#chapter 3 is outlined and some scenes are planned so once I finally rewatch season 1 enough to write it more in character...
Sweet Irony - Girly411 - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Relationships: Merlin & Arthur
Rating: G
Summary: When outsiders come to Camelot and shake things up, the occasional unwelcome house guest becomes the least of Prince Arthur’s worries.
Chapters 1 and 2 found on AO3 and FFN.
Note: These chapters were written in the style of the season 1 era humorous FFN fics of the day. They were edited a bit to correct some mistakes but have otherwise remained untouched. I have plans to continue the story on AO3 if the universe sees it fit and ideally the writing will be more solid moving forward as the story continues to evolve.
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Author Interview Tag
@liathgray thanks for tagging me boo 😘🤗 this got longer than I thought it would be 😅
Name: Paulina but you can also call me Mundi on here (my url is too long 😂)
Fandom(s): these days I only write for DC Titans (like I literally cannot make myself to write about anything else, it's just not possible) but on my ao3 you can also find something for Avengers, Star Wars and my very first one was for CW Supergirl
Where you post: ao3 and Tumblr
Most popular oneshot (by kudos): A Miracle with 178 kudos - this fic was me coping after watching Avengers Endgame and trying to fix things that shouldn't happen (also because my heart was aching for a certain pair)
And close second, with 175 kudos is my very first fic for Titans - I Will Always Need You. Again, me coping, this time after season 1 finale. I was in desperate need for more father-daughter softness and since there were very few fics about that at the time, I said "screw this, I'm gonna do it myself."... And here we are.
Most popular multichapter fic: You Are The Best Thing That's Ever Been Mine - my first ever multichapter that wasn't supposed to be a multichapter at all at first. Written completely out of order and put together like puzzle pieces... But I guess my lack of organization worked out
Favorite story you've written so far: Purification. Because of the amount of work and dedication I have put into this fic and because it was the first time I came up with a very detailed and specific idea for a plot after always struggling to get something original. It was a breakthrough moment for me as a writer.
Fic you were nervous to post: There are two actually.
Chapter 8 of Purification. No Spoilers of course, but this chapter - the most important moment in this chapter - is what brought this story to life in my head. All started from an idea of this one particular moment and a question of what would be that moment's consequences? And as excited as I was to finally post it, I was also very anxious, because it's a very heavy, emotionally draining scene (I cried for 30 min after writing it). It deals with tragedy, with loss - a very specific kind of loss that might be triggering for some people. I was very scared of that.
The second one is It's Been a Year (And I Still Love You). It was the first fic I rated T and put additional trigger warnings on. It dives into topics like bullying, emotional abuse, neglect, childhood trauma and loss. It shows the first step to getting closure and the first one is always the hardest. I was scared to write it, I wasn't sure if I can tackle this topic but it was suggested to me more than once and I got positive encouragement so I did it.
How do you choose your titles: I really struggle with titles, though it got easier with time. I often turn to songs or I pick a word of a phrase from the story that feels like a key one. But my #1 rule is that the title needs to be matching the fic. It needs to be a part of the story. I want the readers to come back to it once they finish reading and be like "ohhhh so that's what it means. Now it makes sense!" The title itself is a clue for what's in the story.
Do you outline: I, uh... *nervous laughing* I'm not sure if I can call what I do "outlining". I get the idea for a scene, no background or context, sometimes with what I want to come out of it in the end. I build the story around it. I create as I go. I write 2000k words scenes that didn't even exist in my head when I opened the document. It just sort of... Happens. Also, I love talking to myself (at least she's willing to listen) so I often just walk around my room telling myself the story out loud, again - creating as I go.
Complete: 29 works officially posted on ao3 + there are 3 or 4 thingies lost in the vast space of my Tumblr blog (but I found them and put them in my fanfiction masterpost)
In progress: one currently at a little over 3000k words written
Coming soon/not yet started: one fix-it oneshot I had plans for since I have no idea how long but I am determined to sit down today and at least start writing it. But first I need to do a little rewatch for research.
Do you accept prompts: yes of course! I don't get much of them (if any) but I'm always open for new ideas!
Upcoming work that you’re most excited about: There's one... But it's a secret 👀🤐
Tagging some amazing writers. Even if we never spoke a word to each other (or maybe we have, long ago), please know that I absolutely love your works 🤗❤
@darkambersky @brejamison @riseofnightwing @ironxprince @undertheknightwing
And of course anyone who wants to do it 😁
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archaeopter-ace · 5 years
the epigraphs in Metamorphosis
Picking up where this post left off, I’m gonna ramble about my choice of Kafka quotes.
Because apparently I love to make things difficult for myself, I wanted to find quotes that would be considered ‘bad advice’ in these circumstances, to tie it back to ‘don’t listen to kafka’ - but if you ever become a notable literary figure, the sorts of quotes you’re remembered for tend to be the ones with some underlying human truth, not ones that offer bad advice. So I had that working against me. But I figured if nothing else I’d certainly find pessimistic quotes tangentially related to something in the chapter. Those would fit my concept then, because the inverse message would be ‘you don’t have to pessimistic about this.’
Time to break ‘em down!
“I usually solve problems by letting them devour me.” - Franz Kafka 
I put this one in the story summary because I think it expresses how overwhelmed Barbara and Jim are feeling about this whole mess. Also I find it very relatable on a personal level, aha, a missed deadline is resolved and there’s some relief to be found in that. It was originally going to go as a chapter epigraph later in the story, but I really liked it as a summary of the whole story because - spoiler alert for the most recent chapter - the solution to Jim’s problem, i.e. turning into a troll, is, in fact, to do nothing and let the change happen. Only once his human self is completely consumed by his troll self will he be able to regain his human body. So maybe, just this once, Jim actually could Listen To Kafka. (I thought putting an epigraph in the summary might mean I couldn’t also do a dictionary-style definition in stylistic parallel to Autoeponym, but then I just decided why not both? and rolled with it)
Chapter 1: "One advantage to keeping a diary is that you become aware with reassuring clarity of all the changes which you constantly suffer."
I picked this one for chapter one because it carries this notion of cataloguing changes, which the narrative does quite a bit at the start since there’s been a time skip since Autoeponym and we’ve got to set the stage. In fact, in the original draft Barbara was a lot more active in keeping a journal and writing everything down, but then I realized that that would be really uncomfortable for Jim, and thus the line about “dialing back Dr. Lake as much as possible, and pushing Mom to the foreground” was born. I kept the chosen epigraph, even if the diary aspect got nixed, because I think it still fits from an ‘ack, too many changes!’ angle. [Jim should not listen to Kafka because it’d be better for him to just focus on the changes he’s going through, and not frame it as something that he must suffer]
Chaper 2: "So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being." This quote is from his short story, Investigations of a Dog, told from a dog’s POV (not to be confused with Mark Twain’s A Dog’s Tale, also told from a dog’s POV). The chapter connection in this one is with food, because it is the dinner scene. [Jim is unlikely to listen to Kafka in this instance because boy does he ever have a lot of unresolved questions]
The other food-related quote I considered for this chapter was “Now I can look at you in peace; I don’t eat you anymore,” which could maybe have been commentary on Stickler’s potentially-shifting allegiances, but really just seemed to bring Aaarrrgghh’s past up completely out of the blue. (original quote context: Kafka went vegetarian)
Chapter 3:  "I am a cage, in search of a bird."
Oh man, there were so many quotes I considered for this chapter I couldn’t even remember which one I went with off the top of my head and had to look up the posted chapter. The themes I wanted to play with involved imprisonment (hence “a cage”) and the toxicity of Strickler’s manipulations. The ‘don’t listen to kafka’ aspect of this one is cautionary, warning Barbara away from Walter. 
Other quotes I toyed with: 
"You can choose to be free, but it's the last decision you'll ever make”
“I am in chains. Don’t touch my chains.”
“Kill me, or you are a murderer.”
“Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable.”
“My guiding principle is this: Guilt is never to be doubted.”
"There is an infinite amount of hope in the universe... but not for us." 
“Association with human beings lures one into self-reflection.”
Something that helps to understand why some of these were considered is knowing that in the early drafts, Strickler was going to try to manipulate Jim into letting him go by arguing that Jim should just kill him, it would be much more merciful than the death Bular would give him for failing in his mission. I had some really nice dialogue mapped out, but then I rewatched Mudslinging and reconsidered in light of Strickler’s thirst for revenge on Jim. By his own admission, Strickler seems to have made out pretty well from the failure to open Killahead, so the idea of revenge for ruining a plan that maybe wouldn’t have been his first choice if he’d had free choice... it seems a little bit of a stretch. He does mention wanting to stop Jim from releasing all the familiars from the Darklands, and he believes the only way to stop Jim from ever doing that is to... murder him brutally. 
I think the revenge Strickler seeks is really for ruined pride, rather than any material damage incurred. So given that I’m dealing with season 1 Strickler and not season 3 or fanon Strickler, the scenes I had written no longer seemed as in-character. He wasn’t quite backed up against the ropes enough for him to be throwing himself on the Trollhunter’s mercy, even if it was a ploy. He’s got other approaches he can take first to talk his way out, ones that keep his dignity more intact.
Chapter 4: "People label themselves with all sorts of adjectives. I can only pronounce myself as 'nauseatingly miserable beyond repair'."
Jim finally has a label for what he is! And he’s having a pretty crummy day, so ‘nauseatingly miserable beyond repair’ also fits. This is one of the chapters I’d considered using the ‘devoured’ quote for. Another one I considered for this chapter was “I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself,” which absolutely fits Jim’s mood, but therein lies the problem: there’s not really a way to see how ‘don’t listen to Kafka' fits. Also it’s not quite as pithy as the one I went with ;P [Jim shouldn’t listen to Kafka because if he labels himself as only miserable, it will be that much harder to feel something other than miserable].
Chapter 5: “I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound or stab us.”
In my original outline, chapters 5 and 6 were combined into one chapter, and then this quote fit very well because part of the chapter would take place in Blinky’s library (full of books). I think it still fits just 5 though, and in the absence of anything better I went with it. Here, the ‘books’ are symbolic of knowledge, and its capacity to inflict plain - in this chapter, Jim learns a lot of painful truths. [Jim shouldn’t listen to Kafka because of course Jim can read fluffy stories as well if he wants to, not all books have to rip your heart out. And more symbolically, not all knowledge has to be painful; though neither can you avoid all the knowledge that is.]
And finally, as a spoiler-free sneak-peak at the next chapter, I will give you the next epigraph!
Chapter 6: “How about I sleep a bit longer and forget all this nonsense.”
I almost used this one for chapter 4, but when I realized I’d probably have to split up chapter 5 I saved it for later. It is my favorite line from Kafka’s Metamorphosis, and it is Gregor Samsa’s first reaction to waking up and discovering that he now a giant cockroach (it actually does take him a while to figure it all out - he can’t move his head so he can’t see himself all that well, and he naturally thinks that he must be dreaming still at first). Jim would very much like to just go to sleep and forget all this nonsense, please
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The Great Blank Spot: @hoteldestiel
So much goes into creating fanfiction even before the first words hit the paper. And in-depth spotlight on our writers and the process behind their work.
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Tell us about your current project.
Peaches and Plums is my take at a canon-divergent run through of the second half of Season 3 as well as an exploration of all the pieces of the mosaic timeline we didn't get to see. Really, it's my super self-indulgent excuse to dive deep into Eliot's insecurities and darknesses and how they align with/interact with Quentin's. And write these two falling deeply, madly in love with each other as they deserve.
The fics are finally posted from The Trials. Did you participate?
I didn't! I wasn't in deep enough with this fandom until after that challenge was over but I would love to participate in the future!
What is your current word count?
With the draft of Chapter 5 I need edited before I post, I'm at 15,389
Do you try to write daily? Do you have a word count or other goals you try to hit for each writing session?
I do! Not always on this project, I've got a lot of things rolling, but I have been very serious this year about making writing fiction a daily habit for me. Right now my word count goal is 750 words for my 39 Graves timeline and then whatever else I feel like rocking on top of that. Lately I've been averaging around 2k per day.
What was the inspiration for this fic?
A Life in the Day is basically a fanfic writer's dream, really, with all the blank spots waiting to be filled. One of the first things that pulled me into this show was Quentin and Eliot's relationship, and getting to see that in such a powerful way in 3x05 inspired the heck out of me. I also just really wanted a chance to dive into Eliot's head more. I love that chaotic good trauma baby ok??
How do you stay motivated between chapters/stories?
I read (novels, other fanfic, you name it), I work on other projects, I consume other art (music, tv, movies, gifsets lbr those are ART) and I bounce ideas off of people in the fandom, geek out on headcanons, rewatch episodes and meta the heck out of whatever comes my way. Having the daily writing habit helps a lot, it's hard to lose all motivation when you know you have a standing date with your keyboard.
Did this fic require any research? How much research do you typically do for your fics?
So far my only research has been referring back to the second half of season 3 and consulting the Magicians Wiki when I get stuck. If a fic requires me to do some googling (like this idea I have brewing in the back of my mind probably will) I will gladly google whatever I need to to make sure it's right. Usually, though, I don't research until I run up against the thing that needs clarification. If I get too in my head about the details, the prose doesn't come as easily.
Do you typically write ahead or post as you go?
I post as I go! Write a chapter, get it edited/betaed, and out into the ether it goes! I usually sit with it for a couple of days after it's drafted and edited before I publish it, but that's about as close to writing ahead as I get.
How much planning and outlining did you do before you started putting words on paper?
For Peaches and Plums, almost none. I had the idea, and I was driving home from work when the first sentence of it came into my head clear as day. I repeated it to myself the rest of the drive home so I wouldn't lose it by the time I got there, walked through the door and immediately sat down to start writing. I jot down notes for future chapters as they come to me but it's been pretty go-with-the-flow so far.
Has it been pretty smooth sailing or rough waters? When things get rocky, how do you handle needing to rewrite sections or scrap scenes entirely?
It was smooth sailing (punt intended, thanks Muntjac) until Chapter 5. The plot had a pretty clear direction and I knew where I wanted it to go, but Chapter 5 is an all-mosaic chapter and I struggled with that. It stalled me out for a couple of weeks, and the first version of that chapter straight up doesn't exist anymore. I've been writing for a long time so I'm less precious with my writing, I'll cut huge chunks out if I feel they don't really serve the story, and I'm totally okay with rewriting. The biggest thing I try to keep in mind when I'm rewriting is that it can't happen in a vacuum. When I'm done with the rewrite, I make sure to read the whole chapter/piece over again because sometimes it gets messy and confusing, or repetitive without trying. Rocky, for me, is running out of plot steam or being unsure of where to go next, but I think I've got a pretty clear direction of the next few chapters so I'm excited to have some momentum again!
“That’s bullshit!” Q said, stepping closer again, reaching Eliot’s side before he had time to do anything drastic.
“You’re right,” Not-Eliot growled. “You can end this, don’t let him talk you out of it.”
“No, Q. It’s not bullshit. It’s smart. The rest of you can figure this out without me,” Eliot said, his foot still perched on the rung.
“Not like you were really much help anyway,” Not-Eliot added, “Quentin didn’t even figure out the mosaic until after you died.”
Eliot shook his head. God, he hadn’t thought of it like that. It made sense. He gripped the rung tighter, willing himself to shift his weight upward.
“No!” Quentin shouted, placing his hand over one of Eliot’s. Eliot stopped.
“Why not, huh? Can you give me one good, legitimate reason? Not some shitty reason about how the quest needs me or how I’m some great magician if I can just stick it out until we get magic back, or how Fillory needs me. That’s all so fucking flimsy, and we both know it. Give me a real reason, Q.”
Quentin was quiet. Eliot took it as an answer. He brought his other foot to the rung, hoisting himself up once more.
“I already lost you once, El, don’t make me lose you again.”
The Great Blank Spot is an in-depth spotlight focusing on the writing process and previewing in-progress fics for our fandom. It is meant to be an organic, ever-evolving feature. Previously interviewed fic writers can reach out to us here, to have a specific work featured. If you’d like to have a work featured but haven’t done the author spotlight, reach out to us to get started. If you have suggestions for questions you’d like to see answered, shoot us an ask!
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