kyanako5972 · 5 months
OCgram 127 - Rinalei Liu
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"I am Rinalei Liu. 42 years old. I was expecting prison to look very different. Or is this not an actual prison? Hm? Forgive? I wasn't asking for your opinion."
"I k**w th** w**'t br**g t*em ba*k, *ut a* l**st y**'ll n**er **rt a**o*e a*ai*."
(Babbling under the cut)
After Claire (my long-time darling), Rinalei was the second character I thought of for this batch. She's based on one of my other characters, but time-shifted to fit the year 127. Beta name was "Rina Legère", but I already have too many names ending with "n" and "a". And Irena already has the French sort of surname (Agita -> agité).
She's probably half Korang, half Changdi (flute), which is why her hair is silver. Silver, not old gray. (Go find the teenage Flo and Patrick Tempo elsewhere in my gallery. They also have silver hair.)
Her first name is most likely a portmanteau. I don't know if it's a widespread practice in the Philippines, but there are a few jokes floating around. Anyway, my fictional world has a whole family tree branch of portmanteaus (including my screen name, Philyra), so this should be fine.
The more I work on my characters, the more I think about how each one is the odd one out in their own way.
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imgoblinart · 5 years
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Every now and then I log onto my monk so I can quest in Pandaria again. That expansion is so calming!
Here is said Pandaren Monk, Changdi! I’m trying to branch out and learn to draw different body types. I’m not quite there yet, but I’m happy with this!
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mcheang · 4 years
ELOD episode 38 review
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Feng Jiu’s plan works perfectly. Changdi is chased by Qing. She never notices Xize is really Moye in disguise because she tries to hide her dirty face and he hides his own face. But here there is a mishap. Feng Jiu confuses Dong Hua for Moye and takes him to see the Yueling flowers.
While there, she pretty much gives away her identity as an imposter by suggesting Moye was in love with Aranya. Dong Hua instead praises Feng Jiu’s qualities, even as she is unaware of this. Still, Feng Jiu thinks Moye is in denial and relates her own experience in unrequited love. The romantic mood comes to an end when Feng Jiu realizes the man behind the mask is Xize and she runs away squealing.
Moye warns Feng Jiu of impending trouble. Because he and Aranya’s brother defend her, the emperor sentences her to reflect on her wrongdoings in a cage. Harsh much. Changdi doesn’t think so. She instead switches the cage for a torturous serpentine cage.
Dong Hua tells Junuo she is healed. Junuo informs Dong Hua that Aranya is being punished. Changdi invites him to a banquet and is upset Xize gives her the cold shoulder. At the banquet, Xize asks for Aranya to be released but the emperor insists this is the law and that Aranya is fine. Changdi leaves to mock Aranya.
At that time, a fire occurs and Feng Jiu gets back at Changdi by making her experience a bit of the serpentine cage. Shen Ye saves Aranya. Dong Hua arrives too late.
The emperor is concerned about Changdi’s safety the most, ignoring his wife and other daughters.
Shen Ye leaves Aranya in Moye’s care. Moye admits he knew of the fire but not how far it would spread. Dong Hua is searching for Feng Jiu and finds her with Moye.
What I like
Yueling flowers. Feng Jiu’s Song.
Aranya’s brother. At least he defended her.
Surprisingly Junuo asked Xize to check on Aranya.
What I dislike
Changdi is an evil brat. Seriously...who tortures someone else over a scary prank? What a psychopath. It’s a good thing she will never become empress. She is startling like her father. Willing to hurt her own sibling and wanting her sibling’s spouse.
Seriously...you would think Dong Hua, Shen Ye or even Moye would check in on Feng Jiu while she is imprisoned. After losing her once, are they seriously going to be careless again?!!!!
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woo-do-hwan · 4 years
Eternal Love of Dream: Episodes 38 & 39
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...This is a love story... I promise.
episode thirty-eight
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This is how a thriller movie begins. 
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I can’t... lmao. Su Moye with the white hair. Lmaoo. 
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I can’t stop laughing. I think I might need to go take a breather. lol
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She checks him out, lmao. Su Moye definitely doesn’t look like, I mean look at Donghua, he’s a giant. Gao Weiguang is 191 cm (6ft 3) man is a giant. I’d look like a potato next to him. Anyway, Dylan Kuo is 6 ft 1 around 185 cm (I looked this all up, these facts may be wrong if you’re reading this in the future) To me, it’s quite a noticeable difference. But, since this is a dream and she isn’t currently aware Donghua’s here, I’ll let her off. 
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Oh honey... Donghua’s just going to let Fengjiu talk his ear off for the next who knows how many hours and he’s going to be so in love with her. *sigh... to be that in love... honestly envy donghua and lan wangji rn*
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Oh so beautiful. This whole scene. 
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Romeo & Juliet... this has suddenly got me thinking about the song Love Story by Taylor Swift.
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You still had doubts? Fengjiu literally confessed you broke her heart in front of you. 
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Changdi literally has the same parents as Aranya and she isn’t treated like sh*t...
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Fengjiu with her priorities ---> avoid a snake at all costs. 
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He’s reminiscing, aww. 
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Sounds dramatic but I pictured the cage a little smaller than it is. Any move Fengjiu makes she’ll be injured in some way. I guess having it smaller would be pretty claustrophobic, I mean it looks like it is already. 
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We all know it’s just because Aranya’s family hates her and doesn’t want her around. Mic drop. 
episode thirty-nine
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Yes. Stan the brother... Idk what I’m saying. 
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I like how they are using the cliche amnesia plot and not using it at the same time.          
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**in the novel** I don’t want to say each time Fengjiu was in trouble and it involved Donghua, she expected or wanted him to save her but most times she did. And each time it happened (when he doesn’t come) she matures. In a way, I like to view it as Fengjiu trying to distance herself from Donghua, knowing he’s not coming and she needs to get on with her life. While Donghua is the complete opposite, he finally realises he is in love with her and starts to try and pull her back in.  
fengjiu: gotta go my own way - hsm2 
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The new friend trio, lmao. 
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No one can resist falling in love with Fengjiu. I mean... I can’t. 
See you next time! Questions? Just ask and I will try my best to answer them. 
episodes 36 & 37
episodes 40 & 41
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 39
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It’s Fengjiu and Moye. Fengjiu pities Alanre for being so disliked by so many people. While she was almost unconscious during the fire, she remembered a person with silver hair and purple clothes, it made her heart ache. She says that she’s a little jealous of Junuo because Xize takes such good care of her, while every time she faces hardships she’s always by herself. She feels sad for Alanre since she has nobody to love her and protect her. However she’s not any better than her. When Moye asks her if she hates him (probably talking about the guy she liked), she says she doesn’t, he’s a good person, it’s only that they aren’t meant to be. She just wish for someone that would show up for her when she faces danger. Donghua heard everything and when Fengjiu falls asleep for crying so much, he snatches her away from Moye’s arms.
When she wakes up, Donghua is by her side. He wants to take a look at her wound but she wouldn’t let him and tells him she’s Alanre and not Junuo. He gives her water, but she doesn’t want it and says she won’t say anything that happened to the king, he doesn’t need to worry for Junuo and Changdi. He asks her about the person she likes and she’s saying that she would rather not see that person again. Poor Donghua.
Donghua confronts Su Moye. He tells he came in the dream because of Lian Song. Donghua knows Moye took the place of the Moye from this world. He asks him not to reveal his identity to Fengjiu yet and entrusts her to his care while he’s going to be away in Xize’s retreat.
Lian Song even though he doesn’t know what is taking them so long believes Donghua will bring Fengjiu out safe and sound and convinces Xiangli Mengand Yan Chiwu that everything will be fine.
Moye invites Fengjiu to eat grilled fish together. But he actually doesn’t even know how to cook it, so Fengjiu has to teach him. He also got her porridge and the fish was from Donghua. Fengjiu is wondering why all of the sudden Xize cares so much about her.
The Biyi bird king is bored and Shenye suggests that they have a look at the next meteor shower with the princesses and host a banquet at the same time. The king likes this idea.
Fengjiu asks Moye if he has found Donghua yet. He lies that he haven’t. Right then Shenye comes and sees Fengjiu feeding cakes to Moye. It makes him think back of when Alanre was still a kid. He also fed her cakes. He came to invite them to the banquet organized by the king that same night. Does nobody finds it weird that Shenye and Xize looks exactly the same? I mean except for the bad wig. I mean in Eternal Love, they all took at least once Ye Hua for Mo Yuan, it’s basically the same here, no? Oh well. It’s magic hahaha.
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bookofjin · 5 years
The Nine Orchestra of Emperor Yang of Sui
[From Suishu 15]
Reaching the middle of Daye [605 – 618], Emperor Yang therefore settled the Pure Music, Western Liang, Quici, Tianzhu, Kangguo, Shule, Anguo, Gaoli, Conclusion of Rites, using them as the Nine Sections [of Music]. The musical instruments and workers' clothes [?] establishing and construction had been completed, greatly perfected at this time.
[Western Liang governed the Hexi corridor late in the Sixteen Kingdoms era.
Quici is the modern Kucha, a city state in the Tarim Basin.
Kangguo, (the State of Kang), is old Sogdia.
Tianzhu is (north-west) India.
Shule is modern Kashgar, another state in the Tarim Basin.
Anguo (the state of An) should be Persia (Anxi).
Gaoli, I believe is Goryeo in northern Korea, but it is not presented very clearly.]
Pure Music, its beginnings precisely were the Three Tunes of the Pure Shang note [?,  清商三調]. Both Han came from the old tones. The appearance of the musical instruments are regulated, and also the song compositions are in ancient expression. They and those made by the Three Founders of Wei all are in the historical records.
During the Jin court's moves and dispersal, the Yi and Jie stole possession, its tones were divided and scattered. When Fu Yonggu pacified the Zhang clan, he began in Liang province to obtain it. Wu of Song pacified Guanzhong, and because of that it entered the south, and did not return to be in the interior lands.
When [the Sui] pacified Chen [they] afterwards received it. Gaozu heard it, and was pleased with its measured beat, saying:
This is the proper sound of the Huaxia. Formerly because of Yongjia it drifted to outside the Jiang. I received Heaven's enlightened instructions, and now again assembles it together.
Even though appreciating the moves of successive times, yet the ancients caused similarly to be [?]. [We] can use this as the original, small changes impair the advantage, removing its lamenting hatreds, examine and restore it. Use the newly settled pitch-pipes, change building the musical instruments.
Its singing tune is the Sunlit Companion, the dancing tunes are the Enlightened Lord and Equal Pact.
Its musical instruments are the zhong鐘 bell, the qing 磬 stone chime, the qin 琴 zither, the se瑟 zither, the jiqin擊琴 striking zither, the pipa 琵琶 lute, the konghou 箜篌 harp, the zhu 築 zither, the jiegu 節鼓 measuring drum, the sheng笙 reed organ, the di笛 flute, the xiao簫 pan pipe,  the chi篪 flute, the xun 塤 ocarina, 15 kinds, being one section. 25 workers.
Western Liang emerged from the end of the Fu clan. Lü Guang, Juqu Mengxun and others occupied Liang province. They altered the sound of Qiuci, titling it as the performance of Qin and Han. When Taiwu of Wei had pacified West of the He he obtained it, speaking of it as the Music of Western Liang. Reaching the juncture of Wei and Zhou, they thereupon spoke of it as State Performance.
Now the followers of the bent-necked pipa曲項琵琶 lute and the angled-necked konghou豎頭箜篌 harp both emerged from the Western Regions, they are not old instruments of the Huaxia. The categories of New Sounds of the Willow Marsh and Godly White Horse were born among the Hu Rong. The Hu Rong sing not in the lost tunes of Han and Wei, for that reason the sound of their musical instruments change, and are truly not similar to the books and histories.
Its singing tune is the Perpetual Generations Music, the release [?] tune is the Abundance of Ten thousand Generations dance. The tune is the Yutian Buddha Tune.
[Yutian is the kingdom of Khotan, modern Hotan in the Tarim Basin.]
Its musical instruments are the zhong鐘 bell, the qing 磬 stone chime, the tanzheng 彈箏 plucked zither, the chouzheng 搊箏 plucked zither, the wokonghou 臥箜篌 arched harp, shutoukonghou豎頭箜篌 angled-necked  harp, the pipa 琵琶 lute, wuxian 五弦 five strings lute, the sheng笙 reed organ, the xiao簫 pan pipe, the da bili 大篳篥 great reed-whistle, the changdi 長笛 long flute, the xiao bili 小篳篥 small reed-whistle, the  hengdi橫笛 transverse flute, the yaogu 腰鼓 waist drum, the qigu 齊鼓 navel [?] drum, the dangu 擔鼓 carried drum, the tongba 銅拔 cymbals, the bei貝 shell horn, 19 kinds, being one section. 27 workers.
Quici, comes from Lü Guang wiping out Quici, following that he obtained their sounds. The Lü clan perished, and their music divided and dispersed. Later Wei pacified the Central Plains, and then acquired it. Its sound later had many changes and alterations. Reaching the Sui, there were the Quici of the Western States[s]' Quici, the Quici of the Qi Court, and the Earthen [?] Quici kinds, altogether three divisions.
[Lü Guang conquered Quici in 384, and later founded the state of Later Liang.]
In the middle of Kaihuang [581 – 600], its instruments were greatly abundant in the alley gates [?]. At the time there were Cao Miaoda, Wang Changtong, Li Shiheng, Guo Jinle, An Jingui and others, all marvellously superb with pipes and strings.  The new sounds were singularly changeable, at dawn changing and at dusk altering. They grasped their skill with tones, selling and haggling among excellencies and kings. They were lifted up at the time to strive with each other longing for supremacy.
Gaozu was concerned about it, and spoke to the crowd of subjects, saying:
[I] have heard the excellencies are all fond of the new alterations, and are memorialising without restoring the correct sounds. This is of great inauspiciousness. Families themselves shape the state. To change the manners of the perfect man cannot be said to be the methods of Under Heaven. The excellencies' families [are] the families from where [we] have manners and customs! [?] Living or perishing, good or bad, [they] cannot but be connected to them. Music moves people's depth, in affairs providing harmony and elegance [?], excellencies and others responding to friends and guests with feasts [?], [we] ought when memorialising to have proper sound. [If] the sound is not correct, how can we make men and women hear!
The Emperor, though he had this edict, was yet in the end unable to help it. Emperor Yang did not resolve the tone regulations, and in general did not concern [himself] or care [about it]. Later the great regulations' gorgeous chapters explained the extremely excessive lace-work [?].
Now the music is properly simple, clear and insightful to make the new sounds [?], establishing the Ten thousand Years Music, [For?] Seven Evenings Meeting Each other Music[?], Pitch-Pot Music, Dancers and Seated with the Same Heart and Topknot, Jade Woman Moves the Cup, Divine Immortal Detains Traveller, Throw Bricks and Continue Life, Fighting for Chicken Eggs, Fighting for a Hundred Straws, Sailing the Dragon Ship, Returning to the Old Palace, Enduring Music Blossoms, and the Twelve Seasons tunes, hiding and holding back, pushing aside and covering over, the sorrowful tones broken off and cut short.
The Emperor was pleased with it without end, he spoke to the favoured subjects, saying:
Those who often pluck tones are like people who often read books. Read books books often and you are able to compose books. Pluck tones often and you are able make tones. This is the reason it is so.
Because of that a saying clearly and wisely [?] stated:
The Qi clan were swept into a corner, Cao Mingda was as if he enfoeffed himself king. We now greatly united Under Heaven, in desiring to value you [?], ought to cultivate prudence.
6th Year [of Kaihuang?, 586 AD], Gaochang presented the Sagely Clarity Music tune. The Emperor ordered those knowledgable in tones to listen to it in the guest house, return back and learn and practice [it]. When the travellers were just about to present it, they first in front [of them] memorialised it. The Hu Yi all were surprised by it. Its singing tune is Good, Good Mani [Buddhist jewel of truth]. The release tune is Bhaga's Son [?, 婆伽婆 MC Bagwaba, Sanskrit Bhagawan, is one of Buddha's epithets]. The dancing tune is the Lesser Heaven. There also is the Shule Salt.
[Gaochang was a city state in the Tarim basin. The Salt Tune is also mentioned under the Shule heading below.]
Its musical instruments are the shukonghou豎箜篌 angled-necked  harp, the pipa 琵琶 lute, wuxian 五弦 five strings lute, the sheng笙 reed organ, the di笛 flute, the xiao簫 pan pipe, the bili 篳篥 reed-whistle, the maoyuan gu 毛員鼓 hairy round [?] drum, the dutan gu  都曇鼓 drum, the dala gu 答臘鼓 drum, the yaogu 腰鼓 waist drum, jiegu 羯鼓 wether drum, the jilou gu 雞婁鼓 drum, the tongba 銅拔 cymbals, the bei貝 shell horn, 15 kinds, being one section. 20 workers.
Tianzhu comes from Zhang Chonghua took possesion of Liang province. Zhong's [?] four translators came to offer male performers [?]. Tianzhu was precisely their music. The singing tune is the Boundary of Pebbles and Rocks, the dancing tune is the Heavenly Tunes. Its musical instruments are the fengshou konghou鳳首箜篌 “phoenix head” harp, the pipa 琵琶 lute, wuxian 五弦 five strings lute, the di笛 flute, the tonggu 銅鼓 copper drum, the maoyuan gu 毛員鼓 hairy round [?] drum, the dutan gu  都曇鼓 drum, the tongba 銅拔 cymbals, the bei貝 shell horn, 9 kinds, being one section. 12 workers.
Kangguo comes from Emperor Wu of Zhou's concubine [from the?] Northern Di becoming Empress [?], obtaining the Western Rong performers acquired by her, following that their sounds. The singing tune is Store in the Hall, Farming Harmoniously and Proper. The dancing tunes are the Present the Thoroughwort Alms-bowl Nose First [?], the Finally Why Waves and Earth [?], Farming Favours the Alms-bowl Nose First [?], and the Before Pulling up the Earth Favour the Earth [?], four tunes. Its musical instruments are the di笛 flute, the zhenggu 正鼓 proper drum, the jiagu  加鼓 added drum [?], and the tongba 銅拔 cymbals, 4 kinds, being one section. 7 Workers.
Shule, Anguo, and Gaoli, all come from Later Wei pacifying the Feng clan and communicating with the Western Regions, and following that obtained their performers. Later [it became?] gradually difficult to join together their sounds [?], [they are?] accordingly separate in the great music.
Shule, the singing tune the Haughty and Sharp Die and Yield Music, the dancing tuns is the Distant Submission, the release tune is the Salt Tune. Its musical instruments are the shukonghou豎箜篌 angled-necked harp, the pipa 琵琶 lute, wuxian 五弦 five strings lute, the di笛 flute, the xiao簫 pan pipe, the bili 篳篥 reed-whistle, the dala gu 答臘鼓 drum, the yaogu 腰鼓 waist drum, the jiegu 羯鼓 wether drum, and the jilou gu 雞婁鼓 drum, 10 kinds, being one section. 12 workers.
Anguo, the singing tune is the Season of the Bodhisattva [?], the dancing tuns is the Final Why, the release tune is the Sitting in Harmony and Reverence. Its musical instruments are the konghou箜篌 harp, the pipa 琵琶 lute, wuxian 五弦 five strings lute, the di笛 flute, the xiao簫 pan pipe, the bili 篳篥 reed-whistle, shuang bili 雙篳篥 paired reed-whistle, the zhenggu 正鼓 proper drum, hegu 和鼓 harmonious drum, and the tongba 銅拔 cymbals, 10 kinds, being one section. 12 workers.
Gaoli, the singing tune is the Mushrooms Nestle, the dancing tune is the Sing the Mushrooms Nestle. Its musical instruments are the tanzheng 彈箏 plucked zither, wokonghou 臥箜篌 arched harp, the shukonghou豎箜篌 angled-necked harp, the pipa 琵琶 lute, wuxian 五弦 five strings lute, the di笛 flute, the sheng笙 reed organ, the xiao簫 pan pipe, the taopi bili 篳篥 peach-skin reed-whistle, the yaogu 腰鼓 waist drum, qigu 齊鼓 navel drum, the dangu 擔鼓 carried drum,  and the bei貝 shell horn, 14 kinds, being one section. 18 workers.
Rites Concluded originally came from the family of Jin's Grand Commandant Yu Liang. Liang passed away. His performers retrospectively thought of Liang, and because of that made use of [him] as their face, carrying screens when dancing, with images of his appearance. They took his posthumous title as the title for it, speaking of it as Civil and Prosperous Music. Always when memorialising, at the end of the nine section's music, they then exhibited it. For that reason [they] used Rites Concluded as the name. Its marching tune is Single Crossroad, the dancing tune is Scattered Blossoms. Its musical instruments are the di笛 flute, the sheng笙 reed organ, the xiao簫 pan pipe, the chi篪 flute, the lingpan 鈴槃 jingle-bell tray [?], the bing鞞 large drum, the yaogu 腰鼓 waist drum and others, 7 kinds, 3 pitches [?], being one section. 22 workers.
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designdailynet · 3 years
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Shunde Diesel Engine Plant Phase II⠀ Designer: Atelier cnS⠀ Photo Credits: Siming Wu⠀ Location: Foshan, China⠀ The diesel engine plant is located at the intersection of Changdi Road along the Yangtze River⠀ ⠀ #DesignDaily #architecture #design⠀ https://www.designdaily.net/project/shunde-diesel-engine-plant-phase-ii/ — view on Instagram https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/249502003_4396987593722768_7829040493681115704_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=4OAlbOVd0tUAX-4Gs0J&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=94fcbb9409293942270f8ca3841b9f11&oe=6180F409
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marketstreambiz · 3 years
Global Household Electric Oven Market Analysis, Forecast To 2026
The Global Household Electric Oven Market research report provides a detailed outlook of the markets for the years 2020-2025, as well as a comprehensive overview of the current market status, historical trends, and anticipated future developments for the Household Electric Oven Market.In addition, the report contains information on the market constraints that are limiting its development. The study contains useful information to assist potential entrants as well as established players in understanding the market's dominant trends.
Major Players Included In the Global Household Electric Oven Market Report Are As Follows –
• Whirlpool Corporation • Midea • Galan • GE • Electrolux • Frigidaire • Kenmore • KitchenAid • Bosch • Siemens • SAMSUNG • Haier • Panasonic • Merrychef • Miele • ACP Solutions • Alto-Shaam • Guangdong Xinbao Electrical Appliances Holdings • Supor • Xiaomi • Changdi • Joyang
Download Free Sample Copy Of Household Electric Oven Market Report: https://marketstream.biz/report/household-electric-oven/15084#requestforsample
Key Objectives of Household Electric Oven Industry Report:  
Future architectural developments and demand growth are assessed.
Assessment of the market with respect to the form of application
Analysis of market tendencies in various regions and countries, by module of the Household Electric Oven industry
Study of agreements and developments related to the Household Electric Oven industry by key players across different regions
Analysis of the demand for Household Electric Oven by part
Household Electric Oven Market Can Be Segmented Into Product Types As –
• Table Oven • Built-In Oven
Household Electric Oven Market Can Be Segmented Into Applications As –
• Supermarket • Hypermarket • Online Shopping Mall • Specific Retailers • Other
To Buy This Report, Visit  https://marketstream.biz/report/household-electric-oven/15084#inquiry
Target Audience: – Household Electric Oven Equipment Manufacturers – Traders, Importers, and Exporters – Raw Material Suppliers and Distributors – Research and Consulting Firms – Government and Research Organizations – Associations and Industry Bodies
Customize Report and Inquiry for The Household Electric Oven Market Report: 
Report structure: In the recently published report, Marketstream.biz has provided a unique insight into the Household Electric Oven Industry over the forecasted period. The report has covered the significant aspects which are contributing to the growth of the Global Household Electric Oven Market.
These market dynamics have the potential to influence the market. The section of competitive landscape keeps utmost importance in theHousehold Electric Oven industry report.The study also examines the industry's emerging patterns.Numerousmacroeconomic factors such as Gross domestic product (GDP) and the growing inflation rate are expected to affect directly or indirectly in the development of the Household Electric Oven Market.
Table of Contents
Ask for Discount on Household Electric Oven Market Report at: https://marketstream.biz/report/household-electric-oven/15084#toc
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sillycreationnut · 4 years
Global Household Electric Oven Market Research Report 2020
Summary - A new market study, titled “Global Household Electric Oven Market Research Report 2020” has been featured on 
Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost 100 countries around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Household Electric Oven market in 2020. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future. 
This report also analyzes the impact of Coronavirus COVID-19 on the Household Electric Oven industry.
Market Segment Analysis
The research report includes specific segments by Type and by Application. This study provides information about the sales and revenue during the historic and forecasted period of 2015 to 2026. Understanding the segments helps in identifying the importance of different factors that aid the market growth.
Segment by Type, the Household Electric Oven market is segmented into
Table Oven
Built-In Oven
Segment by Application
Online Shopping Mall
Specific Retailers
Global Household Electric Oven Market: Regional Analysis
The Household Electric Oven market is analysed and market size information is provided by regions (countries). The report includes country-wise and region-wise market size for the period 2015-2026. It also includes market size and forecast by Type and by Application segment in terms of sales and revenue for the period 2015-2026.
The key regions covered in the Household Electric Oven market report are:
North America
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
Global Household Electric Oven Market: Competitive Analysis
This section of the report identifies various key manufacturers of the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The comprehensive report provides a significant microscopic look at the market. The reader can identify the footprints of the manufacturers by knowing about the global revenue of manufacturers, the global price of manufacturers, and sales by manufacturers during the forecast period of 2015 to 2019.
The major players in global Household Electric Oven market include:
Whirlpool Corporation
ACP Solutions
Guangdong Xinbao Electrical Appliances Holdings
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wiseguyreports33 · 4 years
Global Household Electric Oven Market Research Report 2020
Summary- A new market study, titled “Global Household Electric Oven Market Research Report 2020” has been featured on Wiseguy Reports
Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost 100 countries around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Household Electric Oven market in 2020. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
This report also analyzes the impact of Coronavirus COVID-19 on the Household Electric Oven industry.
 Market Segment Analysis
The research report includes specific segments by Type and by Application. This study provides information about the sales and revenue during the historic and forecasted period of 2015 to 2026. Understanding the segments helps in identifying the importance of different factors that aid the market growth.
Also Read: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/529433452/household-electric-oven-industry-swot-analysis-size-share-price-trends-and-growth-forecast-to-2025
Segment by Type, the Household Electric Oven market is segmented into
Table Oven
Built-In Oven
 Segment by Application
Online Shopping Mall
Specific Retailers
 Global Household Electric Oven Market: Regional Analysis
The Household Electric Oven market is analysed and market size information is provided by regions (countries). The report includes country-wise and region-wise market size for the period 2015-2026. It also includes market size and forecast by Type and by Application segment in terms of sales and revenue for the period 2015-2026.
The key regions covered in the Household Electric Oven market report are:
North America
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
 Global Household Electric Oven Market: Competitive Analysis
This section of the report identifies various key manufacturers of the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The comprehensive report provides a significant microscopic look at the market. The reader can identify the footprints of the manufacturers by knowing about the global revenue of manufacturers, the global price of manufacturers, and sales by manufacturers during the forecast period of 2015 to 2019.
 The major players in global Household Electric Oven market include:
Whirlpool Corporation
ACP Solutions
Guangdong Xinbao Electrical Appliances Holdings
FOR MORE DETAILS : https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/5221036-global-household-electric-oven-market-research-report-2020
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gaanaliveent · 4 years
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Sangdi Sangdi Song Lyrics - Tarsem Jassar ft. Nimrat Khaira
Akhiyan surmedaniyan ve
Tainu labban jandiyan ve
Akhiyan surmedaniyan ve
Tainu labban jandiyan ve
Ek kar zindaghaniyan ve
Main duniya sikke tangdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve
Rab ton tainu mangdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve
Rab ton tainu mangdi ve
Tadfe rooh ve lai sooh ve
Kade tapp hadh banne ajoobe
Ve main gaani tu ae chhalla
Sadda dil bhola jeha kalla
Dil aa mera naam ae tera
Har pal chete tera chehra
Bas Ranjhan di hakdaari
Ehe Heer ae changdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve
Rab ton tainu mangdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve
Rab ton tainu mangdi ve
Aashiq ne khaare khadi chubare
Tere layi peer te aa lai saare
Khali duniya chamkan taare
Gallan karde sadde baare
Bhull ke baaki saanu chun lai
Kalaiyan sunniyan kehndi aa sun lai
Chakk ke veeni de vich paa de
Gall sun lai mangdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve
Rab ton tainu mangdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve
Rab ton tainu mangdi ve
Haan aan tainu mangdi ve
Haan aan tainu mangdi ve
Son jehe phull ne ve be-mull ne
Feeling sangdi thirak bull ne
Hathan te mehndi tere palla
Gaalan di laali ishq awallah
Jassar’a likhe saans ne mere
Aisa ki ae dil vich tere
Rang teri pag de labh ke
Kahton chunniyan rangdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve
Rab ton tainu mangdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve
Rab ton tainu mangdi ve
Pyar mil jaye sajjna da
Wish hor na mangdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve
Rab ton tainu mangdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve
Rab ton tainu mangdi ve
Mixsingh Mixsingh
Mixsingh in the house
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joinpdp-blog · 5 years
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☑✍ Party Youth leader Waqar Haq Khan interaction with workers at Changdi Lolab. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvCK_0RlG5a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vpctu7yvw59o
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mcheang · 4 years
ELOD episode 41 review
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Moye explains that Aranya saved Junuo because she wanted to save Shen Ye. And since Feng Jiu is now Aranya, she will have to the same if she wants to escape Aranya’s Dream. Feng Jiu is reluctant, especially since this venture will end with her bleeding and experiencing the sharp edge of a blade.
The empress pleads for leniency and accuses the emperor of always wanting to kill Junuo. He denies the latter and refuses the former.
The empress goes to Shen Ye to ask him to save her daughter.
At the execution, Feng Jiu tries to avoid pain by suggesting using chicken blood. Yeah, that won’t work.
Dong Hua is incensed and anxious that Feng Jiu will take part in this deadly execution. As Feng Jiu loses blood, Miao Luo becomes aware of her location in Aranya’s Dream and sends her avatar to retrieve her blood tear.
Feng Jiu faints. Dong Hua enters the execution grounds to aid her and feeds her his blood. The play continues as Junuo is exiled and Shen Ye is grounded at Aranya’s palace.
Dong Hua rightly blames Moye for causing Feng Jiu to suffer. As Dong Hua carries Feng Jiu away, he witnesses Miao Luo retrieving her blood tear from Feng Jiu’s original body. He stops her and they fight.
Feng Jiu wakes up and sees her own body in the ice coffin. The proximity causes her to return to her original body, and Aranya’s body vanishes.
What I like
Dong Hua catching Feng Jiu before she falls. And then blaming Moye for all this!
Aranya’s régal demeanour. Seriously, with her and Junuo around, how can Changdi compete. The latter doesn’t even look like a princess, just a spoilt brat who never stops talking!
The argument over the chicken blood. Feng Jiu is so cute.
What I dislike
Seriously Moye, is Feng Jiu your pawn? Is you’re so desperate, why don’t you just disguise yourself as Aranya and ask for a blood donation from the empress? He lost some major points here. And Moye’s insistence on Feng Jiu saving Junuo also leads to Miao Luo’s arrival.
How the heck does Junuo look regal in this episode? Before she had composure, but now she keeps wincing and flinching. Understandable given the circumstances, but how does she earn Feng Jiu’s praise here?
Such disappointing parents. Instead of fretting over the well being of your daughters, you punish them.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 37
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Donghua keeps on healing Junuo and taking care of her.  She’s almost good now. When he leaves, Changdi follows him to tell him to attend her mother’s birthday party. She tries to diss on Alanre, but Donghua puts her right back in her place.
At the party, Donghua feels Fengjiu’s energy and stands up, looking in a hurry. He then leaves following what seems to be a maid and thus misses Fengjiu coming in with Moye. He shows her Alanre’s sisters and mother, but when she sees that Qingdian, the snake, is there too, she’s like sorry not sorry, but I am out of here, no matter how Moye tries to convince her that it would look really bad if she doesn’t attend the banquet. She still runs away and Moye ends up going by himself.
Donghua realizes that the maid isn’t Fengjiu and Changdi takes him back to the banquet. Everybody’s looking for Alanre and Moye has to make excuses for her. Did he recognize Donghua though? That part wasn’t really clear to me, but it wouldn’t make much sense if he didn’t.  I don’t know.
Anyways, in the end, Moye goes to meet with Fengjiy and tells her how come she’s already married with Xize. Basically they were bethroted to each other but never lived together. Seems like Xize was never really in his wife in that manner, so it’s only in a name wedding.
So Moye noticed that he’s Donghua. Makes sense. I mean, it’s hard not to notice, he has some really powerful aura around him.  Anyways. In order to have Fengjiu still help him investigate on Alanre’s death, he doesn’t tell her he found him already. He drinks a whole lot of alcohol, gets drunk and when he wakes up, it’s to find Fengjiu trying to hide in his room and she has to wake him up because he thinks she’s Alanre. She wants to stay at his place for the night so she doesn’t have to sleep in her room with the snake, which she’s afraid of. Of course he wouldn’t let her and he tricks her to knock her off and take her back to her own room. While he takes her back, Junuo and Changdi both see him carrying her.
Next morning, Junuo invites both Xize and Alanre for breakfast. You should see Donghua’s eyes when he sees Fengjiu coming in. Then she eats a little, bothers her sisters and leaves. Like the queen she is. Donghua follows her out. She goes to meet with Moye and asks him for help to find a way to get rid of the snake. She wants to trick him by getting somebody to wear her clothes and then pretend to be her: Qingdian can’t see really well and uses his sense of smell to find Alanre. Since she would feel bad doing that to anyone, she wants to trick Changdi into wearing her clothes. To make her come out, she plans to write a letter to her from Xize, whom she loves, so she would think he invited her on a date. And then Moye would use magic to pretend to be Xize and trick her.
Donghua bumps into Shen Ye and he is intrigued because their spiritual energy is so similar. And your face too. Just in case you forgot what you look like.
Fengjiu gets her plan to trap Changdi ready.
I am sorry, I didn’t have much to say about this episode honestly and it’s going to be short reviews for the few next ones too. A lot was happening, but in a way that it was hard to know is relevant and what isn’t, plus they talk a loooooot. So I am summarizing the whole stuff which makes it quite short. Please bear with me!
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lyricsocean · 4 years
Akhiyan surmedaniyan ve Tainu labban chahndiyan ve Akhiyan surmedaniyan ve Tainu labban chahndiyan ve
Ek kar zindaganiyan ve Main duniya sikke tangdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve Rabb ton tainu mangdi ve Main sangdi sangdi ve Rabb ton tainu mangdi ve
Tadfe rooh ve lai sooh ve Kade tapp hadd banne ajube Ve main gaani tu aen challa Sadda dil bhola jeha kalla
Dil aa mera naam hai tera Har pal chete tera chehra Bass ranjhan di hakdaari Ehe heer ae changdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve Rabb ton tainu mangdi ve Main sangdi sangdi ve Rabb ton tainu mangdi ve
Aashiq ne khaare khadi chubaare Tere layi peer te aa laye sare Khali duniya chamkan taare Gallan karde sadde baare
Bhull ke baaki saanu chunn le Kalaiyan sooniyan kehndi aa sunn le Chakk ke weeni de vich paa de Gall sunn le mangdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve Rabb ton tainu mangdi ve Ho main sangdi sangdi ve Rabb ton tainu mangdi ve
Haan aan tainu mangdi ve Haan aan tainu mangdi ve
Soul jehe phool ne bebe mull ne Feeling sangdi theerak bull ne Hatthan te mehndi tere palla Gallan di laali ishq aa wallah
Jassar’an likhe saans ne mere Aisa ki ae dil vich tere Rang teri pagg de labh ke Kahton chunniyan rangdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve Rabb ton tainu mangdi ve Main sangdi sangdi ve Rabb ton tainu mangdi ve
Pyaar mill jaye sajjna da Wish hor na mangdi ve
Main sangdi sangdi ve Rabb ton tainu mangdi ve Main sangdi sangdi ve Rabb ton tainu mangdi ve
Mixsingh, mixsingh Mixsingh in the house!.
The post Sangdi Sangdi Lyrics – Tarsem Jassar, Nimrat Khaira – Ft. Hashneen Chauhan appeared first on Lyrics Ocean.
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vlitrelaxation · 5 years
Yimi Hotel Changdi Road Branch, Guangzhou: mulai Rp 421,400* / malam - https://t.co/Cr5MkQeH51
— VLIT.ORG (@vlitorg) June 5, 2019
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