#cera tlbt
lovka-6 · 1 month
I haven't been excited about much lately, buuthhh... Dragon books have revitalized me!
I love "Wings of Fire". Funny thing is, I was introduced to them through some cool YouTube video (the same way I was introduced to the Warriors). I love "Warriors" too. Wonderful books❤💕❤💞💓💘❤💕❤💘💓💕❤💕❤
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Took me back to my childhood. Reminded me of my favorite dino cartoon......
"The Land Before Time"
(I had a few episodes on DVD😭)
So I couldn't help but try to draw it:
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Maybe I'll try to refine the drawing, maybe not.
I just wanted to capture that joy on my blog.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
loving how Cera in the land before time show is many things but innately wanting to be "the hero" isn't one of them XD
not because she doesn't have the ego for it- defensively hyperconfident and loud about pointing out things she thinks are stupid- she just legit is so tired. she Just wants to sit in the mud pools and chill.
I'm glad they remembered that from the movies. because it's true there too- comes to Little Foot's rescue? eye roll and annoyed "Don't we always?"- saves Petri from a falling rock by tackling him out of the way at the last moment "Cera! You saved me!" "Yeah? So? No big deal-" *gets hugged* "-awww"
like she'll take the positive attention you give her and preen about it, but her first reflex is to NOT have to deal with stuff PLEASE can we not deal with stuff for FIVE MINUTES-
Littlefoot's always the one like "lets go on a dangerous adventure!"
and Cera goes along with it bc she's convinced her friends would all get eaten or squished immediately if she wasn't there to be brutally honest and snarky about everything
(petri fills in when she's not around sometimes)
(when he's not terrified anyway)
it's really gooooooood dynamic. she's not actually TRYING to compete with Littlefoot as leader on adventures or hero of the great valley- they got over that in the first movie- now she's just here to keep her long necked friend's idealist and chronically curious head from completely floating away in the clouds
Cera's just >:/ going "no wait guys it was an accident- aaand he's gone. UGH. oh whatever..."
and then the rest of the episode happens (HEH)
love love love how the grown ups the great valley- who did NOT have to figure out how to survive on their own as KIDS via problem solving and group dynamic politics without ANY strength or size help to fall back on-
they are so, soooooooo bad at thinking outside the box. ANY of the stuff the main kids do is just mind blowing to them. unblock the stuck water? fight sharp teeth by throwing fruits they can't stand at them? scare away the belly draggers by making some rocks fall down? genius brilliant amazing talented- "HAAAAIL!! THE AMAZING THREE HORN GIRL-!!"
guys what in the actual heck. a parade. with tree star confetti? my dudes, how bored ARE you all?
just let her rest XD let her go nap in the mud pools oh my gods
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saelrum · 11 months
The Land Before Time x My Tyrano
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"My Tyrano" is a really beautiful work that made me sob uncontrollably. Loved the artstyle so much that I couldn't pass the opportunity to draw TLBT characters in a similar manner
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madamechocobo · 2 years
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Happy belated 1st Cera October 🧡🎃
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carlycmarathecat · 11 months
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kaispeakshermind · 1 year
I JUST made the connection that the reason Cera from The Land Before Time (and the reason her name is spelled that way) is because she’s a triceratops.
I haven’t seen a TLBT movie since I was like 7.
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hitaka5ever · 1 year
Got the dragon model on EasyPose, and my first dragon drawing I'ma make is a "dead" one (think Cera and the T-Rex scene from TLBT)
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thegabitype · 3 years
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Doodled some of my favorite dinos from when I was little
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themesozoicsperm · 5 years
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Hey so why always in dinosaur cartoons/shows the triceratops is “the girl one”?
Is it because the frill looks like “hair”?? is it because they are all copy-pasting Cera from TLBT? Literally any other dinosaur could fit your stupid “girly” character-type better!
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18hg-moved · 3 years
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
pleased to report that in this episode of land before time, the search for the sky colored stones:
Ducky found an Arkenstone (several actually)
turned into Gollum
got protective and jealous over them
betrayed a loved one (her brother Spike) in favor of said arkenstones
had other characters comment on her acting strangely aggressive with a "don't you know who you sound like?" equivalent
then FELL because of her treasured object
and got the full Return of the King film treatment of dangling by one hand off a precipice while another character strains to reach her, having to choose between her own LIFE and letting go of the thing she's been obsessing over
im also pleased to report that Ducky managed a solid Frodo and did NOT plummet to her death. also, instead of getting chased by lava afterwards, they all were blessed with a rainbow instead
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ducky gollum is born
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but in her fury to defend her precious, she slipped-
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-(nearly) plunging into the pit of-! (actually they're in a underground cave system right now)
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there she fought against the corruption clawing at her smol ducky heart...
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and she succeeded
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Ducky, of the webbed fingers! And the sky stone of DOOM~!
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blooberberry · 7 years
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wherethemusetakesme · 4 years
//Might just be you… To me she looks basically the same across the entire TLbT tetradecalogy.
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I mean... that’s fair, and you’re probably right!
I'll admit that I studied her design in INTENSE detail when I was making icons for her; so I think it’s 80% likely that any differences I’m seeing are just... the unintentional result of different animation teams, and nothing I should be reading into. It’s tiny little things, like the amount of creasing to her skin, slight changes to the shape of her crest and her relative proportions... but while I know I probably shouldn’t, I find it interesting to wonder otherwise.
To explain WHY I seem so fascinated with this: I first noticed, honestly, one very specific thing. In almost all scenes up to the baby dino big cuddle pile, there’s no outline drawn between the colour-change along Cera’s upper lip:
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While in scenes after that point, there’s a distinct line drawn there to separate the markings:
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It’s... not 100% consistent, I will grant; there are a few shots afterwards that don’t have the line, and a small number before then that do. But those are generally only one-off shots; the vast majority of the time, the line is there in all later scenes and not in earlier ones.
So that was what got me wondering about if it was intentional, for some reason, since there was such a clear divide between when it was drawn and when it wasn’t; and if it was intentional, if there were other shifts in her design over the course of the movie.
And so I started paying excessively close attention to every tiny detail; and granted, such differences are only really, really subtle, if they’re there at all. And I will freely admit that they might indeed NOT be there; I might only be seeing them because I’m hoping to see them, and as a result am reading far too much into nothing.
It would not be the first time I’ve done that!
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It just seems to me like a slight maturing of her design over the course of the journey; and even if it is just all in my imagination, I still think it’s kinda a neat touch! xD
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Cera by Jazzyannemarie
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rainbowroosterhair · 4 years
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File this under "You Never Know What You'll Find At Goodwill": a plushie of young Petrie from The Land Before Time! I've seen plushies of Littlefoot, Cera, and Ducky, but not Petrie. According to the tags, this one is copyrighted 2004 and is by Kellytoys, so it might have been from one of the later TLBT movies. Still, it was only 99 cents, so why not? https://www.instagram.com/p/CENmGrbltvz/?igshid=wagawjdc5svr
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
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the sudden urge to imagine teenage Cera from the land before time
ive missed this grumpy dino gal...
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