and an adaptation of Seras’ skills when he branches out of her arm. 
He can materialize fully but not for long and is tethered to Seras via her shadow, so if that is cut, he dissipates. 
He is a polyglot! French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, English fluently. Arabic, German, and Greek intermittently. 
He's a pescetarian. A failing one. 
Pip is a practicing Protestant but you’d never hear him be too open about it and he’s not a calendar Christian either. He’s pretty devoted. 
Walter C. Dornez 
Born September 30th, 1930. Left handed. 
The ‘C’ stands for Christaan: yes that’s how it’s spelled, it’s Dutch. 
This is my small blip on anon about his parents 
Tldr; Walter is maternally a Seward. His mother is Seward’s daughter and served as a nurse in WWI. She’s also the original holder of the monofilament wires, a vampire hunting weapon devised by the Sewards and their assistance to Hellsing in the early 1890s-1910-20s.
His father is from the Netherlands and served in the war.
He grew up in Rotterdam, Netherlands, until May 1940 when the Nazis invaded the Netherlands. 
In their exit from continent Europe, his parents parted ways. Mother took him to England, father stayed behind to aid resistance. He never came back. 
His mother left him in the stead of Hellsing as they are technically family friends and also left him with her precious wires. 
Started as a hall-boy, moved to a footman in 1941 and then was conscripted into Hellsing full-time forces in 1942, earning the moniker the same year. 
A 14 year old being a butler is ridiculous. As a history major, one who has an area of study in grand-house culture (staff and aristocracy) and hierarchy, it would be UNFOUNDED to have someone so young and seemingly inexperienced serving in a role like that. 
Now when he’s older? Plausible. Especially given the decline in house staff necessity, especially after the war. So anyways, his official title is butler to the Hellsing family and valet to Sir Hellsing. 
Dawn Era and Further 
He was the Hellsing infantry’s lil guy. His only friends were grown men who were either scared of him or thought he was puny. He definitely had to work for his respect and favor, with lots of blood, sweat, and tears. 
A big credit to his success in the ranks was his aptitude with gunsmithing. Making Hellsing’s literal arms makes you a valuable player. 
If he wasn’t using wires, he was using his own handcrafted sniper rifle: Pandora. 
This will be indulgent. 
Warsaw, Poland 1944. Kid can not remember any of it save for emotions, blurry recollection, and now his neck hurts on occasion. 
That Captain fight left him unrecognizable, even to himself, and absolutely shattered the early camaraderie he TRIED to have Alucard. 
He struggled to reconcile that Hellsing was any different than Millennium given he felt they were both out for him, just in different ways. 
Sometimes it’s best he doesn't remember.  
Poland definitely changed him for the worse - intense conditioning to violence made it near impossible for him to adapt back to the real world and being so pivotal in Hellsing forces so early on gave him quite the ego. 
He attended Balliol Harvard to study politics and economics. It was a fine time. Definitely awoke something in him. GAY. HE’S GAY. College was in general not too kind to him in the regard that trying to go back to a strange calm after his tumultuous teen years was……..immensely damaging to his psyche. 
Alucard. God where do I start. They had a…rivals to friends to no-contact to rivals to coworkers to friends to lovers (?) to amorous thoughts to haters to rivals to classy exes to…vampire fights in leather. It’s complicated. 
Integra is his absolute darling. He loves her so much despite being a ‘I hate kids’ individual leading up to that. He loved her as the daughter he never had/never will have and also because it evened Arthur out completely. 
Speaking of Arthur. Walter and Arthur have a complicated relationship- not quite father/son, not quite employer/employee, not quite sir/valet. Arthur was almost too casual with Walter early on but later, they developed a strange, taut but friendly mutual respect. 
Events of Hellsing
He died in ep5. He looked like a shattered jam jar on the streets of London when the Captain was done with him. I refuse to accept otherwise. 
Vampirism obviously saved him- for better or for worse is up to you. 
This is another bag of marshmallows but I like to think his vampire form is. Uncanny. He’s got some strange new features that distinctly set him apart from natural vampires, a common trait with Millennium engineered vampires.
Woman magnet. This man pulled from his 20s to his 40s. Crazy thing though? This man is not into women. Lmao. He has the ‘single attractive bachelor who is single for a reason’ vibe. 
Despite not being a fan of Arthur’s…colorful liveliness…he did some fun, maybe wild things in his youth too. He was no stranger to drinking, going to clubs, dancing, and has perhaps tried a substance or two. Anything to cope. 
Not even he knows how the wires work…he only knows they listen to him. 
They also function like web shooters or hooks if he controls the tension correctly. 
He is decked in scars from monofilament training. Has almost lost fingers MANY TIMES
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clarichoupie · 1 year
Until dawn kinnie bingo !
After many hours of discussion and editing, here is a fun idea to see wich Until dawn characters is your biggest kin !
(All this according to official information or headcanons of many fanfictions that I read since a few years ^^)
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Oh and of course the pronouns can change, you don't need to have the same gender as the character to see yourself in them! ^^
Anyway, I'll probably do this for the other supermassive games... (if I have the courage)
And tell me which one is your biggest kin, it interests me to see which character are the most relatable! ♡
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what-is-fanart · 1 year
NO BECAUSE ok everything about the final scene in the game (not including interviews) on the 8 survivors run means so much to me. I feel like it’s so crucial in how they might be in the aftermath
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Sam scrambling to her feet after being physically blown from the lodge, still vigilant, like she’s waiting for the monster to come tearing out after them. She saved all of their lives and she’s still waiting on the other shoe to drop, for them all to have to freeze and evade the monster until they figure it out again (or until there’s nobody left to hide from the monster at all). Her place in the finale of the game is so incredibly brave and I think that she has a lot of issues with being vulnerable afterwards. It’s easiest with Mike, because at least she’s not the sole pillar of support, but even still the idea of being caught off guard or being weak makes her anxious.
Mike is on his feet as well, in fact it looks like he was still standing when she got thrown out. Unlike everyone else he won’t let himself rest even for half a second on the ground. He’s immediately putting himself in the role of the protector, the shoes he’s been trying to fill since jessica was taken. Specifically getting to Sam, the one person who has been by his side for the night, who saved him from his isolation in the sanatorium (even though he technically saved her), the one who knew exactly what he was thinking and pulled off the final step of their plan, saving everyone.
I think that even if you aren’t a Sam/Mike fan, their bond is undeniable. All throughout the night they play off eachother effortlessly, saving eachothers lives time and time again. I think that no matter what their relationship status, the two of them become almost codependent. Mike more than Sam, but bother either way. Also on Mike more personally, I think his fear of isolation just got a lot worse. He finds himself following his friends and family around a lot, both to protect them and to curb his anxiety
Emily is up next, stumbling and limping and alone. She’s practically been screwed since she lost Matt, alone even after she found her friends what with them threatening and nearly killing her. I think that in the end she doesn’t necessarily forgive Mike or Ashley, but she gets it. If it had been her in one of their shoes she might have had the same reaction, and she’s smart and self aware, I think she would realize that as well. That being said, I think it takes her a while to find her place in the group again, and she’s never really going to be close with Ashley or Mike.
Chris is interesting because you almost can’t see him. In fact it looks like he dove behind a picnic bench. What I did notice is that he looks at Ashley before anything else. Before the burning lodge or the chopper or his friends he looks at her. I think that in the end they for sure are together. It’s a trauma bond mixed with a lot of pre-existing feelings. After Josh is gone Chris becomes very introspective, as well as observant of others. He spends a lot of his time worrying about Ashley’s state of mind, what she’s thinking and feeling. If he missed what was going on with Josh, he refuses to miss something like that with any of his friends now and especially his girlfriend.
Ashley is one I was excited to talk about because personally I don’t love her but shes so expressive. She never stands up. When the fire gets worse and the lodge explodes she still doesn’t stumble to her feet like the others. She’s exhausted and willing to just wait and hope that the monster won’t burst out engulfed in flames. When the chopper shows up, she curls into a ball, presumably sobbing into her knees. Relatable. I think that she becomes really vulnerable afterwards and paranoid beyond belief. I would go as far as to say she might spend the first while of her aftermath locked in her bedroom, I’m talking boards on the windows and furniture in front of the door fear. The only person who would be able to see her is Chris, desperately trying to take care of her. Emotionally, I think she would fluctuate between total listlessness and emotional outbursts.
Bonus Matt and jessica
Their final scene is not much to analyse because it’s 90% relief, but I do notice some things. Mainly, Jessica’s hand reaching for Matts sleeve, and Matt getting himself in the place between Jessica and the monster. Whether unconsciously or not, that means a lot. I think even before the game Matt spent a lot of time being a middle man in his group. The gentle mediator between people, the person that keeps them from having big group drama all the time. Without the group, that role becomes smaller. I think that after the mines, that kinda falls away. He doesn’t have it in him anymore to mediate his friends and in a way, there’s no longer a need, and he hardens. He’s always been protective and that becomes more so.
Him and Jessica become close for sure. Just having him around makes her feel safe and I think knowing where she is, serves as a reminder to him that he is more than a mediator. He protected her in the mines, he made the conscious choice to save her more than once, and he was successful. (This last one is the most ramble bc I didn’t have a ton to work with)
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ofrandomthought · 9 months
I need somebody to sedate me but so does yona atp and really I think the local anesthesiologist is having a crisis rn
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fairmerthefarmer · 2 months
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More character designs except this time they’re fantasy dwarves and whenever I draw fantasy dwarves they legally all need to have facial hair regardless of gender cause I think that’s cool.
Also these guys are all secretly Narnian and are also on the crew of the Dawn Treader cause I’m forever building out the crew in my mind, and it’s practicing doing my own designs. Here is some more of the crew.
The slightest amount of lore for them is down here if you care, along with general Narnia headcanons and waffling.
The dwarf on the far left is a river dwarf I’ve decided. I don’t know fully that is other than I think it’d be cool if there was a tribe of dwarves that were close to the water nymphs, and generally have great knowledge and skills that are an asset on a sailing crew.
The river dwarves are one of the reasons telmarines were scared of the water (along with the niads, however the bridge of beruna imprisoned the river god, who otherwise was also responsible for many folk tales told to young telmarine children. Their fear of water is ironic to me cause I believe there’s evidence of them coming from the Caribbean as pirates? I imagine the humans on caspians crew are like, either rediscovering their roots or the few who held on to that seafaring background. Mostly younger telmarines in the same generation as caspian, they questioned the leadership and were very happy when old narnia overthrew Miraz.)
the river dwarves are generally peaceful and most lived in hiding during telmars reign. They’re temperament is very stable and they do well under pressure. River dwarves are incredibly stealthy and only attack in necessity as self defense. In terms of stealth think like lotr hobbits, and this is a great contrast to most other dwarves in Narnia (strong strength and combat, low stealth) A lot of them abstained from fighting against telmar alltogether due to their peaceful values. They are disconnected from some other dwarf cultures which can cause some tension.
The two in the middle come from a tribe of dwarves that are blacksmiths, and also they’re siblings. The brother in particular is a toy maker by trade specifically, and loves kids. His wife (far right) has a background in carpentry. Him and his wife don’t have any but virtually adopt any child they see. The sister is always having a good time, and seafaring comes more naturally to her than smithywork ever did.
The carpentry/forest dwarves generally have a history of closeness with dryads similarly to how the river dwarves are with the water spirits. Some of that connection has been severed due to how deeply the dryads retreated and were removed when Caspian the Conqueror (not our caspian) and his descendants over-deforested. It takes time to restore that connection.
The two on the left may or may not have a situationship and the two on the right have been married for years.
Regardless of trade they’re all on the ship because they’re loyal as fuck to Caspian, the married couple kind of see themselves in a parental role to him but it’s debatable on how that actually plays out.
Also no one has a name cause I’m so bad at coming up with names.
My thinking in general is that Narnian dwarves make up a lot of the trades, other races do contribute as well, (I’d imagine some marshwiggles work in stuff related to ships/seafaring but perhaps not travelling themselves) most fauns are more into the arts/spirituality, but some do take up trades (a couple of my designs from this post are tradespeople, one of them is a bard.)
I haven’t done many centaur designs, but my vague thoughts is that there are those who are more spiritual and practice prophecy, stargazing, advising, and those who are more into combat, and are protectors, or messengers.
Gender and the ideas around sexuality I’d also imagine would be a lot more fluid and most Narnians are a lot more open than some of the more human civilizations. (Like it’s a country made of sentient trees, talking animals and mythical beings, and the human countries kind of canonically are like “what the heck is going on over there???” Or they’re afraid of them and try to colonize them, like the telmarines)
These are all half baked ideas but I’ve been fixated on Narnia since I was five and it’s lowkey the reason I spent so much time and passion into drawing and now have a career in graphic design and illustration, so. This is mostly all for me, so don’t mind how long this post has gotten. 🤠
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peridots-pixiwolf · 10 months
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sketches from @mipexch 's whiteboard a couple days ago!!
also feat. a very small reference to @onlineviolence :]
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jackshiccup · 9 months
in dawn of destruction i just love that little moment of pause snotlout had when hiccup came back from his small trip with astrid to find the edge being attacked. hiccup gives out orders, snotlout just stares at him and hiccup stammers to asks him ‘what is it, snotlout?’ to which snotlout replies, ‘nothing. it’s just well, it’s nice to have you back.’ and it’s with so much sincerity and even a hint of relief and it’s just so !!! snotlout looks up so much to hiccup and it grounds him (and the rest of the gang) for hiccup to BE there and to be the leader their team needs and has. it just shows how much faith and trust they have in each other and no matter how much he complains all the time, snotlout will always and undoubtedly have hiccup’s back and vice versa.
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softpadawan · 2 years
Every time I see Kanan Jarrus described as "brash" and "cocky"
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His character summaries in published media are hilariously inaccurate.
The Rebellion Begins (Kogge, 2014):
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Kanan: The Last Padawan (Weisman, Larraz, Camagni, 2015):
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No. No. No.
Kanan Jarrus isn't Han Solo version 2.0. All of the above adjectives are more fitting to a man like Han. If anything, Kanan is Han's foil, his complete opposite. His description in The Last Padawan makes it seem as if he's the one who's hellbent on fighting the Empire, the gung-ho commander of the team, when in truth it's all Hera. She's the one responsible for pushing Kanan into the Rebellion. She owns and pilots the Ghost; she's the founder and the leader of the crew.
Hera is the true Spectre-01. Kanan is actually Spectre-02, and that's why his pauldron bears the number "02". It's not a romantic gesture, like some fans believe.
From Wookieepedia, emphasis mine:
Although various sources have identified Kanan Jarrus as the leader of the Spectres, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away states that Jarrus' Spectre-1 code name was given to him so that Imperials will incorrectly assume he is the group's leader, and states of Hera Syndulla, "Even though she is Spectre-2, this Twi'lek is the pilot and leader of the rebels."
Kanan is not the leader, or even a leader. Hera is. She always was. Initially, Kanan didn't want anything to do with the Rebellion, and in the second season of Rebels (The Siege of Lothal, S2 E01), he voiced his reluctance to work alongside other rebel cells, showing that even after seven years allied with Hera, he was still hesitant about taking on greater responsibilities. Hera was always the one pushing for more involvement. Kanan supported her, but only so far. He wasn't, in his own words, "ready to start another [war]."
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Which brings me to the next section:
The Adjectives
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Kanan isn't any definition of brash. He's cautious and controlled, always aware of danger, and not keen on taking risks, especially where the Force is concerned.
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Above excerpt from The Rebellion Begins—ironically from the same book that described him as "brash"—where Hera tries to press Kanan into using the Force shortly before the events in Spark of Rebellion.
Kanan's acknowledgement of the necessity of taking risks didn't truly come into play until after he met Ezra. He actually tried to talk Hera out of recruiting him (and was right to do so).
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Kanan isn't a "maverick".
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Kanan's life from Order 66 until 5 BBY was nothing but him trying to blend in with the crowd and remain as inconspicuous as possible. His very survival depended on it (see also: A New Dawn; further supported by Cal Kestis's prescription for survival in Jedi: Fallen Order, below, emphasis mine):
"[T]here are three rules to survive. Don't stand out. Accept the past. Trust no one. The galaxy's changed. Whatever you do, don't reach within. Don't stand out. Accept the past. Trust no one. Trust only in the Force."
Sound advice. The last thing Kanan wanted was to draw attention, especially Imperial attention, and he did everything he could to prevent that.
Kanan is not cocky.
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The man is the antithesis of self-confidence. So much of Kanan's journey in Rebels is the reclamation of his confidence and courage, coming out of the shell he'd built around himself for the last 15 years. He didn't approach Ezra with the attitude of "alright, kid, I'm gonna teach you to be a kickass Jedi!" He was reluctant to teach Ezra, wary of making mistakes, fearful of failing him, literally wracked with doubt and worry, as we see here in S1 E10, Path of the Jedi:
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The only descriptor that is somewhat accurate to Kanan is "sarcastic", but he only does that occasionally, usually directed at enemies or when in situations he'd rather not be in. He doesn't make sarcasm his entire identity, unlike Han Solo, whose every other line of dialogue is a sardonic comment or quip. Even Obi-Wan is cattier than Kanan.
So why is Kanan marketed as a brash, cocky, sarcastic, arrogant maverick?
In my opinion, it's because the entertainment industry incorrectly believes a male character is only interesting if he's 1) a borderline asshole, 2) completely able-bodied and hypercompetent, 3) in possession of a great power, or 4) any combination of the previous three.
A cautious, traumatized, insecure male character who suppresses his abilities, goes with the crowd, and doesn't stand out, who is naturally tender and kindhearted toward people, isn't going to be as marketable—especially in a male-dominated arena like comics—even though it's a more accurate description of Kanan's character. He isn't the classic, charismatic hero archetype that boys can project themselves onto... unless they spin him that way to sell merch.
But the trend of the Arrogant Asshole Lead Male is declining in recent years, I've noticed. Major characters like Cassian Andor and Cal Kestis and sad desert hermit Obi-Wan Kenobi, men who are still dealing with the mental fallout of Order 66 and/or suffering under the soul-crushing oppression of the Empire, men who are haunted and traumatized and disempowered, are becoming more prevalent. Their stories are being told. That's fantastic. I'm personally bored with the same old cocky-witty-genius-talented-billionaire-playboy male stereotype (who always has a perfect comeback) that has dominated the entertainment industry for half a century. Broken, imperfect characters are a thousand times more interesting to me, and so are their stories and character development. It's difficult to develop an already-perfect character, or one who never changes.
I think I've excised all my aggravation now. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Support your local Traumatized Jedi™
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Going to get controversial and probably too serious about Ashley and Chris for a sec… Because I am actually feeling unable to just not comment on this—
I fully acknowledge that fiction is fiction and that we shouldn’t view fictional characters as real people. But, periodically, takes on fiction really rub me the wrong way, because they start to become concerning statements on irl morality.
Sometimes I come across comments that truly argue that Ashley had a “good for her” right to kill Chris. And that, treated as a non-joke argument, BUGS me. Nobody has a right to someone’s life because they were wronged at a different point. In context, it’s only made worse because Chris’s behavior was not that of just an evil or conniving person. His choices were highly forced by other characters. From the start, Josh had no right to put Chris in two different situations with all bad answers.
Personally, I think this is a form of overcompensation. Ashley was hated on so much for years until people got sick of it and sick of people being uncharitable with their readings. But how did that become “murder isn’t wrong here, actually” and “she has no responsibility for this”?? You can defend loving Ashley and argue her overall moral alignment (I think it’s neutralish overall) without bending backwards to act like an evil action isn’t evil. Once I even saw the argument that Chris not believing Ashley about ghosts was “gaslighting” and partial grounds to lock him outside???? It had something to do with trust/belief, but it bothered me. Someone else’s right to live isn’t trumped by someone else’s right to be believed.
Let me just insert here that I DO think surrounding context for bad actions holds weight. Ashley’s action is inherently wrong but her poor mental health does make it less wrong than if she’d, like, planned this out with an entirely clear head. Mike killing Emily was wrong but it should be acknowledged that this killing is a different kind of killing than someone just doing it for funsies. Like yes, context matters. Humanity has always believed this. It’s why there’s distinction between premeditated and unpremeditated murder, for example. But both kinds are bad.
Again, it’s less the fiction but more the actual arguments on morality itself that bother me. The fact that “you have the right to kill in situations like this” is a point that’s even being made is something I disagree with so adamantly.
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riddlerosehearts · 8 months
twst book 7 part 5 felt like such an attack on me personally. i slightly edit silver's official art to make him look more like riku from kingdom hearts, mostly as a joke based on how similar they already look, and then suddenly a few months later i'm getting silver vibes from lizz robinett's lyrics to riku's theme
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ninjakarkki · 5 months
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I was gonna say we starting this year with a bang but I already posted stuff earlier this month, ANYWAY fankids. That's the whole post. Why I didn't include their names in the pics, man if only I knew 😂😂
We have: The KuruKage kid, Geruru (name still pending). He's the least fleshed out of this trio but that just means I gotta draw him more <3 The GiroDoro kid, Diroro, my most precious one. He's just a little guy who goofs around a lot and get's up to no good, but at a heart he is a very good kid! And last but not least, the GaruZoru kid, Goruru. Definitely the most mature one out of this trio. He's a bit more reserved to those he doesn't know, a silent type if you will. Him and Diroro are very close because they spend tons of their childhood together. I need to flesh these guys out more but they're my lil babies <3 They were suppose to stay as babies but then i designed their adult versions and got attached
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