#character : viserra targaryen
horizon-verizon · 1 year
“Quick” Note on Alysanne and her Children *EDITED*
Growing up and raising children more and more within the confines of the castle and royal court, where the customs would be observed and practiced more, Alysanne also grew to mentally and habitually adopt ideas and behaviors more than before Jaehaerys took the throne back.
Because Alysanne did seem to have terrible relationships with her daughters while expressing dread with a few’s willfulness (the post I’m responding to): 
Viserra: Alysanne not liking that she actively tried to pursue Baelon to become Queen, and Viserra not wanting the marriage with Manderly but being betrothed forcefully anyway without so much as a real conversation
her & Jaehaerys being responsible for Daella’s wanting to marry a too-old man over an Old-Gods worshipper like Royce Blackwood who was closer in age -- religious/extra-patriarchal/Faith-based parenting from the more submissive Alyssa Velaryon (*EDIT*we also have to note that ALysanne didn’t want to marry Daella off so young and later would rail against Jaehaerys for forcing i anyway, which he did by declaring Daella must be married or be forced into a nun’s life)
Maegelle turning out better and the “lucky” one, but still heavily influenced into not really seeing the rift between Alysanne and Jaehaerys as indicative of something greater than just disagreement
Saera, her whole life being compared to the dead and “unmanageable” Aerea and ending up (at first) in danger in the sex trade of Essos
Alyssa being allowed to be pregnant too young or not allowed to take breaks to heal/build up strength and Alysanne thinking more for Baelon than her, even with her mentioning how Alyssa followed Baelon around -- again, pattern of Targ women/wives of Targs giving birth to many children too frequently (Alyssa V, Alysanne, Alyssa T!)
Gael not being allowed to really grow on her own away from Alysanne because Alysanne sought her as an emotional crutch, thus Gael not having enough inner strength, self esteem, or perception to survive after her lover seduces and leaves her
And the fact that Jaehaerys thought to allow their daughters to have any sort of political/military education or training as Visenya and Rhaenys surely did, which I suspect Alysanne doesn't fight harder for because she already doesn't have much political power compared to Visenya and Rhaenys.
Alysanne constantly compares Saera to Aerea, as if it were a bad thing. Implying that Saera was too "willful" and hard to manage...which admittedly shows that Alysanne still has this bit of prejudice (and internalized misogyny) towards women and girls who display noncompliance and nonquietness despite her castigating Rhaena for disparaging the absent Aerea and her taking out Balerion and running away...Alysanne saying that Aerea was "just a child" to Rhaena's "what kind of monster" she brought to life who would take the dragon who killed her father (Aegon the Uncrowned) of all the dragons she could have claimed. A frustrated rage of a person who didn’t get to really raise her own daughters for the sake of their survival but never bonded with them properly afterward.
All because she seemed to know that Jaehaerys would not accommodate such a personality or expressiveness for power from his daughters. By how he treats Rhaena, knowing that she has some claim by being the eldest, he purposefully made her display her submission to him before he have her Dragonstone to live in. Even though she already supported his coming into power without asking for anything else. All of which shows Jaehaerys' anxiety of female power and leadership, even that coming from his daughters.
Then there is the fact she didn’t do anything more to make Jaehaerys reconsider not killing Braxton Beesbury right in front of their daughter even after she escaped the first time...because her escaping shouldn’t preclude trying to save her from emotional trauma like that and Saera really didn’t deserve being isolated and pusnished as she was for sleeping with different men at once. We just brushed right past her hurting Tom turnip, her bullying Daella like these were nothing and focused on her sleeping with other boys for attention and feelings of control...sure. Again, because Jaehaerys -- being the final authority AND having a stubborn streak when it came to male exclusive power -- she concedes to get some lesser form of power for herself and that of her kids -- what happens with Daella. So what happens to their kids are both her and J's faults, but it seems from the sociopolitical power that J has over his relatives, his ability to use it against them, and his willingness to do so for his own benefit, that it is mostly J's fault.
He has made the environment where everything hinged on his determination of whether or not the new "problem" would endanger his image and authority. And Alysanne was the responder, the victim, as well as the perpetuator.
It looks like Alysanne also inherited troubles with daughters that she rebuked and blamed Rhaena for. More than Rhaena does Aerea, though Alysanne abjects Saera into a monstrous feminine figure all throughout her childhood (while Rhaena's treatment of Aerea is arguably more sympathetic since Rhaena's *trauma* at Mageor's hands and her separation from her daughter, her daughter growing apart from her in that separation. A separation where they both lived conscious lives apart and long enough for them to be near strangers to each other).
How did Alysanne go from defending Aerea to her mother for claiming a dragon and running away to calling Saera Aerea-like with anxiety...and then had her own broken relationship with said daughter end with her also trying to run away on dragonback?! (Rhetorical)
**EDIT** BTW, I still hold Jaehaerys mostly accountable for what happens to their daughters as he uses his final authority and insisted on his way being the way to override and block Alysanne trying to get Daella married off much later, the heir questions and shunting his female relatives, the psychological terror towards Saera and ordering alysanne/making her feel guilty or hopeless to go after and retrieve Saera by foisitng all the blame onto her...meanwhile he is the one to order all that happens to this girl and refused to see/hear her out properly ever. 
I think Alysanne, while accountable by being an adult/parent/Queen, was also responding to this and had the sort of power only granted by Jaehaerys that is better defined as “influence” than power. Like the complicated woman that she is, she also kept with the enduring Andalized Targ/Seven- sense of misogyny that had her look askance at girls/women attempting to get power w/o the male lead’s leave MAINLY inspired by her guilt towards Rhaena coming into conflict with her young-girl belief that she was “born” to be Jaehaerys’ queen (as she said to the women who her mother sent to try and break her and Jae up in F&B). 
So Alysanne was a conflicted/complicated woman: 
trying to amass more power for herself and women by their own right
while wanting to get there through the male lead or/and sometimes giving in entirely due to her own socialization and running from remorse
And after the years with Jaehaerys, the more she gave in when it came to the personal AND fought harder when she saw and felt female power reduced -> a back and forth of trying to claim back power without confronting or going into a real confrontation with Jaehaerys or herself because of how intimate the relations and the history is.
She bound herself to him too well, until the end.
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blissfulphilospher · 2 months
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Viserra in the Carnation Dress.
My OC in my Original dress.
I love her hair in this, they are not red but the lightening makes it looks so. Now imagine Aegon seeing her like this, a true copy of his mother.
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Viserra with short, horribly bleached hair.
Drunk and pregnant and emotional as hell.
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Now read the new chapter here.
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amongthevipers · 2 months
— open starter
muse: viserra targaryen plot: based on how badly i want this, your muse is betrothed to viserra (basically this could be the start of a plot that leads to some serious angst) ERA : the dance of dragons / NOTE : my muses are era locked
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she wasn't thrilled her mother and father had finally found someone they deemed worthy nor that it was so soon. she'd hoped they would deliberate longer or even hold off until the war was won. here he was though, the man she was meant to be married to in a few years time. "so," viserra fought the urge to tuck her hands behind her back or rock back and forth on her heels. "it is to be us then?" she offered him a slight, awkward smile.
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a-song-for-ages · 11 months
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Viserra quite enjoyed leaving her shoulders bare, if only because she liked the way they were rounded, and when she felt cold enough, she took to wearing lavish capes within the castle walls, feeling more royal with the billowing material behind her than anything else.
Her father often jested that she'd taken after him in her finer taste of materials, while her mother had only hummed that she hoped she wouldn't take after her namesake more than that.
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kissofbelladonna · 1 year
those blonde bitches have taken ahold of me and haven't let go since october of last year. in fact, their grip has only tightened 😭💔
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sesikudadaryti · 1 year
Tagged by: @uncxntrxllable
Tagging: @wcrriorhearts (rhaenyra), @abeautifulmencgerie (aerion), @bcbliophile (alicent), @legionversed (aemond), @manystoriesss (daemon).
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★  ⸻   𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒.     being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around. dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laughter lines. childlike playfulness. skipping. talking more. affection. cracking more jokes than usual. gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice. squealing. jumping around. clapping.
★  ⸻   𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒.    tearing up. self-hugging. one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat. a runny nose. turning away. deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing. hands gripping each other or an object. covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. voice breaking. a distant or empty stare. monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering. depression. abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
★  ⸻   𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑.   furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact. sarcasm. headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability. jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions. middle finger.
★  ⸻   𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑.  wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting. lip-biting. scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse. tics. rushing adrenaline. face draining of colour. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot. making body as small as possible. staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone. stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading.
★  ⸻   𝐄𝐗𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.     constantly yawning. blurring words together. dark circles or lines under eyes. mood swings. hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness. denying they’re tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating. stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine.”. shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
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beelxshartic · 1 year
Blood redder than wine (14728 words) by beelxshartic Chapters: 3/? Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms Relationships: Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen, Original Female Character(s), House Redwyne Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), Grey Ghost the Wild Dragon (A Song of Ice and Fire), Viserra Targaryen, Saera Targaryen, Additional Tags: Scheming, Romance, Mutual Pining, Eye Sex, Smut with scheming, First Meetings, Love and Envy at the same time, Is it an Arranged Marriage if Aemond is scheming his way into it?, Targcest | Targaryen Incest (A Song of Ice and Fire), Half-Sibling Incest, , Matriarchy, drama sponsored by Saera and Viserra, Swearing, Original Character does her best to avoid marriage as long as she can, Aemond is trying his best, Masturbation, Aemond POV, Fantasies about sex Summary:
The Redwynes are a people who have a long-standing history of dealing with Targaryens. Redwynes' words are sweet like their wine or sour like venom.
“I was to be given to some Targaryen or other. Marrying a Targaryen was all the rage back then. But the moment I saw my intended, with his twitchy little ferret's face and ludicrous silver hair, I knew he wouldn't do.” Olenna Tyrell née Redwyne
Redwynes know that dealing with Targaryens is no piece of cake. A century before Olenna's birth, one of King Jaehaerys' defiant daughters marries a Redwyne of Arbor to avoid marrying the old man her parents had intended for her. Vissera Targaryen raises her offspring to hate the Targaryens of King's Landing. Years later, after Viserra's death, Aemond the Kinslayer Targaryen lands on Arbor to push the Redwynes over to the Green side. There he meets his other older sister Vereena, who has been estranged from the main Targaryen family for most of her life.
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rhaenyratheecruel · 1 month
Wait you mean Emma or Anya?
Anya! I love Anya as a face cast for Naerys. I know she’s a popular Targaryen face cast in general but for me she’ll always be either Naerys or Daenys the dreamer. In that particular gifset she reminded me of Naerys.
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green-aeggs-and-spam · 2 months
A Defense of Viserra Targaryen
I just realized I've never actually collected these thoughts in one place, so it's time for me to do so.
This is the main quote from F&B used as character evidence for Viserra:
No squire was ever going to win Viserra, Queen Alysanne knew; not her heart, and certainly not her maidenhead. She was far too sly a child to go down the same path as her sister Saera. "She has no interest in kissing games, nor boys," the queen told Jaehaerys. "She plays with them as she used to play with her puppies, but she would no more lie with one than with a dog. She aims much higher, our Viserra. I have seen the way she preens and prances around Baelon. That is the husband she desires, and not for love of him. She wants to be the queen."
So, what gives?
Maybe this is a situation of "George forgot." He's infamously bad with numbers, after all. Maybe he got his timelines mixed up, and didn't realize that Prince Aemon outlives Viserra by five years and Baelon isn't the heir at the time of her death.
Except Fire & Blood is deliberately written as an in-universe history, and we're supposed to treat it as such, with the understanding that some of what Archmaester Gyldayn says is biased or not 100% accurate. This quote is supposedly from Alysanne to Jaehaerys. Who would have heard this? Who would have written it down? Combine that with the straight up factually incorrect information it's based upon, and this has the makings of an apocryphal quote from a bad source. The factual error undercuts the validity of this entire section, and I don't think it can be blindly accepted as proof of Viserra's character.
So, onto the Baelon incident.
(note: the entire existence of the Baelon Incident can also be called into question, given that Gyldayn begins that section with "if court gossip can be believed." We are not all maesters at the Citadel with access to his bibliography and primary sources, though, so I'll leave that alone for now and choose to treat it as fact.)
Here are our facts: Viserra Targaryen is 15 years old. Her parents have arranged a marriage to an old Northern Lord who has been widowed 4 times already. They have refused to break the betrothal. Viserra has a drinking problem. While drunk (and apparently unsupervised) she manages to sneak into Baelon's bed, naked, in an attempt to "seduce" him.
What's the more likely motive here? That she's a sly manipulative ambitious girl who's just so determined to be queen that she'll seduce poor widowed Baelon? Or that she's drunk and desperate and scared and trying to get her brother to rescue her the same way Jaehaerys once rescued Alysanne?
I rest my case.
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yourlocalnetizen · 6 months
What you're favorite female Targ says about you
(For simplicities sake, I'll only mention the ones who have the last name Targaryen but I'll be skipping out on ones we don't know enough about from Daenerys of Dorne to Egg's daughters.)
Daenys - You hyperfixate on long dead characters who did 1 important thing that changed the history of the world.
Visenya - You want to bed her AND you want to be her at the same time. You heard "dark, sensual, unforgiving" and found it the sexiest description ever. You almost see her as a goddess rather than a person, you practically worship her.
Queen Rhaenys - You love a women with duality. You respect House Targaryen's matriarch for having hobbies, having fun with pretty boys, & burning entire armies. You also hate the Dornish.
Rhaena the Black Bride - Fat chance you aren't straight. You think she should have been Queen regnant (you'd be 100% right) & you're a Maegor & Jaehaerys's anti. You have a soft spot for sexy sad women
Alysanne - You love a girlboss who can manage motherhood & a 9 to 5 job. You also appreciate how she's the only Targaryen who fought for SEVERAL WOMEN's rights, not just her own.
Aerea - You're a rebellious teen who had a rough upbringing. Her death broke you because you know she deserved so much better.
Septa Rhaella - Are you sure your favorite character isn't just Rhaena?
Alyssa - You also want to ride 2 dragons (Meleys & Baelon).
Maegelle - You love a good nun.
Daella - You're want someone to take care of you for your whole life, except unlike Daella, you're not scared, you're just lazy.
Saera - You love a girl who serves cvnt (quite literally). You're the biggest Jaehaerys hater.
Viserra - You're incredibly pretty and incredibly petty. You know how the world hates to see pretty girls winning.
Gael - You probably have a helicopter parent.
Rhaenys the Queen who Never Was - You're a feminist & you love girlbosses. You 100% hate Jaehaerys and you have 0 love for Viserys I who you think she should have been Queen instead of.
Rhaenyra - You're a feminist & you were 100% the favorite child growing up. If you have a step-parent or half-siblings, you definitely hate them.
Helaena - You're probably a show enjoyer first & foremost. You probably simp for Aemond who you ship her with.
Baela - You might be a tomboy but not the "not like other girls" type of tomboy. You probably like at least 1 sport though & you're definitely a girl's girl.
Rhaena of Pentos - You love pretty aesthetics & Barbie was probably you're favorite movie of 2023.
Jaehaera - You hyperfixate on tragic minor characters. Bonus points if you're neurodivergent.
Naerys - You're either a sad catholic girl or you hyperfixate on tragic female chracters.
Daena - You love baddies who don't take anyone's shit. You might have grown up in a toxically religious household.
Septa Rhaena - You think Baelor the Blessed was the best Targ King.
Elaena - You like a woman with a brain.
Queen Rhaella - You hyperfixate on tragic female characters.
Daenerys - You love a bad bitch (affectionate) and you will not apologize. You also genuinely have good taste & hated GoT season 8.
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horizon-verizon · 5 months
The whole Alysanne/Viserra conflict is so bizarre I’m not sure why GRRM wrote it like that. Alysanne fears Viserra wants a crown…even though Aemon is still alive and Baelon hasn’t been named heir yet. Alysanne weeps for Daella dead at 18, blaming Jaehaerys for having her wed at too early of an age…but then pushes Viserra into a betrothal that causes her death at 15, again with a man older than Jaehaerys in the dreary and boring North, widowed 4 times and already with 5 children. Marrying an older brother for politics isn’t acceptable…even though Aegon the Uncrowed/Rhaena & Aegon/Visenya did it, plus she and Jaehaerys did it in defiance of their guardians, but I guess it’s so much better because of true love. Viserra is said to be a manipulator and committed alcoholic by 14, not even liking boys, but using her looks to get them to fight for her…yet her ambition is to go after Baelon, the man with two healthy trueborn sons already, 14 years older than her, not yet the heir with Aemon alive. How much influence could Viserra possibly have even if she did marry him at the time ? Obviously she had some attraction to him, if she wanted to seduce him (let me just roll my eyes at the mother trying to protect her nearly 30 year old son with 2 children from a “seductive” 15 year old girl…it’s pathetic) with all of the drawbacks. Alysanne’s view of her just makes no sense for her character or the timeline of events. But Viserra is so one dimensionally vain and openly ambitious (even when it contradicts itself, like surrounding herself with boys while having her eyes on Baelon) that she doesn’t come across as a person. It’s like the worst anti’s view of Cersei.
*EDITED POST* (4/17/24)
I recently wrote a Tweet about Alysanne vs Rhaena HERE, & the legacy of women/family destroying the other. And I have a Tumblr post abt Alysanne and her daughters HERE.
I don't know about your points about Alysanne's inconsistency, since I can see it happening in real life from the women I know or interacted with, their hypocrisies & self-defeating compromises. I do, however, see something in your critique of Viserra's writing. I'm offering a set of headcanons based on the knowledge that women are still subject to promoting patriarchy while also trying their best to look out for women's survival and/or rights, especially when their ability to even do that depends on their connection/support/allowance on certain sorts of male authority:
A) Alysanne's Attitude towards her Daughters
This is the passage anon refers to for Alysanne's grief over Daella being too young & her blaming Jaehaerys ("Policy, Progeny, and Pain"):
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Watsonianly, I believe GRRM reasoned that Alysanne was less willing to not ship off Viserra because she compared her "slyness" and seeming confidence to Daella's timidity and seeming helplessness and concluded that Viserra was more needing of containment, less needing of her protection and partly because she had more of a will of her own towards her marriage. Viserra, more than Daella, was maybe perceived more as a trip of Alysanne's authority as both mother and a Queen in the face of Jaehaerys'....less charitable and constrictive privileges over Alysanne's earnest desire for women to advance more in the realm and especially in the monarchy itself (heir buisness). She was way more "eager" to have her away than she was for Daella.
I also say in my Twitter post these:
Alysanne looked at Viserra wanting to be Queen as insulting to the feeling that ALL the family should mourn & respect Alyssa's passing, not just her seemingly "protecting" her son from Viserra's shamed "preening" & demonizing her daughter for the sake of a male child she favored. Perhaps Aysanne felt Viserra showed she did not care about Alyssa as much as she should have. perhaps she resented Viserra for showing how shallow the bonds b/t the siblings actually were due to the age differences & how little we actually hear of the 1st set of kids interacting w/the 2nd. Perhaps Alysanne thought this reflected a failure on her part as a mother. maybe she partly resented Viserra for not "respecting" the boundaries of a man's posthumous grieving for seemingly one of her favorite kids...certainly she preferred/made more time for Baelon & Alyssa over Viserra, Vaegon, Saera, even though she definitely loved all her kids.
Alysanne perhaps saw in Baelyssa her own marriage with Jaehaerys AND it's "success" proved their joined right to rule/soulmatism (their union created another perfect, happy union & thus and wanting to believe their marriage was perfect, couldn't tolerate any corruption to that...unconsciously). By desiring Baelon for queenship, Viserra--to Alysanne--again does a "taboo" against Alysanne's private-public relation order. She may have taken it very personally (2nd line after "PLUS" in paragragph below).
But most importantly after Saera's "scandal" & Daella's will against a more routine marriage arrangement/determination to find a husband on her own terms, I think the fear of Viserra "ruining herself, being separated forever from the family like Saera (the North is better than Essos), and ruining the family's/Jaehaerys' prospects PLUS her own experience of helplessness transformed into her needing to direct and arrange the circumstances that she did for Viserra. As well as look at her like she was an issue to be reconsolidated more than a child even though she also did seem to love her. It's possible she justified to herself that Viserra would always be as close as she can be.
Marriage is not just about the couple's happiness--the first priority is actually usually for the respective families' politics and it is a business move. There were political incentives for her to marry Theomore Manderly--the old lord of White Harbor in the North that weren't there for Daella marrying Rodrik Arryn. Theomore was a Seven-faithful vassal to the lords Stark. Jaehaerys had severely angered the Lord of Winterfell, and even though Alysanne made him more amicable, the lord liked her better than Jaehaerys and Jaehaerys seemed too anxious to always make sure the North remained less willing to see the Targs as enemies, which a marriage would do. In one of the last 4 pics below, we see Alysanne try to convince Alaric to have one of his family marry some woman of her choosing.: (A Surfeit of Rulers"; "Triumphs and Tragedies").
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Some might argue why he didn't allow Daella to marry a Stark: one, she already had the chance to marry an old gods worshiper, Royce Blackwood, but once she found out about the house still worshipping the old gods, she refused the marriage saying she didn't want to go to hell; two, I do not think the Starks even had eligible sons at the time when they were deciding who she'd marry. Neither Rodrik Arryn's loyalty nor his positive feelings towards the crown were doubted.
Plus, Jaehaerys was growing much more impatient and fed up with Daella than he did with Viserra because of Daella's constant refusing to marry any lord that was chosen for her which I don't fault her too much for, some were questionable ("Policy, Progeny, and Pain"):
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So again, I think that Alysanne grew more wary & frustrated with his dismissiveness to the point where she became much more protective and also caring or attentive towards Daella in a way she wasn't for Saera or Viserra because the latter both acted more independently or self-soothed. Alysanne also might have seemed to/might have that Viserra--in her "sly" willfulness ("oh, you think you're grown?") didn't deserve or need her protection as much as Daella did, even though Viserra was younger when she arranged the marriage. The eagerness for Daella's departure came more from Jaehaerys than Alysanne, while for Viserra, it was more Alysanne's own negative feelings driving her arrangements. So on Alysanne's end, it's easier or more obvious to blame Jaehaerys for Daella than it is herself for either Viserra or Saera. Though for Saera, though I blame both, I still blame Jaehaerys more and while it was certainly Alysanne's doing to arrange Viserra for the old-guy-with-four-kids Theomore, it came after the heels of the "trouble" with Daella's marriage.
PLUS they came after the group of kids Jae & Aly had & already gave their most emotionally energetic years to (I mentioned in another post that you are less able to practically give your love to more than 4-5 kids, esp if you are devoted to your job, profession, or duties as these two parents were). Daella died in 82 A.C. while Viserra died in 87 A.C. And though they are part both of the second set of kids Aly & Jae had together (the first set Daenerys, Aemon, Baelon, & Alyssa), even within this set the age difference b/t Daella and Viserra was 7 years.
While Alysanne observed their kids more than Jaehaerys and knew what they did and stuff, she also was herself "tired" or less willing to accommodate more deemed "disruptive" personalities even though she loved all her kids. Why? Again, too many kids, her using marriage (as Visenya & Rhaenys did) as a more political tool than one to totally satisfy her daughters' personal preferences, and a less interested-domestically-participating husband while trying to participate in politics herself but also expected to be the head of child nurturing simultaneously. The ones that can be more "managed", the more able/willing Alysanne will be sympathetic towards them or fight with Jaehaerys over their futures.
Therefore, it seemed Alysanne was a lot more eager & self-convinced to "get rid of" Viserra than she ever was for Daella because of the different pressures from her husband, her conclusions about their daughters' characters, and her own stake in the policy-making she wanted to participate in even though she expressed. Women can be like this, semi-subtly & subtly perpetuating patriarchal limitations thinking that it is "for the best" while really using the subject's seeming or real noncompliance with socialized gender ideology and behaviors.
Also, though Aegon V and Betha Blackwood married for love, they insisted that their kids marry for politics and by their direction anyway. Parents/leaders often compromise their own previous actions or intentions for the present necessities or perceived "greater" needs. Jaehaerys himself cites how he doesn't like how Alyssa Velaryon & Rogar Baratheon both seek to control him...and then he goes on to do this to his own kids. 🤷🏼‍♂️
B) Viserra's Desire isn't all that Vain
But Viserra is so one dimensionally vain and openly ambitious (even when it contradicts itself, like surrounding herself with boys while having her eyes on Baelon) that she doesn’t come across as a person. It’s like the worst anti’s view of Cersei.
Yes, it is like the worst anti's view. Because an anti is writing about her. It is their perspective & Fire and Blood is written in hindsight, written around Robert Baratheon's time.
When we talk about her being "one-dimensionally vain", it comes down to the Unreliable narrator and the lack of grace they afford to her. Not saying she wasn't vain...but she had a lot of good motivation to rely on looks.
Viserra was 15 when she died. Fifteen-year-olds hardly know themselves, compared to those above 18, at least. And they tend to be a lot more self-concerned or confrontational, rebellious, testing the social limits of whatever, etc. But they also can still use reasoning and draw conclusions about their society's implications for them based on their roles to get what they want or to oppose legitimately unfair restrictions against them.
Viserra was a female royal of parents who some might describe as "workaholics", determined to politick their way into maintaining the dynasty, and as I mentioned above, Viserra was part of the latter, less-emotionally-attended-to brood. Her role, as we see how Jaehaerys treated Saera, was to marry & reproduce and not do as her brothers Aemon & Baelon did which was to work with Jaehaerys & work together in anticipation of becoming the next leaders of said dynasty and Westeros.
As a princess who'd not politically trained similarly as her brothers and after being taught/directed by Septas, learning how to become a lady of a court for when she marries she's got little comparatively to do other than, hang out with other girls of the court & any willing siblings, read, play games, dance, maybe ride horses and hunt, etc. she's got comparatively bigger slots of time to herself and perhaps be a bit lonely. Especially when she has parents who worked often. We don't see nor hear of her actually having close relationships with any of her siblings: Maegelle, Alyssa, Baelon, and Aemon are adults with families of their own or out of the keep in other ligelong devotions; Vaegon is, I believe a maester by the time she was about to married off, and still, he wasn't interested in any of his siblings; Daella seemed...more attached to Alysanne and not that engaging; Saera, it's said, that NONE of her sister liked, which includes Viserra; Gael hadn't been born until 80 A.C., and was 7 when Viserra was 15.
Viserra was not hopelessly stupid--it's implied that she, like Saera, wanted more autonomy and/or political power. And like every other royal or noble girl, she did not really interact with people outside KL or the Red Keep that she could or was allowed to. Perhaps. As I mentioned, she's not out of KL at all, spending her relatively contained life in the castle or in illicit adventures with her followers. Baelon is not only familiar and a more predictable option to Viserra, but he'd be more willing than any other candidate to treat her respectfully for the sibling tie/his disposition. No, she doesn't love him, but she doesn't seem as romantic or idealistic as 13-year-old Alysanne was like. Yeah, attracted to Baelon, but not in love or nor yearning for him as Alyssa did, as Alysanne was. Which yes, would read as her being less "worthy" of Baelon to Alysanne--even though I think Alysanne still saw/sees Jaehaerys' reign as righteous and herself destined to not just be his Queen but to be Queen, for her own ambitions to shape Westeros through him.
Viserra may have seen through her Aysanne's influence, self-confidence, and comfort with wielding what little influence she had over Jaehaerys power that a Queen Consort can do a lot, and that a woman can have "more". Baelon is trained under their father, Jaehaerys...perhaps Baelon will also let her have as much or close influence?
And she knows that in her society, a girl's looks are one of her greatest currencies towards access to a man's power because a girl's looks are what draws a man...besides their rank or family's money/political prospects. But a man will really care about a wife in this society if she's exceptionally or conventionally attractive, as long as she is publicly recognized as attractive. This plus what I mentioned about her not having any granted access to real political activity is thus part of why her vanity is one of the most potent we read in Fire and Blood. If her beauty, rank, and Targness are what she has that gets her what she wants and what she is barred from without, she's going to emphasize and rely on them.
And/or she just loves being beautiful. It's a weird state of being for girls, when they have beauty. Beauty for women & girls tends to fall subject to objectification/currency and a way to trap them in a catch-22 of being perceived as "arrogant" (if they actually acknowledge and celebrate their beauty) vs "having no self-respect/untrustworthy"(if they do not cultivate their beauty or insist--whether genuinely or not--that they do not see themselves as attractive or that attractiveness doesn't really matter). Their beauty can be used for social currency & access to wealthier men's privileges and rights than both women deemed less attractive AND men. Men especially tend to believe that women actually do not go through much hardship bc it's "easy" to have others "take care of" you--as a woman, and esp a pretty woman, you are "in demand" & "don't have to work". Not realizing maintaining beauty does take focus, attention, time AND it can still get objectifying uniquely for women. That beautification is a process & women more than men are expected to do it or have no value at all, while men do not have to be pretty to be respected, though it certainly adds points even to other men.
All of these things, the first level of the narrator--the maesters writing this record--do not consider, because she is a girl with little policy-making or incumbent power, nor does she ever become like Alysanne, supporting and advising a powerful man. No, she is not really treated as a person. They, unlike Septon Barth explaining Saera's motives at the time, not hundreds of years later, do not break down Viserra's.
But Viserra is so one dimensionally vain and openly ambitious (even when it contradicts itself, like surrounding herself with boys while having her eyes on Baelon) that she doesn’t come across as a person.
Let's take this as it is for a second. The girl is fifteen and a princess. Again, fifteen-year-olds are already not that...idk, shrewd? Esp with such a high status or privileges and getting a lot of admiration when their parents may not give them much attention [Saera again], Viserra would have maybe used the male attention for her confidence level, and rationalized it as her due, as she already says she knows she's beautiful when some lord or something says that. Again, reliance on beauty PLUS teenhood with nothing else for her to do with herself. It's a fascinating intersection.
The male admirers thing & seemingly contradiction of attention thing. She, like Saera, led a group of followers/admirers similar, perhaps wishing to emulate a Queen's household or at least to borrow a kind of retinue to mimic that/set up through these male admirers. As I explained about isolation, a girls' beauty, and her possible loneliness, yes sometimes people do not-so-smart things to feel a little less lonely or validated. I know a person who, at high school, actually tried to "seduce" their history teacher. wild stuff, but it came from a place of severe insecurity, which was fostered by misogyny and neglect at home. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Again, she could have rationalized it as her "practicing" "holding court" for the future or affirming her ability to get such admirers. That itself is an attempt at power-denied or trivialized.
Now, let's consider how Viserra rationalized Baelon seeing her with her male admirers. If Alysanne and Jaehaerys weren't too concerned and Baelon was busy or inattentive, then Baelon wouldn't be that suspicious of her virginity...nor care all that much. She's still his sister and Baelon is presumably the least prideful/machismo of all his brothers except maybe Aemon and we don't even know that much of Aemon.
If anything, she might have thought that if Baelon did see these male courtiers around her, that raises her "value", bc these guys think she's pretty enough. Baelon, as a man, must too--if he only really looked at me. If the court gossip about it is true, this would have motivated her into "forcing" her to look at her by catching him with her clothes off. Why getting drunk? Because she is 15, a virgin, never has tried something like this before, and thus sought out liquid courage. She was also very anxious about being married off to Theomore and felt pressure to get Baelon to marry her instead, so the alcohol was also to reduce her fears so she could seem more in control....until she got carried away. Again, IF the gossip has truth.
And yes, some men of power do look at how other men see a women's beauty to evaluate how much social status she'd be to him if he partnered up with her. "Trophy wives" came from somewhere. Plus, men often validate themselves through other men's evaluation of them and whatever they can claim control over or claim, which is nearly often women and "lineage", real or not real.
yet her ambition is to go after Baelon, the man with two healthy trueborn sons already, 14 years older than her, not yet the heir with Aemon alive. How much influence could Viserra possibly have even if she did marry him at the time ? [...] (let me just roll my eyes at the mother trying to protect her nearly 30 year old son with 2 children from a “seductive” 15 year old girl…it’s pathetic) with all of the drawbacks.
Now I don't know if Viserra knew much about the actual ins-and-outs of Visenya and Aegon I's relationship (we don't we just know she was active in politics and loyal and confident and bold) or if she actually put as much thought into this as I have below, but I do think she felt she just had more of a chance to not be subject to others' authority the closest she could be to the highest authority available to women and that if she thought Baelon would be king, it's because Aemon had no male heirs.
From how Saera at least knew that Maegor had 6 wives and presumably their names and what their recorded actions/legacies were, Viserra also would likely have known about Visenya and Rhaena as was recorded by the maesters. More or less what we the readers know, if not a bit more. there would be several accounts written of Rhaena and Visenya, but we don't have that, we have just AWoIaF, Fire and Blood (which was written around Robert's time), and whatever random stuff from the main series.
Baelon already having two sons would seem to contradict Viserra pursuing him just for power. However, maybe:
[Aemon & Jocelyn marry in 70 A.C. Rhaenys was born in 74 A.C. Aemon dies in 92 A.C., so Rhaenys was 18 when he died and she was 13 in 87, when Viserra dies.] In the 13 years Rhaenys was alive, Jocelyn never birthed another kid. And after Rhaenys, the couple enjoyed many years together before Aemon's death, so they all probably thought her infertile. Jocelyn and Aemon had no sons. So, yes, people could have thought Baelon would eventually become the heir apparent to Aemon. And Jaehaerys never went out and declared it until Aemon's death, but he also never declared or approved Aemon's daughter Rhaenys being heir to the heir to the throne...ever. Despite some people praising Rhaenys as the next ruler after her birth. This is where Viserra/a reader could come from is perhaps coming from, if just to rationalize. This sort of almost panicky rationalization so pretty perfect for a girl who desperately did not want to marry a really old man.
part of Baelon's draw would be because, as I mentioned, familiarity, security, and assurance of his taking care of her/non-abusiveness or non-suppressiveness. That comes with or without sons/kids. Even with Aemon being alive.
she'd be escaping a much, too old guy that lives too far from King's Landing, the only home she's ever known and her parents gave her no other options
Women both in real and Westerosi history still relatively benefit from being married over being unmarried in some ways in feudal/monarchial/highly-patriarchal systems. Sometimes even when their marriage has had no children.
Viserra can birth children later after marriage (again, she was 15 and had a lot of childbearing years in her--as gross as that sounds--in the context of the society where she lives). No matter how back in the line of succession those kids with Baelon would be, having shared legitimate kids with the monarch/heir secures her staying married to him and thus secures her own position as one of the highest-ranking woman in Westeros, which is the aim of her marrying Baelon. Because less of her life is determined by others and she is one of the women who has the highest authorities.
Even though Baelon already had sons, she'd still be his Queen Consort, no matter what. After he dies, she'd still become a "Queen Dowager", as Rhaena, Visenya, etc. were. Visenya had Aegon's younger son...still Queen Dowager and a force to be reckoned with in court. Rhaena was once feared (unjustly) by Alyssa Velaryon, Rogar Baratheon, and her own parents--Alysanne & Jaehaerys. Rhaena and Maegor never had kids (thank god), but Rhaena was a Queen Dowager with her own ability to set up a household & direct men & women as if she were a roaming, quasi--Queen Regnant (which inspired the fear in her own family).
Alicent plays a similar game with marrying Viserys. She knows, like everyone else, that to marry a King, you become "first lady" of the realm. And becoming the mother to the next King, you definitely become the most powerful woman in the realm--before any princesses or Dowager Queens of the past Kings. But even if she didn't have Viserys' kids, she'd still have been a Queen Dowager. Alicent managed to bear 4 kids for Viserys, 3 of them male. Technically she should have enjoyed the certainty of being that "most powerful woman" by having a son as King. But unfortunately for her, Viserys had a daughter whom he named his heir and maintained her above Alicent's sons in the succession line. Having no kids or sons is not the absolute end of the world for a woman seeking power in Westeros through marrying the royal family, but Alicent wanted the surety of her sons being King. As we see Visenya has more power than Rhaena.
Viserra would have been the stepmother of Daemon & Viserys, but she'd still be a parental figure, raising them (or doing the bare minimum) PLUS their aunt by blood. She still has access to power through them after Baelon dies if she plays her cards right, esp if she has just daughters or never had legitimate kids. And if she has kids, those kids are sibling-cousins to Viserys/Daemon/the future probable King. As long as it doesn't devolve into a green-black situation (which it likely wouldn't, not with her being a Targ already and not so devoted to the Faith as Alicent), she can enjoy and feel secure her stepkids/nephews will treat her own children/her well.
Either way, she has a better deal being the Queen consort, then a Queen dowager, than being a lady-wife to some lord--in her perception and what she's observed has learned so far without knowing of the various lords' holdings or how much power she'd had outside her own family. Again, she doesn't travel and is likely not to have heard any comprehensive details of any lords outside the Keep. Broad strokes, little detail.
Someone said in a TikTok once--I think GoThistorian--that Cersei might have fared better if she married Oberyn Martell and not a royal like Robert or Rhaegar because in Dorne noblewomen have so much more value, authority, & autonomy even as not a lady regnant nor a Princess, which was what Cersei needed above all else. Her mother, Joanna, actually seemed to have started or was planning for her to marry a Dornish person when we hear she was friends with the Princess of Dorne and the trouble with Aerys'...attentions towards her. Viserra--for the moment we see her--is somewhat like Cersei here in that she wants more access to power than she does. Cersei dreamed of being Rhaegar's wife and wanted to be Robert's because she wanted that access above any romances. Viserra, same.
Some real noble women have become the mistresses of kings--whether the parties involved were already married themselves and/or had kids already or not--even though their kids would inevitably be illegitimate. Whether more by their own choice or by the insistence and arrangement of their families.
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blissfulphilospher · 3 months
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Vittoria died so Viserra could be born.
In all sense Vittoria should support Viserra's mother Rhaenyra Targaryen.
But Vittoria, now Viserra is a terrible fucked up person who only lives to serve herself. Not so different from Rhaenyra.
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Shall I tell about Vittoria?
She is a snake. Ambitious ruthless woman and my original character who got reincarnated in Fire and Blood universe.
She should support Rhaenyra given their similar circumstances and life but she doesn't. Because she is greedy to a fault.
I think this is going to be the most fucked up fic I am gonna write because the main character is unhinged. I will project my darkness.
Oh and I face claim Nadia Parkes as Viserra because she as Livia Drusilla with Tom Glynn Carney as Augustus in Domina were wonderful.
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amongthevipers · 2 months
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"i do," viserra told her with smile. she was having a great time. she and her older sister's got along well and it was such a relief that she'd gotten along with myella when she'd come into her life. "would you like me to braid your hair?" she loved to have something to do with her hands.
REPLY to @lysenixdragon / myella targaryen *
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amoratearte · 7 months
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Six fanarts challenge, characters chosen from suggestions on my Twitter
Future Queen Naerys, on her wedding day to Aegon IV.
Daemon Targaryen, the rogue prince, when he was knighted and received Dark Sister from his grandfather, King Jaehaerys.
Rhaenyra Targaryen, the realm’s delight
Daenerys Targaryen, mother of dragons
Rhaena Targaryen, Queen in the West and the East
Princess Viserra Targaryen
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zaldritzosrose · 1 month
Divine Violence: Part Two
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Summary: Prophecy was a dangerous thing. “The one akin to you, will be your downfall.” Daemon could only think of one. His nephew, Aemond. He had not even considered another. Viserra. His niece. While unlike him in physical skill and prowess, she was more than Daemon’s mirror in temperament. The twins, married in the ways of Valyria, and a force that Daemon soon would reckon with.
TW: She/Her Pronouns, use of OC (Viserra Targaryen), mentions of character deaths, canon-typical incest/twincest, mentions of child death, descriptions of sex (not full smut).
Words: 1,769
Valyrian translations at the bottom of the post.
And AGAIN, thank you @legitalicat for being my lovely beta!
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Sex and Vengeance
She felt sick. Stomach twisting into knots over and over. Jaehaerys dying was one thing, but to know Daemon had been the one behind the act was another. Viserra could not bear to tell Aegon herself, sending word through Ser Criston and Larys Strong instead. What she felt was nothing compared to what Aegon would feel, she knew that, but she could not bring herself to see the emotions when they raged through him.
Aemond, however, knew something was wrong the moment she entered their chambers.
“Ābrazyrys?” Aemond asked, the moment she shut the door, just one word enough to convey his concern.
He was a man of few words, in even Viserra, but he was perceptive. From the way her brow remained furrowed, and her hands clenched and relaxed. Aemond knew she had been down to the cells, something he had not hesitated to berate Aegon for allowing. Not that Aemond believed she would be unsafe, but he knew whatever she heard would shake her to her core.
When she did not answer, he walked over, setting down his book with little ceremony. His focus now was Viserra, hands on her arms to keep her in front of him.
“Tell me.”
Only then did she look at him, concern evident in the way he stared and the thin set of his lips. But it was as though she could not form words. Nothing would be enough to convey what she felt.
“Daemon.” Was all she could manage. But it was enough.
Aemond could piece together the rest and Viserra could feel the subtle tightening of his grip as he held back his own anger. His rage could wait. Revenge would be had, one way or another. But he had to focus on her now.
“It was Daemon…” She repeated, as if finally coming to terms with the situation.
Aemond remained silent, words were not what Viserra needed right now. He knew her as well as himself, like she was an extension of his own body and soul. He led her gently to the couch by the fire, where he had been reading when she entered. Silently, he sat down and coaxed her into his lap.
He could almost hear her mind whirring, processing everything that had happened. Not only today, but in the last few weeks. Lucerys, dead. Jaehaerys, dead. Helaena catatonic and Aegon sick with rage. Their mother and grandsire doing the best to hold the family together. Her only solace was Aemond now, the only one who could keep her sane.
His hands rested on her back, pulling her closer and urging her to curl her body into his. She was quick to relent, her head buried in his neck as she finally let herself process it all. Tears soaked the fabric of his shirt, but Aemond cared little. Viserra needed it. He needed it, his own eye stinging with tears he still would not shed. His hands firm as he rubbed up and down her back, slowly but surely calming the heaving of her breath as she sobbed.
“We have to do something.” Viserra mumbled, or at least that is what Aemond thought she said.
He leaned back and tilted her body to look at her, his finger under her chin. One brow raised which told her to repeat herself.
“We need to do something.” She said again, this time far more forceful.
Aemond knew where she was headed. Revenge. The same thing he wanted, that Aegon wanted. That their family wanted. But the way she asked, the look in her eyes. She meant the two of them. Not the family.
“We?” Aemond asked, his thumb stroking over the curve of her chin.
“What shall we do, my love?” he asked, his thumb now tugging down gently on the flesh of her lip.
Viserra paused, distracted by not only his proximity, but the warmth of his hand and the way he stared. What did she want? Revenge, yes. But how? It was not as though they could demand Daemon be brought to them, that would never work.
They needed to be clever about this.
Aemond took advantage of her silence and began to pepper kisses over her neck and jaw. For the two of them, there was never a wrong moment for intimacy. Nothing ever stood in the way of their respective appetites.
“What would my sweet idaña do in her vengeance?” Aemond muttered between kisses, knowing his voice and touch was enough to not only relax her, but entice her.
The sigh Viserra let out was enough to tell him it was working. The way she leaned into him, silently asking for more contact.
“We cannot demand Daemon come stand for his deeds…” Viserra said softly, doing her best to concentrate as Aemond moved down her jaw to her neck.
All she received in response was a hum of approval. Politics and strategy were his game, not hers. She preferred the more, secretive arts. Using the smallest morsel of information against another where she could, an art she had perfected by now. Aemond focused solely on distracting her, letting her relax and think things through.
With practised hands, he maneuvered her to straddle his lap, hands squeezing her thighs when she did not continue talking.
“Word says he is in Harrenhal, laying claim to the stronghold for Rhaenyra’s cause,”
Aemond nodded as he nipped at her neck, hands continuing to knead the flesh of her thighs as he bunched her skirts higher. All of this was the obvious part, to him anyway. But he needed Viserra to work things through. She needed to work things through.
“Harrenhal would be a prize and more for our cause, would it not, brother?” Viserra pulled herself away to force his answer.
“A prize, yes, but how would we take it?” Aemond countered and Viserra narrowed her eyes at him, earning her a smirk in response as he resumed his attack on her skin.
“Our uncle is arrogant, but he will expect retaliation. He would expect Aegon to send an army at least,” Viserra replied as her hands tangled in his hair, tugging just enough to have him biting a little harder at her neck.
“So, we do not send an army.”
Aemond had to admit, he had not expected such coherence in her plan. Not because he doubted her intelligence, Viserra was more than she seemed. But because he had expected to be filled with a rage that would near burn her from the inside, not be calculated and planned in her vengeance so soon. His smirk could be felt against her neck, telling her she was right.
“I do listen when you prattle on about strategy, you know, my darling,” Viserra purred, tugging him away from her neck and bringing his lips to hers.
“Jāhor ao gūrogon vengeance rūsīr issa?”
Aemond near growled in response, even more so to the High Valyrian. Ever since Storm’s End, he had kept vengeance in his mind and heart. The death of Jaehaerys had only made that need greater. Now, having Viserra has desperate for it as he was, he would leave tonight and burn Harrenhal to the ground if she asked.
"Va moriot.” Was the last word from Aemond’s lips before he had his lips on hers, near throwing her down onto the couch below in his haste.
Some men found lust and desire by softer means, like the flirtation or tender touch of their lady. Aemond, however, found it in the darkness that lived in his sweet sister. That fire that never failed to have both his heart and cock demanding her. And Viserra was always willing.
Aemond’s hands slid under her skirts, making quick work of her smallclothes before slipping his fingers deftly between her folds. It seemed talking about vengeance atop him had been enough to get his precious wife excited. But Viserra was not here for his teasing this time.
“Do not tease tonight, valzȳrys,” Viserra hissed down at him and Aemond chuckled but relented. He knew better than to argue.
He made quick work of his preparations, fingertips spreading her slick over her skin as his other hand made quick work of his own breeches. Tonight, would not be a night for soft caresses and slow sensuality. But Aemond remained gentle as he entered her, as he always was, earning him a moan from Viserra to match his own growl of satisfaction.
His movements were gentle but hurried, pushing inside her until he could move no further. Hands pinning hers above her head as he began to rut into her, lips kissing whatever skin he could.
There was no softness and romance, the two of them pouring all emotion they had into this one act. Aemond’s thrusts brutal as he kissed and nipped any skin he could. Viserra’s nails digging into the hand that held her wrists while her legs wrapped tight around his waist.
Soon, release found them both. Nothing but grunts and growls from Aemond mixed with the soft chants of his name from Viserra. Slowly, he stilled, gently settling his weight atop her as he released her hands.
“I will give you, and our family, the vengeance we deserve, my sweet sister…”
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Alys had been summoned to Daemon’s chambers, which surprised her. The prince never asked for her presence since she had given him her last vision. He had all but avoided her. But he had been given word that she had done nothing but stare into her flames for the last three days.
The three days that had past since word had reached him of the success of Blood and Cheese, and rumours had circled she had seen another vision.
“You called, my prince?” Alys asked, standing close to the door as Daemon turned to acknowledge her.
He nodded, gesturing for Alys to come closer.
“The servants said you have been at the flames? Is this true?” Daemon asked, sounding sceptical as usual.
Alys knew this was coming, despite how he would mock her abilities, he still sought them out.
“I have, do you wish to know what I saw?”
Daemon knew to take the witch’s words with a grain of salt. Never outrightly believe what she said, but he needed to know. And what Alys had seen, would change everything. The question was, how much would she reveal?
Alys began to explain, in her usual frustratingly ambiguous way, her vision. The sudden rush of sight that had hit her hard as she had stared into the flames. Slips of silver hair. The quick flashes of blood, flame, and battle.
A decision made.
Vengeance would be taken.
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Valzȳrys = husband
Idaña = twin
Ābrazyrys = wife
“Jāhor ao gūrogon vengeance rūsīr issa?” = "Will you take vengeance with me?"
"Va moriot." = "Always."
a/n I do use a translator so the High Valyrian won't be perfect!
And comment or dm if you want to be tagged!
@multyfangirl @khaleesihel @lady-phasma @blissfulphilospher @vhagar-balerion-meraxes
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sesikudadaryti · 1 year
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PROMPT: “Take off my clothes.” TAGGING: @manystoriesss.
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She'd never done this before. She knew what to expect to a degree, but she'd never been with a man before Aemond, and while there was something rather poetic about laying with the man who bullied your brothers relentlessly all their lives, she felt a nervousness within her that made her body tremble, clear down to her delicate, soft hands.
Viserra reached timidly to touch the clasps on his doublet, her hands shaking with nerves as she swallowed down that nervousness and continued from top to bottom, slowly undoing each and every one until she reached then end, and then looked up to meet his lilac eyes that matched her own shade as she pushed the doublet back and off his shoulders.
Once she was done there she moved to pull the loose undershirt up and over his head, before adding that to the pile of clothing she had started. Looking down she knew where her hands needed to go next, but stopped when she gasped in a nervous breath.
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